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2010-04-23 7:35 PM
in reply to: #2813168

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

After today's 'episode' in the pool you've got me considering EFS. No sample sizes though? The closest dealer is on the other side of the state!! If they sold sampler's on their site I would have had some ordered tonight.

So I ran first. 'Foundation' run at a bit of a faster pace, but last 3 runs on the treadmill have been same base pass. Nothing un-usual here.

Pool time, warm up, drills, 3x200 'lactate intervals' or sprints. Not into it. Just not feeling it, not a lot of interest it but trudge my way through. Somehow managed to only get one timed at 3:49. Other two felt faster. Then comes the first 25m sprint. 1/2 way through CALF CRAMP!!! WOOOAAAA....hold on Nelly, where'd that come from? Stop, massage, never felt it that tight before. Swim back to start and call it a day. Home for Endurolytes and Vitamin D.

So, I'm taking this as a big slap in the face that I need to do more than fuel before now. My runs are 40 minutes plus 10 minutes walking at least. Swims are 1600+ plus so say 45+ minutes with some rest periods in there. So now comes my time to figure out what to drink and what I like.


Here, I was going to ask about mixing Heed and Endurolytes...And Hammer's website comes to the rescue under Heed under usage. It says that one scoop of HEED = 2/3 of an Endurolytes pill so for most people 2 scoops is good.

2010-04-24 12:59 PM
in reply to: #2813223

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Did anyone else try to get on here early this morning and be told that Internet Explorer cannot open this webpage ---- or is it just me and my machine? I never know how theses things work. I mean, should I take it personally? (Mostly, I do. )

2010-04-24 1:00 PM
in reply to: #2813915

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I channel moose, and I can tell you that yours was thinking "Smells like triathlete"!

2010-04-24 1:15 PM
in reply to: #2813917

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

MANDY again -

They do get wall-eyed, don't they? Many years ago (~'72 or '73), I was driving back to Unity after watching a Quebec Nordiques (old WHA, at the time) game, probably mid-February, REALLY frigid, and somewhere between Jackman and you I rouded a corner and there in front of me, galumphing down the round, was a big old moose. It looked back over its shoulder at me, and it was all wall-eyed -- kind of fierce, what with steam coming out of its nostrils combining with That Look. It was actually pretty cool, but it took the big lunkhead about 30 seconds to decide to veer off into the woods and let me pass. I've been stuck behind logging trucks seemingly forever on that road, but for what seemed like longer at the time, I wondering if I'd be behind that moose all the way to Skowhegan.

Those were cool trips! Go to classes, come home, change, drive up to Q.C. for a game, drive back, get home at about 3am, sleep a few hours, go to classes. The other common road trip was did was often the night before an exam. A bunch of us would study together until 10 or 11, and then head down to L.L. Bean. Like, why not? Buy a container of Cutter's bug stuff or something, then turn around, come howm, sleep a bit, and then take the exam. From Unity to Q.C. it was about 4 hours each way, and maybe about two-and-a-half each way to Freeport. That was when I was less wise even than I am now! (And it was also when L.L. Bean was about 1/67 the size it is now -- same location, just two stories of a pretty small building, and not much attention paid to attractive displaying of the merchandise!)

2010-04-24 1:17 PM
in reply to: #2813168

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Your reservations have been accepted at Commune de Kasia! Congratulations!

2010-04-24 1:25 PM
in reply to: #2813939

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Well, two out of three ain't bad. That leaves me batting .667 for last night's Beantown predictions, and I guess I'll be content with that.

I'm very gald the Celts went up 3-0 in the series, as opposed to what coulda been 2-1. And with their inconsistency, I wouldn't want to see them face the chance of losing game four to Miami and then the series being tied. Gulp.

Heat. Stupid name. Almost as bad as the Orlando name - Magic. Whatever happened to good old plurals??

Upset that the Bruins lost, and now must worry all the way to Monday evening. That just gives me too much time for nervous tooth-grinding.

The Sox got lucky with that call at second base. Scutaro was way up above the bag when he caught the throw from Beltre, but the O was called out. Whew!

Big Papi delivered! That was nice to see, of course, and as with all of us I'm hoping for many happy returns. It made me hopeful when Remy was talking about all the adjustments Ortiz has been working on, just that maybe he's finally worked the bugs out of his hitting habits. It almost sounds as complicated as swimming!

2010-04-24 1:31 PM
in reply to: #2813951

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Sadly, Bluesfest has mostly alienated me. The past several years has seen it downplay true blues performers in lieu of a varied range of mainstage acts, most of which seem to be head-banger bands from the 70s and 80s. My son told me the line-up a few nights ago, and it's maybe something like Rush, Kiss, AC-DC..........hell, maybe even the Jackson Five!

Ah, how I long for the days of one or two acoustic stages, and the gospel tent, and a few workshops as well. It has now taken over LeBreton Flats, on the ample grounds of the War Museum, and last year it had to tone itself down due to protests from the local residents. I keep hoping it will find itself and its roots, but I don't have much hope of that anymore. Sniff.

2010-04-24 1:39 PM
in reply to: #2812592

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


That is a good story about the guy at the pool. He must be a coach himself, yes? I wonder how many more times you will have to run into him every five moinths or so for him to recognize you?

I vaguely remember have a protracted countdown myself before IMLP! I actually started mine about 28 minutes after signing up.....but I could see that was destined to get very tedious, so I put it off for about 51 weeks. Some race websites actually do that for you, which is always kind of cool. I think I began mine in earnest about 4 days out from it, and it made me aware of how consumed I was by the race. I mean, I never did that for anything else, even when son Peter was born on a scheduled C-section!

Priorities, priorities.......

2010-04-24 1:44 PM
in reply to: #2813971

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

STEVE again -

Okay, we know how your head is about this, so from the neck down --- how are you feeling?

You know, to counter-balance the countdown, you can work an elaborate checklist. Something like:
Supraspinatus? Check.
Acromium arch? Check.
Middle deltoid? Check.
Anterior deltoid? Check.
  • .....
  • .....
  • .....
  • all the way down to toenails. Check?

    Call it a 247-point safety/sanity check!

    2010-04-24 1:47 PM
    in reply to: #2813982

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    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    Off to do a brick of to-be-decided dimensions. It'll probably be a 37.5km bike, and then whatever distance run I feel like, at whatever intensity suits me. Swam earlier, so it's a day at the Haphazard Triathlon. See you all later!

    2010-04-24 10:16 PM
    in reply to: #2813986

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    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    The brick turned out to be the 37.4km bike and a 5.9km run. Both were done briskly, crisply, satisfyingly. Just so you know!

    2010-04-24 10:19 PM
    in reply to: #2814542

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    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


    Where are you -- Pittsburgh, maybe? If so, I hope your car is not bedecked and bedizened with Senators stickers and banners and such.....although it doesn't matter now because the Penguins eliminated them in OT tonight.

    Anyhow, hurry home! YOU'VE BEEN MISSED HERE!!!!

    2010-04-25 12:14 AM
    in reply to: #2812561

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    Extreme Veteran
    Spring TX
    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
    SAquavia - 2010-04-23 12:39 PM
    manfarr1974 - 2010-04-22 5:48 PM
    Wow. Close encounter with a moose today on my bike. He had brown eyes and smelled like swamp. That would have hurt. Me, that is

    That's AWESOME!  I think giant moose trumps angry dogs. 

    I had to break really HARD last week on my bike to avoid hitting a stupid squirrel that ran right in front of me!  Does that count for anything?

    In OKC ... have literally been driving in the car for over 12 hours per day the last two days, and my but is really tired, and I have another long day in the car tomorrow (at least 8 hours and that's without any sightseeing on the way home).  Made it to the hotel gym for about 45 minutes tonight for 30 minutes on the bike followed by a 1 mile run. 

    The Galveston triathlon that I had to bow out of this weekend turned into a duathlon this morning.  23+ mph winds for the swim and the head life guard for the city apparently canceled the swim.  I probably would have been even more disappointed to get down there and only be able to do a du rather than having to cancel like I did.


    Edited by lufferly 2010-04-25 12:24 AM
    2010-04-25 7:03 AM
    in reply to: #2814616

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    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    LISA -

    Over at Slowtwitch a couple of days ago, the talk was that it would be windy for the half-iron today, but nothing like what came up yesterday. I guess that's some cold comfort for you, having to have bailed on it.

    I've had that happen a few times, and fortunately it was later in my "career" so that I wasn't overly disappointed. But for people who are (a) new to triathlon and REALLY want to do it the way it should be done, or (b) nursing running-based injuries and are nervous about one run segment, let alone two, or (c) stars in the water and need the swim to bolster their race, cancelling the swim is a crusher.

    Even though we all "sign" those waivers when we register, it's amazing how many people can get quite ugly and nasty with the RDs when something like that happens. I mean, screaming at them, calling them lazy, demanding their money back.......and who says triathletes don't sometimes act as if they have a deep-seated sense of entitlement??

    Anyhow, I'll have to try to follow what happens down there today. This is the first year that Lonestar has been an official 70.3 race, and there will be lots of people there who are gunning for a spot at Clearwater. Even if it turns into a du the results will still count for Clearwater qulaifying, but for most people it will all seem slightly "tainted". The RD, Keith Jordan, is one of the best in the business, and I'm sure he hasn't slept at all in about 53 hours as whatever weather is there has been moving in. He'sa real stickler for exactitude and making everything as perfect as it can be.....but sometimes Keith can't even control what happens!

    Why so much time in the car beyond just driving up there to begin with? House-searching? Touristing? What are your reactions so far? Maybe your presence there spurred the Thunder to a good performance last night against the Lakers!

    Speaking of Slowtwitch above, there was a hilarious thread a few years ago about how tough squirrels are --- how many cyclists have run over one, only to have it get right up and scoot off. There were some very clever things done with Photoshop, too, so I'll go there later and see if i can find an easy way to get access to that thread.

    Finally, well done on squeezing in the gym and bike and run. I suppose at this stage of the weekend, that was as much good mental therapy as physical enhancement, huh?

    Are you heading back home tonight?

    2010-04-25 11:30 AM
    in reply to: #2814543

    New user
    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    I understand your sentiment to BluesFest and the corporate juggernaut its become. I'm supposed to be on vacation those two weeks so I've got some friends bugging me to go to Ottawa and join them at BluesFest. I read over the lineup yesterday and I can't say it jumps out at me as a great one. I believe 2005 was a good year (for my musical taste anyways). Really it should be called something more akin to 80's Hair Rock Revival/90's Alternative/Folk/Bands from the 2000's we may have never heard of instead of BluesFest. Oh well...My concert going days are probably behind me. I can't fathom paying $50+ to go see a band who has put out 2 albums. There are probably only a handful of bands I would even contemplate going to see for $30. However if Led Zeppelin ever decided to give'r another try, I'd be lining right up there bright and early for tickets.

    Speaking of being on vacation the first two weeks of July, if you're thinking of a road trip to Boulder, I'm on the way! We could carpool out there. It's only a 21 hour drive. Wink

    Good job on the brike. The not so nice weather is coming your way though. 3-4 days of rain here and not so warm either.

    That is truly dissappointing about the Sens. They were playing great in the last 15 minutes of the 3rd period, but so was Pittsburgh. I wanted to see the Sens take out Pittsburgh for what they did to Detroit last year. Now my hopes must lie with Buffalo....
    2010-04-25 10:27 PM
    in reply to: #2559115

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    Extreme Veteran
    Spring TX
    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
    Back from OKC.  It's about a 7 hour drive between our house (on the north side of Houston) and OKC, then the rest of the time was house hunting and trying to get a feel for things.  Then Saturday night, another few hours sitting watching the OKC Red Hawks beat the Memphis Red Birds, all the time between the announcements about the Thunder's game against the Lakers.  There was actually a man working at the Bricktown Ballpark selling peanuts last night that was fired because they found out he had tickets to the Thunders game and was running back and forth between stadiums.  They escorted him out with his final paycheck in hand. Lots of buzz in Bricktown last night with the Thunder, Red Hawks, and marathoners.

    I think OKC would be a liveable place, especially the Edmond area, which is where we concentrated our search.  My DH just asked what he should tell his boss. I told him to tell her he's planning on meeting with her boss up there in a couple of weeks to discuss the game plan. Then he said he thinks he'd end up hating the job up there (he's not too wild about his immediate supervisor). I told him I don't think he should accept a job he thinks he'd be miserable at ... so that's where we stand right now.  I'm all for him losing his job here and looking into something different, if that's what he'd like to do. (That's what I'd do myself if I had that option).  Even if he found something that paid half what he's making right now, and we could bank the 12 to 14 months severance, I think that would end up being a sweet deal for us a few years down the road.


    2010-04-26 6:02 AM
    in reply to: #2813951

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    Extreme Veteran
    Carver, Massachusetts
    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
    stevebradley - 2010-04-24 2:25 PM

    TRACEY -

    Well, two out of three ain't bad. That leaves me batting .667 for last night's Beantown predictions, and I guess I'll be content with that.

    I'm very gald the Celts went up 3-0 in the series, as opposed to what coulda been 2-1. And with their inconsistency, I wouldn't want to see them face the chance of losing game four to Miami and then the series being tied. Gulp.

    Heat. Stupid name. Almost as bad as the Orlando name - Magic. Whatever happened to good old plurals??

    Upset that the Bruins lost, and now must worry all the way to Monday evening. That just gives me too much time for nervous tooth-grinding.

    The Sox got lucky with that call at second base. Scutaro was way up above the bag when he caught the throw from Beltre, but the O was called out. Whew!

    Big Papi delivered! That was nice to see, of course, and as with all of us I'm hoping for many happy returns. It made me hopeful when Remy was talking about all the adjustments Ortiz has been working on, just that maybe he's finally worked the bugs out of his hitting habits. It almost sounds as complicated as swimming!


    Agreed, definitely nice to see Big Papi nail some hits. I know he still makes his millions regardless, but I just feel so bad for the guy when he struggles! And you can just tell it really bothers him.

    2010-04-26 7:30 AM
    in reply to: #2814936

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    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    SHAUN -

    For your swims, try having a water bottle at the edge of the deck, with whatever electrolyte drink you want in it. I went through several years of doing this religiously.....and then stopped the practice and haven't picked it up again. But mostly I am not doing any really intensive and extensive sessions in the pool, so I don't need to keep myself topped-up. For you, though, and the swims you're doing these days, it might help.

    Eating a CarbBoom yesterday, I saw their recommendation on the-tear top -- 15 before, every 30 after. I think GU has a similar recom, which is every 45 minutes. So if before your runs you ate a gel, that could likely get you through 40 minutes. As you go further, you might need another mid-run, but by then your fitness may be enough that you can go the extra distance without needing any additional fueling.

    I buy the 24-bottle flats of water, and along my favorite routes for longer runs I will stash them every 3-5 km. So for my runs that are greater than 12km, say, I might bring along a gel or two and combine them with a quick gulp of water. In fact, if you haven't learned this yet, you should always take a gel with water. Not only does it help with the efficacy of the gel, but it also makes it that much easier to get down, period.

    Yeah, I see the updated forecast and the weather you're sending our way. Thanks. Lots.

    Are you really going to Colorado in July? Lucky, lucky, LUCKY! Is it work-related, or strictly summer pleasure? In July '02 I drove to K.C., did a sprint there, and then the following weekend did an oly in Cleveland. So what's a guy supposed to do in the six days in between? Drive out to Colorado, of course! That was a lovely time of the year to do that, in the loveliest part of the country. I should check dates, but I think it was about July 12-17, in that range, that I was out there. As I said before, lucky you!

    2010-04-26 7:56 AM
    in reply to: #2815949

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    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    LISA -

    Wow. Those are some very interesting developments! As I began the second paragraph with the comments about the Edmonds area, it sounded like a done deal......and then came the revelation about him figuring he would hate the job there. I feel his pain on all of this, but for your part -- you have to be kind of relieved that it might play out this way, yes? Is there any line-in-the-sand deadline that he has to observe about a final decision, or is it all kind of waffly? As for your kids -- are they desperately hoping to be able to stay put, or are they open to a change?

    Big moves for less-than-stellar reasons are always problematic, as we have found out several times. In our younger days we relocated lots, and it was a yo-yo type of thing -- my move, then Lynn's move, then my move, etc. We met in Edmonton, Alberta, in early '74, stayed there a couple of years, and then did the following moves:
    1976 -- Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (my choice)
    1978 -- Toronto, Ontario (her choice)
    1981 -- Manchester, NH (my choice)
    1983 -- Wilkes-Barre, PA (my choice)
    1985 -- Dallas, TX (my choice)
    1987 -- Ottawa, Ontario (her choice)
    1991 -- Casselman, ON (mutual choice!)

    Much of the time in Manchester she was in Toronto working on her PhD, and then she wasn't really happy in PA (neither was I) or TX (although I was!), so she agreed to a post-doc fellowship in Ottawa and away we came! Jane was born in PA and Peter was born in TX, so at that point, with kids, we decided it might be wise to stop bouncing around and sampling the world, and just try to settle down somewhere. We've been in the same place since 1991..........which back in the day we never saw ourselves doing! In August it will be 19 years in this house. Nineteen! Holy-moly!

    ANYHOW, that's all a big digression from your own decision, woith my thoughts being..........(what exactly were my thoughts?) Oh, yeah! Some of our moves were big, and in hindsight quite stupid. It was much uprooted for questionable reasons, especially the move to PA which was going to a school that I had big doubts about liking -- and that's the way it turned out. Oops. Then again, I had doubts about Ottawa, and that turned out great.

    That's a funny-ish story about the poor peanut guy; what's a hard-core fan to do?!? As much as no one wants to get fired, those were unique circumstances and will not likely have too much of a negative effect of his search for another job. What exactly can you call what he did --- dereliction of duties??

    Finally, any word on how Lonestar unfolded yesterday? I guess I'll go and try to track that down.

    Welcome back home, Lisa!

    2010-04-26 8:04 AM
    in reply to: #2816111

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    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    TRACEY -

    There may not be another professional in any sport who wears his slumps as miserably as does Ortiz. Looking at him, you feel that he feels he is letting down the entire universe; it is almost painful to watch.

    Three close ones, at home, against Baltimore.....shouldn't be happening! It's good they won two of them, but still. I'm sure they'll turn the corner at some point, but it's slow in coming. Then again, they still have some significant injuries, so one mustn't be impatient, must one??

    Thee was a neat piece in the NYTimes last week about Red Sox Nation finally being at peace -- mostly. What they meant is that the agony of being so long without a WS win is now a thing of the past, and that the universal angst is no longer there. But they talked to one woman who finds that she now holds them to a higher standard than before, and I think I'm more in her camp. Getting that monkey off my back was significant, but it didn't remove the expectations I have for them -- especially with their larger-than-life payroll.

    Bruins tonight!!!! Oh, pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasePLEASE!!!!!

    2010-04-26 8:12 AM
    in reply to: #2816304

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    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    TRACEY again -

    Oh! I signed up for Escape! I now have to nail down an accom, and will throw some options to you for comments. I know Myles Standish is workable (thanks for telling me it's not a zoo in there).....but I might feel like a big baby and decide I need an actual roof over my head instead of the nylon of my tent! (Oh, POOR baby! )

    Wanna do the past dinner the evening before? My treat? It sounds like a good one!

    My plan is to do Escape, and then head up to Maine and do Pirate Tri at Sebago Lake the next day. I'm really looking forward to both of those races, and meeting both you and Mandy. It is a prety big change of plans from earlier on when i thought I might be doing either Mooseman (NH) or Keuka Lake (NY) the weekend before, but I love the way Escape/Pirate looks. The distance of the two races are similar, but terrain and course design are dramatically different. Should be a blast!

    2010-04-26 8:17 AM
    in reply to: #2816320

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    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    TRACEY once more -

    I might have mentioned this before, but.....

    When in the pool, do you ever deliberately swim as close behind another person as possible, staying right in the midst of their bubbles? If not, that would be a good thing to start doing, just to get you used to that feeling come race day. At first it might seem disconcerting, but you'll adjust pretty quickly. It most cases the bubbles are a fair ways behind the swimmer, so even though you feel you must be right on their feet, in fact you aren't. And the advantage to learning to do this is that if you can pull it off in a race, you'll save a lot of energy. Whereas drafting on the bike is NOT legal, drafting on the swim is very legal.

    Just a thought!

    2010-04-26 8:19 AM
    in reply to: #2816304

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    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    MANDY -

    See the one for "TRACEY again" -- I'm in for Pirate! I'm also in at the Super 8; thank you for that lead!

    2010-04-26 8:20 AM
    in reply to: #2816339

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    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    STEVE -


    2010-04-26 8:21 AM
    in reply to: #2816340

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    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    ANNE -

    Whiter art thou, Extreme Cyclist??

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