BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open Rss Feed  
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2013-04-20 8:43 AM
in reply to: #4563355

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

The Camp Fire Chicken Run went very well.  I won my first Masters Male plaque they gave to the first place adult.  It's a little bitter sweat because I chased a 10 year old girl the whole course and she ran off and left me at the end, lol.  The course started at a school very close to my house.  Although my Garmin only recorded had 88ft gain it is a tough course.

21' 57" time; 3.08 miles; 07:05 min/mile pace

2013-04-22 8:14 AM
in reply to: #4563355

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Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
Congrats Monty!!!  Fantastic finish... and in front of the home crowd. Must have felt good I bet (well except chasing the little girl part... there's one in every crowd, eh?)  Who knows.. that young lady may show up in the next couple of Olympics and you can proudly say you got outrun by her!
2013-04-22 8:25 AM
in reply to: #4563355

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Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

Personally, been MIA from training this last week.  I hit mid-week last week and foudn i just had nothing left... mentally and physically just exhausted.  Recovery from hard workouts is not going well and had trouble getting past 30 mins on my last 'long bike' workout on Wednesday... ended up missing my long run of the week, as well as Saturday's swim and short bike.  I kind of decided by Friday morning that i just had to put the training plan on hold for a few days and listen to all the signs my body was giving me that it needs a bit of a break.  I didn't want to, as it was just a couple of days away from finishing my second-last volume build part of my current tri plan, but then i remembered by #1 goal for this season is to finish healthy and not injured... so I decided that a DFL finish in next month's season opener was less punishing than a DNS due to injury... besides, someone's gotta make everyone else look good!  I'm still really tired, but I think the 5 days off will help me re-group this week... so this brings up a question for our mentors...

I missed pretty much the entire week in a serious volume-building week and rested instead.  This week, should I go back and re-do the volume building workouts, or just keep on schedule and keep with this week's workouts that are the 'recovery week' workouts at the end of the month.  For reference, I'm at Month 3-Week 4 of the "Sprint 2x Balance-16 week" program.  My first race is in one month (May 26)  AND IT'S STILL SNOWING HERE.


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2013-04-22 11:13 AM
in reply to: #4563355

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

I would say stay on schedule.  It sounds like a recovery week would be good for you instead of trying to play catch up to a full load.  Maybe toss in an extra run or a little extra time if you feel up to it but I wouldn't push it.  After all, this recovery starts your last build month before your tapper, correct?

Edit: Blah, snow!

Edited by HelmoAlkou 2013-04-22 11:14 AM
2013-04-22 12:31 PM
in reply to: #4563355

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Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
Ok, i'm always happy to do less work (the lazy fool i am!) but happy to hear that someone else thinks so too.  I have to keep reminding myself too that this is just race #1 of 3 this summer and is not my A race, so not being at 100% is ok.  Thanks Monty!
2013-04-22 1:48 PM
in reply to: #4563355

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Western Slope, Colorado
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

And here i thought my 4:00 hundreds were great!  I knew they were slow, but not that slow!  I've always been a slow swimmer. ):  My pace has been holding steady as i've added on the yards though.

Last week it was snowing pretty good here and i still couldn't afford the gym.  The last two weeks i was feeling under the weather and i'm not 100% sure why.  It could just be allergies, but i found out about a week ago that one of my students has mono so i've been wondering if i've been fighting that off but i think i was just being a hypochondriac.  So i had one week where i only worked out two days and then last week i worked out as normal the last half of the week.  And i just realized that i thought i had an extra week of training because i had been looking at my training log the wrong way (counting the last full week as race week, not good).  Looking back at my log it's hard for me to get to the gym or on the pavement more than four days a week.  But i only have a month left so try to apply myself again.  I'm only really worried about the bike as that seems to be harder than i remembered.  I do great on the Spinner at the gym, but my bike only seems to go 1/3 to 1/2 of that speed.  Anyways, between financial problems paying for pool/gym, weather (can't remember the last time we had this much snow in April), and allergies i am feeling like a failure and doubt i'll be able to compete in as many races this season as i had hoped.  Very disappointing.

2013-04-23 11:12 AM
in reply to: #4563355

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

I understand.  It's hard to keep going sometimes, especially when it feels like everything in the world is coming at you.  Hang in there!  Just don't become complacent and allow "real life" to steal your goals/dreams.  

I hope y'all understand I'm preaching to myself on these boards than anyone particular?  If I don't constantly remind myself what I should be doing, I'll never get to where I want to be!  Next thing you know I'm sitting on the couch eating ice cream watching a movie.  Or one of my daughters home made cupcakes, blast her!!!

2013-04-23 4:27 PM
in reply to: #4708131

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Baton Rouge
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
HelmoAlkou - 2013-04-20 8:43 AM

The Camp Fire Chicken Run went very well.  I won my first Masters Male plaque they gave to the first place adult.  It's a little bitter sweat because I chased a 10 year old girl the whole course and she ran off and left me at the end, lol.  The course started at a school very close to my house.  Although my Garmin only recorded had 88ft gain it is a tough course.

21' 57" time; 3.08 miles; 07:05 min/mile pace

Way to geaux Monty! Sounds like it was a good run for ya!
2013-04-23 4:43 PM
in reply to: #4700901

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Baton Rouge
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
Jayare - 2013-04-15 12:24 PMHello, I'm a beginner never been involved in a tri but has always been a dream of mine to enter and complete a tri . I Am currently looking at 2 tri in my area in August And sep. and the one in August being the shorter of the 2 . I've been running A few races lately 10ks and working on at half marathon at the time but want to enter the tri instead. I train/ run 4-5x a week with 6-8 miles each outing and ride 2x a week at 15-20 miles . I haven't started on any swimming but would like some advice on training and scheduling. Anything will help . The tri I want to train for is kind a beginner one well that's what I think. 400 yrd swim 11 mile bike and 5k run. The one in August is a little more 700yr swim 19 mile ride 4 mile run. I need lots of info like clothing shoes. I've lost over 25 lbs and changing eating habits but want to make sure I'm eating enough of the right food any info will help. Also how do I add myself to this group
(Just realizes I'm on y iPad and it will not add space between paragraphs so, sorry!)Welcome Jayare! Congrats on the lifestyle change and weight loss. Your sprint tri(shorter one) is similar distance wise to the one I've been training for. Because I had no swim background, my training plan looks kinda like this:swim 4x a weekbike 3x(stand alone bike/brick bike/long ride on weekend)run 3x(stand alone/brick/long run on weekend)It works for me but you can check out the sprint tri plans here on BT and modify as you need too. As for clothing, I wear tri shorts and a tri top for all 3. I've bought slightly used and some new mainly offline from here/Slowtwitch/eBay etc etc. Shoes will depend if you're using clip less pedals or not, if you're not then you can just wear your running shoes for bike/run..
2013-04-24 10:20 AM
in reply to: #4712359

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Baton Rouge
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

tygr_tri - 2013-04-23 4:43 PM
Jayare - 2013-04-15 12:24 PMHello, I'm a beginner never been involved in a tri but has always been a dream of mine to enter and complete a tri . I Am currently looking at 2 tri in my area in August And sep. and the one in August being the shorter of the 2 . I've been running A few races lately 10ks and working on at half marathon at the time but want to enter the tri instead. I train/ run 4-5x a week with 6-8 miles each outing and ride 2x a week at 15-20 miles . I haven't started on any swimming but would like some advice on training and scheduling. Anything will help . The tri I want to train for is kind a beginner one well that's what I think. 400 yrd swim 11 mile bike and 5k run. The one in August is a little more 700yr swim 19 mile ride 4 mile run. I need lots of info like clothing shoes. I've lost over 25 lbs and changing eating habits but want to make sure I'm eating enough of the right food any info will help. Also how do I add myself to this group

(Just realizes I'm on y iPad and it will not add space between paragraphs so, sorry!)

Welcome Jayare! Congrats on the lifestyle change and weight loss. Your sprint tri(shorter one) is similar distance wise to the one I've been training for. Because I had no swim background, my training plan looks kinda like this:

swim 4x a week

bike 3x(stand alone bike/brick bike/long ride on weekend)

run 3x(stand alone/brick/long run on weekend) I probably need to add another run day in here somewhere

ST: 1-2x 

It works for me but you can check out the sprint tri plans here on BT and modify as you need too. As for clothing, I wear tri shorts and a tri top for all 3. I've bought slightly used and some new mainly offline from here/Slowtwitch/eBay etc etc. Shoes will depend if you're using clip less pedals or not, if you're not then you can just wear your running shoes for bike/run..


2013-04-24 9:44 PM
in reply to: #4563355

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Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
Brick before bed... 14K ride then put down a 2.5K run.   It just struck me that last year, I absolutely struggled to do a 10K run with a 1.5K run brick in prep for my first try-a-tri.  That makes me feel good as I look at my progress this year... still dreadfully slow, but guess I really am getting better!  Yay!  Enjoying this recovery week. The nerves are starting to settle in as I look towards the season opener next month and realize that I still don't have a road-worthy bike, nor a wetsuit, and its still snowing here. O.o

2013-04-24 10:45 PM
in reply to: #4714190

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
I had to leave town for a funeral. Took all I had not to pack my running shoes. But it's family time, and it's only one night.Good job on the training! Another good reason to record workouts. "What isn't measured can't be improved."I did a spin class at the gym today. Speed Spin. It felt good for a change of pace. I have an OWS tri in three weeks and it's still in the thirties at night. But this is Texas!
2013-04-25 9:23 AM
in reply to: #4563355

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Baton Rouge
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

It's funny how we're all dealing with some form of weather issues! I'm pretty sure I experienced all of the seasons on just yesterday! We like to say down here, if you don't like the weather at the moment, wait a few hours, it's bound to change!  I'm back in the pool and really focusing on getting a better body/head position so that I don't have so much drag.  Also focusing on 'rolling' and being a more efficient kicker. 

Sorry for your loss Monty.  I had to attend a family funeral last weekend and I contemplated packing my bike and going for a ride on the quiet country roads, but like you, it was just one day so I used it as family time.

Is Jenny still around? Haven't heard much from here lately, guess she's getting the studio up and running!

2013-04-29 10:03 PM
in reply to: #4563355

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

Thanks Angie.  The funeral went very well.  Granddad was 96 years old!  I can't imagine!!!

Jenny's probably busy hammering some poor soul in her new spin class, lol.

Starting my tapper this week for the first, and maybe only, tri of 2013.  I still want to do well but my motivation to "slam it" just isn't there.  We've started our spring maintenance outage at the power plant which means I'm not having a day off for the next 2-3 weeks except for my one vacation day - a sprint triathlon.  It's hard to work outside for 12 hours and rush home for a two hour bike/run brick workout.  And what an amazing family I have to let me do something so stupid, lol.

Just had to get my whine out of the way.  Have a good week!

2013-04-29 10:20 PM
in reply to: #4563355

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Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

Monty, that was a pretty justified whine, for sure.  Hang in there!!

Hope everyone is doing well. It's FINALLY spring here!  Flowers blooming, temps in the mid teens this week (60's) and NO SNOW.  You have no idea how happy I am.  And AND... I may actually have a lead on an affordable bike that's small enough for me!  Found an old Miele in great shape for about $225.  If I can make arrangements to check it out, and it looks decent, should have it by the end of the week, and then I can finally get on the roads, with 3 weeks to spare!  Fingers crossed that it works out.  Nerves are just starting to creep in... training is going well... i've missed only a handful of workouts in the last 3 months, but i'm really just nervous about freezing in the water as this spring has been so cold.  But i'm trying to remember that this is not my 'A' race for the year, so just enjoy the experience and learn as much as i can going forward.

My question for this week is this:  for the last two swims, my goggles are suddenly fogging up like its going out of style.  any suggestions as to why this is suddenly happening??

2013-04-29 11:28 PM
in reply to: #4563355

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

Good luck on the bike!!  /em crossing fingers.  And, it sounds like your training is coming along great.  

There's a anti fog coating inside most goggles that will ware out in no time, it seems.  Do you use any anti fog spray?  I use Quick Spit.  I'm sure you can buy it anywhere you find swim stuff.  One squirt in each side, rub it in, quick rinse, and go.  I've done 60 minute workouts without removing my goggles.  Of course the rings around my eyes didn't go away for a few hours but what the heck!

Oh, take a bottle of water with you into transition and Quick Spit your goggles before the race.

Another tip, some reports say that more people get motion sickness when swimming in cold water.  Pills and ears plugs have been said to help.

2013-04-30 1:39 PM
in reply to: #4563355


Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
Thanks tygr I was able to find a pair of tri shorts at my local fleet feet. Did my last race b4 I start getting serious on my tri training this weekend and managed to come in 10th overall and 3rd in my age class. There was a UFC fighter there and was able to catch him on the 3rd mile and not look back a Lil keepsake memory. I started my swim training today and struggled . Was only able to swim 50 meters with stopping so I just treated the workout like a interval training . I guess I got a lot of work to do. I found a club in my city that meets once a month and trains for tri's together. Going to meet them on may 6th and hope to start training with them 2x a week. Well hope everyone is doing good
2013-04-30 7:54 PM
in reply to: #4721031

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Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

"There was a UFC fighter there"... whooo!  GO!  Nice job Jayare  :D  that's so awesome!!!  The swimming comes... when I got back into the pool in Feb, same story.  I found for the first little bit, my body did the whole "omg, i'm in the water and that means I must be dying' routine, but after a few sessions, it realized that all was well and was able to get to 100m sets without stopping in a couple of weeks.  Fast forward 2 months, and i've finally hit that stride that lets me get into a cruising gear and just go without needing to stop and rest, so keep at it.  For me, a big part of that was pacing slow enough in the first couple of lengths, and if i did that, i found that cruising gear much quicker.  Awesome you found at tri group!  I'm sure you'll get lots off of them

2013-04-30 10:56 PM
in reply to: #4563355


Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
I'm from Stockton ca and he's from here Nick Diaz. It's pretty discouraging when you look online for swimming technique and see what you were doing didn't resemble anything of swimming.... Lol. Well I guess I have something to work with now. I've got a little over 3 months to get to 400 yards and 4 months to get to 700 yards. If I fail it deffinitey won't be from not trying. I will do the shorter one in August but kinda skeptical about the one in September . Would really like to both .
2013-05-01 8:24 PM
in reply to: #4563355

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
You can do Jayare!  Just try to be consistent!
2013-05-01 8:48 PM
in reply to: #4723296

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Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!!!!!!!    Who's a happy camper!  Going to spend the weekend working on fit and just getting used to the handling.  Took it for a spin around the neighbourhood tonight... pretty nice ride.  Those shifters are going to take some getting used to though!!


20130501_204418-smaller.jpg (82KB - 18 downloads)

2013-05-01 9:54 PM
in reply to: #4720091

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Baton Rouge
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
pilot_e - 2013-04-29 10:20 PM

Monty, that was a pretty justified whine, for sure.  Hang in there!!

Hope everyone is doing well. It's FINALLY spring here!  Flowers blooming, temps in the mid teens this week (60's) and NO SNOW.  You have no idea how happy I am.  And AND... I may actually have a lead on an affordable bike that's small enough for me!  Found an old Miele in great shape for about $225.  If I can make arrangements to check it out, and it looks decent, should have it by the end of the week, and then I can finally get on the roads, with 3 weeks to spare!  Fingers crossed that it works out.  Nerves are just starting to creep in... training is going well... i've missed only a handful of workouts in the last 3 months, but i'm really just nervous about freezing in the water as this spring has been so cold.  But i'm trying to remember that this is not my 'A' race for the year, so just enjoy the experience and learn as much as i can going forward.

My question for this week is this:  for the last two swims, my goggles are suddenly fogging up like its going out of style.  any suggestions as to why this is suddenly happening??

Whooohooo!!!! I'm so happy you have spring weather! The bike looks pretty cool! :-) congrats!
2013-05-01 10:02 PM
in reply to: #4721031

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Baton Rouge
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
Jayare - 2013-04-30 1:39 PMThanks tygr I was able to find a pair of tri shorts at my local fleet feet. Did my last race b4 I start getting serious on my tri training this weekend and managed to come in 10th overall and 3rd in my age class. There was a UFC fighter there and was able to catch him on the 3rd mile and not look back a Lil keepsake memory. I started my swim training today and struggled . Was only able to swim 50 meters with stopping so I just treated the workout like a interval training . I guess I got a lot of work to do. I found a club in my city that meets once a month and trains for tri's together. Going to meet them on may 6th and hope to start training with them 2x a week. Well hope everyone is doing good
Sounds like you kicked some butt!! Oh, I'm still in the perils of swim training and I started swim lessons beginning of Feb and I'm still having some struggles with it but I have gotten better, not where I want to be, but I'm consistent which helps! So be consistent, go slow and don't get frustrated.
2013-05-02 10:08 AM
in reply to: #4563355


Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
I implemented some of the things I seem on proper technique for swimming and my session was very encouraging. I think ill be ok might not really fast but I I should be able to make it out of the water lol..... It's crazy cuz all I can think about all day is going home and training . I hope to stay this motivated throuout the next 6 months
2013-05-02 7:50 PM
in reply to: #4563355

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

Nice ride, Erica!  Thanks for the bike porn, lol.

Keep up the good work guys!

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