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2011-03-21 12:54 PM
in reply to: #3405534

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
KLIN that is terrible news!!  If it makes you feel any better I took two big spills when learning to ride with clips and both took me out of training for a bit and right into physical therapy.  You will get past this though and make it to your first Tri!  So glad your family is rallying around to help you out.  Focus on taking care of yourself and let them help you!!  And stay with the mentor group!  Checking in here will keep you focused on your goals even though you may be taking a short hiatus!

2011-03-22 3:03 AM
in reply to: #3405534

New user

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

klinhart - 2011-03-20 1:25 PM well, my first spring of tri's is over before it ever started.  i rode my new to me bike for the first time on thursday but my feet got stuck in the clips, I fell over, caught myself with an extended arm and broke my elbow.  i will see a specialist on monday and will hopefully learn more.  i broke my left elbow and of course i am a lefty.  my husband is back in town (after being gone for 5 weeks) and my mil arrives today to help me with my 11month old (i can't change diapers or pick him up) and 3 year old.  i am determined to do a tri this fall and conquer the bike.  good luck to the rest of you!


Wow, I'm so glad that you're getting help from you DH and MIL.  A 11 month old and a 3 year old can be tough even without  a broken elbow.  Hopefully you got good news from the specialist today!

2011-03-22 6:57 PM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED


Remember how I "forgot" what workouts I had done????

Turns out, I just skipped a week in my log because I didn't look at the dates.....

Makes me feel good that I can shrink the gaping hole!!!

Wow, its been very busy for me! Last week was the last week of the quarter so all the teachers conspired to make our lives hell (or so it seems). Plus, it was PROM! I had fun (though my date was definitely questionable) but it derailed my training for two days

Weekly Challenge #5: HILLS

These week try to get in one hill workout on the bike OR run. Pick a hill that is :45 to 1:30 long and do repeats on it. The resistance is great for strengthening, it is low impact, and you dont need to be out there for long to get a good workout. Preferably on dirt, and be sure to warm up and cool down.

Google hill workouts for some good ideas!

2011-03-22 9:13 PM
in reply to: #3405471

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Mrs. brown_dog_us - 2011-03-20 10:58 AM

I finished in 4:01. Short of the goal but a HUGE PR. : ). Having beer now and will do race report later.

Seriously AWESOME!!!! you ROCK!
2011-03-22 9:14 PM
in reply to: #3405534

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
klinhart - 2011-03-20 12:25 PM

well, my first spring of tri's is over before it ever started.  i rode my new to me bike for the first time on thursday but my feet got stuck in the clips, I fell over, caught myself with an extended arm and broke my elbow.  i will see a specialist on monday and will hopefully learn more.  i broke my left elbow and of course i am a lefty.  my husband is back in town (after being gone for 5 weeks) and my mil arrives today to help me with my 11month old (i can't change diapers or pick him up) and 3 year old.  i am determined to do a tri this fall and conquer the bike.  good luck to the rest of you!

Oh no I am so sorry! That's awful. I hope that the new from the specialist is positive.
2011-03-22 9:16 PM
in reply to: #3405579

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
jlahoward - 2011-03-20 1:14 PM

Hi guys - thought about you all today.  Nice job Steph!  I finished in 1:58 (squeaked in under my 2hr goal).  Got it done, but it wasn't my best run ever.  Whatever - I did it!  More to come later.

Another superstar! That is fantastic! I can only dream of ever being as fast as you and Steph! Nice job ladies!

2011-03-23 2:41 PM
in reply to: #3409636

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

Hola everyone!  Great job with the 1:58 and the 4:00 this weekend!  

Katie (the other Katie), I'm so sorry to hear about your elbow!  It happens sometimes, even if you are an experienced cyclist (Neal fell over clipped in on his bike last night, for you GA folks who know him, but no injury).  I'm glad you are maintaining a great attitude and are calling in reinforcements.  I'm sure it will be tough so keep up that great attitude!

When I bought my clip-ins, the guy at the bike store told me "it's not a question of if you will fall down, but when" and emphasized that I'll be going about 1 mph when I do fall and not 20.  For me, it was months later and I just flopped over into some mud and all I had to show for it was a bruise (and some muddy clothing).

2011-03-25 11:22 AM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

Bad news....

I was rear-ended yesterday (not my fault) and after seeing the chiropractor, it just doesnt look good. I have whip-lash, three muscle tears in my back and neck, and strained ligaments in my wrist and thumb. My doctor says  I should be out for 6 to 8 weeks, but if I am good about icing and Advil, I can be back in 3. But 3 weeks is a LONG TIME

Why do these things always happen to me?

2011-03-25 12:48 PM
in reply to: #3414074

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
ebal - 2011-03-25 12:22 PM

Bad news....

I was rear-ended yesterday (not my fault) and after seeing the chiropractor, it just doesnt look good. I have whip-lash, three muscle tears in my back and neck, and strained ligaments in my wrist and thumb. My doctor says  I should be out for 6 to 8 weeks, but if I am good about icing and Advil, I can be back in 3. But 3 weeks is a LONG TIME

Why do these things always happen to me?

Oh no! I'm sorry Emily!  I hope you are back feeling better soon.  3 weeks will seem like forever but it is only the length of a taper, so you will be back very quickly after you heal up.

2011-03-26 10:55 AM
in reply to: #3414074

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
ebal - 2011-03-25 10:22 AM

Bad news....

I was rear-ended yesterday (not my fault) and after seeing the chiropractor, it just doesnt look good. I have whip-lash, three muscle tears in my back and neck, and strained ligaments in my wrist and thumb. My doctor says  I should be out for 6 to 8 weeks, but if I am good about icing and Advil, I can be back in 3. But 3 weeks is a LONG TIME

Why do these things always happen to me?

Wow I'm sorry! Hoping that the recovery is quick!
2011-03-28 12:29 PM
in reply to: #3414074

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
ebal - 2011-03-25 12:22 PM

Bad news....

I was rear-ended yesterday (not my fault) and after seeing the chiropractor, it just doesnt look good. I have whip-lash, three muscle tears in my back and neck, and strained ligaments in my wrist and thumb. My doctor says  I should be out for 6 to 8 weeks, but if I am good about icing and Advil, I can be back in 3. But 3 weeks is a LONG TIME

Why do these things always happen to me?

That is not cool at all!  Try to "enjoy" your training break and prepare yourself for the training ahead.  The break will end up just being a little "blip" in your season.

2011-03-28 8:40 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Apex, NC
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

Back from vacation!  My log looked pretty lazy but I did actually run 2x and did a good bit of core work that I can't even remember to log in plus some miscellaneous biking.  I was definitely pleased to be able to run after a couple days of very sore legs.  Hopefully, we're back in the saddle now.  Next up is a Sprint in May, so I"m looking for a new plan to follow.  I'd really like to be somewhat competitive at this next one, so I'm looking for something to get my run times down - if anyone has suggestions, please feel free...

Emily - Bless your heart too!  What a rotten thing as you're getting geared up.  Definitely do the rest time so you can get back in faster - no need to draw it out by trying too much too soon.  Could really have been worse.  Read up on nutrition and strength training or what suits you in the meantime! 

Hope everyone else is well!


2011-03-30 11:34 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

Hello, ladies. I didn't abandon the group; my partner has some pretty serious medical issues and the last two weeks have been hospital and care. Last night I was able to get back to the pool at last! There is enough ice off the roads now that I'm going to pull my bike out tonight or tomorrow.

I need to read back...there's been a lot of traffic here!


2011-03-31 10:38 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: How is your week going?

Hi Gang!

How are your weeks going? 

We have some significant adversity in our little group rece.  Klinhart (Katie), Aureua (Becky), karen26.2 (Karen), ebal (Emily) and elizabethk (Elizabeth) are all injured.  Dtkate (Kate), crazyalaskian (Katie), emlavigne (Elena) and I are all crushed at work.  Calluna (Heather)'s partner is having some medical problems, and I'm worried that Mareelouise (Maree) may have fallen off the wagon because she is MIA.  On the bright side, Jlahoward (Jennifer) and Julta (Julie) are plugging right along and Ssmith12 (Stephanie) is gearing up for her first 5K next week!

I didn't even make a weekly goal this week and the "Just Dance" marathon with my kids last weekend killed my calves so badly that I've not had any good workouts this week.  Sigh!

So, let's make all of that by-gones (as best we can) and move onward!  My goal for the rest of this week (and next week) is to avoid the delicious temptations in our copy room at work.  This will be easy next week because everyone will be gone for Spring Break.  Currently there are amaretto cookies (delicious - I tried them on Mon and Tues) in there, but yesterday there was hazelnut milk chocolate from France(!) and morning treats from Starbucks(!).  I find that if I don't open the door to the snacks by eating the first one, I'm better able to resist them so today has been good so far.  On the Lenten journey, Doug and I are doing OK with giving up beer/wine (especially since Sundays are a day off) but dinner really feels less festive without the beer.  I can take or leave the wine.  AND, I seem to be unconsciously adding back whatever calories I would have had in the beer, so that is not working either. 

Happy almost weekend!


2011-03-31 12:20 PM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

I'm actually doing much better - the doctor thinks that my knee issue was (hopefully) a one-time thing from running too steeply on too much ice, snow and mud.  I ran on the TM yesterday and I didnt hurt so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for my long run this weekend. 

Things here in Boise have been pretty good - its actually sunny today, which hugely affects my mood, and I'm ignoring the 80% chance of rain on Saturday.  I'm still contemplating doing the Boise 70.3 since I know that NO ONE has been outside on their bikes much. 

I'm also pretty nervous about my race coming up in two weeks - its considered the hardest half in the northwest and is 9 miles straight up a mountain road and 4 miles straight down.  I've been told the downhill is the killer and lots of people wear knee braces just becuase its so brutal - not good news for my poor knees.

Anyway, thats about it around here.  DH is out of town but my parents are visiting and having a ton of fun with the kids.  Hope that everyone's week is going well. 

2011-03-31 2:10 PM
in reply to: #3423589

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
elizabethk - 2011-03-31 1:20 PM

I'm actually doing much better - the doctor thinks that my knee issue was (hopefully) a one-time thing from running too steeply on too much ice, snow and mud.  I ran on the TM yesterday and I didnt hurt so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for my long run this weekend. 

Things here in Boise have been pretty good - its actually sunny today, which hugely affects my mood, and I'm ignoring the 80% chance of rain on Saturday.  I'm still contemplating doing the Boise 70.3 since I know that NO ONE has been outside on their bikes much. 

I'm also pretty nervous about my race coming up in two weeks - its considered the hardest half in the northwest and is 9 miles straight up a mountain road and 4 miles straight down.  I've been told the downhill is the killer and lots of people wear knee braces just becuase its so brutal - not good news for my poor knees.

Anyway, thats about it around here.  DH is out of town but my parents are visiting and having a ton of fun with the kids.  Hope that everyone's week is going well. 

I'm glad that you are doing better!  Running in snow is really taxing so I can buy the idea that it caused your problem.

Regarding the mountain race - In the marathon, I found the downhills a lot harder than the uphills because my muscles got so tired that it was hard for them to support my knees.  I wonder if the braces would help lend additional support.  It is definitely worth testing out in training!

2011-03-31 10:38 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Had a good outdoor bike ride today! It was my first of the year and I enjoyed every moment. My quest for a road bike has not been completed, unfortunately, as there just hasn't been the time. Ah, well...soon perhaps.
2011-04-03 10:34 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Hi gang,

well it seems to have been a tumultuous time of late- my best wishes for speedy recovery go out to all you guys who are injure- not great! Hope you recover well!
I have actually been really busy, and not able to access the interwebs at work so often- so sorry I haven't checked in. I have actually been training very consistently- even getting promoted into the iron man land at swim squad.
I am enjoying the challenge of the new lane, but man, its hard work!
I raced as well a couple of weeks ago. Knocked 3 minutes off last year's time for the same race- I really enjoyed it, though my running is still my big weakness. Our season is now over, so in the off-season I am going to work on my running.
Must fill in my training logs- as I have been good, I promise!
Look forward to catching up on all the news


2011-04-07 9:28 AM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

Hey ladies!  Just checking in to see how everyone is doing.  My first race (a sprint) was scheduled for this weekend but I've decided to bag it because of my HM the following weekend.  I've put in way too much time running hills in the rain and snow and wind to risk getting hurt the week before it.  And I always seem to pull something during a race.  Other than that, nothing much new around here.  I finally got new speedplay pedals for my bike, and I think that they're really going to help my knee soreness.  I'm hoping to get out on them this weekend - I've still only had two outdoor rides all year and I'm dying to get off the trainer.

Anyway, hope that everyone is doing well.


2011-04-07 11:50 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

Hey, all. Checking in here too...things are settling down a little bit and I'm back to more regular workouts. I did decide to do an alternate event in early May (May 7) since it is settled down at home and I didn't get into my first choice event. Only thing about this tri is that the events are in a different order (run bike swim) and the swim is 900 yds instead of 500. Not a big deal, I swim more than that in every practice,  but I will have to make some adjustments for my first ever tri event.

How is everyone?

2011-04-09 10:55 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

Steph, should we continue with this thread with the new mentor forums open? I was curious - it's almost a shame to be a few weeks from my first-ever tri and not be with the group that has helped me train for it. I suppose we can keep in touch backchannel.

2011-04-09 6:40 PM
in reply to: #3265665

New user

Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

Hello!  I am back and am so sorry for my three week disappearance!  In the midst of breaking my elbow, my husband was out of town, the kids were sick and I was trying to get the house ready for the market on my own (weeding, gardening and staging with one arm).  Whew!  Something had to give and it was internet (facebook, begginer  We just got back from vacation and life feels much more in control . . . my arm is about 90% (it was either a hairline fracture or really bad sprain, not as bad the the orginal picture the ER doc gave me), although I can not straighten it or bend it totally.  I went for my first run this week.  I won't be doing my May 1 race but I plan to do an indoor tri at the end of April.

I hope that everyone is doing well and I am sorry that I have not been as supportive as I should have been!

2011-04-10 6:32 AM
in reply to: #3437486

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
calluna - 2011-04-09 11:55 AM

Steph, should we continue with this thread with the new mentor forums open? I was curious - it's almost a shame to be a few weeks from my first-ever tri and not be with the group that has helped me train for it. I suppose we can keep in touch backchannel.

I thought I responded from my phone yesterday, but I must have messed it up because there is no post here!

Hi Heather!  We can either continue this thread, support each other through inspires on our logs or start a new Spring mentor thread.  I am thinking that the "bosses" might prefer either the inspires or the new thread, so let me know which you'd prefer.

Katie - I am so glad that your elbow is getting better and you are already running!  That is fabulous news!


2011-04-10 2:14 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
A new thread means you'd be opening a mentor group for spring, right? That would be up to you. I'd probably go with the new thread given the choice, but I'm far from the only one here with input.
2011-04-11 2:34 PM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

Hey ladies -  If we start a new thread I'd join, but I'm likely going to be even less active on it than now - this spring is starting to get crazy busy.  I'm most likely just going to keep in touch sporadically through inspires, especially because I dont even have a tri scheduled until July right now.  Good luck to everyone and your upcoming season!!


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