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2010-04-21 7:02 AM
in reply to: #2800767

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Thanks for the suggestion on Chi Running. I think I'm going to leave that one until the fall/winter. That way I can try and incorporate it into my run then and not jeopardize this season with an injury.

2010-04-21 7:17 AM
in reply to: #2800767

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


They are a nice set of siblings!! Here's to hoping mine is as good to me as your was to you! I'm chomping at the bit to go for a ride. I know it needs some tweaking in of position but its already fairly close. Seeing as how it only has one water bottle location, I'm thinking I should get an aero bottle as Welland is 30k and the Fitz plan calls for 1h45m rides. Biggest issue is tires. Seeing as how the bike has 650c wheels, there are not a lot of tire options out there. Basically I've found Continental 4000's, Conti Triathlon and Michelin ProRace 3. Otherwise there are pretty cheap options that I may get for training tires as $60 for one of the above listed is a bit steep, especially if they are only good for a short(ish) distance.

As for your comments on the books, I think our thoughts are fairly similar. I'll probably read Swim, Bike, Run next. TI is a reference guide at this point, I'm looking to it for different visualizations and drills. Chi Running is being shelfed until the fall. The Bible and Sports Nutrition would be interesting but probably a bit overwhelming. Paleo Diet and beIRONfit are more informational but would be interesting to read, if and when I have time or I decide I need to make another major life changing decision.

The only other book I find interesting is Tharp's Overachiever's Diary. Don't need it on the shelf right now but I will be keeping an eye out for it. Having different perspectives and especially ones that make you think about why you are doing something is good.

I'll skip the Don Quixote (which I had to search for, thanks for the assignment!!), for now. Sounds a little to long for me. I've got enough other books and magazines not about triathlons to keep me occupied for a long time!

2010-04-21 7:42 AM
in reply to: #2803440

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Darnell McDonald! Darnell McDonald! Darnell McDonald!!

Did you see the immediate post-game celebration, when the team mobbed him? You'd think they'd just won the W.S.or something!

And lost in McD's game-winner was BillHall's perfect bunt a few batters earlier. Not too many players have that skill anymoree, but his bunt was gorgeous.

It's all gonna be good from here on!!!!

2010-04-21 7:52 AM
in reply to: #2805127

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Congrats on the wetsuit! You oughta FLY on that point-to-point swim at Escape!

2XU is a fairly recent player, period, but especially with wetsuits, yet they've managed an excellent reputation. I think one of their big selling features in suppleness, which not only helps with range-of-motion, but also getting into and (especially) out of the thing.

As for fit, just make sure there are no obvious "pockets" of extra neoprene. You want it as snug as possible everywhere --- but not so snug as to feel desperately constricted. Having said that, though, constriction is desirable; it's really a matter of fine degrees.

Remember, no Vaseline -- just BodyGlide or Pam. Vaseline is petroleum-based, and those products degrade neoprene.

As for extra features in wetsuits, most people do find them useful. The advances in wetsuit technology have been colossal, and just when you you think nothing more can be thought up.......something new is thought up. I will gte on-line at some point and see what that suit offers. Vicarious wetsuit "shopping" is always fun!

2010-04-21 8:02 AM
in reply to: #2805187

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Nope, no racing for Lynn. Her thing is canoeing/kayaking, with two or three 4-10 day trips each summer, which she does with a local canoe club. And this summer she is learning to sail, further adding to her craft-on-water skillset.

I dislike boats -- a lot. So that's an area where never the twain shall meet. Well, every once in a blue moon she can coax me into a canoe, but I'm never really happy. And if I do it with a seeming-smile, it's more the grin of a mule with a mouth full of briers.

However, she does appreciate my joy in aging-up!!!

2010-04-21 8:24 AM
in reply to: #2806436

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-04-21 8:52 AM


Congrats on the wetsuit! You oughta FLY on that point-to-point swim at Escape!

2XU is a fairly recent player, period, but especially with wetsuits, yet they've managed an excellent reputation. I think one of their big selling features in suppleness, which not only helps with range-of-motion, but also getting into and (especially) out of the thing.

As for fit, just make sure there are no obvious "pockets" of extra neoprene. You want it as snug as possible everywhere --- but not so snug as to feel desperately constricted. Having said that, though, constriction is desirable; it's really a matter of fine degrees.

Remember, no Vaseline -- just BodyGlide or Pam. Vaseline is petroleum-based, and those products degrade neoprene.

As for extra features in wetsuits, most people do find them useful. The advances in wetsuit technology have been colossal, and just when you you think nothing more can be thought up.......something new is thought up. I will gte on-line at some point and see what that suit offers. Vicarious wetsuit "shopping" is always fun!


I must admit the ONLY reason I chose 2XU was because they're the only brand I could find that accommodates, ahem, "expanded" weight ranges for my height (5'3"). All other brands have an upper weight limit of around 140-ish for my height which even at my lowest weight just won't work. And I didn't want to end up with a suit that's too long for my short legs by ordering a size up. The medium women's size for 2XU accommodates up to 159 I believe, which is the size I ordered.

Vaseline warning heeded! Jason and Will also made mention of that at the First Time Triathlete's workshop.

2010-04-21 8:54 AM
in reply to: #2806310

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


The thing with mixes to avoid is the combination of protein+water+heat. That equals putrifaction -- not immediately, but after a few hours. So what I said to Steve is to NOT mix his protein-based the night before, or even the morning of IMSG, and then put it in his special needs bag for Xhours later. It MIGHT be okay, but god knows that big gulp of purtified protein xrink is not when he needs along the course of 140.6 miles. I have made this error three times, but fortunately never when it really mattered.

So, any protein source - whey, soy, amino acids, too, I suppose, will do it. This includes products such as Perpetuem and Sustained Energy (both Hammer), Accelerade and Endurox (both from Accelerade), and a few others; Steve's EFS is among them.

Hammer products are great, but to do rigorously, and especially at longer distances, you need to be organized. Their core product is HammerGel, but that doesn't have any electrolytes added -- and that's where Endurolytes are useful. BUT, to tap into that source you need a way to carry them, and then get them ready to gulp just before an aid station. Hammer sells an old-fashioned rubber "coin-purse" that has a slit along the top, and hen you squeeze the sides the slit opens and you can get at the capsules. I have used that as it is not too cumbersome and fits in a pocket of the tops, but mostly I use a very small baggie with one of those lock-tops.

My protocol with Hammer for races in which I use Endurolytes (that would be half-irons and the odd olympic) is:
HEED leading up to the swim, and a Hammer Gel just before
HEED on the bike, plus a gel or three, and maybe a couple of Endurolytes towards the end of it
A last gulp of HEED in T2, then gels on the run and, if it's a half-iron OR a hot olympic, Endurolytes as i begin to feel at all peaked.

One Endurolytel capsule has:
100mg sodium
50mg calcium
25mg magnesium
25mg potassium
6.6mg Vitamin B-6
1.6mh manganese

That's a pretty good topper-upper, especially the magnesium for crampers. That's not a big problem for me, but at longer races and/or hotter days it ahs happened, and I sure don't like going there! So, I have some Endurolytes with me in those situations.

HEED is pretty much loaded with stuff, as implied by the acronym which stands for High Energy Electrolyte Drink. So if I've been a good boy about fluid intake on the bike during most olys, the electrolytes I get there should hold me over for the 10km run segment. Or at least that's the plan!

2010-04-21 9:29 AM
in reply to: #2806411

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-04-21 8:42 AM


Darnell McDonald! Darnell McDonald! Darnell McDonald!!

Did you see the immediate post-game celebration, when the team mobbed him? You'd think they'd just won the W.S.or something!

And lost in McD's game-winner was BillHall's perfect bunt a few batters earlier. Not too many players have that skill anymoree, but his bunt was gorgeous.

It's all gonna be good from here on!!!!

I admit I missed the game, I've been so busy lately. I did see the highlights though. I guess everything is relative, so considering their performance recently I totally get the post-game celebration! I have to say that recently I've been distracted by the Celtics...

2010-04-21 9:32 AM
in reply to: #2806464

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-04-21 8:02 AM DENISE - Nope, no racing for Lynn. Her thing is canoeing/kayaking, with two or three 4-10 day trips each summer, which she does with a local canoe club. And this summer she is learning to sail, further adding to her craft-on-water skillset. I dislike boats -- a lot. So that's an area where never the twain shall meet. Well, every once in a blue moon she can coax me into a canoe, but I'm never really happy. And if I do it with a seeming-smile, it's more the grin of a mule with a mouth full of briers. However, she does appreciate my joy in aging-up!!!

My husband's a sailor.  Two years ago, at the age of 65, he and his 63 yr brother and a hired twenty-something UK sailor sailed across the Atlantic in a 34' sailboat from the Canary Islands off Africa to St. Lucia in the Caribbean.  He had rented a satellite phone but just before they left, he called and said it wasn't working - so I did not hear from him for over 3 weeks.  He said he's glad he did it but NEVER AGAIN.

2010-04-21 9:41 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
My buddy Steve W sent me this, and I thought it was funny so had to share:

Tri Swim Training


2010-04-21 10:13 AM
in reply to: #2806780

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
manfarr1974 - 2010-04-21 10:41 AM

My buddy Steve W sent me this, and I thought it was funny so had to share:

Tri Swim Training



That's awesome.

2010-04-21 10:45 AM
in reply to: #2806909

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Celtics, Shmeltics ---- what about the Bruins?!?!?

No, I too care about the Celtics (although never on a level with the Sox and Bruins). The Celts always worry me, as they seem prone to the all-too-often stinker of a game. How many did they lose this past season to cruddy teams, like the Knicks or the Wizards? But they have looked outstanding in the first two games against Miami, so...... But maybe they're just setting me up to let me down.

2010-04-21 10:50 AM
in reply to: #2806780

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I get it. You're trying to be the first kid on your block to collect an entire alphabetical set of Steves. I know of SteveA here, and me at the B-spot, and now SteveW. How many others are there in your collection? Do you have a checklist, like for baseball cards? "A - check; B - check; W - check"

By the way, my computer is, at least for now, not allowing me to get to that site you referenced. *#!*@ I will keep trying, however.

By the way, I really enjoyed your comments and thoughts on racing with a friend, that you wrote to Kasia!

Darnell McDonald!!!!!

2010-04-21 10:53 AM
in reply to: #2806745

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Props to him ten times over for doing that, but for me it would be akin to the sixth or seventh ring of hell. Egad!

And not only do I neither like nor trust boats, but I have real problems with motion sickness. Good god almighty, I wouldn't last six miles of a trip like that!

2010-04-21 10:55 AM
in reply to: #2807070

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

DENISE again -

Our spouses don't have the good sense god gave gravel!

2010-04-21 10:59 AM
in reply to: #2807057

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-04-21 11:50 AM MANDY - I get it. You're trying to be the first kid on your block to collect an entire alphabetical set of Steves. I know of SteveA here, and me at the B-spot, and now SteveW. How many others are there in your collection? Do you have a checklist, like for baseball cards? "A - check; B - check; W - check" By the way, my computer is, at least for now, not allowing me to get to that site you referenced. *#!*@ I will keep trying, however. By the way, I really enjoyed your comments and thoughts on racing with a friend, that you wrote to Kasia! Darnell McDonald!!!!!


Now that I think about it, I have a pretty good collection of Steves...I have Steve A from Cali, Steve B from Ont, Steve W from Bangor...Steve S from Millinocket, Steve S from Lincoln...Steve D from Portland...Steve M from Freeport...another Steve B from Jackman....I think that is it....

I never thought of it because I call most of them by their last names...Steve W is just Steve, but the others I call Sanders, Shly, Dickey, Monahan, and Begin...

Here is the link in case copying and pasting works better.  It is a funny 30 seconds.


2010-04-21 11:59 AM
in reply to: #2806611

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-04-21 6:54 AM SHAUN - The thing with mixes to avoid is the combination of protein+water+heat. That equals putrifaction -- not immediately, but after a few hours. So what I said to Steve is to NOT mix his protein-based the night before, or even the morning of IMSG, and then put it in his special needs bag for Xhours later. It MIGHT be okay, but god knows that big gulp of purtified protein xrink is not when he needs along the course of 140.6 miles. I have made this error three times, but fortunately never when it really mattered. So, any protein source - whey, soy, amino acids, too, I suppose, will do it. This includes products such as Perpetuem and Sustained Energy (both Hammer), Accelerade and Endurox (both from Accelerade), and a few others; Steve's EFS is among them. Hammer products are great, but to do rigorously, and especially at longer distances, you need to be organized. Their core product is HammerGel, but that doesn't have any electrolytes added -- and that's where Endurolytes are useful. BUT, to tap into that source you need a way to carry them, and then get them ready to gulp just before an aid station. Hammer sells an old-fashioned rubber "coin-purse" that has a slit along the top, and hen you squeeze the sides the slit opens and you can get at the capsules. I have used that as it is not too cumbersome and fits in a pocket of the tops, but mostly I use a very small baggie with one of those lock-tops. My protocol with Hammer for races in which I use Endurolytes (that would be half-irons and the odd olympic) is: HEED leading up to the swim, and a Hammer Gel just before HEED on the bike, plus a gel or three, and maybe a couple of Endurolytes towards the end of it A last gulp of HEED in T2, then gels on the run and, if it's a half-iron OR a hot olympic, Endurolytes as i begin to feel at all peaked. One Endurolytel capsule has: 100mg sodium 50mg calcium 25mg magnesium 25mg potassium 6.6mg Vitamin B-6 1.6mh manganese That's a pretty good topper-upper, especially the magnesium for crampers. That's not a big problem for me, but at longer races and/or hotter days it ahs happened, and I sure don't like going there! So, I have some Endurolytes with me in those situations. HEED is pretty much loaded with stuff, as implied by the acronym which stands for High Energy Electrolyte Drink. So if I've been a good boy about fluid intake on the bike during most olys, the electrolytes I get there should hold me over for the 10km run segment. Or at least that's the plan!

All makes a lot of sense.  I've never used the electrolyte pills - and have very rarely had any cramping issues during events or training.  For me, the EFS drinks seem to do the job of replacing the electrolytes I need.  So, I guess I've been lucky in not needing the pills.  I'm half considering picking up some endurolytes for IMSG and taking a smaller dosage than recommended, along with my normal EFS stuff. 

STEVE B - have you ever noticed any stomach/GI issues with those pills?  Would you expect any impact from a pill like that? 

I think my plan for IMSG is going to be to put powder in my bottles (aero bottle and downtube at normal strength, back bottles at 2x strength) the night before.  I'll add water to the aero and downtube bottle with ice to keep them cold the morning of the race, and and just have powder in the rear bottles. 

That'll save on weight on the bike, and keep me from having to worry about it going funky.  when I refill my aero with the downtube, I'll fill one of my back-ups with water so it's ready.  then, i'll just be mixing 2x strength with water in the aero bottle when necessary. 

2010-04-21 12:12 PM
in reply to: #2807085

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


ANOTHER SteveB?? Man, I thought I had a hold on the B-spot.....but now I wonder if i'm nothing more than a "utility" SteveB. Sigh....

2010-04-21 12:21 PM
in reply to: #2807317

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Actually, yes - once. It was at Bassman HIM in '08, and about ten (?) minutes before passing through the rough halfway point on the run, I took one or two Endurolytes. Just as I was approaching where the course passes through t-zone (with lots of spectators), I felt sufddenly nauseous. I was really afraid I was going to throw up in front of the assembled masses, but managed to keep it together for another minute or so until I could duck into a wooded area. There I proceeded to dry-heave for a minute or two, but nothing more than that.

I can't say for certain that it was the Endurolytes that did it, but as I was feeeling my gorge rise there was the telltale taste of the capsule's coverings -- whatever the capsule itself is made of. Maybe that's why some people try to do the Endurolytes by breaking them and dumping the powder into a water bottle.....but that doesn't help me on the run where I have neither water bottle nor a fuel belt in which to lug anything.

I have to admit that that episode shook me some, and makes me wonder how much I trust my gut to pleasantly process the Endorlytes. I think i have used them since, maybe at Mightyman Half last year, and over the years I have ingested many, many, and to no ill effect. But once burned......

2010-04-21 1:36 PM
in reply to: #2807346

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-04-21 10:21 AM STEVE - Actually, yes - once. It was at Bassman HIM in '08, and about ten (?) minutes before passing through the rough halfway point on the run, I took one or two Endurolytes. Just as I was approaching where the course passes through t-zone (with lots of spectators), I felt sufddenly nauseous. I was really afraid I was going to throw up in front of the assembled masses, but managed to keep it together for another minute or so until I could duck into a wooded area. There I proceeded to dry-heave for a minute or two, but nothing more than that. I can't say for certain that it was the Endurolytes that did it, but as I was feeeling my gorge rise there was the telltale taste of the capsule's coverings -- whatever the capsule itself is made of. Maybe that's why some people try to do the Endurolytes by breaking them and dumping the powder into a water bottle.....but that doesn't help me on the run where I have neither water bottle nor a fuel belt in which to lug anything. I have to admit that that episode shook me some, and makes me wonder how much I trust my gut to pleasantly process the Endorlytes. I think i have used them since, maybe at Mightyman Half last year, and over the years I have ingested many, many, and to no ill effect. But once burned......

Thanks Steve.  I think it's a little late in the game to add it to the mix.  I'm gonna just focus on getting my EFS on a regular basis.  It's a pretty robust electrolyte profile (1,000 mg + aminos) per bottle, so I think that'll continue to work...or hope so! 

Thanks for the great input!
2010-04-21 2:45 PM
in reply to: #2807637

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


With one exception, you don't want to add anything to your nutritional protocol at this point.

But as for that one thing.....

CHOCOLATE-COVERED PRETZELS, THINSATIONS, FROM NABISCO!!!! Oo-la-al! Were I doing IMSG myself, a small baggie of them would be in my bike s.n. bag -- maybe my run s.n. bag, too. I could see those as dramatically altering my worldview for the better mid-race, to be sure!

2010-04-21 5:25 PM
in reply to: #2807963

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-04-21 12:45 PM STEVE - With one exception, you don't want to add anything to your nutritional protocol at this point. But as for that one thing..... CHOCOLATE-COVERED PRETZELS, THINSATIONS, FROM NABISCO!!!! Oo-la-al! Were I doing IMSG myself, a small baggie of them would be in my bike s.n. bag -- maybe my run s.n. bag, too. I could see those as dramatically altering my worldview for the better mid-race, to be sure!

Done and done!  I will add them to my nutrition profile on my ride this weekend.  I will replace my normal Hammer Gel with these exclusively and see how that works.

I was also joking on the IMSG board that because I view the event as a celebration of all the training up to that point, I am going to have one of my fuel belt flasks filled with orange juice and vodka.  I figure it's the perfect mixture of energy,  vitamin-c, calories and pain killer.  Should work well around mile 18 of the run!  :-)

Also, just stopped by the LBS and picked up a very lightweight rain/wind vest.  No insulation at all, just a super-thin rain/wind shell.  I figure to strap it behind my seat in my bottle carrier area so it's out of the way and is there if I need it.  Temps look to be in the 80's by mid-afternoon, so unless it's raining in the AM before it warms up, I doubt I'd even use it. 

Not much else to report other than PT this morning was particularly painful, and the nightmares have started. 

Nightmare:  I had a very vivid dream where I came out of the water in 55 minutes (my subconscious must have remembered your post from yesterday!) and I was in transition...but they didn't have my T1 bag at the deli counter (don't ask why it was a deli counter).  When they found it, finally, I ran to the back of the store into the woods where the bikes are being no particular order.  I kept running around yelling at nobody in particular, "they're catching up!!!!  They are CATCHING UP!!!"  Finally find my bike, and the tires are flat.  So it's back to the deli counter to get a tire pump...and they are now taking numbers to get your T1 I pull a number and am waiting to be called while everyone else is getting out on the bike course. 

Alarm went off, and I had to get up for PT.

PT:  Stronger electro stimulation, then ultrasound, then deep tissue.  The therapist and his assistant seem to take great joy in seeing how much he can dig his elbow into my hammy before I can't take anymore.  Chris, the assistant, said, "wow, he just refuses to cry."  Right now, I can definitely feel the muscle just sitting here.  It's kind of a lightly spasmming - I'm going to assume that's a good thing.  LOL.   

Is it May 1 yet?
2010-04-21 5:53 PM
in reply to: #2808481

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Steve A-

I hope PT helps that leg out. Good vibes heading your way from little ole Caratunk, ME.  We are small but we have really good mojo here.  The PT?  That. Sounds. Awful.  Ouch.  At least they have a sense of humor about it.  Don't run until May 1!! I can't run for a while myself with this calf thing.  I wish I had a PT like yours!  I think.

Mmmm, chocolate covered pretzels are one of favorite things in the world, I never thought of bringing them on a ride/run, not to mention using them in a race....What a happy place I would be in...I am totally trying that out in training.

Love the OJ and Vodka idea, too funny.

Man, those are some crazy nightmares you are having!  Deli counter? Bikes in the woods? And the worst part, the flat tires!  Sleep well tonight.  You must be going nuts waiting for this!  I know I would be. 

Don't run!  S-B-R (Swim-Bike-Restthehammie)

2010-04-21 9:35 PM
in reply to: #2803366

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Happy birthday to Lynn!
2010-04-21 9:45 PM
in reply to: #2803367

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

I thought about getting rolfed (is that even a word?) for a collarbone-shoulder area issue that kept bugging me. In short, I messed up that area pretty badly a few years ago and sometimes it just seizes up and cramps, making me think it's a muscle thing, which led me to consider rolfing per my friend's description of it changing things around and hopefully putting it back to normal. That is, until I went to PT for my other shoulder and got a deep tissue massage that nearly brought me to tears...and by "nearly", I mean I was definitely crying but the PT lady didn't see it so it never happened (thank God for face-down massage tables). That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

And that's when I stopped entertaining the thought of rolfing. If it's past deep tissue on the pain continuum then no, thank you! I think I'd need to be sedated to survive that. And I like to think I have a high pain tolerance.
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