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2011-01-15 11:04 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Back again. Had to break for dinner.

Sheila - nice ride.

Chet - yea the group is quite active. This is a great one. More people? Hmm ...yes...not too many more though. Wouldn't want to feel lost like in a less personal thread. Getting to know some folks here ya know. Let us know about your long run coming up. So cool of you to let the wife have her time. It's so important for us too, so that we each get our training time in.

David - Glad your not flooded in (or out).

Mel- Cool progress on the training and goals set for the weight loss.

Me: Took a bad spill on the snowboard today. Tweaked my hip. But I went on a 3mi. run and it felt okay as of now. I may feel it in the morning. New brewery opened up down the road and now has license to sell it's own brew. Cheers, had to go to dinner with friends and lick my wounds today. I'll call a mental easy day (ha, ha).

I am sure there is someone I forgot. However, kudos to all. Esp. Sheila, I am jealous of the new ride.

2011-01-15 11:07 PM
in reply to: #3301837

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
cwpeters - 2011-01-15 2:44 PM HOW NOT TO GROUP RIDE!

One of our LBS just started a Saturday morning ride group. I have been unable to make it the last few weeks, but today was the day, I was going for my first group ride.  

Get to the LBS and no one is there.  Check Facebook and find out that they switched the start to their other store in the next town south.  Decide to drive down and catch them when they come over the bridge (1st mistake).  As the group goes by, I hop on my bike and sprint to catch them, without warming up (2nd mistake).  Caught them at a stop sign, made a brief intro, then we're off.  I forgot to tell them this was my first group ride (3rd mistake).  They then proceed to attempt to break the earth's gravitational pull (they were FLYING!) Try as I might to hold the wheel in front of me, I just couldn't.  Add to that it was a true cross wind and there really wasn't a drafting advantage.  I ended up in the middle and began to lose touch with the bike ahead of me (4th mistake).  At that point I got dropped!!!  The ride back to my truck sucked.  I was spent, sore and embarrassed.  

Needless to say my first group ride finished as a slow, solo spin.  Oh, well, only 6 more days until I try it again.

It's cool you learned quick from it. Chalk it up to more experience now. It's a hurdle you won't have to cross now. You are ahead of most of us!
2011-01-15 11:12 PM
in reply to: #3301240

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
ibeshela - 2011-01-15 7:18 AM

Chet, I think we have a good group but a few more would be ok with me. I like hearing all about what is going on and the advice is priceless to me. I think you have been very responsive and have tons of knowledge to give. It’s tough getting on here sometimes but when I do you are always there supporting everyone. Thanks for your dedication.

Chet, LMAO on your post about embarrassing moments. I don’t look forward to any of them or others but Im sure it’s not a matter of if it will happen but WHEN I will have my own. I already have the spandex fear, does that count? I think you are on top with your #1 moment for now. I was kind of sore most of the beginning of the week from the HM and didn’t push much this week. I got a 5.6 mile in on Thursday. it felt great and Im ready to get into a more consistent routine. What exactly is bricks? You are lucky to have Jill. It is very hard to juggle the family, kids, spouse, work and trying to train. What are your pre-race meals and morning race routine? Curious! How was your 22 miler?

I need to get some more knowledge with nutrition and recovery. I just do whatever. MMM, love chocolate milk, I recently started eating the greek yogurt and LOVE it with honey. Never taken an ice bath. Love a nice hot one though, lol.

Mel, good to hear from you. You have lots going on so just keep up whatever routine you can as every little bit is better than nothing at all. Book sounds awesome and great job getting signed up for some races! It will help motivate to move! The volunteer work sounds fun. It would be great in helping to learn more about my new bike and all. I have about 30 lbs I would like to loose and trust me I really feel it out there on the runs. I have really only been running since July and I have gained weight. I am so frustrated about that since I was hoping to drop some weight. I have had a change in medication (stopped birth control) maybe TMI but anyway I think that could be a culprit. Hormones out of whack or something. Im going to check out some audio books.

Michelle, good luck in your new ventures!! Let us know how your doing from time to time if you can. Im with the rest of the gang. Your experience and advice is priceless for me being a newbie.

David, I have never used a HRM but would like to get to that at some point of my training. How are the floods doing over there?

Jeff, Gel in your water bottles, diluted or what? I say play catch up of change your training days to the weekends instead then you wont feel like you have missed.

Robert, would be great to join you and Chet if you get out for a run. It would depend on the time and location. If you can update here if that happens and I can check in with Chet for details.

So Im sure I missed something or someone but hope everyone is doing well. I tend to get these lengthy posts going but I really want to keep up with everyone!!

Have a great weekend!!

Almost forgot ya. Yes, drop a couple of gels in you water and mix vigorously. Kinda my own elyte drink. BUT, I have to day that since I have tried Pedialyte...I like it much better and it doesn't upset my stomach as much. Way better hydration and recovery than I expected. I got the idea from reading Ultramarathon Man, by Dean Karnazes. Check it out.
2011-01-16 12:13 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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New user

Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Thought you would like to see the new ride. This may take awhile to get used to. I love my road bike and this is definitely a different feel.
2011-01-16 9:07 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Nice ride Robert!!  She is very pretty.  The only thing you will have to get used to is going FAST.  You have to slowly increase your time in aero.  It was easierer for me on the road than on the trainer. 

I have a lingering heel pain from yesterday's run.  Taking it easy today with some ice and ibuprophen.  Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.

We will keep the group as is for now. 
2011-01-16 12:10 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
OMG! That is a cool ride. This year I am looking for something like that but used. I have been perusing the classifieds on this site. Nothing less than a shimano tiagra on a tri bike.

2011-01-16 5:16 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed

These are pictures of a couple of transition set ups.  The bottom picture shows two together as the racks can get very crowded.  I see people with beach towels out there and that is just not good.  I think everything should fit onto a hand towel.  Remember the "K.I.S.S." method (Keep It Simple Stupid) and have a plan going in.

Very important items before you go to the water for the swim:

1)  Make sure you are in the right gear!  Vegas always has a good uphill right out of transition.  People fall over getting on the bike every race.
2)  Make sure your bottles are filled.  A common item that is forgotten.
3)  Have a check list.  Check it the night before and have everything out.  Then check it again after everything is loaded and in the vehicle.
4)  Pay attention to small details.  Examples:  helmet strap unclipped, shoes unstrapped, nothing in the shoes etc
5)  Practice before race day.
6)  A lot of people put there helmet on backwards and forget to take it off when they start the run.
7)  Body Glide!

Edited by cbarnes1 2011-01-16 5:32 PM
2011-01-16 5:25 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed

There are different starts for the swim.  You may start on the beach and run out into the water.  You may start as a "wade" start that usually means standing in belly button deep water (people cheat this), or you may start treading water.

They have mass starts, wave starts, and time trial starts (one at a time).  You may want to look at this before your race.

2011-01-16 5:30 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed

And if you are swimming in the ocean, swim faster than at least 1 person!
2011-01-16 6:59 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Evening, what a long and short weekend.  Spent Saturday from 9-5 sitting in bleachers watching my son wrestle and win 3 matches and then take 1st place in his weight class (160).  He did awesome.  Had a dinner party with about 15 people last night at our house.  I was exausted by 11p and goodnight!

Today I got up planning to run then take my new bike out for a ride.  My running partner Daneen (one of our mentee's) wasnt feeling well.  Decided to take the bike out first so hubby and my son joined me on that and I went for a 15 mile bike ride.  Boy was it nice.  I was fast!!  Since I haven't been on my bike in a while a couple hills did whoop me. 

Chet, since you'll know the terrain I rode from my home, (Equestrian/Boulder) up to the RML trail to Bootleg Canyon and home.   Loved the tri transition pictures.  What is a small profile?  Like a bag so I know which one is mine?  Glad Im not swimming in the ocean, lol.  Daneen is ok, she is running and going to the gym, swimming and spin.  Been a little crazy for her as her hubby has been out of town working. She is home with 3 little ones.

After the bike ride, transitioned into a 3.5 mile run.  It was a little tough. I was tired but finished strong.  I guess that's brick training and I need to do a lot more of practicing that and incorporate the swim too.

I am exausted and ready for the couch now.

Robert, NICE bike.  That is really a sweet ride.  Great job following the picture posting rules, lol.  I had no idea.  Gonna tri to post a new one I took today.

Hope everyone else had a great weekend.
2011-01-16 9:29 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Evening everyone, glad to see all the posts.  This group is such a motivational tool.  Tonight's workout was a 1 hour run, so after spending the afternoon at the beach with family and friends, I had my wife drop me off about 5 miles from home.  One of our friends decided to join me.  Good chance to chat about life.  When the subject of motivation came up, I had to rave about this group.   

2011-01-17 3:30 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Ran a relaxed 6k on the beach yesterday afternoon whilst kids and my wife walked the dog, kids ran last 1k with me!

This morning did 1400m swim at open air pool, beautiful morning, sunny and warm. Kids arrived for a swim squad before I left and I had a coffee and muffin with my wife before heading off to work.

If only all my workouts were so family friendly!!! 
2011-01-17 9:44 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Chris - I totally agree.  This is shaping up to be a great group.

David - Sounds like some quality time with the family!  

I am still having some pain in my heel so it is into the pool for me today.  I have to get that to feel better this week. 
2011-01-17 1:05 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group- Closed
Sheila- Have you gone the other way on the trail and hit "The Three Sisters"?  I ride that loop a lot and have some bad names for those three hills.  They are in the 18% incline range.
2011-01-17 4:14 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
First swim of 2011!  It felt good to be in the water and not just running.  Hopefully it is giving my heel some rest.

Is anyone familiar with Total Immersion swim training?  I really like the philosophy they have.  It stresses efficiency and the principles really helped me.  I have read the book and done some of their balance drills but have not taken the classes they offer.  It is worth taking a look.   
2011-01-17 8:00 PM
in reply to: #3304508

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group- Closed
David, I love when the family gets out for fun together. 
Familes that play together stay together!!

CHET, LOL um yes once but we came around from the Bootleg side.  First 35 miles from home was pretty smooth.  Those *($(*#% sister $(*(!@, ya lets just say I haven't ridden on them.  I was riding the mountain bike so it was a great walk up them and fun on the downhill.  From that point on till home it was torture with the winds that day.  Yes...can't wait to try them again on the new ride. 

Edited by ibeshela 2011-01-18 4:17 PM

2011-01-18 12:40 AM
in reply to: #3256537

Just north of Seattle WA
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Well I'm way behind, but I've finally gotten started, which is the important thing. I took some time off to heal some injuries and it's been hard getting started again as life was just getting in the way. But all it usually takes is a couple days working out and the motivation kicks in. In my time off, I gained 5 pounds.. ouch. So I now have about 15 to lose. I could probably stand to lose more, but one goal at a time.

I ran yesterday on the treadmill - only 2 miles, but the good news is my calf did not hurt. First time in 3 months it hasn't bother me, hence the layoff. Cardio wise it felt like I didn't do much, and barely broke a sweat... yea I was going really slow. My plan is to keep at 2 miles for about 2 weeks, every 2 or 3 days, depending on how it's feeling. Hopefully it's completly healed. (I strained my calf (gastroc muscle) back in October.)

Today I swam for 20 minutes. First time swimming since September, and my form felt awkward, but the last 3 laps started to feel smoother. Always takes a while to get the form back. My shoulders felt good (Yes, another injury..unrelated....I know I'm a mess), so I'm pleased about that.

I have my bike trainer setup in the garage. I usually just listen to music, but I like the audio book idea that someone posted.

Now that I'm back, I'll be more active here...promise. There's a lot of great motivation here.

2011-01-18 9:30 AM
in reply to: #3256537

Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
G'day all

I like the group setup that we have, a lot of really active posters keeping me motivated.

Tried my first spin class at the local gym yesterday morning before work. Thought I was gonna die. HR way up to 172 in the first 15 mins. Feel ok today though so gonna try to get to that session weekly.

Planning a gentle spin on the turbo later this evening to clean out the leggies.

Like the transition advice chet but I can't see the pictures for some reason. Its that sort of thing that scares me about turning up to the first tri. Its also putting my wife off giving it a try.

Also love the pictues of the new shiny bikes! Congratulations on your new toys. I have a new road bike that is now 6 weeks old and still not been outside. Too scared to take it out on the salt/grit covered roads. Will wait til the spring and will use the old one til then to keep it pretty as long as poss.


Edited by eejit 2011-01-18 9:33 AM
2011-01-18 9:48 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Greg - Glad to hear you had a pain free run.  I think you are smart to come back slow.  I swam yesterday for the first time in a while and noticed a lack of form too.  I love the days where you just have a "feel" for the water.

Ross - Spin Classes can be a great workout.  The instructors make it fun and really push you.  It will really help your cadence on the road bike.  

I am on the bike today.  I am taking one more day off from running before I test my heel.  2 and a half weeks until my race, trying not to panic yet.

2011-01-18 4:20 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed

Hi everyone, just a quick post.  Not much in the athletic mode.  Been sick the last couple days fighting through it. Chest, cough, cold stuff. I hate being sick. 

2011-01-18 4:33 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Greg - glad to hear you're getting back on your feet.  Have you used a foam roller on your calf?  That is a great soft tissue treatment that is pretty effective.  The Stick is also good.  Main things for returning to activity are having a full range of motion, full strength and little to no pain.  If you notice any of those 3 change, your body is not ready yet.

 Foam Rollers    The Stick 24" Self-Massage Tool
Foam roller The Stick

Chet - I have one of the TI DVDs, picked it up last year in BT classifieds. Used some of the drills as a warm up, but I was 2/3rds of the way through the season.  I will try it again when I start back in the pool. 

As for today, I finally have a night with NO HOME SPORTING EVENTS!!!!  After practices are over I get to go home and be dad for the evening.  After the boys are down I will get in my workout, hill repeats.  With the heavy fog expected that should be fun. 

2011-01-18 6:32 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Chris, I have a foam roller and The Stick and love them both.
Enjoy the family tonight and enjoy your foggy workout.
2011-01-18 6:36 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed

How many laps in the pool is a 1/2 mile?  Can someone give me the lingo for pool distances and such?  Im not sure the size of the pool I go to but it is a lap style pool, competition? 
2011-01-18 7:14 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Sheila - most lap pools are 25 yards or 25 meters.  1/2 mile is roughly 800 yards.  That will be 32 lengths or 16 laps.  

trainer ride and a walk today.  I am still struggling with my heel and calves. ugh. 
2011-01-18 7:35 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
I use the foam roller for chronic right ITBS, if I stop doing it for a while I'm in trouble!

Had a quick 500m swim this morning whilst my daughter was doing a swim squad, felt a bit tired, not sure why really.
I've been swimming in a 50m pool recently and find it helps you with ensuring that your breathing is correct, you can't get away with inadequate breathing with a longer lap.

Need to do an indoor bike session tonight. 
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