BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2015-02-10 9:06 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by SBRNY48


Before I post my bio I just wanted to know if this group is still open. I actually just found this website recently and just registered now. I know I'm coming in late to the game.



Yes it is and you are welcome to join. Now you can tell us a little about yourself!

Edited by Hunting Triathlete 2015-02-10 9:07 PM

2015-02-10 9:36 PM
in reply to: Suzie471

New user

Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Suzie471

Originally posted by barkncat

Originally posted by Suzie471

Originally posted by barkncat

Originally posted by Suzie471

Thanks Todd for the encouragement and excepting me into the group!

I do wish that I did not have to always think about "where the money is coming from?" It seems that I live in area that it is hard for me to find Tri's that are not far away. I will be going to Ann Arbor Michigan in June for the Tri Goddess Tri which for me is about a 2 1/2hr drive. With the cost of entering and staying in a hotel it seems that it can add up pretty quickly with money, and with Tri's starting so early in the morning, I feel like I need to stay the night before. It can get a little frustrating with the costs.

Looking forward to being apart of the group and I hope that I can add some motivation to others!

Waterloo Recreation area, where the Tri Goddess Tri is held has camping right in that park. If cost is an issue, you might consider being in the park overnight.. borrow a friends tent and pack a cooler full of food, and your right there. Just an idea.

I did my first Tri at this event in 2012, they did a great job, you will have a good time.

Thanks Patti that's a great idea!! By any chance will you be doing it this year? Would love to meet other people

I was not planning on doing that one this year... but as it gets closer.. never know.. might change my mind.
I'm planning on the 3 TRex series in Brighton, MI. They are on a Wed evening one in June, July and August. That way I don't have to commit a weekend, just a couple hours off work to get there in time. What is it with these really early start times anyway? LOL

I am so with you about the early start times! Why can't they have afternoon ones? Especially for Sprints that do not take all day? The water would be so much warmer to Luckily the BSU sprint that I am doing in April is in the pool and it doesn't start until 11am! Although, I still have about an hour 1/2 drive. When you did the Tri Goddess Tri did you need a wetsuit?

What is the TRex series that you mentioned?

2015 Dates are June 17, July 15 and August 12
Wednesday evenings at 6PM!
A friendly course at Island Lake Recreation Area in Brighton, MI. Kent Lake swim, paved park road bike course, paved path run course and lots of prehistoric creatures along the way!
Are just a few of the things they post on the web page.

The water temp was the same all 3 months last year, 76 degrees.
I don't remember what it was for the Tri Goddess, but I did not own a wet suit, so I did not use a wet suit, I'm rethinking that for this year.
76 is chilli to get into. for me. But after about 5 minutes of swimming I did warm up.. but those first few minutes take my breath away.
Not sure if this one is an option for you.. its gotta be about 3 hours from you.
2015-02-10 9:44 PM
in reply to: 0

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FortWayne, Indiana
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Lizfuze

Originally posted by Suzie471

Originally posted by Lizfuze

Originally posted by Suzie471

Originally posted by Lizfuze

How do you reply to a specific post, or people? Suzie I am always looking for friends on fitbit for challenges if you want to be friends

Liz I would love to be your friend on Fitbit. I have had mine now for over a year and you would be my first friend..but you have to tell me how? Lol. I just got my Garmin for Christmas and its my understanding that I can have friends on that too? Been having some issues with the garmin site, but I'm learning.

For reply you have to go to the full site and hit the quote button. Unfortunately you do not have this option with the app.

Susie I just found your email and sent you a friend request. You are from my area. I live in columbia city and work in Fort Wayne

Liz Really?!? You live in Columbia City? That's awesome!! Where do you work at in Fort Wayne? I work at PRMC (Parkview Regional Medical Center) on Dupont. (actually there right now) I will check my Fitbit and see about the friend request

Susie I work at PRMC too. Have you done a sprint before? I think the hardest for me will be the biking. I don't even have a bike yet. Yikes
I am really excited to be part of this group. I need cheerleaders to keep me motivated

I cant believe that we work at the same hospital. Would love to meet up. You will have to let me know when you are working Yes I did 3 sprint Tri's last year. The hardest part for me is the swim, I am just so slow! I am hoping to improve on my swim this year. I feel pretty confident on my bike although I have to learn not to push myself so hard on the bike so that I still have legs left for the run I am not a fast runner but I am ok with that. Are you signed up for any Sprint Tri's yet?

Edited by Suzie471 2015-02-10 10:50 PM
2015-02-10 9:52 PM
in reply to: barkncat

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FortWayne, Indiana
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by barkncat

Originally posted by Suzie471

Originally posted by barkncat

Originally posted by Suzie471

Originally posted by barkncat

Originally posted by Suzie471

Thanks Todd for the encouragement and excepting me into the group!

I do wish that I did not have to always think about "where the money is coming from?" It seems that I live in area that it is hard for me to find Tri's that are not far away. I will be going to Ann Arbor Michigan in June for the Tri Goddess Tri which for me is about a 2 1/2hr drive. With the cost of entering and staying in a hotel it seems that it can add up pretty quickly with money, and with Tri's starting so early in the morning, I feel like I need to stay the night before. It can get a little frustrating with the costs.

Looking forward to being apart of the group and I hope that I can add some motivation to others!

Waterloo Recreation area, where the Tri Goddess Tri is held has camping right in that park. If cost is an issue, you might consider being in the park overnight.. borrow a friends tent and pack a cooler full of food, and your right there. Just an idea.

I did my first Tri at this event in 2012, they did a great job, you will have a good time.

Thanks Patti that's a great idea!! By any chance will you be doing it this year? Would love to meet other people

I was not planning on doing that one this year... but as it gets closer.. never know.. might change my mind.
I'm planning on the 3 TRex series in Brighton, MI. They are on a Wed evening one in June, July and August. That way I don't have to commit a weekend, just a couple hours off work to get there in time. What is it with these really early start times anyway? LOL

I am so with you about the early start times! Why can't they have afternoon ones? Especially for Sprints that do not take all day? The water would be so much warmer to Luckily the BSU sprint that I am doing in April is in the pool and it doesn't start until 11am! Although, I still have about an hour 1/2 drive. When you did the Tri Goddess Tri did you need a wetsuit?

What is the TRex series that you mentioned?

2015 Dates are June 17, July 15 and August 12
Wednesday evenings at 6PM!
A friendly course at Island Lake Recreation Area in Brighton, MI. Kent Lake swim, paved park road bike course, paved path run course and lots of prehistoric creatures along the way!
Are just a few of the things they post on the web page.

The water temp was the same all 3 months last year, 76 degrees.
I don't remember what it was for the Tri Goddess, but I did not own a wet suit, so I did not use a wet suit, I'm rethinking that for this year.
76 is chilli to get into. for me. But after about 5 minutes of swimming I did warm up.. but those first few minutes take my breath away.
Not sure if this one is an option for you.. its gotta be about 3 hours from you.

That is a little far for me. It sounds nice especially an evening one You would think 76 should be warm, but you are right it is chilli. But I will probably suck it up and not wear a wet suit since I do not own one yet. If you should decide to do the Tri Goddess this year let me know, it would be nice to meet
2015-02-10 10:28 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

New user

Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Hello, I'm wondering if I can still join the group seeing how it's already February. Thanks, Tricia
2015-02-10 10:41 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete


Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Hey there TODD! I guess I am the LATE STARTER! I just signed up for BT not too long ago and I'm really looking forward to gaining all I can from it!

NAME: Joshua Tippy

STORY: I'm a 35 y/o Nurse Manager that works long random hours but still finds time to train. I love the outdoors and enjoy feeling energized. I have always been "active" in some sort of training whether it be weight training, running, or other sports. I'm looking for something that is just MINE and that will challenge me to grow. I do want the challenge and I want to learn to get out of my own way.

FAMILY STATUS: Married (not legally yet)

CURRENT TRAINING: Monday thru Friday I train at about 430pm-5pm until about 630. I do weights first and then tackle either running, swimming or biking. I feel that my weakness is absolutely running. Swimming I have become rather fond of but still need to learn technique to improve.

2014 RACES: NO races... last race I competed in was the Little Rock Marathon (Arkansas) in which I ran a half marathon.

2015 RACES: March 15th I'm doing my first Sprint. I can currently run my 3.1 miles, bike the 14 and swim the 500 but do it sloppy and weak. I want to be on point and strong!

WEIGHTLOSS: I weigh 180 lbs. I don't want to lose weight really, in fact, I'd like to get more defined and a little bigger.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I'm coachable! I have no formal training in any of the three specialty sports so I'm a blank canvas! I'm a sponge ready to soak up your experience!

2015-02-10 11:18 PM
in reply to: 0

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open

Alright, now you have read about me and hopefully you have decided to jump on the Turtle and go for a ride. If you decide to be a Turtle then please tell everyone and me about yourself. Below is a good guide to use:

NAME: Scott

STORY: In high school I saw Ironman on ABC's Wide World of Sports and said "I want to do that by the time I am 40". Didn't do anything to pursue it. I loved riding my bike, I would event run on occasion Then not much. swimming was to cool off. When I was 35 that dream got rekindled but I also tipped the scale at 247 when I got home from vacation. I did not want to see 250 so the journey began. In August 2003 I began a plan to complete an IM by the time I was 40. I did a sprint in 2004, sprint and Oly in 2005 and continued to grow from there. Got down to a typical race weight of 202 to 204. Even if I saw 198 a week before the race I tapered terribly and would be over 200 race day. With 3 miles to go in my last race in 2007 I was thinking I could be done with triathlon. It kind of became a self fullfiling prophecy. Did duathlons and ran in '08 and changed a tri to a du at the last minute because I just didn't get into the water. After that I started creeping back on weight. In 2012 I got excited to revisit my first OLY and try and do better. But I still didn't swim - faked my way through a pool swim, had a solid bike and then fell apart on the run. Tri in 2013 got flooded out, I was only minimally ready signed up to do it in 2014 but did not train well for it and got my tail handed to me - all the while trying to race at 220 - The Clydesdale category left me when they raised it from 200 to 220. I found my weigh (sic) back to it I think I want to Tri again and a goal of American Triple T the year I turn 50. But I want to have the right foundation to do it. The sport it to costly (for my budget) to just race when I am not prepared to challenge my best.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 5 kids (Age 14 to 21 months) a cat and right now a pair of in-laws living under one roof

CURRENT TRAINING: I am trying to develop a consistency again. Prep in Bike and run with a goal of 3 days a week in both. Adding in strength and then come Memorial Day start swimming when outdoor is available.

2014 RACES: Bear It All Off Road Tri (1000m x 12 mile bike x 4 mile run)

2015 RACES: Tour De Steamboat (110 miles bike ride but thinking about adding 25 mile ride to the start to make it my longest ride ever), and then be crazy to follow it up the next day with Steamboat Lake Sprint Triathlon; Sunset Olympic Tri Labor Day Weekend; followed by one or two half marathons the next couple of weeks

WEIGHTLOSS: Started the month at 221, would like to be 202 or less by mid July with a pie in the sky goal of 193 - have not seen that weight this century.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I am looking for a sense of community and the mentor groups are a great way to establish relationships and when I am in balance I like encouraging people to push and or improve themselves. To help get americans healthier and better one individual at a time.

and no I am not a troll - I totally respect all Todd has done persevered through and his commitment to share with others so I have bounced in one and a while to see what he is doing - wait is that a troll

I just finished skimming the previous pages - Todd your answers are fantastic - detailed and insightful. Reading the reminded me of so many things I had forgotten. Others were great things to know heading to your first race to be more prepared and not so lost or "deer in the headlights"

Edited by peto_primo 2015-02-11 12:18 AM
2015-02-11 12:09 AM
in reply to: Lovey

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Lovey

Since everyone is naming bikes:
My bike is my sidekick to my car. My bike is blue called Gabrielle sidekick to my car Xena.
Yes I was a big fan of Xena Warrior Princess.
Don't judge!

Love It!!!!

2015-02-11 8:09 AM
in reply to: TriciaE

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by TriciaE

Hello, I'm wondering if I can still join the group seeing how it's already February. Thanks, Tricia

You are welcome to join just tell everyone a bit about yourself!
2015-02-11 8:11 AM
in reply to: Tootalltippy

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Tootalltippy

Hey there TODD! I guess I am the LATE STARTER! I just signed up for BT not too long ago and I'm really looking forward to gaining all I can from it!

NAME: Joshua Tippy

STORY: I'm a 35 y/o Nurse Manager that works long random hours but still finds time to train. I love the outdoors and enjoy feeling energized. I have always been "active" in some sort of training whether it be weight training, running, or other sports. I'm looking for something that is just MINE and that will challenge me to grow. I do want the challenge and I want to learn to get out of my own way.

FAMILY STATUS: Married (not legally yet)

CURRENT TRAINING: Monday thru Friday I train at about 430pm-5pm until about 630. I do weights first and then tackle either running, swimming or biking. I feel that my weakness is absolutely running. Swimming I have become rather fond of but still need to learn technique to improve.

2014 RACES: NO races... last race I competed in was the Little Rock Marathon (Arkansas) in which I ran a half marathon.

2015 RACES: March 15th I'm doing my first Sprint. I can currently run my 3.1 miles, bike the 14 and swim the 500 but do it sloppy and weak. I want to be on point and strong!

WEIGHTLOSS: I weigh 180 lbs. I don't want to lose weight really, in fact, I'd like to get more defined and a little bigger.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I'm coachable! I have no formal training in any of the three specialty sports so I'm a blank canvas! I'm a sponge ready to soak up your experience!

Joshua Welcome to the group. You should a lot like be with the running part. l am really trying this year to make it more of a priority and joy.
2015-02-11 8:16 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Alright to those that have already posted your intent to be a Turtle you are in, with only a few needing their bios in. I am going to close the group now and give it a couple days to see what our actual participating number is going to be. I want the group to big enough to have continuous flow, but not so big that it doesn't have a personal / community feel. As I have said before I really don't like turning people away so closed doesn't necessarily mean locked down.

2015-02-11 10:01 AM
in reply to: Lizfuze

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, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open

Her is a link to the Zero to 1650 swim program. It is a training plan to build your swimming endurance up to 1650 yard which is a "swimmer's mile". The plan doesn't actually build from zero but from 700 yards; however, there is a link which builds you up to 700 yards in a few weeks and from there you can go to the 1650.

Masters Swimming is a nonprofit organization that encourages swimming for adults. To participate in local Masters classes you do pay to be a member of the national organization which allows you to participate in the local classes. (additional fees are sometimes charged locally. my Y charges nonmembers $60 a month to attend Masters classes and members $40) The local classes offer a designated swim time several days a week with a group coach working on technique, endurance, drills, etc. The pre-Masters class my Y is putting together will hep build swimmers to the level they feel more comfortable particpating in the Masters class. Link to the organization website which has a great frequently asked questions section. My knowledge is purely from browsing the website so anyone please feel free to jump in if I need to be corrected. The site is:

This is all new to me too, so I am sure someone with more experience can offer more information.

2015-02-11 10:06 AM
in reply to: Tootalltippy

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, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open

Welcome. Always great to have another nurse in the group. (Suzie is evening shift surgery supervisor and I am evening shift hospital nursing supervisor). Sounds like you are already quite prepared for your March triathon!

2015-02-11 10:07 AM
in reply to: peto_primo

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, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Welcome Peto! Sounds like you already have lots of experience to share with the rest of us in the group. Glad to have you.

2015-02-11 11:37 AM
in reply to: Gabby'smom

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Gabby'smom


Her is a link to the Zero to 1650 swim program. It is a training plan to build your swimming endurance up to 1650 yard which is a "swimmer's mile". The plan doesn't actually build from zero but from 700 yards; however, there is a link which builds you up to 700 yards in a few weeks and from there you can go to the 1650.

Masters Swimming is a nonprofit organization that encourages swimming for adults. To participate in local Masters classes you do pay to be a member of the national organization which allows you to participate in the local classes. (additional fees are sometimes charged locally. my Y charges nonmembers $60 a month to attend Masters classes and members $40) The local classes offer a designated swim time several days a week with a group coach working on technique, endurance, drills, etc. The pre-Masters class my Y is putting together will hep build swimmers to the level they feel more comfortable particpating in the Masters class. Link to the organization website which has a great frequently asked questions section. My knowledge is purely from browsing the website so anyone please feel free to jump in if I need to be corrected. The site is:

This is all new to me too, so I am sure someone with more experience can offer more information.


I am following the Swim Zero to One Mile program. I just started week 2.

I swim with my Developmental Masters group once a week. They meet 3x a week but the other 2 days I have a conflict so I swim on my own.
It is like Michelle's pre-Masters class, for those who are not quite ready for the Masters.
2015-02-11 12:58 PM
in reply to: Lovey

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
I'm having trouble with the swim portion. As in, I haven't even started. The only local indoor pool we have is used by the high school and has limited hours. The swim team's season is just about over and I'll be able to do maybe one night a week until I can open up my own pool at home. Maybe I should find a Tri in late summer otherwise I won't be able to get much swim training in. Anyone else in this predicament?

2015-02-11 1:13 PM
in reply to: Suzie471

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, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Suzie471

Originally posted by Lizfuze

Originally posted by Suzie471

Originally posted by Lizfuze

Originally posted by Suzie471

Originally posted by Lizfuze

How do you reply to a specific post, or people? Suzie I am always looking for friends on fitbit for challenges if you want to be friends

Liz I would love to be your friend on Fitbit. I have had mine now for over a year and you would be my first friend..but you have to tell me how? Lol. I just got my Garmin for Christmas and its my understanding that I can have friends on that too? Been having some issues with the garmin site, but I'm learning.

For reply you have to go to the full site and hit the quote button. Unfortunately you do not have this option with the app.

Susie I just found your email and sent you a friend request. You are from my area. I live in columbia city and work in Fort Wayne

Liz Really?!? You live in Columbia City? That's awesome!! Where do you work at in Fort Wayne? I work at PRMC (Parkview Regional Medical Center) on Dupont. (actually there right now) I will check my Fitbit and see about the friend request

Susie I work at PRMC too. Have you done a sprint before? I think the hardest for me will be the biking. I don't even have a bike yet. Yikes
I am really excited to be part of this group. I need cheerleaders to keep me motivated

I cant believe that we work at the same hospital. Would love to meet up. You will have to let me know when you are working Yes I did 3 sprint Tri's last year. The hardest part for me is the swim, I am just so slow! I am hoping to improve on my swim this year. I feel pretty confident on my bike although I have to learn not to push myself so hard on the bike so that I still have legs left for the run I am not a fast runner but I am ok with that. Are you signed up for any Sprint Tri's yet?

This is really nuts that you work at the same place and came online and randomly met each other! HOW COOL! I foresee training buddies! Lucky!
2015-02-11 1:17 PM
in reply to: Suzie471

User image

Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Suzie471

Originally posted by allan_c

I am right there with you on the swim. My first race this year isn't until mid-June, so I am using this time to work as much as possible on the swim. The really rotten weather in the Northeast the last couple of weeks has been really cramping my work-out style for biking and running, but the pool is easier to manage. I did my first sprint tri last year and swam all breast stroke. It was unbelievably slow - people who started in the wave behind me were passing me left and right. BUT, I finished, and it was enough to motivate me to get better for next season! Last season in my training sessions I did almost all breast stroke. This year I am forcing myself to do almost all freestyle. I took a few lessons last year and am focusing on the drills and corrections the teacher taught me at those lessons. When my stamina improves I will go back to lessons for some more pointers.

Good luck with your swimming! We can cheer each other on!


I definitely need a Cheerleader!! I am trying to learn the freestyle but it is SLOW! I thought it was suppose to be a fast stroke but I am finding that my breaststroke is faster, lol. I know exactly how you felt, I was not in the last wave but had 2 waves behind me and they all past me and I was the last one out of the water. The crowd support is great, but I do wish that I could just be a few seconds behind rather then several minutes I need to find someone to help me with my swim.

I am just learning the freesyle the proper way with an instructor instead of what I knew before. It is Slow going. I am learning how to breath out and still have to get the details about how to take a breathe without gulping the pool. Lol I was doing some of that today. Yes, I am the beginner over here. I was proud I was doing it.
2015-02-11 1:20 PM
in reply to: Tootalltippy

User image

Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Tootalltippy

Hey there TODD! I guess I am the LATE STARTER! I just signed up for BT not too long ago and I'm really looking forward to gaining all I can from it!

NAME: Joshua Tippy

STORY: I'm a 35 y/o Nurse Manager that works long random hours but still finds time to train. I love the outdoors and enjoy feeling energized. I have always been "active" in some sort of training whether it be weight training, running, or other sports. I'm looking for something that is just MINE and that will challenge me to grow. I do want the challenge and I want to learn to get out of my own way.

FAMILY STATUS: Married (not legally yet)

CURRENT TRAINING: Monday thru Friday I train at about 430pm-5pm until about 630. I do weights first and then tackle either running, swimming or biking. I feel that my weakness is absolutely running. Swimming I have become rather fond of but still need to learn technique to improve.

2014 RACES: NO races... last race I competed in was the Little Rock Marathon (Arkansas) in which I ran a half marathon.

2015 RACES: March 15th I'm doing my first Sprint. I can currently run my 3.1 miles, bike the 14 and swim the 500 but do it sloppy and weak. I want to be on point and strong!

WEIGHTLOSS: I weigh 180 lbs. I don't want to lose weight really, in fact, I'd like to get more defined and a little bigger.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I'm coachable! I have no formal training in any of the three specialty sports so I'm a blank canvas! I'm a sponge ready to soak up your experience!

Welcome Joshua!
2015-02-11 1:27 PM
in reply to: peto_primo

User image

Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by peto_primo

Alright, now you have read about me and hopefully you have decided to jump on the Turtle and go for a ride. If you decide to be a Turtle then please tell everyone and me about yourself. Below is a good guide to use:

NAME: Scott

STORY: In high school I saw Ironman on ABC's Wide World of Sports and said "I want to do that by the time I am 40". Didn't do anything to pursue it. I loved riding my bike, I would event run on occasion Then not much. swimming was to cool off. When I was 35 that dream got rekindled but I also tipped the scale at 247 when I got home from vacation. I did not want to see 250 so the journey began. In August 2003 I began a plan to complete an IM by the time I was 40. I did a sprint in 2004, sprint and Oly in 2005 and continued to grow from there. Got down to a typical race weight of 202 to 204. Even if I saw 198 a week before the race I tapered terribly and would be over 200 race day. With 3 miles to go in my last race in 2007 I was thinking I could be done with triathlon. It kind of became a self fullfiling prophecy. Did duathlons and ran in '08 and changed a tri to a du at the last minute because I just didn't get into the water. After that I started creeping back on weight. In 2012 I got excited to revisit my first OLY and try and do better. But I still didn't swim - faked my way through a pool swim, had a solid bike and then fell apart on the run. Tri in 2013 got flooded out, I was only minimally ready signed up to do it in 2014 but did not train well for it and got my tail handed to me - all the while trying to race at 220 - The Clydesdale category left me when they raised it from 200 to 220. I found my weigh (sic) back to it I think I want to Tri again and a goal of American Triple T the year I turn 50. But I want to have the right foundation to do it. The sport it to costly (for my budget) to just race when I am not prepared to challenge my best.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 5 kids (Age 14 to 21 months) a cat and right now a pair of in-laws living under one roof

CURRENT TRAINING: I am trying to develop a consistency again. Prep in Bike and run with a goal of 3 days a week in both. Adding in strength and then come Memorial Day start swimming when outdoor is available.

2014 RACES: Bear It All Off Road Tri (1000m x 12 mile bike x 4 mile run)

2015 RACES: Tour De Steamboat (110 miles bike ride but thinking about adding 25 mile ride to the start to make it my longest ride ever), and then be crazy to follow it up the next day with Steamboat Lake Sprint Triathlon; Sunset Olympic Tri Labor Day Weekend; followed by one or two half marathons the next couple of weeks

WEIGHTLOSS: Started the month at 221, would like to be 202 or less by mid July with a pie in the sky goal of 193 - have not seen that weight this century.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I am looking for a sense of community and the mentor groups are a great way to establish relationships and when I am in balance I like encouraging people to push and or improve themselves. To help get americans healthier and better one individual at a time.

and no I am not a troll - I totally respect all Todd has done persevered through and his commitment to share with others so I have bounced in one and a while to see what he is doing - wait is that a troll

I just finished skimming the previous pages - Todd your answers are fantastic - detailed and insightful. Reading the reminded me of so many things I had forgotten. Others were great things to know heading to your first race to be more prepared and not so lost or "deer in the headlights"

Welcome Aboard Scott! I look forward to hearing your journey. I am inspired by your goals.
2015-02-11 1:28 PM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Smiley9188

Originally posted by Suzie471

Originally posted by Lizfuze

Originally posted by Suzie471

Originally posted by Lizfuze

Originally posted by Suzie471

Originally posted by Lizfuze

How do you reply to a specific post, or people? Suzie I am always looking for friends on fitbit for challenges if you want to be friends

Liz I would love to be your friend on Fitbit. I have had mine now for over a year and you would be my first friend..but you have to tell me how? Lol. I just got my Garmin for Christmas and its my understanding that I can have friends on that too? Been having some issues with the garmin site, but I'm learning.

For reply you have to go to the full site and hit the quote button. Unfortunately you do not have this option with the app.

Susie I just found your email and sent you a friend request. You are from my area. I live in columbia city and work in Fort Wayne

Liz Really?!? You live in Columbia City? That's awesome!! Where do you work at in Fort Wayne? I work at PRMC (Parkview Regional Medical Center) on Dupont. (actually there right now) I will check my Fitbit and see about the friend request

Susie I work at PRMC too. Have you done a sprint before? I think the hardest for me will be the biking. I don't even have a bike yet. Yikes
I am really excited to be part of this group. I need cheerleaders to keep me motivated

I cant believe that we work at the same hospital. Would love to meet up. You will have to let me know when you are working Yes I did 3 sprint Tri's last year. The hardest part for me is the swim, I am just so slow! I am hoping to improve on my swim this year. I feel pretty confident on my bike although I have to learn not to push myself so hard on the bike so that I still have legs left for the run I am not a fast runner but I am ok with that. Are you signed up for any Sprint Tri's yet?

This is really nuts that you work at the same place and came online and randomly met each other! HOW COOL! I foresee training buddies! Lucky!
I was thinking that too! How fantastic to be so close.

2015-02-11 1:42 PM
in reply to: nekomidori

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
While there are a quite a few folks with swim experience I see there are quite a few others "just getting into the pool" I received this article today and thought it could be beneficial/enlightening - especially if you are doing your first open water swim/tri this year

If you ever had a basic introduction to swimming or taken Swimming 101 (some colleges actually offer this), you know the reasons why bilateral breathing is important. Breathing on both sides of your body while you are swimming creates smooth, even strokes. You get a better balance in the water by alternating your breathing and you develop uniform muscles.

Breathing to both sides of your body becomes even more important when you move from the pool to the open water. Let’s look at the race-scenarios above-waves, wind and other competitors. Being comfortable with bilateral breathing can make you a much calmer athlete in each of these scenarios. Imagine that the swim course puts the shore-line on your right side. If you can breathe to the right, you’ll always have the shore in sight. Or perhaps a competitor starts swimming directly on your right side and sends a giant splash at your face with each of their strokes. If you have practiced bilateral breathing in training, you can just turn you head the other way and forget that she’s there. Finally there is the element of wind. I have swam multi-loop courses where the wind came from all four directions. Sometimes it seems like you get smacked in the head with rough chop at every buoy turnaround. As long as I remember to breathe away from the chop, I avoid getting smacked in the face and swallowing a gallon of saltwater.

These are just some of the scenarios I might describe to a new swimmer, or an old and stubborn one, to encourage them to practice breathing on their “weak” side.

RELATED: 5 Ways To “Swim Smooth”

How To Learn To Bilateral Breathe
I am aware that giving someone a reason to do something doesn’t mean that she’ll actually do it-especially when it comes to bilateral breathing. Why? Because breathing to your non-dominant side feels awkward and uncomfortable at first. Here are a few of my favorite tips for getting past that uncomfortable hump:

First, you should try to increase flexibility in you neck and shoulders. One side of your neck is always tighter (usually as a result of your preferred sleeping position), so stretching before you get into the pool is a simple solution to a seemingly complex problem. Second, I suggest starting the breath earlier in your stroke cycle. If a swimmer feels she can’t get a full breath of air on her weak side, it’s likely because she is starting to turn her head too late. Your head should begin to rotate as soon as you start to extend the opposite hand forward. But remember: Never lift your head forward to breathe. Your head should rotate directly to your side as you roll your hips in the same direction.

Finally, pay attention to the underwater arm-pull during a breath to the weak side. Most swimmers struggling with bilateral breathing will try to pull with a straight arm or will drop their elbow after the catch. If this is happens while taking a breath, it causes the head and torso to sink in the water. This can be the difference between sucking in some quality O2 or some not-so-fun H2O. The solution is to work on proper arm position through the entire pull with lots of high-elbow catch drills during practice.

Bilateral breathing can be the difference between an enjoyable day at the beach or a life-saving rescue (maybe that’s a bit of a stretch, but you get the point). All it takes is practice at the pool, or a calm day in the open water, to become comfortable breathing to both sides of your body. Your stroke will thank you for becoming more even and fluid. Your lungs will thank you for not trying to breathe in liquid. The lifeguards will thank you for not making them take a break from tanning to save your life. Most importantly, your competitors will hate you for being calmer and faster in the water!

2015-02-11 1:50 PM
in reply to: nekomidori

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Hello Everyone,
Our group is getting bigger and stronger. I love it.

I got in the pool today and was practicing what I learned on Monday. I am beginnner when it comes to breathing out in the pool. I was putting it all together, the breath, the fluttering of my legs, and tucking my head(a big issue for me), and getting my arms in sinc. I still need to get more info on how to move to get my face up and out enough to get only air and not water. I was blowing out my nose and spitting out water. I was proud I kept going. I did 525 yd in the pool. I was so pleased when I finally realized this. It was kickboard, side stroke, breast stroke, backstroke and of course my new one freestyle. I was so excited because I am actually doing it. I am finding the little things to be excited about.
I sqeezed in some time on the treadmill before I had to get back to work. I got 20 minutes in. It is getting easier to do more jogging, my walking pace is also faster. I thought it was great since I had already spent 30 minutes in the pool.
I had to squeeze in my bike because of soccer for my boys. I was thinking to do it after (at about 830 pm) So glad I didn't do that. I drank a protein smoothie got my gear on and rode on my trainer. i warmed up while getting the Netflix on. Then I got down to work and happy to realize that I am finding some power in my legs! I did a steady strong pace for 20 minutes. My husband needs to get my Garmin all hooked up so that I can have a more accurate reading.

My husband wants to get me into clips for my pedals and shoes. Anyone else here ride with them? He went and got a full analysis of how his bike is set up and how he moves. He wants to get me one too. I guess it can help see if there are things that need to be adjusted to a person's special circumstances. This is interesting to me.

I feel like a child filled with wonder with the acomplishments I have recently tackled in my life. This is Tri is looking more doable each day!!

Week 3 Michael Pates 22 Week Training Program
Move a little more today than yesterday.
Triathon- Is about deciding we are more than the sum of our fears
2015-02-11 1:54 PM
in reply to: peto_primo

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by peto_primo

While there are a quite a few folks with swim experience I see there are quite a few others "just getting into the pool" I received this article today and thought it could be beneficial/enlightening - especially if you are doing your first open water swim/tri this year

If you ever had a basic introduction to swimming or taken Swimming 101 (some colleges actually offer this), you know the reasons why bilateral breathing is important. Breathing on both sides of your body while you are swimming creates smooth, even strokes. You get a better balance in the water by alternating your breathing and you develop uniform muscles.

Breathing to both sides of your body becomes even more important when you move from the pool to the open water. Let’s look at the race-scenarios above-waves, wind and other competitors. Being comfortable with bilateral breathing can make you a much calmer athlete in each of these scenarios. Imagine that the swim course puts the shore-line on your right side. If you can breathe to the right, you’ll always have the shore in sight. Or perhaps a competitor starts swimming directly on your right side and sends a giant splash at your face with each of their strokes. If you have practiced bilateral breathing in training, you can just turn you head the other way and forget that she’s there. Finally there is the element of wind. I have swam multi-loop courses where the wind came from all four directions. Sometimes it seems like you get smacked in the head with rough chop at every buoy turnaround. As long as I remember to breathe away from the chop, I avoid getting smacked in the face and swallowing a gallon of saltwater.

These are just some of the scenarios I might describe to a new swimmer, or an old and stubborn one, to encourage them to practice breathing on their “weak” side.

RELATED: 5 Ways To “Swim Smooth”

How To Learn To Bilateral Breathe
I am aware that giving someone a reason to do something doesn’t mean that she’ll actually do it-especially when it comes to bilateral breathing. Why? Because breathing to your non-dominant side feels awkward and uncomfortable at first. Here are a few of my favorite tips for getting past that uncomfortable hump:

First, you should try to increase flexibility in you neck and shoulders. One side of your neck is always tighter (usually as a result of your preferred sleeping position), so stretching before you get into the pool is a simple solution to a seemingly complex problem. Second, I suggest starting the breath earlier in your stroke cycle. If a swimmer feels she can’t get a full breath of air on her weak side, it’s likely because she is starting to turn her head too late. Your head should begin to rotate as soon as you start to extend the opposite hand forward. But remember: Never lift your head forward to breathe. Your head should rotate directly to your side as you roll your hips in the same direction.

Finally, pay attention to the underwater arm-pull during a breath to the weak side. Most swimmers struggling with bilateral breathing will try to pull with a straight arm or will drop their elbow after the catch. If this is happens while taking a breath, it causes the head and torso to sink in the water. This can be the difference between sucking in some quality O2 or some not-so-fun H2O. The solution is to work on proper arm position through the entire pull with lots of high-elbow catch drills during practice.

Bilateral breathing can be the difference between an enjoyable day at the beach or a life-saving rescue (maybe that’s a bit of a stretch, but you get the point). All it takes is practice at the pool, or a calm day in the open water, to become comfortable breathing to both sides of your body. Your stroke will thank you for becoming more even and fluid. Your lungs will thank you for not trying to breathe in liquid. The lifeguards will thank you for not making them take a break from tanning to save your life. Most importantly, your competitors will hate you for being calmer and faster in the water!

Thanks, I definately needed to read this. Luckily I don't have bad habits so much. I just don't have any habits. I will practice this on Friday.
2015-02-11 3:37 PM
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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by nekomidori

Hello Everyone,
Our group is getting bigger and stronger. I love it.

I got in the pool today and was practicing what I learned on Monday. I am beginnner when it comes to breathing out in the pool. I was putting it all together, the breath, the fluttering of my legs, and tucking my head(a big issue for me), and getting my arms in sinc. I still need to get more info on how to move to get my face up and out enough to get only air and not water. I was blowing out my nose and spitting out water. I was proud I kept going. I did 525 yd in the pool. I was so pleased when I finally realized this. It was kickboard, side stroke, breast stroke, backstroke and of course my new one freestyle. I was so excited because I am actually doing it. I am finding the little things to be excited about.
I sqeezed in some time on the treadmill before I had to get back to work. I got 20 minutes in. It is getting easier to do more jogging, my walking pace is also faster. I thought it was great since I had already spent 30 minutes in the pool.
I had to squeeze in my bike because of soccer for my boys. I was thinking to do it after (at about 830 pm) So glad I didn't do that. I drank a protein smoothie got my gear on and rode on my trainer. i warmed up while getting the Netflix on. Then I got down to work and happy to realize that I am finding some power in my legs! I did a steady strong pace for 20 minutes. My husband needs to get my Garmin all hooked up so that I can have a more accurate reading.

My husband wants to get me into clips for my pedals and shoes. Anyone else here ride with them? He went and got a full analysis of how his bike is set up and how he moves. He wants to get me one too. I guess it can help see if there are things that need to be adjusted to a person's special circumstances. This is interesting to me.

I feel like a child filled with wonder with the acomplishments I have recently tackled in my life. This is Tri is looking more doable each day!!

Week 3 Michael Pates 22 Week Training Program
Move a little more today than yesterday.
Triathon- Is about deciding we are more than the sum of our fears

Great session in the pool for you today!!!!! That article another provided is very helpful. Congrats on a great day!!

Edited by 2NewKnees 2015-02-11 3:38 PM
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date : September 8, 2008
author : pjwalzphd
comments : 2
When I told my husband that I planned to work toward completing a sprint triathlon, he smiled and was supportive, but a bit disbelieving.
date : March 6, 2008
author : scubachic9999
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Already a cyclist and not a bad swimmer, I figured all I had to do was build up to running a few miles and I’d be ready to go. The challenge invigorated me, and I ran out to buy new running shoes.
date : October 30, 2005
author : acbadger
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First, with your upcoming 5K, I strongly advise you to check out the “Couch to 5K” training schedule. This training schedule is a GREAT way to get back into running safely and wisely.
date : September 26, 2004
author : jhealy422
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For as long as I can remember, I’ve had weight issues. I remember standing on the scale as a child weighing 60 pounds and feeling fat. My family dealt with stress by eating.
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author : Ron
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Overview of two walk/run routines for training for a 5K.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
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This aggressive couch to 5k program will get you running from nothing and will be the lead-up to any of the sprint programs.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
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This couch to 5k program will get your running in seven months and can be the lead-up to any of the sprint programs.