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2009-12-26 3:06 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

HO! HO! HO! Merry Christmas!

Bio finally;

No athletic history until the age of 57 when I decided to see if I could run.  Used the "Couch to 5k" program.  Ran my 1st 5k and came in 2nd to last.  Progressed to 10ks, 1/2 marathons, and finally the Twin Cities Marathon in 2007 (boy was it hot).  The next year (2008), I tore my meniscus, had surgery, and was told not to run long-distances anymore.  However, my orthopedist told me I could try sprint triathlons.  In Jan, 2009, I learned how to swim, in April bought an entry-level road bike, and in August finished my 1st of 2 sprint triathlons (time-line is similar to Steve's, except years later).

I'm a retired female - age 63.  Married late in life (age 42).  One daughter in college in Madison, WI.  Husband has grandchildren our daughter's age - in fact, he's a great-grandfather.  I'm a retired computer programmer.  I have a pharmacy degree but found that boring and switched .  My husband's a retired electrical engineer.  He's a computer nerd, likes to fly airplanes, and plays the tuba, trombone and picked up bass guitar last year.

Current training:
Using a modified BT winter maintenance program and using BT for logging.  (been really bad the last 2 weeks)

This years races:
3 5ks
Aug 8 - Northwoods Triathlon, Nevis, MN (overall 208/237, age group 1/2)
Aug 23 - Lakes Country Triathlon, Baxter, MN (overall 317/333, age group 1/1)

2010 races:
a smattering of 5ks, one jan 1 and one Jan 16 for sure
May 1 - Chain of Lakes, Alexandria,MN (indoor pool - never done that)
May 23 - Land Between the Lakes, Albert Lea, MN (will need a wetsuit - never swum in one)
July 11 - Graniteman, St Cloud,MN
Aug 14 - Northwoods, Nevis,MN (reg opens Jan 4 and will close in 2 weeks - very popular)
Aug 29 - Lakes Country, Baxter,MN
- these 5 are all sprints in the Tri-Minnesota series - my motivation is getting a "5+" running jacket if I do 5
-  I'd like to switch one out for an oly which I think I could complete, but I don't want to overstress my knee and I don't want to come in last (in the sprints, there's always a few slower than me)

I've always been a little overweight.  Ran the 2007 marathon at 135 lbs (5'4").  Last year lost 20 lbs - down to 115.  Really noticed the difference - had a 5k pr. 

I'm looking forward to being part of this group - I've already picked up valuable info from previous posts.


2009-12-26 3:16 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Hi everyone again,

Lisa - I was SHOCKED someone in this group knew and had actually been to Pine River.  You would not want to be here now.
It's been snowing for days.  Actually it's kind of pretty and it's not very cold so I don't mind.

Other Lisa - Congrats on the bar.

Diane - Where did you live in MN? the Cities?

M - ballroom dance instructor and Air Force vet??????????????????

Anne - never heard of a try-a-try?

Mark - you're just a little to far south - we've got tons of snow here in MN.

Tri-related gifts - None - I wanted some SmartWool socks but didn't get them.

I just want to say how much I admire you triathletes and soon-to-be triathletes who have jobs and/or kids at home who find the time to train.  Good for you!

2009-12-26 3:45 PM
in reply to: #2578265

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2009-12-26 4:16 PM Hi everyone again,

Lisa - I was SHOCKED someone in this group knew and had actually been to Pine River.  You would not want to be here now.
It's been snowing for days.  Actually it's kind of pretty and it's not very cold so I don't mind.

Other Lisa - Congrats on the bar.

Diane - Where did you live in MN? the Cities?

M - ballroom dance instructor and Air Force vet??????????????????

Anne - never heard of a try-a-try?

Mark - you're just a little to far south - we've got tons of snow here in MN.

Tri-related gifts - None - I wanted some SmartWool socks but didn't get them.

I just want to say how much I admire you triathletes and soon-to-be triathletes who have jobs and/or kids at home who find the time to train.  Good for you!


Nice to meet you Denise.   We seem to have a bit common.  I'm retired as well, 5 years come April; HR Manager.   I started tri's at 52 - a try-a-try is often referred to as a super sprint - 375 meter swim; 10km bike and 2.5 km run.    It is my goal to be doing tri's for many more years so I will be looking to you for help and inspiration.  

2009-12-26 3:47 PM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

MODE???????    Embarassed
2009-12-26 6:20 PM
in reply to: #2578287

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Yeah, mode, I'm afraid.

For what it's worth, I got so disgusted with myself that I kicked myself outside to do a run in the freezing drizzle. That turned out fine, as just about the moment I started the drizzle stoppped, and all I had to contend with then was icy footing.

So, that was good, 36 minutes just cruising along with no goal in mind other than to burn off a few pieces of chocolate and rid myself of the apparent need I had to determine mean, median, and mode of our ages. I might almost be human again!

2009-12-26 6:25 PM
in reply to: #2578252

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


(1) It's been clinically proven that cooking a meal for more than 10 people counts as a valid from of cross-training, so you got an extra-good workout in yesterday in cooking for a whopping 14. Well done!
(2) I taught mean, median, and mode for years, and I never managed to pull it off without having to think and double-think which was which. Now 2.5 years retired from teaching, it is even more fuzzy, and I even went to the dictionary just to make sure I was right about mode. (Thank heavens, I was right. WHEW!!)

2009-12-26 6:33 PM
in reply to: #2578262

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Fine bio you've presented! Many thanks!

I'll comment some on pool triathlons (although I've never done one, either) and wetsuits, soon, along with some other random stuff. But I have to vacate the machine now so that Lynn can return to it and figure out a plan for a soon-to-be-bought Blackberry. Right now we are a one-cell family, so if she gets a B-berry then I wiill inherit her cell phone. That'll be good, i guess......but I've sort of enjoyed being one of 73 humanoids who doesn't have a cell phone to call their own.

Ah-ha! You too noticed that about M's husband, combining career air force with ballroom dancing. Why not?, I suppose --- although it certainly caught my attention, too!

I shall return to you shortly!

2009-12-26 6:37 PM
in reply to: #2578389

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


This is good -- you're gradually emerging from phase one of holiday hibernation! (New Year's is, of course, phase two.)

My rough count has about a third of us up and about, shaking off our yesterday-induced lethargy and ready to post. Yippee! (I've been lonely........ )

2009-12-26 7:42 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

After seeing Denise's post, I realized that I never completed an official bio.  So here it is (sorry for the length):



I had been active most of my life, mostly in team sports especially hockey.  I played goal for many yrs and have just in the past few yrs hung up the pads and started playing out full time.  In the 90’s I worked out regularly with weights and various cardio machines.  Around this time I started watching the Ironman broadcasts every yr.  I decided that I wanted to do that one day.  I took up running and bought a road bike.  I continued to have some long standing issues with water and swimming.   In 1997 I completed 2 duathlons.  I didn’t attempt another race until 2000 when I was the biker half of a duathlon.  After that I completed a number of 5 k’s and 2 ½ mary’s.  I think my last race was  a 5 k in ’07.  Since ’01 I have been having great difficulty maintaining consistency in my workouts.  I will do good for a few weeks, miss a day and then totally fall off the wagon.  I’ve tried the ‘sign up for a race’ to motivate me, but this has backfired on numerous occasions.  In ’03 I signed up for an October ½ mary to ‘motivate’ myself.  Well I did well for a few weeks.  Unfortunately my last (and longest run) was approximately 7 km in July.  I did run and finish that half mary.  It was very slow and very, very painful !!!  I have just recently clued in that I stopped doing the consistent workouts around the same time period that an inner ear issue surfaced.  The constant fear that I’m going to have a bad vertigo attack has, for lack of a better phrase, has held me hostage for many years and kept me back from pursuing many goals in my life.  I want 2010 to be different and I would really like to get on track to completing a number of goals including a triathlon.



I’m a 44 yr old female.  I live with my partner of 10 yrs and our “children”: 2 dogs, 2 cats, 1 green cheeked conure and 1 plecostomus.  I have been a police officer for the past 17 ½ yrs, 15 of which was in uniform patrol.  I am currently in an office-type position out of HQ.  I am also 1 ½ yrs into a 3 yr veterinary technology program.  It’s done via correspondence sept – apr and on campus may, june, july.   I am not sure exactly what I want to do with the diploma when I graduate, but it is something I have always wanted to pursue.   I just found out this past week that my request for unpaid leave of absence to attend school next summer has been denied, so I may be entering an animal care career much sooner than expected.


Current training:

I was following the BT beginner cycling program.  I did very well for 4 weeks, but then fell off the wagon L .  Other than hockey once/week I haven’t been doing much of anything.  I have an awesome gym in my basement (treadmill, bike on trainer, weight benches, pulleys etc) so I really have no excuse not to be working out more.  I leave on Tues for vacation in warmer climates.  On all my past vacations I have been really good about working out every morning so I intend to carry on that tradition again.


2009 races:

Notta, other than racing to my car at the end of every shift.


2010 Races:

So far nothing concrete has been planned.  A few things that I have been considering:  Waterloo half mary at end of April, Victoria du in May and Milton women’s tri in Sept. 


Weight loss:

I lost 13 lbs at school this past summer and have managed to keep it off.  The 4 weeks of the cycling program dropped a few more lbs.  It’s very frustrating as I know that when I work out consistently the pounds fall off, but I just cant seem to keep the consistency going.  I would love to get down to the 150’s which would be a 15-20 lb loss.


Edited by DeputyDawg 2009-12-26 7:49 PM
2009-12-26 7:43 PM
in reply to: #2578262

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Edited by midlifeinsanity 2010-05-23 7:29 PM
2009-12-26 8:03 PM
in reply to: #2578382

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2009-12-26 7:20 PM ANNE - Yeah, mode, I'm afraid. For what it's worth, I got so disgusted with myself that I kicked myself outside to do a run in the freezing drizzle. That turned out fine, as just about the moment I started the drizzle stoppped, and all I had to contend with then was icy footing. So, that was good, 36 minutes just cruising along with no goal in mind other than to burn off a few pieces of chocolate and rid myself of the apparent need I had to determine mean, median, and mode of our ages. I might almost be human again!

The embarrased face was for ME - I don't know what MODE is.   FYI, I also didn't have a clue about the popeye eating spinach and breathing connectin; but after it was explained - it was like - WOW, that really does make sense.  

2009-12-26 8:42 PM
in reply to: #2559115


Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Hey gang!  No workouts x-eve, day or boxing day.  But, I did cook for 25 people so am I off the hook? lol

I ordered a triathletes weight workout book and am going to order the TI swim book and dvd.

I did get a workout shirt for xmas!

I might have to look into one of those indoor bike training doohickies.

Hope you are all doing great! 
2009-12-26 8:44 PM
in reply to: #2578450

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Edited by midlifeinsanity 2010-05-23 7:29 PM
2009-12-26 8:55 PM
in reply to: #2578501

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


As I said to Lisa, it has been clinically proven that Cooking For The Masses is a reputavble form of cross-training. Cooking for 25? Um, maybe in consideration for the 2014 Winter Olympics??

Nice gift and soon-to-be (?) purchases! Which weight workout book are you considering? I bought a new one not too long ago, and it has somehow found its way into one of my stacks of books. It is from Velo Press; guess I oughta try to find it!

2009-12-26 9:32 PM
in reply to: #2578450

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Do not feel at all apologetic for the length of the your bio. It is fascinatingly complex, exquisitely layered. I will need a while to sort it all out, buit for now I want to come to start to get a handle on Meniere's and you.

I just googled it and went to several sites, and it too is very complex. The most prominent site led off with the comment that there is no known cause, so the general approach is to treat the symptoms. THat's never desirable as it forces one to work from a defensive position, doesn't it?

Of the most common symprtoms, you have mentioned vertigo. How about the others -- timmitus, hearing diminishment, headaches, and nausea among them?

Digging around some more, I came up with an intriguing connection that suggests that the vertigo might be caused from an accumulation of excessive fluid in the inner ear. This results in the stretching of the membranes, which leads to tinnitus and the diminishment of hearing, and when enough stretching has occurred the membranes will break. Vertigo then results, and there is a surplus of sodium and potassium that is released ---- but I wasn't sure if those are directlt responsible for the vertigo.

What struck me about this site is that they are fingering a cause, that being acculmulation of excessive fluid in the inner ear. Now, i never got around to googling ear anatomy, but the simple question I have is: Can water from external sources get into the inner ear? I often have to use ear drops to get fluid out of my ear, but I'm not sure if it is in the inner ear; is there a middle ear? The alternative to the drops is shaking my head violently side-to-side, but the degree to which I have to do this makes me think the water is pretty far in -- as far as the inner ear, maybe?

So, is it a good bet to at least try good ear plugs and see if that will help your Meniere's vertigo while your swimming? If the pool/pond/lake/ocean water can make its way to the inner ear, then ear plugs seem very promising. Here's hoping!

2009-12-26 10:34 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Anne:  If it's any consolation, I took a statistics course and I still had to google MODE as I didn't know what it was.  Mode is the "value that occurs the most frequently in a data set".

M: A plecostomus is a fancy word for a particular kind of big, ugly fish

Steve: The Meniere's has caused me to permanently lose most of the hearing in my affected ear (as of last test I'm at 8% functional hearing).  I've been told a hearing aid will do me no good as it will only amplify distortion.  When it is flaring up I get rather loud tinnitus which is 24-7.  Think of listening to a seashell on your stereo with the volume turned up loud.  The nausea usually only happens during the bad vertigo.  I have lots of what I call 'mini spins' where I just feel off balance for a bit.  Kinda look like I'm drunk too.  I decided if I can't beat 'em, join 'em.  I went out and dyed my hair blonde so that I could officially be a "dizzy blonde".  No offence to anyone here who may be blonde

The medical tx I'm on is a diuretic everyday (theory is it will drain the potassium rich fluid from my ear) and a mild histamine called Serc.  When I am bad I'm supposed to take valium (try not to take that one too much).  I'm supposed to be on a low sodium diet as they think excess sodium will cause water retention.  I'm also taking a whole load of natural supplements.  I've also started back with the naturopath.  When I first started seeing him when I first got this I soon went into remission for a few years.  

The way I understand the condition is that it is a result of either a leaky or a rupturing membrane in the ear.  That causes two different types of ear fluid to mix which leads to the various symptoms.  There are a number of theories about what causes it.  The one getting a lot of research right now is that it is a viral cause.  I've been told by the ENT that it is ok for water to get in my ear as it wont affect the inner ear.  I personally, however, try not to as it does seem to make things worse.  I'm thinking if the membrane is damaged/leaking what is to stop other water from getting in?

My biggest fear with this whole thing is that one day my good ear will also be affected. 

2009-12-26 11:19 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
I also haven't completed an official bio and have also been MIA because of Christmas things with the family, so here it is. I'm excited to finally have time to catch up on posts and get involved!

NAME: augeremt/Kasia

STORY: I've been pretty athletic most of my life, playing soccer through high school, picking up rugby in college and continuing that ever since. I just turned 25 last month, and with the quarter-life-crisis that comes along with that age (at least for me), and my shoulders really bugging me lately, I figured I'd stop with rugby for now and look for something else that's new and exciting and would also get me fit. Since I'm not a huge fan of running and I need something to work towards, I figured I'd try tris, since I'm pretty good at swimming and like biking, so two out of three ain't bad.

FAMILY STATUS: Single, no kids, no dogs. Sadness about the dogs part. I move too much to have one quite yet.

CURRENT TRAINING: Been running and swimming a couple times a week, but am starting a formal 20-week Olympic training plan on Monday (for real, not the usual "diet starts on Monday" deal).

2010 RACES: So far, I'm only signed up for an Oly in Vegas on April 17th, but I'm thinking that if I like the training and the sport enough then I may do another one in Colorado in mid-June and possibly a third in August. But that all depends.

WEIGHTLOSS: Even with all these sports, I've always had a huge problem with my weight, which is another motivation for doing triathlons since it'll keep my fitness up while working towards a goal. So I'm looking to lose some weight while also having fun.

WHY I'D LIKE TO JOIN: I'm a super newbie to triathlons and would love mentoring in tri-specific areas. That, and I'd like the companionship of others through winter and spring training.
2009-12-27 6:42 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I want to ease back into running starting next week and was wondering how you would tackle that, given my running history (or better put, lack of it).   I'm not interested in ANY speedwork for January.   I have done NO running in December and my longest run in November was 10km.   



2009-12-27 7:07 AM
in reply to: #2559115


Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
I was wondering this too and am coming from a very similar recent background as you Anne. I know the 10% rule, but where to start?

Edited by lmcvetty 2009-12-27 7:09 AM
2009-12-27 7:31 AM
in reply to: #2578692

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I'll go back over your recent histories (esp. yours, Linda, as Anne has given me some hints) and try to be more specific, but just as a working guideline I'll tell you about my recent start-up. Please note, though, that I was coming off (1) a big base and an aggressive season, (2) a serious pre-marathon build and peak, and (3) a fairly short lay-off.

Nov. 29 -- 17-miler (ITB symptoms after)
Dec. 9 -- 6 miles, testing to see if I wanted to risk the marathon (or even the half)
- decided to bail on the race and focus on decent (or half-decent recovery) -

Dec. 22 -- 30 minutes, easy
Dec. 24 -- 33 minutes, mostly easy
Dec. 26 -- 36 minutes, easy

After not taking any lay-off from March (or earlier...) on, I had one forced upon me on Nov. 29. That lasted 11 days, then there was the second one (the equivalent of my running off-season? ), good for two weeks. Now, I think I'm back into it.

The three runs this past week were quite cautious -- no effort at speed, definitely no effort at distance. The one on the 22nd was brutal cold, and I felt very clutzy; mostly, I think that was me being rusty, and not the cold. The one on the 24th felt better -- but the conditions were just about perfect. And yesterday I felt almost like a runner again!

With other longer lay-offs I have been very cautious -- first run back, 12-15 minutes. Second run back, 15-20. Third run back 25, and maybe 30 if I was feeling frisky. I guess my view is to kind of test the waters for the first week or so, or however the timing is for your first few runs.

The 10% rule actually was in my mind this week, but I did it based on minutes, not miles, and it wasn't anything really firm. Next run will be 40-45 minutes, and even if I'm wildly in love with the day and how I'm feeling, I will rein myself in before I get to 45:01......and if I'm smart, I'll stop at 40 flat!

Finally, the most I will do with speed for a while now is cadence, aiming for an ease at 90-92/minute. I pretty much always do that anyhow, but at times like now it actually justifies itself -- keeps the stride short, and gives some hint of speed. But I'll try to be more specific for the both of you.

2009-12-27 7:35 AM
in reply to: #2578603

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Thanks for the great bio, which I will get back to within the next day or two. Within a few hours I will be away from all computers until tomorrow morning, so I will be useless to all of you until then.

And I give up. What exactly is that a photo of? It's very evocative.....but I can't figure it out!

2009-12-27 8:41 AM
in reply to: #2578262

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


There are many intriguing aspects to your history, but the one that jumps at is me is your meniscus problem. My meniscus (right, medial) tore in March '06, and the MRI on it in July showed it to be a longitudinal tear. What that meant is that "scoping" would not work, and that surgery would involve removing too much cartilage -- a sure-fire way to speed up and exacerbate arthritis and other knee woes. So, I just waited it out. I did nothing but aquabikes that summer, I guess it was seven of them, and while they kept my head in the game it was agonizing for me to "quit" races after the run, yet have to watch everyone else head off on their runs. Argh! But towards the end of this I was able to do a good sprint from the water to T1, and by mid-September I was running again.

I received no "no more long distances" warnings, but my sports doctor told me that I might try to avoid running two days in a row. I haven't always kept to that since then, but I'm always aware of it! And so far, so good (knocking on wood,!) - although any hint of discomfort there gets me all apoplectic!

The ages of our meniscus problems were pretty close; I was just a month or two past turning 57 when mine happened. (Cause is uncertain, but might've been a jarring slippage on the treadmill as I was yapping over my shoulder to a friend. DOH!)

I love your orthopedist, though, and next time you see him/her, give her/him a big hug and kiss from me! And here our histories merge again, as it was after my tibial stress fracture that in '00 that my doc told me to spend less time pure running and more time cycling or swimming, and that brought me to triathlon from just pure running -- as your mensicus brought you to tri from pure running. Less-than-great bodies link alike??

Prior to your meniscus, you made a nice rise throught the running ranks. You don't give any specifics, but seeing as how you pluralize 10kms and half-marathons, it doesn't sound as if you just jumped into Twin Cities. In other words, you seemed prudent in getting to that point. Yes?

As for the season just past, equally prudent; have you always been so disciplined? And it continues with your schedule for '10, full of attainable goals that should be kind to your knee and that will be rewarded with that "5+" jacket. BONUS!

We can talk later about the wisdom (biomechanical, that is) of trying to push things with going for an oly at some point. For me, I have obvioulsy had no issues with my meniscus in going longer --- but I wouldn't want to be the one who counsels someone back into rehab mode! Still, if it's in you to try, and if you persisit in being symptom-free, and if you build ever-so-slowly, the knee can likely handle it.

The big question is, since '07 and the meniscus, how often do you run for longer than 5km? Do you periodically do 4-/5-/6-/7-mile runs? If so, then the 6.2-miles of an oly is very doable in terms of knee safety. And as for worrying about your finishing position, I think that the differential in finishing times is greater in an oly than in a sprint. That is, the slowest oly person is relatively slower than the slowest sprint peson. That is, more people enter an oly woefully prepared than do those who enter a sprint unprepared. And that is, the degree of suffering that affects those persons is greater for an oly, soooooooo............if you can get fairly well-prepared for an oly, I doubt very much you will be the last finisher!!! You had a fair bit of wiggle-room in Northwoods and Lakes Country, and I really, really think it would be similar - if not better - for an oly.

Tuba and trombone and bass guitar for your husband, eh? I'm fingerpicking acoustic blues guitar and blues harmonica myself, with dabblings over the years with fiddle, mandolin, and Cajun accordion. But I bring no demonstrable muscial skills to the table, and everything I have learned has come very slowly and through lots of diligent practice -- kinda like swimming for me! ..... ? During my mensicus-affected summer I did the Blues Week session at Augusta Heritage Center(WV), but that just reinforced what I knew all along -- that I'm a much better triathlete than I am a musician. It was a blast being immersed in music for a week......but it wasn't exactly money well-spent.

Finally, congrats on the 5km PR! I really do believe in "ideal" race weights, and it sounds like you might've found yours. And ,may there be a new PR on the horizon for you in one of the 5k coming up in '10!

2009-12-27 9:43 AM
in reply to: #2578752

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


In about an hour we're off to Lynn's brother's wife's family's cottage for the day, due to return around midnight. There is no computer there, so you're on your own for the day and evening.

Now behave yourselves! No egregious overeating! No injuries! And cheer hard for the Patriots (something at stake) and the Browns (nothing at stake other than a few remaining shreds of dignity.....) on my behalf, as I will likely not be able to watch any games at all. Bah!

See you latelatelate tonight, or more likely early tomorrow morning.

Bye for now!

2009-12-27 3:31 PM
in reply to: #2578229

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2009-12-26 3:17 PM


I have spent a while going back over most of the posts here, focusing particularly on the bios/profiles. I've had the feeling that a lot of people describe themelves as "newbies", and I wanted to see just how many of you there are who are in this category.

On the one hand there are quite a few (seven) of you -- if we include all who have not yet done a multisport event, such as triathlon, duathlon, aquabike, or aquathlon. (And for Arthur, there is a sprint, but that was 11 years ago!) But in this group there are several people who have done some running races or have been on a tri relay, so it's not exactly as if these folks are coming to everything cold!

It was my intention to post a list of relative experience, and I can certainly do that if the general consensus of the group is that it would be useful, but if some of you are quite "bashful" about your rlative inexperience, than I sure don't want to do anything that will make you feel cowed in any way.

For those of you who ARE feeling slightly intimidated, it is worth reapeating to yourself that all of us have been in your shoes!! Not a one of us has forgotten those days when the progress didn't seem to be happening, and the information to be hopefully mastered SOMEday seemed never-ending. It sure can be daunting, but not by any stretch of the imagination unassailable.

What is intriguing about this group is that there a number of people who have been around the block a few times, and they still feel the benefits of being part of a support group -- whether for their own growth and edification, or to help others along a similar path. I sense across the board that those two are really and/or for eveyone here, and that collective mindset will be a huge help for all of us - from beginners up through seasoned veterans.

And that's the truth!


THANKS for this! It's nice to be reminded that everyone was a beginner at some point.

2009-12-27 3:48 PM
in reply to: #2578708

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

No worries, take your time. It's a photo looking up at a mast of a tallship I worked on a few summers ago. It may rank as the best summer ever.

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