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2010-05-26 12:50 PM
in reply to: #2882370

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
michgirlsk - 2010-05-26 12:52 AM

Well, because of the difficulty I was having putting on the wetsuit, I was actually thinking I had bought a wetsuit that was too small.  The neck area also seemed tight to me in the beginning, but I think that's gotten better.  Now that I think about it, it did feel like there was slightly extra room in the leg area (like knees down) because occasionally when I stood up I could feel water gushing around there.  (Okay maybe gushing is a bit of an exaggeration.)  Anyway, I felt that the majority of the water was coming in from the zipper, since when I first got into the water I could feel it back there.  I definitely don't think I could do with a size smaller though...  I bought it online during one of Xterra's promotional sales and I wouldn't be able to return it anymore anyway since I was a bit anxious and bought it awhile ago.  So I guess I will have to make do with getting wet.  It's really not that big of a deal... as long as it doesn't cause any problems!

Hey Samantha,

The wetsuit should be rather difficult to put on, that's just the way they are.  You'll get used to it as you take it on and off more and more.  Size wise, it does sound like you're probably in the right one, however, I'm surprised about the legs being loose and have not heard of anyone else having this problem before.  At this point, I think you may be right about just having to get used to it.  Since you bought it online, I'm not sure how much more we can do... 

2010-05-26 12:54 PM
in reply to: #2882513

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
cquin534 - 2010-05-26 8:18 AM Colin,

I dont have the wet suit yet, its in the mail and should arrive in a few days.  I will keep that tip in mind, but a speedo...I dont know.
Once my suit comes I definitely plan on trying to get up to Walden Pond, but I've heard from a few people thats its closed to swimmers because of some flooding issues.  Have you heard of this, and do you have a backup site?

Hey Chad,

Yeah, I hear ya on the speedo.  You're be fine with some spandex shorts or something like that.  Do you have a tracking number on the wetsuit?  It looks like NEMS will probably be meeting at Walden this Monday for a swim and a ride.  I'd love to have us join us.  Even if you don't have the wetsuit, if you don't mind being a little chilly, you can swim and then do a ride with us if you want.  I have another friend who will probably be there and doesn't have a wetsuit yet.

I'll keep you posted on this, but hopefully that will work for you.
2010-05-26 1:21 PM
in reply to: #2883633

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Colin and Timmy, thanks for your comments about wetsuits.  It makes me feel better about mine.  Honestly, after reading about Chrissie Wellington's experience at one of her first tri's (she borrowed a wetsuit, it flooded, and she had to be rescued by a kayak!), I became a bit worried about too much water getting into my wetsuit, but I don't think it's that bad.  (I'm assuming Chrissie must have had a really big wetsuit!)  But still, when I was out there swimming, I couldn't help but thinking about my wetsuit flooding, haha!
2010-05-26 3:21 PM
in reply to: #2883648

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED


(first, apologies if this posts twice, the first time I hit submit, nothing happened) Anyway, based on my tracking number I should have my suit on Friday, so Monday might just work.  I am supposed to have a bbq at my place, but would really like to fit this in because I need help with swimming desperately. Do you normally go out in the morning or afternoon? Let me know, and I appreciate you inviting me to come.


2010-05-27 7:55 AM
in reply to: #2883755

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
michgirlsk - 2010-05-26 2:21 PM Colin and Timmy, thanks for your comments about wetsuits.  It makes me feel better about mine.  Honestly, after reading about Chrissie Wellington's experience at one of her first tri's (she borrowed a wetsuit, it flooded, and she had to be rescued by a kayak!), I became a bit worried about too much water getting into my wetsuit, but I don't think it's that bad.  (I'm assuming Chrissie must have had a really big wetsuit!)  But still, when I was out there swimming, I couldn't help but thinking about my wetsuit flooding, haha!

Yeah, I had heard that about her first tri.  Its a good thing it didn't scare her too bad and I guess you could say sticking with it worked out pretty well for her, lol.  Again, I think its something you'll get used to, but certain keep an eye on it.  You definitely don't want to be worried about it all the time.
2010-05-27 10:09 AM
in reply to: #2884178

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
cquin534 - 2010-05-26 4:21 PM


(first, apologies if this posts twice, the first time I hit submit, nothing happened) Anyway, based on my tracking number I should have my suit on Friday, so Monday might just work.  I am supposed to have a bbq at my place, but would really like to fit this in because I need help with swimming desperately. Do you normally go out in the morning or afternoon? Let me know, and I appreciate you inviting me to come.


That's great Chad!  I still working out the details and have actually heard they are not allowing OWS at Walden so I'm trying to figure that out.  Assuming this happens, we will be doing it in the morning so hopefully it won't conflict with your bbq.  I'll keep ya posted.

2010-05-27 9:06 PM
in reply to: #2776638

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Can you look at my training logs and planned calander my first tri is 6/13 and it is an oly swims starting last week have been all ows swims in a lake with no wetsuits allowed in the event.. thought about next Sat. doing a mini event with transitions to get a feel for it... Thanks for the help...

Tim 1
2010-05-28 7:39 AM
in reply to: #2887532

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
shake-n-bake - 2010-05-27 10:06 PM Colin
Can you look at my training logs and planned calander my first tri is 6/13 and it is an oly swims starting last week have been all ows swims in a lake with no wetsuits allowed in the event.. thought about next Sat. doing a mini event with transitions to get a feel for it... Thanks for the help...

Tim 1

One word for ya Tim...WOW!  Your logs look great!  48 mile bike ride?  That is awesome!  Your logs are looking great.  Did you have a chance to get the hill run workout in?  I can't really tell from your logs, but that is also a very impressive long run!

As for the mini tri.  I think it is a great idea.  However, you definitely do not want to do the full Olympic distance.  If possible, I would recommend maybe a .25 to .33 mile swim, 10-12 mile bike, and 3 mile run all at VERY easy pace.  How does that sound?  This will give you a chance to practice your transitions and you're body a chance to shift gears from sport to sport.  Just make sure you don't go too hard.  If you could do that this weekend, that would probably be best, but you could consider it the following weekend if you can't do this weekend.
2010-05-28 8:40 AM
in reply to: #2887991

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
hockeyhands - 2010-05-28 8:39 AM
shake-n-bake - 2010-05-27 10:06 PM Colin
Can you look at my training logs and planned calander my first tri is 6/13 and it is an oly swims starting last week have been all ows swims in a lake with no wetsuits allowed in the event.. thought about next Sat. doing a mini event with transitions to get a feel for it... Thanks for the help...

Tim 1

One word for ya Tim...WOW!  Your logs look great!  48 mile bike ride?  That is awesome!  Your logs are looking great.  Did you have a chance to get the hill run workout in?  I can't really tell from your logs, but that is also a very impressive long run!

As for the mini tri.  I think it is a great idea.  However, you definitely do not want to do the full Olympic distance.  If possible, I would recommend maybe a .25 to .33 mile swim, 10-12 mile bike, and 3 mile run all at VERY easy pace.  How does that sound?  This will give you a chance to practice your transitions and you're body a chance to shift gears from sport to sport.  Just make sure you don't go too hard.  If you could do that this weekend, that would probably be best, but you could consider it the following weekend if you can't do this weekend.


I can't do it this weekend have a family weekend trip, that sounds good on the mini... Just looked at my planned calender to make sure my taper is ok for the week of the race... Worked hills in the long run it was a hilly road so I would sprint up the hills then get back into a steady rhythm... Thanks for the help..

Tim 1
2010-05-28 2:19 PM
in reply to: #2776638

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Colin - some swim questions for you.

1.  How fast should I be swimming 100 yards?  What is a good time to shoot for? (I'm at about 2:00/100y now)
2.  How many strokes should it take me to cross a 25m pool?


2010-05-29 10:05 AM
in reply to: #2776638

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hey Everybody!!!  I am a Triathlete now!!

Going by my HRM It looks like I finished in 1:46:38!!  Thats a good 13 minutes better than I was shooting for!

The only regrets I have are not being able to run.  I don't know if I over did it on the swim and the bike but, I ended up walking at least 3/4 of the run due my left leg hurting (shin and ankle area) but primarily, every time I ram more than 30 secs my heart rate was going into the 180s.  I promised I would back off any time I went into the 180s. Oh well... better (more cnsistant) training next time should produce better results!

I hope everyone else was as successful (relatively speaking) as I was!

Full race report around the first of the week.  Now its time to go into work for 12.5 hours. Frown  The fun never stops!  LOL

WooHoo, I did it!!


2010-05-29 10:12 AM
in reply to: #2889168

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
sbright - 2010-05-28 3:19 PM Colin - some swim questions for you.

1.  How fast should I be swimming 100 yards?  What is a good time to shoot for? (I'm at about 2:00/100y now)
2.  How many strokes should it take me to cross a 25m pool?



I am not colin but, I can tell you for me I started out at around 25 strokes.  Using the snorkle and lots of Youtube videos, I got it down to around 16 or 17.  Once I went back to trying to breath without the snorkle it went up but, it is currently around 18 or 19.

Hope that helps but alot will depend on your size and how far you allow yourself you glide.

2010-05-29 11:04 AM
in reply to: #2890022

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Way to go Timmy!  I finished my sprint tri too!!  It was fun!!!

To summarize:  I took it easy on the swim because I didn't really know what to expect.  What with all I've read about the crazy mass swims, I didn't want anything too horrendous to happen to me!  But actually, this wave start was not bad at all- not as many people I guess. (It was females under 40.) I did get nudged a few times during the swim, no biggie though.  They changed the course to an out and back (due to weeds I heard), and the out I just really could not see ahead of me because of the sun shining into my eyes.  So my sighting was based on those around me.  The back the sun was behind us so it was better. The bike I just went for it. Even in the first mile I started feeling my quads. I wasn't sure if I'd really burn out, and there were times I thought I'd back off, but I decided to just keep at it.  I achieved my overall goal here, which was to get an average of 17+mph.  During the bike ride I loved seeing all the hybrids, it made me smile!  (Because I was on one too! Smile) When I first got to the race site I hardly saw any, all I saw were tri bikes, so I was happy to see them during the race hehe.  I also loved seeing the occasional little kid going at it! (okay, little = like 12.)  Before the race, I had heard someone comment that there were a lot of younger people at the race, 20-somethings and under.  Anyway, then there was the run.  I started off feeling well... and then came the side-stitch which progressively got worse. I am pretty sure this is from eating and drinking too much before the race.  I was worried about not having enough energy and/or not being well-hydrated, and I think I may have overdone it. I considered walking but just kept at it.  (Although I did walk at the turn around and through an aid station, at which point there was a turn and I almost went the wrong way lol.)  Towards the end, a girl passed me and I decided to try to keep up with her.  I did, and was able to finish relatively strong- which I would hope for since I was putting in less than maximal effort throughout the race. (Passed her at the end! ) The run was a bit disappointing and if that side-stitch didn't appear I know I could have done better, but otherwise I am quite happy with this tri and I am anxious for my next one!!  (June 23- yes that's a Wednesday! )
2010-05-29 2:54 PM
in reply to: #2890070

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Samantha!!  That is FANTASTIC!!!

Unfortunately in regards to hybrids and Mountain bikes at my event there were some wrecks and wipeouts on turns. My Son-in-Law said of the ones he saw it was because of off road tires slippping.

Anyway you did a wonderful job girl!!!

I think that my "laziness" on the run will be the catalyst for training harder for the next event.  Mine is July 18. And NEXT year I am determined to place at the TriforJoe!!!  Smile

2010-05-30 11:59 AM
in reply to: #2889168

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
sbright - 2010-05-28 3:19 PM Colin - some swim questions for you.

1.  How fast should I be swimming 100 yards?  What is a good time to shoot for? (I'm at about 2:00/100y now)
2.  How many strokes should it take me to cross a 25m pool?



Hi Sarah,

The answers to your questions really vary from person to person.  For speed, do you mean how fast should you shoot for one a single 100 or on a consist basis?  The best recommendation I have for you is to do a test and see what you're at right now and then shoot for a goal a little faster than that for the next time.  For example, in the pool, I can swim around a 1:09 yard 100.  However, I usually swim my sets at around a 1:40ish pace.  Try doing a 100 yard sprint and also try doing a 500 or if you're up for it 800 yard time trial and save results.  Every 2 to 3 weeks, do these tests again and see if you have improved.

The same goes for the number of strokes.  Test to see what you are at now and then work to improve it.  The less number of strokes you can do, typically the better.   But again, this really depends on the person.  Since I'm tall, I can do a 25 in usually around 15 strokes, but I have some very efficient swimmers in my class that need to do around 18-19.

I hope that helps.
2010-05-30 12:06 PM
in reply to: #2890022

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
ET1SW47 - 2010-05-29 11:05 AM Hey Everybody!!!  I am a Triathlete now!!

Going by my HRM It looks like I finished in 1:46:38!!  Thats a good 13 minutes better than I was shooting for!

The only regrets I have are not being able to run.  I don't know if I over did it on the swim and the bike but, I ended up walking at least 3/4 of the run due my left leg hurting (shin and ankle area) but primarily, every time I ram more than 30 secs my heart rate was going into the 180s.  I promised I would back off any time I went into the 180s. Oh well... better (more cnsistant) training next time should produce better results!

I hope everyone else was as successful (relatively speaking) as I was!

Full race report around the first of the week.  Now its time to go into work for 12.5 hours. Frown  The fun never stops!  LOL

WooHoo, I did it!!


Hey Timmy!

Congratulations!  Yes, you are a triathlete!!!  That is a terrific time and congrats on smoking your time goal!  Are you planning to write a race report for the race (you do so right through BT in the race section)?  I hope you are and I would be able to help you evaluate your race if you did.  However, based off what you said, it does sound like you may have gone too hard during the swim and or bike.  But the good news is that just gives you something to improve on for next time!

I'm very proud of you and I hope you have gotten tremendous satisfaction out of this achievement!

2010-05-30 12:23 PM
in reply to: #2890070

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
michgirlsk - 2010-05-29 12:04 PM Way to go Timmy!  I finished my sprint tri too!!  It was fun!!!

To summarize:  I took it easy on the swim because I didn't really know what to expect.  What with all I've read about the crazy mass swims, I didn't want anything too horrendous to happen to me!  But actually, this wave start was not bad at all- not as many people I guess. (It was females under 40.) I did get nudged a few times during the swim, no biggie though.  They changed the course to an out and back (due to weeds I heard), and the out I just really could not see ahead of me because of the sun shining into my eyes.  So my sighting was based on those around me.  The back the sun was behind us so it was better. The bike I just went for it. Even in the first mile I started feeling my quads. I wasn't sure if I'd really burn out, and there were times I thought I'd back off, but I decided to just keep at it.  I achieved my overall goal here, which was to get an average of 17+mph.  During the bike ride I loved seeing all the hybrids, it made me smile!  (Because I was on one too! Smile) When I first got to the race site I hardly saw any, all I saw were tri bikes, so I was happy to see them during the race hehe.  I also loved seeing the occasional little kid going at it! (okay, little = like 12.)  Before the race, I had heard someone comment that there were a lot of younger people at the race, 20-somethings and under.  Anyway, then there was the run.  I started off feeling well... and then came the side-stitch which progressively got worse. I am pretty sure this is from eating and drinking too much before the race.  I was worried about not having enough energy and/or not being well-hydrated, and I think I may have overdone it. I considered walking but just kept at it.  (Although I did walk at the turn around and through an aid station, at which point there was a turn and I almost went the wrong way lol.)  Towards the end, a girl passed me and I decided to try to keep up with her.  I did, and was able to finish relatively strong- which I would hope for since I was putting in less than maximal effort throughout the race. (Passed her at the end! ) The run was a bit disappointing and if that side-stitch didn't appear I know I could have done better, but otherwise I am quite happy with this tri and I am anxious for my next one!!  (June 23- yes that's a Wednesday! )

Well congratulations to our other new official triathlete!  It sounds like you did an outstanding job as well so way to go triathlete!  It looks like you may have over ate or over hydrated before the race, however, going too hard on the bike could have caused the cramping as well.  Are you planning to write a race report?  If so, I'd really like to take a look at that and can probably provide some more insight after seeing it.  Nonetheless, you did a great job and you should be very proud of your great accomplishment! 
2010-05-30 1:00 PM
in reply to: #2891014

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
hockeyhands - 2010-05-30 1:23 PM
michgirlsk - 2010-05-29 12:04 PM Way to go Timmy!  I finished my sprint tri too!!  It was fun!!!

To summarize:  I took it easy on the swim because I didn't really know what to expect.  What with all I've read about the crazy mass swims, I didn't want anything too horrendous to happen to me!  But actually, this wave start was not bad at all- not as many people I guess. (It was females under 40.) I did get nudged a few times during the swim, no biggie though.  They changed the course to an out and back (due to weeds I heard), and the out I just really could not see ahead of me because of the sun shining into my eyes.  So my sighting was based on those around me.  The back the sun was behind us so it was better. The bike I just went for it. Even in the first mile I started feeling my quads. I wasn't sure if I'd really burn out, and there were times I thought I'd back off, but I decided to just keep at it.  I achieved my overall goal here, which was to get an average of 17+mph.  During the bike ride I loved seeing all the hybrids, it made me smile!  (Because I was on one too! Smile) When I first got to the race site I hardly saw any, all I saw were tri bikes, so I was happy to see them during the race hehe.  I also loved seeing the occasional little kid going at it! (okay, little = like 12.)  Before the race, I had heard someone comment that there were a lot of younger people at the race, 20-somethings and under.  Anyway, then there was the run.  I started off feeling well... and then came the side-stitch which progressively got worse. I am pretty sure this is from eating and drinking too much before the race.  I was worried about not having enough energy and/or not being well-hydrated, and I think I may have overdone it. I considered walking but just kept at it.  (Although I did walk at the turn around and through an aid station, at which point there was a turn and I almost went the wrong way lol.)  Towards the end, a girl passed me and I decided to try to keep up with her.  I did, and was able to finish relatively strong- which I would hope for since I was putting in less than maximal effort throughout the race. (Passed her at the end! ) The run was a bit disappointing and if that side-stitch didn't appear I know I could have done better, but otherwise I am quite happy with this tri and I am anxious for my next one!!  (June 23- yes that's a Wednesday! )

Well congratulations to our other new official triathlete!  It sounds like you did an outstanding job as well so way to go triathlete!  It looks like you may have over ate or over hydrated before the race, however, going too hard on the bike could have caused the cramping as well.  Are you planning to write a race report?  If so, I'd really like to take a look at that and can probably provide some more insight after seeing it.  Nonetheless, you did a great job and you should be very proud of your great accomplishment! 

Hey Colin, I just posted my race report!  Although I think it says pretty much everything I said here, except maybe adding a few words here and there.   Anyway, is a side stitch and a cramp the same thing?  I've always imagined them to be different.  I don't believe this side stitch has to do with any muscles (which is what I think of when I think cramping)... other than my diaphragm muscle being pulled by my stomach from having too much in it.  (Or so I understand from what I've read- I could also be thinking about this incorrectly.)

Another question.  I may have over-eaten the morning of the race, but would what I ate the night before also have an impact?  It just seems like that would be enough time for digestion so it wouldn't have that big of an impact?  But really, I ate a LOT the night before... I was eating constantly throughout the day as I usually do, but I also ate quite a bit around 8p, and even just past 9p when I went to bed I was rather full (which is not normal for me)... could this have been part of the problem?  Going back to the morning of the race, I had probably about 1.5 servings of pasta (with tomato sauce) at around 4am, and then a clif bar at ~6am.  (Race at 7:30.)  I don't believe this is too much food... in fact, I don't think the food was the problem, I think it was the drinking... I calculated it out and I think I had over 50oz of fluid from the time I woke up to the race start, which just makes me laugh now because that seems like a LOT!  (Like I said before, I was worried about energy and hydration!)

Any thoughts would be great when you get a chance, thanks!
2010-05-30 2:53 PM
in reply to: #2890997

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
hockeyhands - 2010-05-30 1:06 PM
ET1SW47 - 2010-05-29 11:05 AM Hey Everybody!!!  I am a Triathlete now!!

Going by my HRM It looks like I finished in 1:46:38!!  Thats a good 13 minutes better than I was shooting for!

The only regrets I have are not being able to run.  I don't know if I over did it on the swim and the bike but, I ended up walking at least 3/4 of the run due my left leg hurting (shin and ankle area) but primarily, every time I ram more than 30 secs my heart rate was going into the 180s.  I promised I would back off any time I went into the 180s. Oh well... better (more cnsistant) training next time should produce better results!

I hope everyone else was as successful (relatively speaking) as I was!

Full race report around the first of the week.  Now its time to go into work for 12.5 hours. Frown  The fun never stops!  LOL

WooHoo, I did it!!


Hey Timmy!

Congratulations!  Yes, you are a triathlete!!!  That is a terrific time and congrats on smoking your time goal!  Are you planning to write a race report for the race (you do so right through BT in the race section)?  I hope you are and I would be able to help you evaluate your race if you did.  However, based off what you said, it does sound like you may have gone too hard during the swim and or bike.  But the good news is that just gives you something to improve on for next time!

I'm very proud of you and I hope you have gotten tremendous satisfaction out of this achievement!

Thanks Colin!

I have to say if it was not for this blog I most likely would have gotten frustrated and given up.  Your advice throughout has been rock solid!  I do plan on doing a race report and I would like your input on how to get my HRM info onto my computer.  I will do the race report once the results are official.

I am proud of what I accomplished (48 year old overweight guy finishes a tri!) but, I hate the feeling of not finishing with "Pizzazz".  That is the only disappointing part of it.  I am however, going to use that as incentive to finish with "no regrets" on my next one.  which is currently scheduled for July, 18.

Thanks again to you Colin, and everyone contributing to our blog.  It really made a difference for me!

2010-05-30 3:50 PM
in reply to: #2891136

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
ET1SW47 - 2010-05-30 3:53 PM

I am proud of what I accomplished (48 year old overweight guy finishes a tri!) but, I hate the feeling of not finishing with "Pizzazz".  That is the only disappointing part of it.  I am however, going to use that as incentive to finish with "no regrets" on my next one.  which is currently scheduled for July, 18. 

This is one reason I am happy about my decision to do an early season tri.  (The first tri of 2010 in SE Michigan! ...that I could find anyway.)  Now that we have finished one and know what it's like, I think it gives us even more motivation to continue on with our training because we want to do better than the last and see improvements!
2010-05-31 9:26 AM
in reply to: #2890985

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Thanks, Colin.  My number of strokes is usually 16 or 17 for a 25y length.  This is down from about 19 when I started back up swimming a few weeks ago.  I can maintain that 2:00/100y pace for quite a while (that pace feels relaxed), but I've not done a longer time trial.  I will do that this week and let you know how it goes. 

And to the new triathletes among us...CONGRATULATIONS!  I loved reading about your races and it sounds like you both did awesome!

2010-06-01 9:59 AM
in reply to: #2891893

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED />
My first race photos!!!!!  I love that I am smiling!!!! LaughingLaughing  LOL!!

On a down note, I cannot walk without my foot hurting!  I ran my foot into a chair a couple days ago, ha!  I thought nothing of it when it happened, but I started noticing some pain while walking yesterday and it is worse today, and I am pretty sure it is a result of that!  grr!  I hope it will heal itself soon!
2010-06-02 5:39 PM
in reply to: #2776638

Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
It has been kind of crazy the last couple of weeks as far a training goes.  I have been really busy at work, I had an job interview with the Department of State, hurt my shoulder, etc.

However, last weekend my wife and I did a 13 mile bike followed by a 3 mile run.  I do not feel the pain with Brick runs, I know that sounds crazy, but my wife feels the same way.  Today, I did about 5.5 miles.

I am not doing any muay thai or other training right now because of my shoulder.  I might be doing a mud run this weekend, we will see if not I will get a training ride in while my wife competes.

2010-06-02 7:19 PM
in reply to: #2891136

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
ET1SW47 - 2010-05-30 3:53 PM
Thanks Colin!

I have to say if it was not for this blog I most likely would have gotten frustrated and given up.  Your advice throughout has been rock solid!  I do plan on doing a race report and I would like your input on how to get my HRM info onto my computer.  I will do the race report once the results are official.

I am proud of what I accomplished (48 year old overweight guy finishes a tri!) but, I hate the feeling of not finishing with "Pizzazz".  That is the only disappointing part of it.  I am however, going to use that as incentive to finish with "no regrets" on my next one.  which is currently scheduled for July, 18.

Thanks again to you Colin, and everyone contributing to our blog.  It really made a difference for me!


Hey Timmy,

Love the new profile pic!  I'm very glad to hear that you were able to help you reach your goal.  So what are your goals for the next one?  What do you feel you can do different in your training to help you improve in your next tri?

Hold onto that great feeling you got when you crossed that finish line and use to take your training and your body to the next level!
2010-06-02 7:37 PM
in reply to: #2893778

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
michgirlsk - 2010-06-01 10:59 AM />
My first race photos!!!!!  I love that I am smiling!!!! LaughingLaughing  LOL!!

On a down note, I cannot walk without my foot hurting!  I ran my foot into a chair a couple days ago, ha!  I thought nothing of it when it happened, but I started noticing some pain while walking yesterday and it is worse today, and I am pretty sure it is a result of that!  grr!  I hope it will heal itself soon!

Hey Samantha,

Sorry about the delay, but I just read your race report.  Please take a look at my comments when you have a chance, but awesome job! 

Sorry to hear about the foot!  You have the half marathon this weekend right?  I hope it heels quickly and keep us posted.
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