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2011-02-21 5:18 PM
in reply to: #3271854

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Today I was at the gym doing my usual PT, and something happened. As I stepped up on the BOSU ball I had a sharp pain in my hip flexor.
Hurts to walk.
Called my husband to come and bring me crutches.
He examined me.....he is a doctor.......and does not think its anything serious, but I am understandably concerned and beyond frustrated right now. 


2011-02-21 5:40 PM
in reply to: #3271854


Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED

I was sick all of last week so I didn't do a thing.  Cold turned into a sinus infection/flu type thing so I was in no shape to workout.  This week I am feeling much better so I did manage to run 3 miles on the treadmill this morning.  I missed out on the warm weather we had last week, but I know spring is coming soon!  Tomorrow is my day off from work so I plan on spending a good deal of time at the gym.

2011-02-22 6:02 AM
in reply to: #3271854

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On your right
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
With the stress fracture, you need to determine if it's "sore" or "painful".  If it's painful, is it a sharp pain, or a dull pain?  Is it during the whole run, or post run?  Stuff like that really can clue us/you in to if you need to stop or can keep on going.  Really your MD is the best person for advice on this one though.

Helen, you might as well just give up on being an athlete.  Just sit on the couch, eat bon bons and watch Oprah and Judge Judy.  Heaven forbid after having surgery and not being very active, it takes your body some time to adjust to doing things again.  You spend so much time prancing around in spandex that acting like a diva is coming a little too naturally, methinks. 
2011-02-22 8:54 AM
in reply to: #3365821

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Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
I took Thursday off b/c i worked out in some form, Sunday through Wednesday.  Then there was celebrating to be done on Friday and Saturday.  My wife had some great news to do with finishing her disertation.  So Sunday was a recovery day.  Feeling ready to go today, wish it wasn't so cold outside. 
2011-02-23 6:29 AM
in reply to: #3271854

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On your right
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Ok, it looks like all the illness in the Chad house is cleared up, and my toe (which somehow got infected to where I couldn't even wear shoes w/o it being quite painful) is better as well. 

My training will resume at a frantic pace, methinks.
2011-02-23 2:24 PM
in reply to: #3366339

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Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Chaderbox - 2011-02-22 5:02 AM With the stress fracture, you need to determine if it's "sore" or "painful".  If it's painful, is it a sharp pain, or a dull pain?  Is it during the whole run, or post run?  Stuff like that really can clue us/you in to if you need to stop or can keep on going.  Really your MD is the best person for advice on this one though.

Helen, you might as well just give up on being an athlete.  Just sit on the couch, eat bon bons and watch Oprah and Judge Judy.  Heaven forbid after having surgery and not being very active, it takes your body some time to adjust to doing things again.  You spend so much time prancing around in spandex that acting like a diva is coming a little too naturally, methinks. 

Annoying, I left a message with the medical assistant, but haven't heard back yet.  The pain is dull/achy, and last only shortly after the run.  I'll let you know if I hear, but I am hoping that I can run tomorrow.  One more mile, woo hoo.

2011-02-24 6:58 AM
in reply to: #3271854

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On your right
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Hopefully they have good news, like it's just sore from not being used much lately, and you just have to get re-adjusted to running on it.


How is training for everyone else?
2011-02-24 9:03 AM
in reply to: #3271854

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Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
I went ahead and ran a mile today (nice and slow-11 min) since I had been planning on running yesterday and didn't and since I am doing a group train this Saturday, I wanted one day off from running at lease in between.  NO pain!!  YAY!!!  I am planning on adding 10% per week (excruciating) and keeping the time slow.  My goal for this summer is just to be able to do the distance, forget about time.  Also, here is a pic of my tattoo.  It is a mountain aven (a flower here in the rocky mountains.)  Aven is my daughters name.  The first initials of my twins (P and L) are hidden in there also.  I love it.   
2011-02-24 11:03 AM
in reply to: #3271854

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On your right
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED

10% is the maximum you should add per week, exepting every 4th week as a volume reduction for an active rest week.  With that in mind, you don't HAVE to add 10% each week.  You can do less than that and be quite fine.  The consistancy of running will do more for you than the small distance increases can risk hurting your old stress fracture.

Take it easy, and build smartly.

2011-02-24 11:49 AM
in reply to: #3370206


Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED

Very cool tat!!

2011-02-24 12:58 PM
in reply to: #3271854

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On your right
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Ok group, how is swim training coming along?  For the people swiming with a group, how do you like it, and have you learned anything helpful?

For those of you not with a group, have you had any breakthroughs?  Since swimming is my favourite discipline (although I'm by no means good at it), I thought I'd try and do a little focus on that.

2011-02-24 4:26 PM
in reply to: #3370206

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Peachfor3 - 2011-02-24 10:03 AM I went ahead and ran a mile today (nice and slow-11 min) since I had been planning on running yesterday and didn't and since I am doing a group train this Saturday, I wanted one day off from running at lease in between.  NO pain!!  YAY!!!  I am planning on adding 10% per week (excruciating) and keeping the time slow.  My goal for this summer is just to be able to do the distance, forget about time.  Also, here is a pic of my tattoo.  It is a mountain aven (a flower here in the rocky mountains.)  Aven is my daughters name.  The first initials of my twins (P and L) are hidden in there also.  I love it.   

Very pretty! 
2011-02-24 8:36 PM
in reply to: #3271854

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Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Thanks for the compliments on my tattoo.  I really like it.

Heard back from the dr and he said "if it hurts, give it a few more weeks."  Um....I need more specifics (this was via voicemail anyway, love technology.)  Anyway, here is the situation.....stress fracture in September (but didn't know, just thought it was like shin splints.)  Ran a half marathon on it (cried real tears for the first time in forever as I crossed the finish line at 3 hours....out of pain/relief it is over.)  Took a few weeks off after an xray that didn't show anything, so my regular dr suggests that I wear this brace and ice it.  From Novemberish-January I ran on it (have I mentioned yet that I apparently have a high pain tolerance?)  and it was sore still even without increasing mileage or pace.  So I went in to see my sports med dr.  I liked him a bunch.  He wanted an MRI, since he didn't feel like the months old xray showed enough.  However, we cannot afford an MRI, because I have crappy insurance (sahm, state employee DH.)  So my MD just said, we'll treat it like a stress fracture, no running for 6 weeks, go back slowly, increase by 10%, ect.  So now I am at a few more weeks no running at all....whatever I can get back in the pool now and bike, so whatever. 

I am starting to be concerned though.  I was hoping for a few 5ks pre-sprint tri this summer.  Now I am starting to stress that I won't be ready to run at all by my race (not until July, I get that I am freaking a bit early about this.)  I'm not sure what I should do....give it a few weeks, run again, and see?  Suck it up and pay for an mri?  Don't worry about it right now at all and move on with life? What do you guys think?!
2011-02-25 3:41 AM
in reply to: #3371604

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On your right
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
If your MD says not to run, I'd not run.  I might be a little less prone to agree with a non-sports med guy, BUT since this is a sports-med doc, they really will have the best advice.  I don't think you need to cough up the $ for an MRI.

Being in the pool you can swim AND aqua jog.  Sure aqua-jogging is boring, but it can help keep your running legs working.

Take this time to really work on the bike and the swim.  You've ran in the past, and you'll get that back easily enough once the leg is 100%.
2011-02-26 6:54 AM
in reply to: #3271854

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Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Hello Team.  I've been away for a while recovering from some type of respiratory infection. It's been tough, but I'm back.  I started the day off with a 30 minute trainer ride and a 3-mile run.  I definitely feel the effects of the layoff.
2011-02-26 9:03 AM
in reply to: #3271854

Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Finally made it to the gym today for the first time in a few weeks, and happily found that I had still managed to lose weight!  Only a pound, down to 161, but for eating poorly and no exercise, I'll call that a win.
Spent some time with machines today, then followed it up with a short run (just 10 minutes at a really slow pace).  Felt good to do something, hoping to get back into things full swing starting Monday.

Indoor Tri next weekend!

I've decided that my goal for next year is to do a HIM.  Is this too ambitious a goal?

2011-02-26 1:31 PM
in reply to: #3370791

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Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
I'm keeping up or ahead with running & cycling on the tri program I'm doing.  I'm way behind on endurance for swimming.  The last 2 weeks I've focused only on technique.   My instructor says I have good technique, now its up to me to be able to repeat it for a longer time or distance.   

I've stated  before that i'm better with a specfic plan or workout to follow.  Do you have a reccomendation of drills or a plan for someone who can only swim 100 yards freestyle (then a 30 second rest) at a time.  BTW - I've only been swimming for 2 months now - what should my expectations be after 60 days in ?     

My tri is not till may 28th so I have time.   The good news is I can get to the pool 3 times a week, I just want to make the most out of the time spent.   

2011-02-27 6:48 AM
in reply to: #3373459

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On your right
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
cbredderman - 2011-02-26 10:03 AM Finally made it to the gym today for the first time in a few weeks, and happily found that I had still managed to lose weight!  Only a pound, down to 161, but for eating poorly and no exercise, I'll call that a win.
Spent some time with machines today, then followed it up with a short run (just 10 minutes at a really slow pace).  Felt good to do something, hoping to get back into things full swing starting Monday.

Indoor Tri next weekend!

I've decided that my goal for next year is to do a HIM.  Is this too ambitious a goal?

Is it too ambitious, no.  Is it the best plan, maybe/maybe not.

Remember the HIM distance will be around for a long time and there isn't any rush to get to it really.  I went from couch to HIM in 2 seasons, and it was ok.  The HIM was rough, but I made it that way.
2011-02-27 5:53 PM
in reply to: #3271854

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Hi kids...sorry I have been quiet. 
Been in a funky funk over my new injury.
2011-02-27 6:05 PM
in reply to: #3371604

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Peachfor3 - 2011-02-24 9:36 PM Thanks for the compliments on my tattoo.  I really like it.

Heard back from the dr and he said "if it hurts, give it a few more weeks."  Um....I need more specifics (this was via voicemail anyway, love technology.)  Anyway, here is the situation.....stress fracture in September (but didn't know, just thought it was like shin splints.)  Ran a half marathon on it (cried real tears for the first time in forever as I crossed the finish line at 3 hours....out of pain/relief it is over.)  Took a few weeks off after an xray that didn't show anything, so my regular dr suggests that I wear this brace and ice it.  From Novemberish-January I ran on it (have I mentioned yet that I apparently have a high pain tolerance?)  and it was sore still even without increasing mileage or pace.  So I went in to see my sports med dr.  I liked him a bunch.  He wanted an MRI, since he didn't feel like the months old xray showed enough.  However, we cannot afford an MRI, because I have crappy insurance (sahm, state employee DH.)  So my MD just said, we'll treat it like a stress fracture, no running for 6 weeks, go back slowly, increase by 10%, ect.  So now I am at a few more weeks no running at all....whatever I can get back in the pool now and bike, so whatever. 

I am starting to be concerned though.  I was hoping for a few 5ks pre-sprint tri this summer.  Now I am starting to stress that I won't be ready to run at all by my race (not until July, I get that I am freaking a bit early about this.)  I'm not sure what I should do....give it a few weeks, run again, and see?  Suck it up and pay for an mri?  Don't worry about it right now at all and move on with life? What do you guys think?!

Hmmm...this is a tricky one. The issue as I see it, is that we do not know for sure that yu even have  a stress FX. Without a definitive DX then its pretty hard to have an idea of how long you require to recover.
 Sometimes MRI's are not even that effective at DX stress FX and youneed a bone scan and a Spect scan. I wonder if your insurance would cover this?
But in the meantime, I am wih Chad....yes dear, you are right again........I would not run.
I know it sucks. BELIEVE me I know, having not been able to run since June....... 
2011-02-27 6:14 PM
in reply to: #3374072

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Chaderbox - 2011-02-27 7:48 AM
cbredderman - 2011-02-26 10:03 AM Finally made it to the gym today for the first time in a few weeks, and happily found that I had still managed to lose weight!  Only a pound, down to 161, but for eating poorly and no exercise, I'll call that a win.
Spent some time with machines today, then followed it up with a short run (just 10 minutes at a really slow pace).  Felt good to do something, hoping to get back into things full swing starting Monday.

Indoor Tri next weekend!

I've decided that my goal for next year is to do a HIM.  Is this too ambitious a goal?

Is it too ambitious, no.  Is it the best plan, maybe/maybe not.

Remember the HIM distance will be around for a long time and there isn't any rush to get to it really.  I went from couch to HIM in 2 seasons, and it was ok.  The HIM was rough, but I made it that way.

I took three years to go from a try a tri to HIM distance. I felt that for me that was a good time frame for me.
70.3 miles is a looooong way.......
Especially if you are not accustomed to long distance cycling. Let alone running a half mary afterwards.

On the other hand MANY many people jump right into the longer distances. It comes down to personal preference about how well prepared you wish to be. But building a base takes time. Plain and simple. there is reall no way around it. One of the dangers of getting into a long distance too soon, is that you run the risk of emotional burnout in the sport. I have seen this happen as well. 

I am trying to strike a balance here between caution and encouragement............did I suceed? 

2011-02-27 6:23 PM
in reply to: #3373614

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
asuit - 2011-02-26 2:31 PM I'm keeping up or ahead with running & cycling on the tri program I'm doing.  I'm way behind on endurance for swimming.  The last 2 weeks I've focused only on technique.   My instructor says I have good technique, now its up to me to be able to repeat it for a longer time or distance.   

I've stated  before that i'm better with a specfic plan or workout to follow.  Do you have a reccomendation of drills or a plan for someone who can only swim 100 yards freestyle (then a 30 second rest) at a time.  BTW - I've only been swimming for 2 months now - what should my expectations be after 60 days in ?     

My tri is not till may 28th so I have time.   The good news is I can get to the pool 3 times a week, I just want to make the most out of the time spent.   


Swimming endurance is a matter of good technique , which you are working on, practice, and in no small way wrapping your HEAD around swimming non stop for a long time. 

Getting to the pool 3x per week is EXCELLENT. Now as to what you should do when you get there.......that depends. How long is the distance you will be expected to swim at your tri?
First and foremost I guess you have to get comfy in swimming that far.
Notice I did not say "non- stop". There will be kayaks in the water that you can stop and rest on if need be.

Generally speaking swim training should consisit of a mix of short sets, with perscribed rest periods and then long straight swims as well.

And once again..........same old advice here, sorry, but if you are burning out after 100 yds, then you need to make a REAL effort to slow down. This is not as easy as it sounds. I realize that.

There is a great program burried somewhere in here that might help..........let me go find it. 
2011-02-27 6:29 PM
in reply to: #3271854

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED we are......
Allen take a peek at this.
Its a six week program designed to get you to be able to swim a progressivley longer distance .
Hope this fits the bill! Lots osf people here have used this with great success.

Edited by aquagirl 2011-02-27 6:32 PM
2011-02-27 6:49 PM
in reply to: #3374612

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On your right
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
I'm going to agree AND disagree with Helen a bit on this one.

She's right in the sense that you can swim kayak to kayak, that if you're GASSED after 100 you're going to fast, etc.

Where I'll take a different approach from her is here...
IF you have endurance in general, that you can run well, bike well, etc, it's not that you're lacking swim "endurance"...  What you're lacking is the ability to get out of your brain and swim.

Has anyone ever experienced at the beginning of a run feeling out of breath way too soon?  But then you can just slow a little, and keep going, and all of a sudden your body catches on that you're not stopping, and you can get into your rhythm and get a good run in.  Well this can happen in the pool WAY easy.

My advice is to do your warm up in the pool.  Take it nice and easy.  Almost too easy.  Just plod along like a happy little ducky.  After you're loose, make the decision on swimming 200 yards, non-stop.  When you start to get gassed feeling, run through this mental checklist.
1) are you slowing down a little
2) are you breathing ALL of your air out when your face is in the water
3) are you getting a good breath
4) remember that you really can keep swimming, you won't die.  I promise.

If all of those things are happening, you're just fighting your brain about not being able to keep going.  If you're not doing those things, START.

You can use this strategy to break through different distance barriers, and eventually you'll just be able to swim however long you want.
2011-02-27 6:52 PM
in reply to: #3374641

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Chaderbox and aquagirl's group ! CLOSED
Chaderbox - 2011-02-27 7:49 PM I'm going to agree AND disagree with Helen a bit on this one.

She's right in the sense that you can swim kayak to kayak, that if you're GASSED after 100 you're going to fast, etc.

Where I'll take a different approach from her is here...
IF you have endurance in general, that you can run well, bike well, etc, it's not that you're lacking swim "endurance"...  What you're lacking is the ability to get out of your brain and swim.

Has anyone ever experienced at the beginning of a run feeling out of breath way too soon?  But then you can just slow a little, and keep going, and all of a sudden your body catches on that you're not stopping, and you can get into your rhythm and get a good run in.  Well this can happen in the pool WAY easy.

My advice is to do your warm up in the pool.  Take it nice and easy.  Almost too easy.  Just plod along like a happy little ducky.  After you're loose, make the decision on swimming 200 yards, non-stop.  When you start to get gassed feeling, run through this mental checklist.
1) are you slowing down a little
2) are you breathing ALL of your air out when your face is in the water
3) are you getting a good breath
4) remember that you really can keep swimming, you won't die.  I promise.

If all of those things are happening, you're just fighting your brain about not being able to keep going.  If you're not doing those things, START.

You can use this strategy to break through different distance barriers, and eventually you'll just be able to swim however long you want.

We agree here I said, its a matter of wrapping your head around it. 

Edited by aquagirl 2011-02-27 6:53 PM
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