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2007-06-06 3:32 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Glad to hear it gets easier. I figured I'd keep swimming about once a week in the lake this summer. I was uncomfortable in the pool at first, too. I'm going in again tomorrow bright and early at 6 am and there will be tri people there. I emailed the Prez and he admitted that the distance they were going was a 700 y to the rock and back. So, I'm glad that I have been estimating my swims of at least half way or a little better than that to the rock and back for my 400. I'm getting closer to that blasted rock, though. Maybe tomorrow.

Our tri team purchased a swim cam to video tape our swim technique and I am now officially signed up for a video taping of my (lack of) technique July 10. I don't really want to know just how bad I am, but will probably be glad I did hard to face the music at times!!

Well, this weekend at my tri I'm going to keep in mind the poor little girl that Piers from America's Talented show literally grilled, and she kept her composure on stage! I can just hear the Xing and the "Clearly, darling, you aren't ready for this" in my head right now as pertains to this tri! I have an inner Piers and he's a pain!!!! Asthma is my Piers, too. Just hope I can keep my cool when he rears his ugly English head!! (nothing against the English, Pocket--most UK people are wonderful).

2007-06-06 3:51 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Somerset, England
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
P, glad to hear that the Brits are all not that bad - who is this Piers chap anyway? Sounds like a jerk!! Still whatever is required for motivation is good for me and I think everyone needs something to target when the going gets tough. Personally Lance Armstrong is a huge influence for me. Whenever I feel like quitting (running or cycling) I think of the challenges he overcame and also keep a mental image of him climbing those Alps during the Tour de France and tearing up the field. That's what I think of when climbing and seeing him keep that smooth rhythm when climbing helps me concentrate. If you haven't read his book 'Its not about the bike' then I would highly recommend it - truly inspirational and if you can't get motivated to tackle life head-on from his story, nothing will.... Not that it seems tackling life head-on is an issue for you!!
2007-06-07 11:09 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

First OWS tri this weekend (hopefully, after the last one was cancelled) 800m, 27k, 5k in Dallas, TX.  It should be pretty warm but hopefully not too bad in the AM, I think the high will be in the Mid 90's. 

Got out yesterday for 4th OWS with Dave and some other BTers and got to meet Dave's wife also who same with us.  Did not manage to swim as far as previous attempts but we had some pretty big waves to deal with.  I feel pretty confident going into my race Sunday since I actually got to swim with some people around me since we have a few more people and the waves to deal with.  My goal is to finish around 1:30ish or top 1/3 of field.

Got new tires on my bike yesterday also.  The ones that came with my bike were crap and wore out in about 1K miles and finally blew on Tuesday so I replaced them yesterday and too my surprise the new ones are much easier to install.  I got the folding tires which seem to stetch more.  I have a couple hour ride tomorrow so I will see how they work.


Had fun hearing about your race and meeting your wife.  We definately need to get together like yesterday once and awhile.  Also, we need to do some cycling so you can show me some of the routes you ride.  The trail is getting pretty boring.


2007-06-07 11:42 AM
in reply to: #834110

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
kproudfoot - 2007-06-07 11:09 AM

First OWS tri this weekend (hopefully, after the last one was cancelled) 800m, 27k, 5k in Dallas, TX. It should be pretty warm but hopefully not too bad in the AM, I think the high will be in the Mid 90's.

Got out yesterday for 4th OWS with Dave and some other BTers and got to meet Dave's wife also who same with us. Did not manage to swim as far as previous attempts but we had some pretty big waves to deal with. I feel pretty confident going into my race Sunday since I actually got to swim with some people around me since we have a few more people and the waves to deal with. My goal is to finish around 1:30ish or top 1/3 of field.

You'll like this race too, Ken. I did it in 2005. The bike course is really flat so it will be like the Campion trails your train on. The can be some winds especially when you cross over the lake, but if it's calm, there will be some really fast bike splits. I think it was pretty calm in 05, and I had my faster ever pace on this course (23.1 mph). I don't even know if I could do that today!

Even though you've only done 4 OWS, I think you're more than ready for the swim. 800m is not all that far. You'll be out of the water in less than 15 minutes!

I'd love to come cheer you on, but I'm driving to Austin this weekend to play in a volleyball tournament and visit my parents. But, I'll be checking the results, and waiting for a good race report!

Got new tires on my bike yesterday also. The ones that came with my bike were crap and wore out in about 1K miles and finally blew on Tuesday so I replaced them yesterday and too my surprise the new ones are much easier to install. I got the folding tires which seem to stetch more. I have a couple hour ride tomorrow so I will see how they work.

Great. New tires are NICE, and yes the folding ones are much easier to install.


Had fun hearing about your race and meeting your wife. We definately need to get together like yesterday once and awhile. Also, we need to do some cycling so you can show me some of the routes you ride. The trail is getting pretty boring.

Yeah, like I mentioned, I rode on Campion a fair amount when I lived near it, and it definitely got boring quick. Sometime soon, I'll show you some of the nice, country roads I ride on in Flower Mound. We could even start from Rockledge and do a nice swim-bike brick and even throw in a trail run if we wanted!

Also, I'm probably going to do the Tour d'Italia bike rally next weekend if you wanted to join me for that.



2007-06-07 12:07 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Ken, good luck with your tri this weekend. I have one as well, but smaller distance, 400y, 17 mile, 5K run. I wish I could say I'd finish in the top 1/3, but that just ain't gonna be the case for this newbie.

I did, however, swim OWS by myself again (had the entire lake to myself as it was SUPER windy--we're looking for 45-75 mph winds in a few hours) and did to the rock and back and then some, as at first I was getting used to the ice cream headache feel and just doing the crawl close to shore. Then got warmed up nicely and went the farthest yet! Our president says to the rock and back is 700y and I know I did another 100. So that's not too shabby. It took me 32 minutes, though. I wasn't rushing at all. Just breathing really nicely and trying to gain some Mermaid Consciousness today! I think it worked. This was my 5th OWS and I'm FINALLY getting more comfortable in the lake.

Then I decided to jog the 5K course as I hadn't been on it before. It's beautiful! Nice new paved roads, some dirt road and along the lake to a park. Have to remember some insect repellent this weekend though--nasty biting flies! I took it really easy and just tried to enjoy it, and it took me like 44 minutes, so you know I wasn't overdoing it. My first swim/run brick, and I could really feel my legs were all goofy from the swim yet.

It's sooooo windy today and the rain clouds are so big--storm advisories and maybe even a tornado, so I opted out of the bike today. I just don't want to get caught out in a storm and those winds are NOT fun on a bike. At least not for me. I guess IM Arizona is terribly windy--I know someone who did it this year--so keep that in mind if you all were considering it.....
2007-06-07 1:15 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Okay I did some hills right around my house--it's this incredible hilly loop of about 4 miles that literally terrifies me on all the downhills. I even got off my bike and walked DOWN the hill today. I'm beginning to think I'm the biggest Weenie in the world! The uphills weren't a problem though. Maybe it's the hind wind, yeah, that's it. Hind wind.

2007-06-07 1:27 PM
in reply to: #834195

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Also, I'm probably going to do the Tour d'Italia bike rally next weekend if you wanted to join me for that.

Thanks for the offer, but I will be out of town.



2007-06-07 1:45 PM
in reply to: #834242

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-06-07 12:07 PM Ken, good luck with your tri this weekend. I have one as well, but smaller distance, 400y, 17 mile, 5K run. I wish I could say I'd finish in the top 1/3, but that just ain't gonna be the case for this newbie. I did, however, swim OWS by myself again (had the entire lake to myself as it was SUPER windy--we're looking for 45-75 mph winds in a few hours) and did to the rock and back and then some, as at first I was getting used to the ice cream headache feel and just doing the crawl close to shore. Then got warmed up nicely and went the farthest yet! Our president says to the rock and back is 700y and I know I did another 100. So that's not too shabby. It took me 32 minutes, though. I wasn't rushing at all. Just breathing really nicely and trying to gain some Mermaid Consciousness today! I think it worked. This was my 5th OWS and I'm FINALLY getting more comfortable in the lake.

Pene, good luck in your race this weekend.  I'm really glad to hear you're feeling better in open water.  If you just swam 800 yards or so in practice, and your race is only 400, then you're going to kick butt!  No worries!  

Save some gas for the run and you'll be fine.  I'm glad you were able to run the course today and it was nice and scenic!  So much the better! 

I can't wait to hear all about it.  I'll be spying on your race report draft! 

BTW, it's really windy here today too.  35mph gusts.  I wanted to ride tonight, but we'll have to see.


2007-06-07 2:31 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Somerset, England
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Good evening everyone. Great weather here today and perfect for biking and running - doesn't sound like its much fun in Texas......

Has anyone had problems with wireless cycle computers and interference from HRMs? Whenever I use my VDO Cyclecomputer with the Forerunner 301 the speed data is zero although the distance etc seem to work fine. If I then lean forward onto the aero bars, the speed figure returns until I move back on the bars - very strange and becoming annoying. Any ideas would be welcome. I have tried moving the item with no joy but wondered if anyone else can help.

Good luck to those racing this weekend. I feel a bit left out - on that note David do you think I could attempt my first Tri at the end of July?? Link to the event below (Distances 400m Swim/24km Bike/7km Run). I'm tempted just to have ago to get an idea of what its like although I recognise that 'racing' is probably out, finishing would be the aim. Would welcome your thoughts.
2007-06-07 2:51 PM
in reply to: #834242

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-06-07 12:07 PM Ken, good luck with your tri this weekend. I have one as well, but smaller distance, 400y, 17 mile, 5K run. I wish I could say I'd finish in the top 1/3, but that just ain't gonna be the case for this newbie. .....
Our races aren' t that much different, just the swim.  Mine is about twice as long as yours, but I listed the bike as 27K not miles so 17miles and a 5K run.  the 1/3 might be stretching it.  I was right at that % for my first two pool tri's but the bike splits where alot slower than the race on Sunday, but I think that has alot to do with the course.  My first 2 the top bike split was 22ish and the fastest bike split last year from the race on sunday was 27+.

Good luck at your race, you will do fine, just have fun.  Don't panic or get self conciense.  Remember the only people that would be staring are people who ARE NOT competing.

2007-06-07 2:55 PM
in reply to: #834573

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

PocketRocket - 2007-06-07 2:31 PM Good evening everyone. Great weather here today and perfect for biking and running - doesn't sound like its much fun in Texas...... Has anyone had problems with wireless cycle computers and interference from HRMs? Whenever I use my VDO Cyclecomputer with the Forerunner 301 the speed data is zero although the distance etc seem to work fine. If I then lean forward onto the aero bars, the speed figure returns until I move back on the bars - very strange and becoming annoying. Any ideas would be welcome. I have tried moving the item with no joy but wondered if anyone else can help.

Is your speed sensor and magnet on your front wheel? If so, when you move back on the bars, your 301 might be too far from the sensor to pick up a reading. This exact same thing happens with my Polar wrist watch and it's speed sensor. When I sit up high and stretch or something, it'll read 0, but then when I move closer it'll come back.

Good luck to those racing this weekend. I feel a bit left out - on that note David do you think I could attempt my first Tri at the end of July?? Link to the event below (Distances 400m Swim/24km Bike/7km Run). I'm tempted just to have ago to get an idea of what its like although I recognise that 'racing' is probably out, finishing would be the aim. Would welcome your thoughts."href="">

Go for it Mike. I've been reading your logs, and I bet you could do this race tomorrow! You wouldn't be the fastest in the water, but you'd get through. So with 7 weeks to prepare, you could do this race easy. I checked the website and it's a pool swim, so you wouldn't have to worry about open water. 400m is not that far! Shoot, you swam 1000 meters yesterday.

And do go thinking that "racing is out", your bike pace isn't slow and your run pace is great. So I think you could "race well". 

2007-06-07 3:08 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Somerset, England
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Thanks for the feedback on the race David and I will get my application in this weekend - would you switch to a dedicated 7/8 week training programme for the race or continue with the training I am doing at present which is focussed on building and increasing my base in all disciplines? I guess I will need to put in some race specific bricks nearer the time to sharpen the speed element but would you change anything else?

Regarding the cycle computer, the HRM is fine and registers both speed and HR data without any snags, its the cyclecomputer that doesn't show any speed and I'm sure its the HRM that is interfering with the VDO devices transmission from the front wheel. I have emailed the manufacturer this evening so hopefully they may have some advice. I have tried wearing the HRM on the other wrist and away from the side with the VDO speed sensor but it makes no difference. I hope I won't have to leave the HRM at home as I've found it really useful.
2007-06-07 3:30 PM
in reply to: #834673

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

PocketRocket - 2007-06-07 3:08 PM Thanks for the feedback on the race David and I will get my application in this weekend - would you switch to a dedicated 7/8 week training programme for the race or continue with the training I am doing at present which is focussed on building and increasing my base in all disciplines? I guess I will need to put in some race specific bricks nearer the time to sharpen the speed element but would you change anything else?

Everyone here knows I like and emphasis Z2 base building, and while I think that should still be a key element in your training, I think it makes sense for you to add a little "speed work" (i.e, above Z2 training).  You might try a track workout with 400 or 800m repeats once a week or once every other week.  You could also try some bike intervals to improve your speed.  But be careful with these workouts and be sure to rest a little before and recover well after them. 

Race specific bricks are an excellent idea.  Is the race site close enough where you could practice on the actual course?  Regardless, I'd recommend trying to get 2-3 good bricks before your race.   I wouldn't bike more than 20K or run more than 4-5K in these bricks however.  Save your maximum effort for race day. 

Let me know if you want some more specific workouts.  

I'm excited for you and I'm glad you're going to TRI!


2007-06-07 3:39 PM
in reply to: #834722

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Somerset, England
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
dgillen - 2007-06-07 9:30 PM

PocketRocket - 2007-06-07 3:08 PM Thanks for the feedback on the race David and I will get my application in this weekend - would you switch to a dedicated 7/8 week training programme for the race or continue with the training I am doing at present which is focussed on building and increasing my base in all disciplines? I guess I will need to put in some race specific bricks nearer the time to sharpen the speed element but would you change anything else?

Everyone here knows I like and emphasis Z2 base building, and while I think that should still be a key element in your training, I think it makes sense for you to add a little "speed work" (i.e, above Z2 training).  You might try a track workout with 400 or 800m repeats once a week or once every other week.  You could also try some bike intervals to improve your speed.  But be careful with these workouts and be sure to rest a little before and recover well after them. 

Race specific bricks are an excellent idea.  Is the race site close enough where you could practice on the actual course?  Regardless, I'd recommend trying to get 2-3 good bricks before your race.   I wouldn't bike more than 20K or run more than 4-5K in these bricks however.  Save your maximum effort for race day. 

Let me know if you want some more specific workouts.  

I'm excited for you and I'm glad you're going to TRI!


Thanks for the advice and will look to add some speedwork into the mix - I enjoyed this when marathon training as it was always an excellent workout - sucker for punishment me! I won't be able to rehearse on the course itself but I know the area and my home area will be more demanding in training so that should stand me in good stead - train hard, fight easy! I'll have a look for some bike interval stuff and will give you a shout for more if I struggle - thanks for your support.
2007-06-07 5:43 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
You know, this is just the coolest group! You guys are great! Thanks for the words of support!

Pocket--you will do fantastic at your tri!! Will look forward to hearing all about your training and reading your race report. Throw in some stuff about the scenery, please. It's the closest I'll come to visiting abroad at this point in my simple life. But you never know, my mom didn't really travel until she retired. Then she went ballistic with travel. I'm glad for her!!

Ken, you throw in some Texas scenery stuff for me, too, k? Like if you get hit in the head with a tumbleweed or whatnot. When a teamate did the Hong Kong tri recently, he showed us pictures of a building with a special entrance for visiting flying dragons! I'm not kidding! And he got broadsided by a buffalo while on the bike and broke a rib or two! Exciting stuff!

My favorite part of David's race report was picturing how it would be to hear a prayer and the national anthem before jumping into ice cream headache water, and the part where he stops to look back at the scenery!

Well, back to my snack of Jalapeno flavored hummus and rye triscuits......and list making so I don't forget anything the day of my tri! I even bought myself a new orange towel to go with my funky orange and black race suit. Might as well go in there and make a big orange Phoenix entrance!!
2007-06-07 8:41 PM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Ken and Pene, good luck with your races thies weekend. I will be offline quite a bit until next Friday as my family and I are vacationing now. I am trying to keep up my training though. I went for an OWS in the ocean, first time, its quite a workout with the waves. I will post some pic's after we return.

2007-06-10 3:36 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Kp--happy vacationing! Yep, looking forward to some pics!

Ken--how did it go??? Can hardly wait to hear!!

Yeah! I did it! Had a TOTAL and complete BLAST! The post-tri euphoria is here big time, but actually, it kicked in just before the swim and just continued! No asthma, no puking, no fainting, no arms going numb--just a bunch of FUN! Can't wait to do it again

No race report yet, I didn't really pay attention to the time, believe it or not. Didn't glance at my bike computer once, and barely looked at my watch for the run! But it was a balmy 72 degree swim, I did about 80% CRAWL, and the other time a side stroke so I could avoid all those bodies and stay on the correct side of the buoys! Hard to navigate with your head in the murky water. I have a great bike that just cruises up those hills. Man, she is sweet! Her name is Persephone, btw. I didn't freak quite as bad on the downhills, but I still took them slow, but the folks that cruised past me on the downhills were creamed by me on the uphills I just couldn't go that slow on the uphills! And for the run, I was singing, "follow the yellow brick road" in honor of the yellow arrows they had painted on the road. I found a 59 year old sweetheart of a lady to run the last mile with and we just joked with eachother and encouraged eachother along and crossed the finish line together!

I even found a lady who lives near LaCrosse and has a girl my Micah's age, and a boy, my Mose's age. It was her first tri ever, too. And I picked her of all the folks there to plop down next to and chat with before the swim! She made me promise to look her up to train with me! How cool is that???? I gave her a big hug afterwards, but truthfully, I did beat her by quite a bit. I beat out several folks as it turns out, but how many, I'm not exactly sure. My time is slow, but if I was singing and talking on the "run", you know I wasn't above zone 2! Plenty of time to get a type A thing going later, I figure

I had a nap and am now taking my baby sister out to dinner at Red Lobster, as I am kidless until next Sunday!! Wahoo! Freedom is a dangerous thing........nah, I live a pitifully tame little lifestyle. I'll be training a bunch this week, though

Those are the highlights. Will do an official race report as soon as I have some times to post.
2007-06-10 4:47 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I know my final time was 1:26:30 unofficial at the race but tried to look on the result website and am having issues.  Overall, everything went really good.  1/2 mile swim in 16ish minutes, bike at 22mph +- and 7:45 pace for 5K.  I will post more later when I see the official resutls.
2007-06-10 7:56 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Ken, that's phenomenal!! So, truthfully, how long have you been doing this stuff, how many hours a month average do you put in, and what in the world can I do to get that fast????? Were you just super fast always? Or did you improve incrementally over a few years? I can be patient if I know it will happen----eventually. Or maybe I just need to accept that I'll be one of those that does this stuff slowly and should just be happy with finishing??? Anyway--I hope you are happy with that time, cuz I sure am impressed! Well done!

Did you have any adventures that were interesting???? Like putting body glide on under your armpits by mistake? (Read that one on a "you know you are a triathlete when...." posting where you know you are one when you mistake the body glide for deoderant.)

I also read a Century ride piece that was absolutely hilarious! Like a fly getting under your race shirt and biting you repeatedly until you swat at it, forget to take your shoes out of the pedal clips and fall right over with a thousand people repeatedly asking if you are okay......and the mirage at mile 60 where you think it's the finish line, but it's really a railroad crossing with a sign someone made and you only have 40 more miles to go......and the I can't get any saliva to work anymore no matter how many drinks of anything I take and how many little shock bloks or whatever I suck on, then finally finishing.....only to realize you have 5 more miles to go as your wife and kids are visiting at her mother's! It was cute, but I can't remember where I saw it now.
2007-06-10 8:20 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I would not really consider myself fast.  I am just slightly better than average.  That being said, my run times have improved marginally over the last 2.5 years.  My first 5K I ran in 31:00 but was sick and the race was on a beach in florida so I was not used to the sand or running against other people.  My next race a amonth later was 27ish minutes.  Ran a few races at that time then dropped to about 25 and then to about 22:30 currently.  My bike times are pretty consident from when I got my bike in September but I can ride longer distances.  My swim is where I made the most ground.  I have only been swimming seriously for 1 year.  My first day I did 4 25's and could not put my face in the water.  I can now swim over 2 miles at sub 2:00 pace.  I would say the #1 thing that has helped me is my Garmin forerunner.  I constantly know what I am doing and can push to go farther/faster.  The problem is that has caused some injuries because I want to do more.  I have to learn to slow down. 
2007-06-10 9:44 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Ken and Pene,

CONGRATULATIONS on having fun at your first outdoor triathlons!  That's awesome.  Please write up a race report soon.  I can't wait to hear more details.   I'll write more soon, but I walked in the door from being in Austin this weekend w/o a computer, so I wanted to congratulate you both.

Well done,



2007-06-10 9:53 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Johnny, Congrats to you too for posting a good time at Metroplex Sprint.  Please take the time to write a race report.  


2007-06-10 10:12 PM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
good job everyone, can't wait to read the race reports.
2007-06-11 12:24 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Race report is done. Total time 2:08. Finished dead last in my age group, and 74/77 for my division. Beat out a couple athenas, 2 men and of course the intermediate distance people were finishing a bit after me as well, so at least I didn't perceive myself as staggering across the finish so close to last. It's faster than my predicted time, but way slower than I'd like. Can only get better from here, right? At least I had fun And my run was faster than I perceived. I thought I was just sort of walking it, but haven't finished a 5K in practice much faster, so I guess that's progress.
2007-06-11 12:51 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Somerset, England
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Hi guys, just got back from the weekend and read the messages. Well done to those who raced - fantastic efforts and your enthusiasm is making me more eager to get into racing. Just learnt that my employer is running a Tri (400m/12 mile/5 mile) 2 weeks before the race I plan to do at the end of July. I think I will enter it as one of my brick sessions as, provide I take it as a training event, it seems like an ideal opportunity to rehearse before my first race proper. The other good news is that its only 10 miles from where I live.

I have a question - for Tris with pool swims what would you guys recommended I wear? Do I need to go and buy a Tri-suit or will swimmies with a change for the bike phase be okay? If the latter is okay would you recommend running in the bike shorts or change again at T2?

My mind has been mulling this over over the weekend and I'm not sure - I could buy a suit but are the organisers likely to elt me swim in it and would you swim in it or change at T1?

Sorry for the bone question...... Well done again and P it sounds like you've found a flying machine! Great stuff...
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