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2010-04-30 12:27 AM
in reply to: #2821724

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Dwayne - 2010-04-28 5:08 AM Monster Dash is back on

It seems a very little part of the race went into another county and they tried to stop it. Haven't received all the details, just an email saying it is back on.

Can't wait to get my Fred Flintstone Water Buffalo Hat 


Let me know how you like Warrior Dash. I'm thinking of doing it out here in August and was curious if it's worth it. Sounds really fun, though. Especially with the hat!


2010-04-30 12:33 AM
in reply to: #2824103

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Good luck on your race, SteveA!!! We'll all be rooting for you
2010-04-30 12:35 AM
in reply to: #2824544

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Lisa & Denise - You ladies are going to rock this weekend!
2010-04-30 12:37 AM
in reply to: #2824706

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-04-29 4:25 AM TRACEY again - When there are first-timer or novice waves, they are usually the last one to go. The reasons for this are two-fold: it removes the first-timers from the greater parts of any maelstrom, and it allows them to get an idea of the best lines to take to the buoys. If you email the RD, he/she can tell you if hey are planning on one. I think of those two races for me that weekend, one of them has mentioned a first-timers wave. I'll send mojo for you that it's "Escape"!

Bummer. I was hoping we'd go first so we don't finish well after everyone is sipping their beer. I guess it's better that way so we don't get trampled.
2010-04-30 12:48 AM
in reply to: #2824714

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
thall0672 - 2010-04-29 4:43 AM When I got back to the locker room at the gym I was greeted by someone having tried to break into my locker. My lock was all hacked up, so it was obvious someone took a crowbar or something to it. And the lock didn't work anymore... I tried the combination 3 times before I had to just keep yanking at it to open it up. Then I couldn't open the latch on the locker because that was also jammed shut from whatever the would-be thief did to it. Fortunately when I had the manager get it open for me, all my stuff was there. I always have my wallet in the pocket of my gym bag, and with credit card number theft nowadays it would have been a matter of hours before they could have maxed out my cards... Anyway, I guess it's an unpleasant reminder of what people are capable of. :/ Tracey


Whoa...that's freaky. I'm one of those that Steve mentioned that doesn't use a lock. I don't know why, since I usually leave my phone, wallet, and keys in there with my shoes and clothes while I swim, but for some reason I'm not too concerned with theft. Prior to this, I'd never heard of anyone having any trouble with stuff left in the lockers. In fact, I always wondered why people use locks. I mean, I understand that there's valuable stuff in there, but it never occurred to me that someone would steal from a gym. Maybe I should rethink that train of thought!

2010-04-30 7:54 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
  • SW at 21 mph
  • Gusts: 36 mph
wind forecast for my tri tomorrow (9 am) - haha - this should be interesting - I've never biked in that much wind.

2010-04-30 7:59 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Thanks for that explanation on the aero bars and drops.   It does make perfect sense.   When I think about it, I do only use my aero bars on the straight aways and I don't use them when the cross wind is bad or really gusty, so that would be a good time to use the drops.  

Decided to log my food today to see how things fall into place and I had to do some thinking to get my numbers up to where they should be.   Definitely have been eating on the low side.   I remember reading that as the training increases in intensity that athletes need to eat more than the 'recommended' serving portions in order to meet their nutritional requirements.    When inactive people should stick to one serving, an adult male may be eating 3 servings.    Just have to remember to back it off during recovery days/weeks and when we are back into transition.   

I like tracking the food intake and the BT data base is really useful when you find yourself too high or too low in a particular area.   You can input another food selection and see what that does to the numbers.    When I DO track my food, I will take 10 minutes in the morning to plan out the day and it makes it much easier to stick to it.   

2010-04-30 8:17 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Here's some more information on pre-exercise meals.    I do follow these guidelines and they seem to work well. 

Recommended Grams of Carbohydrate in Pre-Exercise Meals

Body Weight                  3-4 hours prior              2-3 hours prior              1-2 hours prior               0-60 minutes prior
  (lbs)                               (1.5-2 g/lb)                     (1-1.5 g/lb)                      (0.5-1 g/lb)                       (.25-.5 g/lb

110                                      165-220                            110-165                             55-110                                     30-55

120                                      180-240                            120-180                             60-120                                     30-60

135                                      200-270                            135-200                             65-135                                     30-65

150                                      225-300                           150-225                              75-150                                     35-75

165                                      250-330                           165-250                              80-165                                     40-80

180                                     270-360                            180-270                             90-180                                      45-90

195                                     290-390                            195-290                             95-195                                      50-95

Eating regular food is preferable for a pre-exercise meal, but carbohydrate-rich sports-drink beverages are good to drink within 60 minutes of exercise because they provide calories from carbs and the added bonus of fluid. These help with early morning workouts or lunch time workouts.

This info is from the same book by Chris Carmichael

2010-04-30 8:17 AM
in reply to: #2826992

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
latestarter - 2010-04-29 5:19 PM

stevebradley - 2010-04-29 8:47 AM TRACEY - There is a lot of incidental contact that can happen, but 90% of the time the two contactees just veer immediately away from each other. ("Excuse me!" "No, excuse ME!" "I'm So sorry!" "I should've looked where I was going!" "My DEEPEST apologies!" ---- you can almost hear that being burbled and grobbled through the water.) And even in races that don't offer novice waves, it is easy to position oneself where contact will be minimal, and maybe even non-existant. In a wave of, say, 75 people, 50 of them will be within five feet of the start line. Another 15 will be a few feet further back, and that leaves the rest of the area for the remaining 10 or so. So even if one is 12 feet behind the start line, how long does it take to swim 12 feet - five or six seconds? Nothing at all, really. The other good place to line up is off to the sides; not too many people start there, either. One good reason for getting into open water before Escape, if you can, is to work on sighting. And come to think of it, another good reason is to find out to what degree you are a "drifter". I am a drifter, meaning that I tend to drift to the left a fair bit. Even though i am an excellent sighter, I still tend to drift if I try to go too long between sightings (sometimes, though; I'm not all that consistent). For me, then, it is slightly helpful if I get over towards the right when I start, so that if I am drfifting to the left, i will keep having people off which I can deflect! ("Excuse me!" "I'm so sorry!"...... ) So if we can get in a swim before Escape, that might be helpful!

I agree with Steve, whole heartedly about being climbed over on the swim.   Everything I read had me pretty paranoid about it but it is as Steve describes.   Lots of apologies if bumping and collisions occur.    Funny thing is I have found myself getting pretty aggressive this last season in trying to pass people.   Surprised   But I would draw the line at swimming over them.  

I also do as he suggests in lining up for the mass start.   At the back and to the side.   Sometimes left, sometimes right, depending on the buoy positions.    I read somewhere that you will have a much better pace if you have clear sailing, rather than fighting with the crowds.  

The other thing I had always done was saunter into the water, sometimes almost a minute before starting to swim, so I had this bright idea last year that I was going to try and run in like everyone else.   BIG mistake, for me.   My HR got SO high which messed up my 'nice' stroke and it took me probably 200 meters before I settled down.  

Then I had another bright idea that I would get in front and just let the fast swimmers, swim around me.   Another BIG mistake.   Way too much turmoil and activity going on and I got carried away with a group and ended up getting way off course.    But I guess I had to try it to see what would happen.  

Wonder what bright idea I will have this year.....  Laughing


Very helpful to hear about your swim experiences. I have absolutely NO problem hanging back from the crowd if it means that I can avoid the frantic splashing and kicking.

2010-04-30 8:19 AM
in reply to: #2825245

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
lufferly - 2010-04-29 10:40 AM

thall0672 - 2010-04-29 5:49 AM Lisa: How did your son's team do??

Well ... since you asked!  It was a well fought game by both teams, but my son's team ended up winning in overtime - yikes!  Quite a nail biter, especially given he was the starting pitcher.  His team was up 4-0, then he gave up 3 runs in the 5th inning.  They put in another pitcher who gave up another couple runs, but the coach pulled him pretty quickly (happened to be his son).  11 year olds play 6 inning games and going into the 6th inning we were down 4-7, but were able to score 3 runs to stay in the game.  We were visitors and scored another 4 runs in the 8th inning and they weren't able to pull anymore runs in.  Final score 11-7!!!  His team ended up finishing their league season with an 11-4 record and winning the last 9 games in a row.  He's on a team with a lot of really nice kids and great parents (thankfully!).

MANDY, did you get more snow or did it miss you?

STEVE A, wow, looks like a really beautiful course!  Best of luck to you. 


Awesome Lisa about your son's game! You must be very proud.

2010-04-30 8:21 AM
in reply to: #2827835

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2010-04-30 8:54 AM
  • SW at 21 mph
  • Gusts: 36 mph
wind forecast for my tri tomorrow (9 am) - haha - this should be interesting - I've never biked in that much wind.

Whoa!   That's crazy Denise.   That's like 60km/hr hour gusts.   What's the bike route like.   Will you be able to get a tailwind?    Lucky you are doing a pool swim or they would be cancelling that portion.   

2010-04-30 8:50 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Congrat's on the son's win.  That game sounds so exciting.  I bet you guys were just screaming your heads off.

Good luck tomorrow

Edited by LadyNorth 2010-04-30 8:55 AM
2010-04-30 8:55 AM
in reply to: #2827907

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
latestarter - 2010-04-30 8:21 AM
LadyNorth - 2010-04-30 8:54 AM
  • SW at 21 mph
  • Gusts: 36 mph
wind forecast for my tri tomorrow (9 am) - haha - this should be interesting - I've never biked in that much wind.

Whoa!   That's crazy Denise.   That's like 60km/hr hour gusts.   What's the bike route like.   Will you be able to get a tailwind?    Lucky you are doing a pool swim or they would be cancelling that portion.   

Yea - the course is "sort of" a loop - 2 sections will have a tailwind.  I've decided to give it my all on the swim - so I can maybe feel good about 1 leg at least -  The bike leg is just so unpredictable at this point.
2010-04-30 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Is your Warrior Dash still on?
2010-04-30 10:00 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Yes the Warrior Dash Is Still On.  waiting on one final email to tell us where to park and catch the shuttles.

Maybe they will get the bugs worked out of this one and they will be more organized after this

Good Luck to you on your race and I can relate to the strong winds , we've been getting gusts up to 45 mph for the last 2 days but it's supposed to be calmer tomorrow 
2010-04-30 12:01 PM
in reply to: #2824700

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-04-29 5:06 AM


This is from Matt Fitzgerald's "Racing Weight (Velo Press, 2009). Whadaya think?

Weekly Training Hours..........................Carbohydrate Intake (g/kg of body weight) (1kg = 2.2lbs)
<4 ------------------------------------------------- 5-6
5-6 ------------------------------------------------- 6-7
7-10 ------------------------------------------------ 7-8
11-14 ----------------------------------------------- 8-9
15-19 ----------------------------------------------- 9-10
20-24 ----------------------------------------------- 10-11
>25 ------------------------------------------------ 11-12

So, for me last week it would 78 X 8-and-a-tad, or about 640g carbs daily. Intriguing! Also, this chart isn't weight-based at all, which seems a bit odd....maybe? Is my carb intake going to be the same as that of the 117-pound, 30-year old woman from my last year's group, who is currently doing about the same training volume as I am? I guess so!

Sorry if I am being dense, but when you comment that this isn't weight-based what does this mean "Carbohydrate Intake (g/kg of body weight)". Doesn't this mean that since I am 198# (198/2.2=90kg), my intake would 90 X __ where yours is 78 X __?
I have never gotten this specific with my food intake, but am trying to understand things so I can.
Thanks for your feedback.

2010-04-30 1:23 PM
in reply to: #2828676

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
TriD64 - 2010-04-30 1:01 PM
stevebradley - 2010-04-29 5:06 AM RECOMMENDED DAILY CARBOHYDRATE INTAKE FOR ATHLETES This is from Matt Fitzgerald's "Racing Weight (Velo Press, 2009). Whadaya think? Weekly Training Hours..........................Carbohydrate Intake (g/kg of body weight) (1kg = 2.2lbs) <4 ------------------------------------------------- 5-6 5-6 ------------------------------------------------- 6-7 7-10 ------------------------------------------------ 7-8 11-14 ----------------------------------------------- 8-9 15-19 ----------------------------------------------- 9-10 20-24 ----------------------------------------------- 10-11 >25 ------------------------------------------------ 11-12 So, for me last week it would 78 X 8-and-a-tad, or about 640g carbs daily. Intriguing! Also, this chart isn't weight-based at all, which seems a bit odd....maybe? Is my carb intake going to be the same as that of the 117-pound, 30-year old woman from my last year's group, who is currently doing about the same training volume as I am? I guess so!
SteveB Sorry if I am being dense, but when you comment that this isn't weight-based what does this mean "Carbohydrate Intake (g/kg of body weight)". Doesn't this mean that since I am 198# (198/2.2=90kg), my intake would 90 X __ where yours is 78 X __? I have never gotten this specific with my food intake, but am trying to understand things so I can. Thanks for your feedback. Mark


Hope you don't mind me commenting on your question to Steve.     My favorite topic.......

From what I see, you are correct.   When I use Fitzgerald's formula it says I need about 430 carbs per day (assuming I am doing 14 hours per week) which is just at the high end of Carmichael's formula for the prep/build phase.   

The thing I prefer about Carmichael's periodized nutrition is that when we move beyond build and into the really high intensity training, even though the volume decreases slightly, our need for carbohydrates increases dramatically.   Of course we are all different and some people (especially elite athletes) are able to burn fat for fuel at the higher intensities, but the majority of us cannot.   I have raced hard and long more than a few times and have never bonked, but I have many friends and acquaintances who have, because they continue to restrict their carbs, either intentionally or unintentionally. 

My training goals over the past 2 winters has been using a cycling program developed for me by a kinesiologist to increase my abilitiy to burn fats at higher intensity, basically by improving my LT.     For some reason, I am better able to do it on the running side.

Regarding getting specific, Carmichael says we don't have to be bang on day-to-day, but over a rolling 3-day cycle we should be close to the guidelines.  

2010-04-30 2:27 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Greetings from St. George...

Windy as heck yesterday, and when we arrived, there was slush falling from the sky...unformed hail.  But, it cleared and we had a good swim.  Water is about 59 degrees, but once you get moving, all is well.  Dropped off bags and bike today, and am now at the hotel killing time.

So far, nerves are OK.  I think it's kind of like skydiving for me right now...the mind isn't quite sure what's about to happen, so it doesn't know how to think about it.  I'm sure around 3:00 am, it'll figure it out.

Tonight's plan is to doze and watch movies until 7:00...then stare at the ceiling tonight.   Need to look back at the past few days' posts...something to keep the mind busy.

time is crawling now....
2010-04-30 2:41 PM
in reply to: #2827835

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2010-04-30 5:54 AM
  • SW at 21 mph
  • Gusts: 36 mph
wind forecast for my tri tomorrow (9 am) - haha - this should be interesting - I've never biked in that much wind.

You'll do awesome!  Just keep your head down, and be patient. 
2010-04-30 4:59 PM
in reply to: #2828676

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


As I used to tell my classes when I did something especially dopey, I just did it to see who was paying attention!

Um, do you buy that in this case? No?

Well, you're right -- that was me being incredibly stupid. I mean, I had even worked it out a few times, and of course I factored in my weight, but I guess that what threw me when I typed it out is that there is no immediate on-the-chart correlation; one has to do the math themself!

So, Mark, YOU get extra recess privileges, and the rest of the class gets to miss a recess. Well done, you keener, you!

2010-04-30 5:04 PM
in reply to: #2829123

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Turtle-up! Turtle-up!

Judging from the photo, there's not a whole lot of you, which is good -- less wind resistance! Stay low, stay thin.....stay stable!

And I will do what I can to get as much of that wind at your back as possible. I am on pretty good terms with Senor Sirocco, and I'll get him to later his path ever-so-slightly around the bike course. Just one of those services I provide!

2010-04-30 5:12 PM
in reply to: #2829078

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Greetings to you, too! Yeah, about 3am a few things should begin falling into place. I find it kind of akin to the herd mentality -- you have an idea what's ahead, and you just proceed -- you and 2699 other like-minded souls!

I consider it very positive that you got one dose of gharly weather out of the way, and hopefully the next pesky system won't move through for a couple more days. That's the plan, eh?

You're sounding alright, really in control, with the preliminary picayune stuff out of the way. Was it a snap?

I'll be groovin' into #965 tomorrow, to be sure. my plan is to do a ride in the morning and finish at about 11 here, which will be 8 out there, which should be close to when you'll emerge from the water. And then for the afternoon it will be abck and forth between the Bruins game and the computer, where if the technology is cooperative there will be timely updates.

You're well-prepared for this, and I mean well-prepared. Just do your thing, baby, do your thing!

2010-04-30 5:19 PM
in reply to: #2828211

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Do you know when the official start time is? Or, more accurately, when your own particular start time is? I am very, very pleased that cooler heads prevailed and that the namby-pamby Chicken Little types were stifled. I mean worrying about emergency vehicles, given the gridlock on the North-Central Expressway daily, or anywhere in the vicinity of Texas Stadium (what's the name of the new one?) after a Cowboys game?

What is your strategy --- just full-bore kamikaze attack mode? Batten down the hatches, and full-speed ahead? Ought to be a hoot-and-a-half, but take marginal care of yourself, okay?

And remember -- we NEED photos!!!

2010-04-30 5:25 PM
in reply to: #2829435

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Loops will be helpful! And really, size DOES matter with windy rides, with smaller and lighter people scrapping and suffereing far less than larger types. I may have pretty good bike positioning.....but at some point, 6'2" and ~173lbs can only fold up so much!

Wind may seem like an equal-opportunity destroyer, but it really does favor those with less bulk --- of which you are oone, I do believe!

Enjoy? ENJOY!

2010-04-30 5:26 PM
in reply to: #2829438

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


What are the specifics for you? Tomorrow or Sunday? What time and place? I apologize for not having this at hand!

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