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2007-06-03 9:01 PM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Good job Dave, can't wait to read the race report.

I will have my Saturday Duathalon report as soon as the numbers are posted. I can say that I hydrated alot better on the bike than when I did my first tri, I consumed one bottle of water, 1/2 bottle of Gatorade and four clif shot blocks in the 20 mile ride. It may just be me but I had to force myself to drink and eat the shot blocks.

Here is the race report:

Edited by kp41 2007-06-03 9:47 PM

2007-06-04 7:15 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
KP--Great job!! I think almost 18mph on the bike is excellent and your runs were very fast--if I ever do runs that fast even once I'll be immensely pleased with myself and bragging to all who'll listen and some that won't!! I do hope you are happy with yourself!! And that's very good that you entered your son, too! Great thing to do together! You'll have him hooked in no time.

It's raining cats and dogs here, yesterday and today. Has me dismayed as I'd like to get a couple more OWS in before this weekend. Someone do an anti-rain dance for me, k?
2007-06-04 12:45 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Somerset, England
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Hello all, hope you all had good weekends.

First a couple of well congrats - KP - awesome mate! Great effort. And to our Tri-God, looks like it went well and looking hearing about it from the horses keyboard! Your efforts make my training over the weekend pale into insignificance.

Managed my first 'brick' session on Sunday. Only short distances but wanted to see how the legs felt after being on the bike. Actually wasn't too bad but I suspect I need to increase the distances before I feel the legs go wobbly! Still having snags keeping my HR low enough and feel like I would have to walk to keep it in Zone 2. I guess I'll have to keep working on it. Weather in the Uk has been great so hoping for more good training this week...
2007-06-04 12:58 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Pocket--good job keeping it zone! I have such a hard time with that. Bricks are great and very much harder than separate workouts. I did a mini duathlon this weekend and it was harder than I thought. Not a real race, just for myself. Today my legs feel tired from it, more than if I did workouts separately.

I sort of kept track of my steps with the pedometer and it was over 10 miles in petty steps for a week. Not counting the miles walked and logged as walks. And I didn't wear it all the time as I simply forgot. It takes 1995 steps to make a mile for me. Just something interesting. And something for when I look at my log for the week and it looks sort of barren. I'm taking to logging stretching and meditation and the like now as this is my taper week and it has me freaking about the lack of mileage.

Did you know when you go in person to sign up for IM's that you get a golden ticket and then you take that and pay online later? And if you stand in line, you can get one more golden ticket for a friend? Cool, huh? I'm planning on IM Madison 2008 so I'll go sign up in person September of this year. MILER-- you still doing IM Madison this year?? Where the heck are you these days? Did we scare you off?? I'm going to set up a new bank account with a debit card just for IM 2008! It will cost me $450. You can get in on a charity deal for about $1000 later and write off half of it as a donation, but that's just too steep for my blood. But if you want to get into an IM after registration closes, that's one way to do so! Just thought I'd pass that on....
2007-06-04 12:58 PM
in reply to: #828824

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
PocketRocket - 2007-06-04 12:45 PM Hello all, hope you all had good weekends. First a couple of well congrats - KP - awesome mate! Great effort. And to our Tri-God, looks like it went well and looking hearing about it from the horses keyboard! Your efforts make my training over the weekend pale into insignificance. Managed my first 'brick' session on Sunday. Only short distances but wanted to see how the legs felt after being on the bike. Actually wasn't too bad but I suspect I need to increase the distances before I feel the legs go wobbly! Still having snags keeping my HR low enough and feel like I would have to walk to keep it in Zone 2. I guess I'll have to keep working on it. Weather in the Uk has been great so hoping for more good training this week...
Your legs should actually be pretty wobbly at the beginning so if you felt okay you should be fine.  You might get tired the more you run but most people, me include, feel funny when you get off the bike and have to run.
2007-06-04 1:37 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Somerset, England
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Thanks for the feedback on the brick - it was really enjoyable to try something different and couldn't wait to get out on the bike. I am already finding that the variety in the training is making me enthusiastic about every training session. Today it was swimming and managed 26 lengths of the pool in about 40 minutes - couldn't do 10 lengths without drowning 3 weeks ago so things are improving and that is a huge motivation. Actually thinking about entering my first triathlon at the end of July. Sprint distance and not interested in racing as such but tempted to give it a go to learn and see what its like.

Can't believe you are already planning events in 2008 P. Excellent organisational skills. Not sure where I will be in the next 3 months let alone 12!!!! I think things are getting serious here in UK as I'm beginning to think about the IM challenge as a long term (3-5 year) goal!!!!!! Hope my wife is ready for all of the training (maybe I'll by her a bike and wetsuit for Christmas!!).

2007-06-04 4:33 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I got the IM bug awhile ago and the thing is you have to sign up a year ahead of time to get in!! At first I was daunted by the number of miles/hours you need to put in. Then I looked at how many hours I was already putting in and realized I don't have to add that much more. My mileage will be added slowly because I am slow. But put in the hours, and for long enough, and I'll be there. Or at least that's what all the ironmen I've talked to say. It is already remarkable how different I am from 6 months ago. And Pocket, it sounds like you are making huge strides forward quickly, too! Well done with the swim!! So, in 15 months, I intend to be ready. Or die trying!! Or is that tri-ing
2007-06-04 5:18 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Well, I'm back home, and boy do I have a lot of catching up to do.  I'm so glad you all continued to post and talk.  That's great.  We've got a great group going here.  

Thanks to everyone who checked out my results.  It's really nice to know other people care. I'll write a race report complete with pictures soon.

I'll also try to catch up on the posts and respond accordingly, but give me a little time.



2007-06-04 7:12 PM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Dave, glad you made it home safely.
I've also got the IM bug. I think I will just shoot for a 1/2 IM next year and then maybe an IM the next all depends on my training.
2007-06-04 7:14 PM
in reply to: #825329

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-06-01 9:00 AM The end of May has arrived and I like to evaluate how well I've done in terms of meeting my goals at month's end. My evaluation is that I'm a lot more comfortable outdoors on my bike and am familiar enough with the tri course that I'll be okay that way. I'm also using the trainer more just to get more miles in and that's good, too. I'm absolutely not any faster on the run. Which sucks. My strength improved and my stamina, so at least my legs don't hurt as much with the run, and I can run farther without needing to stop and gasp for air and recover. But I'm still slow. My swim indoors is a lot better than a month ago. BUT......outdoors is entirely a different matter!!

I think monthly evaluation of your progress towards your goals are an excellent idea and something that I should begin doing myself.  So, kudos.  I'm glad you're more comfortable on the bike these days, and that your indoor swimming is going well.  About the run... I don't think you should be discouraged at all.  I know you don't like Z2 running, but it appears to be working great for you if your legs don't hurt as much and you can run farther without needing to stop.  That is real progress!

Pene, I know you want to run faster and improve your running pace.  Everyone does.  However, you're going to have to make a hard decision.  Do you want to postpone some of your pre-IM-training prep work (i.e, Z2 training) in favor of trying to get a little faster for your shorter summer races?  Or do you want to focus building a strong aerobic base by doing longer Z2 workouts that won't necessarily make you fast?  Either option is legit, but you can't do both.


2007-06-04 7:23 PM
in reply to: #825828

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-06-01 12:51 PM My goal for June is to complete three IM distances in my training for the month. At the endurance seminar, the Ph.D's said something about the rule of 3's: For beginners, you need to complete three times your race distance for the month for at least three consecutive months. It will be quite a jump for me, but.......whatever it takes!!! Anyone else up for that as a goal this month??? We'll have to whine to eachother now and then and then ladel on the praise when we complete it (or die trying).

The good news: You're setting a goal for June.

The bad news: It's not the right goal.

Pene, your IM is not until Sept. 2008.  Two thousand AND EIGHT!  Slow down a little, I know you're excited, but you've got time.

I'm not trying to discount what they said at the seminar, but I that rule of 3's was targeted at someone who is doing an IM that is about 4-6 months away.    I love your enthusiasm and goal setting approach, but I just don't want you to get injured or burnt out by trying to do too much too soon.  Remember the golden 10% rule: Don't increase your weekly training by more than 10%.

2007-06-04 7:36 PM
in reply to: #826686

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
kproudfoot - 2007-06-02 11:14 AM


I have a dilema. I just found out that Dallas Athletes is discounting the Disco Tri for people who got rained out of Captex so the Disco and Ironhead are basically the same price now but the Disco is a week earlier. Any suggestions on what I should do. On one hand with the disco tri it is a week earlier so it give me one more week to to train for Praireman plus it is a different course so I would not do the same course 3 times this summer. with the Ironhead race it would give me the advantage of doing the course in prep for praireman plus one more week to train for the race. I am leaning towards doing the disco tri if work permits so I have the extra week before praireman plus for the different course. Also, it sounds like the disco tri has more festivities afte the race plus the swim is a little longer (1 mile compared to .92 so a little closer to HIM distance.)

Hope all went well at alcatraz.

Like Pene said, you've answered your own question.  The main advantage to Disco for you would be the different course since you're already doing the Metroplex Sprint and Praireman out there.  

I'm probably going to do the Disco too.


2007-06-04 7:42 PM
in reply to: #827013

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-06-02 9:57 PM Kproudfoot-- Good news!! Not only did my run WITH spectators and WITHOUT my inhaler go well today, but I got a new wetsuit that is a DREAM fit-wise (we just won't talk about the price). And my friend Tracy went with me to get another OWS in today just before a torrential rain!! And it went GREAT! About 10 minutes, which is of course slower than in a pool, but I'm happy. I even forgot my nose plug at first, but went back for it! No asthma!! Yeah!!

Awesome, Pene!  I'm glad the run and OWS went so well.  Plus, I'm really glad to hear that you got a wetsuit that fits well.  That's really important.  I just bought a full a few months back and now after swimming in it about 10 times or so now, I'm starting to find out that it's too tight.   It rubs the crap out of my neck.  I've tried a ton of BodyGlide and that doesn't help.  I've even put NewSkin, a liquid bandage over the sores on my neck and that doesn't help.  Plus, it's not just tight on the neck, but also the arms where it's even more important that it doesn't restrict your movement.

So, be glad and thankful that you found one that fit well.  It'll be worth the price in the long run! 


2007-06-04 7:52 PM
in reply to: #827678

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

kp41 - 2007-06-03 9:01 PM Good job Dave, can't wait to read the race report. I will have my Saturday Duathalon report as soon as the numbers are posted. I can say that I hydrated alot better on the bike than when I did my first tri, I consumed one bottle of water, 1/2 bottle of Gatorade and four clif shot blocks in the 20 mile ride. It may just be me but I had to force myself to drink and eat the shot blocks.

Awesome race, Kevin. Under 8 min miles on first leg, and just a little over 8 on the 2nd is quite impressive. You were KICKING IT!

I'm proud of you for drinking and eating more on the bike. I think most of us have to force ourselves to do this when we're racing at higher intensities. It's easy to forget to do, but it's so important. Personally, I find it easier to do if I set my watch to beep every X minutes to remind me to drink and/or eat.


Edited by dgillen 2007-06-04 7:53 PM
2007-06-04 7:59 PM
in reply to: #828850

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

kproudfoot - 2007-06-04 12:58 PM
PocketRocket - 2007-06-04 12:45 PM Hello all, hope you all had good weekends. First a couple of well congrats - KP - awesome mate! Great effort. And to our Tri-God, looks like it went well and looking hearing about it from the horses keyboard! Your efforts make my training over the weekend pale into insignificance. Managed my first 'brick' session on Sunday. Only short distances but wanted to see how the legs felt after being on the bike. Actually wasn't too bad but I suspect I need to increase the distances before I feel the legs go wobbly! Still having snags keeping my HR low enough and feel like I would have to walk to keep it in Zone 2. I guess I'll have to keep working on it. Weather in the Uk has been great so hoping for more good training this week...
Your legs should actually be pretty wobbly at the beginning so if you felt okay you should be fine. You might get tired the more you run but most people, me include, feel funny when you get off the bike and have to run.

First of all, congratulations on doing your first brick, Mike.  Don't worry about it being short, and be careful about doing too long of a brick as these are tough workouts.

Did you feel more like a triathlete?  I always do after a brick.   

Ken is spot on here.  My legs feel typically feel "heavy" after biking, and don't quite feel normal for 10-15 minutes or so.   I think many people feel the same way.

2007-06-04 8:13 PM
in reply to: #828943

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

PocketRocket - 2007-06-04 1:37 PM Thanks for the feedback on the brick - it was really enjoyable to try something different and couldn't wait to get out on the bike. I am already finding that the variety in the training is making me enthusiastic about every training session.

That is so awesome, Mike. I'm so happy to hear that you're enjoying the variety that multi-sport provides. If you're looking forward to training sessions, that's perfect. That's exactly how you want to feel, and what the sport is all about. You're absolutely doing something right if you're that enthusiastic. Keep it up, and keep telling us about it!.

I think things are getting serious here in UK as I'm beginning to think about the IM challenge as a long term (3-5 year) goal!!!!!! Hope my wife is ready for all of the training (maybe I'll by her a bike and wetsuit for Christmas!!).

Ahhh... the Ironman. Looks like it might have lured another into it's inviting arms. The IM bug is very contagious. It has a very powerful and emotional draw.

Edited by dgillen 2007-06-04 10:51 PM

2007-06-04 8:48 PM
in reply to: #829579

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
dgillen - 2007-06-04 7:36 PM
kproudfoot - 2007-06-02 11:14 AM


I have a dilema. I just found out that Dallas Athletes is discounting the Disco Tri for people who got rained out of Captex so the Disco and Ironhead are basically the same price now but the Disco is a week earlier. Any suggestions on what I should do. On one hand with the disco tri it is a week earlier so it give me one more week to to train for Praireman plus it is a different course so I would not do the same course 3 times this summer. with the Ironhead race it would give me the advantage of doing the course in prep for praireman plus one more week to train for the race. I am leaning towards doing the disco tri if work permits so I have the extra week before praireman plus for the different course. Also, it sounds like the disco tri has more festivities afte the race plus the swim is a little longer (1 mile compared to .92 so a little closer to HIM distance.)

Hope all went well at alcatraz.

Like Pene said, you've answered your own question.  The main advantage to Disco for you would be the different course since you're already doing the Metroplex Sprint and Praireman out there.  

I'm probably going to do the Disco too.


Unfortunately I will have to wait to make my decision.  With my job it is iffy if I will be able to do the disco tri and the discount ends today, but it is only $25.00 different so I really have time to decide.  I really think either way I am ready to do an oly now so doing it a week earlier should not be a big deal.  I will hopefully make my mind up shortly.
2007-06-04 10:35 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
David--I've been reading your race report draft! 57 degree water--holy cats!!!! Ice cream headache indeed! Would have sent me into an asthma deal immediately! I think Alcatraz is out for me unless I somehow learn to handle cold better. I'm SUPER impressed! And you finished really really well in the swim. Sorry to hear about the flat on the bike, but I'm really glad to have read how you handled it, as I would likely have jumped off and either tried to change it or given up.....and I will be happy to go 15 mph on my ride as there are three slow climbs and fast descents and one really big short climb with a descent that goes all twisty turny blind cornery and scares me--a lot!! So, I ride my brakes like an old granny driving and barely tall enough to see over the steering wheel! I plan to try the course one more time and will try to bravely face those descents faster, but they will NOT be stopping traffic on the day of the tri and I just don't think those cars can get over in the other lane because they can't see around the corners, and there is like zero edge to get over on. Not to mention all the other 274 riders out there. You are most welcome to come to Wisconsin and practice hills--we have plenty of them!! Does your wife want to go Amish goods shopping??? We can go to the quilt shops and the bakeries/furniture shops while you train! Cuz I know I can't keep up with ya!!

Anyway, congratulations on an awesome race. I love it that you found a moment or two to take in the beauty of it all and it sounds like it was a rather spiritual experience! Exactly what I'm looking for with all this! Man/woman against the elements and our own fears! Well done on conquering yours! Too cool that you met some pro's! Maybe you'll be pro next???

Thanks for telling me to knock it off with my goals. I have no perspective of what is reasonable. I just set a goal and then go for it as hard as I can! Last month I matched the hours of training of a 24 year old single, childless, temporarily unemployed dude on my other forum AND Prof, our mentor who did Alcatraz with you. So when the English superdude who puts in unbelievable mileage and just did a tri in Hong Kong challenged us to an IM distance PER WEEK for June, I said, "You bet, except I'm only doing 3 IM distances due to the taper with the tri for the first week." Hey, if he can do it, so can I. Or at least that was my reasoning. Actually, my kids will be with my mom for the whole of next week, so I figure I'll train like hell that week just cuz I can. I want to get out on my bike more at the very least. But, if you say to tone it down a bit, I will. What do you really think is reasonable? Go for hours or mileage or both? I'll do it slow. Don't worry. And just for fun, my friend Tracy and I are planning to visit a school that one of my patients is a janitor at and see if we can roust the ghost that haunts it! Seriously. Just sounds too cool. And not something I can do with the I won't be training ALL the time

Have you heard of Dr. Sears and his book about anaerobic training called PACE? Is it a waste of time or is there some validity? He claims we lose 40% of our lung capacity by age 50 due to inactivity. And that the best way to get the lungs to expand and regenerate is to go anaerobic with interval training. But I haven't read the book, so that's about all I know. Just wondered what you thought of it or if you were familiar with it? I figure at least 20% of the run is safe to train above F2....

BTW I think it is very dedicated of you to go through and comment on all our posts! Thanks for caring about all of us!
2007-06-04 11:15 PM
in reply to: #829796

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-06-04 10:35 PM David--I've been reading your race report draft!

For those of you that haven't already been spying , here is my Alcatraz race report that has a link to a few pictures.  

2007-06-05 8:07 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Good job on the race David, I can't imagine racing up & down SF hills.
2007-06-05 10:50 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Somerset, England
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
David, welcome back and really well done as it sounds like you had a great time (with the exception of the flat of course). I visited SF a couple of years ago and agree the GG Bridge is a fantastic site. My wife and I hired a tandem bike and rode across to the other side of the Bay - awesome. The hills are hellish though and sounded like not much fun to climb..........

Thanks for the response reference the Brick and yes I did feel more like a Triathlete when switching from the bike to the run. It felt good to be doing something most don't consider!!

Well done again and cheers for now.....

2007-06-05 1:21 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
David, I read your full race report to my son Noah. He enjoyed hearing about it! You just never know who you might inspire with these reports! Cute wife, too I'm glad you had her there for you!

I did another OWS last night and went a little further, but I still get almost asthmatic--just like on the edge and I have to concentrate on relaxing. For now, I'm allowing myself to have all the oxygen I want, which means I'm not doing much crawl. I don't care about speed with the swim for now, I care about breathing well in the water, not freaking out, and trying to enjoy it. I'll get there. It gets more fun each time I try it. There was even a GUY on the beach watching me and that didn't even make me freak too much. So I guess that's some progress. By the end of summer I plan to be very comfortable with the crawl in the lake for those 1000 y aquathons!

Just had a MASSAGE! Yes, Phoenix is taking it easy for a change Highly recommend that for everyone! David, I think you've more than earned one!
2007-06-06 12:55 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Somerset, England
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Wow, what a great day today. Biked 9 miles to work, had an easy day being lectured at, finished early, biked 9 miles back to base and then had the best session in the pool so far. Small steps I know but I managed 30 lengths of the pool (half freestlye and half breastroke) with only 2 rests! Felt great although arms feel like they might fall off now!! I felt great to be able to patrol up and down the pool (like the others do that are better than me and leave me in their wake) and feel like I had the breathing under control. Technique began to wobble towards the end but I can work on that and technique was much better overall with breathing much improved on both sides with a 3 stroke pattern.

These double training days are great although I am fortunate that I am away from home every week and only home at weekends. This sucks domestically as I only see my good lady wife at weekends but it does mean I can focus on the training without causing domestic eruptions. I am amazed that the other members of the group manage to balance domestic life and training so well. This will all change when I go back to sea in late August when grabbing any opportunity will have to be taken even if overseas. I guess I will have to embark my bikes and a mobile pool!! OWS might be a little easier though?????

Sorry to rabbit on but it's been a great day... Hope you all had the same....

2007-06-06 1:01 PM
in reply to: #832425

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

PocketRocket - 2007-06-06 12:55 PM Sorry to rabbit on but it's been a great day... Hope you all had the same....

Awesome, Mike.  Glad to hear you had a great training day.  Commuting to work is an excellent way to get in some extra miles on the bike.  Not to mention, the environmental and financial benefits!  Great job.

Nice work doing bi-lateral breathing too.  I can't do that well yet, and I pretty much always just breath on my right side which is a definite disadvantage in OW when they're are waves coming from the right!

Anyway, keep up the great work, and I know that I still owe you (and everyone) some good swimming tips and advice, but it looks like your doing great on your own! 


2007-06-06 1:14 PM
in reply to: #830754

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-06-05 1:21 PM David, I read your full race report to my son Noah. He enjoyed hearing about it! You just never know who you might inspire with these reports! Cute wife, too I'm glad you had her there for you!

Thanks, Pene.

I did another OWS last night and went a little further, but I still get almost asthmatic--just like on the edge and I have to concentrate on relaxing. For now, I'm allowing myself to have all the oxygen I want, which means I'm not doing much crawl. I don't care about speed with the swim for now, I care about breathing well in the water, not freaking out, and trying to enjoy it. I'll get there. It gets more fun each time I try it. There was even a GUY on the beach watching me and that didn't even make me freak too much. So I guess that's some progress. By the end of summer I plan to be very comfortable with the crawl in the lake for those 1000 y aquathons!

You're doing a great job of just keep getting in the water and getting more comfortable. I think that is so key! Over the past few years of reading a lot of BT posts, it seems that a lot of people really struggle with feeling balanced, comfortable, and relaxed in water, especially open water. Once you get to a decent comfort level, swimming becomes easier, although not necessarily faster. At least this has been my experience.

Last summer, I swam in open water about once a week, and I think this really helped build my confidence and comfort level in the water. I'm still not a great or fast swimmer, but I'm confident in my abilities or I would have never signed up for the Alcatraz lottery (I didn't qualify, BTW) I think speed improvements come from technique refinements, not just more and more meters.

Anyway, take your time. Enjoy the open water and not having to turn around every 25 meters. It'll come.

Just had a MASSAGE! Yes, Phoenix is taking it easy for a change Highly recommend that for everyone! David, I think you've more than earned one!

Yes, massages are great and I do need one!

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