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2014-05-23 8:11 AM
in reply to: navbtcret

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
#96 - 3 fast (for me) miles.

Originally posted by navbtcret

Day 912, 2.2 miles. Time to dye the beard and then get on the road. hopefully I will not have any stomach issues tomorrow. I feel real good going into this race.

Grab it by the nose and kick it in the a--, Ron.

2014-05-23 9:25 AM
in reply to: navbtcret

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Jenison, MI
Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Originally posted by navbtcret

Day 912, 2.2 miles. Time to dye the beard and then get on the road. hopefully I will not have any stomach issues tomorrow. I feel real good going into this race.

Have a great race, Ron!

Wednesday - #297 - 3 miles
Thursday - #298 - 2 miles
2014-05-25 6:22 PM
in reply to: #4412569

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Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
More info to follow about the race tomorrow or the next day. 110.3 miles completed, 3rd overall and 2nd male. Only three of us over 100 miles. The winner I believe was 126 and the female and 2nd overall was 116 and some change. Not sure who was the closest but I'll figure it out. Need sleep!
2014-05-25 7:11 PM
in reply to: navbtcret

Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Originally posted by navbtcret

More info to follow about the race tomorrow or the next day. 110.3 miles completed, 3rd overall and 2nd male. Only three of us over 100 miles. The winner I believe was 126 and the female and 2nd overall was 116 and some change. Not sure who was the closest but I'll figure it out. Need sleep!

Cant wait to hear the report.

There should be another category of runner who runs over 100 miles in a race. Ultramarathoner should go up to 100. I will suggest Megamarathoner! I like the alliteration too. Perhaps it could catch on.

Congrats on the OA placing too.

#578 - 4 hour ride/4 mi run
#579- 2 mi, a much needed recovery day
#580- 5 mi progression run after 2500yd swim
2014-05-26 8:19 AM
in reply to: ImSore

Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
#581- 16.1 mi. 6 mi of hard trails and hills. Would have gone a bit longer, but I promised my wife I'd be home by breakfast.
2014-05-27 7:01 AM
in reply to: ImSore

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Jenison, MI
Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Friday - #299 - 2 miles after a 15 mile bike
Saturday - #300 - 4 miles
Sunday - #301 - 2 miles
Monday - #302 - 4 miles

Summer has suddenly appeared. Over the weekend, I got my runs in during the late morning or early afternoon rather than going really early or late. I am intentionally trying to run when it is very warm to start acclimating to it.

Looking forward to hearing the 110 mile race report. I can tell you I didn't win the prediction.

2014-05-27 11:09 AM
in reply to: MSU_Brad

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Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Day 915 was yesterday and I managed 2 painful miles to keep the streak alive.

LumberDad was the closest to my actual miles so he is the winner, I'll be sending you a pm.

So the race started off great, miles were clicking by, the 1.5 mile loop was hillier than I thought it would be but it was not terrible. When my Garmin died after 22 hours it showed over 3200 foot of elevation gain and loss. The course and my garmin were way off and everyone who had a garmin was off by a lot on the distance. When my watch died it had me at 108.2 miles but they had me at 105, big difference. Any ways back to the race.

As usual I start out a bit fast but I am feeling great, miles are going by and I hit the 50K mark about an hour faster than the only 50K I have done. I was about 4:25 minutes to 50K by the garmin which is what I am basing all the stats from except for my total miles. My fueling and hydration is going well, I am going easily from both ends without an issue but finally start to pull my pace back some. I went out the first 50K quite fast. I hit the 50 mile mark about 10 minutes faster than I have ever done 50 miles in previously and I am still feeling great at about 8:20. It is a bit warmer than I would like but not humid so it is not that bad. Fueling and hydration still going great. I continue to move forward only stopping for bathroom breaks and some food that I carry with me and eat as I am heading back out for another loop.

Night time come with some cooling and my pace picks up a bit again and I get to 80 miles somewhere around midnight if I remember right, feeling a little fatigued but overall really good still no issue until then. Now my stomach starts acting up and I can not keep any food in me, bad cramping in the stomach no matter what I try to eat and I need the bathroom real bad. I am still able to run a bit at this point but without being able to eat and keep anything in me it is getting harder. By 2 am I can not run any longer and have not eaten anything for well over an hour, try to eat again and have the same results. The only thing that does not upset my stomach is water so water is it. I am walking at a brisk pace and still managing better than 4 mph walking, according to my garmin, I hit 100 at 19:54 which is well over an hour and a half faster than I have done 100 miles previously. I am very happy about that and try to eat something again, seeing how I have had no calories in me for about 4 hours now. No luck again but I am able to keep some coke and my Skratch lab drink mix in me now so a few calories but not much. It does not help my legs, still walking. I have tried a slow trot at least 20 time only to get maybe 100 yards at best and almost fall, legs so weak I am just stumbling so back to walking.

At this point now I have PR'd all my ultra times and have gone farther than I have ever gone before and want to just throw in the towel but I just keep plodding along. By now my pace is just over 3 mph though and fading fast. I finish one more loo[p at around 9:33 in the morning and see I am just shy of 110 miles but there count not mine. So I want to get over 110, so on your last loop if you are not going to get back to the start finish line by 10 am they give you a stake you put in the ground and attach you timing chip to it, which is what I do and then hobble back to the start finish line and sit down for the first time since I started in a chair. Now I sat down 8 times on the commode during the race but other than that I just kept moving.

It was the toughest thing I have ever done to date, the demons were screaming in my head all the time I was walking. I was spent that the drive back to the hotel I did not have the strength to lift my right foot off the gas and out it on the brake so I had to drive with both feet. Thank god it was only 5 miles to the hotel. I showered and dozed off and on for a few hours, showered again and then went for a nice steak dinner and finally a beer.

It is a good thing, maybe it could have been bad for me had the race been any longer, they did not weigh you to see how much you lost. I weighed myself at the hotel in the morning before I left and then again after I got back and I had lost 11 pounds during the race. Way too much, seeing how I was at 150 when I showed up to start the race. Yes I was 139 at the hotel and I did drink about 2 liters of water and Gatorade after the race before I went back to the hotel.

I am not feeling too bad today and will do another 2 miles after work, which is where I am at right now. New things learned at this race, take muscle rub with you and apply it when your legs are feeling fatigued. I talked to someone after the race and he told this is what he does, I'll have to try it. There were several people who ended up with stomach issue during this race so it was not just me. I do have irritable bowel syndrome and have had it for years which is where my issues usually come from. I have not had it flair up on me like this for a while though, the cramps about had me doubled over a few times.

Temps did not help either, it was high 70's during the day and no shade, got down to the low 50's at night and guess who did not bring a long sleeve. I managed to run in the same shoes the whole time, never changed them or my cloths. The only thing I changed was my hat. I also did not eat anything that I have not in my past ultras including the week before and during the race. Some things just happen on race day is all. I still had a good time and will probably do another timed event in the future.

Here is a link to my garmin so you can see how I did until the battery died. If you mad it this far thanks for reading and the support and encouragement.

2014-05-27 2:09 PM
in reply to: navbtcret

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Jenison, MI
Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Absolutely incredible, Ron. Great job. I can't even imagine doing this. I might have an interest in a 24 hour event, but it would have to be some kind of multi-discipline.
2014-05-27 3:28 PM
in reply to: MSU_Brad

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Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Day 916, 2 miles with my daughter who has taken up running in the last two weeks. I am just taking it real easy this week. My feet are still puffed up a bit, so is my left knee and the bottoms of my feet are very sore. If I listed all my aches and pains right now it would be a 1000 page novel so I'll just leave it at these three.
2014-05-27 6:39 PM
in reply to: navbtcret

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?

heard this on NPR today - this guy has run every day since may 26, 1969.

you have some work to do ron!



2014-05-28 4:50 AM
in reply to: mehaner

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Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Originally posted by mehaner

heard this on NPR today - this guy has run every day since may 26, 1969.

you have some work to do ron!



Yes but I do not have enough years left in my life to get there. I will be 52 this year. He is amazing and just broke the record that was set last year.

2014-05-28 12:28 PM
in reply to: navbtcret

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Well, my streak ended at 606 days.

It happened last Friday, I stayed over in the hospital Thursday night with son & wife. I had to leave early Friday morning for the 2 1/2 hours drive to work, figured I would get in a short run at lunch. Around 11:30 my wife calls and tells me they are going to release my son, so I head back down to Milwaukee.
By the time Walgreens gets there to hook him up with portable nutrition IV is was almost 8pm, we pulled into our driveway just after mid-night.
After a month in the hospital my son and wife were glad to be home. He will be back in the hospital tomorrow for round 3, but at least they will be back closer to home again.

Great job Ron!

I will be sending a link to our Relay for Life team we have set up for my son.
2014-05-28 12:34 PM
in reply to: Lumber Dad

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
#100 - 2.3 and 2.8
#101 - 2.9

Originally posted by Lumber Dad

I will be sending a link to our Relay for Life team we have set up for my son.

Glad your son is home. If forum rules don't prevent it, please post the link here. If they do, please send me a PM. I'd like to support you guys any way that I can.
2014-05-28 12:43 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?

Our relay team is: Noah's Cinema Heroes

I am Leonard Kersten, so you can donate under my name.


Edited by Lumber Dad 2014-05-28 12:45 PM
2014-05-28 1:08 PM
in reply to: Lumber Dad

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Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Originally posted by Lumber Dad


Our relay team is: Noah's Cinema Heroes

I am Leonard Kersten, so you can donate under my name.


Donation made and I am praying for your son and your family as well. The streak is not as important as a family member.
2014-05-28 1:22 PM
in reply to: navbtcret

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Originally posted by navbtcret

Originally posted by Lumber Dad


Our relay team is: Noah's Cinema Heroes

I am Leonard Kersten, so you can donate under my name.


Donation made and I am praying for your son and your family as well. The streak is not as important as a family member.

Thanks Ron.

I was just glad to get them home, so the steak didn't matter as much.

2014-05-28 3:24 PM
in reply to: Lumber Dad

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Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Day 917, 4.2 miles. I ran it under a 10 minute mile pace today. The last two days were around 11:15 pace. I hoping to get 10 miles in on Sunday but if I am not feeling it I will not push it.
2014-05-28 5:09 PM
in reply to: Lumber Dad

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Jenison, MI
Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Originally posted by Lumber Dad

Originally posted by navbtcret

Originally posted by Lumber Dad


Our relay team is: Noah's Cinema Heroes

I am Leonard Kersten, so you can donate under my name.


Donation made and I am praying for your son and your family as well. The streak is not as important as a family member.

Thanks Ron.

I was just glad to get them home, so the steak didn't matter as much.

I'm glad they're home, LD. Your priorities are right, my man.
2014-05-28 8:16 PM
in reply to: Lumber Dad

Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Originally posted by Lumber Dad


Our relay team is: Noah's Cinema Heroes

I am Leonard Kersten, so you can donate under my name.


Glad you are home with your son. Donation made. Start another streak when you can, you seem like a good guy, and I was glad to have you as part of the group. Focus on life, and your son, but don't be a stranger. I wish him strength for his third round of chemo, and your family strength during this time to give him all the support he needs.
2014-05-28 8:17 PM
in reply to: ImSore

Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?

#582- 4 miles hard after 1 hour bike
#583- 2 mi after 3.5 hour bike
2014-05-28 10:31 PM
in reply to: ImSore

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Jenison, MI
Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Tuesday - #303 - 2 miles after 2500y in the pool
Wednesday - #304 - 2 miles after a short bike workout

2014-05-29 12:31 PM
in reply to: MSU_Brad

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
#102 - 3.3 - The dog is on the mend, but she's still benched for at least another 2 weeks. It's only been a couple of days and I'm already tired of running alone.
2014-05-29 3:03 PM
in reply to: mrheathen

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Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Day 918, 5.4 miles
2014-05-29 7:30 PM
in reply to: navbtcret

Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
#584- 7 mi
2014-05-30 6:37 PM
in reply to: ImSore

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Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Day 919, 6.1 miles.
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