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2012-02-13 6:41 PM
in reply to: #4045611

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Marin County, California
Subject: RE: Ironman St. George : Official Thread
crambo - 2012-02-13 5:18 PM

Rhenium - 2012-02-13 3:56 PM

Thank you for the photos.

Just to check, this is the last right turn after the Wall but before you turn east and head towards Veyo correct?

Google maps doesn't have the road view in that area and there isn't anything like the white fences in the satelite views.

That hill is leaving Gunlock if memory serves me right.

Yes, leaving Gunlock before the Veyo climb.

2012-02-13 7:15 PM
in reply to: #3556416

New user
St. George
Subject: RE: Ironman St. George : Official Thread

I think we are confusing names and climbs. The one in the pics is the Eagle Ranch hill which is 3 miles before the Wall. Veyo hill is about 3 miles after the Wall. Veyo hill is just past the town of Veyo after we turn on to the main highway.

The approach to Eagle Ranch(the one in the pics) is actually a false flat. It just seems like it is flat and fast because everything before and after is so ding-dang steep. But, Suzanne is right in that people do perceive it to be flat, ride it too fast, arrive at the base of Eagle Ranch a wee bit toasted, and then have to deal with a very nasty climb.

Fossil, I'm also doing the Leadman 125. Should be a great tuneup. The 8 mile run up to Boulder City will be very interesting. Where are you from?

jhornbx, that wasn't me, but would be glad to meet and ride with you when you are next here. Let me know. Offer is for anybody who comes into town. Currently riding 2 loops with a 40-60 minute t-run most Saturdays. Leave from the ponds/softball fields parking lot on Snow Canyon Parkway(exactly 2 miles down from hwy 18 on the right side) at 9am.

Edited by PbMan 2012-02-13 7:45 PM
2012-02-13 7:51 PM
in reply to: #4045789

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Marin County, California
Subject: RE: Ironman St. George : Official Thread
PbMan - 2012-02-13 7:15 PM

I think we are confusing names and climbs. The one in the pics is the Eagle Ranch hill which is 3 miles before the Wall. Veyo hill is about 3 miles after the Wall. Veyo hill is just past the town of Veyo after we turn on to the main highway.

The approach to Eagle Ranch(the one in the pics) is actually a false flat. It just seems like it is flat and fast because everything before and after is so ding-dang steep. But, Suzanne is right in that people do perceive it to be flat, ride it too fast, arrive at the base of Eagle Ranch a wee bit toasted, and then have to deal with a very nasty climb.

Fossil, I'm also doing the Leadman 125. Should be a great tuneup. The 8 mile run up to Boulder City will be very interesting. Where are you from?

jhornbx, that wasn't me, but would be glad to meet and ride with you when you are next here. Let me know. Offer is for anybody who comes into town. Currently riding 2 loops with a 40-60 minute t-run most Saturdays. Leave from the ponds/softball fields parking lot on Snow Canyon Parkway(exactly 2 miles down from hwy 18 on the right side) at 9am.

I completely make a mess of the different hill names!! BUT, I do know exactly where the Veyo Pie place is and how to get there-and that their apple pie makes a wonderful post race breakfast!
2012-02-13 8:04 PM
in reply to: #3556416

New user
St. George
Subject: RE: Ironman St. George : Official Thread

Suzanne is confused again. She really meant banana cream pie makes a wonderful post-race breakfast.

Suzanne, confusion can be caused by too much training. Time to back off a little.


2012-02-14 1:44 PM
in reply to: #4045878

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Marin County, California
Subject: RE: Ironman St. George : Official Thread
PbMan - 2012-02-13 8:04 PM

Suzanne is confused again. She really meant banana cream pie makes a wonderful post-race breakfast.

Suzanne, confusion can be caused by too much training. Time to back off a little.


I am confused...what I meant to say was the peach-blueberry is perfect!!

2012-02-14 2:25 PM
in reply to: #3556416

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New user

Subject: RE: Ironman St. George : Official Thread

@suzanne et. al., yea that picture is the Eagle Ranch climb. I've ridden the course at least six times this offseason. IMO that is the hardest climb, especially if you have a headwind going through Gunlock, it creates a tailwind up "the Wall" making it feel like a cool-down really. This climb is approximately 2 miles before "the Wall."

I think the best training you can do for this course is to actually get out and ride it. The first time I did it, it seemed incredibly long. However, every time I ride it it seems shorter and more manageable, although the second loop will be taxing on me (we did one loop on Friday a few weeks ago followed by an 87 mile ride from downtown out to Sand Hollow, back, and followed by a loop. By the time I hit the second loop, I was feeling it). I realize this advice may be frustrating to some who do not have the ability to ride it before the event but it also serves to encourage those who do have the ability but are on the fence. 

Regarding St. George, this venue is awesome! On my last training ride, we had a group of 18 ricers who pulled into Veyo Pies for a quick break and when I approached the register to pay for my soda, the owner said all sodas were on the house as it cost more to run the transaction. What great PR! Also, after the ride, we ran two loops on the new run course and the local fire department came out and offered us cold, bottled water. Go St. George!

That reminds me, although the run course is not as brutal as previous years, do not be lured into thinking it is a flat and easy course. You basically run down four streets (including the arm) which have a grade of 2-3%. The run down isn't bad at all but I'm thinking that we'll be feeling this grade as we approach mile 18 or so. 

Anyway, happy training.


2012-02-19 9:00 AM
in reply to: #3556416

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Subject: RE: Ironman St. George : Official Thread

Man do we need the rain here in Georgia.  However, if I could be selfish and hope that my next long ride is outside - just a 5-6 hour break in the rain will be fine.  I have great respect or maybe more amazement for those of you who spend the winter inside on the trainer.  You truly have more mental toughness than I.  No more whinning from me I promise - just saying.  Happy training!!

ps - the Lincoln Lawyer and Moneyball do help pass the time well and no one passed me too close either - an upside to everything.

2012-02-19 1:30 PM
in reply to: #4055259

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Extreme Veteran
Olympia, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman St. George : Official Thread
kstater39 - 2012-02-19 7:00 AM

Man do we need the rain here in Georgia.  However, if I could be selfish and hope that my next long ride is outside - just a 5-6 hour break in the rain will be fine.  I have great respect or maybe more amazement for those of you who spend the winter inside on the trainer.  You truly have more mental toughness than I.  No more whinning from me I promise - just saying.  Happy training!!

ps - the Lincoln Lawyer and Moneyball do help pass the time well and no one passed me too close either - an upside to everything.

That timing is too funny. I was going to come on here today to whine a bit and say how much I envy you folks in the southeast and southwest who can actually ride outside on a regular basis in the winter. Sounds like you're not getting weather cooperation though.

I knew signing up for a May race meant a lot of time on the trainer, but it's gotten to be a bit ridiculous. Since Dec. 1, I've ridden 1,678 miles on the bike and only 54 of those have been outside (last weekend in the rain). Yesterday was a day when it was a huge mental struggle in the first couple of hours of a four-hour ride. I wanted to be anywhere but there. Of course, it didn't help that I had to do 70 minutes on the treadmill the night before. I just keep telling myself getting that work in will all pay off on May 5. That being said, while riding yesterday, I committed that no matter what the weather was doing Sunday (except for ice), I was doing my long run outside. It was cold, but no rain! Man, I needed that.

Now I'm already watching the weather forecast for next Saturday because I have a five-hour ride on the schedule and I SO don't want to do it on the trainer. Not looking good so far.


Edited to add biking stats I just looked up since this made me curious.

Edited by citaltfort 2012-02-19 1:36 PM
2012-02-19 4:41 PM
in reply to: #4055259

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Logan, Utah
Subject: RE: Ironman St. George : Official Thread
kstater39 - 2012-02-19 9:00 AM

Man do we need the rain here in Georgia.  However, if I could be selfish and hope that my next long ride is outside - just a 5-6 hour break in the rain will be fine.  I have great respect or maybe more amazement for those of you who spend the winter inside on the trainer.  You truly have more mental toughness than I.  No more whinning from me I promise - just saying.  Happy training!!

ps - the Lincoln Lawyer and Moneyball do help pass the time well and no one passed me too close either - an upside to everything.

On any given year, I would be that poor sap confined to the trainer (in fact, we're in an area of N. UT that would not be uncommon to have snow lining the streets well into April and beyond).

However, because of this unusually dry Winter, I would say I have been able to do about 75% of my bike training outside. It can get cold (yesterdays 65 mile bike ride was high 30's in the valley, down to mid 20's pushing up over the canyon pass) but at least it's dry.

We got a good snow storm today, so I may be back inside for a few days but it looks like it may dry out by next weekend - keepin' my fingers crossed that this great weather continues ...

I will say, on those very long cold miserable rides, I think I gain more from the mental exercise than the physical.

2012-02-19 7:07 PM
in reply to: #4055700

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Subject: RE: Ironman St. George : Official Thread
Ok I feel like the real sissy.  I just did 2 medium rides this week on it. I do 1 to 2 hour rides a week with no trouble but the 2 hour level twice got me.  I will for sure quit crying.  Like I said I have a great deal of respect!!.  I watched a movie on RAAM once and one of the riders said when he could do a 8 hour ride on the trainer in front of a white wall wall he knew he was ready.  Yeah - I don't think Ill ever be rady for that one.  I am a firm believer that anything is possible.  You can not say I can not do it.  You have to be honest and say I am not willing to put in the time, endure the pain/sacrifice for "that event or quest".  I quess I am admiting my mental limits as they stand today.
2012-02-19 8:18 PM
in reply to: #3556416

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Subject: RE: Ironman St. George : Official Thread
From San Diego.  My wife and I are headed out for our weekend for some good mountain riding.  Its supposed to cool down to 68 though.  might need to bring my arm warmers, nyuck nyuck.  Yes i'm being a smarta$$.  citalfort, i feel your pain.  I grew up in maple valley, wa.  I HATE THE RAIN!! ice, rain, slush, snow, rain, slush, gray, bluekindamaybe nope, grey, clouds, rain...

2012-02-19 8:36 PM
in reply to: #4055851

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Marin County, California
Subject: RE: Ironman St. George : Official Thread
kstater39 - 2012-02-19 7:07 PM

Ok I feel like the real sissy.  I just did 2 medium rides this week on it. I do 1 to 2 hour rides a week with no trouble but the 2 hour level twice got me.  I will for sure quit crying.  Like I said I have a great deal of respect!!.  I watched a movie on RAAM once and one of the riders said when he could do a 8 hour ride on the trainer in front of a white wall wall he knew he was ready.  Yeah - I don't think Ill ever be rady for that one.  I am a firm believer that anything is possible.  You can not say I can not do it.  You have to be honest and say I am not willing to put in the time, endure the pain/sacrifice for "that event or quest".  I quess I am admiting my mental limits as they stand today.

My boss is a former elite road racer and has done RAAM so I get a front row seat. When I start whining all he has to say is 'when I raced RAAM.....' The worst is the term 'double bagging.' Basically having such horrific saddle sores that. 'When our saddle sores got out of control we wore two pairs of shorts. But after 30 miles we'd go numb so it didn't mattter after that.'

He coaches me on mental toughness and the last year I've seen big strides in dealing with training fatigue and pain. Basically it always comes down to 'get back on the bike, you can cry while you ride.'
2012-02-19 10:36 PM
in reply to: #4055851

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Extreme Veteran
Olympia, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman St. George : Official Thread

kstater39 - 2012-02-19 5:07 PM Ok I feel like the real sissy.  I just did 2 medium rides this week on it. I do 1 to 2 hour rides a week with no trouble but the 2 hour level twice got me.  I will for sure quit crying.  Like I said I have a great deal of respect!!.  I watched a movie on RAAM once and one of the riders said when he could do a 8 hour ride on the trainer in front of a white wall wall he knew he was ready.  Yeah - I don't think Ill ever be rady for that one.  I am a firm believer that anything is possible.  You can not say I can not do it.  You have to be honest and say I am not willing to put in the time, endure the pain/sacrifice for "that event or quest".  I quess I am admiting my mental limits as they stand today.

8 hours staring a blank white wall?! I can't even imagine!

2012-02-19 10:44 PM
in reply to: #4055959

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Extreme Veteran
Olympia, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman St. George : Official Thread

ridingsdc - 2012-02-19 6:18 PM From San Diego.  My wife and I are headed out for our weekend for some good mountain riding.  Its supposed to cool down to 68 though.  might need to bring my arm warmers, nyuck nyuck.  Yes i'm being a smarta$$.  citalfort, i feel your pain.  I grew up in maple valley, wa.  I HATE THE RAIN!! ice, rain, slush, snow, rain, slush, gray, bluekindamaybe nope, grey, clouds, rain...

lol - it's ok. I would certainly be enjoying that training weather if I was you! We have two neighbors who moved here from San Diego (can you imagine such a thing?). They've had some serious adjustment issues. Every now and then, I see them come out of their houses and look up at the gray and I can almost see the little thought bubble above their heads saying WTF?

2012-02-19 10:52 PM
in reply to: #4055987

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Extreme Veteran
Olympia, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman St. George : Official Thread

LittleCat - 2012-02-19 6:36 PM My boss is a former elite road racer and has done RAAM so I get a front row seat. When I start whining all he has to say is 'when I raced RAAM.....' The worst is the term 'double bagging.' Basically having such horrific saddle sores that. 'When our saddle sores got out of control we wore two pairs of shorts. But after 30 miles we'd go numb so it didn't mattter after that.' He coaches me on mental toughness and the last year I've seen big strides in dealing with training fatigue and pain. Basically it always comes down to 'get back on the bike, you can cry while you ride.'

"Double bagging?" Ouch! RAAM people are tough as it gets. Those people impress the heck out of me. I remember seeing a clip once of a guy who had some sort of strap from his helmet and to his shoulders to hold his head up because his next was exhausted. Tip o' me cap to your boss. 

2012-02-24 1:40 PM
in reply to: #3556416

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Subject: RE: Ironman St. George : Official Thread

pretty excited, my wife just signed up!  It'll be her first.  never done a half or oly for that matter.  " stay in your bubble chrissie"  

2months people!!  Trust your plan and stick to it.  We're almost there

2012-02-26 8:48 PM
in reply to: #3556416

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New user

Subject: RE: Ironman St. George : Official Thread
All signed up! This will be my first IM, cant wait to get this over with and move on. Thankful my training is going really well the only thing Im slacking on is some practice cold open water swims, not really looking forward to that but I think Ive been putting it off long enough.
2012-02-26 9:50 PM
in reply to: #3556416

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Subject: RE: Ironman St. George : Official Thread
Not to alarm anyone, but 10 weeks until showtime.  That means only 7-8 weeks of hard training left.  Yikes. 
2012-02-27 8:30 AM
in reply to: #3556416

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Subject: RE: Ironman St. George : Official Thread

im starting to get the little heart flutter and mini adrenaline rush when I think about it.   love it.  


Praying for good weather

2012-02-27 4:36 PM
in reply to: #3556416

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Subject: RE: Ironman St. George : Official Thread

It will be what it will be and there is nothing any of us can do about it.  However, I was curious if there is any word or theory of water temps.  Looks like St. George has been milder this winter than last year. 

2012-02-27 6:25 PM
in reply to: #4069318

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Marin County, California
Subject: RE: Ironman St. George : Official Thread
From what the race folks said last year, hard to put it in words but seems like in 2010 the did not open the damn until the middle of race week(several of us swam in there the Monday before and it was NOT the freezing cold it was on race day-Thursday it was freezing).

Last year they opened the damn early, which was obvios since the entire beach except a small strip was under water. This allowed the surface water to warm up from the sun, and not stirring it up by opening the damn and 'turning' the water.

If you bob vertically you can feel the chilly water deeper down around your feet while the surface is markedly warmer.

The good folks of Utah are going to follow the same system this year as they did in 2011. As they mentioned, 2010 was a learning lesson.

2012-02-27 6:38 PM
in reply to: #4069506

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Subject: RE: Ironman St. George : Official Thread

Nothing can be worse than CdA.  That was a cold swim.  Anything with a high 5 or low 6 handle is fine with me. 

As it relates to the SG swim start, I would imagine the floating start with such a long straight swim would be a good thing, right?  My only full comparison is CdA and it was really tight the whole time.  

2012-02-27 10:05 PM
in reply to: #4069519

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Extreme Veteran
Olympia, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman St. George : Official Thread
3Aims - 2012-02-27 4:38 PM

Nothing can be worse than CdA.  That was a cold swim.  Anything with a high 5 or low 6 handle is fine with me. 

As it relates to the SG swim start, I would imagine the floating start with such a long straight swim would be a good thing, right?  My only full comparison is CdA and it was really tight the whole time.  

I agree with everything you said. Just give me five degrees warmer and a less-intense mosh pit and I'll be thrilled.


2012-02-28 9:44 AM
in reply to: #4069318

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Subject: RE: Ironman St. George : Official Thread

yeah, I have a theory on the water temp.  "It will be what it will be and there is nothing any of us can do about it". hahahaha

St. George swim is kindergarten compared to CDA last year.

2012-02-28 12:04 PM
in reply to: #4069519

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Marin County, California
Subject: RE: Ironman St. George : Official Thread
3Aims - 2012-02-27 6:38 PM

Nothing can be worse than CdA.  That was a cold swim.  Anything with a high 5 or low 6 handle is fine with me. 

As it relates to the SG swim start, I would imagine the floating start with such a long straight swim would be a good thing, right?  My only full comparison is CdA and it was really tight the whole time.  

The long straight away is definitly a plus since its a ways before you need to turn and the field has plenty of time to spread out. Theres plenty of space throughout. Also its 1 loop compared to CDA's 2. Which makes a massive diff.
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