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2008-04-17 9:08 PM
in reply to: #1346096

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
gygyhawk - 2008-04-17 8:57 PM

Manatee Express - 2008-04-17 9:46 PM Rusty, You do need to get some bib shorts. When you don't feel like cycling, you can put them on and pretend your a wrestler. WOOOOO

whoa, bad mental picture.  LOL

They have them for women too. Not sure how that works and my wife won't buy any for herself. Hmmm, anniversary is coming up!

2008-04-17 9:09 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Rusty, is that a double or triple on the front? I think its a double but not sure.

2008-04-17 9:16 PM
in reply to: #1345846

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Hebron, KY
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Edited by cchapman3 2008-04-18 3:45 AM
2008-04-17 10:05 PM
in reply to: #1346125

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed


Ok - I am not up to par on all the roadie talk - what are you referring to as far as what's a triple or a double??? Not sure.  BTW - what would you recommend for the wife and me for an indoor trainer setup - any good ones - pro's con's....need some advice on this and I figure we are gonna need to invest in one soon...I have been looking at Cyclops - they seem to be real popular....

2008-04-17 10:31 PM
in reply to: #1346222

New user
Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
papahawk - 2008-04-17 10:05 PM


Ok - I am not up to par on all the roadie talk - what are you referring to as far as what's a triple or a double??? Not sure.  BTW - what would you recommend for the wife and me for an indoor trainer setup - any good ones - pro's con's....need some advice on this and I figure we are gonna need to invest in one soon...I have been looking at Cyclops - they seem to be real popular....

Training inside is SOOOO boring. Don't do it unless you absolutely have to. In fact, I have a trainer you can have if you want to pay the shipping from Chicago. My brother-in-law gave it to me, and I haven't touched it once in two years. When I get home I can look at it and tell you what brand and type it is.

2008-04-18 3:44 AM
in reply to: #1346222

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Hebron, KY
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed


      On the front crank there are either two or three rings of teeth thus the terminology a double or a triple.  As far as a trainer goes I have been doing a lot of research as well and I am probably going to go with a CyclOps Fluid 2 as a couple of friends have recommended it to me and one even let me borrow it for a couple of weeks while he was away taking care of business if you know what I mean.  The ironic part of this is that this trainer is going to cost more than your bike did.  I have heard mixed reviews about their lower end trainers so purchase with caution or get the one from Natalie as nothing is better than that price.

2008-04-18 3:46 AM
in reply to: #1345846

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Hebron, KY
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed


    I heard my Grandfather say it several times around the grandkids and it took me reaching almost 40 to figure it out. There sure is a sign on my forehead but I will refrain from commenting any further on what it says.

How's the weather cooperating with your training?

Edited by cchapman3 2008-04-18 3:47 AM
2008-04-18 5:41 AM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
I agree with Natalie on the trainer. They suck the joy out of riding a bike. I have a cycle ops trainer and it cost about the same as your Parma. Bought it several years ago and truly dispise it. Not enough to give it away, but I only rode it 4 times last winter and that was too much. Since its spring time and day light savings time, I wouldn't worry about it till next winter and even then, if your not training for a long race, I'd just go spinning rather than buy a trainer.

Edited by Manatee Express 2008-04-18 5:41 AM
2008-04-18 7:55 AM
in reply to: #1346125

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
It's a double - know that I know what you are referring to 
2008-04-18 10:50 AM
in reply to: #1346276

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed


If you could let me know about the trainer I still may be interested in it....let me know whenever you can..I will b happy to pay 4 shippin!!! THANKS!


2008-04-19 11:20 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Hebron, KY
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Fellow Manatee's,

     Just wanted to let you know that our great mentor put up some great numbers in his Tri he ran on Saturday.  You should all go check out his race report.

2008-04-20 2:27 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Weekly Recap

3 swims, 3 bikes, and 2 runs. Mileage is 4000 swim 98 bike, 14.3 run. Long swim 2600, long bike 50, long run 10.3. Week was a little light due to race on Saturday. Pretty happy with long run and with my race. Just under 10 hours training.

This week should be my peak week. Will shoot for 12 mile run and another 60 mile bike. Downhill from here.

Yesterdays race was very encouraging. I am not at 2006 #'s on the bike but the run was awesome and my swim ranking was out of this world good for me. We had big breakers and I think it intimidated alot of folks. I knew how to get through them and I caught a draft after the first turn and swam about as good a course as I have ever done. I gotta learn how to race now. I came within 4 seconds of beating one of my training partners. I have never really competed against others in my races, mostly just focused on pushing myself. I knew he had to push to catch me and I should have been able to find more. I was doubting myself instead of pushing myself. I was looking back when people were passing me, thinking it would be him. I don't think I should have looked back. I need a sports pyscologist.

Edited by Manatee Express 2008-04-20 2:40 PM
2008-04-20 3:58 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Hey just some info you guys might like. On Sunday afternoon on Versus they play some of the spring bike races. Bike racing is fun to watch especially the endings. I think they may replay on Monday's too but its always on Sunday in the spring.

Tomorrow the boston marathon is also on versus.
2008-04-21 6:02 AM
in reply to: #1349889

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Weekly Recap -- it was a slow week, capped off with a recharging my batteries trip to Atlanta.  I only biked twice and ran three times.  But I'm ready to do a better job this week, and I've got my century ride coming up on Saturday.
2008-04-21 7:44 AM
in reply to: #1116072

New user
Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Hey, Rusty. That trainer is made by Performance. It appears to be a mag trainer (does Performance even make a fluid trainer?). I've never actually used it--I think my brother-in-law used it three or four times. If you want it, it's yours. It will take me a couple of weeks, though, to get it packed up and to the PO because of my idiotic work schedule.

If you don't want it, that's OK too. I have plenty of room in the basement for all the crap I've accumulated that I'm never going to use again...
2008-04-21 4:37 PM
in reply to: #1350772

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Hey Natalie!,

Sure - I will take it off you hands = just let me know how much shipping will be, and take your rush!  You can PM for addy and so forth.



2008-04-21 7:02 PM
in reply to: #1116072

New user
Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Sort of a weekly recap and some thoughts

Hi, gang. I'm still doing hard time in the CCU, and it has really eaten into quality training time (and motivation)--as I suspected it would. Fortunately, at least the weather is somewhat more temperate around here, so I'm not totally miserable. However, this past week I got out only for three short runs, about 3 to 3.5 miles apiece. I felt good about those three, but I really wanted to get a longer 4 to 5 mile run in, and that just didn't happen. I'm not beating myself up about it, but it makes me kinda sad.

Anyway, I was looking at the training plans on BT and I think, since I have been blowing off swimming and cycling these past few weeks, when I get out of the CCU May 1 I will start back with the Olympic 16-week run-focused plan. May 5 will be the target start date. In the next two weeks I will continue to focus on my running as much as I can.

Also, my diet has been terrible!

Also, one of the local bike shops has a bunch of Felts on sale. But I don't think I will be able to get one this year.

I hope you're all having a good week. Rusty, I will get to work on that trainer.

2008-04-22 7:47 AM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

You are working with the constraints you have and focusing on your weakest area, so don't lose sleep, you got time. Just try to keep adding a little distance every week.

New bikes are nice but you have a solid bike to race on. Listen to me, oh middle of the pack triathlete, with 3 bikes in my garage. At this point of the game, your time savings from a new bike are probably in seconds for a sprint race and maybe a minute in an olympic race. Oh course the personal gratification of a new bike. I better shut up or I will be in a bike shop.
2008-04-22 7:44 PM
in reply to: #1349889

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Ok - here goes my weekly recap - I got in 2 Masters swim class and then come Friday all Hell broke loose round my house, my 3 year old got the stomach bug going round, he was miserable, and I was miserable cause I could not do anything for him accept let it run it's course and keep him hydrated once the vomiting spells ended.  Then the next day - my daughter gets it - round 5:30PM....then she has her episodes - and they go on till about  12AM SUnday morning....she had the worst of far.  My son was still dealin with this crud on Sunday but now it had moved to all had 2 really sick kids on my hands Sunday!  Then - w/out further ado - I contract it...I know I was gonna get it- just a matter of when.  All weekend - GyGy was not here to help me - she was attempting to escape the madness of her motherly duties at the beach for a couple of days....and I admit - I called her a couple of times - nothin like the expert opinion on this type of topic - I dunno what happenned but I felt like the world had turned against me this weekend....and it so happenned to be when I had no one else round to help ironic!  OH past week started out good and has ended on a very poor note indeed...I only hope I can make it back into the normal world by this weekend as I have a 5k to run and I have not gotten a good run in since Cooper...last time I attempted a run I got the leg cramp in my least that has gone away!!!  So my fellow Manatee's say a prayer to the big guy upstairs that he can help me get over this crud soon so I can get back on the Express.....I have been "parked" for more time then I care for....
2008-04-23 4:22 PM
in reply to: #1350003

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Here's the low-down on the  crud my family got hit with = nasty.  I talked with a friend of mine that works in a local hospital here in Charlotte, she informed me they had to quarintine a whole floor because of this lil virus - it's a mean one...I hope you all stay clear of this.....wash you hands!!! SANITIZE - you have been warned!!


Clinical Presentation

The incubation period for norovirus-associated gastroenteritis in humans is usually between 24 and 48 hours (median in outbreaks 33 to 36 hours), but cases can occur within 12 hours of exposure. Norovirus infection usually presents as acute-onset vomiting, watery non-bloody diarrhea with abdominal cramps, and nausea. Low-grade fever also occasionally occurs, and vomiting is more common in children. Dehydration is the most common complication, especially among the young and elderly, and may require medical attention. Symptoms usually last 24 to 60 hours. Recovery is usually complete and there is no evidence of any serious long-term sequelae. Studies with volunteers given stool filtrates have shown that asymptomatic infection may occur in as many as 30% of infections, although the role of asymptomatic infection in norovirus transmission is not well understood.


2008-04-23 6:46 PM
in reply to: #1358010

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Hebron, KY
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed


      Hopefully you and the kids are well on the way to a full recovery by now.  The Express is waiting at the station with you boarding pass so no worries there.  I really hope that this little nasty viral infection doesn't make it's way overseas as the wifey and I don't have time to deal with that in the middle of a PCS move, as only you would truly understand.  I won't be back on the Express for at least two weeks as I broke two toes the other night on a piece of furniture so I am out of it for a short spell as well.  At least GyGy wasn't there to contract the virus because we both know just how important "Mom" is during those stressful periods. 

2008-04-23 8:17 PM
in reply to: #1358267

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Darn Chappy !!  Broke toes !!  I broke  one of mine back when I was in  - 3rd metatarcel.  Well - GyGy was lucky up until last night and then she got it bad....I put it to you this way, I have only seen this woman vomit like 2 times the entire time I have known her...last night made the 3rd! and we have been together since 91!!!  All through college and all the sorrority parties - nothing accept one time....I remember that night well. hehe!!   So - she is in rough shape for sure..hopefully she will be better off tonight ...better then last night...she was pretty much up all night doing the duty...and she was so beat today...I stayed home from work again to let her rest while I watched my daughter - my son made it back to school today!!....thanks for the well wishes man and you mend those toes!!!  ........I know all about PCS man!!!  WOO stuff.  Hang loose and I will see if our friends at the CDC can keep this lil bugger stateside!!!

Later brother!


Edited by papahawk 2008-04-23 8:18 PM
2008-04-26 11:29 AM
in reply to: #1349406

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Howdy folks!,

Papa's back from the land of the sickness!!!  ARGh...I loathe being sick!!  But I am over that crap now and got in a 5k race this morning to start back on's the link to my rr....enjoy!!

2008-04-26 5:24 PM
in reply to: #1363434

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Hebron, KY
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed


     Great race and way to get back out there even though the conditions were not optimal.  That nasty little gastro virus will definitely take it out of you and might even have had something to do with the cramp.  Keep up the great work and get that base work in on the road.  Do some for me as I actually broke part of my foot as well as my toes so I might be out of the loop for about a month if I truly follow the Doc's advice.

2008-04-26 8:51 PM
in reply to: #1363770

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Rusty, that was a great race!  Where was GyGy -- was she still feeling the affects of the virus?

Chip, so sorry about your toes and foot.  I think I left you an inspire about being careful about coming back too soon.  You really do run the risk of prolonging the problem.

I finished my first century ride (ever) today!  The hills were incredible, but I made it up every single one.  My HR sure shows how difficult it was, though!  It was in the countryside in south Alabama.  The ride was called the Boll Weevil 100, but we've decided to rename it the Road Kill 100 (you can imagine why).

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