BT Development Mentor Program Archives » jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes! Rss Feed  
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2008-02-06 1:49 PM
in reply to: #1197510

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
Yeah, I usually just try to work with the landmarks, but I have seen a couple of good ideas. I have tried neither. One gal put a balloon on the rack right between her bike handlebars. I thought it was very odd at first, however, coming out of the water I picked out her transition area before I could find my own. Another person I saw last year had a very bright mat instead of a towel. Similar to what you see here: Sure was easier to see than my dark colored towel. I would think that anything you could do to save time would be great, because it is pretty frustrating during the craziness of a race to be searching for your toys.

2008-02-06 3:59 PM
in reply to: #1197560

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
The criminals here are ignoring the weather and making me busy. I will definitely have to hit the treadmill if I get a run in at all today.  Trainer tomorrow too. With the early week heat wave I was hopin for some outdoor biking like our CA friends. No such luck!!
2008-02-06 5:48 PM
in reply to: #1090400

New user

New Jersey
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
Sigh. Sorry I've been MIA. There have been a series of problems that have prevented me from moving my and keep training. Motivation without support at home is proving more difficult than I had thought. I've also hurt my back. Don't ask. I feel like an old man sometimes when stupid happens. I'm going to try to get back into the groove again soon. One problem that I face is waking up so damn early to train. This is the only time I have and its brutal for me. *sigh*
2008-02-07 1:44 AM
in reply to: #1196769

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!

So, share your tricks or ask some questions. I find that there are so many approaches to tri's that no one person can possibly know all of the good tricks.

Great idea.

I really liked the balloon solution for finding the spot in the transition area!

I always like to know the distance from the start while running. Since I do not have any other mean than my HRM, I use it to help me determine the distance I covered from the start. How?

Well, there is a formula that says: calories = weight in kg * distance in km * 1.036 which also means that:

Distance[Km] = calories / (weight[Kg] * 1.036)

Now, since 1Kg = 2.2lbs and 1Km = 0.62 Miles, we can say that:

Distance[Miles] = calories * 0.62 / (weight[lbs] / 2.2 * 1.036 )

Distance[Miles] = calories * 1.3 / weight[lbs]

And to get a close, rough distance estimate, I just use:

Distance[Miles] = calories / weight[lbs]

So, in my case, when I burn 200 calories, I know that I ran about 1 Mile (200*1.3/234)...


2008-02-07 7:26 AM
in reply to: #1198493

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
Someone posted on their blog the idea about dealing with aggressive drivers by wearing a bike jacket that says "POLICE" on it in big letters.  I don't remember who it was, but there have been forums on this site about that. I can tell you that if you do that you are destined to ride into a domestic argument or robbery or something else where people are going to stop you and demand that you take action.  Also, I know from experience that people are more likely to want to take a shot at a cop that be afraid of your authority. If there is a problem, just act real crazy and slam your hand on the offenders car.....See my earlier posts. Just remember to kick off those cleats before you actually fight.  Balance is paramount!!!!
2008-02-07 11:04 AM
in reply to: #1198493

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes! how do you use this information. I think I am missing this part. I also thought the balloon idea was a good one, however, I have yet to think about doing it myself.

2008-02-07 11:16 AM
in reply to: #1199088

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!

gatjr33 - 2008-02-07 9:04 AM how do you use this information. I think I am missing this part. I also thought the balloon idea was a good one, however, I have yet to think about doing it myself.


I guess that you refer to the calories to distance conversion...

When running with HRM with a calorie counter (e.g., POLAR RS100), at any point in time, you can assess your distance from the start by reading the calories from the watch and dividing by your weight (multiply by 1.3 to be more accurate if you wish)...

You are right, I should have added this part to my original post. Hope this helps.

BTW: I saw a photo taken in SOMA AZ transition area, and apparently, there were quite a few balloons out there used for that purpose... People seem to be creative about it and use different shapes and themes (e.g., Sponge Bob shaped, etc.) to make it stand out over others...

2008-02-07 12:12 PM
in reply to: #1199121

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
Ronen - 2008-02-07 11:16 AM

gatjr33 - 2008-02-07 9:04 AM how do you use this information. I think I am missing this part. I also thought the balloon idea was a good one, however, I have yet to think about doing it myself.


I guess that you refer to the calories to distance conversion...

When running with HRM with a calorie counter (e.g., POLAR RS100), at any point in time, you can assess your distance from the start by reading the calories from the watch and dividing by your weight (multiply by 1.3 to be more accurate if you wish)...

You are right, I should have added this part to my original post. Hope this helps.

BTW: I saw a photo taken in SOMA AZ transition area, and apparently, there were quite a few balloons out there used for that purpose... People seem to be creative about it and use different shapes and themes (e.g., Sponge Bob shaped, etc.) to make it stand out over others...

Gotcha. I was following your logic, however, I was not connecting the manner in which you were getting your calorie information. Now it makes perfect sense. I am not even sure that my HR monitor has that function. Food for thought. Well, I guess the balloon usage is not only logistical but also good to lighten the mood.
2008-02-07 12:16 PM
in reply to: #1197863

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
gator22 - 2008-02-06 3:59 PM

The criminals here are ignoring the weather and making me busy. I will definitely have to hit the treadmill if I get a run in at all today.  Trainer tomorrow too. With the early week heat wave I was hopin for some outdoor biking like our CA friends. No such luck!!

I would love to get a ride outside, however, with another 10 inches of snow dropping last night it is the trainer and the treadmill in my future. Oh well, soon enough (I hope)! Don't the bad guys realize that you are trying to get some training in?
2008-02-07 9:41 PM
in reply to: #1199296

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!

gatjr33 - 2008-02-07 12:16 PM
gator22 - 2008-02-06 3:59 PM The criminals here are ignoring the weather and making me busy. I will definitely have to hit the treadmill if I get a run in at all today.  Trainer tomorrow too. With the early week heat wave I was hopin for some outdoor biking like our CA friends. No such luck!!
I would love to get a ride outside, however, with another 10 inches of snow dropping last night it is the trainer and the treadmill in my future. Oh well, soon enough (I hope)! Don't the bad guys realize that you are trying to get some training in?

I wish. I am hoping for a swim/run combo tomorow and then I have "winter camping" with the cub scouts in Cooperstown.  I refuse to use the outhouse in freezing temps and may shoot over to the baseball hall of fame if nature will be a $25 restroom visit, but well worth it!!

2008-02-08 11:32 AM
in reply to: #1200343

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
gator22 - 2008-02-07 9:41 PM

gatjr33 - 2008-02-07 12:16 PM
gator22 - 2008-02-06 3:59 PM The criminals here are ignoring the weather and making me busy. I will definitely have to hit the treadmill if I get a run in at all today.  Trainer tomorrow too. With the early week heat wave I was hopin for some outdoor biking like our CA friends. No such luck!!
I would love to get a ride outside, however, with another 10 inches of snow dropping last night it is the trainer and the treadmill in my future. Oh well, soon enough (I hope)! Don't the bad guys realize that you are trying to get some training in?

I wish. I am hoping for a swim/run combo tomorow and then I have "winter camping" with the cub scouts in Cooperstown.  I refuse to use the outhouse in freezing temps and may shoot over to the baseball hall of fame if nature will be a $25 restroom visit, but well worth it!!

Use the outhouse...look at it this way you can consider tri training, as it cannot be any worse than some of the porto potties you are going to see at Tupper Lake. Enjoy.

2008-02-08 3:34 PM
in reply to: #1201214

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
Good point. And knowing the adirondacks, the temperature might be the same there in June too.  Does everybody have the plague at work??? This place is a ghost town and I think most of the people are actually sick for a change......
2008-02-08 3:57 PM
in reply to: #1201952

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!

gator22 - 2008-02-08 1:34 PM This place is a ghost town and I think most of the people are actually sick for a change......

I hope that everyone is well and out there training


I've got another question to you experienced people:

The question is about physical exams. After deciding to start running, I went to a cardiologist for a Stress Echo test - to ensure that I will not drop dead during my first 5K race... Since it took quite some time to get the appointment and then perform the test, I was running on a slow pace (with a HRM on) but did not follow a training plan yet. I told him that my goal was a HM but according to him I was good to go for a full marathon (FM?) as well. Once I was cleared to go by my physician, I started to seriously train.

This test took place about a year ago and my question is what's next? how often would a normal (?), healthy person, who approaches 40 should go for checkups? What is your experience? and how often do you guys go?

I wish you all a great weekend!

2008-02-08 4:03 PM
in reply to: #1090400

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!

Does anyone know where we stand with respect to the other team in our training challenge? I want to know so I can determine whether to start working on my new avatar or not...


2008-02-08 8:34 PM
in reply to: #1202025

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!

I think Robyn (TRIOK) is out of town and doing the math on that. I have to get a medical check up every year from the Police Dept for SCUBA diving. The doc is the chief of surgery at a big hospital here.  He doesn't make the under 40 guys do much, but everyone over 40 has to do everything : bloodwork, stress test, prostate check, etc....They also start screening for colon cancer earlier than the recommended 50......

He yells at me for being fat, so I guess you should try not to be fat

2008-02-10 9:21 PM
in reply to: #1090400

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!

Ok, I understated my goals this week.

02/04/08  Goal        2:00         2:00       0:30           4:30

                 Actual     3:14         3:42       0:45           7:41  (170.7%)

2008-02-11 9:48 AM
in reply to: #1202020

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
Ronen - 2008-02-08 3:57 PM

gator22 - 2008-02-08 1:34 PM This place is a ghost town and I think most of the people are actually sick for a change......

I hope that everyone is well and out there training


I've got another question to you experienced people:

The question is about physical exams. After deciding to start running, I went to a cardiologist for a Stress Echo test - to ensure that I will not drop dead during my first 5K race... Since it took quite some time to get the appointment and then perform the test, I was running on a slow pace (with a HRM on) but did not follow a training plan yet. I told him that my goal was a HM but according to him I was good to go for a full marathon (FM?) as well. Once I was cleared to go by my physician, I started to seriously train.

This test took place about a year ago and my question is what's next? how often would a normal (?), healthy person, who approaches 40 should go for checkups? What is your experience? and how often do you guys go?

I wish you all a great weekend!

Well, I guess I would be a good person to answer this question BUT I am sharing my approach, not what some normal, knowledgable person might provide. I am a generally healthy person that just turned 40. A few years back when I decided to run a marathon, I also went in for a physical. The doc said that all was fine, go run, skip and be happy. This was probably about 5 years ago. Since then, I have continued to train, jumped into triathlons and remained pretty active and healthy. I could certainly lose a few more pounds, but other than that, I believe that I am in pretty good shape. I had another physical when I was 38 and received another clean bill of health. At that time, the doctor mentioned that it would be a good idea to have a physical every two years especially once I turned 40. So I pretty much go by this rule. Every two years I go in and have a physical, and I am due to visit again. I will generally schedule my appointment to coincide with the start of my race season. If there was something wrong, I would like to know about it before I really start to stress my body. My doctor is also a serious runner so I feel that he understands the kind of stress I am putting my body under.

On one hand, I kind of feel like this is overkill. On the other, going in once every other year is reallly no big deal. Also, I want to continue this lifestyle so it serves as piece of mind.
2008-02-11 9:53 AM
in reply to: #1202384

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
gator22 - 2008-02-08 8:34 PM

I think Robyn (TRIOK) is out of town and doing the math on that. I have to get a medical check up every year from the Police Dept for SCUBA diving. The doc is the chief of surgery at a big hospital here.  He doesn't make the under 40 guys do much, but everyone over 40 has to do everything : bloodwork, stress test, prostate check, etc....They also start screening for colon cancer earlier than the recommended 50......

He yells at me for being fat, so I guess you should try not to be fat

Hey, I thought I was the only one that got grief for being fat. Good to know that I am not alone. You should have no problem finding me at Tupper Lake. Just look around the race and find the one guy that truly looks like he does not belong, that will be me, especially if I do not get my act together and start dropping some weight. You know, I am the guy at the race that everyone likes to draft behind.
2008-02-11 10:09 AM
in reply to: #1201952

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
gator22 - 2008-02-08 3:34 PM

Good point. And knowing the adirondacks, the temperature might be the same there in June too.  Does everybody have the plague at work??? This place is a ghost town and I think most of the people are actually sick for a change......

So true, I have done the race a few times now, and I am always amazed at how chilly it can be in the mornings in June. Even a few years back when we got blasted with heat, it was still cool in the morning with lots of fog. Makes it a bit challenging to dress appropriately.
2008-02-11 11:11 AM
in reply to: #1204924

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!

It is soooo cold here that it actually hurts to be outside...I hate you warm weather people

Didn't someone run a half this weekend??? Lets hear about it!!!

2008-02-11 11:21 AM
in reply to: #1205080

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
gator22 - 2008-02-11 9:11 AM

It is soooo cold here that it actually hurts to be outside...I hate you warm weather people

Didn't someone run a half this weekend??? Lets hear about it!!!

I know what you go through with this weather. It is my first winter here in San Diego, and I cannot believe that people would still call this weather: winter...

I did run a half. My report is in my blog [link].

Dream_chaser also ran a similar distance as a workout. Check his blog for the details.

2008-02-11 11:31 AM
in reply to: #1090400

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
I have a half planned for this coming Saturday.  The weather is now calling for rain.  I planned for pretty much everything but this.  Does anyone have tips on how to stay dry(er) in the rain?
2008-02-11 11:56 AM
in reply to: #1090400

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!

My goal for this week:

02/11/08  Goal        1:30        3:30       0:30           5:30

I hope I didn't overstate again.  Since my 1/2 mary will be my first, I can only guess what my time will be.  Unless the weather is good on Sunday, I will probably only get bike minutes on the trainer.  But things don't always go as planned.

2008-02-11 12:48 PM
in reply to: #1205130

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
When you are running, the rain won't bother you, just stay as dry as you can before the race starts so that your core temp doesn't go down. During the race, it will probably feel nice.
2008-02-11 1:13 PM
in reply to: #1090400

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!

My last week's results:

Swim: Goal: 3750 yards; Actual: 4,900 yards

Bike: Goal: 30 miles; Actual: 12.49 miles

Run: Goal: 200 min.; Actual: 281:08 min.


Recovery goals for this week:  

Swim: 4,000 yards; Bike: 30 miles; Run: 120 min. 


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