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2012-01-24 1:24 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Hey guys have popped in to read but have not posted for a few days ...

Last week was not a very good week for me - tweaked my knee last Saturday at the end of my long run so did mostly inside stuff.  Did hill intervals two dyas on the bike at the gym followed by 5k's at race pace on the treadmill ... one day of Yoga and 2 days completly off (once I was stuck late at work, the other it snowed and after I shoveled my kids had other plans for me) ...

The way my schedule is set up my Week starts on Sundays so I got a good first day with a shoulders and arms workout and then a mile swim followed by some practice laps just working on breathing on my non-natural side, sighting strokes, and then used those swim mits and the leg floatie for another 300m.

Yesterday I did nothing again - cold rain and my wife's "Honey Do List" sucked up my time.

Today it is 50 degrees in NY - I got a good run in 6.6 miles at 59:08.  Decent pace and I kept my heart rate at 161 pretty much the entire run.  Need to do at least 20 miles this week so I hope the weather holds up.  Wednesday is yoga day so something to look forward to after work.

Love reading how everyone's training is going - you are all an inspiration! 

2012-01-24 1:30 PM
in reply to: #4007568

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
ahutson - 2012-01-24 9:01 AM


I posted this yesterday. What are your thoughts?

I have a wardrobe question for race day. I have an indoor swim and outdoor bike/run. Chances are it will be in the mid 30s in the morning. After an indoor swim in a tri-suit, do you throw on a fleece or something breathable to go ride/run in? Do you throw pants/shirt over your suit for a cold morning? If it were in the 50s or 60s and I wouldn't worry about it. I have been thinking about just wearing a speedo bathing suit for the whole thing and adding a shirt. I don't know how much I'll really need the chamois for a 15 mile ride.

ahuston ... I have a similar type race in March though your distances are longer ... my bike is only 6 miles and the run 2 ... I plan to swim in my tri suit (I wear the Tyr Competitor Trisuit) ... and throw on a windbreaker (I have an Endura jacket), a hat (I am bald) and my full finger bike gloves ... I am hoping that I can be off the bike in 20 minutes and completely out of the cold in 35 ... hopefully that is enough to keep me warm.


2012-01-24 2:12 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Do any of you drink Zico after a workout?  I used to drink sport drinks but have found that for me coconut water just seems to be better, I would never have tried it if they did not have it for free after one of the races I did last year.
2012-01-24 7:24 PM
in reply to: #4007568

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Ashley,  I would bring more clothes than you think you will need.  A wind breaker would be okay, but it could also act like a big parachute and slow you down.  A nice long sleeve compression would work well, but can be difficult to get on a wet body.  I would practice if that's what you go with.  You may also want to consider some shoe coverings.  Your body should get warmed up pretty quick on the bike, but your feet will be exposed and cold. Definitely socks would be a good idea.  

I would go with something formfitting up top and socks, and wear a trisuit throughout the entire race.  Can't wait to hear how that goes.  Please share your decision as we get closer to the race.

2012-01-24 7:26 PM
in reply to: #4008261

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
craiger951 - 2012-01-24 1:19 PM

Yesterday the Chiro did quite a number on my calf.  4 different therapies.  It was a bit sore last night but feels better today.

I did a 1500M swim yesterday to set a race baseline time (35:00 min, 2:07m / 100y).

Today is a cycle day, the rain has stopped and the sun is out but I’m afraid the bike path may still be very wet and I am considering riding the mountain bike on the path for added safety.  Since I’m new to road bikes, how well can road bikes handle wet pavement and puddles?  I know they don’t handle wet rail road tracks well!

Have fun training today.


Wet pavement is not a problem for road bikes.  Stay away from painted lines and man hole covers.  They are slick as all get out.  Not your friends.  

I did an oly with a 28 mile bike leg in the rain last year with absolutely no problem.

Edited by rsmoylan 2012-01-24 7:27 PM
2012-01-24 7:30 PM
in reply to: #4008531

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

BigPaulD - 2012-01-24 3:12 PM Do any of you drink Zico after a workout?  I used to drink sport drinks but have found that for me coconut water just seems to be better, I would never have tried it if they did not have it for free after one of the races I did last year.

Nectar of the Gods!

2012-01-25 5:53 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Extreme Veteran
Albany/Saratoga, NY area
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

I did take Monday off just because I was exhausted and sometimes when I feel that way I just go home after work and go to bed early and then I feel better. I'm not sure it worked this time. Yesterday I was traveling so also no workouts but I'm just getting ready to go for a run. I signed on to BT to find a route where I'm staying. I'm not usually an early morning runner but I have a busy day today. I'll try to check back in later.

2012-01-25 6:15 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Ballston Spa, New York
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good Morning All, I had a good hard swim last night. I feel like I had a break through with my long set of 100's. My form felt like it held together very well and that I was really getting good long extensions with my stroke. My kicking has really seen a significant improvement which has been very beneficial to my swimming as a whole. In the past I always had a problem with my legs sinking now I don't find that as much with my kick being a little stronger. My legs are actually adding to the propulsion and keeping my body higher in the water column. Overall I feel much better about my swim this year. I just need to get to the pool more often to build some more endurance. Enjoy the rest of your training this week. 

Scott, I just wanted to comment on your long trainer ride. I too find those to be extremely challenging. Much more so then if I was riding a bike outside. I can relate to the sore butt! I think it's because you don't tend to move your position in the saddle as much when you are on a stationary trainer. I try to stand up from time to time to combat that soreness. 

2012-01-25 6:43 AM
in reply to: #4009648

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
TimX3 - 2012-01-25 7:15 AM

Scott, I just wanted to comment on your long trainer ride. I too find those to be extremely challenging. Much more so then if I was riding a bike outside. I can relate to the sore butt! I think it's because you don't tend to move your position in the saddle as much when you are on a stationary trainer. I try to stand up from time to time to combat that soreness. 

Congratulations on your swimming breakthrough.  I have moments of that as well and it's great to feel the water like that.

I completely agree about the trainer.  I wasn't in any abnormal discomfort.  Just what you would expect from being in the same position for 2:45.  I try to stand as well, just to give a slight respite to everyone involved down there.  Thanks for the tip.  

2012-01-25 7:57 AM
in reply to: #4009669

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning, all.

Hope everyone had a good training day yesterday. I appreciate the advice on the clothes. I am going to practice some different situations. I ran in my bike shorts yesterday and didn't have a problem with the chamois. It is a little thicker than a tri suit. I am tempted to swim in it and see how it does. 

I didn't make my warm early afternoon long bike ride due to many things but decided to try a brick in the cold evening. I didn't know why they were called bricks nor did I bother to ask. I did a short but demanding ride- trying to keep my average speed up so a lot of pumping. I then decided to run a mile to see how I would feel- wow. I could barely lift my legs. I finally got going but it was never an easy jog. I was able to keep my 9:30 pace so I was happy about that. I thought I did a brick a few weeks ago at the Y- I rode a stationary bike and ran on the treadmill. They are nowhere near the same. 

Today will be a swim at the Y. I am going to have dedicated warm-ups and cool downs. The last few weeks I have been just trying to get some endurance. I am going to do 2 laps 100, 8 timed split laps, and 2 cool down. If I have anything left in the tank, I'll do some more laps to build endurance. An upperbody core workout will follow the swim. 

Happy training everybody!!


2012-01-25 9:08 AM
in reply to: #4009778

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning everyone

I had a good swim this morning, not lightning fast, but i worked on breathing on both sides instead of just my strong side.  I did a warmup, some drills, 600 meters, then used the pull buoy and cooldown.  On the 600, i felt more relaxed breathing on both sides every three strokes instead of the old way breathing every two.  I think my time was faster too.  I also enjoy using the pull buoy (between thighs and then lower legs) to give my legs a rest. 


have a good day

Pete R

2012-01-26 8:27 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning all.  I ran an easy 3 last night.  My legs have been feeling pretty heavy from the bike work I've been doing.  I was contemplating the importance of recovery.  Question of the day:  How do you all recover from workouts?  What do you eat/drink after a good workout?  

I will usually have a meal that consists of rice and veggies along with coconut water.  If there is nothing in the fridge then I go to my mainstay,  peanut butter and jelly.  This is quite possibly the worlds perfect food.  What are your recovery habits?

Be great today!

2012-01-26 8:51 AM
in reply to: #4011826

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Good morning fearless leader and tri training team!
Hope everyone had a good day yesterday. I am fighting a sore throat/no voice but trying to stick to the routine. I hit the pool yesterday and did a total of 900 yards. Thats my longest total distance so I'm excited. I'm getting my endurance up there but do take short little breaks. It makes me wonder how I would do in open water if there was no wall to hug after 100 yards. I need to do a 400 in the pool w/o touching the wall on either end- straight swim. I will try that in a few around mid February. After the swim, I did an upper body core workout- chest, arms, and abs. 
I going to attempt an outdoor run today weather permitting. It is supposed to be in the 50s w/ a high chance of showers. I am going to attempt a complete 5K with no walking. My goal is to maintain my 9:30 mile pace. I'll let you know how it goes. 
In regards to recovery, I use what you told me- active recovery. I started drinking a lot more water. I drink coffee in the morning which is mostly water. I am a huge fan of pb and j!!! I eat them weekly. Never gets old! I will get some coconut water today at the store and try it. My wife is a huge coconut fan so she will be all about it. I don't eat anything specific after my workout. I usually come home and cook dinner and eat that. I do love sushi! We buy little pre-made sushi rolls and I gobble those up sometimes. 
I'm about 6 lbs lighter (actually 9 if you include holiday weight but I am not) than I was on 1/1. I have really cut back my portions and calorie intake. I am eating more granola bars/energy snacks to aid in workouts but much smaller meal portions.
I've been everywhere across the board with this post!! 
2012-01-26 10:48 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning peeps ...

Sorry I've been absent the past couple of days. Things are blowing up for me at work right now (just in terms of volume ... nothing too bad) and I've been pulling long hours. This is going to become an extreme cutback week for me with regard to training, as I've been going to bed late getting caught up from home. I'm itching for my regular schedule. Hopefully things will settle down soon. I blocked off a bunch of time on my work calendar next week as all administrative time, so hopefully I shouldn't be so over-scheduled.

I'll get back into the pool tonight, so that'll be something. But I need some run time and bike time. 

2012-01-26 11:41 AM
in reply to: #4011826

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

After a hard workout, I try to eat some carbs and lean protein.  In the morning I would have a ham or turkey sandwich on wheat bread, or a bowl of cereal and a greek yogurt.  I do also love pbj's on wheat or rye.  They never get old...


2012-01-26 11:54 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Recovery food for me almost always contains a fruit smoothie with protein powder added.

I like chocolate milk for recovery as well, but we rarely have it in the house.  

2012-01-26 4:06 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

7.5 mile run today .. 6 miles easy - and last 1.5 all out ... was running with a fella way slower than me which is not something I have done before but it was nice to talk for a bunch of miles.

Registered for the Pocono Mountains 70.3 today ... 247 days to get ready ...

2012-01-26 5:33 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Ballston Spa, New York
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

If you need a good laugh you will love this. My apologies for those who have seen it already.

2012-01-26 7:00 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Ballston Spa, New York
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Today I tried something a little different with my workout routine that really worked out pretty well. This is an example of how I need to do a better job of listening to my body. I am a routine oriented person. My preference is always to work out in the morning whenever possible. My bike days are M,W,F,S. I usually go to the pool at night because that is my only opportunity. What was happening was that I would go to the pool for a hard workout and then the next morning I would get up at 5:00 AM for a hard bike ride. After I was done I would find myself really dragging and I also had some really bad headaches while I was at work. I thought that maybe I wasn't allowing enough recovery time between my late swim and my early bike ride. Yesterday I tried waiting until I came home from work in the evening to do my bike workout. This worked out much better for me. I felt like I had much better energy on the bike and a much better recovery. Little changes like this sometimes can make a big difference. 
2012-01-26 8:55 PM
in reply to: #4013255

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

TimX3 - 2012-01-26 8:00 PM Today I tried something a little different with my workout routine that really worked out pretty well. This is an example of how I need to do a better job of listening to my body. I am a routine oriented person. My preference is always to work out in the morning whenever possible. My bike days are M,W,F,S. I usually go to the pool at night because that is my only opportunity. What was happening was that I would go to the pool for a hard workout and then the next morning I would get up at 5:00 AM for a hard bike ride. After I was done I would find myself really dragging and I also had some really bad headaches while I was at work. I thought that maybe I wasn't allowing enough recovery time between my late swim and my early bike ride. Yesterday I tried waiting until I came home from work in the evening to do my bike workout. This worked out much better for me. I felt like I had much better energy on the bike and a much better recovery. Little changes like this sometimes can make a big difference. 

Thanks so much for sharing this and the video too.  

2012-01-27 9:26 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
I just got my new toy.  The Garmin 910xt.  I'm so excited to test it out.  It is charging as I type.  I will do a run with it this evening and then spend some time syncing with my bike.  I just wanted to share.  I hope everyone is having a good day.  Will check in later with news about garmin.  

2012-01-27 9:45 AM
in reply to: #4013996

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Tim, thanks for the video. Nothing like starting the morning with some teary eyes and a cup of coffee. I can't imagine the feeling of crossing 'the greatest finish line ever'.

BigPaulD, way to go on signing up for the 70.3! You'll be in Kona before you know it!

Scott, I must disagree on coconut water. I tried it yesterday. It's expensive so I am glad I don't like it. I will have to find other ways to hydrate. I'll stick with pb & j's!

I had a good day of training yesterday. I did my first 5k and kept my 9:30 pace! I was super excited to that! We had a light rain yesterday but it was 58 degrees. I keep telling myself that there is no way to anticipate conditions on race day so I need to have some experience with all conditions. Troy, thanks for the tip on removing the inserts in my shoes. I never would have thought to do that. I believe that saved me some future stink and they dried faster.

Thanks to everyone for the contributions. I need to get a good bike ride in today or tomorrow but weather is not cooperating. We'll see what happens. Might swim or run again. I will have a trainer one day.... 58 days to go till race day!!

2012-01-27 10:09 AM
in reply to: #4013996

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Extreme Veteran
Albany/Saratoga, NY area
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

rsmoylan - 2012-01-27 10:26 AM I just got my new toy.  The Garmin 910xt.    


Ha! I knew you'd end up buying it!!!

I usually workout before dinner so recovery is whatever I'm making that night. If I do a run that's over 2 hours, though I will make a protein shake. I guess I should put more thought into it.

So, I haven't done any swimming at all this week (yes, I missed last night, too, Scott, and for no good reason except that I was tired).  Otherwise It's been a good week for running/eating. I am going to try to hit the gym for a swim tomorrow and make up for my laziness!

2012-01-27 10:42 AM
in reply to: #4014108

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
nicoleg - 2012-01-27 11:09 AM

rsmoylan - 2012-01-27 10:26 AM I just got my new toy.  The Garmin 910xt.    


Ha! I knew you'd end up buying it!!!

I usually workout before dinner so recovery is whatever I'm making that night. If I do a run that's over 2 hours, though I will make a protein shake. I guess I should put more thought into it.

So, I haven't done any swimming at all this week (yes, I missed last night, too, Scott, and for no good reason except that I was tired).  Otherwise It's been a good week for running/eating. I am going to try to hit the gym for a swim tomorrow and make up for my laziness!

Hey Nicole,  You may want to post a link to your race here and in the state forums.  Troy may be interested in it as well, being that he is local.  

2012-01-27 11:01 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

I may be interested indeed, Nicole. But my proposed race schedule (and budget) is already pretty tight.

Had a great swim last night. I must say, I'm really enjoying increased proficiency in the water. Everything else, though, is just not happening this week. One run and one bike this week. Ugh. I can't recall the last time, when healthy, that I only had one run in a week. Frankly ... it's just unacceptable and a sign that my work life is throwing things out of balance.

I blocked a bunch of time off on my work calendar next week, so the light is appearing at the end of the tunnel. During these times, I tend to get a bit insomniatic (not a word, but I think it should be) and that throws me off my workout schedule. I lose balance quickly if I don't get enough rest. Looking forward to this weekend ... it's completely unscheduled, which should bode well for some longer workouts to get me back in the feel of things.


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