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2009-01-23 7:24 AM
in reply to: #1923521

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Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
Sledge - 2009-01-22 5:34 PM

Thanks Amy for trying to focus this group, despite all the things you have going on.  I feel like a deadbeat.  I made a deal with myself that I'd keep up with the group this week while I'm on vacation, but would spend time writing again after I get to San Diego next week.  However, as Amy points out, we don't want this group to languish.  The first year I decided to do a triathlon I joined a mentoring group, and it made all the difference to me.  I'd like to see this group do the same for others (me included!).

So to catch up with my training -- there hasn't been any triathlon-specific work this week.  However, at least I've been active.

I feel a little guilty that I'm out here having such a good time while everyone is having such difficulties.  I do promise, though, to try to get back to tri training next week (even though I'll be traveling for business).  And as soon as I get back home, it's back to serious training!


P.S.  I would like to see this group survive!

Cheri girl!!! Keep having a great time on vacation, we are living vicariously through you I can tell you when I go on my cruise in April to Bahamas I won't be training....just probably some walking around deck............everyone needs down time, so no stress right now for you, it is always there waiting for you

2009-01-23 7:32 AM
in reply to: #1923639

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Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
HelenR - 2009-01-22 6:30 PM

Thanks Amy for the posting re the group. I as well lwould like to see this group continue- I think we have a lot of wonderful dynamic people- lets learn and build from from each other strengths!!

Lisa (lufferly)- I like the idea of specific questions/focus- and thought all the questions tou suggested were excellent and quick discussion areas- I know everyone is pressed with time. 

 And gang- I appreciate everyones posts and encouragement- thanks!


Helen - so is your cold/cough all better now? How was swim the other night? You and your daughter are very beautiful, of course you look like sisters I agree we have a dynamic group and I can't wait to grow with each of you, and this coming summer it will be awesome to cheer you on!!!
2009-01-23 7:38 AM
in reply to: #1923793

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Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
crea0029 - 2009-01-22 7:58 PM

Hi Everyone,

I feel like I owe everyone an apology.   I have not been as good of a mentor as I probably could be and for that I feel like I am failing the group.  Amy is right; I have been very busy between a job that is not traditional hours and now training for the biggest race of my life.  I would love any help I could get with starting discussions, asking questions, and keeping the conversation going.

I realize that right now just as our nation is going through, a lot of us are going through big changes of our own.   I know that better than I ever have before.

Thank you for being patient with me and not giving up on the group.

I would love to regroup and take a look at where everyone is it.  What are the challenges and good things that everyone is going through right now?  Who is feeling overwhelmed?

I am feeling overwhelmed myself especially with the work schedule.  But the good thing right now is I am getting in these important bases building workouts I need to do.  I have my race schedule pretty much figured out, but now I just need to make sure I am working with my schedule and making sure I still have some kind of a life.  I keep going in circles with relationships with my friends and just recently got dumped which didn't make anything difficult.  I know that many people have family and other commitments to get through.  Please forgive me for not being a good mentor this session.  I will try my best to pick it up but I would love any help I can get. 

Pam - don't apologize, I couldn't have been all you are at your age, I wasn't mature enough... I'm sorry the guy didn't work out, but I don't consider it dumped, I consider it being released to find your true love...and he is out there......please remember that and don't settle
I know you didn't have any idea how tough it was going to be to hold down a full time job, train and have a social is a huge undertaking....we are here for you too. Just do your best and we will all try to help you here on BT to keep moving the group along.
2009-01-23 7:42 AM
in reply to: #1913498

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Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
kew - 2009-01-16 11:03 PM

Hey Cath...If I can be of help with the nutrition log, just let me know.

As far as my plans for the weekend...I will be taking the kids to activities, visiting my mom and helping her out, grocery shopping and my own housework. Hope to squeeze in a run and/or a swim Saturday & Sunday.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Karen - I have been in your position with my Dad....boy is it hard to try to be great care giver to everyone....I know it's not easy to find time for yourself, just do what you can....and it is worth the time taking care of your was hard and even overwhelming at times with my Dad....but now I wish I could have some of that time with him.
Take care of yourself.
2009-01-23 7:47 AM
in reply to: #1918175

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Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
cathcan - 2009-01-20 11:51 AM

Hello out there....... mentee here wondering where everybody went. alright people this is the agoraphobic saying "everyone out from under your beds" if i can do this any body can. i am the ultimate scairdy cat (medically speaking of course) we seemed to have dropped off on the communicating level.  think of me standing all alone on a moutain top shouting : we can't quit now!!! we just got started." it doesn't matter if it is 10 minutes or 90 minutes i guarantee you will feel better for doing it. and your day will go better, you will sleep better. think better. stand taller, etc etc etc.  take care, love cath

Look who's becoming the voice of reason here at the group Your a leader and had no idea!!! Good for you Cath.......... We are now all out from under our beds and want to shout from the Mountain Tops with you You need us, but I think we need you more to show us how to overcome obstacles in our path....Thank you!
2009-01-23 7:50 AM
in reply to: #1923874

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Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
etknowles - 2009-01-22 8:39 PM

Some local plants...

Be back later... EK

Emerson - life has been throwing you a couple of changes too....and you have gracefully rolled with the punches....good for you! So have you re-group and gotten back on track? So when is your first Marathon............if you don't know already Emerson is the marathoner of the group and very good at it

2009-01-23 7:56 AM
in reply to: #1857670

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Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
Ok, so I have an entire page posts all to myself here time for you guys to catch me now...

Here is my deal. I'm getting better. My daughter goes today for ecocardigram (sp).
And I will be working on the design for shirts next week.

Amy CA. - wheather you know it or not you are still a part of our group No pressure just come back and touch base when you can.

Kathryn - the same goes for you, and we want and need you here so let us know how you are doing, and how life is treating you, we would really love to encourage and help you realize your dreams of doing your first Triathlon.................go girl!!!!

Amy IN

Edited by amy mutz 2009-01-23 8:00 AM
2009-01-23 7:58 AM
in reply to: #1857670

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Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
Oh yes, and I love my new reminds me of how I felt that day on the beach....warm, relaxed, the waves crashing, and just being with my wonderful family...the hippo is no longer...yay!!!
2009-01-23 10:09 AM
in reply to: #1857670

Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
WAHOO!!!! how exciting to log on this morning  and read all the gang.   interesting observation for me this week........sometimes the absence of those which we lean on allows us ( if we are willing) to see our own strengths. I use to blame everyone and every circumstance on my anxiety of the moment. While it is a work in progress, this mentor group has been so good for me being able to be honest and forthright. i am not sure if it is because i am not face to face  or if it was just the timing.  my entire reason for entering into the world of triathlon was to conquor fear, meet it head on.  Hiding from life only creates more fear ( hard lesson to learn and took me years, (still struggle with it)  i was able to work through the paranoia of this week  and still workout, eat (reasonalby well) and stay in touch  with family, friends and mentors. that is progress. As for nutrional struggle with me it is late night eating. one of my strategies has been successful of late in that I let the moment of impulse pass ( deep breaths, stay in bed,) 2 nights in a row i was able to fall back asleep without the 2:00 a.m. eating.  i am not hungry at this time just very very anxious. i will be away from the computer this weekend ( dance competition with my eldest daughter) taking all of my workout gear as i will be staying in a fancy smancy hotel with pool and gym.  Also our traveling companion ( another  dance mom) is a Canada iron man finisher pam and emerson we are here for you , always.  kato we miss you....... and everyone else thatank so much for checking in on me and finding time in your hectic lives for the wrods of encouragement.  guess thats all for now.   take care  cath.
2009-01-23 11:28 AM
in reply to: #1857670

Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
i would like to share something personal with you all. a bit of history first...... i was a singer for 18 years before starting our family.  was alway more comfortable on stage that in real life.  my career ended on a very sour note(pardon the pun) twelve years ago with a court case that went on for you guessed it 12 years.  i suffered a complete mental and physical breakdown during this time. amidst giving birth late in life and facing past crisis. long story short it all caught up  amidst the court case.      in this time I lost my music. it used to oooze out of me.  my guitar became a symbol of anxiety and i didn't even look at it let alone play it for 12 years. i lost all of my song lists that were embedded in my brain. you get the picture........ last friday i sang....... for 1 hour  at a small venue in the city.  50.00 whole dollars.  my first paying gig in a very long time. slowly my music is coming back. i had the phone in my hand three times the day before to cancel and talked myself out of turning the car around on the way there. it is such an enigma to me how calm i am on stage and how afraid i am  every where else.   ending on humorous not(parden the pun again)  i walked out of the gig to find a $15.00 parking ticket on my car nice to know god has a sense of humor.i am going to sing again in March ( baby steps)   take care all. thanks for listening.  cath
2009-01-23 5:32 PM
in reply to: #1925062

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Spring TX
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

cathcan - 2009-01-23 11:28 AM i would like to share something personal with you all. a bit of history first...... i was a singer for 18 years before starting our family.  was alway more comfortable on stage that in real life.  my career ended on a very sour note(pardon the pun) twelve years ago with a court case that went on for you guessed it 12 years.  i suffered a complete mental and physical breakdown during this time. amidst giving birth late in life and facing past crisis. long story short it all caught up  amidst the court case.      in this time I lost my music. it used to oooze out of me.  my guitar became a symbol of anxiety and i didn't even look at it let alone play it for 12 years. i lost all of my song lists that were embedded in my brain. you get the picture........ last friday i sang....... for 1 hour  at a small venue in the city.  50.00 whole dollars.  my first paying gig in a very long time. slowly my music is coming back. i had the phone in my hand three times the day before to cancel and talked myself out of turning the car around on the way there. it is such an enigma to me how calm i am on stage and how afraid i am  every where else.   ending on humorous not(parden the pun again)  i walked out of the gig to find a $15.00 parking ticket on my car nice to know god has a sense of humor.i am going to sing again in March ( baby steps)   take care all. thanks for listening.  cath

Cath, thanks for sharing your struggles with us and way to conquer your fears. My daughter is a singer/actor in NYC and very passionate about her art. It's all she's ever wanted to do literally since she was 5 and saw her first musical. I can't imagine if someone attempted to destroy that. I'm so glad you didn't pick up the phone and cancel your gig. Instead, you took the first step in getting your music back. Just like training, sometimes the hardest step is the first one out the door. Way to go!!

2009-01-23 11:35 PM
in reply to: #1925062

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
cathcan - 2009-01-23 11:28 AM

i would like to share something personal with you all. a bit of history first...... i was a singer for 18 years before starting our family.  was alway more comfortable on stage that in real life.  my career ended on a very sour note(pardon the pun) twelve years ago with a court case that went on for you guessed it 12 years.  i suffered a complete mental and physical breakdown during this time. amidst giving birth late in life and facing past crisis. long story short it all caught up  amidst the court case.      in this time I lost my music. it used to oooze out of me.  my guitar became a symbol of anxiety and i didn't even look at it let alone play it for 12 years. i lost all of my song lists that were embedded in my brain. you get the picture........ last friday i sang....... for 1 hour  at a small venue in the city.  50.00 whole dollars.  my first paying gig in a very long time. slowly my music is coming back. i had the phone in my hand three times the day before to cancel and talked myself out of turning the car around on the way there. it is such an enigma to me how calm i am on stage and how afraid i am  every where else.   ending on humorous not(parden the pun again)  i walked out of the gig to find a $15.00 parking ticket on my car nice to know god has a sense of humor.i am going to sing again in March ( baby steps)   take care all. thanks for listening.  cath

You know it is priceless that you got your voice back in more ways than one, you have overcome and I believe this is only the beginning for you, way to face your fears so you can live your life... We all do that in small way every day, but you have done it in a mega/huge way.
Thanks for sharing
Amy IN
2009-01-23 11:38 PM
in reply to: #1926092

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
lufferly - 2009-01-23 5:32 PM

cathcan - 2009-01-23 11:28 AM i would like to share something personal with you all. a bit of history first...... i was a singer for 18 years before starting our family.  was alway more comfortable on stage that in real life.  my career ended on a very sour note(pardon the pun) twelve years ago with a court case that went on for you guessed it 12 years.  i suffered a complete mental and physical breakdown during this time. amidst giving birth late in life and facing past crisis. long story short it all caught up  amidst the court case.      in this time I lost my music. it used to oooze out of me.  my guitar became a symbol of anxiety and i didn't even look at it let alone play it for 12 years. i lost all of my song lists that were embedded in my brain. you get the picture........ last friday i sang....... for 1 hour  at a small venue in the city.  50.00 whole dollars.  my first paying gig in a very long time. slowly my music is coming back. i had the phone in my hand three times the day before to cancel and talked myself out of turning the car around on the way there. it is such an enigma to me how calm i am on stage and how afraid i am  every where else.   ending on humorous not(parden the pun again)  i walked out of the gig to find a $15.00 parking ticket on my car nice to know god has a sense of humor.i am going to sing again in March ( baby steps)   take care all. thanks for listening.  cath

Cath, thanks for sharing your struggles with us and way to conquer your fears. My daughter is a singer/actor in NYC and very passionate about her art. It's all she's ever wanted to do literally since she was 5 and saw her first musical. I can't imagine if someone attempted to destroy that. I'm so glad you didn't pick up the phone and cancel your gig. Instead, you took the first step in getting your music back. Just like training, sometimes the hardest step is the first one out the door. Way to go!!

You must be very proud of your daughter, she is following her dreams. I would think it would be hard to encourage and let go, but that is our job to make them healthy and independent.
2009-01-23 11:43 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
Emerson - hope you have a good long run tomorrow!

We don't know anything on Lacy (my daughter) yet, we go to the doctor again Monday.
As for me I'm eating tofu and feeling better each day...ha I will be back in training in no time, actually I go back to the doc next Friday sp I will know much more than.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!! I think I'm going to the Y in the morning, or a walk the dog...and then a friend is having a baby shower....twins...I can't imagine.

Remember to always keep!!!

Amy IN
2009-01-24 12:51 PM
in reply to: #1926458

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

amy mutz - 2009-01-23 11:43 PM Emerson - hope you have a good long run tomorrow! We don't know anything on Lacy (my daughter) yet, we go to the doctor again Monday. As for me I'm eating tofu and feeling better each day...ha I will be back in training in no time, actually I go back to the doc next Friday sp I will know much more than. I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!! I think I'm going to the Y in the morning, or a walk the dog...and then a friend is having a baby shower....twins...I can't imagine. Remember to always keep!!! Amy IN

 Glad to hear that you are feeling better each day. We have to be sure that we listen to our bodies, especially as most of us (except Pam) are more "mature" athletes. I good a 5 mile run in this morning before my scheduled hair appointment. Trying to talk my 10 year old into going to get a new pair of cleats, but he's too busy with his friends right now, and not interested. Hope you get good news about Lacy on Monday. My daughter is lead in a show that opens next week at a theatre in Brooklyn. My husband and I hope to fly up to see her in the show next month. I keep checking the airfares hoping for a really good deal.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! I'm hoping to get to the gym later today for a swim, if not, I'll get it in tomorrow. I need to get motivated to get the laundry and housework done, and finish the last few pages of the book I'm reading. Pam, as a mental health professional, you might be interested in it. It's called "My Lobotomy" and it's an autobiography written by a middle aged man that had a lobotomy as a 12 year old which was totally uncalled for. The next book on my list is "The History of Love" which my daughter wants me to read along with her.

2009-01-24 4:58 PM
in reply to: #1926455

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

Happy weekend everyone!  I'm finished with my ski trip and now I'm back in Albuquerque until Monday.  Then I travel to San Diego until Friday for work.  However, I should have a bit more time now to participate. 

The ski week was great, and I believe that even though I wasn't biking, running, or swimming, I was working on endurance and strength.  We slept every night at 9200 feet, which is tough for this girl -- I usually live at 6 feet above sea level!   Hopefully that will give me an advantage when I finally do get back to running (tomorrow if I get my way!). 

The food at this place was fabulous -- mostly healthy selections but entirely too much!  I don't think I put on any weight because of all of the activity, but it's going to be an adjustment to get back to reality. 

Cath, your journey is incredible.  How courageous of you to face your fears and proceed (and overcome!).  I am in awe.

Amy, I hope for good things for both you and your daughter.  Good news is certainly due.

I'm going to visit everyone's logs and see how things are going.  I'm sorry the daily quote has been on vacation too, but I'll get back to it again as soon as I get home.

Let's roll!!!!

2009-01-24 6:07 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
Morning Amy...

I'm curious. What sort of plan does your doctor have you on? I have been seeing a naturalpath for a few months now and she has helped a lot. I am still not 100%, but getting there slowly. Did your doctor discover what you had through blood tests? I find the whole alternative medicine thing rather interesting.

Good luck on Monday. I will be thinking of you and your daughter.

Karen, I tried to reply to your log but it came up private...
So here is my response. My Doctor is a nutritionist/Chiropracter and he diagnosed my issues through the symptoms I was having, but is going to order me a blood test next week and he said that would be a better base to work from, he believes I'm very acidic. He has me on a nutrition based diet with veggies and protein being more important than anything else at this point, he said these things would make my body more akaline, he also has me on Pure Encapsulations: Nutrient 950 (2) daily, GlucoFunction (4) daily, Inflam RX (4) daily for inflamation, and Nano Pro drink once a day. I think the combo has taken close to a week to start turning things around, but I'm feeling so much better mentally, physically, and just all around better, and I dropped 5 lbs of water this week. So I'm working very hard to stick exactly to the program...the things that have been a bit hard are NO coke zero, red meat once a week, and just making sure I'm putting something in my mouth every 2-2.5 hours, and no cereal in the evening. At this point I would say it is working for me.

Thanks for you well wishes for my daughter, we are enjoying a very nice weekend together since she can't be at IU running, so I guess everything happens for a reason.
2009-01-24 6:14 PM
in reply to: #1926882

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
lufferly - 2009-01-24 12:51 PM

amy mutz - 2009-01-23 11:43 PM Emerson - hope you have a good long run tomorrow! We don't know anything on Lacy (my daughter) yet, we go to the doctor again Monday. As for me I'm eating tofu and feeling better each day...ha I will be back in training in no time, actually I go back to the doc next Friday sp I will know much more than. I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!! I think I'm going to the Y in the morning, or a walk the dog...and then a friend is having a baby shower....twins...I can't imagine. Remember to always keep!!! Amy IN

 Glad to hear that you are feeling better each day. We have to be sure that we listen to our bodies, especially as most of us (except Pam) are more "mature" athletes. I good a 5 mile run in this morning before my scheduled hair appointment. Trying to talk my 10 year old into going to get a new pair of cleats, but he's too busy with his friends right now, and not interested. Hope you get good news about Lacy on Monday. My daughter is lead in a show that opens next week at a theatre in Brooklyn. My husband and I hope to fly up to see her in the show next month. I keep checking the airfares hoping for a really good deal.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! I'm hoping to get to the gym later today for a swim, if not, I'll get it in tomorrow. I need to get motivated to get the laundry and housework done, and finish the last few pages of the book I'm reading. Pam, as a mental health professional, you might be interested in it. It's called "My Lobotomy" and it's an autobiography written by a middle aged man that had a lobotomy as a 12 year old which was totally uncalled for. The next book on my list is "The History of Love" which my daughter wants me to read along with her.

I think your are so right, many of us are muture athletes...that is exactly what my doctor said to me...he said you are training and making a race schedule for a 30 year old...he said I hate to say the age thing, but you have to train and race appropriately for your age. We do need to take that into consideration.
That is so exciting about you daughter opening in a show in Brooklyn...I sure hope you and hubby get to be there to sit in in the truley thrilling and nerve racking at the same time.
Have a great weekend!
2009-01-24 8:15 PM
in reply to: #1927191

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British Columbia
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
Hi Everyone.

Thanks for the info Amy. I don't know what the trouble is with my training log. I looked at the setting and the "private" setting is not checked off. If you guys continue to have problems, please let me know and I will have to contact the Administrator to see if they can figure this one out.

Do any of you have the latest Runners World Magazine (February)? They have a good article "Age Matters - Are you too old or too young to run your best marathon" It describes how aging affects our training.

I came across some recipes for making your own energy bars. Here is the first recipe:

Long Run Rounds


1/2 cup salted butter
1/2 cup demerara brown sugar
1/4 cup all-natural peanut butter
2 eggs


1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. real vanilla extract
1/2 tsp. cinnamon

Slowly add:

1 cup flour (whole wheat or buckwheat flour)

Once flour is mixed in, add:

1 cup pure semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 cup chopped pecans
3 cups large flake oats


1) Grease cookie sheet, preheat the oven to 350F, get a bowl of water. 2) Using a spoon, take a golf ball-sized amount of cookie dough in your hand. Roll it into a ball and place on to the cookie sheet. Continue making balls, and rinse your hands in the bowl of water after every 4-6 balls so that your hands don't get too sticky (don't worry about drying you hands after rinsing them, or getting the cookies a bit wet, it doesn't matter at all). 3) Bake for 12 - 15 minutes and allow to cool for about one hour before removing from cookie sheet. You can also double or triple the recipe and keep the dough in the freezer.

I haven't tried this recipe yet, but hopefully this weekend.

Have a great weekend everyone...


2009-01-24 10:16 PM
in reply to: #1926882

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
lufferly - 2009-01-24 12:51 PM 

 Glad to hear that you are feeling better each day. We have to be sure that we listen to our bodies, especially as most of us (except Pam) are more "mature" athletes.

Ahhh... you make this comment that because you guys are "mature" athletes you especially need to listen to your bodies, but what I am finding that is it is very important I pay attention right now to mine.  As I am stressing my body to new limits with IM training I am finding that listening to how I am feeling is so very important to stay good and strong during this long journey.  Even the littlest ache and pain needs attention before it gets any worse for me to get to the start line healthy and ready.


Who is doing anything fun this weekend?  Please share so I can live off you vicariously because I am stuck working all weekend and there is no fun for me till Monday night.

Who has any training aches and pains?  I have tons and am hoping that misery will have company here.

Well back to work... take care everyone!

Edited by crea0029 2009-01-24 10:17 PM
2009-01-24 11:15 PM
in reply to: #1927336

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
kew - 2009-01-24 8:15 PM

Hi Everyone.

Thanks for the info Amy. I don't know what the trouble is with my training log. I looked at the setting and the "private" setting is not checked off. If you guys continue to have problems, please let me know and I will have to contact the Administrator to see if they can figure this one out.

Do any of you have the latest Runners World Magazine (February)? They have a good article "Age Matters - Are you too old or too young to run your best marathon" It describes how aging affects our training.

I came across some recipes for making your own energy bars. Here is the first recipe:

Long Run Rounds


I got into your logs
1/2 cup salted butter
1/2 cup demerara brown sugar
1/4 cup all-natural peanut butter
2 eggs


1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. real vanilla extract
1/2 tsp. cinnamon

Slowly add:

1 cup flour (whole wheat or buckwheat flour)

Once flour is mixed in, add:

1 cup pure semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 cup chopped pecans
3 cups large flake oats


1) Grease cookie sheet, preheat the oven to 350F, get a bowl of water. 2) Using a spoon, take a golf ball-sized amount of cookie dough in your hand. Roll it into a ball and place on to the cookie sheet. Continue making balls, and rinse your hands in the bowl of water after every 4-6 balls so that your hands don't get too sticky (don't worry about drying you hands after rinsing them, or getting the cookies a bit wet, it doesn't matter at all). 3) Bake for 12 - 15 minutes and allow to cool for about one hour before removing from cookie sheet. You can also double or triple the recipe and keep the dough in the freezer.

I haven't tried this recipe yet, but hopefully this weekend.

Have a great weekend everyone...



I now have access to your logs, don't know what the problem was, but it is fixed now.
I have saved the recipe for energy bars for when I get to a long run, I won't make them right now because I'm one of those people that loves cookie dough and would probably end up eating most of it before baking.

2009-01-24 11:20 PM
in reply to: #1927434

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
crea0029 - 2009-01-24 10:16 PM

lufferly - 2009-01-24 12:51 PM 

 Glad to hear that you are feeling better each day. We have to be sure that we listen to our bodies, especially as most of us (except Pam) are more "mature" athletes.

Ahhh... you make this comment that because you guys are "mature" athletes you especially need to listen to your bodies, but what I am finding that is it is very important I pay attention right now to mine.  As I am stressing my body to new limits with IM training I am finding that listening to how I am feeling is so very important to stay good and strong during this long journey.  Even the littlest ache and pain needs attention before it gets any worse for me to get to the start line healthy and ready.


Who is doing anything fun this weekend?  Please share so I can live off you vicariously because I am stuck working all weekend and there is no fun for me till Monday night.

Who has any training aches and pains?  I have tons and am hoping that misery will have company here.

Well back to work... take care everyone!

Pam - very true you should watch you body and changes at all ages, especially with intense training...which you are going to be in for the next few months.

Not really doing anything exciting this weekend, but did go to a baby shower for a friend that is having twins, and then have just relaxed with the family all weekend which has been very nice.

Well I have had "many" training aches and pains that I thought were just part of the game...but my doctor said once I have repaired my body on the whole I shouldn't be feeling all that pain ie: back, neck, hip, feet....yes I body break down, I'm very excited to get back into the heat of training to see if he's right....that would be great.

Have a great Sunday!!!!

Amy IN
2009-01-25 8:29 AM
in reply to: #1927434

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
crea0029 - 2009-01-24 10:16 PM
lufferly - 2009-01-24 12:51 PM 

 Glad to hear that you are feeling better each day. We have to be sure that we listen to our bodies, especially as most of us (except Pam) are more "mature" athletes.

Ahhh... you make this comment that because you guys are "mature" athletes you especially need to listen to your bodies, but what I am finding that is it is very important I pay attention right now to mine.  As I am stressing my body to new limits with IM training I am finding that listening to how I am feeling is so very important to stay good and strong during this long journey.  Even the littlest ache and pain needs attention before it gets any worse for me to get to the start line healthy and ready.


Who is doing anything fun this weekend?  Please share so I can live off you vicariously because I am stuck working all weekend and there is no fun for me till Monday night.

Who has any training aches and pains?  I have tons and am hoping that misery will have company here.

Well back to work... take care everyone!

Pam, you are right, we all need to listen to our bodies, especially as we ramp up the training.  I really hate to take medicine, and my back was still bothering me last week.  I faithfully took some antiinflammatories and muscle relaxers (well, faithfully twice a day rather than the three times a day prescribed) and think I've finally gotten it under control. And I have some pain in my right knee that started in November when I got my new shoes, which was also when I was ramping up my running, even though they make my legs in general feel so much better. Are we making you feel any better?

My neighbor took my son to see the Body World exhibit yesterday so my husband and I went to check out a new furniture store. So, looks like we may be ordering new living room furniture today. The problem with that, is it makes me want new flooring, which will lead me to want new paint! Still need to get the house cleaned and laundry done, and a swim and ride in today.

2009-01-25 8:53 AM
in reply to: #1927434

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
crea0029 - 2009-01-24 10:16 PM
lufferly - 2009-01-24 12:51 PM 

 Glad to hear that you are feeling better each day. We have to be sure that we listen to our bodies, especially as most of us (except Pam) are more "mature" athletes.

Ahhh... you make this comment that because you guys are "mature" athletes you especially need to listen to your bodies, but what I am finding that is it is very important I pay attention right now to mine.  As I am stressing my body to new limits with IM training I am finding that listening to how I am feeling is so very important to stay good and strong during this long journey.  Even the littlest ache and pain needs attention before it gets any worse for me to get to the start line healthy and ready.


Who is doing anything fun this weekend?  Please share so I can live off you vicariously because I am stuck working all weekend and there is no fun for me till Monday night.

Who has any training aches and pains?  I have tons and am hoping that misery will have company here.

Well back to work... take care everyone!

I am doing something fun today -- we have a friend who has a light sport airplane, and he's taking me flying today!  It's a beautiful day here, so we should have lots of fun!

As for training aches and pains, I've actually managed to get rid of most of mine this week.  To me that is unbelievable -- to ski for a week and feel better at the end of it than I did at the beginnning!  I think the greater volume I was doing before the trip helped me immensely.  But my usual aches are in my legs and lower back after my long run and in my right shoulder after swimming (that's the shoulder where I had the plate to help the collarbone heal).  But in general my body is managed the training fairly well, especially for a "mature" athlete.

2009-01-25 9:02 AM
in reply to: #1927646

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
Sledge - 2009-01-25 8:53 AM

crea0029 - 2009-01-24 10:16 PM
lufferly - 2009-01-24 12:51 PM 

 Glad to hear that you are feeling better each day. We have to be sure that we listen to our bodies, especially as most of us (except Pam) are more "mature" athletes.

Ahhh... you make this comment that because you guys are "mature" athletes you especially need to listen to your bodies, but what I am finding that is it is very important I pay attention right now to mine.  As I am stressing my body to new limits with IM training I am finding that listening to how I am feeling is so very important to stay good and strong during this long journey.  Even the littlest ache and pain needs attention before it gets any worse for me to get to the start line healthy and ready.


Who is doing anything fun this weekend?  Please share so I can live off you vicariously because I am stuck working all weekend and there is no fun for me till Monday night.

Who has any training aches and pains?  I have tons and am hoping that misery will have company here.

Well back to work... take care everyone!

I am doing something fun today -- we have a friend who has a light sport airplane, and he's taking me flying today!  It's a beautiful day here, so we should have lots of fun!

As for training aches and pains, I've actually managed to get rid of most of mine this week.  To me that is unbelievable -- to ski for a week and feel better at the end of it than I did at the beginnning!  I think the greater volume I was doing before the trip helped me immensely.  But my usual aches are in my legs and lower back after my long run and in my right shoulder after swimming (that's the shoulder where I had the plate to help the collarbone heal).  But in general my body is managed the training fairly well, especially for a "mature" athlete.

Cheri - you are chasing my dream today...I would love to get my Pilots license!!!! I love to fly and I love watching anything fly ei: birds, helicopter, ultralight, plane or makes me feel free, so please take the experience in for me while you are up there
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