BT Development Mentor Program Archives » We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed Rss Feed  
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2014-03-15 1:20 PM
in reply to: DaBen

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Columbia, Missouri
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

Hope everyone is having a productive March! Mine started off rough with an injury, but I actually let myself rest instead of pushing myself, and it feels much better. Was able to "cross-train" with some skiing in Colorado this past week, and didn't go overboard on the apres skier, and actually lost a few pounds on the vacation.

I'm back at it today, and I'm getting my bike tuned up today, so I'll have no excuse to enjoy what I hope is a beautiful spring in Mid-Missouri. I joined the local triathlon club, and it has been great to have another forum for questions and inspiration.


2014-03-16 7:34 AM
in reply to: MamacitaT

Simsbury, CT
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

Originally posted by MamacitaT

How many days a week do you train? My plan calls for 6 days and I struggle with that. I would like to do 5, but feel guilty if I don't get the whole plan in....

Hi Tara,

Last year when I was training for a full distance tri, I was also shooting for 6 workouts/week but did not always got them in.  At that time, the longer workouts on the weekend were more important which meant that Monday was almost always a day off.   Sometimes, knowing that Sat and Sun were going to be tough days, I would also skip the Friday workout which tended to be a recovery/easy workout so I never felt bad about skipping it.    I just did not have the time to do multiple workouts during the week so quality for each was important. 

What is your goal - finish, be competitive or win a race?  revisiting your goal might help you prioritize to time/workouts.



2014-03-16 7:37 AM
in reply to: DaBen

Simsbury, CT
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

Originally posted by DaBen

I think I'm going to get the mindset of my workouts are the goal for the week, and if I can't get to the goal because of a hectic week, I'm not going to beat myself up. Now if I don't reach a goal because of my own laziness, that is another story.


I think this is the way to go.  I am not a professional athlete, have a day job and 3 active kids.  Excersice is very important to me but it needs to be balanced.  Family, Work and Hobbies is the order I try to follow when prioritizing. 



2014-03-16 7:43 AM
in reply to: DaBen

Simsbury, CT
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

Originally posted by DaBen

I'm back at it today, and I'm getting my bike tuned up today, so I'll have no excuse to enjoy what I hope is a beautiful spring in Mid-Missouri. I joined the local triathlon club, and it has been great to have another forum for questions and inspiration.



When I started I scoured the net for info and inspiration.   BT, Slowtwitch and my local tri club and now my default sources.  Nice aspect to the local club is being able to interact with individuals face to face vs virtually.   It is nice to run into members when I am out and about as well. 

hope you enjoey the nice weather.


2014-03-18 6:36 AM
in reply to: Armandova

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Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
I've been trying to do 6 workouts a week - but it's not always easy as anything can throw it off.

Last week was terrible. I came down with the flu on Monday night (at least I got to finish the Indoor Tri on Sunday!) and was pretty much out the entire week. Since it was in the 60s Saturday I did a short run of 4 miles and was pretty wiped - but the fever had only just left the day before. I didn't want to cause any relapse so I walked only on Sunday and took yesterday off (we had a snow day anyway). I'm feeling VERY ready to run today so I'm going to try for about 6 miles or so and see how it goes. Less congestion and not much coughing yesterday so hopefully that bodes well.

Glad to see everyone checking in!
2014-03-18 7:48 AM
in reply to: MamacitaT

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Originally posted by MamacitaT

Hello My Friends,


Just a quick question for you and an issue that I wrestle with - How many days a week do you train? My plan calls for 6 days and I struggle with that. I would like to do 5, but feel guilty if I don't get the whole plan in.


What are your thoughts?


You will find that most plans have you working out 5 to 6 days a week; some will have multiple workouts in a day others only one. Volume depends on the distance race with more being required for the HIM or IM races.

When all is going well for me I am able to get most of my workouts in. But as has been the case lately when there is no time I'm lucky to get most in. I've asked my coach to prioritize my workouts for me on days that i have two scheduled so that i can be sure to get at least the important ones in.

There are some great books on triathlon for busy people. One is "The Time Crunched Triathlete" by Chris Carmichael. There are others.

It can be tough. It is the challenge that those of us with a life outside of triathlon have to deal with. If you only want to workout 5 days a week, you could elimninate a workout in a discipline that is a strength. Or you could consider that from a conditioning stand point a run is better than a bike is better than a swim which is better than a strength workout. You would not want to eliminate workouts from an area that you are concentrating on or that is a limitier for you.


2014-03-18 7:56 AM
in reply to: sundevil87

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Hey all - I had a good run on Sunday. I wish I would have gotten in my bike as well - but I'll take the run. Still dealing with the heels issue. They protested a little post-run on Sunday and again yesterday but a few steps and all is "good".

I'm home this week so I'm hoping that I can be a little more productive. My coach is as well so he loaded a few extras in for me . I got good trainer ride in last night (1:30 hour Muscular Endurance focused workout) and my legs are feeling it this morning. I didn't get the swim in that was scheduled. I'll try to make that up tonight. The good thing is that I am getting swims in and swimming comes the quickest - in terms of being prepared for the race, so I don't feel too bad if I miss one. I won't get much better skipping swims, but in terms of payoff on race day, if I have to skim somewhere it is here.

I'll try to get my planned workouts up on BT and also my results.

2014-03-18 9:02 AM
in reply to: sundevil87

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Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

2 questions for the experts:
1. Is 3 workouts of each discipline each week "good" for a beginner? 3 swims, 3 bikes, 3 runs? I have a HM before the oly so I don't want to cut back on the running, and swimming is my worst of the 3 .... so I'm just curious how other people trained for their first oly.

2. I just found another tri the week before my oly, should I do the sprint as prep for the oly the following week? That would get me an OWS beforehand.

Just curious. Thanks for any input!

2014-03-19 12:43 PM
in reply to: eengelha

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, California
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

Just a thought - I find it ironic that Scott Tinley's article on "Wether to Tri" discusses a fatal shark attack and next to his article is one on "4 Steps for Overcoming Fear of the Open Water "   _____/\_____

2014-03-19 8:41 PM
in reply to: eengelha

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

A balanced 3, 3, 3 is not uncommon for prepared tri plans or even some of the "automated" plans like here on BT or the TP Coach Wizard. That said, some of those programs allow you set how many of each workout you'd like to do in a week. It is a good approach for newbies and even more experienced athletes. I pretty much used this approach when I was self coaching early on as it is fairly straight forward. Most plans have longer training events on the weekends with the shorter in duration workouts during the week. Once you become more experienced and confident in your ability to self-coach you will find that you will modify your workouts to meet your training needs. Obviously, a coach would do the same.

If time is a problem you get the most conditioning bang for your buck with run workouts. Also, since swimming is the shortest even and no triathlon has ever been won during the swim, swim workouts tend to be the first sacrificed to the time gods. But, because swimming is your worst of the three sports - if it is so concerning that you might not finish the race you might not want to limit your swim workouts.Otherwise, as long a the 3, 3, 3 program fits into your schedule you should be well prepared for your Oly. Just make sure you have enough run volume to meet your HM training requirement.

2014-03-19 8:42 PM
in reply to: sundevil87

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Yay - got two workouts in today. Feeling good.

2014-03-29 5:10 PM
in reply to: #4917318

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Columbia, Missouri
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Had a great week of workouts, and I'm looking ahead at next week. My plan calls for a "brick". Any suggestions/tips on how to do it right?
2014-04-07 8:08 AM
in reply to: DaBen

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Chelmsford, England
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Originally posted by DaBen

Had a great week of workouts, and I'm looking ahead at next week. My plan calls for a "brick". Any suggestions/tips on how to do it right?

as easy as going straight from one workout to the next

swim - bike
bike - run
something to somethingelse

doesn't have to be full workouts, you can do a good bike workout followed by a 20 min run just to get the legs used to running straight off the bike.
2014-04-08 5:43 PM
in reply to: DaBen

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
I know that some of us have already started to race, so I thougth I should pull up the calendar and re-post. I think I pulled the last version that was listed. So here it is.

It looks like most are about to start the meat of our seasons. Let us know how your preparation has gone. Now is a good time to get those last minute questions answered, etc.

It has been a bit quiet. But, from my experience on the boards, it is not unusual for there to be a surge at the beginning, followed by a lull right before the season kicks off and then a lot more activity before things settle back down as we make our way through the season.

Hopefully we are all still motivated and working toward our goals. Remember, we're all busy and our lives get in the way of our training , but hang in there. I'm doing the same. I had a bad March training wise - but came out pretty good on the results of the Ragnar race I did last week.

Keep tri-ing.




Armando - Colchester 1/2 Marathon?

Armando - O'Hartoford 5k

Thom - Ragnar SoCal
Armando - Middletown Legends 1/2 Marathon
Dave - Litchfield (UK) Sprint Triathlon

Armando - Ragnar Cape Cod - Ultra
Dan - Maine Coast Marathon
Luis - San Isidro Short Sprint (my first ever)

June Dan - White Mountain HIM
Thom - Boulder HIM
Thom - Ragnar Wasatch Back Ultra
Armando - Syracuse/Mont Tremblant 1/2 IM ?
Luis - Campestre Short Sprint ?

Thom - Boulder Peak Tri ?
Armando - IM Lake Placid

Thom - Boulder IM
Armando - Niantic bay tri - sprint ?
Dave - Kingsbury Waterpark (UK) Olympic distance tri
Luis - American Sport Club Short Sprint ?

Thom - Nations Tri ?
Thom - Ragnar - Napa Valley ?

Armando - Hartford Marathon
Luis - San Isidro Sprint

Nov Thom - Hits Lake Havasu Iron Distance

2014-04-08 5:49 PM
in reply to: DaBen

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
I had a late add to the calendar when i got invited to particpated with my old NORAD colleagues to race Ragnar SoCal in San Diego last weekend.

Another Ragnar (6 so far for me) and another great experience.

Despite my heel issues which I am still dealing with I had a pretty good race. I put up 8:30 / miles for my first two legs (10 miles and 6 miles) followed by a a 9' ish mile for my last 7 mile leg. I'm real happy with that since the first two were mostly up hill and the last was after a long 24+ hour day and my heels being especially sore.

I am training to do 9 to 9:30 min/miles for the Boulder IM so this was a pretty good gauge.

My total distance for this race was 23 miles. I have Ragnar Wasatch Back coming up in June. That will be an Ultra which will essentially double the miles. I will have to up the mileage in May / June leading up to it but that should position me well for Ironman Boulder.

Now - to get back in the pool.

2014-04-08 7:18 PM
in reply to: 0

Simsbury, CT
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

Hello everyone, 


its been a couple of weeks since I checked in.  I am still moving along with some training but my official training for IM Lake Placed started today with my first run of the 4 month marathon training program.   I will be following a 3:30 Marathon plan from  I selected it because of the speed work it incorporates as well as the recovery runs which I will replace with bike workouts.   I still have to figure out my swimming approach but hope to do most of it in a lake rather than in a pool as was the case last year.    

As for racing, I have made adjustments to the calendar:

Armando - Colchester 1/2 Marathon - Decided not to do as I was not in running shape and was focusing on the bike.

Armando - O'Hartoford 5k - Ran with my 10 year old son.  My focus here was to pace him so that he could beat his time from last year which he did.   He came close to placing as well which was great given the fact that his age group was 10-14.  Our time was in the 22 minute range.   

Armando - Middletown Legends 1/2 Marathon - This event took place this past weekend.  I was hoping for 8 minute miles.  I started a bit too fast and ended up fading.  My longest run so far this year upto that point was 6-7 miles.  I did not have the endurance to keep an 8 minute mile pace much less a 7:30 pace.  Here are the details of the run if you want to take a peak -->

Next up is Ragnar Cape Cod which we are doing as an Ultra team.  That should help with building my stamina.  will report back on this one when done. 

Well, it is go time for me.   less than 4 months to my A race.   

Looking forward to hearing about the progress towards your goals. 



Edited by Armandova 2014-04-08 7:19 PM

2014-04-09 10:34 PM
in reply to: Armandova

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, California
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

Hope everyone is happy and healthy.


My first Sprint of the season is coming up on May 4th - just weeks away.

I have had a few set backs to training- daughter hospitalized for 2 days, doctor appts, a pulled/strained achilles tendon ( aging sucks!) and to add injury to insult - another stomach flu BUT I am still intent on training. I reworked my schedule tonight to focus on swimming and bike to give the achilles some more time to heal. My real test will be over spring break to try and be consistent with training. The good news is that there is a great aquatics center next to where we will be staying and I hope to get in some good morning laps.

After June I will probably switch to an Oly plan to increase my performance. 

I am not sure if I updated my schedule but it looks like this

April 26 - Donate Life 5K

May 4 - Spring Sprint Triathlon Mission Bay

May 10 - Tour of Long Beach - 30 mile ride

June 8 - Redondo Beach Tri - sprint

July 12 - June Lake Tri - sprint ( this is TBD - elevation is 7600ft)

August 17 - Long Beach Tri - sprint

August 23 - Mammoth Mud Run

October - Seal Beach Tri - this was my first triathlon last year so I have to beat my previous time

Dec 7 - HITS Palm Springs  - going to try for the OLY distance 

I will probably do an occasional 5K or mud run ( the family loves these) here and there and if I like the bike tour, perhaps do a few of those as well. I am finding if I register for a race, it really motivates me to keep training. 

Love to hear how everyone is doing. Thom and Armando the Ragnar races seem incredible , are you blogging about your experiences?




2014-04-11 4:51 AM
in reply to: MamacitaT

Simsbury, CT
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Originally posted by MamacitaTThom and Armando the Ragnar races seem incredible , are you blogging about your experiences?
Hi Tara. I hope your daughter is ok and that your Achilles heals fast. I am not much of a writer. Consequently, I do not blog about my activities. Maybe I will try to post updates during the Cape Code race. Armando
2014-04-13 5:10 AM
in reply to: Armandova

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Hi everyone, I hope all is well, easpecially you Tara sounds like you have had your share of set backs.

I was able to finally get back in the pool last night, first time since September, it's going to take a while to get back in the grove, felt more like and anchor last night .
Still trying to figure out what races I can get into my schedule this summer, had to cancel on my planned Marathon and HIM. I think I will do a local half Mary on the 28th although I have not been running that much, but will be fun to give it a try and it is on a day off with nothing else to do, I might as well.

Tara it looks like you are going to be a busy lady with races! Good luck on all of them.

Great job with your son, nice pace for him and nice job on the 1/2! Good luck on the Rangar

Good luck to the rest of you on all of your training and races!

2014-04-21 5:35 PM
in reply to: sundevil87

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Columbia, Missouri
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

I am two weeks out from my first Tri! I'm feeling great and injury free (knock on wood) I toned down last weeks training because I was feeling some pain in my shins during long runs, but a little rest was all I needed to get a PR on distance last night (6 miles)! I'm down 10 lbs since starting training in January, and I'm feeling great every day. I think with all the training, I've even convinced my wife to give multi-sport a try, she's looking at duathlons in the area. 

My sprint goals are sub 10 for a 400m swim, 1 hr for a hilly 14 mi bike, and 26 minutes for the 3 mi run. My transition goals are to not forget anything and be efficient. 


If all goes well, I've got my eye on two olympic distance races in July and August, depending on my school schedule, I'll update you guys when I decide which ones I wind up doing. I'm probably going to be running some 5k and 10k races this summer as long as they fit into my schedule too. 

2014-04-22 1:06 PM
in reply to: DaBen

Simsbury, CT
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
DerekCongrats on all fronts. I think listening to your body to know when to dial things back is one of hardest things to do. Great job on giving your shins a rest. Looking forward to the results of your first tri.

2014-04-29 12:42 PM
in reply to: Armandova

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, California
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

Derek - Good luck this weekend! Do you race on Saturday or Sunday? Can't wait to hear how you do. 


I too am getting ready for my first race of the season on Sunday and getting quite nervous. . My main goal is to get out of the water (400 meters)  under 10 min or as close to it as possible, I am not sure what to expect on the bike and the run. My achilles is bad again after the 5k run this weekend. It gave out around mile 2.  I am going to concentrate on bike and swimming and lots of ice this week. I am also going back to my old running shoes since I have a sneaking feeling that my new shoes and the stiffness are exacerbating the issue. 


On a lighter note - my 13 yr old son, Jake, ran the 5k with me - refused breakfast, doesn't train and finished 3rd overall with a time of 18:03 - a 5:50 mile. Ah to be young and fast

2014-04-30 6:12 AM
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Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Well it's great to see the races coming in!

So nice to hear how folks are doing. Looking forward to the race reports!

I've just been buried at work again. Traveling for business which hasn't been too bad overall because the timing's been good. Last week was in Phoenix but that was o.k. as it was a taper week for me. Made me homesick for San Diego - all that dry heat and wind. Felt like a Santa Ana. Interesting to run in since I've only been running for a year or so and all in the humidity of the east coast or the cold.

I ran my first 1/2 last weekend. Iron Girl Columbia. It was an ok race. I'll do a race report. I came in at 2:32 which I'm happy with. I only walked about 8 times which surprised me as I trained to do a 5:1 or so run/walk ratio but just felt very good and running seemed doable rather than mix it up. However the race had some weird choices and it started an hour late so def. not the most perfect initial half to do. Being plant based I am very careful with nutrition and that hour late start threw me off a I had to adjust on the fly and was so glad I over packed! Plus at the end they had pastries and fresh fruit bowl. OK the fruit I got...but pastries? Nothing just unhealthy sugar and fat. Not what I can put into my body after running 13 miles!

I did my bucket list 10K April 12th and it was fabulous. I loved it - the course was amazing and beautiful. Running downtown Baltimore and around the Inner Harbor. A beautiful 68 degree day...couldn't have asked for more!

Toying with the idea of doing another 1/2 this weekend. Long story..special medal series (Maryland's King Crab) but not sure...I'm not really sore but I don't want to push. Frankly doing the run races has kind of put my desire to do the tri's on the back burner. Probably because it's more work to do the three sports than one. I need to get back into training!

Edited by AlexJouJou 2014-05-08 3:10 PM
2014-05-04 9:03 PM
in reply to: AlexJouJou

Simsbury, CT
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

Sooooo!!!????  how did it go this weekend for those of you who race?  Not a good week for me, had to travel for work and did not get much biking in.   



2014-05-05 10:51 AM
in reply to: Armandova

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Columbia, Missouri
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

Well, I survived! Got a solid MOP finish, even though I was fighting a stomach bug the entire time!


Here is my report:


Interesting to note: Even though my age group places for the 3 sports were 20,19,21, I finished 18/27 due to my transitions. Thanks to everyone for all the advice.


I'm definitely hooked, and now I am deciding which olympic distance will be my next race! (And trying to convince my wife to let me buy a road bike!

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