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2011-02-15 7:40 PM
in reply to: #3356738

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On your right
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
I would say that your first step would be consistantly running ~20 mpw.  Running 4-5 times per week should really be the goal.  Once you can stay around that for a few months, you'll notice your "easy" pace does start to creep down.  You really need to have a solid base before you can apply speed work.  Speed doesn't come easy or last if you haven't got the legs to handle it.  You'll get faster just with consistant running and volume.

2011-02-15 9:32 PM
in reply to: #3271854

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Hi guys......
I worked my first 12 hr nightshift since my surgery. Totally bagged.

Will get caught up tomorrow after some much needed rest.......... 
2011-02-16 9:20 AM
in reply to: #3356974

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Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Thanks Chad,
I'll put in miles for a couple months.  Just talking about it made me go for a run last night.  Thanks
2011-02-16 1:04 PM
in reply to: #3357636

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On your right
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
No problem, and that's why we're here. 

I've experienced first hand what happens when you just try to get faster and faster without getting your body ready for that pounding. 

But what made it make the most sense for me, was putting it in terms of what I knew from power-lifting...If you want to increase your max bench press, you don't just keep doing sets of 1.  You put lots of time in doing sets of 10, 12, etc, and slowly increase your set and decreasing your reps.  Then eventually you've got a good base of power, and you can really start hammering with the weight, but because your body is used to the work it's doing.  While you are building the base, you'll make gains too though.  And after you've made those gains, the speed focus will make an even bigger impact.

Or to put it another way, for you home improvement type folks....
Speed work is like the touch ups you do after you've mostly finished painting a room.  Sure, you could get the room painted with your little tiny brush, but it's too small, you need a roller to really get the base of paint down.  The touch ups just really pull everything together, but can't make the whole room get done in a reasonable way.

And now my talent really has come out.  I can compare pretty much anything to a mundane aspect of life, and usually in a really lame way.  And to think, some people can sing well, and all I get is growing chest hair, and bad references.
2011-02-16 7:02 PM
in reply to: #3356974

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Chaderbox - 2011-02-15 8:40 PM I would say that your first step would be consistantly running ~20 mpw.  Running 4-5 times per week should really be the goal.  Once you can stay around that for a few months, you'll notice your "easy" pace does start to creep down.  You really need to have a solid base before you can apply speed work.  Speed doesn't come easy or last if you haven't got the legs to handle it.  You'll get faster just with consistant running and volume.

Tell Mrs Chad that aquagirl said that you are right again.

Speedwork is the icing on the cake. But you had BETTER have your cake well baked before you even attempt it, or you will risk injury.  
2011-02-16 7:03 PM
in reply to: #3358321

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Chaderbox - 2011-02-16 2:04 PM No problem, and that's why we're here. 

I've experienced first hand what happens when you just try to get faster and faster without getting your body ready for that pounding. 

But what made it make the most sense for me, was putting it in terms of what I knew from power-lifting...If you want to increase your max bench press, you don't just keep doing sets of 1.  You put lots of time in doing sets of 10, 12, etc, and slowly increase your set and decreasing your reps.  Then eventually you've got a good base of power, and you can really start hammering with the weight, but because your body is used to the work it's doing.  While you are building the base, you'll make gains too though.  And after you've made those gains, the speed focus will make an even bigger impact.

Or to put it another way, for you home improvement type folks....
Speed work is like the touch ups you do after you've mostly finished painting a room.  Sure, you could get the room painted with your little tiny brush, but it's too small, you need a roller to really get the base of paint down.  The touch ups just really pull everything together, but can't make the whole room get done in a reasonable way.

And now my talent really has come out.  I can compare pretty much anything to a mundane aspect of life, and usually in a really lame way.  And to think, some people can sing well, and all I get is growing chest hair, and bad references.


2011-02-16 7:06 PM
in reply to: #3271854

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
To continue with the speedwork topic..........I actually experienced an increase in speed without EVER once running fast. This was last year, before my knee decided to resemble a basketball..........but when I was running consistently my easy pace just kept getting faster and faster. It was simply volume and consistency.

Oh.....and its important to note that my injury was not at all running related. It was skiing related.    
2011-02-16 7:20 PM
in reply to: #3353785

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Peachfor3 - 2011-02-14 9:43 AM
Chaderbox - 2011-02-14 6:04 AM Yes, of course you're right, Helen.  I was speaking more to if you have a long/hard workout planned, and you just feel like crap, that you can bag it and not need to beat yourself up.  You can always do a less intense workout. 

If you recall, I mentioned this a few pages ago with the snot in the pool thing

I like how you brought it back. 

  Weather awesome here over the weekend, toddler super sick.  We're talking stomach AND snot.  She has wanted nothing to do with anything but being glued to me (so, so very unusual for her.)  During her brief nap yesterday I got my new bike out and took it for a really quick spin.  Let's just say, I may have found a new Valentine.  I've never ridden a road bike, and I am sure I looked like a gorilla on it, trying to figure out how it works and such, but I think I'm in love.  Pilates at home today, probably gym workout tomorrow, hope to be back to spin on Wed.  Pretty sure my little girl may make it back to gym childcare by then?  It is still dark when DH is home (and before he leaves in the morning) so it will be a few weeks of weekend-only rides until it gets lighter earlier.  Anyone have advice on how to go about getting started on the bike?  Do I go by time?  Distance?  Just realized that I don't really know what I'm doing at all.....

Its OK!
You do not NEED to know what you are doing!!
Here is how I would approach it for now..........just get out there and ride. Enjoy getting to know your bike and enjoy the road and enjoy the magic of cycling.

If you do not have a bike computer yet and you really want to know your distance, you can simply  check your distance after using Gmaps Pedometer. I will put up a link in another post. 
Chad's advice re bike computers is spot on............

But honestly? Just ride for now. Get used to how it feels. Get comfy on your bike. 

Want to know how I fell in love with cycling? I was in my twenties.......and I just started riding. I had ZERO clue how far or how fast i went. I just wandered around on my bike. Little by little I would ride for longer periods of time as I became more fit. Eventually I was out there for several hours at a time.
It was awesome. 

I feel like that twenty something year old girl every time I get on my bike . The thrill never went away. 
I cannot wait for spring.........

2011-02-16 7:20 PM
in reply to: #3358987

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On your right
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
See what happens when you do an activity that has two I's in a row?
2011-02-16 7:23 PM
in reply to: #3271854

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Here is the link for the pedometer..    

I actually used this all the time when I ran, since I  ditched the Garmin. 
2011-02-16 7:24 PM
in reply to: #3359009

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Chaderbox - 2011-02-16 8:20 PM See what happens when you do an activity that has two I's in a row?

Hi Chad!!
Sorry I missed you today....... 

2011-02-16 8:59 PM
in reply to: #3271854

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Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Got back from my trip around midnight last night.  7 days turned into 10 when we had to attend a funeral on my wifes side in Florida also.   I ran 3 times - swam once and biked once.   The scale says I'm still the same weight.  I had my swimming class tonight, first 30 minutes was rough, but it started to click the last 20.   Tommorow is suppposed to be 60 *  hopefully a nice bike ride. 

2011-02-17 7:32 AM
in reply to: #3271854

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Welcome back Allen!
2011-02-17 9:21 AM
in reply to: #3271854

Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Well, that chest cold that was starting over the weekend turned out to be Bronchitis.  Add a head cold that started Tuesday, and I am a very whiney and miserable girl.  I was in bad enough shape yesterday that my boss kicked me out of work and made me take sick time (I was having trouble staying on my feet).  So other than a couple days that I was allowed to work, I've spent almost an entire week in bed.  My NP said it would probably last 7-10 days, and today is day 6...there better be some improvement soon! 
All this being sick also has me a bit worried about the half marathon next month.  My longest run at this point has been just over 6 miles.  A friend of mine that runs several marathons a year keeps telling me not to worry, that if I can run 6, I can run 13, that it all becomes a mental challenge at that point. 
2011-02-17 12:50 PM
in reply to: #3359643

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On your right
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
cbredderman - 2011-02-17 10:21 AM Well, that chest cold that was starting over the weekend turned out to be Bronchitis.  Add a head cold that started Tuesday, and I am a very whiney and miserable girl.  I was in bad enough shape yesterday that my boss kicked me out of work and made me take sick time (I was having trouble staying on my feet).  So other than a couple days that I was allowed to work, I've spent almost an entire week in bed.  My NP said it would probably last 7-10 days, and today is day 6...there better be some improvement soon! 
All this being sick also has me a bit worried about the half marathon next month.  My longest run at this point has been just over 6 miles.  A friend of mine that runs several marathons a year keeps telling me not to worry, that if I can run 6, I can run 13, that it all becomes a mental challenge at that point

A lot of it is mental for sure.  There is a significant physical part as well.  I would say it would be different if you were trying for the full marathon, but for a half, you'll get through it.  Besides, it's not like you'll be all by your lonesome. 
2011-02-18 4:54 PM
in reply to: #3271854

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Ok I have to speak in KMs but....yeah if you can run a 10k you can run a half mary. 
Most training plans for beginner half mary will not even have you run more than 18 k in training.

You can do it. I promise.
And race day is so festive and fun, that it makes it so very much better than a training run. 

2011-02-19 10:26 AM
in reply to: #3271854

Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED

Just registered for a formula 1 duathlon (why do they call it formula one?)  in May and a sprint tri in August! 
Any tips on training for that duathlon other than lots of running and cycling?

The bronchitis is finally letting up a bit, now if I could just kick the cold I'd be set.  I got winded walking up a couple flights of stairs last night.  Talk about frustrating!  But with the chest stuff about cleared up, I'm hoping to be back at the gym this week.

2011-02-20 1:09 PM
in reply to: #3362987

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
cbredderman - 2011-02-19 11:26 AM

Just registered for a formula 1 duathlon (why do they call it formula one?)  in May and a sprint tri in August! 
Any tips on training for that duathlon other than lots of running and cycling?

The bronchitis is finally letting up a bit, now if I could just kick the cold I'd be set.  I got winded walking up a couple flights of stairs last night.  Talk about frustrating!  But with the chest stuff about cleared up, I'm hoping to be back at the gym this week.

Ugh. Sounds nasty! I am sorry you feel like crapola....... 
Just take it easy until you are breathing easy. Nothing hard....keep it to zone 1 or 2 .

Congrats on registering for some races!
Hmm....duathlons..........lemme see what i can find out about the best way to train for one. I will be honest and say that I do not know much about dus.

Take it easy and feel better soon ok? 
2011-02-21 11:35 AM
in reply to: #3271854

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Quiet in all out running or some such thing??
2011-02-21 2:11 PM
in reply to: #3365239

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Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Oh man, after absolutely tearing it up in the beginning of last week I ended the week doing basically nothing.  Need to get back on that horse today.
2011-02-21 2:34 PM
in reply to: #3271854

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New user
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
After digging myself out of the mire of germs in my house, I finally got to run on Saturday.  A whole ONE mile!  Wow!  I had some soreness after.  Does anyone have experience with stress fractures?  I wonder if a bit of tenderness is fine, or should there be zero pain?  I can call and ask my dr too, I just haven't yet.  I think I will go back and run another mile (woo hoo) tomorrow or Wednesday.  I have about another week and a half until I can swim, so mostly I've been biking.  On Saturday I am joining a triathlon group (not like a club) for a training and I am pretty excited/nervous. Planning on getting out on my bike as I can this week to get to know it better before that.  Besides that, nothing really new with me!

2011-02-21 3:43 PM
in reply to: #3271854

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Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Saturday night I had the pool & 3 lanes all to myself.  I worked on nothing but technique.   If I wanted to start all over half way through a length to fix something I could.  I worked on turning my shoulders, keeping my head straight and keeping my elbows up.  I also worked on not turning my head too much to breath.  I may have found the mystical air pocket and did a lot better with breathing. 

also got a chance to do a good bike ride outside & ran for 30 minutes.  On my way to the gym to swim and run tonight.   Its turned cold again. 

2011-02-21 5:11 PM
in reply to: #3365500

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
dughogue - 2011-02-21 3:11 PM Oh man, after absolutely tearing it up in the beginning of last week I ended the week doing basically nothing.  Need to get back on that horse today.

Did you overdo it and burn yourself out a bit?
It happens.....especially if you are not used to the volume.
2011-02-21 5:14 PM
in reply to: #3365544

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Peachfor3 - 2011-02-21 3:34 PM Hi,
After digging myself out of the mire of germs in my house, I finally got to run on Saturday.  A whole ONE mile!  Wow!  I had some soreness after.  Does anyone have experience with stress fractures?  I wonder if a bit of tenderness is fine, or should there be zero pain?  I can call and ask my dr too, I just haven't yet.  I think I will go back and run another mile (woo hoo) tomorrow or Wednesday.  I have about another week and a half until I can swim, so mostly I've been biking.  On Saturday I am joining a triathlon group (not like a club) for a training and I am pretty excited/nervous. Planning on getting out on my bike as I can this week to get to know it better before that.  Besides that, nothing really new with me!

Hmmm...I must admit to never having had a stress fracture. Did you just run the whole mile? Or do a walk run thing?
Is the pain constant? Or was it only when you were running?
Let s know what the doc says, so we can all learn.

Oh.....and how is your tattoo? Are we going to get to see it? 
2011-02-21 5:15 PM
in reply to: #3365689

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
asuit - 2011-02-21 4:43 PM Saturday night I had the pool & 3 lanes all to myself.  I worked on nothing but technique.   If I wanted to start all over half way through a length to fix something I could.  I worked on turning my shoulders, keeping my head straight and keeping my elbows up.  I also worked on not turning my head too much to breath.  I may have found the mystical air pocket and did a lot better with breathing. 

also got a chance to do a good bike ride outside & ran for 30 minutes.  On my way to the gym to swim and run tonight.   Its turned cold again. 


Congrats on finding the mystical air pocket!
Sounds like you are making great strides in the pool and on land.....keep it up!
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