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2014-02-25 8:27 AM
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Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Originally posted by MamacitaT

I've got 7 specific exercises to work on and I started last night. I find them difficult and it's really hitting home what's happening. He told me not to change my gait or form quite yet until we get the support in place or it may cause form is my body's compensation for the issues. He did advise to not extend the length of the runs for 2 weeks until we see if we can at least get that internal hip rotation moving, that ankle flexing and going through its axis correctly and the glute muscles actually activated and doing their thing. I thought it was great advice. Since I'm at 9 miles in my long runs and my 1/2 is not until April 27th I've got plenty of time to work on going longer distances even with a 2-3 week break as long as I don't lose the gains I've made. It was absolutely worth the $200!



Now that it has been a few weeks into your exercises, how do you feel? I am considering getting an assessment once I start building my mileage since you posted this fascinating service. I am SO curious about your progress.



So far so good!

I've been doing the exercises faithfully at least 3x a week. My ankle dorsiflexion seems to be back to normal. I'm not sure if this was due to a issue with calf knot and tightness or what...but it seems to have resolved. Both ankle's are going strong without issue at this point. Full range of motion.

I've been working on running form in a more casual manner as I go about this. I can definitely tell the increase in glute strength and working on the support in that area of the body (hip flexor and such) is really helping. I'm not trying to change the form per se - but noticing what is happening and keeping an eye out and awareness of it. I've altered how I hold my arms because I didn't realize I was so tense there. I now keep them more relaxed and not quite as swingy - or more accurately more swing back and less in front as I could tell they were almost crossing midpoint which was not helping my gait at all. This, in turn, seems to help breathing and almost propels me more forward (seems almost more pushy less pully...hope that makes sense).

The exercises which are so targeted to the glutes and hip strength and rotation and posture have just made me so much more aware of that area and what it is doing. Side effect is my core abs area is sore - which I think is from "engaging it" because none of the exercises cover that area specifically....just that this seems to be an effect that builds and, although I'm not consciously changing form, its sort of naturally evolving.

I plan on going back in 2 weeks for a "check up" and to see. I am still weak in strength and balance overall-- meaning when I stand on one leg and squat there is a lot of knee motion. It's better now - but not to the point I want it yet.

A couple of things that have really focused me are the bridging exercises:

and the posture "self correct" which is to raise both arms above head in a stretch which helps me to "feel" the lean forward without getting back into an almost "sitting" posture which is causing my knee to land before hip and not under and such. I found it hard to tell my "lean" and the engagement....if I bridge before run it works for a while but then I seem to relax into old muscle memory so doing this posture thing (very easy) helps me get back on track if I start feeling "off" or I think about it.

Plus a great side effect is my butt is getting more toned. That is never a bad thing LOL!

Edited by AlexJouJou 2014-02-25 8:30 AM

2014-02-26 5:46 PM
in reply to: AlexJouJou

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, California
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

Thought I would share with you a view on my bike ride today. Got it in before the rain comes. 

The Queen Mary


QueenMary_7274.JPG (348KB - 13 downloads)
2014-02-26 9:20 PM
in reply to: MamacitaT

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
That looks like a great place to ride! Glad to hear that you are getting some rain out there, I know you are in dire need of it, I was at Lake Tahoe 3 weeks ago and have never seen such little snow pack in January in my life.
-5 forecast for tonight, looks like I will be riding in the basement again tomorrow!
2014-02-27 8:12 PM
in reply to: MamacitaT

Simsbury, CT
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

That's quite a view!!!  Glad you got out for a ride.   I have been struggling to get back on a regular training routine.  Work has me exhausted.   Working on my running plan now, maybe that will help. 


how is everyone else doing?  Board seems kind of quiet. 



2014-02-27 10:38 PM
in reply to: Armandova

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Hi Armondo

Same here, working nights this week, 12 hour days with 2 hours of commute time doesn't leave much time for training. Did get a run in this morning finally and hope to ride tomorrow morning.

Board has definitely been quiet, we all need to stop working and just train and enjoy

Hope everyone is getting outside.
2014-02-27 10:38 PM
in reply to: Armandova

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Hi Armondo

Same here, working nights this week, 12 hour days with 2 hours of commute time doesn't leave much time for training. Did get a run in this morning finally and hope to ride tomorrow morning.

Board has definitely been quiet, we all need to stop working and just train and enjoy

Hope everyone is getting outside.

2014-02-28 9:41 AM
in reply to: Mountaindan

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Columbia, Missouri
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

I'm definitely learning the balance between work/school and training. We have exams coming up next week, so I toned down my training a bit to focus on training. But I seem to have strained a hamstring the other day, so I'm taking the rest of the week off and focusing on morning and evening stretching with a lot of ice packs, heat packs and foam rollers. Hopefully after my exams and spring break I can get back into the pool and focus on consistency there. 

Hope everyone else is doing well, and that warmer weather comes to a lot of you. For me there is no inspiration like being able to get outside for a run or ride!

2014-02-28 10:23 AM
in reply to: Armandova

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Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

Originally posted by Armandova

how is everyone else doing?  Board seems kind of quiet. 


Yeah, I haven't been on in awhile. I had a hard time following every post and thread since the email notifications don't tell you much unless the poster quoted something. I signed up for a women's only boot camp (before work 5x a week) before I signed up for the tri, and slightly regret it. I love it, but I'm still working out after work too, so I'm just all around exhausted. Boot camp 5x a week, 3 swims, 3 runs, 2 bikes. Just don't care about that third bike right now! Dogs are getting the worst of it though, so cold and fewer (if any) walks, they're going stir crazy, so I'm trying to get them out for long walks at a park on the weekends as well. Next week is the last week of boot camp so then I can get into a regular routine of swim/bike/run/walk dogs. And maybe have a little bit of a life again That's about all here!


2014-02-28 11:07 AM
in reply to: eengelha

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, California
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

I definitely had to push the restart button this weekend. Between being sick, not having a good mental focus or firm race schedule, I was all over the place. I was able to sit down Sunday and register for a few races and get a final schedule together . I am back to run/swim/bike instead of just running and put my plan in a notebook/planner. I feel a bit better now that I am organized and have everything written down. I have 67 days until my first race so I need to get back to it.

I am going to try a Master's Swim program on Monday. I  am hoping I can improve my technique and endurance in the water. 


YES! California is finally getting some rain which means snow in the mountains. Dan, I know what you mean about the dry conditions. We were up in the Sierras over the holidays and took 2 ski runs. The conditions were so bad, we stopped after that so we wouldn't ruin our skis. So very sad for the area. Now there is finally some fresh powder. My husband and I are heading to Mammoth for a few days of skiing so I will be getting in some fun leg work. I am going to bring my Garmin along and see what info I can collect on our runs.


Have a great weekend!

2014-03-05 6:08 PM
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Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Checking back in.

I'm just buried at work lately. I felt off last week too which did not help at all. I have an Indoor Tri this weekend but I signed up just to get a feel so no expectations (other than finish LOL). My swimming is not going to get me near the mid pack even - I still get winded after 100 yards...but I'll take it because I used to be winded after 25!

I'm very curious with Masters Swimming. I work at a University and one of our "sister" schools has a Masters program..not far from my house. It's not pricey but it is early a.m. I often have work meetings at 7am so this could be problematic but, on the good side, I really need to start morning workouts. I'm curious to know how this goes Mamacita!

The issue is food. I have to eat 2 hours before exercise like running...not any sooner or I feel sick on the run. I hate running in the morning. I am at my strongest from 11-5pm and then it goes downhill. Most of my races are early AM so I've got to figure this out. I quite literally notice I cannot run as fast (well that's relative for me LOL) when I eat too close. It's better for me to be hungry than full.

Also I have a sort of non tri related question. I've been enjoying running more trails. There are a lot of trail running races. I'm really considering throwing one or two of these in this year. Has anyone done trail racing? The first one is a 10K on 3/23 but the course is fairly flat and would be a great beginner course. No headphone's so at least I could get used to that as this will be true for Tri's I assume as well. I do a run/walk with about a 3:1 or 4:1 ratio now..but the entry says please don't register if you are going to walk...not sure if they mean "walk walk" or the combo of run/walk. Thoughts?

Edited by AlexJouJou 2014-03-05 6:09 PM
2014-03-07 7:25 AM
in reply to: AlexJouJou

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Good luck on your Tri this weekend, make sure you let us know how it goes. Going in with no expectations is sometimes the best approach for many of us. Don't worry about the swim, no one ever wins a race on the swim anyway! Stinks for me since that is my best, relative to me, sport.

I did Masters a few years back and loved it, unfortunately my work schedule keeps me from doing it enough to justify the cost of the Y membership. It really helps build your endurance and there were always several groups available to match your abilities, it was fun and really pushed you, but in a fun way.

What do you eat before your run? I typically have to have a cup of coffee and a piece of toast with some peanut butter. For me I can eat that and take off almost immediately with out any issues, but everyone is different. Have you tried gels? Experiment and see if you can find something quick and easy that won't upset your stomach, a fairly light snack should be enough to fuel you if your diet is decent overall, at least in my limited experience.

As far as the Trail race, I would think they mean strictly walking, but I would email the Race director and ask directly, sounds like fun! I love trail running, but just don't have any good trails around me to run on, too many roots and trees, don't want to risk hurting myself these days. I need to be out by Thom so I could go run Pikes peak, haha.

2014-03-09 3:40 PM
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Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
So I just finished my first tri. Yay!

It was the Indoor Tri at Lifetime in Columbia. I thought it went pretty well overall. I did 11 lengths of the 25m - some with butterfly to regain breath. Then we had a T1 of 10 minutes which went fine - changed and went to cycling studio. Did 30 minutes on bike. They were showing Ironman World Championship (NV) on the screens and had a guy with microphone and music. VERY enjoyable. I did about 6.5 miles in my 30 minutes (more on that). Then we went to the treadmill to run. I did a negative split with the first 10 minutes at 10:20 pace and the last ten inching down until I hit 8:32. I did 2.03 miles. Very happy with that.

I learned a LOT.

Swimming: I'm not as nervous as I thought I would be and I LOVE the water. I still have breathing issues but, for the first time, I started to really "feel" the water and my catch and pull. I can't describe it but it was glaringly clear when it started happening and I felt like this was it - I could feel myself moving. A little more "punch" on stroke rate and a little faster and that seems to do the trick. Very unlike so many of those I see at the pool who seem to flow effortlessly and look almost pretty in the water. I've been doing the SwimSmooth for a while because the TI sort of crashed and burned on me. I don't think I can ever have that slower stroke rate because I keep struggling to catch a rhythm and breathe. The more (IDK..aggressive feeling?) stroke seems to suit me and boy was I jazzed to find it. I need tons more work but I feel like I made a major breakthrough today.

Cycling: The lesson here is figure out that there IS a resistance knob for spin bikes. I did not know until WAY far by ramping that I could have easily added 2 miles to my total. Drag. I had no idea....and have never used one of these bikes before. It was a red knob in front of me that said "stop" so, ya know, I never thought it could be adjusted. I don't feel bad exactly but certainly I could have pushed it SO MUCH MORE with knowing just that little fact. My legs were very fresh for the run

Run: I have been assuming that I will always be a 11:00 or so runner. I felt awesome while running and I started at a much higher pace than I usually do (10:20) and at 10 minutes I thought "I can do so much better" and started upping pace. I think I ended somewhere around 8:32 for a pace and sustained that for about 7 minutes. I was breathing hard - but I could have gone another mile at least at that pace. I feel really good with my run.

Overall I loved it. The challenge, the camaraderie, the environment. I love this Lifetime Fitness place....but it's about a 30 minute drive (assuming no traffic) so I just have not pulled the trigger. I don't want to pay a lot and then never go because it's so far. My current fitness center (which is, admittedly, VERY much bare bones) I paid $242 for a year.

So what's next? I have the 10K and 1/2 in April. Next weekend I'm volunteering at the Rock and Roll Marathon in DC. I'm also volunteering for the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler early April (this is so I can run next year...if you volunteer then you automatically get an entry into the next year's race!). Then I have a 10K North Face Endurance Run in Juen. After that I've got nothing until August Iron Girl Tri.

Next up working: If it finally stays warm I need to get on the bike and get much more comfy. After my April races I will ramp up the biking. It's the thing actually that worries me most because I am still even a little wobbly and nervous. Swim - much more. I'm still debating the Masters..I think I might do one more month of local swim workout (scheduled...not an individual coach but one who coaches for all the workout swimmers) and then maybe look Masters. I need to build endurance. Run is easier - I still made my 15 miles last week and this week that means my Tues/Thursday runs will probably need to be longer since I only did 2 miles today. I may try to add another run day but make it an easy day or maybe some hill work.

So that's it A great experience!

Edited by AlexJouJou 2014-03-09 3:41 PM
2014-03-09 4:44 PM
in reply to: AlexJouJou

Simsbury, CT
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed


congratulations on your finish.  Sounds like it was productive all around.  Finding your swimming stroke is a great feeling.  I have experienced it a few times but can't say I am consistent with it.   Looking forward to hearing about your progress for the rest of the season. 



2014-03-09 4:51 PM
in reply to: Armandova

Simsbury, CT
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

Hello everyone, 


Looks like most of us have had trouble keeping up with our workout schedules.  For me, this past week was just ok.   total of 4.5 hrs for the 7 days.   Today I started an 8-week swim program.  I have not trained much in the pool since last year and I am feeling it now - Tired.  Hope to put a bit more effort next week and get in 7-8 hrs.  Nutrition-wise, the mostly veggie diet did no do much for me.  I did not drop any weight and so I am now trying to go by counting calories.  I am using an App called MyFitnessPal which is quite easy to use and definitely highlights how easy it is to overeat.    For this coming week, i will be going back to mostly veggies but counting calories.   I am sure this approach will make a difference. 

Hope you all have great week. 



2014-03-09 5:49 PM
in reply to: Armandova

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Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Originally posted by Armandova

Hello everyone, 


Looks like most of us have had trouble keeping up with our workout schedules.  For me, this past week was just ok.   total of 4.5 hrs for the 7 days.   Today I started an 8-week swim program.  I have not trained much in the pool since last year and I am feeling it now - Tired.  Hope to put a bit more effort next week and get in 7-8 hrs.  Nutrition-wise, the mostly veggie diet did no do much for me.  I did not drop any weight and so I am now trying to go by counting calories.  I am using an App called MyFitnessPal which is quite easy to use and definitely highlights how easy it is to overeat.    For this coming week, i will be going back to mostly veggies but counting calories.   I am sure this approach will make a difference. 

Hope you all have great week. 



I've shifted to a more vegetarian diet in the last few weeks. I've always felt "heavy" after eating meat (even chicken) and I'm really starting to listen more to my body and what it's telling me. I'm still doing fish, milk, and eggs. Not sure when or if they'll go. But I do feel much better.

I think the MFP is a great app - and they seem to have a great community over there at lots of great advice and questions and it's very community helpful. Calorie counting hopefully will help you! I hope the swim program gets you feeling more like you can go the distance and less tired - I've been told swimming shows good gains earlier than other sports (cannot remember where I heard that). I love the idea of having an actual program...I got some workout stuff from my SwimSmooth DVD set..I need to look at!
2014-03-09 8:53 PM
in reply to: AlexJouJou

Simsbury, CT
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

So today I started an 8wk swim program - I mentioned that already.  Last week I had a 1 day swim analysis session.  Just got the video and here it is for all of you to see.  Hopefully this will help some of you.   Even with my "terrible" form, I was able to do 2.4 miles.  Now that I focusing more of proper technique, I hope to improve my swimming time.  enjoy!



Armando --

Here's your video from the swim clinic -

First thing to notice is the back end of your stroke. Your legs are dropping and dragging behind you, which is acting as an anchor when you swim (you can see your legs are almost at a 45 degree angle below the water). First priority is to find you balance point in the water, get your hips up and the getting you to use smaller kicks from your hips (you don't want to be seeing bent knees and ankles when you kick). This can be done with some kick / hip position drills and by working on lower core and hip strength. For the kick work I would suggest these fins -- Also I want yo think about engaging your lower core muscles and keeping your butt up on the surface of the water.

On the front end you have two big issues to address -- a crossover and a slipping elbow. You can see on the front end video that you have a crossover and slight scull. When you enter the water with both hands you hand crosses over the center line if your body. You then scull out with your hand to get back into a position to pull but rather than pulling straight back with your hand lower than elbow, you lead the stroke with your elbow so you're getting a fairly small area for the pull. I've attached a picture of what the pull should look like and you can also check out these video (which also demonstrate the drills -- what we want is for you to have your hand lower in the water than your elbow for the entire pull and for you to work on catching the water with your forearm rather than having it slip through the water. You have a lot of strength, you want to use that to pull yourself through the water.



2014-03-11 1:01 PM
in reply to: sundevil87

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, California
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

WOW it is nice to hear from everyone again about their progress.


Joellen, congrats on your first indoor tri. That sounds like a lot of fun. I too sometimes get nauseous when working out. I read somewhere it has to do with blood sugar levels or rather a low blood sugar issue. I do have to have something to eat prior to working out and it has to be at least 1 hour before so. I find I have better workouts in the late afternoon and am lucky enough that I can work that into my schedule.I am also hydrated better in the afternoon than in the morning so I think that helps as well. I am usually pretty nervous for races so I get up early and have steel cut oatmeal and egg whites for breakfast 2-3 hours prior to the race. I wonder if Dan's suggestion of a gel would work on blood sugar quickly enough. I will be interested to see how you do so keep us posted. 


Armando, thanks for sharing your video. The video is such a cool tool to have. I wasn't able to link to the other youtube channel but would love to check it out. Do they also take another video after you have worked on your form? I am also on Myfitnesspal my username is trbilbao if you want to be "friends" 


I was able to "test" a master swim class last night and really enjoyed it. I did not know what to expect of a master swim class. It was pretty relaxed which I needed since I am not ready for any heavy duty endurance - yet. There were only 2 other swimmers there last night so each of us had quite a bit of personal attention. The coach worked with me on my technique primarily on my arm stroke. I need to keep my arms straighter ( eliminating cross over), glide longer and also learned to scull underwater while pulling back.  I was able to take off 2-4 strokes per 25 yards which is much more efficient and faster. It was somewhat difficult "un-learning" arm strokes that I have been doing for 40+ years and building new muscle memory. My bilateral breathing went out the window as well since I was concentrating on my arms. I am very excited to see where this will take me and how much I can improve. I am going to have to re-work my training plan since the swim class is on a set schedule and the plan I have mixes the s/r/b workout days. Does anyone know how to delete a training plan from BT?  I actually keep a training planner/journal that I will go by so it looks like I'm slacking on the BT site Silly I know but it just bugs me. 


Hope everyone is doing well. Have a great week!


2014-03-12 8:05 PM
in reply to: sundevil87

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Hey all - I am so sorry I've been absent from the board. I am getting crushed with my current travel and work schedule. I am struggling to get in any of my workouts at all - let alone all of them.

I did get in a 45 mile bike ride on Sunday (2:45) and a 11.25 mi run (1:50) - so at least I got the volume events in. It is the weekday workouts that are the problem. The last few days I've ended working 12 - 16 hour days the last two weeks. I'm hoping to get in my workouts tomorrow and Friday before traveling home this weekend. I should get in the weekend workouts again. I'm home next week and should have a good one.

My first race is coming up at the end of the month. It is not a tri - it is the San Diego Ragnar.

I'm still on track though for my main events.
2014-03-12 8:29 PM
in reply to: AlexJouJou

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Jo - congratulations on completing your first triathlon!

I've been working out at the Columbia LTF on Tues and Thurs (as I've been able). It is a great facility. It is bigger than the one we have in Colorado Springs.

As you gain more experience and comfort all of the events will get easier. Swimming is all about technique which comes from repetition. Pool swimming is all about stoke effeciency - but open water swimming, especially in choppy water, is best executed with shorter, more frequent strokes. I say that just to tell you that you'll practice to get better stroke efficiency but there are times when you need your current skills

Awesome job on your run. Proving to yourself that you can run at a much faster pace than you might think you're capable of is very motivating. Going from an 11:00/mi to an 8:30 - wow!

Excellent job.

2014-03-13 6:33 AM
in reply to: MamacitaT

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Originally posted by MamacitaT
Does anyone know how to delete a training plan from BT?  I actually keep a training planner/journal that I will go by so it looks like I'm slacking on the BT site Silly I know but it just bugs me. 


Hope everyone is doing well. Have a great week!



I believe this is how you delete a training plan, if you haven't figured it our yet?
Training Log - My training Plan - My Planned Calendar - Delete - this will bring up a window and allow you to indicate what date range you would like to delete and chose what training data to include.

Hope that helps
2014-03-13 6:45 AM
in reply to: Armandova

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Originally posted by Armandova

Hello everyone, 


Looks like most of us have had trouble keeping up with our workout schedules.  For me, this past week was just ok.   total of 4.5 hrs for the 7 days.   Today I started an 8-week swim program.  I have not trained much in the pool since last year and I am feeling it now - Tired.  Hope to put a bit more effort next week and get in 7-8 hrs.  Nutrition-wise, the mostly veggie diet did no do much for me.  I did not drop any weight and so I am now trying to go by counting calories.  I am using an App called MyFitnessPal which is quite easy to use and definitely highlights how easy it is to overeat.    For this coming week, i will be going back to mostly veggies but counting calories.   I am sure this approach will make a difference. 

Hope you all have great week. 



I use MyFitnesPal also, it works well for me, I can be found with my BT name "Mountaindan" if anyone would like to add me as a friend, I can always use more friends!

I also use a app called Endomondo for most of my workouts, I have it on my phone and when I run, Bike and strength train it logs my workouts, but then it also links with MFP and calculates the extra calories that I have burned and adds it to my totals, fairly simple and not much extra effort using it except for long workouts depending on your phone will drain the battery using the GPS. I haven't tried it swimming yet, but would like to get a water proof case and try it.

Snow again today, really getting tired of it and ready for some sun! I will be heading for sunny South West Asia in a couple of weeks where I can enjoy the high 90's when I touch down and nothing but sun!

Ran 3 straight days and the foot is feeling better, slow pace and low mileage at this point, but will continue to add slowly, looking forward to swimming again here shortly although I won't be able to bike except maybe some spinning while I'm gone.

Keep up the good work everyone!

2014-03-13 6:52 AM
in reply to: sundevil87

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Originally posted by sundevil87

Hey all - I am so sorry I've been absent from the board. I am getting crushed with my current travel and work schedule. I am struggling to get in any of my workouts at all - let alone all of them.

I did get in a 45 mile bike ride on Sunday (2:45) and a 11.25 mi run (1:50) - so at least I got the volume events in. It is the weekday workouts that are the problem. The last few days I've ended working 12 - 16 hour days the last two weeks. I'm hoping to get in my workouts tomorrow and Friday before traveling home this weekend. I should get in the weekend workouts again. I'm home next week and should have a good one.

My first race is coming up at the end of the month. It is not a tri - it is the San Diego Ragnar.

I'm still on track though for my main events.

This retired life seems to be kind of busy for you? Sorry to see you're working so much, I know the feeling although mine are only 12 hour days and an hour commute to and from work which leave only a couple of hours of free time. I really have to keep at a planned routine to get it all in. Up at 5 to be out of the house by 6, home at 8 say hi to my wife, change and go run then hit the basement for some quick strength training, chat with the wife some more shower and bed....repeat, damn I need to hit the lotto or something?
2014-03-13 9:15 AM
in reply to: Mountaindan

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, California
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

Originally posted by Mountaindan
Originally posted by MamacitaT Does anyone know how to delete a training plan from BT?  I actually keep a training planner/journal that I will go by so it looks like I'm slacking on the BT site Silly I know but it just bugs me. 


Hope everyone is doing well. Have a great week!


Tara I believe this is how you delete a training plan, if you haven't figured it our yet? Training Log - My training Plan - My Planned Calendar - Delete - this will bring up a window and allow you to indicate what date range you would like to delete and chose what training data to include. Hope that helps


Thanks Dan - I have decided to leave it in and use the weekly totals for s/r/b/l to plan my workouts in my workout planner/journal. Thank for the information I am sure I will need it in the future.

2014-03-14 10:53 PM
in reply to: MamacitaT

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, California
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

Hello My Friends,


Just a quick question for you and an issue that I wrestle with - How many days a week do you train? My plan calls for 6 days and I struggle with that. I would like to do 5, but feel guilty if I don't get the whole plan in.


What are your thoughts?


2014-03-15 1:04 PM
in reply to: MamacitaT

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Columbia, Missouri
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

Originally posted by MamacitaT

Hello My Friends,


Just a quick question for you and an issue that I wrestle with - How many days a week do you train? My plan calls for 6 days and I struggle with that. I would like to do 5, but feel guilty if I don't get the whole plan in.


What are your thoughts?



I'm definitely having trouble balancing life (school, family, need for sleep) with training at this point. I think I started off too ambitious, with multiple workouts for 3 days/wk and only having 1 rest day/wk. I'm adding in another rest day and reducing swimming and running down to twice a week and keeping biking at 3/wk.

I think I'm going to get the mindset of my workouts are the goal for the week, and if I can't get to the goal because of a hectic week, I'm not going to beat myself up. Now if I don't reach a goal because of my own laziness, that is another story.

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