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2010-04-26 8:33 AM
in reply to: #2816339

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-04-26 9:19 AM MANDY - See the one for "TRACEY again" -- I'm in for Pirate! I'm also in at the Super 8; thank you for that lead!

YEAH!  Sweet!  Very cool. I am so excited to meet you!  Hey that will work out good we can hook up in the morning and follow each other over. 

Now, my full service mentor, I need a new left calf.    I haven't run in a week sucky.   But I have doubled my riding (RIDE Ice Compression, Elevation)  I got to swim once too.  Polar Bear Tri in 2 weeks, Sugarloaf Marathon in 3 weeks.  The marathon is probably not going to be a PR for me, just a stubborn Advil-induced finish.  I decided to treat both races as just for fun, no PR plans. 

If I finish the 525 yard swim in under 15 minutes (given that I have been to the pool 1x/month all winter), it will be a miracle.  I scouted the bike course though, short and sweet.  A few rough spots, but other than that, good stuff.

Forecast is for 4-8" of SNOW here tomorrow. REALLY?  Calling for 8-12 west of here.


2010-04-26 8:35 AM
in reply to: #2816335

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Steve A!

OMG - how are you? Are you psyched? Holy crap it is almost here! I get to stalk you this weekend (via internet).  How is the hammie? We miss you!


2010-04-26 8:40 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Oh yes, a few last things:

- Ortiz is so pathetic looking when he is in a slump that I want to hug him. 
- Anyone follow IM South Africa?  I guess the chop was pretty tough on the swim.  Bree Wee had some issues on the run but had a sold swim and bike. She is my favorite pro.  I think I might like her better than Chrissie W., but Chrissie is definitely one of my heroes!
- Hill repeats on the bike today for me.  It goes like this:
   - One quick ride around the Caratunk Loop to warm up (2 miles)
   - Ride up Pleasant Pond Hill (3.4 miles)
   - Ride down the last 1/2 mile turn around, stay in saddle, go up.  Repeat 4x
   - Ride down the hill, go to the short hill (~.2 mile) in town, climb standing, ride down. Repeat 4x.
   - Make a Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie
   - Back to work

- I get to see Maya Angelou tonight, live and in person!

OK back to work until hill repeat time.


2010-04-26 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
I need an excuse from my full service mentor for missing yesterdays bike ride.

Will the fact that from 7:00 pm to 11:45 pm I was on the dance floor except when the band took a break count for cardio work? 

and since I was driving water was the only beverage that I consumed 
2010-04-26 12:23 PM
in reply to: #2814542

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-04-24 8:16 PM The brick turned out to be the 37.4km bike and a 5.9km run. Both were done briskly, crisply, satisfyingly. Just so you know!

Right on!  I'm living vicariously through everyone else's runs....

So want to run...

2010-04-26 2:01 PM
in reply to: #2813982

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-04-24 11:44 AM STEVE again - Okay, we know how your head is about this, so from the neck down --- how are you feeling? You know, to counter-balance the countdown, you can work an elaborate checklist. Something like: Supraspinatus? Check. Acromium arch? Check. Middle deltoid? Check. Anterior deltoid? Check. ...... ...... ...... all the way down to toenails. Check? Call it a 247-point safety/sanity check!


Goodish weekend.  Nice ride on Saturday, and a good swim on Sunday.  I find I'm swimming a lot in the last week or so.  Seems like an active recovery type of thing.  Easy sessions - 45 minutes or so at a clip, some will a pull buoy, nothing too stressful.

Ride on Saturday was good - just a two-hour cruise, though I did climb Woodman 2x - it's a rather nasty hill at the north end of the San Fernando Valley - about a mile long, but with 12% grade for a good quarter mile or so.  Just an unpleasant few minutes for sure.  I figured if I couldn't ride long, I'd at least get a good sweat going for a few minutes.  Legs felt it on Sunday for sure!  LOL. But, it was only a couple of short bursts, so I think it fit nicely in the taper plans.

Started laying out my gear last night, and should finish that today.  Then pack it and load it into the car.  Got a new bike rack for the back of the car (the other one was really a makeshift contraption, so I figured I'd better get something more secure for the bike).  I'm just now realizing how complicated it can be to actually pack for one of these things...all the special needs bags, transition bags...figuring out what to put where and for when.  Just a lot of "where do I put XXX if I want it at this time...?" kind of questions. 

Aside from all that...just trying to remain calm.  Had my very first FREAK OUT last night laying in bed.  Realized that I haven't run in 2 weeks...and, well, you know the rest.  Did I run enough?  Did I do enough bricks?  I'm not so concerned about the hammy...that is out of my control.  Looking back, I wish I had run more when I was running...but there's nothing to do about that now except stick with the plan of no running till race day.   But, I was literally fighting the urge to get out of bed at midnight and go for a run.  LOL.

Half way through Monday....time is ticking by...slowly!!!!

2010-04-26 3:46 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

More random stupid IM newbie questions!

T1 - from what I can tell. you run out of the water, into some area where you grab your T1 bag, and then.....????
Do you typically change gear in a tent and then run to the bike?  If that's the case, do you generally set up your bike with anything attached to the bike (i.e. aerobottle, water bottles, computer) and all other things (towel, gel flasks, gu packs, anything going in jersey, helmet, glasses, socks, shoes, etc.) in the T1 bag?  Still trying to get my head around how these transitions would vary from the shorter-distance races where everything is staged next to your bike and you keep coming back to the same Transition area.

Bike Advice: So, I was thinking of running with my standard repair kit on the bike (tube, wrenches, 2 Co2 cartridges, inflation key) in the bike kit.  THEN, in the Special Needs bag, placing a water bottle with another 2 tubes and 4 cartridges.  My assumption is that if the SN station is just past the start of the loop - half way through the ride, but actually passed for the first time at 30-miles.  I figure if I flat out before the loop, I can get it before the loop.  Nagging question in my head is just carrying two tires and 4 cartridges from the get-go.  Thoughts?  Am I being overly paranoid? (I know, loaded question.)


2010-04-26 5:36 PM
in reply to: #2816335

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-04-26 6:17 AM TRACEY once more - I might have mentioned this before, but..... When in the pool, do you ever deliberately swim as close behind another person as possible, staying right in the midst of their bubbles? If not, that would be a good thing to start doing, just to get you used to that feeling come race day. At first it might seem disconcerting, but you'll adjust pretty quickly. It most cases the bubbles are a fair ways behind the swimmer, so even though you feel you must be right on their feet, in fact you aren't. And the advantage to learning to do this is that if you can pull it off in a race, you'll save a lot of energy. Whereas drafting on the bike is NOT legal, drafting on the swim is very legal. Just a thought!

I HEART swimming in other people's bubbles...(now that I write that, I'm contemplating rewording it...). 
2010-04-26 6:23 PM
in reply to: #2816344

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-04-26 9:21 AM ANNE - Whiter art thou, Extreme Cyclist??

Hi everyone,

I AM back but it’s been a busy day getting back to the real world - unpacking, laundry, going through mail, etc. etc.

We had the most wonderful 17 days away - a really great mix of activities. Swam in the Gulf of Mexico, waded in the Atlantic Ocean, visited old friends, made new friends and did lots of exploring and of course, lots of cycling.

I would recommend the bike tour to anyone. All different types of people there from 12 years old to 86 years old; hard core, elite cyclists to very casual riders. We all had a mass start on the first day and after that everyone started their rides at different times but most people were on the road before 9:00.

On one of the rides the cycling team from Trinidad road by us and looked at my bike and said ‘nice ride’! That kind of made my day. Some of the teams had 10 riders and they would finish 160 miles with average speed well in excess of 20 miles per hour.

It’s a good thing we got some outdoor riding in before the tour, because I don’t think riding the trainer would prepare you for that volume. I was surprised that we actually got stronger each day and also that during each ride I would seem to have a surge of energy at about 70km and be really strong till the finish.

Stuck to my plan and paced myself consistently and always had a negative split. Worked the hills pretty hard though, because I like them and I love practising my gearing on the hills. Some of the men commented on my hill performance and asked about my ‘strategy’. Got lots of riding between 32-36km/hr. Maintained 30km/hr on one 15 km stretch on US 90 (very flat) and it was very easy. HR was like Z1.

The hills weren’t anything tough really - even though there were a lot on 2 of the days (probably 70km of hills out of 110 on one of days) the grades were 3-5%. Only a couple at 6-7, so it was good training, I think for the hills we have here at home.

One day ¾ of the route was rolling hills and it was so much fun. We just don’t have those close to home and if we do there might be 5 minutes of them and it’s also really hard to find long climbs - most are pretty short.

This is week 8 (recovery week) and next week starts the build phase with some higher intensity training which I am looking forward to. I’m going to do a TT in week 9 just to see where I am at. Last year my 10-15km TT’s were 33-34 km/hr but that was in August. I expect I won’t be that fast this early, but will be interested to see how much I improve after the build phase.

This week will tell the story if I am going to be able to run. At least I know that if my right knee is still screwy, I will be able to do the aqua/bikes because it was fine with all the biking we just did.

Have almost caught up on all the posts. You guys have been BUSY!   Very interesting reading.

Glad we’re home and looking forward to getting back into the conversation.

P.S.   Going to watch the game now.   Guess I will cheer for Boston.  

2010-04-26 6:31 PM
in reply to: #2815949

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
lufferly - 2010-04-25 11:27 PM

Back from OKC.  It's about a 7 hour drive between our house (on the north side of Houston) and OKC, then the rest of the time was house hunting and trying to get a feel for things.  Then Saturday night, another few hours sitting watching the OKC Red Hawks beat the Memphis Red Birds, all the time between the announcements about the Thunder's game against the Lakers.  There was actually a man working at the Bricktown Ballpark selling peanuts last night that was fired because they found out he had tickets to the Thunders game and was running back and forth between stadiums.  They escorted him out with his final paycheck in hand. Lots of buzz in Bricktown last night with the Thunder, Red Hawks, and marathoners.

I think OKC would be a liveable place, especially the Edmond area, which is where we concentrated our search.  My DH just asked what he should tell his boss. I told him to tell her he's planning on meeting with her boss up there in a couple of weeks to discuss the game plan. Then he said he thinks he'd end up hating the job up there (he's not too wild about his immediate supervisor). I told him I don't think he should accept a job he thinks he'd be miserable at ... so that's where we stand right now.  I'm all for him losing his job here and looking into something different, if that's what he'd like to do. (That's what I'd do myself if I had that option).  Even if he found something that paid half what he's making right now, and we could bank the 12 to 14 months severance, I think that would end up being a sweet deal for us a few years down the road.


Wow Lisa, you guys have a tough decision. I totally understand where you and your husband are at. Sometimes it's worth it to sacrifice career in order to be truly happy.

2010-04-26 6:35 PM
in reply to: #2816304

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-04-26 9:04 AM


There may not be another professional in any sport who wears his slumps as miserably as does Ortiz. Looking at him, you feel that he feels he is letting down the entire universe; it is almost painful to watch.

Three close ones, at home, against Baltimore.....shouldn't be happening! It's good they won two of them, but still. I'm sure they'll turn the corner at some point, but it's slow in coming. Then again, they still have some significant injuries, so one mustn't be impatient, must one??

Thee was a neat piece in the NYTimes last week about Red Sox Nation finally being at peace -- mostly. What they meant is that the agony of being so long without a WS win is now a thing of the past, and that the universal angst is no longer there. But they talked to one woman who finds that she now holds them to a higher standard than before, and I think I'm more in her camp. Getting that monkey off my back was significant, but it didn't remove the expectations I have for them -- especially with their larger-than-life payroll.

Bruins tonight!!!! Oh, pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasePLEASE!!!!!

Totally get what you're saying Steve. With the big bucks these guys get, they're basically in Yankees territory. And everyone always expects THEM to deliver. (And I love it when they don't! HA HA!)

2010-04-26 6:36 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Steve A

I imagine you have a lot to think about to get ready for St. George.  From now until Saturday, my daughter Lindsey who works at the National Weather Center in Norman Oklahoma will be sending a daily forecast for St. George and she wishes you the best of luck

Forecast for St. George, UT as of 18:03 on 4/26/10 for Saturday, 5/1/10:

This forecast is based on analysis from GFS and ECMWF models.

Starting out with a low near 30, highs may eventually reach the mid 50s. A few scattered showers may be in the area, but are likely to be north of St. George at this time. Winds are currently forecast to be 5-10 mph out of the WNW with some terrain consideration. Mostly cloudy to overcast skies are also likely due to the nearby showers to the north. FYI, GFS usually has difficulty in placing light rain, so it generally overestimates the affected area. In other words, only the cool temperatures should be a concern at this point.


2010-04-26 6:37 PM
in reply to: #2816320

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-04-26 9:12 AM

TRACEY again -

Oh! I signed up for Escape! I now have to nail down an accom, and will throw some options to you for comments. I know Myles Standish is workable (thanks for telling me it's not a zoo in there).....but I might feel like a big baby and decide I need an actual roof over my head instead of the nylon of my tent! (Oh, POOR baby! )

Wanna do the past dinner the evening before? My treat? It sounds like a good one!

My plan is to do Escape, and then head up to Maine and do Pirate Tri at Sebago Lake the next day. I'm really looking forward to both of those races, and meeting both you and Mandy. It is a prety big change of plans from earlier on when i thought I might be doing either Mooseman (NH) or Keuka Lake (NY) the weekend before, but I love the way Escape/Pirate looks. The distance of the two races are similar, but terrain and course design are dramatically different. Should be a blast!

Sounds great Steve! Can't wait to meet you. I can give you lots of suggestions for accommodations (keeping in mind though we're really in the 'burbs down here!)

2010-04-26 6:40 PM
in reply to: #2816335

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-04-26 9:17 AM

TRACEY once more -

I might have mentioned this before, but.....

When in the pool, do you ever deliberately swim as close behind another person as possible, staying right in the midst of their bubbles? If not, that would be a good thing to start doing, just to get you used to that feeling come race day. At first it might seem disconcerting, but you'll adjust pretty quickly. It most cases the bubbles are a fair ways behind the swimmer, so even though you feel you must be right on their feet, in fact you aren't. And the advantage to learning to do this is that if you can pull it off in a race, you'll save a lot of energy. Whereas drafting on the bike is NOT legal, drafting on the swim is very legal.

Just a thought!


Swim drafting is something I definitely plan on doing on race day!

I've never had the opportunity to do it in the pool because most swimmers at the Y where I go share lanes by just staying on their own side (versus the circular swimming).

2010-04-26 6:42 PM
in reply to: #2816411

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
manfarr1974 - 2010-04-26 9:40 AM

Oh yes, a few last things:

- Ortiz is so pathetic looking when he is in a slump that I want to hug him. 
- Anyone follow IM South Africa?  I guess the chop was pretty tough on the swim.  Bree Wee had some issues on the run but had a sold swim and bike. She is my favorite pro.  I think I might like her better than Chrissie W., but Chrissie is definitely one of my heroes!
- Hill repeats on the bike today for me.  It goes like this:
   - One quick ride around the Caratunk Loop to warm up (2 miles)
   - Ride up Pleasant Pond Hill (3.4 miles)
   - Ride down the last 1/2 mile turn around, stay in saddle, go up.  Repeat 4x
   - Ride down the hill, go to the short hill (~.2 mile) in town, climb standing, ride down. Repeat 4x.
   - Make a Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie
   - Back to work

- I get to see Maya Angelou tonight, live and in person!

OK back to work until hill repeat time.




Very cool going to see Maya Angelou!

By the way, can I get your recipe for the peanut butter banana smoothie? That sounds yummy. Thanks!

2010-04-26 6:44 PM
in reply to: #2818105

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Welcome back Anne!

Sounds like you had a fabulous time.

2010-04-26 6:52 PM
in reply to: #2818126

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Dwayne - 2010-04-26 4:36 PM Steve A

I imagine you have a lot to think about to get ready for St. George.  From now until Saturday, my daughter Lindsey who works at the National Weather Center in Norman Oklahoma will be sending a daily forecast for St. George and she wishes you the best of luck

Forecast for St. George, UT as of 18:03 on 4/26/10 for Saturday, 5/1/10:

This forecast is based on analysis from GFS and ECMWF models.

Starting out with a low near 30, highs may eventually reach the mid 50s. A few scattered showers may be in the area, but are likely to be north of St. George at this time. Winds are currently forecast to be 5-10 mph out of the WNW with some terrain consideration. Mostly cloudy to overcast skies are also likely due to the nearby showers to the north. FYI, GFS usually has difficulty in placing light rain, so it generally overestimates the affected area. In other words, only the cool temperatures should be a concern at this point.


Thanks so much.  UGH!  I saw some discussion on the St. George board about a snowline near Veyo...thought it was just people being drama queens. has it pegged at a high of 67 right now, but that's down from 72 the week prior.

I am now planning on bringing my cycling turtleneck AND new arm warmers!  lol.  And a hat...and a parka....

Actually not too worried about the cool temperatures.  Cold generally doesn't bother me too much - did some training rides out there that fit this profile.  I think I'd much rather ride/run in 50 degree weather than in 80 degree weather...or even 70 degree weather at that.  Heat is worse than cold in my opinion.  You can always wear more...but they have this weird rule about minimum levels of clothing...strange!  LOL.

Thanks for the report!  I look forward to tomorrow's!  If your daughter takes requests, I'd like to place an order for cloudy and 65 degrees with a slight chance of rain after 8:00 pm (so as to provide an added incentive to keep running!). Laughing

2010-04-26 6:54 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
I have a swimming accomplishment to report! Today I did 500 meters in 13:05. My best time before today was 14:15 so I'm pretty excited about this. I had set my Tempo Trainer to 1:18, which is a faster pace than usual for me (I usually do 1:20). I know this is kind of anti-TI, since in TI the idea is to improve your speed without increasing stroke rate. But obviously I was able to increase my speed by increasing stroke rate. But I felt pretty good. When I finished the 500 meters I was breathing pretty good, but I felt like I could have kept going. And my arms felt fine. I made sure to keep my stroke relaxed and arms low.

I followed the swim with a bike ride in VERY windy conditions! And I started it off my almost falling in the parking lot when I mounted the bike (and keep in mind I'm not even riding clipless yet!) But all in all it was a decent ride. I'm thinking I need a new saddle though. I moved it forward an inch to see if it would help but I think I just need something softer, and maybe with a cutout.

2010-04-26 7:32 PM
in reply to: #2818161

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
thall0672 - 2010-04-26 4:54 PM I have a swimming accomplishment to report! Today I did 500 meters in 13:05. My best time before today was 14:15 so I'm pretty excited about this. I had set my Tempo Trainer to 1:18, which is a faster pace than usual for me (I usually do 1:20). I know this is kind of anti-TI, since in TI the idea is to improve your speed without increasing stroke rate. But obviously I was able to increase my speed by increasing stroke rate. But I felt pretty good. When I finished the 500 meters I was breathing pretty good, but I felt like I could have kept going. And my arms felt fine. I made sure to keep my stroke relaxed and arms low. I followed the swim with a bike ride in VERY windy conditions! And I started it off my almost falling in the parking lot when I mounted the bike (and keep in mind I'm not even riding clipless yet!) But all in all it was a decent ride. I'm thinking I need a new saddle though. I moved it forward an inch to see if it would help but I think I just need something softer, and maybe with a cutout.

That's awesome on the swim!  I'm a huge fan of the TI, and could be talking out of school here, but I would think that the TI approach of increasing speed without increasing stroke rate is kind of a relative thing.  I suspect there is no magical stroke rate, it's different for everyone.  So, it could be that you first need to find your optimal stroke rate for you, and then from there, work at increasing speed without changing stroke rate.  I'd have to assume that the stroke rate for someone 6'2" is different than that of someone 5'2".  Perhaps weight, muscle/fat density, etc., will also impact one's "optimal" stroke rate.  Who knows, maybe your comfort zone is even faster than what you just did.  I'd play with it a bit - experiment to find a true baseline and then work from there. 
2010-04-26 9:11 PM
in reply to: #2816465

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Excuse accepted, no questions asked!

My years of doing this stuff have taught me that there is an enormous range of valid forms of cross-training. Some of them are highly physical, such as 4:45 on a dance floor, while others are more cerebral in nature and qualify as mental training. Really, it is staggering what all counts!

And if you're not yet convinced, I'll only say that much of what we do tends to work and re-work the same old muscle groups.......whereas dancing or drumming (you are a drummer, yes?) focus on different areas that invariably feature prominently in later stages of any given race. As I kive and breathe, this is the utter truth!

So! Ya done good the other night, and the fact that you hydrated very sensibly throughout the evening is just further props for your efforts. Well done, Dwayne!

2010-04-26 9:26 PM
in reply to: #2817511

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Yup, active recopvery swims are just the ticket right now.

And YES, you did enough runs! Double - nay, triple - YES to doing enough bricks! You have proven yopurself to be a brickmeister extraordinaire, and as I said after Showdown, I think your brickwork accounted for 94% of the fine run you had there.

When are you getting there? You've probably said abut three times, or at least once for every time I've forgotten. When you get there, immerse yourself in the special needs bags. Covet them! Embrace them! Treat them as extentions of your very body and soul!

Beyond that, just keep packing them, shifting things around, and working through what goes where, and when. By that I mean which bag has to be dropped at what time, and where, exactly. I can't remember the details, but at Placid it was a bit fussy; hopefully SG will be less fussy.

I well know the feeling you have about wishing you had done more running when you were still running, but when i get a full grip on my senses again I realize that for most overuse injuries that oprobably only would've exacerbated things. I really and truly believe that -- mostly. I man, when I have tried to run through overuse injuries, I have usually made them worse, sooner. The only possible upside to this is that is if one hurts oneself earlier, they might recover sooner. BUT ---- I reallyreally believe that if one must have downtime before a half-iron or (definitely!!) an iron, it's best to have it closer to the race itself so that there is a better chance of being well-rested come race day.

A freind of mine, Rena Rubin, loves to say "The critical voices lie." I think I have mentioned this to you before, maybe when you were saying that the IMSG forum is full of sturm und drang and negativity. So, foul, festering voices --- BEGONE!!

(All better??)

2010-04-26 9:30 PM
in reply to: #2818469

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

STEVE again -

  • brachialis.......................(check?)
    extensor digitorum..........(check?)
    latissimus dorsi...............(check?)

  • 2010-04-26 9:31 PM
    in reply to: #2559115

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    Extreme Veteran
    Spring TX
    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
    STEVE A, thought of you tonight while I was out struggling on my last run before the weekend.  Struggling to stay focused with everything else going on, and not feeling as prepared as I would have been a month ago.  I will use you for motivation and inspiration this weekend when I'm doing my tri.

    TRACY, great job on the swimming.  No, I'm thinking about asking for one of those tempo trainers for Mother's Day.

    ANNE, welcome back ... sounds like lots of fun.

    MANDY, you're enthusiam comes through in your posts. Wishing for winter's end for you soon. It was 78 degrees tonight at 7:45 pm on my run.

    DWAYNE, sounds like fun cross training. Are you ready for the Warrior Dash? I heard they were going to have to reroute the course because it was overlapping into a county that wouldn't agree to the race ... something to that effect!

    DENISE, are you ready for your race this weekend?

    STEVE B, my 11 year old would rather stay here but was beginning to accept that we might make a move. Our 22 and 29 year old sons are living with us right now, so would have to make other arrangements if we moved ... they would not want to come with us. Like my husband said, leaving those two on there own are at the top of our PRO and CON lists! And, as you now, my 21 year old daughter is self sufficient (mostly) in NYC ... only thing to think about with her is that there are no direct flights from NYC to OKC (that I'm aware of). If we decide to stay put, looks like my DH would be jobless by June. I suggested he take the summer off or find a part time job and do stuff with our 11 year old while he's out of school. His sister owns a resort in Arkansas and they could go up there and play for a bit. To be continued ...

    2010-04-26 9:40 PM
    in reply to: #2816411

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    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    MANDY -

    Group hugs for Ortiz, you think?

    They're playing dumb-ball with Toronto tonight -- winning, but winning ugly. 13-10 in the 7th?? Good grief!

    That hill repeat session sounds awesome! You are so lucky to have challenging terrain all around you. I have challenging winds, is about all. I'd trade those for a few nasty hills in a heartbeat.

    Bets name on the tri circuit is Bree Wee. Probably the best name on any circuit, period. I love her parents for stepping out like that!

    As for Chrissie, I keep waiting for her head to swell, and it continues not to happen. But really -- there are so many pro triathletes who are genuinely sincere, grounded people. You will find that at Timberman, where they woill tsake all the time in the world to mingle with the age-groupers, answer questions, all that good stuff. And some will likely be hanging around the finish line, four or five hours after they finish themselves, cheering on the later arrivals. Chrissie kind of takes it to the next level, however.

    More snow? A big snow! Yuck! We were supposed to do a bird survey tomorrow morning in "grasslands" of Ontario (in our area that would be juniper/cedar/grass configurations) with a focus on loggerhead shrikes, but the weather is going to be rainy and very windy; so, we sleep in instead. No outdoor ride for me tomorrow --- but at least no snow!

    2010-04-26 9:45 PM
    in reply to: #2816389

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    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    MANDY again -

    "Advil-induced finish" ---- fine, just so long as you don't mask anything that is serious!

    But your approach to those two is good, just for fun and with no real shot at a p.r. As for the Polar Bear swim, though, I have a feeling you'll surprise yourself. Remember -- you heard it here first!

    As for the new calf, I'm looking into it. I know a person who knows a person who knows a person.......and I'll get back to you as soon as I learn something concrete! (I'd like to say that it might cost you an arm and a leg, but I'll avoid that one....)

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