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2012-03-05 8:57 AM
in reply to: #4079680

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - CLOSED
NeverEnough - 2012-03-04 12:11 PM

Thanks for asking!

Well...I happy to have one in the books.  Everything was looking good for the first half (1:54 split)...plenty of shade, cool weather, buildings and trees blocking wind.   Started to feel my quads at 14ish....which was very weird, they never hurt.  Then around 16ish we hit lake ponchartrain and wind.  The wind and tight quads slowed me down a bunch.  I finished in 4:21:18.  I felt like I could break 4 and am not sure what happened to make my quads hurt.    It was fun....and I need to work on getting my legs stronger.  Cardio was good.....just need stronger legs.  

I learned one thing.....follow paces for your training runs to the tee.  I missed my paces on several runs and I think that was the difference.  Big take away for me....especially for the bike, I need to a power meter and I need to follow all of my training plans exactly as written.  At least I think so.

Next up....Columbia Sprint Tri!!  Time to start riding a bunch.....but's miller(s) time!  

Nice job!  Those last miles are tough even without the winds!

2012-03-05 6:29 PM
in reply to: #4080526

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - CLOSED

 when I hit the turn-around to head back, I saw that a pickup truck was heading toward me coming down the road. The guy passed me slowly, stopped at the end and just sat there. Now, I'm a little nervous being out there in the woods by myself, out of earshot of any houses, without my phone... so I sprinted that 1/3 of a mile back to the main road. I checked my Garmin stats - and I hit 7:28 min/mile, which is smoking fast for me! After that, I ran by my house to pick up my phone and turned on the GPS, just in case, lol.


eww, that is kinda scary - I would have picked up the pace too!  And look, nothing bad happened (thankfully!) and you totally kicked it into high gear for a while - fast running, girl!  I always wonder how fast I'd run if I had more than just my mind to make me go fast... hmmm.  Glad you're safe though! Sounds like a nice stretch of road, but I bet you're going to steer clear for a while!

2012-03-06 9:10 PM
in reply to: #4080526

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - CLOSED
melanfi - 2012-03-05 8:48 AM

Congratulations Mike! Awesome job on your first marathon! I've heard how much a race can change from the factor of wind - I've only experienced that in a 5k and can't imagine battling it for 26 miles. Did you do a race report yet?

I hope everybody who skis is enjoying all the snow! I'm a bit jealous of that.

Yesterday was my long run of 8miles at my LR pace of 11 min/mile. It was quite pretty and laid back run, except for one part:

There is an empty road in our neighborhood, just a straight paved road about a third of a mile into the woods with a turn-around at the end. Judging from the looks of it, I assume that kids park back there at night and drink beer, eat fast food, practice donuts, whatever kids do these days. Anyway, I decided to run down there and back yesterday, and when I hit the turn-around to head back, I saw that a pickup truck was heading toward me coming down the road. The guy passed me slowly, stopped at the end and just sat there. Now, I'm a little nervous being out there in the woods by myself, out of earshot of any houses, without my phone... so I sprinted that 1/3 of a mile back to the main road. I checked my Garmin stats - and I hit 7:28 min/mile, which is smoking fast for me! After that, I ran by my house to pick up my phone and turned on the GPS, just in case, lol.


SCARY!!!  I train on all country roads and there is one house that I thought was abadoned.  It has a lot of out buildings, front door is hanging off it's hinges, broken down car in the driveway.  Then I saw someone walking around outside the house and carrying things into the house.  I try to avoid that route now!!  I've been carrying my iphone with GPS with me every time I go out now.
2012-03-09 11:51 AM
in reply to: #3943815

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - CLOSED
Heading up to Hayward today to get in some final skis of the season...unless we get dumped on one more time before spring.  What is on tap for everyone??
2012-03-10 2:27 PM
in reply to: #3943815

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - CLOSED

No snow here for sure!!  It was sunny and beautiful.  Pretty pleased with today, 1.5 mile swim and 41 miles on the bike (my first longish ride on my new/first bike).   Hills are horrible on a bike...I think they are worse on a bike vs running them.  Rest day tomorrow.....i think  


Hope everyone had a productive Saturday!

2012-03-10 2:31 PM
in reply to: #4090036

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - CLOSED

Today was my rest day - work and kids' activities keeping me busy. Tomorrow will be my long run (9). I would also like to get out on my bike, maybe just for a short out-and-back since the weather is supposed to be beautiful.

2012-03-10 7:19 PM
in reply to: #3943815

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - CLOSED

Knocked out a little over 10 mile run today.  Just trying to increase my long run as much as I can before IM Cali.  Just not enough time after my foot healed to really get up to par but I feel pretty good.. 

Gonna do a 60 miler with some insane hills tomorrow with IronJim.   Ocean swim next week....

2012-03-11 6:55 PM
in reply to: #3943815

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - CLOSED
Got OUTSIDE on my bike today!!!  It was beautiful here.  I got 20.5 miles in and felt really good.  It seems I was simulating road rides pretty well  on the trainer.  I was really glad to not have to do my "long" ride on the trainer again.  Had a good swim and run yesterday as well.  So far the training is going well, although we have a busy week this week.  We'll see how this goes.
2012-03-12 12:16 PM
in reply to: #3943815

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - CLOSED

How did that ocean swim go? Nice, the weather is still a bit cool for that here, but soon!

I did a pace run today, trying to keep my mile pace at or below 9:30, and adding in one minute of walking between each mile. My goal is for sub-9:30 miles in my upcoming 10k on March 31st, and hopefully with only walk breaks at the water stops. Three weeks left and 6 weeks until my first sprint tri of the year!

2012-03-13 2:39 PM
in reply to: #4090293

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Murrieta Calif.
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - CLOSED
Mitchparadise - 2012-03-10 5:19 PM

Knocked out a little over 10 mile run today.  Just trying to increase my long run as much as I can before IM Cali.  Just not enough time after my foot healed to really get up to par but I feel pretty good.. 

Gonna do a 60 miler with some insane hills tomorrow with IronJim.   Ocean swim next week....

Great ride Mitch!! I'd definitely say you are Cali-Ready!!
2012-03-17 11:26 AM
in reply to: #3943815

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - CLOSED
First ever brick....40 miles on the bike, 8 mile run.  Did a mile swim in the pool yesterday in 29 minutes.  I am now feeling pretty good about my half IM in September.  A lot of heart rate work to do....and speed on the run after the bike....but I have a pretty long time for that.  Hope everyone is having a great St Paddys Day!

2012-03-20 11:46 AM
in reply to: #3943815

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - CLOSED

Keep up the good work everyone!

I was SO SICK last week - influenza!! (boo! And yes, I had the shot... dang mutating virus.)  I missed all of my swims, most of my runs and bikes and 3 days of work.  Feeling better though.  It's super nice weather up here in WI, but really windy, so my bike is on the trainer still.  And I think we'll get some more snow before the spring is done

So, feeling my better is my win for the week - what are yours?  Share your mini or huge accomplishments of the week with us!

2012-03-20 12:43 PM
in reply to: #4104854

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Menomonee Falls, WI
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - CLOSED
TriRx - 2012-03-20 11:46 AM

Keep up the good work everyone!

I was SO SICK last week - influenza!! (boo! And yes, I had the shot... dang mutating virus.)  I missed all of my swims, most of my runs and bikes and 3 days of work.  Feeling better though.  It's super nice weather up here in WI, but really windy, so my bike is on the trainer still.  And I think we'll get some more snow before the spring is done

So, feeling my better is my win for the week - what are yours?  Share your mini or huge accomplishments of the week with us!

Damn flu!  I still have never gotten that shot yet, but every year I say I might do it.  Glad to hear you are feeling better.  My training is going well as I continue this last 5 week stretch of base building before starting my IM plan.  This great weather has had me thinking about taking my bike off the trainer, but I am resisting the urge until real summer rolls around.  However, I have been loving the recent temps for running and anything else outdoors!

Hope everyone else's training is going well too.

2012-03-21 11:05 AM
in reply to: #3943815

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - CLOSED

Sorry I've been MIA meeting in Atlanta last week.  You guys are doing a great job of cheering each other on, so there hasn't been much of a need for mentoring it seems.  But don't let that stop you from asking questions.

I got in my last downhill ski of the year this past Sunday...sunny and 80 degrees but the snow wasn't too bad.  Ski season is now out of my system and its full-on tri training season.  A couple of weeks ago I found out our tri club president has Stage 4 prostate cancer that has spread...they gave him zero chance of survival.  It really made me think about what is important and what's not.  I immediately made an appointment for my colonoscopy that my doctor's office has been bugging me to schedule.  Its on Monday and they say if they have to snip any polyps then I can't exercise for a week.  Seems  a little drastic but we'll see what happens.  I don't bring this up to be a downer, but just a note to get those age-related cancer check-ups done.

Spring weather has really sprung here so I'll be getting the bike out this week.  Got in the pool for the first time on Monday.

2012-03-21 12:14 PM
in reply to: #3943815

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - CLOSED

Jim, that's a very sobering experience to have someone you know - someone who is healthy, young and active - get a prognosis like that. Thanks for the reminder. My husband has been putting it off and I am going to remind him again to make that appointment.

Now, I keep hearing that the weather up north has been fantastic lately, and today a lady at the pool told me that the temps were higher yesterday in Michigan than down here in SC! 

Sorry to hear about the flu, but I'm glad you are feeling better!

Frankly, I do not have much positive to report from last week. It was a total loss in terms of training with only 1 run and zero bikes/swims. Work was just that stressful, and to top it off, I also had to have our family dog put down on Friday. She was 11 and had cancer - lots of tears and sadness around here. Worst week in a looooong time, but it is behind me now. I finished the heavy workload and have been running and swimming again at least this week.

I tell you – I have learned this lesson over and over again – but nothing makes you feel better mentally than some physical activity. For the next busy season, I will have to find a way to make myself live by that rule.

2012-03-21 9:51 PM
in reply to: #3943815

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - CLOSED

Jim and Melissa, man tough week for you guys.  Cancer sucks.  And putting down your family pet SUCKS. 

Jim, I cannot imagine hearing news like that from a friend, or going through that, but hearing news like that does a couple things, for me at least: 1. remindes me that life is short and precious -Reminds me to love on my family, chase my dreams and follow God.  2. It reminds us and others to make and keep those appointments that no one wants to go to that can find that sucky cancer early. 3. It makes me feel SUPER thankful for everything I have, life is tough but I am blessed.  I’m so sorry for your friend and his family and friends.

Melissa, man, I'm sorry for you and your fam too.  Letting go of a four legged family member is TOUGH.  Something about their innocence and love for you... but remember: all dogs go to heaven!!

I'll say a prayer for you guys and your friend, Jim.  And if you guys can get out there and move your bodies and clear your heads go for it!  Run easy or run hard or whatever you can do - it's hard to get out the door sometimes during weeks like this, but maybe it'll help ya feel better   I hope your weeks turn around!!

2012-03-22 11:24 AM
in reply to: #3943815

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - CLOSED
Great track workout last night, where I ran my fastest mile ever. I really felt that I was holding back for the first half of it, too. That was a great confidence-builder, and I am going to go plug that into McMillan's running calc and start dreaming about new PRs. Smile
2012-03-23 10:13 AM
in reply to: #3943815

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - CLOSED

Man, getting heavy over here.  2 of the hardest things to deal with.... I wish you all the best in dealing with these things.  Unfortunately I know a number of people who are battling cancer right now.  All I can do is send positive thoughts.

One of the hardest things I've had to do was put my dog down.  I got divorced and had to put my dog down in the same week and let me tell you, my divorce was a piece of cake compared...

Get out there and get that blood flowing, stay positive and all will prevail!

2012-03-23 2:51 PM
in reply to: #4110037

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - CLOSED
Mitchparadise - 2012-03-23 10:13 AM

One of the hardest things I've had to do was put my dog down.  I got divorced and had to put my dog down in the same week and let me tell you, my divorce was a piece of cake compared...

coincidence....same with me...we put our dog down 2 days before the divorce court date....I've had to be in the vet room on that terrible day 4 different times over the years and it never gets any easier

2012-03-23 5:27 PM
in reply to: #3943815

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - CLOSED

Thanks for all the kind words about our dog. It's nice to feel understood! What a terrible time to lose a dog, though, right when going through a divorce. Frown

I'm on a roll running-wise, and today I ran over the Cooper River Bridge and back in anticipation of next weekend's 10k. That's our biggest 10k anywhere in the area, maybe one of the biggest in the US. This year, they have 44,000 runners and walkers. It is huge. I have done it twice, and it's lots of fun.

2012-03-24 7:04 AM
in reply to: #4110734

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - CLOSED
Sorry to hear about your dog.  We lost our 15 year old Pom a few months ago.  Tough times and physical activity is therapy!!

2012-03-25 3:05 PM
in reply to: #3943815

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - CLOSED

Thanks for all of your help & guidance.

2012-03-25 4:55 PM
in reply to: #3943815

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - CLOSED

All right! Another week down and no missed workouts!!  (My goal for IM training this year is to not miss workouts - or, to miss as few as possible)  And, my first time outside on my bike - it sure is nice to be off the trainer for the long rides.

How was your week, everyone?

2012-03-25 7:10 PM
in reply to: #4112323

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - CLOSED
TriRx - 2012-03-25 4:55 PM

All right! Another week down and no missed workouts!!  (My goal for IM training this year is to not miss workouts - or, to miss as few as possible)  And, my first time outside on my bike - it sure is nice to be off the trainer for the long rides.

How was your week, everyone?

Week went pretty well.  My husband was traveling this week so I had to be a little creative with when I did my workouts.  I did miss one workout but mostly because we had all day Saturday plans.  My dad came and rode with me on my long ride.  For a beginner at 61 yrs old, he is a good biker.  My average pace went up this week, so maybe I can talk him into making the 1 hour drive for every long ride I do.  Fat chance!!!  Overall, good week. 
2012-03-26 8:49 AM
in reply to: #3943815

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Menomonee Falls, WI
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - CLOSED

Going pretty good for me.  Had some weird calf cramping/tightness on Saturday during a normal distance run.  Two days later both calfs are still sore.  Not sure if I strained something or what, but it was pretty annoying.  Doesn't really bother me on the bike or the pool, but will be interesting to see how it feels on my first run back tomorrow.

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