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2011-03-14 8:54 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

Steph - you do look like a runner!  You may not have the tall thing going, but thin & willowy - you have that down!

I had a really good weekend.  Didn't do quite as much as I wanted to exercise wise, but I did do something both days.  I did an early spin class yesterday, and then my neighbor dragged me to the pool.  She's good about getting me in the pool when I just don't want to.  I swam a little (hamstring held up for most of it) and then jogged with her aqua belt for a short period too (hamstring did not bother me at all doing that).

I felt bad for being gone so long I skipped the 2 hour spin class in the afternoon so I could spend some time with the hubby.  I've got to keep the peace, because as training picks up over the summer our time will be very limited.  It all worked out ok, I got my exercise in and we had a nice afternoon.

My back/neck/shoulder is doing better.  The pain is not completely gone but I've scaled back the medicine to almost taking nothing so that's positive.  Maybe I can manage it until after IM and then figure out how to fix this thing once and for all!

I think we are all going to have a great week!  Happy Monday!

2011-03-14 9:58 AM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

I am definitely planning on having a better week!  The cold is mostly gone and I know that I'm not going to die. 

Steph - I occassionally get comments like that.  I'm sure that with all of your IM exploits that you do have a runner's physique.  I work with a gruop of obese group of women - its strange after living in Boulder Colorado and Jackson Wyoming for so long where everyone is super skinny and fit.  Usually they say, "oh, you're skinny, thats why its so much easier for you to exercise."  And I always think, "no, its easier for me to exercise because I do it all the freaking time and that's why I'm thin."  I also think about all of my heavier years - after college, after the kids were born - and how must weight I've lost and that my BMI is totally average.  They use work as an excuse but I have the exact same job.  So they all go out for lunch every day and I go to the gym.  Its not rocket science to figure out the difference in our body compositions. 

Anyway, looking forward to a good week. I'm considering last week a recovery week and hope to get in some nice long rides and runs this week.  No swimming yet with the sinus infection but hopefully next week. 

Have a great week everyone!

Edited by elizabethk 2011-03-14 3:02 PM
2011-03-14 1:27 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Apex, NC
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

What a compliment Steph!  I would take that over "cute shoes" any day.  I had a funny comment on my running once too.  Someone saw my RoadID bracelet and said "oh wow, you must be a really good runner to have that."  I replied "No, I think it's a sign of just the opposite - so they know who to call if I can't make it home!"

3 goals for the week:

-Drink 8 glasses of water (can you believe I'm still on this one?)

-Do a moderate amount of training this week before Sunday's race

-Sit down and pay attention any time I eat.  No multitasking.  (This even harder than the water for me!)

I hope everyone else is healing and getting excited about the season!


2011-03-15 6:02 PM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

Gasp--I thought this couldnt happen but I have actually forgotten what I did for exercise two weeks ago and can't fill in my log!!!

I took some time off last week for my shoulder and didnt log from the week before and now I have no idea what to do! The hole in my log makes me feel terrible

Blond moment.

2011-03-15 9:35 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

consistency is paying off! Today my swim coach told me that in the new training season which starts May, he wants me to go up into the Iron Man lane. We did some 400m drills and I was only coming in 15" after the IM guys- really pumped! I have to say, its mainly due to a gal called Lee, who has been training with us for a while- she was a bit faster than me when she started, and that has really been pushing me to push harder at training. She and I came in on the same time on the 400s today, so now we are moving up together.
Harnessing my competitive nature for the powers of good!

I just wish my running would get better- but getting there- need to be as consistent with that as with swimming- and maybe get a running buddy- just haven't been able to find anyone as slow as me yet : )

Happy training!

2011-03-15 9:48 PM
in reply to: #3399600

New user

Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

mareelouise - 2011-03-15 9:35 PM Ooh, consistency is paying off! Today my swim coach told me that in the new training season which starts May, he wants me to go up into the Iron Man lane. We did some 400m drills and I was only coming in 15" after the IM guys- really pumped! I have to say, its mainly due to a gal called Lee, who has been training with us for a while- she was a bit faster than me when she started, and that has really been pushing me to push harder at training. She and I came in on the same time on the 400s today, so now we are moving up together. Harnessing my competitive nature for the powers of good! I just wish my running would get better- but getting there- need to be as consistent with that as with swimming- and maybe get a running buddy- just haven't been able to find anyone as slow as me yet : ) Happy training! Maree


Wow!  That is amazing Maree!  Way to go!

2011-03-16 7:34 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Yay! Way to go Maree!!
2011-03-16 8:44 AM
in reply to: #3399600

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

mareelouise - 2011-03-15 10:35 PM Ooh, consistency is paying off! Today my swim coach told me that in the new training season which starts May, he wants me to go up into the Iron Man lane. We did some 400m drills and I was only coming in 15" after the IM guys- really pumped! I have to say, its mainly due to a gal called Lee, who has been training with us for a while- she was a bit faster than me when she started, and that has really been pushing me to push harder at training. She and I came in on the same time on the 400s today, so now we are moving up together. Harnessing my competitive nature for the powers of good! I just wish my running would get better- but getting there- need to be as consistent with that as with swimming- and maybe get a running buddy- just haven't been able to find anyone as slow as me yet : ) Happy training! Maree

That's AWESOME!  Oh, to some day be asked to move to the IronMan lane, a goal to shoot for.  Nice work!

2011-03-16 9:48 AM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Way to go, Maree!!  That's a huge accomplishment. 
2011-03-17 2:49 PM
in reply to: #3400145

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

I'm bumping us up to the top!

How are you ladies doing today?

It is beautiful here and I'm wishing I were outside instead of sitting at my desk doing work. 

Elizabeth I agree with you about the ladies at work that think being in shape is all "luck".  I am actually glad that I gained weight as an adolescent (even if it made those years suck more) because I had to change my eating habits and add activities to my life then rather than trying to do it as an adult.  Both of my sisters were always thin and willowy-looking, so they didn't gain weight until college and they both really battle the inertia and bad eating habits (toaster scrambles - seriously) now.

I'm getting nervous about the race on Sunday.  My friend Natalie (she is a multiple-Boston qualified marathoner) is planning to run with me to see if I can go under 4 hrs.  It will be a huge stretch (35-39 minute PR) but McMillan Running calculator seems to think it is possible.  So, as my DH says "why not try?"  Worst thing that happens is that I tour the port-o-potties and walk it in, big deal.

Hope you all have a good rest of the week and beautiful runs this weekend!

Jennifer is racing a half-marathon, Katie is racing the Publix Georgia half - anyone else racing?

Edited by Mrs. brown_dog_us 2011-03-17 2:59 PM
2011-03-17 3:37 PM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend!

Exercise-wise, my week has been pretty uneventful.  But at work this week I convinced my boss to let me drop back to a 32 hour week and have fridays off so that I can spend more time with the boys!!!  HOORAY!!  I cant even begin to tell you how thrilled I am about this.  But it means that I likely wont do the HIM in June.  My limited training time just became even more limited (I primarily exercise at lunch) and I'm not going to pay to dump the kids in childwatch at the gym when the whole point is to spend more time with them.  So we'll see how the next few weeks go.  I'm not totally writing the HIM off, but I've also realized that I'm just not a morning exerciser, mostly because I still get up at least 4 nights a week with one of the boys and have a horrible time falling back asleep. 

Anyway, good luck to everyone and Steph, I totally think you can break 4 hours.  Keep us posted. 


2011-03-17 4:36 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Apex, NC
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

I'm getting nervous about running with other people.  Sunday's HM is my first running race ever - and I don't train with others.  I'm worried about getting stuck behind slowbies or being one!  I plan to start near a pace group but I can't help feeling anxious about this.  Any pre-race meal suggestions that are sure-fire winners?  Best of luck to everyone running (I think the only one I'm 'racing' is me!


2011-03-18 5:49 AM
in reply to: #3402653

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
jlahoward - 2011-03-17 5:36 PM

I'm getting nervous about running with other people.  Sunday's HM is my first running race ever - and I don't train with others.  I'm worried about getting stuck behind slowbies or being one!  I plan to start near a pace group but I can't help feeling anxious about this.  Any pre-race meal suggestions that are sure-fire winners?  Best of luck to everyone running (I think the only one I'm 'racing' is me!


You are going to do just fine, just run your own race.  You've trained and are ready to do this!

For pre-race meal, are you talking about the night before or the morning of?

For dinner the night before a race I try to have pasta with a little marinara sauce (not too much) and a small green salad.  Although I have had a big greasy hamburger with bacon and cheese, side of fried, and ran a great half marathon trail run.

For breakfast I usually have instant oatmeal and some coffee.  Or two slices of cinnamon bread (no raisins) with peanut butter and honey.

What have you been eating for training?  I'd eat the same things, whatever your stomach is used to will be the best.

Have a great race!

2011-03-18 6:49 AM
in reply to: #3402653

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
jlahoward - 2011-03-17 5:36 PM

I'm getting nervous about running with other people.  Sunday's HM is my first running race ever - and I don't train with others.  I'm worried about getting stuck behind slowbies or being one!  I plan to start near a pace group but I can't help feeling anxious about this.  Any pre-race meal suggestions that are sure-fire winners?  Best of luck to everyone running (I think the only one I'm 'racing' is me!


Agree with what Karen said about sticking with what is normal for you.  Nothing new on race day!

However, it you need ideas, we will have pasta and grilled chicken the night before.  No veggies.  My pasta will have only the lightest of pestos and salt and maybe some walnuts.   Usually we have homemade pesto (lowest oil possible), but we are out so I think we are having lemon-caper-parsley pesto from the farmer's market.  Sounds good! 

For breakfast, I have steel-cut oats with brown sugar and soy (or almond) milk and a small cup of coffee.  I may have a GU just before the start but probably not and then one GU every 4 miles during the race.

Do not worry about the other racers!  They don't want to be in your way or touch you any more than you want to do it to them.  If they are annoying you (with breathing, footsteps, etc), just turn your i-pod up louder or sing/hum to yourself to drown them out.  I use the Suzanne Vega song "Tom's Diner" whenever I need to tune someone out.  Do do do doo do do do doo - do do do do do do do do. . . . etc.  Very effective and relaxing for me.  : )

Good luck!  You are going to do great!

2011-03-18 9:56 AM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

Jennifer -

I totally agree with Karen and Steph's posts.  You've already run further than the distance and smoked it so you're going to do great!

The night before a race I also have pasta with a few tomatoes, a little garlic, olive oil, red pepper flakes and maybe some pancetta on top - super super mellow on the stomach.  Its a recipe that I adopted from Bobby Flay - I figure that since he's a great chef that runs marathons I cant go wrong.  And for breakfast I have two slices of wheat toast and a scrambled egg - I have to have protein in the morning. 

My only advice is to make sure that you have a specific meeting place to meet your husband after.  I have spent much wasted time looking for my husband "at the finish" or "near the food."  Also, if the race is close to home, stay home as long as possible - your bathroom is much nicer than the port-a-potties.  OTherwise you might find yourself doing the revolving port-a-potty thing - finish, come out and immediately get back in line.  no fun.

Enjoy yourself!!  You're going to do great. 

2011-03-18 2:02 PM
in reply to: #3403403

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

All of you racers out there are going to do great this weekend!  Don't worry about getting stuck behind slow people.  As soon as you get past the first half mile people will start to fan out and you'll get into your rhythm.  As far as pre-race meals go I actually like to do chicken and pasta but I skip on the tomato sauce - I try to avoid anything that might give me heartburn that night or during the race.

Good luck racers!! 

2011-03-18 2:04 PM
in reply to: #3402560

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
elizabethk - 2011-03-17 3:37 PM

But at work this week I convinced my boss to let me drop back to a 32 hour week and have fridays off so that I can spend more time with the boys!!!  HOORAY!!  I cant even begin to tell you how thrilled I am about this.  

This is wonderful news!  Enjoy your extra time with them!!

2011-03-18 3:20 PM
in reply to: #3402560

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
elizabethk - 2011-03-17 4:37 PM

 But at work this week I convinced my boss to let me drop back to a 32 hour week and have fridays off so that I can spend more time with the boys!!! 

Good for you!  You are going to have so much fun with them!  : )

2011-03-19 7:34 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I've been really really rotten about checking in here or at least posting in here ( I come read ) Anyway I wanted to with the racers luck and say I can't wait for race reports! I love race reports.
2011-03-20 11:58 AM
in reply to: #3404528

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I finished in 4:01. Short of the goal but a HUGE PR. : ). Having beer now and will do race report later.
2011-03-20 1:25 PM
in reply to: #3265665

New user

Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
well, my first spring of tri's is over before it ever started.  i rode my new to me bike for the first time on thursday but my feet got stuck in the clips, I fell over, caught myself with an extended arm and broke my elbow.  i will see a specialist on monday and will hopefully learn more.  i broke my left elbow and of course i am a lefty.  my husband is back in town (after being gone for 5 weeks) and my mil arrives today to help me with my 11month old (i can't change diapers or pick him up) and 3 year old.  i am determined to do a tri this fall and conquer the bike.  good luck to the rest of you!

2011-03-20 2:14 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Apex, NC
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

Hi guys - thought about you all today.  Nice job Steph!  I finished in 1:58 (squeaked in under my 2hr goal).  Got it done, but it wasn't my best run ever.  Whatever - I did it!  More to come later.

K-I can't believe you broke your arm!  Although I've come close myself, having trouble with the clips is a huge problem for me.  But bless your heart with the kids too.  You hang in there.  Follow doctors orders but do what training you can.  You WILL get there.  Someone at a bike shop yesterday basically told me to give up on aero bars if I can't do it by now.  F%&@  (forget) him!  I hear the same determination in you that I'm feeling.  Use your time to get stronger in other ways and keep your chin up!


2011-03-20 9:35 PM
in reply to: #3405534

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

klinhart - 2011-03-20 1:25 PM well, my first spring of tri's is over before it ever started.  i rode my new to me bike for the first time on thursday but my feet got stuck in the clips, I fell over, caught myself with an extended arm and broke my elbow.  i will see a specialist on monday and will hopefully learn more.  i broke my left elbow and of course i am a lefty.  my husband is back in town (after being gone for 5 weeks) and my mil arrives today to help me with my 11month old (i can't change diapers or pick him up) and 3 year old.  i am determined to do a tri this fall and conquer the bike.  good luck to the rest of you!


Oh no!  I am so sorry to hear that.  It sounds like you have a pretty good attitude about it but thats tough - especially with young children.  Hang in there. 

2011-03-20 9:40 PM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

Way to go, ladies!  You both had some super fast times.  I'm impressed and looking forward to the race reports. 

Enjoy some recovery time.  You deserve it. 

2011-03-21 5:47 AM
in reply to: #3405534

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

klinhart - 2011-03-20 2:25 PM well, my first spring of tri's is over before it ever started.  i rode my new to me bike for the first time on thursday but my feet got stuck in the clips, I fell over, caught myself with an extended arm and broke my elbow.  i will see a specialist on monday and will hopefully learn more.  i broke my left elbow and of course i am a lefty.  my husband is back in town (after being gone for 5 weeks) and my mil arrives today to help me with my 11month old (i can't change diapers or pick him up) and 3 year old.  i am determined to do a tri this fall and conquer the bike.  good luck to the rest of you!

OH, NO!  I am so sorry, Katie.  I hope that it doesn't hurt too badly and that you are getting help from your DH and MIL!

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