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2008-06-15 9:39 AM
in reply to: #1351583

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Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

yeah!! off to find that race report!

...Wow!  you did GREAT!  you should be thrilled!  I want my race next week to go as well! 

Edited by movingsouth 2008-06-15 9:44 AM

2008-06-15 9:50 AM
in reply to: #1467136

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Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

Awesome, awesome job! There's nothing like the feeling after your first tri.

I remember for mine I was so nervous about doing all 3 sports back-to-back. I hardly got any sleep the night before because I was paranoid about over-sleeping and missing my race. But once I got it done it felt so great! And then I went online and signed up for another the next month. These things are addicting, ya know.

2008-06-15 10:40 AM
in reply to: #1351583

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Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Hello... I feel bad that I have been a tad out of touch. My computer at home died which didn't help. So...the update on me is that 4+ months later of hip pain... it has gotten pretty darn bad. I am going to the ortho on Monday but I had to make the tough decision to not go to CA for my danskin tri today. I think I could have done the tri...but the drive there 6 hours would have caused big issues. I feel like I didn't follow on my commitment to do the race. I know it is important to listen to our bodies...but it is still tough. Trying to not self loathe today, boo hoo. I think I need to find a sprint tri for the fall to have something on my short term goal list.

2008-06-16 7:27 AM
in reply to: #1467418

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

azelizabeth - 2008-06-15 8:40 AM Hello... I feel bad that I have been a tad out of touch. My computer at home died which didn't help. So...the update on me is that 4+ months later of hip pain... it has gotten pretty darn bad. I am going to the ortho on Monday but I had to make the tough decision to not go to CA for my danskin tri today. I think I could have done the tri...but the drive there 6 hours would have caused big issues. I feel like I didn't follow on my commitment to do the race. I know it is important to listen to our bodies...but it is still tough. Trying to not self loathe today, boo hoo. I think I need to find a sprint tri for the fall to have something on my short term goal list. Elizabeth

The choice you make is always the best decision, there are plenty of future races. That does suck though, get rid of the issues and get better soon! For me it is the training challenges and goals that I strive to achieve, not the races, races are for fun! Take it one training day at a time, and dont be a stranger, you are part of our group! 

2008-06-16 9:09 AM
in reply to: #1467418

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2008-06-16 11:45 AM
in reply to: #1467418

Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

azelizabeth - 2008-06-15 7:40 AM Hello... I feel bad that I have been a tad out of touch. My computer at home died which didn't help. So...the update on me is that 4+ months later of hip pain... it has gotten pretty darn bad. I am going to the ortho on Monday but I had to make the tough decision to not go to CA for my danskin tri today. I think I could have done the tri...but the drive there 6 hours would have caused big issues. I feel like I didn't follow on my commitment to do the race. I know it is important to listen to our bodies...but it is still tough. Trying to not self loathe today, boo hoo. I think I need to find a sprint tri for the fall to have something on my short term goal list. Elizabeth

Hopefully the ortho will be able to help and get you on the road to recovery. 4 months...I can't imagine! Definitely keep us posted on how it's going.

Sounds like the decision to skip the race was a good one. It's not fun missing out on things you've been looking forward to, but sometimes injuries change that. Get yourself healed up and then go out and kick butt on the course.

2008-06-16 2:41 PM
in reply to: #1467418

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Elizabeth, how frustrating - both the pain and the race cancellation. I hope you find relief soon and a new race too!  Come do See Jane Tri in September with me  
2008-06-16 3:31 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Wisteria Lane
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Elizabeth, I have been thinking about you!! I hope the apt. goes well today!
2008-06-17 5:03 PM
in reply to: #1467418

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
aSo...the update on me is that 4+ months later of hip pain... it has gotten pretty darn bad. I am going to the ortho on Monday but I had to make the tough decision to not go to CA for my danskin tri today. I think I could have done the tri...but the drive there 6 hours would have caused big issues. I feel like I didn't follow on my commitment to do the race. I know it is important to listen to our bodies...but it is still tough. Trying to not self loathe today, boo hoo. I think I need to find a sprint tri for the fall to have something on my short term goal list. Elizabeth
       Elizabeth, don't feel bad! Don't do that to yourself. I totally understand the hip pain deal. I struggled with that for a long time myself. I finally found a physical therapist who figured out that I had weakness in my leg that contributed to my pain. I was walking/running/biking...doing everything a little "off" and it affected my hip. Once I started on the right stretching and strengthening exercises it has gotten tons better. I did have x-rays and an MRI to make sure there wasn't a stress fracture or something else going on. And it really bothered me, too, whenever we would be in the car for very long. Sometimes I could barely get out of the car after a long drive. You are doing the right thing to find out what's wrong.  If you don't get answers or relief with the first doc, go until you find one that helps. Don't give up. Sometimes the right decisions are the hardest to make.  You have made a commitment to yourself...not any race...and you are taking care of yourself. Let us know what you find out. I'll be interested to see what they do! 
2008-06-18 12:06 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Wish those of us in AZ could send Bill some sunshine. Holy crap! Tucson is hovering around 110 the whole week, and you PHX area peeps are probably well over that. When it gets this hot all of my workouts feel freakishly slow. I need to try to get up early as it's cooler out then than if I wait and try to do an after work workout. I'm hoping the monsoon is on time this year.
2008-06-18 1:33 PM
in reply to: #1474318

Modesto, California
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

PirateGirl - 2008-06-18 10:06 AM Wish those of us in AZ could send Bill some sunshine. Holy crap! Tucson is hovering around 110 the whole week, and you PHX area peeps are probably well over that. When it gets this hot all of my workouts feel freakishly slow. I need to try to get up early as it's cooler out then than if I wait and try to do an after work workout. I'm hoping the monsoon is on time this year.

You could always jump inside your car where it is 170, then 110 wont feel as bad!

Tucson is tough,I dont miss that extreme heat at all, that dry heat is painful!

2008-06-18 10:29 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

Alright shipmates - you got me to run my whole 5K (erh, 4.25K) last month, I have a new request for you.

I have my first "real" tri this Saturday.  I did a mini tri (100yd/2.5mi/1.2mi) in April; this weekend is a sprint.  I'm asking for inspires these next few days.

With me (and the kids) having colds the past month, my training fell a little lighter than I would have liked, but is decently solid for the length.  Mostly I took a few more rest days a couple weeks but overall my volume when I worked out was still close to/at/above the plan.  Certainly I will not DNF unless there's something out of my control.  I don't think I'll be DFL. 

But a little pep talk for the swim would be nice.  and some encouragement to pace myself so I run every step of the 5K.  "Doing well" means swimming slow-n-steady and then after the uneventful bike, running EVERY step.  I've trained. I'm ready for it, but my brain is not yet there.  Come Saturday morning I hope feel it is aligned with my goals and I'll talk myself through any rough waters in the swim (due to the masses not the water itself, a calm lake) and remind myself to slow my pace on the run so I WILL RUN the whole thing; I do not NEED to walk if I'm mentally there.

So any positive thoughts... I'm happy to read them!  Help me meet my goals of a smooth swim and a no-walking run.   The bike is mostly flat, I'm comfy on my new roadie and will do fine. 

A second goal (beyond the "slow-n-steady wins the race" would be to beat my hubby's time, that'd be icing on the cake.  We might contrive to start the same wave, he's a faster swimmer, I should have a better bike time, but overall he has the mental fortitude to PUSH PUSH PUSH and finish strong despite his poor training.  Dunno if having him in the same wave would help or not!
2008-06-19 11:30 AM
in reply to: #1475873

Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
movingsouth - 2008-06-18 7:29 PM

I have my first "real" tri this Saturday.  I did a mini tri (100yd/2.5mi/1.2mi) in April; this weekend is a sprint.  I'm asking for inspires these next few days.

Oh we are going to be all over your blogs.

Sprints are all about pushing hard. If you are in pain, you're doing it right. That's why I don't like sprints...they hurt. But when you're done and you've pushed as hard as you could and left it out there on the course, the sense of accomplishment is awesome at the end.

You've got a few days, so start psyching yourself up now. No negative thoughts allowed. Think about how well you will swim, bike, and run. Think about everything you will do in transition so that it will go smooth. Don't leave anything up to chance on race day. Some people do things like bring several choices for socks, nutrition, etc. Bring only what you will need that day. The fewer decisions you have to make on race day, the better.

Bring your own black marker with you, and see how others are bodymarked. Then have your husband bodymark you in transition. This way, you can get to the portapotty rather than standing in line for bodymarking.

On the run, think about how far you've come and how you don't want to mess up what you've gained by walking. You will feel so good knowing you ran the whole thing, so do everything you have to not walk. Even if it's running just a little bit slower. KEEP RUNNING. Make little goals out there on the course. Get to the next corner. Get to that fire hydrant. Before you know it, the 5K will be over and you will have run the whole thing.

2008-06-20 4:11 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

Thanks Mateys (and Capt'n).  Just writing my thoughts/request for inspires helped my brain settle a little.  And your thoughts and wishes help too!

Now the problem is it is a scorcher of a day! (106 in the shade on my patio) Dangitall.  I like that the lake would be warmer (decided no shorty surfer wetsuit), but don't want to run in the heat!   Maybe this the inspiration to NOT start in same (last) wave as hubby -- but then there's less chance of my 3yo getting to race site in time to cheer/run me/us to the finish line.  Gambles!  She's really excited to see us race, but I won't be "racing" if it's too hot.

My MIL says under no circumstances should I race faster than my husband.  She doesn't think he (or any man) could handle being beaten by a woman, especially the wifey.   She was very serious and dire about it all.  I'm amazed about how much she DOESN'T know about her son.  She reiterated her concerns when concluding the phone call.  More inspiration to beat him so she can see our marriage not fall apart as a result.  jeesh!


2008-06-20 4:56 PM
in reply to: #1479419

Modesto, California
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
movingsouth - 2008-06-20 2:11 PM

Thanks Mateys (and Capt'n).  Just writing my thoughts/request for inspires helped my brain settle a little.  And your thoughts and wishes help too!

Now the problem is it is a scorcher of a day! (106 in the shade on my patio) Dangitall.  I like that the lake would be warmer (decided no shorty surfer wetsuit), but don't want to run in the heat!   Maybe this the inspiration to NOT start in same (last) wave as hubby -- but then there's less chance of my 3yo getting to race site in time to cheer/run me/us to the finish line.  Gambles!  She's really excited to see us race, but I won't be "racing" if it's too hot.

My MIL says under no circumstances should I race faster than my husband.  She doesn't think he (or any man) could handle being beaten by a woman, especially the wifey.   She was very serious and dire about it all.  I'm amazed about how much she DOESN'T know about her son.  She reiterated her concerns when concluding the phone call.  More inspiration to beat him so she can see our marriage not fall apart as a result.  jeesh!


Would you just hurry up and beat him!

2008-06-21 12:50 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

RR to be filed later but a quick update... I ROCKED the swim, out in 10 minutes!!!!  I flew on the bike (I THINK 11 miles in 35 mins) and then had NO legs and did 15 minute miles??  ugh.  I allowed myself to walk up the hills but I ran as soon as I peaked and ran all flats/downhills.  Did I mention NO legs?

And my mom and daughter made it to watch my hubby and I finish, my daughter ran the last 50 yards or so with me!

And My hubby says our finish times were "within seconds of each other."   

 more later!


2008-06-21 5:13 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

Alright, here you go:

Edited by movingsouth 2008-06-21 5:39 PM
2008-06-23 1:09 PM
in reply to: #1480037

Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
movingsouth - 2008-06-21 9:50 AM

And My hubby says our finish times were "within seconds of each other."   

Any updates on the official times? That is awesome you were so close! You were snapping at his heels!

2008-06-23 3:23 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
It's so quiet in here. How is everone doing? Or is it everyone is out training right now.
2008-06-23 3:31 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: ...
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2008-06-23 5:31 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

No official times posted yet   I'm waiting! 

I haven't done an ounce of training since Saturday.  I think I'll go run tonight - I have a 5K on Sunday so would be good to keep something going.  Was thinking to get up this AM but DH had to split for work early and before that was WAY TOO early for a wake up run.  I've been at the pool twice since Saturday but only in the kiddie pool. 

I did sign up for another race at the same tri course in late Sept-- it'll be an all womens tri.  I might sign up for a 5K trail run in August - to help with the goal to keep fit while on vacation in July!  It's a single/double track out-n-back race at a nearby lake/park.  After Sept there don't appear to be many nearby sprint tris... is the season over?!

2008-06-23 7:27 PM
in reply to: #1484250

Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
wgraves7582 - 2008-06-23 12:31 PM

I actually have had to work lately

I have been keeping at it pretty good, just wish I could find more time to run now, but now that I have a pretty good base so I should be alright for the tri.

I might sneak a sprint in Sunday depending on how I have progressed with my Kitchen Renovation.  Don't want momma too upset with me though!

Going to be in Colorado in a couple of weeks so I might try and rent a full suspension mt bike (demo purposes) and see how that goes then we head off to Acadia National Park the next week so July will be a crazy month for me.

Hope everyone is doing good with the training and racing.  Looking forward to catching up on RR from all our Triathlete's!!!!

I'm with ya there on the work thing. Work gets in the way of tri training way too much!

That CO trip sounds like a blast! Heh...renting a mt bike for "demo" purposes...suuuurrrrreeee.

I totally know what you mean about kitchen renovation. Ours is going on a year now. Well, it's the entire house. We have a bit of a fixxer upper house, so the work is non-stop and never ending.

2008-06-23 7:30 PM
in reply to: #1484538

Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
movingsouth - 2008-06-23 2:31 PM

I did sign up for another race at the same tri course in late Sept-- it'll be an all womens tri.  I might sign up for a 5K trail run in August - to help with the goal to keep fit while on vacation in July!  It's a single/double track out-n-back race at a nearby lake/park.  After Sept there don't appear to be many nearby sprint tris... is the season over?!

That sounds like good motivation! Keeping fit on vacation can be tough. I'm reaping the rewards of that now. So I'm trying to log my nutrition to help.

I figured you had more races on the horizon after this weekend.

2008-06-24 10:50 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
The last time I did anything was riding my bike on Saturday. I decided to get a case of vertigo again...drrrr...and tonight I'm feeling well enough that I think tomorrow I will be back in the saddle again. This the second time in recent weeks that I've had the stinkin' stuff. It's one of those MS things. But, it wasn't as bad as it could have been. I still think that all the training I've done has actually helped me with my MS and that's why this spells aren't as bad as they have been in the past. So, tomorrow morning I'm getting out at 8:00 to go ride a bit. And I have a friend that I'm planning on swimming with tomorrow afternoon so it should be a good day. My next tri is in seven weeks and I'm planning on being in tip top shape and giving it more than I did at the last one. I think I still had something left at the end of that first tri and now that I've done it, I think I can better plan on how much to give this next time.  
2008-06-25 9:05 AM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Hi Everyone... thanks so much for all of the support. My hip feels so much better since I haven't biked in weeks. Sadly, I think the bike was the culprit. I go back to the ortho on July 2nd. I have really been enjoying my runs lately. I am off to Tahoe today until Sunday without the kids (guilt, guilt). Then we leave for Greece on July 5th... so it will be a busy few weeks. I am hoping it is cooler up there and I can get some hiking in.

It is almost time to start my half mary training...yikes. BTW... I love the Penguins plan (marathoning for mortals_...the only issue is with the exception of the long run it is all timed... so a 40 min. run a 30 min run etc. I am not sure that is best for me since I am super slow... so 40 for me and you would be vastly diff. Should I find a plan that has a focus of miles?

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