Other Resources Challenge Me! » They Who Shall Not be Named! Rss Feed  
Moderators: the bear, kaqphin, tinkerbeth, D001, k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
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2007-11-11 8:47 PM
in reply to: #1048481

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 6:45 PM
TriAya - 2007-11-12 1:44 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 6:40 PM
TriAya - 2007-11-12 1:39 PM

lyssa-gator - 2007-11-11 6:37 PM how did anyone win yet? the thread is still going??

I dunno, but nevermind all my training--I'm getting repetitive stress injuries from my horizontal scrollbar!!! (My mouse vertical scroll button finger is quite well exercised, though).

must...resist...urge...to.... comment...........

Maybe we need more guys in here... all the scrolling would be good for their fingers...

Tongue out We need their tongues wagging. To add words to this thread, I mean, of course.

Oh I need to find me a date....

Ahem. Clearly you could kill two birds with one stone here ...


2007-11-11 8:47 PM
in reply to: #1048484

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
tnickerson - 2007-11-12 1:46 PM
zipp1 - 2007-11-11 9:43 PM

okay, Now I'm really gonna go...need some sleep to face tomorrow's crazies.

Anyone on the east coast know of a good half mary this spring?  I can't do the March one I want cause I promised my tweenager (yeah, the one who likes spoke's legs) I'd chaperone her field trip that weekend.

Ya know, it's a full time job keeping up with the 'nibbons gang.  too bad I actually have to work for a living

Flying Pig in Cincinnati in Early May.  AWESOME race!

Yeah, so I still haven't gone to bed yet.....

Just too hard to leave?

2007-11-11 8:48 PM
in reply to: #1032449

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
ah, crap-can't remember what i was going to say. this thread is moving so dang fast
2007-11-11 8:48 PM
in reply to: #1048483

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 8:46 PM

D001 - 2007-11-12 1:45 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 9:39 PM
D001 - 2007-11-12 1:39 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 9:34 PM

D001 - 2007-11-12 1:33 PM
kns57 - 2007-11-11 9:30 PM
tnickerson - 2007-11-11 8:28 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 9:27 PM Dee got the last post on page 99!

Yeah, but CAT had the first post on page 100. It is the one that would have gone to the bit bucket
Oh yeah. Good point.... OK. I didn't win. And Hector didn't win the bet, either... CAT WON! Yay CAT! And... um, lots of people bet on you, Cat!... so Yay everyone who bet on Cat! LOL

Do I get a cookie?

Sure. Have a cookie. I've got half a package here. It WAS a full package earlier tonight. Of course, during the last 15 min, I was WAY too busy typing to think about eating. LOL

Mmm what kind of cookies?

Oatmeal raisin.... Chocolate anything would be better. But I didn't have any chocolate here. I need to go shopping, but I hate to leave BT for that long. LOL

hmm whats an oatmeal raisin cookie taste like?

I like oatmeal in my cookies. I make a chocolate chip oatmeal cookies with sunflower seeds. Wish I had some now.
2007-11-11 8:49 PM
in reply to: #1048490

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
lyssa-gator - 2007-11-11 8:48 PM

ah, crap-can't remember what i was going to say. this thread is moving so dang fast

I don't think we need to think before we type. Just let your fingers do the thinking and the brain will catch up.
2007-11-11 8:49 PM
in reply to: #1048485

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
D001 - 2007-11-12 1:47 PM
zipp1 - 2007-11-11 9:43 PM

okay, Now I'm really gonna go...need some sleep to face tomorrow's crazies.

Anyone on the east coast know of a good half mary this spring? I can't do the March one I want cause I promised my tweenager (yeah, the one who likes spoke's legs) I'd chaperone her field trip that weekend.

Ya know, it's a full time job keeping up with the 'nibbons gang. too bad I actually have to work for a living

Hey! You've been awfully quiet. Didn't know you were still here, waiting for the implosion. LOL I have to work tomorrow too. But now that the thread didn't freeze, I need to stay here until Cat leaves (around 2 AM our time), to see what happens. LOL Nope, don't know of any races next year. Still trying to get through.... um, this month.... LOL

haha you dont HAVE to but its nice of you to offer

2007-11-11 8:49 PM
in reply to: #1048478

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 9:44 PM

zipp1 - 2007-11-12 1:43 PM

okay, Now I'm really gonna go...need some sleep to face tomorrow's crazies.

Anyone on the east coast know of a good half mary this spring? I can't do the March one I want cause I promised my tweenager (yeah, the one who likes spoke's legs) I'd chaperone her field trip that weekend.

Ya know, it's a full time job keeping up with the 'nibbons gang. yoo bad I actually have to work for a living

Umm should I point out Im at work right now?

And what did everyone think of your typing, typing, typing?

'Cause we were all going full-speed ahead there for like 3 pages. LOL

2007-11-11 8:49 PM
in reply to: #1048484

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
tnickerson - 2007-11-11 6:46 PM
zipp1 - 2007-11-11 9:43 PM

okay, Now I'm really gonna go...need some sleep to face tomorrow's crazies.

Anyone on the east coast know of a good half mary this spring?  I can't do the March one I want cause I promised my tweenager (yeah, the one who likes spoke's legs) I'd chaperone her field trip that weekend.

Ya know, it's a full time job keeping up with the 'nibbons gang.  too bad I actually have to work for a living

Flying Pig in Cincinnati in Early May.  AWESOME race!

Yeah, so I still haven't gone to bed yet.....

I've heard such awesome things about that race. It's on my 50-states calendar. If I qual. for halfmax (half-iron) distance nationals early next year, I could totally do it since I wouldn't be doing another half-iron until the champs themselves.

It would be a massive privilege to run a mary and get my azz kicked by Judi.

2007-11-11 8:49 PM
in reply to: #1032449

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
cat-you're about to get yet another star!!
did you ever find someone to photograph you??
2007-11-11 8:50 PM
in reply to: #1048491

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
kns57 - 2007-11-12 1:48 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 8:46 PM
D001 - 2007-11-12 1:45 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 9:39 PM
D001 - 2007-11-12 1:39 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 9:34 PM

D001 - 2007-11-12 1:33 PM
kns57 - 2007-11-11 9:30 PM
tnickerson - 2007-11-11 8:28 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 9:27 PM Dee got the last post on page 99!

Yeah, but CAT had the first post on page 100. It is the one that would have gone to the bit bucket
Oh yeah. Good point.... OK. I didn't win. And Hector didn't win the bet, either... CAT WON! Yay CAT! And... um, lots of people bet on you, Cat!... so Yay everyone who bet on Cat! LOL

Do I get a cookie?

Sure. Have a cookie. I've got half a package here. It WAS a full package earlier tonight. Of course, during the last 15 min, I was WAY too busy typing to think about eating. LOL

Mmm what kind of cookies?

Oatmeal raisin.... Chocolate anything would be better. But I didn't have any chocolate here. I need to go shopping, but I hate to leave BT for that long. LOL

hmm whats an oatmeal raisin cookie taste like?

I like oatmeal in my cookies. I make a chocolate chip oatmeal cookies with sunflower seeds. Wish I had some now.

hmmm recipie?

2007-11-11 8:50 PM
in reply to: #1048483

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 9:46 PM
hmm whats an oatmeal raisin cookie taste like?


They don't have them there?

2007-11-11 8:50 PM
in reply to: #1048496

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!

lyssa-gator - 2007-11-12 1:49 PM cat-you're about to get yet another star!! did you ever find someone to photograph you??

haha i havent left my desk so NO!

Another star? how did that happen?

2007-11-11 8:51 PM
in reply to: #1048499

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
D001 - 2007-11-12 1:50 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 9:46 PM hmm whats an oatmeal raisin cookie taste like?


Sweet. They don't have them there?

Ive never come accross them before....

2007-11-11 8:51 PM
in reply to: #1048491

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
kns57 - 2007-11-11 9:48 PM

I like oatmeal in my cookies. I make a chocolate chip oatmeal cookies with sunflower seeds. Wish I had some now.

Ooh. That sounds good.
2007-11-11 8:51 PM
in reply to: #1048494

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
D001 - 2007-11-12 1:49 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 9:44 PM
zipp1 - 2007-11-12 1:43 PM

okay, Now I'm really gonna go...need some sleep to face tomorrow's crazies.

Anyone on the east coast know of a good half mary this spring? I can't do the March one I want cause I promised my tweenager (yeah, the one who likes spoke's legs) I'd chaperone her field trip that weekend.

Ya know, it's a full time job keeping up with the 'nibbons gang. yoo bad I actually have to work for a living

Umm should I point out Im at work right now?

And what did everyone think of your typing, typing, typing? 'Cause we were all going full-speed ahead there for like 3 pages. LOL

They think Im working hard at my proposals because the deadline is COB Friday!

2007-11-11 8:52 PM
in reply to: #1048497

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 8:50 PM

kns57 - 2007-11-12 1:48 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 8:46 PM
D001 - 2007-11-12 1:45 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 9:39 PM
D001 - 2007-11-12 1:39 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 9:34 PM

D001 - 2007-11-12 1:33 PM
kns57 - 2007-11-11 9:30 PM
tnickerson - 2007-11-11 8:28 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 9:27 PM Dee got the last post on page 99!

Yeah, but CAT had the first post on page 100. It is the one that would have gone to the bit bucket
Oh yeah. Good point.... OK. I didn't win. And Hector didn't win the bet, either... CAT WON! Yay CAT! And... um, lots of people bet on you, Cat!... so Yay everyone who bet on Cat! LOL

Do I get a cookie?

Sure. Have a cookie. I've got half a package here. It WAS a full package earlier tonight. Of course, during the last 15 min, I was WAY too busy typing to think about eating. LOL

Mmm what kind of cookies?

Oatmeal raisin.... Chocolate anything would be better. But I didn't have any chocolate here. I need to go shopping, but I hate to leave BT for that long. LOL

hmm whats an oatmeal raisin cookie taste like?

I like oatmeal in my cookies. I make a chocolate chip oatmeal cookies with sunflower seeds. Wish I had some now.

hmmm recipie?

I'll try to remember to post it tomorrow.

2007-11-11 8:53 PM
in reply to: #1048502

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!

D001 - 2007-11-12 1:51 PM
kns57 - 2007-11-11 9:48 PM I like oatmeal in my cookies. I make a chocolate chip oatmeal cookies with sunflower seeds. Wish I had some now.
Ooh. That sounds good.

Anything with chocolate sounds good to me!

2007-11-11 8:53 PM
in reply to: #1032449

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
i get a new star sometime soon too i think.

cookie?? i have cookies here! come & get 'em!!!
2007-11-11 8:53 PM
in reply to: #1048506

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 8:53 PM

D001 - 2007-11-12 1:51 PM
kns57 - 2007-11-11 9:48 PM I like oatmeal in my cookies. I make a chocolate chip oatmeal cookies with sunflower seeds. Wish I had some now.
Ooh. That sounds good.

Anything with chocolate sounds good to me!

You do have oatmeal there don't you?
2007-11-11 8:53 PM
in reply to: #1048505

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
kns57 - 2007-11-12 1:52 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 8:50 PM
kns57 - 2007-11-12 1:48 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 8:46 PM
D001 - 2007-11-12 1:45 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 9:39 PM
D001 - 2007-11-12 1:39 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 9:34 PM

D001 - 2007-11-12 1:33 PM
kns57 - 2007-11-11 9:30 PM
tnickerson - 2007-11-11 8:28 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 9:27 PM Dee got the last post on page 99!

Yeah, but CAT had the first post on page 100. It is the one that would have gone to the bit bucket
Oh yeah. Good point.... OK. I didn't win. And Hector didn't win the bet, either... CAT WON! Yay CAT! And... um, lots of people bet on you, Cat!... so Yay everyone who bet on Cat! LOL

Do I get a cookie?

Sure. Have a cookie. I've got half a package here. It WAS a full package earlier tonight. Of course, during the last 15 min, I was WAY too busy typing to think about eating. LOL

Mmm what kind of cookies?

Oatmeal raisin.... Chocolate anything would be better. But I didn't have any chocolate here. I need to go shopping, but I hate to leave BT for that long. LOL

hmm whats an oatmeal raisin cookie taste like?

I like oatmeal in my cookies. I make a chocolate chip oatmeal cookies with sunflower seeds. Wish I had some now.

hmmm recipie?

I'll try to remember to post it tomorrow.

oops that remind me promised few people to post my fudge recipe and i still havent... oops

2007-11-11 8:54 PM
in reply to: #1048507

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
lyssa-gator - 2007-11-11 8:53 PM

i get a new star sometime soon too i think.

cookie?? i have cookies here! come & get 'em!!!

Yup six posts to your next star. Come on Lyssa, do it tonight.

2007-11-11 8:54 PM
in reply to: #1032449

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
check www.allrecipes.com
great cookie recipes on there
2007-11-11 8:54 PM
in reply to: #1048509

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
kns57 - 2007-11-12 1:53 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-11 8:53 PM

D001 - 2007-11-12 1:51 PM
kns57 - 2007-11-11 9:48 PM I like oatmeal in my cookies. I make a chocolate chip oatmeal cookies with sunflower seeds. Wish I had some now.
Ooh. That sounds good.

Anything with chocolate sounds good to me!

You do have oatmeal there don't you?

Umm I think so... its like oats right?

2007-11-11 8:55 PM
in reply to: #1048507

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
lyssa-gator - 2007-11-11 9:53 PM

i get a new star sometime soon too i think.

cookie?? i have cookies here! come & get 'em!!!

Hm. I'll either be gaining stars --- or LOSING them all again.

I can't keep up with 'em. They're piling up one minute.... And gone the next.

(No. More. Cookies.... I've had enough! LOL)
2007-11-11 8:57 PM
in reply to: #1048514

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
D001 - 2007-11-11 9:55 PM

lyssa-gator - 2007-11-11 9:53 PM

i get a new star sometime soon too i think.

cookie?? i have cookies here! come & get 'em!!!

Hm. I'll either be gaining stars --- or LOSING them all again.

I can't keep up with 'em. They're piling up one minute.... And gone the next.

(No. More. Cookies.... I've had enough! LOL)

OK, I'll be going to one red star, and three pink stars soon.

Ewwww. Color clash!
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