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2013-07-06 9:37 AM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Thanks for the advise! I did an easy, 20 mile ride follow by an easy 5 mile run this morning.

2013-07-06 4:50 PM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED

So I went in to my doctor this morning and yes he recommends that I stop running in order to take care of the problem, I tell him about my Tri next week and he's like "well it is a 3 sport event so you should be fine for the swim and the bike. If you feel like running then run but walk if you have to". My doctor is a Boston Marathon finisher and does a lot of other sports. I liked that he did not give me an excuse to give up. We did talk about my injury and he gave me options. Long story short, I am going ahead with the race next weekend and I'll finish. He did mention that I was relentless and that comment made up my mind right there and then. Whichever way the race turns out I'll feel better that I did not give up.

Tomorrow I have planned an 1 hour swim in Lake Michigan followed by a 35 minute run, I'll skip the run and just do the swim.

BTW, I purchased a book called "Be Iron Fit" by Don Fink. Has anyone read this and do you use his advice to train?

Thanks for the advice, have a great weekend.

Originally posted by kruzmeister

Gil - really sorry to hear about your achilles, I hope it is just a slight tear of calf and nothing more. I can understand your frustration, I was like a caged animal when mine was acting up and I couldn't run. In the end the orthotics, self-massage and roller saved mine. Take it easy, I hope you recover quickly. There will be other Olympic tris, just don't disregard doctors orders and start running again too soon or it will never heal.

Originally posted by gdelamora

Hello Team,

Hope everyone had a good holiday.

It looks like I tore or pulled my Achillies Tendon. I will know tomorrow. I little frustrated but I know that it was my fault because the doc told me to stop running until it was 100% healed. For now I will rest it but I am sure I will be done racing for a while. I was getting excited about my tri next week and I little nervous but I'll have to wait a little longer to do an Olympic Tri.

Keep Training everyone

2013-07-06 10:53 PM
in reply to: gdelamora

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Good luck with the race Gil, just don't push yourself so hard that you injury your achilles even more.

I have read Be Iron Fit and I am currently using Fink's Intermediate program for my 70.3 and IMOZ training plans. Tim has also used the plans in the book and is a good one to speak to about it. I have found a lot of useful information in it, especially on technique in all three disciplines. I like that the book is straight forward and there are no 'scientific equations' to learn for optimum training efficiency. He is a great advocate of HR training too.

Originally posted by gdelamora

Long story short, I am going ahead with the race next weekend and I'll finish. He did mention that I was relentless and that comment made up my mind right there and then. Whichever way the race turns out I'll feel better that I did not give up.

BTW, I purchased a book called "Be Iron Fit" by Don Fink. Has anyone read this and do you use his advice to train?

Thanks for the advice, have a great weekend.
2013-07-06 10:57 PM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
After a week off my flu is finally getting better.. looking forward to hitting the gym tomorrow for a run and weights. Looking forward to getting my nutrition back on track too. Thank God it is still early days.
2013-07-08 9:26 AM
in reply to: ettringite23

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Nice work on the 5K especially for not being a planned race.

Good idea laying off the hilly bike ride and just doing an easy 20.

Originally posted by ettringite23

Training question..

On a whim, I ran an uplanned race yesterday (5k). I gave it my all and am sore today: My quads mostly. I had planned for a rigorous, hilly bike ride tonight. Should I forego the ride and swim? or something else?



PS: 5k PR @ 22:28 (long course).
2013-07-08 10:40 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Hi Team.

I am alive and I think (knock wood) my ankle is improving. Today marks day 14 since I twisted it and while I have not done many workouts because of it and the fact that I was packing and moving etc. etc. I think it is making progress. I did swim this morning and plan on doing a short run tonight to give it a test and I am really looking forward to getting back into the swing of things.

Moving week was stressful but so far I have survived. I now have all my stuff at my new house and it is in the basement and stored in my garage. I spent the weekend tearing out carpet and today my hardwood guy is in the house and will be for the next 3 days. Still a ton of work to do but I will update you as it progresses. The next thing is a new kitchen and then a complete paint job. The previous owners were smokers and the walls, carpets, window coverings and everything else were just a huge mess. They had been smoking in there for probably 25 years. I am posting a couple of pictures from the front room where they had pictures hanging. It is truly unbelievable the amount of difference between the orginal paint job and the staining that is on the walls. If you have anyone you know who smokes, show them these pictures - INCREDIBLE.

I don't think I mentioned this to anyone before but I pick my bike up today from the LBS. I dropped if off last week for some new BLING. Carbon aero bars and crank set. I can’t wait to see it. I am certain these two subtle changes will bring me from the middle of the BOP to the closer to the front of the middle of the BOP .

Ok team - I hope everyone is staying safe and enjoying themselves.

I am staying at my brothers for a couple of days while my hardwood gets refinished so I now have an internet connection again for a few days so I will be able to chime in again.


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2013-07-09 1:29 AM
in reply to: kcgolf

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Looking at those walls it's a wonder the previous tenants lived to sell the place! I'm glad you're getting things organised KC and I hope the ankle is okay after the run. Nice job on the bike bling too!

Originally posted by kcgolf

Hi Team.

I am alive and I think (knock wood) my ankle is improving. Today marks day 14 since I twisted it and while I have not done many workouts because of it and the fact that I was packing and moving etc. etc. I think it is making progress. I did swim this morning and plan on doing a short run tonight to give it a test and I am really looking forward to getting back into the swing of things.

Moving week was stressful but so far I have survived. I now have all my stuff at my new house and it is in the basement and stored in my garage. I spent the weekend tearing out carpet and today my hardwood guy is in the house and will be for the next 3 days. Still a ton of work to do but I will update you as it progresses. The next thing is a new kitchen and then a complete paint job. The previous owners were smokers and the walls, carpets, window coverings and everything else were just a huge mess. They had been smoking in there for probably 25 years. I am posting a couple of pictures from the front room where they had pictures hanging. It is truly unbelievable the amount of difference between the orginal paint job and the staining that is on the walls. If you have anyone you know who smokes, show them these pictures - INCREDIBLE.

I don't think I mentioned this to anyone before but I pick my bike up today from the LBS. I dropped if off last week for some new BLING. Carbon aero bars and crank set. I can’t wait to see it. I am certain these two subtle changes will bring me from the middle of the BOP to the closer to the front of the middle of the BOP .

Ok team - I hope everyone is staying safe and enjoying themselves.

I am staying at my brothers for a couple of days while my hardwood gets refinished so I now have an internet connection again for a few days so I will be able to chime in again.


2013-07-09 6:53 AM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
First run yesterday since the ankle injury 2 weeks ago. I did 5 km in 29 minutes - pretty happy with that and I love the new are I live in. The ankle feels ok this morning - a bit stiff and sore but no significant swelling

Hope everyone is doing well team.

My next race is the Toronto Triathlon Festival - Olympic distance July 21.

2013-07-09 7:57 AM
in reply to: kcgolf

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Good morning!

Hope everyone is doing well. I had my good but slow swim this morning. I normally don't exercise so early anymore but today I had some kind of burst of energy so I decided to head to the pool. I was hoping to get an hour in but I was surprise to see that the place was pack at 6 am.

Feeling excited about this weekend's race. My heals are still in some pain but I will do my best to not let it get me down.

Have a great day everyone.
2013-07-09 7:57 AM
in reply to: kcgolf

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Good morning!

Hope everyone is doing well. I had my good but slow swim this morning. I normally don't exercise so early anymore but today I had some kind of burst of energy so I decided to head to the pool. I was hoping to get an hour in but I was surprise to see that the place was pack at 6 am.

Feeling excited about this weekend's race. My heals are still in some pain but I will do my best to not let it get me down.

Have a great day everyone.
2013-07-09 10:12 AM
in reply to: gdelamora

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Simone - Hope you are feeling better. Good idea with treating yourself to the Oakley's as a reward.

KC - good to hear you are getting somewhat back to normal. I think your level of "busy" has passed mine this year haha. Take it easy on that ankle and just ease back into it. How did it feel this morning?

Gil - So sorry to hear about your Achilles but it sounds like you have a pretty good doctor. It is hard to find a doc who understands what we do while training and treats us like "normal" people haha. When I had some heart issues a few years back I had a resident doctor tell me to not keep my heart rate below 120 during all my training. He didn't know any of my history, couldn't tell me what was wrong, couldn't explain why but just thought it would be good. I just laughed at him. Everything is fine but I think most times we know our bodies much better than the doctor but it is always good to stick with a doc who understands the training and that we are in much better condition than their normal patient. Last year when I got the snipped with the big "V" my doctor was laughing at me because I was concerned about when I could get back to my long rides and he said 90 percent of his patients he has to be concerned with just getting them off the couch to do some exercise but with me he has to be concerned about me getting on the bike for 4 hours haha.

I had a great trip up to my place in Wisconsin last week. I made a last minute decision to not bring my bike and just take a little 3 day rest and not worry about my workouts. Needle to say it was very nice. i got back at it on Sunday though. I was pulling out of my driveway at 7am when my neighbor who is training for IMWI was coming down the street to start his ride so I decided to join him for a 4 hour ride haha. We ended up getting 69 miles (111K for you Simone haha) in at about an 18.2 mph pace. I felt really good and I think I am in better bike shape this year than I was last year. This morning I hammered out a 14 mile ride and averaged just under 21 mph with a litte cross wind the whole ride. I am really interested to see how I can do at Racine 70.3 in two weeks. the plan is to push the bike hard and then rely on the extra run volume, hill and speed workouts I have been doing to gut out the run. I would be happy with a 2:10 to 2:15 run

2013-07-09 1:57 PM
in reply to: gdelamora

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Early AM exercise feels so good to get it over with and enjoy your day without the stress of trying to figure out when to get your workout in. It takes a while for your body to adjust but not long.

You said "heals" here - is it both of you feet with issues or just one?

Originally posted by gdelamora

Good morning!

Hope everyone is doing well. I had my good but slow swim this morning. I normally don't exercise so early anymore but today I had some kind of burst of energy so I decided to head to the pool. I was hoping to get an hour in but I was surprise to see that the place was pack at 6 am.

Feeling excited about this weekend's race. My heals are still in some pain but I will do my best to not let it get me down.

Have a great day everyone.
2013-07-09 7:34 PM
in reply to: gdelamora

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Hi Gil.

Good luck with your race this weekend. Did you stick around and get your pool workout in?


Originally posted by gdelamora

Good morning!

Hope everyone is doing well. I had my good but slow swim this morning. I normally don't exercise so early anymore but today I had some kind of burst of energy so I decided to head to the pool. I was hoping to get an hour in but I was surprise to see that the place was pack at 6 am.

Feeling excited about this weekend's race. My heals are still in some pain but I will do my best to not let it get me down.

Have a great day everyone.
2013-07-09 7:37 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
HI Tim - nice job on the biking dude - you will have an awesome race at Racine. FYI - KM are used in Canada as well lol.


Originally posted by tmoran80

Simone - Hope you are feeling better. Good idea with treating yourself to the Oakley's as a reward.

KC - good to hear you are getting somewhat back to normal. I think your level of "busy" has passed mine this year haha. Take it easy on that ankle and just ease back into it. How did it feel this morning?

Gil - So sorry to hear about your Achilles but it sounds like you have a pretty good doctor. It is hard to find a doc who understands what we do while training and treats us like "normal" people haha. When I had some heart issues a few years back I had a resident doctor tell me to not keep my heart rate below 120 during all my training. He didn't know any of my history, couldn't tell me what was wrong, couldn't explain why but just thought it would be good. I just laughed at him. Everything is fine but I think most times we know our bodies much better than the doctor but it is always good to stick with a doc who understands the training and that we are in much better condition than their normal patient. Last year when I got the snipped with the big "V" my doctor was laughing at me because I was concerned about when I could get back to my long rides and he said 90 percent of his patients he has to be concerned with just getting them off the couch to do some exercise but with me he has to be concerned about me getting on the bike for 4 hours haha.

I had a great trip up to my place in Wisconsin last week. I made a last minute decision to not bring my bike and just take a little 3 day rest and not worry about my workouts. Needle to say it was very nice. i got back at it on Sunday though. I was pulling out of my driveway at 7am when my neighbor who is training for IMWI was coming down the street to start his ride so I decided to join him for a 4 hour ride haha. We ended up getting 69 miles (111K for you Simone haha) in at about an 18.2 mph pace. I felt really good and I think I am in better bike shape this year than I was last year. This morning I hammered out a 14 mile ride and averaged just under 21 mph with a litte cross wind the whole ride. I am really interested to see how I can do at Racine 70.3 in two weeks. the plan is to push the bike hard and then rely on the extra run volume, hill and speed workouts I have been doing to gut out the run. I would be happy with a 2:10 to 2:15 run
2013-07-09 7:46 PM
in reply to: kcgolf

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
OK Team - ankle seems to have held up after the run yesterday - it was tight and sore this morning when I got up but no additional swelling - so nothing I did not expect.

Today - helped my hardwood guy a bit and organized some of my stuff that I moved. I had to get a bike done today according to my plan but I have not got by bike back from the LBS yet which is bumming me out. I decided to ride my old bike instead which I guess will do in a pinch but I really want my old one back and soon. The weather has been brutal here with tons of rain so I decided to load the old bike on the trainer in my new house and in the kitchen after the hardwood but left - he is not using the air in the house because the finishing process so it is very hot in there. I did 90 minutes and loved every hot steamy minute of it and because I don't have the cable hooked up yet I did it with no entertainment to watch just a radio to listen to. Ankle was no issue on the trainer which makes me very happy.

House renovations are going ok - I want it all done tomorrow but it will happen soon enough I guess.

That's all I have for now team. Stay safe everyone.

2013-07-10 9:12 AM
in reply to: kcgolf

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Thanks KC! Do you have any tricks or mind games that you do to get trough the swim? I talk to myself a lot during exercises. This helps me as long as I saying the right things. Haha! I'm also telling my self that I need to rest during he swim if I'm feeling tired. It has helped me in the past but it has effected my time.

Originally posted by kcgolf

Hi Gil.

Good luck with your race this weekend. Did you stick around and get your pool workout in?


Originally posted by gdelamora

Good morning!

Hope everyone is doing well. I had my good but slow swim this morning. I normally don't exercise so early anymore but today I had some kind of burst of energy so I decided to head to the pool. I was hoping to get an hour in but I was surprise to see that the place was pack at 6 am.

Feeling excited about this weekend's race. My heals are still in some pain but I will do my best to not let it get me down.

Have a great day everyone.

2013-07-10 9:13 AM
in reply to: gdelamora

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Oh ya, I did stick around for the swim.
Originally posted by gdelamora

Thanks KC! Do you have any tricks or mind games that you do to get trough the swim? I talk to myself a lot during exercises. This helps me as long as I saying the right things. Haha! I'm also telling my self that I need to rest during he swim if I'm feeling tired. It has helped me in the past but it has effected my time.

Originally posted by kcgolf

Hi Gil.

Good luck with your race this weekend. Did you stick around and get your pool workout in?


Originally posted by gdelamora

Good morning!

Hope everyone is doing well. I had my good but slow swim this morning. I normally don't exercise so early anymore but today I had some kind of burst of energy so I decided to head to the pool. I was hoping to get an hour in but I was surprise to see that the place was pack at 6 am.

Feeling excited about this weekend's race. My heals are still in some pain but I will do my best to not let it get me down.

Have a great day everyone.

2013-07-10 9:16 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED

Yes, both heals are acting up. One more than the other. I need to let them heal 100%.

Originally posted by tmoran80

Early AM exercise feels so good to get it over with and enjoy your day without the stress of trying to figure out when to get your workout in. It takes a while for your body to adjust but not long.

You said "heals" here - is it both of you feet with issues or just one?

Originally posted by gdelamora

Good morning!

Hope everyone is doing well. I had my good but slow swim this morning. I normally don't exercise so early anymore but today I had some kind of burst of energy so I decided to head to the pool. I was hoping to get an hour in but I was surprise to see that the place was pack at 6 am.

Feeling excited about this weekend's race. My heals are still in some pain but I will do my best to not let it get me down.

Have a great day everyone.

2013-07-10 9:49 AM
in reply to: gdelamora

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
A little breast stroke break for about 30 seconds can do wonders to break up your swim and give your shoulders a rest plus you are still moving forward. Probably takes 10-15 seconds off your overall time. One tip my swimming buddy told me that i try to do is when I get about 100 Yards away from swim finish I will always do some breast stroke and some different kicks just to get the legs going and get them ready to start running to T1 and biking. I had cramping issues coming out of the water until I started doing that.

Originally posted by gdelamora

Thanks KC! Do you have any tricks or mind games that you do to get trough the swim? I talk to myself a lot during exercises. This helps me as long as I saying the right things. Haha! I'm also telling my self that I need to rest during he swim if I'm feeling tired. It has helped me in the past but it has effected my time.

2013-07-11 6:56 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Hola all!

Finishing up my hardest training week (in my short tri career). Feeling good and looking forward to my upcoming race in two weeks (Concreteman in Sprinfield MO). There is a story behind why I chose this race. I work as a structural engineer and primarily troubleshoot problems with concrete structures (bridges, buidlings, parking garages, pavements, etc). I am known around my company as the "concrete man". So, I am doing this race for the T-shirt

Gil and Tim,

Good luck on your upcoming races.


Hope you are getting over your flu symptoms and getting back on track. Trying to train while not feeling good and without proper nutrition sucks. I had to train for two weeks on a clear liquid diet....


Dont know how you get your training in with everything on your plate, but you are a beast!


2013-07-11 8:34 PM
in reply to: gdelamora

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Hi Gil - I love the talking to yourself idea - I do it all the time. As far as tricks are concerned - I don't have any real good ones, I just tell myself to keep going and break it down to 25 meters at a time in the pool. I just try to get the next 25 done and then they all add up. As far as rest during the swim - don't sweat it - you do whatever the hell you have to do to get it done - no matter what - RFP

Originally posted by gdelamora

Thanks KC! Do you have any tricks or mind games that you do to get trough the swim? I talk to myself a lot during exercises. This helps me as long as I saying the right things. Haha! I'm also telling my self that I need to rest during he swim if I'm feeling tired. It has helped me in the past but it has effected my time.

Originally posted by kcgolf

Hi Gil.

Good luck with your race this weekend. Did you stick around and get your pool workout in?


Originally posted by gdelamora

Good morning!

Hope everyone is doing well. I had my good but slow swim this morning. I normally don't exercise so early anymore but today I had some kind of burst of energy so I decided to head to the pool. I was hoping to get an hour in but I was surprise to see that the place was pack at 6 am.

Feeling excited about this weekend's race. My heals are still in some pain but I will do my best to not let it get me down.

Have a great day everyone.

2013-07-11 8:41 PM
in reply to: ettringite23

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Hi Todd.

Nice work my friend

All the best in your race and you know - most people would just go out and have a T Shirt made LOL - nice work "Concrete Man". I can't wait to hear all about your race.


Originally posted by ettringite23

Hola all!

Finishing up my hardest training week (in my short tri career). Feeling good and looking forward to my upcoming race in two weeks (Concreteman in Sprinfield MO). There is a story behind why I chose this race. I work as a structural engineer and primarily troubleshoot problems with concrete structures (bridges, buidlings, parking garages, pavements, etc). I am known around my company as the "concrete man". So, I am doing this race for the T-shirt

Gil and Tim,

Good luck on your upcoming races.


Hope you are getting over your flu symptoms and getting back on track. Trying to train while not feeling good and without proper nutrition sucks. I had to train for two weeks on a clear liquid diet....


Dont know how you get your training in with everything on your plate, but you are a beast!


2013-07-11 8:52 PM
in reply to: kcgolf

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
Ok Team – Crazy and exciting story for everyone.
First – ankle is holding its own – a bit better, not worse so I guess that is good ?
Two days ago I am sitting waiting to get a haircut in the salon I visit and I am surfing my smart phone and checking facebook. I notice a message from the race director of Ironman Lake Placid looking for a handful of volunteers with some Tri experience to be lead bikers for the Professionals during the marathon at IM LP. On a whim I email her and guess what – I AM GOING TO BE A LEAD BIKER FOR THE PROFESSIONALS DURING THE MARATHON AT IRONMAN LAKE PLACID ? . I was originally signed up with Josh Duval and Bob Grondin to volunteer in the Transition 1 tent but have now been officially switched to lead bike for the 3rd place Pro male during the marathon. I am stoked ?


IMLP2.jpg (51KB - 22 downloads)
2013-07-11 10:32 PM
in reply to: kcgolf

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
That is awesome, KC! I would be stoked to be part of that action! What does the lead biker position entail?
2013-07-12 6:23 PM
in reply to: ettringite23

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- CLOSED
I have been assigned the job of leading the 3rd place male during the marathon - it is going to be awesome!!!!

Originally posted by ettringite23

That is awesome, KC! I would be stoked to be part of that action! What does the lead biker position entail?

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