BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Ryan and Mike's beginner group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2011-02-01 10:02 PM
in reply to: #3331965

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Subject: Thanks Helpful for searching

2011-02-02 3:08 PM
in reply to: #3260767

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Orlando, Fl
Subject: Swimming
Hi Everyone,

So I have a question for the super star swimmers Laughing The Tri I am doing is a snake swim in a pool so we had to estimate our time for 400 meters. I put down 9 minutes just as a guess. When I swam today I was pretty much on target for 9 minutes. I am a pretty good swimmer (ex lifeguard and water safety instructor) it has just been awhile since I have swam consistently. What is a good time for a 400 meter swim?

2011-02-02 4:11 PM
in reply to: #3335788

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Allen, TX
Subject: RE: Swimming
I wouldn't consider myself a super star by any definition, but here goes my two cents.  Anything close to 2 minutes per 100 meters is a solid time and will definitely put you in the middle of the pack (probably closer to the front of the middle, if that makes sense) for most races.  If you can get to 1:30 per 100 meters, you are absolutely cruising and could likely be the first out of the water. 

The problem is, a lot (and I mean a lot) of people lie on their swim times.  I'm not sure what the reasoning is.... maybe they don't want to be the last one in the pool, or they want to be on the bike early, or they have an important lunch date, or whatever.  The point is, you will be swimming over a few folks in the pool - just expect it.  The good news is that if you put your honest time down, you will likely not get swam over, unless someone tries to go all out on the first 100 meters and then poops out early (see my earlier post on that one).

Oh, and a bit of advice on the pool swim.  You will likely not be able to dive in, so simply walk right off the edge into the pool.  This will allow you to use the wall right behind you to get a good push forward and get you up to the surface in a horizontal position.  You will see people that run and jump in (I even saw some guy do a big cannonball once), which may appear to do some good, but actually will slow you down in the long run.  It's a lot harder to get horizontal and moving forward from a standing position.  Using the wall will work much better for you.

Good luck, you'll be fine.
2011-02-02 4:27 PM
in reply to: #3335952

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Orlando, Fl
Subject: RE: Swimming
Thanks for the info. I feel like I should be able to get under 2 mins per 100 meters by the time the tri comes around. I just don't want to go all out in the swim and kill myself which I know I will be tempted to do, due to adrenaline and nerves. Im gonna focus on steady strong swim for my training and try and pace myself...
2011-02-02 7:31 PM
in reply to: #3335788

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Swimming
Jaime1017 - 2011-02-02 3:08 PM Hi Everyone,

So I have a question for the super star swimmers Laughing The Tri I am doing is a snake swim in a pool so we had to estimate our time for 400 meters. I put down 9 minutes just as a guess. When I swam today I was pretty much on target for 9 minutes. I am a pretty good swimmer (ex lifeguard and water safety instructor) it has just been awhile since I have swam consistently. What is a good time for a 400 meter swim?


Sorry, but this is tough to put a number on.  Look at the times from last year and see what the range is.  You'll have to decide what is good. 
2011-02-02 9:42 PM
in reply to: #3260767

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - CLOSED
How was everyone's day? 

I managed to get a swim in even though things were conspiring against me.  I got a ride to work today because my car doesn't do well in the snow.  I didn't feel like swimming tonight but figured I should because I skipped Monday.  So the plan was to hop in my car and go straight to the Y after work.  They have open swim at 6 pm and 8 pm, I get home at 5:45.  So I get home at 5:45 and my daughter's car is parked behind mine and still has a 1/4 inch of ice and a 1/2 inch of sleet on it (even though she said whe would clear it today).  My wife was heading out for an errand, so she dropped me off on her way.  When I got there, my goggles weren't in my bag.  Crap.  So when I got to the pool area I asked the life guard if they had some in lost and found and I borrowed a pair (that gave me raccoon eyes :-)).

So all in all, it was a win. 

2011-02-02 10:29 PM
in reply to: #3326092

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Swimming
rhetts - 2011-01-27 10:59 PM

The largest problem I see with people who are learning to swim is technique and overall tempo - you don't go faster for long by pumping your arms like your trying to start a Model-T.  Slow and steady strokes, reaching as far out in front of you as possible will naturally rotate your body - don't push it or be too tight, simply let your body roll as you reach out in front of you. 

Thanks again for this.  I think about it every swim now and can feel my back/shoulder muscles (deltoids I think?) engaging more.
2011-02-03 6:22 PM
in reply to: #3260767

Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - CLOSED
IF you can swim a 9 min 400, I would suggest putting more like a 8 for your time.  As stated before, ALOT of people dont know or thinking there fast(without ever swimming) so they put a faster time. If you feel good about swimming, you can always make faster people pass you.  I wouldn't suggest doing this if your not confident swimmer.  Also like you said, your juice will be flowing and you'll swim faster.   Thats a good swim time!
2011-02-04 11:29 AM
in reply to: #3336535

New user

Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - CLOSED
ransick - 2011-02-02 9:42 PM How was everyone's day?  

So when I got to the pool area I asked the life guard if they had some in lost and found and I borrowed a pair (that gave me raccoon eyes :-)).

that is dedication right there.  i would have had to head to the weights instead.  i had a decent swim yesterday (1mi in 37 min.)  Weather permitting here in mobile, we are supposed to have a 60 mile bike ride sunday followed by a 10 mile run. its time for me to start putting together some bricks if i am going to be able to finish the new orleans HIM.  

it seems like everyone is staying relatively injury free and training is coming along well.  I have realized lately that I havent been doing any stretching, and I am going to start yoga.  I can feel myself getting tight, and I really dont want to pull a muscle this late. 
2011-02-04 7:10 PM
in reply to: #3338230

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Orlando, Fl
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - CLOSED
Thanks Bigr82 =)
2011-02-04 8:52 PM
in reply to: #3339279

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - CLOSED
CliffK110 - 2011-02-04 11:29 AM
ransick - 2011-02-02 9:42 PM How was everyone's day?  

So when I got to the pool area I asked the life guard if they had some in lost and found and I borrowed a pair (that gave me raccoon eyes :-)).

that is dedication right there.  i would have had to head to the weights instead.  i had a decent swim yesterday (1mi in 37 min.)  Weather permitting here in mobile, we are supposed to have a 60 mile bike ride sunday followed by a 10 mile run. its time for me to start putting together some bricks if i am going to be able to finish the new orleans HIM.  

it seems like everyone is staying relatively injury free and training is coming along well.  I have realized lately that I havent been doing any stretching, and I am going to start yoga.  I can feel myself getting tight, and I really dont want to pull a muscle this late. 

Nice swim!

Have you done any bricks yet?

Good idea with the yoga.  That's something I wish I had time to do. 

2011-02-05 10:34 AM
in reply to: #3260767

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Orlando, Fl
Subject: 5K
So today I ran a 5K called Lady Track Shack which was for breast cancer. I wanted to get at least 11/mile. Since I started training I have only ran 3 miles 3 times before today. I finished with a pace of 10:12 a mile, I am so happy with this. I am well on my way and want to start running more intervals so I can increase my mileage.

After the 5K I wanted to get a swim in, but forgot my swim bag so I decided to come home get my bike and take it to the shop to get tuned up and then I would go to the gym to swim. When I got back to the gym I opened my bag and had no suit in there...ugh! So I decided it wasn't meant to be today. I will swim tomorrow

Here is a link for a small tri coming up in March if anyone is interested:

Edited by Jaime1017 2011-02-05 10:41 AM
2011-02-05 10:36 AM
in reply to: #3340502

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: 5K
Great job on your 5k!  What a great feeling. 

I've had swim days like that.  It is frustrating.
2011-02-05 10:11 PM
in reply to: #3260767

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St. Louis
Subject: Bike Training
Bike Training

Whether you are a beginner or experienced triathlete/cyclist, the best way to improve is to put in more time in the saddle.  The training you need really depends on the type of racing you plan to do (sprint, Oly or long course) and the type of course you will be racing (flat or hilly, straight or curvy). I believe in mixing it up, just like running. One long endurance ride per week plus one or two medium length rides (with some sprints or hill repeats during the ride) plus one or two short rides concentrating on high cadence are a good general plan. 

Bike training in the winter can be difficult.  Consider buying a bike trainer so you can ride your bike inside.  Check ebay and Craig's list and you might find a decent deal on a fluid trainer.  If you do trainer workouts, buy a couple good fans to keep you cool.  If you don't, you'll overheat quickly without the breeze you get riding outside.  If you don't want to buy a trainer, consider going to spinning classes.  They look like really good work outs.

Bike fit is very important.  You should be able to ride for hours with no back, hip or shoulder pain.  If your pain doesn't subside on it's own, consider getting a bike fit at your LBS (locl nike shop) if they do them.  Rear end pain is common and should lessen as your time in the saddle increases.  

Handling skills are very important.  Time in the saddle is the best way to improve them.  Beyond that, riding one handing while taking a drink and riding no handed while stretching the back are good ways to improve handling skills.  If you really want to improve, you can go to a parking lot and practice figure 8's no handed and picking water bottles up off the parking lot while riding slowly by.  

Edited by ransick 2011-02-05 10:12 PM
2011-02-05 10:15 PM
in reply to: #3260767

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St. Louis
Subject: Superbowl

Who is everyone cheering for?  Who do you think will win?

I'm a big Steelers fan.  Hopefully it will be a good game. 

2011-02-06 7:18 AM
in reply to: #3341136

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New user

Lake Saint Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Superbowl
ransick - 2011-02-05 10:15 PM

Who is everyone cheering for?  Who do you think will win?

I'm a big Steelers fan.  Hopefully it will be a good game. 

I have to go for the Steelers...childhood connection....  In the 70's brother got Dallas & I got the Steelers...We did even concider the "Home Team STL Cardinals"

2011-02-06 12:26 PM
in reply to: #3341136

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: Superbowl
ransick - 2011-02-05 11:15 PM

Who is everyone cheering for?  Who do you think will win?

I'm a big Steelers fan.  Hopefully it will be a good game. 

for me it's not "who," but "what" ..namely, the last game of the season that will be on the family room screen!Tongue out
2011-02-06 12:40 PM
in reply to: #3260767

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - CLOSED
RE calories in / calories out...

got my new little gizmo a couple of days ago from jenny craig, and it's really interesting (to me, at least, in a geeky sort of way) - it apparently utilizes a few different kinds of information (accelerometer, heat flux, skin temperature & galvanic skin response (GSR)) to calculate calories burned, sleep time, etc. Ideally I'm supposed to wear it all the time (tho unfortunately it's not waterproof - will have to estimate #s for swimming and input manually). It's made by Bodymedia, fyi.

Yesterday was my 1st full day with it - what's interesting is to see how it estimated my calories burned during and AFTER my workout: I was in spin class 10:30-11:30, then played with weights another 20 minutes or so, yet it shows the calorie burn continuing much longer (also think it's hilarious that that was considered largely "moderate" activity - any more vigorous & I swear I really would've puked or passed out!).

Someone - sorry, forgot who - was curious about hearing more when I got it, so wanted to provide more info - have a picture of the output it provides, too.  For those of you who don't care, don't worry, I don't plan to post this on a regular basis! Smile


mmax_2.jpg (78KB - 10 downloads)
2011-02-06 10:15 PM
in reply to: #3341587

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - CLOSED
MarlaS - 2011-02-06 12:40 PM RE calories in / calories out...

got my new little gizmo a couple of days ago from jenny craig, and it's really interesting (to me, at least, in a geeky sort of way) - it apparently utilizes a few different kinds of information (accelerometer, heat flux, skin temperature & galvanic skin response (GSR)) to calculate calories burned, sleep time, etc. Ideally I'm supposed to wear it all the time (tho unfortunately it's not waterproof - will have to estimate #s for swimming and input manually). It's made by Bodymedia, fyi.

Yesterday was my 1st full day with it - what's interesting is to see how it estimated my calories burned during and AFTER my workout: I was in spin class 10:30-11:30, then played with weights another 20 minutes or so, yet it shows the calorie burn continuing much longer (also think it's hilarious that that was considered largely "moderate" activity - any more vigorous & I swear I really would've puked or passed out!).

Someone - sorry, forgot who - was curious about hearing more when I got it, so wanted to provide more info - have a picture of the output it provides, too.  For those of you who don't care, don't worry, I don't plan to post this on a regular basis! Smile

Looks like you need more sleep and your target calories consumed are set too low.  Did you calculate your base metabolic rate and add what you plan to burn exercising?

Interesting it shows you continuing to burn more calories once you are done.  I've read that is true.  Maybe recovery burns more calories.
2011-02-07 12:04 PM
in reply to: #3342363

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Allen, TX
Subject: Sick - Out of commission all weekend
This stinks - I am in probably the most critical time frame of my training, and am sick as a dog.  My whole clan has got this crud, and I think my kids more than likely brought it home to us.  For those of you who have kids, you already know this, but for those of you who don't, beware.  A kid can come home with a little stuffed nose and be cranky, but when they pass that baby bug to you, watch out - that thing will knock you on you back for a week.

One glimmer of hope though, I did just get some antibiotics called into the pharmacy for me.  Teladoc is the best - if you guys haven't heard of it, check it out.  Our company started providing that benefit for free and it is awesome - just set up an appointment online, a doctor calls you 15 minutes later to discuss your symptoms, and BAM!  Prescriptions called in to your local pharmacy to alleviate your issues.  I'll pick those up on my way home from work and hopefully be feeling better soon.

Hope all are doing well.  And thanks for the Bike suggestions, that is my main focus right now.

2011-02-07 7:22 PM
in reply to: #3343170

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Sick - Out of commission all weekend
rhetts - 2011-02-07 12:04 PM This stinks - I am in probably the most critical time frame of my training, and am sick as a dog.  My whole clan has got this crud, and I think my kids more than likely brought it home to us.  For those of you who have kids, you already know this, but for those of you who don't, beware.  A kid can come home with a little stuffed nose and be cranky, but when they pass that baby bug to you, watch out - that thing will knock you on you back for a week.

One glimmer of hope though, I did just get some antibiotics called into the pharmacy for me.  Teladoc is the best - if you guys haven't heard of it, check it out.  Our company started providing that benefit for free and it is awesome - just set up an appointment online, a doctor calls you 15 minutes later to discuss your symptoms, and BAM!  Prescriptions called in to your local pharmacy to alleviate your issues.  I'll pick those up on my way home from work and hopefully be feeling better soon.

Hope all are doing well.  And thanks for the Bike suggestions, that is my main focus right now.


That sucks and is very frustrating.  Don't let the stress of not training make it worse. From what I've read, once you miss more than a few days you shouldn't try to make up the work outs.   

2011-02-07 8:09 PM
in reply to: #3342363

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - CLOSED
ransick - 2011-02-06 11:15 PM
MarlaS - 2011-02-06 12:40 PM RE calories in / calories out...

got my new little gizmo a couple of days ago from jenny craig, and it's really interesting (to me, at least, in a geeky sort of way) - it apparently utilizes a few different kinds of information (accelerometer, heat flux, skin temperature & galvanic skin response (GSR)) to calculate calories burned, sleep time, etc. Ideally I'm supposed to wear it all the time (tho unfortunately it's not waterproof - will have to estimate #s for swimming and input manually). It's made by Bodymedia, fyi.

Yesterday was my 1st full day with it - what's interesting is to see how it estimated my calories burned during and AFTER my workout: I was in spin class 10:30-11:30, then played with weights another 20 minutes or so, yet it shows the calorie burn continuing much longer (also think it's hilarious that that was considered largely "moderate" activity - any more vigorous & I swear I really would've puked or passed out!).

Someone - sorry, forgot who - was curious about hearing more when I got it, so wanted to provide more info - have a picture of the output it provides, too.  For those of you who don't care, don't worry, I don't plan to post this on a regular basis! Smile

Looks like you need more sleep and your target calories consumed are set too low.  Did you calculate your base metabolic rate and add what you plan to burn exercising?

Interesting it shows you continuing to burn more calories once you are done.  I've read that is true.  Maybe recovery burns more calories.

yeah, chronic sleep deprivation... really trying not to be a night owl... I know it's a big deal but it's hard! (I'm actually better, believe it or not)

How do I calculate my base metabolic rate? It asks about how much activity I estimate - I told it I estimated maybe an hour of moderate activity a day, or something like that.

I did make up for it by making a steak for dinner...haven't had one in don't know when, and man, was it good. Stomach's hurting, but it was good going down.... Smile

(thanks for your $.02!)
2011-02-07 8:11 PM
in reply to: #3344060

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: Sick - Out of commission all weekend
ransick - 2011-02-07 8:22 PM
rhetts - 2011-02-07 12:04 PM This stinks - I am in probably the most critical time frame of my training, and am sick as a dog.  My whole clan has got this crud, and I think my kids more than likely brought it home to us.  For those of you who have kids, you already know this, but for those of you who don't, beware.  A kid can come home with a little stuffed nose and be cranky, but when they pass that baby bug to you, watch out - that thing will knock you on you back for a week.

One glimmer of hope though, I did just get some antibiotics called into the pharmacy for me.  Teladoc is the best - if you guys haven't heard of it, check it out.  Our company started providing that benefit for free and it is awesome - just set up an appointment online, a doctor calls you 15 minutes later to discuss your symptoms, and BAM!  Prescriptions called in to your local pharmacy to alleviate your issues.  I'll pick those up on my way home from work and hopefully be feeling better soon.

Hope all are doing well.  And thanks for the Bike suggestions, that is my main focus right now.


That sucks and is very frustrating.  Don't let the stress of not training make it worse. From what I've read, once you miss more than a few days you shouldn't try to make up the work outs.   

dam little germmongers.... sounds nuts, but when i've been out for short bursts w/ illness or injury, seem to always have my best runs after it's the body's cue that it just wants a break not in the training plan. Rest well, and don't push it - and good luck!
2011-02-07 9:06 PM
in reply to: #3344109

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - CLOSED
MarlaS - 2011-02-07 8:09 PM
ransick - 2011-02-06 11:15 PM
MarlaS - 2011-02-06 12:40 PM RE calories in / calories out...

got my new little gizmo a couple of days ago from jenny craig, and it's really interesting (to me, at least, in a geeky sort of way) - it apparently utilizes a few different kinds of information (accelerometer, heat flux, skin temperature & galvanic skin response (GSR)) to calculate calories burned, sleep time, etc. Ideally I'm supposed to wear it all the time (tho unfortunately it's not waterproof - will have to estimate #s for swimming and input manually). It's made by Bodymedia, fyi.

Yesterday was my 1st full day with it - what's interesting is to see how it estimated my calories burned during and AFTER my workout: I was in spin class 10:30-11:30, then played with weights another 20 minutes or so, yet it shows the calorie burn continuing much longer (also think it's hilarious that that was considered largely "moderate" activity - any more vigorous & I swear I really would've puked or passed out!).

Someone - sorry, forgot who - was curious about hearing more when I got it, so wanted to provide more info - have a picture of the output it provides, too.  For those of you who don't care, don't worry, I don't plan to post this on a regular basis! Smile

Looks like you need more sleep and your target calories consumed are set too low.  Did you calculate your base metabolic rate and add what you plan to burn exercising?

Interesting it shows you continuing to burn more calories once you are done.  I've read that is true.  Maybe recovery burns more calories.

yeah, chronic sleep deprivation... really trying not to be a night owl... I know it's a big deal but it's hard! (I'm actually better, believe it or not)

How do I calculate my base metabolic rate? It asks about how much activity I estimate - I told it I estimated maybe an hour of moderate activity a day, or something like that.

I did make up for it by making a steak for dinner...haven't had one in don't know when, and man, was it good. Stomach's hurting, but it was good going down.... Smile

(thanks for your $.02!)

You can calculate your base metabolic rate (calories burned just breathing and supporting your body) using a calculator here.  Then add more calories based on what workouts you plan to do.  Then you can calculate how much to add to the base rate either here or use the calories burned during swim/bike/run using these equations (if you aren't equation inclined, let me know and I'll help).

Swim - 100Cal/400m = 530 calories for 1.2 miles
Bike - .26Cal/lbs mi  = 2330 calories for moving 160 pounds 56 miles
Run - .73Cal/lbs mi = 1530 calories for moving 160 pounds 13.1 miles

There are also websites that estimate calories burned based on activities.  Jenny Craig may have a page for that too.

Add those two numbers and subtract 500 from that (so you lose a pound a week) and that is your target.

The target calories your gizmo calculated could be correct but it would be good to double check.
2011-02-07 10:05 PM
in reply to: #3344180

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - CLOSED
ransick - 2011-02-07 10:06 PM
MarlaS - 2011-02-07 8:09 PM
ransick - 2011-02-06 11:15 PM
MarlaS - 2011-02-06 12:40 PM RE calories in / calories out...

got my new little gizmo a couple of days ago from jenny craig, and it's really interesting (to me, at least, in a geeky sort of way) - it apparently utilizes a few different kinds of information (accelerometer, heat flux, skin temperature & galvanic skin response (GSR)) to calculate calories burned, sleep time, etc. Ideally I'm supposed to wear it all the time (tho unfortunately it's not waterproof - will have to estimate #s for swimming and input manually). It's made by Bodymedia, fyi.

Yesterday was my 1st full day with it - what's interesting is to see how it estimated my calories burned during and AFTER my workout: I was in spin class 10:30-11:30, then played with weights another 20 minutes or so, yet it shows the calorie burn continuing much longer (also think it's hilarious that that was considered largely "moderate" activity - any more vigorous & I swear I really would've puked or passed out!).

Someone - sorry, forgot who - was curious about hearing more when I got it, so wanted to provide more info - have a picture of the output it provides, too.  For those of you who don't care, don't worry, I don't plan to post this on a regular basis! Smile

Looks like you need more sleep and your target calories consumed are set too low.  Did you calculate your base metabolic rate and add what you plan to burn exercising?

Interesting it shows you continuing to burn more calories once you are done.  I've read that is true.  Maybe recovery burns more calories.

yeah, chronic sleep deprivation... really trying not to be a night owl... I know it's a big deal but it's hard! (I'm actually better, believe it or not)

How do I calculate my base metabolic rate? It asks about how much activity I estimate - I told it I estimated maybe an hour of moderate activity a day, or something like that.

I did make up for it by making a steak for dinner...haven't had one in don't know when, and man, was it good. Stomach's hurting, but it was good going down.... Smile

(thanks for your $.02!)

You can calculate your base metabolic rate (calories burned just breathing and supporting your body) using a calculator here.  Then add more calories based on what workouts you plan to do.  Then you can calculate how much to add to the base rate either here or use the calories burned during swim/bike/run using these equations (if you aren't equation inclined, let me know and I'll help).

Swim - 100Cal/400m = 530 calories for 1.2 miles
Bike - .26Cal/lbs mi  = 2330 calories for moving 160 pounds 56 miles
Run - .73Cal/lbs mi = 1530 calories for moving 160 pounds 13.1 miles

There are also websites that estimate calories burned based on activities.  Jenny Craig may have a page for that too.

Add those two numbers and subtract 500 from that (so you lose a pound a week) and that is your target.

The target calories your gizmo calculated could be correct but it would be good to double check.

actually, if i use harris-benedict, then that comes out to 2200 calories a week or 1700 to lose a pound a week, right? interesting. maybe that hunk of red meat did me some good tonight after all :-)
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