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2009-03-22 12:08 PM
in reply to: #1864965

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Grand Rapids, MI
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

Well, I'd like to humbly and publicly admit defeat. It was a good old fashioned a55 kicking. I can't complain, I finished with a new PR of 21:59. That's 42 seconds faster than my old PR.

Our fearless leader, you know, the one who "hasn't done any speed work lately..." finished in an impressive 20:02. Very nice Bill.

Sorry we didn't get much time to talk, but it was good to meet you. What's next? 5/3 in May? hopefully we can meet up there for a few.

On another note, I finished my first tri (indoor) today. It was 15 minutes each event. I felt great. A little sore and slow on the run. I think yesterdays race played a role in that. I'll post my results when I find out.

Hope everyone is doing well in their training.


2009-03-22 2:34 PM
in reply to: #1864965

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

Whats up Gents!   All is great here.  Just got back from a long weekend in New Orleans.  Didn't check email or BT AT ALL!!!  that and 6 hour ride each way w/ my pregnant wife and two screaming children...MENTAL TRAINING!!!   but i did some serious damage to the crawfish and beer population over there so its all good.

Looks like you guys had a great run!


Alright....sorry for the late note...  I'll be yapping at you guys in a bit...

2009-03-22 8:12 PM
in reply to: #2032877

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
sigepbrad - 2009-03-22 1:08 PM

Well, I'd like to humbly and publicly admit defeat. It was a good old fashioned a55 kicking. I can't complain, I finished with a new PR of 21:59. That's 42 seconds faster than my old PR.

Our fearless leader, you know, the one who "hasn't done any speed work lately..." finished in an impressive 20:02. Very nice Bill.

Sorry we didn't get much time to talk, but it was good to meet you. What's next? 5/3 in May? hopefully we can meet up there for a few.

On another note, I finished my first tri (indoor) today. It was 15 minutes each event. I felt great. A little sore and slow on the run. I think yesterdays race played a role in that. I'll post my results when I find out.

Hope everyone is doing well in their training.

Great job this weekend Brad!  You did get my e-mail about the loser wearing a pink skirt for 5/3 didn't you? 

Honestly, I have NO FREAKIN' IDEA where that came from!  I shattered my PR by nearly a minute on top of a really week at work that included a project in crisis mode, not enough sleep, and the death of a colleague.  The planets just lined up yesterday.

Up next for me is the Martian Marathon on April 5 in Dearborn.  I will probably be doing 5/3, but my focus after the mary is lots of (time in the saddle.....) in prep for the 24 hour challenge in June.

2009-03-23 9:01 AM
in reply to: #2032877

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
Great job Brad!
2009-03-23 9:36 AM
in reply to: #1864965

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL


Got cut short last night in composing my note.....Sorry we didn't get a chance to chat more on Saturday.  We had a colleague who has made a fantastic lifestyle change and was running her first 5K, had to jockstrap her in.  I'm hoping we can get together, Chris too if it works logistically, for a group run and/or ride now that the weather is more conducive. 

Stay tuned!

2009-03-24 11:15 AM
in reply to: #2034185

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Grand Rapids, MI
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
grandhavenbill - 2009-03-23 10:36 AM


Got cut short last night in composing my note.....Sorry we didn't get a chance to chat more on Saturday.  We had a colleague who has made a fantastic lifestyle change and was running her first 5K, had to jockstrap her in.  I'm hoping we can get together, Chris too if it works logistically, for a group run and/or ride now that the weather is more conducive. 

Stay tuned!

No problem. I had to do the same with my wife. I don't know if it's more work training for triathlon or trying to get my wife interested in running/tri. I'm making some headway in both.

I'm in for a group ride. Let me know when and where.

2009-03-24 11:18 AM
in reply to: #2034118

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Grand Rapids, MI
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

fattyfatfat - 2009-03-23 10:01 AM Great job Brad!

Thanks John! How's the HIM training plan treating you? I'm in my second week and going strong. I did my first strides last night. I feel faster already. Watch out Bill!!!

2009-03-24 11:25 AM
in reply to: #1864965

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Grand Rapids, MI
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

Here's a question for you Bill - At what distance should I start bringing water on my runs? you may have addressed that when you talked about measuring water loss, but I can't remember (read I'm too lazy to go through 16 pages of posts).

My long run is getting up to 10 miles now, and to this point, I haven't brought water with me. it seems like I probably should. I haven't noticed anything that made me think, I should have had water.

2009-03-24 8:57 PM
in reply to: #2036801

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
sigepbrad - 2009-03-24 11:18 AM

fattyfatfat - 2009-03-23 10:01 AM Great job Brad!

Thanks John! How's the HIM training plan treating you? I'm in my second week and going strong. I did my first strides last night. I feel faster already. Watch out Bill!!!

i'm still in the overlap of my 1/4 and 1/2.  so actually i'm way over mileage on the swim, close to even on the bike and a bit under on the run.  next week is taper week so it will still be a bit off kilter but i'm confident things will start falling into place by the second week of april.  i must admit, i've missed two long rides over the past three weeks.  that will stop happening.

i was on the road today for the first time mid-week as i just could not get on the trainer.  pouring rain and wind gusting to 20...i didnt care...actually loved it. 


2009-03-24 9:13 PM
in reply to: #1864965

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

story.  bought my bike used. the tires appeared to be new but cant confirm.  i have ~700 miles on them now.

question.  race is in 13 days.  should i throw some new tires on there now?  i havent had a flat yet and dont want one raceday!  am i worrying too much?


2009-03-25 5:15 AM
in reply to: #1864965

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

found this bit on the "talking to opposite sex" thread

If I was single, I'd probably start by offering a spare chocolate milk after the race.

i'm gonna ask my wife to carry a cooler full of it around after my races.

2009-03-25 9:42 AM
in reply to: #2036812

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
sigepbrad - 2009-03-24 12:25 PM

Here's a question for you Bill - At what distance should I start bringing water on my runs? you may have addressed that when you talked about measuring water loss, but I can't remember (read I'm too lazy to go through 16 pages of posts).

My long run is getting up to 10 miles now, and to this point, I haven't brought water with me. it seems like I probably should. I haven't noticed anything that made me think, I should have had water.

Hey Brad,

10 miles is pretty much my threshold on whether or not I carry water.  If it is a cool day, I tend to leave it at home.  If it is warm or humid, I'll carry it with me.  Anything over 10, I definitely carry water.

Personally, I like the Amphipod belt set-up.  I cannot stand to run with anything in my hands.  I try to simulate race conditions on my long runs and will aim for 4~6 ounces every 2 or so miles (like a water stop).  Again, if it is hot, I'll drink more.

In addition to the urine color rule, as your rides/runs get even longer, if you aren't peeing every 1.5 hours or so, you aren't drinking enough.


2009-03-25 9:48 AM
in reply to: #2038230

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
fattyfatfat - 2009-03-24 10:13 PM

story.  bought my bike used. the tires appeared to be new but cant confirm.  i have ~700 miles on them now.

question.  race is in 13 days.  should i throw some new tires on there now?  i havent had a flat yet and dont want one raceday!  am i worrying too much?


I ALWAYS give my tires a thorough inspection a couple of days before a race to make sure I haven't picked up any foreign objects or have a slice that is just waiting to go catastrophic.  If the tires look OK, I wouldn't worry about them.  I would, however, strongly suggest you carry a spare tube and a CO2 inflator just in case.  It sucks to flat during a race, but I'd rather have an explainable slower time than a DNF any day!

Word of wisdom:  if you've never used a CO2 inflator, practice BEFORE your race.  They can be a bit tricky and you can easily empty a cartridge without getting much in your tube if you aren't careful.....Another reason I carry 2 cartridges!  I'm sure your local shop would be more than happy to show you the ropes.

2009-03-25 9:51 AM
in reply to: #2036793

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
sigepbrad - 2009-03-24 12:15 PM
grandhavenbill - 2009-03-23 10:36 AM


Got cut short last night in composing my note.....Sorry we didn't get a chance to chat more on Saturday.  We had a colleague who has made a fantastic lifestyle change and was running her first 5K, had to jockstrap her in.  I'm hoping we can get together, Chris too if it works logistically, for a group run and/or ride now that the weather is more conducive. 

Stay tuned!

No problem. I had to do the same with my wife. I don't know if it's more work training for triathlon or trying to get my wife interested in running/tri. I'm making some headway in both.

I'm in for a group ride. Let me know when and where.

Weather permitting, we are off on Good Friday and making tentative plans to ride sometime during the day.  If it is warm enough, earlier is better.  Would this work for you?

2009-03-25 11:29 AM
in reply to: #1864965

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Grand Rapids, MI
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

thanks for the water advice. That sounds good. I've been looking at belts, just haven't bought one yet. I think I need another garage for all the gear I have/need. My wife is a huge fan of me buying all of this new tri stuff........

I don't have good friday off, so I can't join you then.

2009-03-26 10:32 PM
in reply to: #2039212


Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

Hey guys, hope everything is well.  Quick question:  I'm competing in an indoor tri this weekend - my first tri of any kind!  Just wondering if you have any tips about what to eat the days and morning of the event?  It's a sprint style.  Any tips or suggestions you might have would be great! thanks alot - jean marie

2009-03-27 6:49 AM
in reply to: #2043120

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

Bill and Brad will chime in here shortly with there expert opinion...but my advice is to eat some are gonna kick some a$$ no matter what you eat! 

Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-03-27 6:51 AM
2009-03-27 11:56 AM
in reply to: #2043120

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Grand Rapids, MI
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
radishbk - 2009-03-26 11:32 PM

Hey guys, hope everything is well.  Quick question:  I'm competing in an indoor tri this weekend - my first tri of any kind!  Just wondering if you have any tips about what to eat the days and morning of the event?  It's a sprint style.  Any tips or suggestions you might have would be great! thanks alot - jean marie

Bill can give you the expert opinion, I'll give you the "I've done this once and it seemed to work" opinion. The night before eat something that will digest easily. ie, don't eat a steak and a block of cheese. I ate spagetti. I was not shy about eating it either. I ate a normall meal.

the next day I just had a bananna about 30 min. before. All worked well for me. I felt great.

Here's another piece of advice. If the bike portion is on a spin bike, hold on. This will be different than any biking or spinning you've done. You set the resistance to almost nothing and pedal as fast as you can. I think I averaged 35 mph.

2009-03-27 12:17 PM
in reply to: #2044130

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
sigepbrad - 2009-03-27 12:56 PM
radishbk - 2009-03-26 11:32 PM

Hey guys, hope everything is well.  Quick question:  I'm competing in an indoor tri this weekend - my first tri of any kind!  Just wondering if you have any tips about what to eat the days and morning of the event?  It's a sprint style.  Any tips or suggestions you might have would be great! thanks alot - jean marie

Bill can give you the expert opinion, I'll give you the "I've done this once and it seemed to work" opinion. The night before eat something that will digest easily. ie, don't eat a steak and a block of cheese. I ate spagetti. I was not shy about eating it either. I ate a normall meal.

the next day I just had a bananna about 30 min. before. All worked well for me. I felt great.

Here's another piece of advice. If the bike portion is on a spin bike, hold on. This will be different than any biking or spinning you've done. You set the resistance to almost nothing and pedal as fast as you can. I think I averaged 35 mph.

Good advice from Brad.  For this type of effort, you really don't need to do anything special, just eat a normal meal that is easily digestable.  Pasta is fine, just don't overdo it as it can leave you bloated and feeling heavy the next morning.  I do not eat red meat the night before a race either.  It seems to just lay there like a brick.....I also avoid both high fiber and spicy stuff that could come back to haunt....One of my favorite night-before meals is scrambled egg whites and pancakes.  Easy on the tummy and tastes GOOD!

For breakfast, remember it takes about 3 hours for your stomach to empty, so either get up early or have 100~200 calories of a high glycemic simple carb (banana, white bread toast with honey, gel, etc.) within 30 minutes.

Have a GREAT race, we know you are going to ROCK! 

2009-03-27 10:03 PM
in reply to: #1864965


Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
thanks for the advice! i really appreciate it! ill let you know how things go!
2009-03-28 11:46 AM
in reply to: #1864965

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

< 1:38 this year Bill.  It's all you man! Great cause too.

I might have mentioned before but I forget so sorry if i did...we were in the New Orleans area during Katrina.  I had just finished my masters work so we moved out of the city to 6 acres across the lake.  House did fine but the property itself got destroyed.  You ever see a 4 foot diameter live oak split in half like a piece of balsa wood? My son Jack was two weeks old.  I will never ever forget that Sunday morning when we found out she was a cat 5 heading straight for us.  Not a good feeling.  I told my wife you have a half hour to pack the car with Jack, the 4 dogs and anything else you can fit (VW Jetta wagon so not much).   We evacuated to a friends house in Houston.  Amazing to see people you never met before knocking on the door with food, clothes, prayers, etc... because they knew we were there.  I slept for a few hours and went right back.  It was truly like the wild west for the first few days where I was, which was not even in the city itself.  I carried a buddies assault 12 guage and a 45 everywhere I went.  Had one minor incident with some "sightseers" on my neighbors property but thankfuly that was it. 

Bottom line though... we were so much more fortunate than so many others including some of our very close friends that lost everything. 

So anyways...Holy Half Bill....Have a great race, that city still needs all the help they can get.  I  hope they start helping themselves a bit more soon too.

2009-03-28 6:45 PM
in reply to: #2045708

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
fattyfatfat - 2009-03-28 12:46 PM

< 1:38 this year Bill.  It's all you man! Great cause too.

I might have mentioned before but I forget so sorry if i did...we were in the New Orleans area during Katrina.  I had just finished my masters work so we moved out of the city to 6 acres across the lake.  House did fine but the property itself got destroyed.  You ever see a 4 foot diameter live oak split in half like a piece of balsa wood? My son Jack was two weeks old.  I will never ever forget that Sunday morning when we found out she was a cat 5 heading straight for us.  Not a good feeling.  I told my wife you have a half hour to pack the car with Jack, the 4 dogs and anything else you can fit (VW Jetta wagon so not much).   We evacuated to a friends house in Houston.  Amazing to see people you never met before knocking on the door with food, clothes, prayers, etc... because they knew we were there.  I slept for a few hours and went right back.  It was truly like the wild west for the first few days where I was, which was not even in the city itself.  I carried a buddies assault 12 guage and a 45 everywhere I went.  Had one minor incident with some "sightseers" on my neighbors property but thankfuly that was it. 

Bottom line though... we were so much more fortunate than so many others including some of our very close friends that lost everything. 

So anyways...Holy Half Bill....Have a great race, that city still needs all the help they can get.  I  hope they start helping themselves a bit more soon too.

Hey John,

I've heard stories, but didn't know anyone personally who had lived thru Katrina.  I just can't imagine....

Unfortunately, I won't be running the Holy Half this year.  It happened to fall during the weekend of my wife's bi-annual sorority pledge class "girls' weekend" in Dallas.  A bit too much of an effort a week out from next Sunday's mary as well.  Forgot I had it listed on my race calendar, I need to do some clean-up work there.

So the kids and I are hanging out this weekend.  Did a two hour drainer ride this morning.  Hoped to get out for an easy 3 miler pushing my 3 year old in the jog stroller tomorrow, but they are calling for 2-4" of snow up here.....sigh.  Looks like we might be headed for the YMCA instead.....

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.  Looking forward to a race report from Jean Marie!!

2009-03-29 12:49 PM
in reply to: #1864965

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

sorority pledge class "girls' weekend" in Dallas.



looking forward to hearing from Jean Marie as well.  just did 50 miles for the first time.


Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-03-29 12:52 PM
2009-03-29 1:40 PM
in reply to: #2047051

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
fattyfatfat - 2009-03-29 1:49 PM

sorority pledge class "girls' weekend" in Dallas.



looking forward to hearing from Jean Marie as well.  just did 50 miles for the first time.

It's funny, my wife called from the airport this morning and the ladies were all laughing at themselves because they were all ready to come back to the hotel by 9:30 last night!  Not the wild party animals they were back in the late 80's..... 

Awesome on the 50 miler, how'd it go?  Nutrition and hydration work out for you OK?  Take care of those legs early this week.  That first run is most likely going to, well, suck....

2009-03-29 3:19 PM
in reply to: #2047106

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
grandhavenbill - 2009-03-29 1:40 PM
fattyfatfat - 2009-03-29 1:49 PM

sorority pledge class "girls' weekend" in Dallas.



looking forward to hearing from Jean Marie as well.  just did 50 miles for the first time.

It's funny, my wife called from the airport this morning and the ladies were all laughing at themselves because they were all ready to come back to the hotel by 9:30 last night!  Not the wild party animals they were back in the late 80's..... 

Awesome on the 50 miler, how'd it go?  Nutrition and hydration work out for you OK?  Take care of those legs early this week.  That first run is most likely going to, well, suck....

It went really well. But I'm hurting right now.  Nutrition and hydration were good to go.  Yeah I think I'm only going to swim this week. And one short run.  NO BIKE!

 I just noticed Brads log...2nd overall in his first tri!  geez I'm hanging out w/ a tough crowd.

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