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2012-01-20 1:46 PM
in reply to: #4001904

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
craiger951 - 2012-01-20 2:31 PM

Swimming question: I’ve seen some talk about flip turns and kicking off the wall. If I’m training for a tri with an open water swim, do I need to be concerned with flip turns and kicking off the wall?

This question will almost always lead to an incredibly entertaining dialogue in the Tri Talk forum.  There are many opinions about weather to do them or not.  My thoughts:  Once you gain proficiency in your stroke, learning flip turns will help you become a better swimmer.  They can help your rhythm in the water.  Are they absolutely necessary?  No.  Are they fun?  You betcha.  Unless, of course, you get the dizzies.  As Tim has pointed out though, they can be overcome.  There are some good youtube videos for a step by step process of learning them.  I'll look for them in a bit.  

2012-01-20 2:01 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Here is the first video.  I believe it is a series of 5.  They helped me quite a bit when I was starting to learn flip turns.

2012-01-21 6:50 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning peeps!

That fall I took yesterday really left some soreness. I'm hoping it'll shake out with a few easy miles to start today's run. I'm on a quest for dry sidewalks. Hoping for 8, seeing as I cut yesterday's short.

Then maybe another ride ... haven't decided yet. Had a great ride on the trainer yesterday, but I was really exhausted for the rest of the night. Went to bed early. We've got dinner guests tonight, so I'll need to clean the house ... will have to see what kind of time I have.

Work hard today, freaks.

2012-01-21 8:02 AM
in reply to: #4002875

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

I understand about the lingering pain from a crash! I went for a slow run yesterday so I wouldn't aggravate my hammie any more. My right hip is still a little sore. It will be probably be gone by Tuesday which would be a week. 

I did a 25 minute run and a weight lifting session yesterday. Felt good to get back at it after taking it easy this week. I want to attempt a long bike ride today or tomorrow so we'll see what the weather does. Tomorrow is supposed to be 20 degrees warmer. The other day will be a rest day. I know Scott is training 7 days a week but what about everyone else? Tony, you hitting it 7 days a week?

Hope everyone has a nice weekend!!!

2012-01-21 9:57 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
I take rest days as I need them ... usually about every 12-15 days, but I'm in a group commitment right now to exercise at least 30 minutes for 30 days in January. I used my one rest day already, so I'm going to try and complete the challenge. I was just to head out the door when I got a call from my daughter who was having difficulties getting the key from the ignition at her friends house. So I've now returned from that. I usually run on an empty stomach in the morning ... but will now eat something and get my workout done in a few hours. So I'm shifting from an 8 miler and a bike ride later today into a brick workout in a couple of hours. Probably 45 minutes on the bike and 5ish miles for the run. Then I'll go long tomorrow in the 12-15 mile range.

When I'm not on a marathon plan (I'll begin a 12 week plan later in February), I like to just take it as it comes and maintain a solid foundation. I'm still learning what I can handle with all three disciplines and should hit 9-10 hours of training this week over all 7 days. I'd still like more run mileage, and that will climb in a couple of weeks, but now it's about finding balance ... and then hopefully extending that balance into the 11-12 hour per week range. 

But I take a rest day as I need it ... sometimes I struggle between "need" and "really want" and defer to easily to the latter. 
2012-01-21 11:39 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Freaks and Beasts:

I'm on a six day plan with Saturday as my off day.  Sunday is my only two event day.  However, if I'm feeling good and have the time on Saturday I do one of my Sunday events to make the Sunday schedule a little easier on the family.

Realy the "rest" day is more of a make up day or schedule adjustment day.

It's finaly rainning here in So Cal. today so I planning on doing my short swim.

Have fun be safe.


2012-01-21 11:54 AM
in reply to: #4003185

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Do you guys/gals wash your running shoes or use them up and toss them? I just got new shoes so they don't need it but was wondering. I didn't know if there was a reason not to wash them. 
2012-01-21 4:09 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Ashley ... I've never washed my shoes. I've actually heard, I think, that you can damage them by doing so. I run in them until my knees tell me I need a new pair. If they get muddy, I let 'em dry and clap 'em together. If they get soaked on a run, I take the insoles out and stuff them with newspaper. This keeps any funky smell from developing. If they're still in decent shape after I'm through running with them, I use them around the house, for mowing the lawn, etc.



Today's brick went well. I did a 45 minute interval ride on the trainer (4 x 4 min @ Max VO2) immediately followed by 4.7 mile run @ 7:46. Legs are feeling drained, but in a good way. I'm kind of glad it worked out this way, as I was not intending to do the brick. I'll take some long slow mileage tomorrow.

2012-01-21 4:11 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Scott ... (or anyone) ... do you happen to know what yPower refers to for bike data in the training logs? TrainerRoad lists my NP (normalized power), and I've been using that as my average. I just don't know what yPower is.


2012-01-21 10:43 PM
in reply to: #4003488

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
BernardDogs - 2012-01-21 5:11 PM

Scott ... (or anyone) ... do you happen to know what yPower refers to for bike data in the training logs? TrainerRoad lists my NP (normalized power), and I've been using that as my average. I just don't know what yPower is.


I thought that yPower was normalized power.  We'll have to ask the mods if that is the case.  To be honest, I am just getting into power this year.  So some of it is still Greek to me. Smile

2012-01-23 7:22 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Good morning everyone.  How was the weekend?  Injuries?  Motivation?  I was on the trainer last night for 2:45.  The watch said 50 miles.  This is both the longest amount of time and distance I've done on the trainer.  My butt was sore, and I was very ready to get off.  Luckily the game last night went into overtime, so I was able to have some mental entertainment.  How are you all doing?

2012-01-23 8:47 AM
in reply to: #4005374

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Great job on the bike last night.  I took Saturday off as a rest day and was supposed to run yesterday but felt horrible so I took a sick day.  Today I will swim this morning and do a short bike in the evening.


Have a great week!!!


2012-01-23 9:53 AM
in reply to: #4005544

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Hope everyone had a nice weekend. Scott, that is long time on your butt. I took Saturday off because the weather was miserable had a million things to do. I want to continue to train 6 days a week. Yesterday, I had some progress. I did a 9:30 mile (Don't laugh, Troy!) on the 11th. I was happy with that after starting my running on 1/1. I've been adding a little distance each week. Yesterday, I did 2.25 miles and kept the 9:30 pace. I was happy to see that. 

Today is going to be a swim or ride depending on the weather. It is supposed to be in the 50's so I will do something outside!

62 days till race day!

2012-01-23 10:07 AM
in reply to: #4005374

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New user

Boulder CO
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
That's a long time on a trainer! I had a great week, but training was a bit slack. I did a run last night though an out and back and was super happy that I was a whole minute faster on the return than the first leg. For me that's pretty big. Hope everyone has a great week, accident and injury free.
2012-01-23 10:35 AM
in reply to: #4005750

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

I have a wardrobe question for race day. I have an indoor swim and outdoor bike/run. Chances are it will be in the mid 30s in the morning. After an indoor swim in a tri-suit, do you throw on a fleece or something breathable to go ride/run in? Do you throw pants/shirt over your suit for a cold morning? If it were in the 50s or 60s and I wouldn't worry about it. I have been thinking about just wearing a speedo bathing suit for the whole thing and adding a shirt. I don't know how much I'll really need the chamois for a 15 mile ride.



2012-01-23 10:46 AM
in reply to: #4005819

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
ahutson - 2012-01-23 8:35 AM

I have a wardrobe question for race day. I have an indoor swim and outdoor bike/run. Chances are it will be in the mid 30s in the morning. After an indoor swim in a tri-suit, do you throw on a fleece or something breathable to go ride/run in? Do you throw pants/shirt over your suit for a cold morning? If it were in the 50s or 60s and I wouldn't worry about it. I have been thinking about just wearing a speedo bathing suit for the whole thing and adding a shirt. I don't know how much I'll really need the chamois for a 15 mile ride.



I wouldn't leave the house let alone train if were in the 30's.  Such is life in CaliforniaCool


2012-01-23 10:48 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Ashley, great job on going sub 10 minute mile!  That’s my goal, less than 10 m/m for 10K before my first Oly on March 18th.  I still need to add two miles of endurance just to get to 10K regardless of the pace.

Saturday I did 45 minutes on the trainer (my butt hurt too.  I think I need to get a real road bike saddle for the trainer).  Sunday was supposed to be a swim day but a friend invited me on a mountain bike ride and I couldn’t resist so we did 1 hr. with some great climbing and really got the HR up and used the horsepower.

Today will be a swim.  I plan on going 1500M to set a race distance base line time.

I’m still juggling the training schedule around since I can’t run yet.  I’m seeing the Doc today for more treatment on the calf.  Hopefully, I’ll get the green light for running in the next week or so.

As for motivation, I’ve trained every day this past week.  However, many of my sessions were shorter than the scheduled goal due to family and work time conflicts.

Have a great and productive week everybody.


Edited by craiger951 2012-01-23 10:52 AM
2012-01-23 11:34 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Extreme Veteran
Albany/Saratoga, NY area
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
I got all my workouts done this week including a couple of good runs. My shins are bothering me, though. I think I pushed myself too far on the same pair of shoes. I'm over 300 miles.
2012-01-23 4:04 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Ashley: I would never laugh at somebody's pace. And I LOVE my 10 minute miles when I get to run them. There is so much truth to learning how to run at the right paces. The more we run within our aerobic zones, the faster we become within those same zones. It's always onward.

And I didn't run at all yesterday or today. So ... you ran a lot faster than I did.  I was on the couch all day yesterday and slept in today. I wish I could come up with a good excuse, but I'm simply not feeling the run right now. Saturday's brick left me fatigued, but not to the degree that I need this much time off of the run. 

I've been here before, and I know it will pass. Sometimes it's just the cycle of training ... so much goes into it beyond just getting up and getting out the door. If it were that easy ...

But I think it's important to own it in a training group environment. So I'm owning it. I skipped a long run yesterday and did nothing to make up for it today. That's the plain truth of the matter. Only one direction to take it from here, and that's onward.

Leaving my office now for swimming. And then I'll try and hit the road tomorrow. 

2012-01-23 6:46 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
... and I'll be going to bed on time tonight. This 9:00pm stuff is for the hooligans.

Edited by BernardDogs 2012-01-23 6:46 PM
2012-01-24 5:45 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

I ran today. Let's hope it's the return of my inner runner.

We're in a brief warm spell ... so when I woke up and saw the temp at 43F I knew I had to get out there. Wore shorts on Jan. 24th. Still a long stretch of ice which slowed me down considerably in mile 3, but I'll take it. Lots of cold puddles. 6.2 total.

I'm teaching on Wednesday nights this semester ... and I've got dog duty after work tonight, so I'll be missing the pool for the next two days. But I'm hopeful to get on the trainer tonight.

2012-01-24 7:24 AM
in reply to: #4007378

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning, all! 

It was a warm day yesterday but WINDY here in the blue grass. I headed to the pool to do some focused training. I have been try to increase my endurance a little instead of swimming the 400 the best I can. I've done a few 700 yard swims and will do more this week. Last night, I focused on my splits and complete swim time. My laps (2 x 25) were (seconds) 45, 48, 48, 47, 49, 47, 48, and 46. Thats an average lap of 47.25 seconds. I did rest for 30sec to minute every 100 yards. 

I could tell a big difference in the leisurely swimming I've been doing vs time focused. All those laps together was a total of less than 6.5 minutes. It appears I have been taking too many breaks in my 30 minute swims!!!!

After the swim, I did an upper body lifting session and an ab workout. The weather is nice today so I am going to attempt to get an outdoor bike ride in. 

Scott, it appears we have lost some folks. We are only 4 weeks into the year! Come on, people!! 

2012-01-24 7:48 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

I took yesterday off.  The trainer ride from Sunday night was lingering, so I decided to rest.  My daughter had other plans for me, so I ran around with her for a bit.  Not quite a workout, but still.  

Ashley, I hear you.  I'm getting the sense that maybe some of the group is lurking.  I hope that everyone is still maintaining some amount of movement in their lives.  Onward.  

I had a 2500 yd swim this morning and then I will be on the trainer tonight for about an hour.  Keep up the good work everyone.  I will check in later.  

2012-01-24 8:01 AM
in reply to: #4007531

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed


I posted this yesterday. What are your thoughts?

I have a wardrobe question for race day. I have an indoor swim and outdoor bike/run. Chances are it will be in the mid 30s in the morning. After an indoor swim in a tri-suit, do you throw on a fleece or something breathable to go ride/run in? Do you throw pants/shirt over your suit for a cold morning? If it were in the 50s or 60s and I wouldn't worry about it. I have been thinking about just wearing a speedo bathing suit for the whole thing and adding a shirt. I don't know how much I'll really need the chamois for a 15 mile ride.

2012-01-24 12:19 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Yesterday the Chiro did quite a number on my calf.  4 different therapies.  It was a bit sore last night but feels better today.

I did a 1500M swim yesterday to set a race baseline time (35:00 min, 2:07m / 100y).

Today is a cycle day, the rain has stopped and the sun is out but I’m afraid the bike path may still be very wet and I am considering riding the mountain bike on the path for added safety.  Since I’m new to road bikes, how well can road bikes handle wet pavement and puddles?  I know they don’t handle wet rail road tracks well!

Have fun training today.


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