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2009-04-29 6:46 PM
in reply to: #2119087

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

aesophs - 2009-04-29 4:34 PM

Sorry if that was TMI, but that's serious business there. 

Good point Steven, I hadn't mentioned  it yet, I guess I was waiting to see what kind of feedback was going to come from you guys on seats. You hadn't mentioned anything about the boys being uncomfortable yet> But you will more than likely need a new seat to acount for adjusted seating position. Very personal preference on seats, but I'm seeing alot of the Adamo seats these days.

Mike if you are feeling good about your schedule and conditioning then I would do the half. You are plenty capable on the swim, you got runners legs, got to get some bike miles in, so you can use those legs. Go for it. Tri to find some race reports form last year it might help with strategy and know whats ahead. Where is it in OK?

$20 well worth the practice for a race.

2009-04-29 6:48 PM
in reply to: #2119087

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Copy all re: numb nuts...want to steer clear whatever the seat costs...!

And I just registered for the RedMan half iron in OKC, Sept 19!  Now I need to pick out an Olympic distance sometime this summer.  I have a sprint this weekend, then two more in May and one in I did the math and went ahead and joined USAT today as well. 

I am feeling confident on the bike, am carrying 20 mph more regularly now (fast for me), did a 2 mile run (8:15 pace)/20 mile ride (19.5 mph in windy conditions)/.5 mile brick (7:12 pace) this afternoon...felt really good, took off on the brick like my hair was on fire.

Thanks to you guys and the great group of tri folks I workout with, this is shaping up to be an incredible ride this season!
2009-04-29 10:12 PM
in reply to: #2119432

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Awesome Mike, I have a goal of completing a HIM in 2011 but the amount of training and speed of progress, might move it up to 2010.  I just started running any decent mileage this yr and I wnat to make sure I can finish it.

About the numb nuts, it is definitely a problem.  I started using a PROFILE seat with a good amount of gel in the saddle nose and fixed it, no matter how much heavier the seat is, the alternative is dead-man walking.  So, as Steve says, no need to experience it if you can avoid it.

Steve and Mike-good luck this weekend, mine is next on 5/9.  Roy, which 4 races did you sign up for?  I am looking for an OLY in late June/early July... also, apparently, the Sarasota Shark's race is also on 5/7. Why would they have conflicting races so close?  Man vs. physics - I can only be in one place at a time.

I should have my one missing part for my new ride come in tomorrow. If so, I will unveil it on Saturday.
2009-05-01 9:01 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Had several race related dreams last night, all of which included some kind of worst case scenario type thing going wrong.  Bike crash, swallowing water in the pool, I even started crying, stopped running and quit the race at one point.  All of which are ridiculous and absolutely in no way a manifestation of any nerves or concerns that I have.........................right? 

2009-05-01 10:02 AM
in reply to: #2123274

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

aesophs - 2009-05-01 10:01 AM

Had several race related dreams last night, all of which included some kind of worst case scenario type thing going wrong.  Bike crash, swallowing water in the pool, I even started crying, stopped running and quit the race at one point.  All of which are ridiculous and absolutely in no way a manifestation of any nerves or concerns that I have.........................right

That's good stuff, but in the subconsious it is a reality. But I doubt that it will happen. But something to think about, if you get a mouth full of water don't panic, stay relaxed get your timing back and you'll be fine. I don't know what kind of bike course you will be on, if it has alot of turns especially sharp corners be careful, remember TT bikes don't corner real well and you can get into trouble quick. At some point during the run, you will be uncomfortable, you will pout a little, and thoughts of sitting home in your favorite place will make you want to walk, you didn't  go there to walk. You will have to talk to yourself into a good finish, and then the reality of you are going to finish will spur you on to the line and you'll feel great.

A couple of things:

Don't forget your USAT ID and DL for checkin

Get there early enough, so when the morning bodily functions are needed your not panicking because of a line

Nutrition what are you going to do? Pre- Race, during race

When you get into transition, find your assigned spot if it is done this way, check out how other bikes are racked usually by the saddle nose, arrange your things very close to your bike and make sure you will have access to your items. You will find that not everyone is all that congenial about arranging there items, sometimes you kind of have to move stuff to make room for your. Thats OK you have the right to your area. And check for something to identify your rack so when you come in from swim you can find it easy. Stay in control during your transitions, this can be kind of a hectic moment, lots of mistakes are made here and can be costly if your trying to place.

When you put on your helmet make sure you latch the chin strap, this is a violation that can be called, and upon return keep it latched until your at your rack space. Also be careful on your dismount, there will be a place that you have to be off of your bike, take it easy this first time, I've seen some really bad road rash accidents at the dismount line.

Now go run with the deer's Steven, and float through the 3mile run just like you'll remember doing in the past. Give your legs a little chance to get the blood flowing once you get going, your HR may spike a little when you get going, just stay relaxed and it will level off and then do some business.

And mostly enjoy your new sport and don't let any little slip up ruin a great day. You'll use this as a great learning experience and look forward to the next opportunity.

If you have any question just ask.

Have a great time.

Edited by tri/tbay 2009-05-01 10:06 AM
2009-05-03 11:07 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

I'm dressed for my Sunday run and my damned iPod is dead, so while that is charging I thought I'd take the time to do my race report.

Learned a lot yesterday, and painfully re-learned something I already knew.  It was chilly, so I decided against wearing my top in the pool.  MISTAKE #1.  That cost me easily two minutes in T1 wrestling with a dry shirt on wet skin.  It wasn't as cold as I though on the bike, should have swam with the top on.  I lost 10-20 seconds trying to get my shoes clipped in my pedals leaving the transition.  MISTAKE #2.  I need to practice starting with the shoes clipped in.  I had Hammer gel for my energy, but had Gatorade in my water bottle and didn't even think about it.  MISTAKE #3.  I spent the entire run struggling to keep from throwing up from sugar overload instead of pounding out a sub 17 5k.  Total cost: 2 mins 23 secs.  I finished with fresh legs and a 140 HR, but threw up at the line because of stomach pain.  My total time was 1:08:22.  600M 9:44 swim, 2:48 T1, 13 mile 34:55 bike, 1:34 T2, 5k 19:23 run.  My goal time was 1:06 with a faster swim time and slower bike and 19 min run, but only 2 mins for transitions.  The moral of the story is I had a lot of fun and learned valuable lessons.  I will be incorporating gels into workouts to determine if indeed I am OK with them even with water.  I will be rededicating to my swim workouts as I have almost completely dropped them over the last month.  I will be practicing transitions regularly.  My training plan has bricks every week now, so I have ample opportunity to work on exactly the issues that cost me time on Saturday. 

I felt really good on the bike and run (minus the stomach ache).  I passed 8 on the bike and 5 on the run and didn't get passed.  My goal on the bike was not to drop under 20 on inclines or into the breeze and crank 24+ on flats or with the wind.  I fell short of that as the longest section of the course was into the wind and I dropped below 20 a few times.  I wasn't able to push as high of a top end as I would have liked, so back to intervals this week. 

2009-05-03 2:04 PM
in reply to: #2126467

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Great Job Steven,

Sounds like you had a great time, and also a good learning day. It is likely that some of your stomach issues may have come from the swim and taking in O2 during the breathing portion, this can sometimes cause an upset stomach. Did you ever feel bloated? If so following the swim than this mixed with nutrition can cause discomfort. I have read that under exertion that Gatorade can cause GI issues as well. Some will dilute the concentration to avoid problems. I don't use Gatorade during events much, and maybe only sip or two at most. I use gels with water to dilute so they absorb into the stomach lining properly. Even gels if not washed in can cause issues. What you experienced is fairly common, but you just need to experiment during your training what is going to work. All of you little miscues are common and with practice will go away. I don't know if you saw my response on Friday, but I mentioned transitions are a great way to gain time, or give it away. But not so important this time around, a great learning day.



2009-05-04 9:50 AM
in reply to: #2126654

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Steven, congratulations on a very successful race!  By my calculations, you swam 1:32 100's, averaged over 22 mph on the bike, and about 6:30 pace on the run--outstanding!  The transitions will come around for you--I made the same mistake in a tri last summer as you did, trying to pull a damn shirt over my wet idea what I was thinking, and it proves the adage to practice what you intend to race.  Had I tried this even once in training I would've known that it was a non-starter.

Interesting reaction to the gel/Gatorade combination--most peple end up with it coming out the other end, a decidedly dicey affair when you are trying to maintain a nice pace on the run...folks tend to frown when runners in distress take advantage of their hedge for privacy...  I think you will be fine with Hammer gels and water--Hammer is a complex carbohydrate, unlike most other gels that are very high in fructose so can put a strain on your GI tract if not properly washed down with 2-3 oz water.  I, also, found out the hard way several years ago why you don't wash down gels with sports drink...not fun in a nice neighborhood around mile 17 of a marathon.

I decided to listen to my body yesterday morning and did not race the sprint tri like planned; instead I volunteered and had fun watching many new triathletes surprise themselves.  My run Saturday morning really sapped me--I lost 5 lbs during a 7.25 mile run (replaced 3.5 lbs fluid during, but was still down 1.5 lbs afterward).  Muggy, windy conditions, although I did hold to my 8:15 pace like I intended, it was just a lot harder than it should've been.

Had a great Texas Independence Relay reunion at our place yesterday afternoon/evening--good TX BBQ, my gas-powered blender got a workout, pool volleyball--all good!

Edited by wildcat83 2009-05-04 9:56 AM
2009-05-04 10:00 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Roy, I've got a question for you.  I am about to start my 20-week marathon program to be ready for Chicago in mid-October.  The HIM is 3 weeks earlier--I know, too close to the marathon but it couldn't be helped.  While I will be getting into the 40+ mile range for my weekly running mileage, do you have any thoughts on how to fit in bike/swim workouts, frequency, distances, etc.?

If I can get in 1 good long bike ride each week, followed by a brick, and at least 1-2 swims, will that get me there?  I'm thinking not but don't know for sure.  And how long should my rides and swims get in advance of Redman? 
2009-05-04 11:30 AM
in reply to: #2128252

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

wildcat83 - 2009-05-04 11:00 AM Roy, I've got a question for you.  I am about to start my 20-week marathon program to be ready for Chicago in mid-October.  The HIM is 3 weeks earlier--I know, too close to the marathon but it couldn't be helped.  While I will be getting into the 40+ mile range for my weekly running mileage, do you have any thoughts on how to fit in bike/swim workouts, frequency, distances, etc.?

If I can get in 1 good long bike ride each week, followed by a brick, and at least 1-2 swims, will that get me there?  I'm thinking not but don't know for sure.  And how long should my rides and swims get in advance of Redman? 

I think you can make it work out just right. You've already got good running legs, and are probably not really needing a full 20 weeks to prepare, so I would take advantage of the early stages of your mary plan and use it for swim and bike opportunities. With the events 3 weeks apart, you'll have basically a 3 week recovery/taper period which sould give your legs their spring back, you'll be rested and ready to go do the mary.

Take advantage of this to get in some bike mileage, get your swim workouts up into the 22-2500yd range at least 2 per week. If you can get in one more for a few weeks then I would do so. As to your bike, and this is where I knew I was short and I'm a big believer now in doing the bike mileage. 4-8 weeks out from the event your  long rides need to be 50+ in mileage, with at least two of them being in the 80 mile range. I never went past 60 and it was a mistake. Try to ride at least 3 times a week early on, even if it means buying a trainer and use it at the house. You can get in some quality work on a trainer, plus your home, keeps the wife happy. You can do some spinervals, or look for some trainer workouts that you can use. During that same 4-8 week period you'll need also to get in a long continious swim per week, 2500-3000. Do at least one 3000yd swim in this time frame. If you need to back down to two swims per week at some point you'll be fine. Swim/bike days are a good combination, leave most of your runs as a single workout with exceptions to brick days, at least once a week. Usually on the weekends, a 3-4 mile brick run is fine. Your just training your body for this change in blood flow and exertion so it feels normal come race day. If you are going to brick from the house, try to get going on the run in just a few minutes, you don't have to do a full on transition, but you need to get going so your body feels the actual transition of activity properly. As your run mileage decreases from your run plan, it should set up just right to have a short taper for the HIM, then a recovery week following, then you have two weeks to implement the run taper for Chicago.

I think it will set up very nicely. A couple of weeks more might of been better, but I really think this will work out well. Also really get your nutrition plan worked out, stay healthy. And if your just not feeling it one day and it's not going to be productive back off or do nothing. Your body will appreciate it.

This is kind of the condensed version, but it should get you started in planning your training for the two events.

2009-05-05 10:02 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Wow, go Stve!  The best thing about mistakes is that youc an learn from them and I see you've analized your race step by step.  You will keep sum butt MORE butt on the next one.

Mike: what a challenge you've prepared for you, and yet, I have a feeling you can reach the finish line.  All I can say is: don't underestimate the HIM, it's not the same running 13.1 with fresh legs than it is after riding 56 miles.  Focus your rides on long/slow (fat burning zone) and avoid bonking.

Roy: you offer great advise.  Let me know when you plan to offer the swim clinic.  I've been swiming more locally.

My first race is a sprint - this saturday.  I've been feeling great up 'til now. I feel sort of sluggish and slow but my times don't necessarilly show it.  What's going on? I don't feel I am nervous but feel like I'm running on empty.  I will follow Roy's nutritional advice. 

Good luck to all!

2009-05-05 11:18 AM
in reply to: #2131085

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Olman there you are, yes it is almost race day. And your in the calm before the storm, a little sluggish feeling pre-race can happen especially if your training has reduced and your subconsious want you to be out training. You'll be alright. Just be organized, plan out how you think the should go and give it your best. Read back a couple of posts to Steven, there might be a couple of things that will help. Remember its your first race of the season and more than likely transitions will be a little rough. Just stay organized and very systematic in how you go about them and you'll do fine. Look forward to the race report.

2009-05-05 4:10 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Olman made me think of a good question:  on my long bike rides are they supposed to be like my long runs (i.e. lower HR, thus lower speed, just get in long butt time)?  I realize I don't want to be coasting along, but also wonder whether or not trying to push to 22+ mph is the right thing for me either.

Probably throwing in some spring intervals (bike fartleks) might be good, though.
2009-05-07 10:18 AM
in reply to: #2132324

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Hey Mike, your long bikes shouldn't be an attempt to hold that high of pace, it will be counter-productive. It would be the same as if you attempted to run at race pace on your long runs. Now you can certainly do some intensities during the ride if you feel like it. But primarily it is seat time and leg conditioning. So when you get off of the bike, your legs are not spent and you can't put down the kind of run your desire. There is never a guarantee on the run it will go as planned, but this way you stand a better chance.

2009-05-07 11:30 AM
in reply to: #2119086

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
aesophs - 2009-04-29 3:33 PM

Hey, one thing on the switch from road bike to tri bike:  GET A "FLOW" TYPE ANATOMICAL SEAT!!!!!!!!  I never had a problem with numb nuts on my road bike, even after 4+ hours in the saddle.  An hour and a half on my tri bike and it takes three fricken days to get back to normal!!  My seat should arrive today or tomorrow.  You can pick up an ISM Atamo seat from for $85 (regular $120+) and no shipping charges.  That should be an easy sell to the wife for obvious reasons.  Seriously, DO NOT WAIT TO DO THIS, BUY THE SEAT AND INSTALL IT BEFORE RIDING!!!!

Steven, I know now exactly what you mean:  in a quite short ride last night on the tri bike (am still trying to decide whether or not I want to buy it), I could feel the pressure on my perineum, no way would I have lasted an hour on it.  I took your advice and ordered the anatomical saddle from bikeisland a couple of days ago, should have it in the next few days.

For a bike I don't yet own, I've already invested $150 in pedals and a saddle...!  Oh well, those are transferrable to any bike so not money poorly spent.
2009-05-07 12:56 PM
in reply to: #2136477

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Mike:  give us some feedback onthe seat after a month or some longer rides.  I am using a Profile Ti - it differs in that instead of parting the pressure point, it has a big chunk of gel onthe tip,  and Silicone gel will absorb all the road shock you give to it.  It's muuch better than a regular seat, but I do want to hear about this newer design.

-  like u said, those parts can be moved from bike to bike, so it's not burnt  $.

Roy: I believe ya - the butterflies in the stomach deal-I can start feeling them-we're only 2 days away.  I have practiced transitions a few times. The last time I did my practice tri I ended up with a sore middle toe. Never happened while running and it was on the same training shoes.  Any ideas? how to prevent it? 

I just ordered some Look Keos for my new ride, which is ready to roll but I don't want to ride it until after this weekend's race...  you know the "train your race and race your training" deal.  I have also been thinking of keeping the road bike but that'll mean I have 4 bikes (2 tri, 1 road and 1 MTB), my wife will not be happy at all as the agreement was that the money I spend I would try to recoup from the sale of the roadie.  Ughhh!

2009-05-07 7:43 PM
in reply to: #2136744

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Olman, you mentioned the butterflies...I think of them as any other part of a race:  you have to master them just like the swim/bike/run.  In a crazy sort of fashion, I've learned to feed off of them, enjoy them because what you are about to do (marathon/5K/ironman...or anything in between) is a big deal, and you SHOULD feel the thrill of competition. 

An analogy:  Butterflies before a race are similar to learning to feed off of your nervousness before speaking in public; I have had to give many briefings, to all levels of management, and there isn't once I haven't been nervous, but I let it make me sharp instead of disabling me.

Some lessons I think translate, whether you are preparing to give a speech or race a tri:  show up early; give yourself plenty of time to adjust to the briefing room/transition area; visit the head; see others that are in much worse shape than you; relax; visit the head; and most of all--enjoy the feeling!!  Don't fight it.

Best of luck this weekend, can't wait to hear all about it.  I am only 9 days out myself, already feeling the butterflies...cannot wait! :-)

Edited by wildcat83 2009-05-07 7:46 PM
2009-05-08 12:18 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Good Luck this weekend Olman your going to do great. Keep it safe, have fun and we'll look forward to your report.

Remember don't blow yourself up on the bike, you got to deal with the sand.

2009-05-11 7:35 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
guys, read my race report if you want details but the short and sweet is this:

A 17 minute reduction from last Sprint race.

The swim sucked but time was flat, bike was strong, run - started sucking but finished strong.

last yrs race: 1:27:30, yesterday: 1:10:47 that's 20% time reduction (I still have to compare the distances but they were very similar and run by the same organization.  I have yet to see the official results but I ranked 13/18 in the 40-44 AG.

2009-05-11 1:21 PM
in reply to: #2142623

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Great Job Olman, I haven't read your report yet, but just from looking at your log, you had a great day. That a huge improvement and you should be very proud of your accomplishment. Mike your next up, New Braunfels has to be a cool place to do a tri.

2009-05-11 3:02 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

I can't get to your race log.  I went to your race page, but I couldn't access anything. 

2009-05-11 8:41 PM
in reply to: #2144041

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Olman, WAY TO GO!!  I don't care if I read your report, I can read between the lines in your post--you had a great race!

And, Yes Roy, New Braunfels will be COOL--wetsuit legal, race director has already let us know.

I am stoked for the race, not only for the race but afterward also:  my wife and I are going to tube the Guadalupe after the race, then we head to Johnson City, west of Austin, for a Muddy Buddy the next about a great weekend!

Olman, cut and paste your race report into the forum so we can read it!  Or, I think you have to "publish" your report (you have a lot of "drafts"), so others can read your reports.


Edited by wildcat83 2009-05-11 8:43 PM
2009-05-12 6:34 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Mike that sounds like a fantastic weekend. I never got up to that area while in Texas, but always heard from people who went that it was a great area. I"m glad your feeling ready, now go and do it.

Had an interesting workout day on Saturday, raced in two 5ks, one in the morning and the other in the evening. Both very different, #1 had about 400ft. elevation most of it in mile two. The pm run was hot probably low 90's at race start, legs felt good on mile one, mile two has an elevation change which got the HR up, then mile three just didn't have any finish in the legs, but it was fun doing two races like that. I missed my PR by about 30 seceonds in the second race, hopefully I'll break that this summer. Also I did Mike's curcuit/cardio workout from way back early on in our forum. Only went through it once since I did an brisk 20 minute stationary ride just before. I'll continue to do this through the summer.

Hope all is well with everyone? Steven how's the water situation? We need an update.

2009-05-12 6:20 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Steven, Monday night beer league is not in the contract you signed to be a part of this forum, it clearly states that you can only take part in triathlon related activities, well I guess beer drinking could be a related activity. But not sliding into second base, going horizontal for a fly ball. or stretching a double.  Just kidding, be careful and have some fun.

2009-05-12 7:58 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Roy, I don't drink anymore, but beer league softball is awesome!!  And I fully plan on playing all-out.  I can't imagine doing it any other way.  The team I play on has been together for about 10 years (well the core group anyway) and we all just come to have fun.  It helps when we've won our league 8 of the last 10 years, but I really think it's fun 1st and everything else just falls into place.  Can't be any more treacherous than Muddy Buddys, right Mike?  I looked into that, I'd have to travel about ten hours to do one.  Maybe I'll get my wife on a MTB............Um, I've tried, unsuccessfully.

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