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2010-04-22 12:29 PM
in reply to: #2809001

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
augeremt - 2010-04-21 11:24 PM Shaun,

Eww regarding your work schedule. I've had my fair share of jobs with bad hours so I'm so glad finally to have this flexibility. Sometimes it's my downfall and leads to lack of motivation, but for the most part it's suited me well

So...come to Boulder! It's the land of hippies, Whole Foods, and people who don't work. They do, I just don't know when. Downtown's always busy, the trails are always full, and the roads are always packed with cyclists, even on weekdays. I would know, since I'm one of them Boulder's like a little bubble insulated from the real world. And if you need culture, Denver's only a 40-minute bus ride away. And you better bus it, otherwise people look at you funny. Unless you carpooling, then it's somewhat ok.

Wow, I should work for the Boulder Tourist/Relocation Board. And to think only a few months ago I was desperate to leave!

Hopefully your weather improves and is more conducive to riding. Ours just turned to @#$% with thunderstorms and hail predicted for the next 4 days. Guess I'll get a lot of swimming in.




I really, really do.


2010-04-22 3:05 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!! this guy is CRAZY...but in a good way? 

Ultraman anyone?  RAAM? 
2010-04-22 3:06 PM
in reply to: #2810748

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
SAquavia - 2010-04-22 1:05 PM this guy is CRAZY...but in a good way? 

Ultraman anyone?  RAAM? 

Whoops..file was too big...but click here to read article:

He is my new idol!!!!!
2010-04-22 3:29 PM
in reply to: #2809243

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

The foot thing is feeling more and more like an inflamed tendon. Most of the pain is localized at the top of the foot and today hurts more when I put a shoe on than flexing my foot. Yesterday it was more the flexing. Ay ay ay. Everytime I seriously think about going for a long run, something in my body aches to the point of worry. I think it's conspiring against me to sit on the couch. So tomorrow, I plan on being completely lazy and maybe the foot will stop hurting so I can go on a run. Reverse psychology is key! I just hope my body gets it.


Edit: I spoke too soon. Pain is still at the top of the foot when I put on the shoe, but when I walk it hurts more near the toes with some pain going up the foot and the ankle joint. My regular walking shoes are not tied tight, but rather on the loose end. Running shoes may be the problem if it is tendonitis because I have been wearing them more often. But I tend to keep those pretty loose as well. I figure it can't be too serious so I haven't cut out any activities. Yet. We'll see what this weather-imposed rest does for the foot.

Edited by augeremt 2010-04-22 6:44 PM
2010-04-22 3:33 PM
in reply to: #2809342

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Steve again,

I mostly meant the gels and powdered drinks during the race. I'm not too concerned about revamping my entire diet right now since I've been pretty good about getting my fiber, protein, carbs, and all that in the appropriate proportions. As long as I'm eating enough and balancing my meals, I feel like I should be fine for this first tri. Later on when I want to improve my speed, I may consider changing things around, but I'm good for now.

So yeah, gels and powders for the bike/run is what I was asking about and you seem to have answered my question. How will I know if they work and aren't just placebos? Especially if my workouts now are under 90 minutes?

2010-04-22 4:10 PM
in reply to: #2810825

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
augeremt - 2010-04-22 1:29 PM Steve,

The foot thing is feeling more and more like an inflamed tendon. Most of the pain is localized at the top of the foot and today hurts more when I put a shoe on than flexing my foot. Yesterday it was more the flexing. Ay ay ay. Everytime I seriously think about going for a long run, something in my body aches to the point of worry. I think it's conspiring against me to sit on the couch. So tomorrow, I plan on being completely lazy and maybe the foot will stop hurting so I can go on a run. Reverse psychology is key! I just hope my body gets it.


Kaisa - if it's what I went through about a month ago, the best thing to do is schedule a doctor appointment.  It went away the morning of the appointment!  Day before, limping around like crazy.  Appointment day, I showed up and sheepishly said, " feels fine".  :-)

2010-04-22 6:09 PM
in reply to: #2809651

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Good luck with the OKC trip. Hopefully it all goes well and the decisions come relatively easy. And props to you for going for a swim yesterday, especially that late! I'm in the same boat today, so I'll use your logic and get my butt to the gym. You're right, it does feel good afterwards. Thanks for the motivation.

And your DH is awesome for scoping out a run for you.

2010-04-22 6:11 PM
in reply to: #2809986

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Thanks for those links! You are a treasure trove of great information. First the bike and now this. Man, this group rocks!

2010-04-22 6:37 PM
in reply to: #2810953

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
SAquavia - 2010-04-22 3:10 PM

Kaisa - if it's what I went through about a month ago, the best thing to do is schedule a doctor appointment.  It went away the morning of the appointment!  Day before, limping around like crazy.  Appointment day, I showed up and sheepishly said, " feels fine".  :-)

Haha, good call, Steve! So true...
2010-04-22 7:14 PM
in reply to: #2811133

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Glad to help where I can!

This is all stuff I've been thinking about or am thinking about so I find where the answer probably is and then it takes me 6 months to get back there and really read it...Google is my friend.

I also agree with SteveB on the laces. I was starting to get some pain on the top of my foot (which somewhat moved with movement like you last described) and then got some elastic laces and I've been good to go ever since. I swear by them now and could even see using them in my every day shoes if they didn't have the big plastic piece that acts as a knot. Like you, I also keep my general walking shoes loose. I was fighting with my running shoes and how my foot would slip around. Now with the elastic laces, foot stays in place. Tendons are not squished and I have happy feet!

As for Boulder, don't tempt me too hard!! I might come looking for a couch to crash on. I've got to get through until into the fall here before I really start deciding what I want to do. The only downside you mention is the having to carpool to Denver. The car is like a sign of independence and not sure if I could just give it up that easily (you're from Southern CA, you must sort of understand this). Colorado is high on my list. We might have to talk later about this.

Not all people (err I think you said a man) wearing tights on bikes are uptight. Once I went tight, I could never go back. No matter how ridiculous I may or may not look in the shorts. Good job on keeping up with him though. Must be one of those people out there for show and not the dough.
2010-04-22 7:19 PM
in reply to: #2809497

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-04-22 9:35 AM MANDY - Thank you for the video; it finally worked on my computer! The guy in it is Wes Hobson, the author of "Swim, Bike, Run", which SHAUN is reading now. The truth is that, back in the day when he was an active pro, he actually trained that way -- with people clubbing him with baffles. I hadn't seen that video before and had forgotten that story, but it all came back to me quickly. There may have been an article in one of the tri magazines back then (I think he was a regular columnist in Inside Triathlon around 2001 or 2002), or it might be in his book. Nifty video! Not that I'm an armchair sadist, mind you, but I was sorry it was over so soon!

Gulp, I am??? I didn't even know that!!

Ok, I read the back cover and put a place keeper inside one or two pages, so I guess that counts!!

That is some wicked training! If you're a pro like he was then you've got to get used to it somehow right?

2010-04-22 7:39 PM
in reply to: #2811223

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Well, maybe not really and truly, but if I may add myself to the Boulder-lusters (that would be Steve and Mandy), that makes a troika of wanna-be-theres. Any other Boulderphiliacs?

2010-04-22 7:43 PM
in reply to: #2809651

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

And with Lisa, we're a quorum! We can now legally and formally decide to proceed.....or just nod our heads enthusiastically at our computer screens. Kasia --- hear us nodding at you!!

2010-04-22 7:44 PM
in reply to: #2811263

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Here's wishing you a happy extended weekend.....and may OKC display its charms for you!

2010-04-22 7:45 PM
in reply to: #2811252

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-04-22 8:39 PM LET'S PLAN A FIELD TRIP!! KASIA IS THE HOST! Well, maybe not really and truly, but if I may add myself to the Boulder-lusters (that would be Steve and Mandy), that makes a troika of wanna-be-theres. Any other Boulderphiliacs?

Do I not count here?

And I called the couch first! You all can fight over the floor!

So SteveB, with your enjoyment of music, do you get in to BluesFest?
2010-04-22 7:48 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Wow. Close encounter with a moose today on my bike. He had brown eyes and smelled like swamp. That would have hurt. Me, that is

2010-04-22 7:48 PM
in reply to: #2811266

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

LISA again -

Truth be told, most of my pool swims from Nov-May are similar to your swims last night, in terms of "veiled enthusiasm". I do them because I feel I should, and there's no rampant joy in going, but invariably I feel fine having done it.

Open water swims, however, are an entirely different matter, and I can't get enough of those. And usually the immediate post-season, a few weeks in October, are fine in the pool. But from then on......

2010-04-22 7:53 PM
in reply to: #2811252

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-04-22 8:39 PM LET'S PLAN A FIELD TRIP!! KASIA IS THE HOST! Well, maybe not really and truly, but if I may add myself to the Boulder-lusters (that would be Steve and Mandy), that makes a troika of wanna-be-theres. Any other Boulderphiliacs?

WHOOT! Great idea Steve! HA HA LOL!!  It is so nice of Kasia to let us all crash at her place!  Tongue out  I am small, I don't take up much space, but I eat a lot because I can't sit still.   Oh, my laugh is kind of loud, and I do that a lot. You will hardly notice me at all. 



2010-04-22 8:00 PM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Hey guys and girls,

Just wanted to say HI from Savannah, Georgia.   Have the computer for a short while - long enough to log my rides for the last 2 weeks - fantastic trip and great tour - still 3 more days of vacation left.   Then I will have to spend a few hours once I get home to catch up on all the news.

I'm starting to get hints already about being time to get off the computer.  

All the best,
2010-04-22 8:00 PM
in reply to: #2811276

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Well, that's the frustrating thing about Hammer Gel, that it has no electrolytes. I think every other gel has them in various amounts*, but for users of Hammer Gel, if they want electrolyes that need to use the Endurolytes capsules ---- or HEED, but as I said, I don't equip myself to carry drinks on the run.

*And it's not just amounts, it's also the specific electrolytes. All others have sodium, i think, most have potassium, and then it's few that also have magnesium and/or calcium and/or manganese.

Huh. I just checked one of my E-Load Energy Gels to see what they offer for magnesium and calcium, and they have a stick-on Nutrition Facts that covers the original packaging. The stick-on does not list either, but peeling it off to looks at the original Nutrition Facts, there it is -- magnesium 7mg, calcium 14%. When I talked to their rep a few years ago at a race in which they were giving away prototype samples, he told me that the big benefit to e-load was the magnesium. It made sense to me, as magnesium is a big benefit for crampers. I wonder why they ditched it, and clacium as well. (Is nothing sacred??)

2010-04-22 8:04 PM
in reply to: #2810031

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

SHAUN again -

12 miles in the aero position for a first ride is very impressive! My first aero ride did not come close to 12 miles; an intermittent 3-4 miles might be fairly accurate. By that time I had several soreness, aches, and twinges, and retreated back home with my tail between my legs. Of course, wach subsequent ride was markedly better than the one before, but the first one sure shook my confidence. So you and LRRH, aeodynamic together --- ain't love sweet?

2010-04-22 8:05 PM
in reply to: #2811252

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-04-22 8:39 PM LET'S PLAN A FIELD TRIP!! KASIA IS THE HOST! Well, maybe not really and truly, but if I may add myself to the Boulder-lusters (that would be Steve and Mandy), that makes a troika of wanna-be-theres. Any other Boulderphiliacs?

WHOOT! Great idea Steve! HA HA LOL!!  It is so nice of Kasia to let us all crash at her place!  Tongue out  I am small, I don't take up much space, but I eat a lot because I can't sit still.   Oh, my laugh is kind of loud, and I do that a lot. You will hardly notice me at all. 



2010-04-22 8:10 PM
in reply to: #2810303

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Oh, a fine help you are! I figured you'd have it all scoped out with a bead on a few less-costly options......and there you are, opting for the ultra-budget accommodations. Sheesh. Some people's kids!

No, i'm not in yet, but am eyeing it seriously. I wrote Tri-maine yesterday asking what the status is, but they haven't answered yet. (More "some people's kids"!!) Looking at the list, I don't think it is close to filling, but maybe I'd better do an actual count and see what the website says capacity is.

I'm working on some clever plans that weekend, and we'll see if I can pull them off!

Snowing? Again? I think it's time for you to relocate!

Sox'll have to play catch-up again, as texas has just scored two. Pooh.

2010-04-22 8:13 PM
in reply to: #2811305

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Come on over!

Shaun did call the couch first, but, Mandy, you can have the other couch. It's more of a loveseat, but I'm sure you'll fit. I can sleep somewhat comfortably on it and I'm also short

We can always pitch a tent in the backyard for the overflow. It'll probably be more pleasant in the summer anyways. I'm seriously considering it for myself. How Boulder of me...

But seriously, you are all welcome anytime!
2010-04-22 8:20 PM
in reply to: #2810838

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

KASIA - some extent it will be an act of faith. That is, your preferred product will have been around for a while, and lots of people will swear by it, and at the very least you can be confident that it is topping up your carbohydrates and electrolytes. But you might actually feel a subtle boost, which is what I often experience with HammerGel. I do NOT think this is just in my head, but is an actual actuality. For others, though, it is just something I do to prevent being hopelessly and helplessly depleted.

At Atomicman half-iron in '02 I bonked at about mile 4 on the run, and that's as worse as it's ever been for me -- calf cramps AND a general inability to even half-rubn half-effectively. I staggered to the next aid station where, belssed be, they had some Hammer Gels. I ate one (maybe two), and within about 5-10 minutes I was functional again. That was the best it ever got for me, dredging me up from the slagheap of death. But there have been loads of times I have been starting to run on fumes, and in went a gel, and a few minutes later I had most of my act together again.

But again -- barring obvious pick-me-up feelings, you can at least count on getting some of your carb and electolyte stores replenished.

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