BT Development Mentor Program Archives » ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-05-31 6:45 AM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED

Originally posted by BigDaddyD79 So I was doing a swim workout at lunch, nothing too crazy with the race this weekend, I did 2x200WU, then 10x100@2:00 at sprint race pace. Then I started my cool down and on my first lap I went to push off the wall and felt like I twisted my left knee a little funny. I got a sudden panic thinking that i injured it. My mind immediately went to my meniscus that I've had problems with before. I stopped and got out of the pool, everything seemed ok but I started thinking that it wasn't. As the afternoon went on I'm not sure if I was imagining things or if its sore. I took some Advil and have iced it. It feels ok now and I'm starting to think I was just a little panic. I had planned a ride for tonight but I'm going to cancel it. I know that with meniscus tears it could take 24 hours or so for swelling to come out so I guess I will wait till tomorrow and see. If everything feels ok tomorrow night I may go for a easy 5k run to feel it out. Fingers crossed its all in my head.

I have some experience with my own meniscus and have been able to develop a very good feel for if something is wrong or if  just tweaked it a bit.  Since I had my ACL reconstruction, 2 meniscus tear (1 repair, 1 removal) and a second medial meniscus removal (all the same knee) I have had countless times where I have felt a sharp stabbing pain in my "sweet spot."  The sweet spot is the medial meniscus that has a fairly large piece missing now, after 2 surgeries.  There is still a piece of the same meniscus that is torn but I am not going to have it removed again.  My problems have become so rare that I won't even consider a third surgery.  I believe the problems are rarely evident because my physical conditioning and muscular balance is far better than when I required the surgeries.

My experience has been if I have a misstep when running I will get a sharp pain for a 5-10 strides and then it clears up rather quickly.  If it continues for anything more than that distance I begin to pay much closer attention. 

I have experienced similar problems a you in the pool while doing my turns, either flip turns or open turns, but I have yet to have anything other than that one time pain.  If I have slightly babied it on occasion by pushing off the wall with the opposite leg alone, then after a few of these push off's I have been able to return to business as usual.

Cycling has rarely caused issues but when it has I have experienced more pain than when running.  I have dropped rides that I had been only a couple of miles into when the pain began because it was so fierce.  However, what I have seemed to notice was the issues with cycling have been almost entirely because of a few poor pedal strokes and knee alignment during rapid cadence drills such as spin-ups.  Usually this occurs for me above 100 RPM's but only if my knee alignment has been out of place at the same time.

I would say, unless you've developed swelling, give it a chance today on the bike and see how it goes.  You can always ditch if you need to once you've begun the ride.

2013-05-31 7:11 AM
in reply to: pistuo

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED

Originally posted by pistuo Questions for everyone: 1. I've been doing Jorge's trainer workout and I've noticed that when I go from upright to aero that my heartrate goes up about 5 beats... any of you experience this? Is this normal? Or could it be that I've been riding upright most of the time and so when I go aero, maybe those muscles aren't as in shape? 2. I can't remember if we've talked vitamins. A friend told me that I need to be taking a multi-vitamin. Thoughts? What brand do you guys take? It's funny that some of you are talking about the heat... I'm in Texas and was just thinking earlier this week "Do I really want to train for an IM during the summer?"

I experience the opposite.  Even when riding my roadie with aero's I found my HR would decrease, effort would decrease and I would slightly increase my speed.  I would say Darek may be onto something but it is likely due to a poor fit condition rather than what would be considered a good position to ride in.  The position you should be in to ride aero should not leave you cramped and gasping for air and an increased HR, the opposite should be true. 

I believe you are riding a road bike and clip on aero's so there are some adaptive things you can do to regain a more aerodynamic position and open your hip angle at the same time.  It would likely require a couple of modifications to your bike but I may be able to help you with that one a little bit.

Post some pics with you on your bike on the trainer.  Make sure you have some tight cycling shorts on and include pics with your near side leg at the top and bottom of the peddle stroke.  Provide pics on the hoods and on the aeros.  Once you have those pics up I'll allow Jeff to take over.  He should be able to dial you in far better than I am capable of doing.


I take one everyday.  But I take a generally generic brand.  I take it more to make sure I get some of the items that may be missing or that I'm not getting enough of routinely.    Most of my diet is good enough that I get all I need of the most important supplements.  And if you get to much of nearly all of the vitamins your body disposes of them anyway, through urine.

2013-05-31 7:51 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by DirkP

Originally posted by BigDaddyD79 So I was doing a swim workout at lunch, nothing too crazy with the race this weekend, I did 2x200WU, then 10x100@2:00 at sprint race pace. Then I started my cool down and on my first lap I went to push off the wall and felt like I twisted my left knee a little funny. I got a sudden panic thinking that i injured it. My mind immediately went to my meniscus that I've had problems with before. I stopped and got out of the pool, everything seemed ok but I started thinking that it wasn't. As the afternoon went on I'm not sure if I was imagining things or if its sore. I took some Advil and have iced it. It feels ok now and I'm starting to think I was just a little panic. I had planned a ride for tonight but I'm going to cancel it. I know that with meniscus tears it could take 24 hours or so for swelling to come out so I guess I will wait till tomorrow and see. If everything feels ok tomorrow night I may go for a easy 5k run to feel it out. Fingers crossed its all in my head.

I have some experience with my own meniscus and have been able to develop a very good feel for if something is wrong or if  just tweaked it a bit.  Since I had my ACL reconstruction, 2 meniscus tear (1 repair, 1 removal) and a second medial meniscus removal (all the same knee) I have had countless times where I have felt a sharp stabbing pain in my "sweet spot."  The sweet spot is the medial meniscus that has a fairly large piece missing now, after 2 surgeries.  There is still a piece of the same meniscus that is torn but I am not going to have it removed again.  My problems have become so rare that I won't even consider a third surgery.  I believe the problems are rarely evident because my physical conditioning and muscular balance is far better than when I required the surgeries.

My experience has been if I have a misstep when running I will get a sharp pain for a 5-10 strides and then it clears up rather quickly.  If it continues for anything more than that distance I begin to pay much closer attention. 

I have experienced similar problems a you in the pool while doing my turns, either flip turns or open turns, but I have yet to have anything other than that one time pain.  If I have slightly babied it on occasion by pushing off the wall with the opposite leg alone, then after a few of these push off's I have been able to return to business as usual.

Cycling has rarely caused issues but when it has I have experienced more pain than when running.  I have dropped rides that I had been only a couple of miles into when the pain began because it was so fierce.  However, what I have seemed to notice was the issues with cycling have been almost entirely because of a few poor pedal strokes and knee alignment during rapid cadence drills such as spin-ups.  Usually this occurs for me above 100 RPM's but only if my knee alignment has been out of place at the same time.

I would say, unless you've developed swelling, give it a chance today on the bike and see how it goes.  You can always ditch if you need to once you've begun the ride.

Thanks for the advice. I guess I should consider myself luck that I can still walk after 30 years of hockey and frestyle skiing.

It feels ok today since Ive been up walking around, I dont have the tightness that I used to get with previous meniscus problems. However both my knees feel like they have a little fluid on them, I stepped on the scale this morning and Im up about 3-4 pounds over my weight a few days ago. I think I must have ate something a bit salty and thats they they feel like they have a bit of fluid on them.

On the plus side its gonna be in the 70's and sunny today. Ive got a meeting at 11 then Im gona try and take the afternoon off and see if I cant get a little quick ride and run in to make sure everything is in order for Sunday.
2013-05-31 8:27 AM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Hey BigDaddy!

You described your knee twisting as you did a flip turn, so I am going to assume you are one of those whose flip-turn is executed by beginning the body roll mid-turn.
I encourage you to change that technique to the 'proper' way (according to swim coaches) and flip in line, push off the wall completely upside down, then roll over as you streamline.
Once you do that, there should be no other movements that are part of triathlon training that will be a hardship for your knee ligaments. Everything is in a straight plane.

I have been noticing the last few months that I can feel my knee ligaments get strained from time to time when I turn quickly. (not training...just in daily life)
I have made a point to improve my hip flexibility because that's the joint that's supposed to rotate when turning, not the knee...and it's been helping.

Hey all, I have a race tomorrow. It will be this season's first ROAD tri. It's half-way between a sprint and oly in distance.
I've looked at the registrants and there are 8 guys who could realistically beat me IN MY AGE GROUP!
This is going to be one deep race!
2013-05-31 8:50 AM
in reply to: pistuo

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by pistuo

Questions for everyone:

1. I've been doing Jorge's trainer workout and I've noticed that when I go from upright to aero that my heartrate goes up about 5 beats... any of you experience this? Is this normal? Or could it be that I've been riding upright most of the time and so when I go aero, maybe those muscles aren't as in shape?

2. I can't remember if we've talked vitamins. A friend told me that I need to be taking a multi-vitamin. Thoughts? What brand do you guys take?

It's funny that some of you are talking about the heat... I'm in Texas and was just thinking earlier this week "Do I really want to train for an IM during the summer?"

Will I've not noticed any difference in my HR riding aero or being in a road position myself. As far as the multi vitamins go I started doing that recently and have been using the one a day brand multi vitamins.
2013-05-31 9:03 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Jeff good luck tomorrow sounds like you have really good chance to do very well at the tri this weekend.

Tracy hope things get better for you and hope your little guy is feeling better.

2013-05-31 9:53 AM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
I’ve been a little out of touch as my company is nearing the takeover date this Monday, so I’ll try to stay up to date as much as possible.

Originally posted by BigDaddyD79
Thanks for the advice. I guess I should consider myself luck that I can still walk after 30 years of hockey and frestyle skiing.

You have probably developed a good feel for the pain vs. injury thing. It’s important to differentiate. No doubt it’s a plus escaping that many years of hockey/skiing with all your important pieces intact. How about teeth?
I got some advice that when things “hurt” (not just a niggle) - go out for the run or ride and if the pain either gets sharp, worse, or causes you to change form, stop and re-evaluate.

Originally posted by pistuoQuestions for everyone:
1. I've been doing Jorge's trainer workout and I've noticed that when I go from upright to aero that my heartrate goes up about 5 beats... any of you experience this? Is this normal? Or could it be that I've been riding upright most of the time and so when I go aero, maybe those muscles aren't as in shape?

I find the same thing on my road bike on the trainer. Interestingly, outside it doesn't seem to happen, or if so it's not enough to notice. My TT bike HR is the same or less when in the bars. I suspect Dirk is correct about fit. Road bikes with clip ons are only an approximation of a TT position, so that might be part of the deal.
I know my TT bike is more comfortable in the aero bars than not. Most people generate slightly less power in the aero position, but the savings in wind resistance more than makes up for it.

Originally posted by JeffY
Hey all, I have a race tomorrow. It will be this season's first ROAD tri. It's half-way between a sprint and oly in distance.
I've looked at the registrants and there are 8 guys who could realistically beat me IN MY AGE GROUP!
This is going to be one deep race!

Seems hard to imagine there are 8 people on the entire east coast capable of beating you! Kill it.
2013-05-31 10:39 AM
in reply to: JeffY

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED

Originally posted by JeffY Hey BigDaddy! You described your knee twisting as you did a flip turn, so I am going to assume you are one of those whose flip-turn is executed by beginning the body roll mid-turn. I encourage you to change that technique to the 'proper' way (according to swim coaches) and flip in line, push off the wall completely upside down, then roll over as you streamline. Once you do that, there should be no other movements that are part of triathlon training that will be a hardship for your knee ligaments. Everything is in a straight plane. I have been noticing the last few months that I can feel my knee ligaments get strained from time to time when I turn quickly. (not training...just in daily life) I have made a point to improve my hip flexibility because that's the joint that's supposed to rotate when turning, not the knee...and it's been helping. Hey all, I have a race tomorrow. It will be this season's first ROAD tri. It's half-way between a sprint and oly in distance. I've looked at the registrants and there are 8 guys who could realistically beat me IN MY AGE GROUP! This is going to be one deep race!

I agree on your advice about the flip turn.  I flip just as you are coaching against but I have had so infrequent a problem that I am not concerned enough to try to change.  If I were swimming in pool events I would definitely change to the proper technique.  Obviously for OWS I'm not doing any of this so it's not a big deal for me.  BUT if I were having problems I would change my flip turns.

Hopefully you'll have a much better race this week than a couple of weeks ago.  The competition sounds incredibly stiff and you'll need to be 100% to pull off a AG win.  I'm sure you're making sure there aren't any dehydration issues this time.

 I have some thoughts on your physical condition after the last race but I don't have time to get it on here right now.  It has to do with the electrical impulses your heart sends.  SA node, etc...

2013-05-31 2:20 PM
in reply to: JeffY

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by JeffY

Hey BigDaddy!

You described your knee twisting as you did a flip turn, so I am going to assume you are one of those whose flip-turn is executed by beginning the body roll mid-turn.
I encourage you to change that technique to the 'proper' way (according to swim coaches) and flip in line, push off the wall completely upside down, then roll over as you streamline.
Once you do that, there should be no other movements that are part of triathlon training that will be a hardship for your knee ligaments. Everything is in a straight plane.

I have been noticing the last few months that I can feel my knee ligaments get strained from time to time when I turn quickly. (not training...just in daily life)
I have made a point to improve my hip flexibility because that's the joint that's supposed to rotate when turning, not the knee...and it's been helping.

Hey all, I have a race tomorrow. It will be this season's first ROAD tri. It's half-way between a sprint and oly in distance.
I've looked at the registrants and there are 8 guys who could realistically beat me IN MY AGE GROUP!
This is going to be one deep race!

It was an open turn however when I do flip turns I do what you mention and kind of twist mid flip. My goal for next off season is to get a little better at them. I usually dont push to hard off the wall to avoid doing some sort of damage.

The good news is I think everything is fine. Must have been in my head. Took the afternoon off it was so nice and was able to do a nice easy 35k ride and then a 5k recovery run. All ready to get packed up to head to the race on Sunday. I did notice one weird thing though, even though it was sunny I was soaked in a salty liquid. Oh right sweat. Been a while since Ive seen temps warm enough to keep it on my body.

And to those wondering, I do have all my teeth. However I did take a slap shot off the cheekbone that opened me up for quite a few stitches. Ill try and find the pic and post it.
2013-05-31 2:24 PM
in reply to: 0

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Not sure if this will work but here`s the pic. I`m lucky Ive got a rock hard head and nothing was broken. Worked now I need to learn to resize pics, lol.

Edited by BigDaddyD79 2013-05-31 2:25 PM


IMG_2423.JPG (558KB - 15 downloads)
2013-05-31 3:08 PM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by BigDaddyD79

Not sure if this will work but here`s the pic. I`m lucky Ive got a rock hard head and nothing was broken. Worked now I need to learn to resize pics, lol.

Wow, that's an awesome pic! The worst injury I sustained was actually from my high school girlfriend, who was also a hockey player. We were on the ice just screwing around and she took a backhand and caught my eyeball with her stick. Ruined the ice with all the blood and I totally lost sight for about 3 days. My vision in that eye is still not as good as the other one. I did lose one tooth - guess we Americans don't have the sense to get our cheek in the way instead of our mouth!

2013-05-31 5:54 PM
in reply to: wbayek

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by wbayek
Originally posted by BigDaddyD79Not sure if this will work but here`s the pic. I`m lucky Ive got a rock hard head and nothing was broken. Worked now I need to learn to resize pics, lol.
Wow, that's an awesome pic! The worst injury I sustained was actually from my high school girlfriend, who was also a hockey player. We were on the ice just screwing around and she took a backhand and caught my eyeball with her stick. Ruined the ice with all the blood and I totally lost sight for about 3 days. My vision in that eye is still not as good as the other one. I did lose one tooth - guess we Americans don't have the sense to get our cheek in the way instead of our mouth!
2013-05-31 8:35 PM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by BigDaddyD79

Not sure if this will work but here`s the pic. I`m lucky Ive got a rock hard head and nothing was broken. Worked now I need to learn to resize pics, lol.

Holy S**t that looks painful!
2013-05-31 8:45 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Good Luck this weekend Jeff and Derek!

Not sure what's going on with me Iam feeling a little drained this week and it's a recovery week, opted to bump my swim to tomorrow and take a break today, I Actually have to work tomorrow, I haven't worked a Saturday in over a year, I have a mother of the bride to do, it's always fun to be a part of those special days then it's about a 8ish mile run and my swim.
2013-05-31 9:07 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Derek good luck with you race this weekend do the Junkies proud.

I wince just looking at the picture. Like you and Warren I did play a lot of organized hockey when I was younger but it was not on the ice unfortunately it was mainly deck hockey. The worse thing that happened to me was a broken nose after getting hit in the face with a stick. I had two shiners under both eyes for a week. I learned my lesson though after that happened I wore a helmet and a cage.
2013-05-31 9:24 PM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED

Originally posted by BigDaddyD79 Not sure if this will work but here`s the pic. I`m lucky Ive got a rock hard head and nothing was broken. Worked now I need to learn to resize pics, lol.


This is what I see when I open up the thread Surprised! Ouch is all I can say.

Best of luck for your race and I'm happy to read your knee is no longer bothering you. Jeff can't wait to hear about your latest race adventures but please don't hurt yourself!

2013-05-31 9:29 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by DirkP

Originally posted by JeffY Hey BigDaddy! You described your knee twisting as you did a flip turn, so I am going to assume you are one of those whose flip-turn is executed by beginning the body roll mid-turn. I encourage you to change that technique to the 'proper' way (according to swim coaches) and flip in line, push off the wall completely upside down, then roll over as you streamline. Once you do that, there should be no other movements that are part of triathlon training that will be a hardship for your knee ligaments. Everything is in a straight plane. I have been noticing the last few months that I can feel my knee ligaments get strained from time to time when I turn quickly. (not training...just in daily life) I have made a point to improve my hip flexibility because that's the joint that's supposed to rotate when turning, not the knee...and it's been helping. Hey all, I have a race tomorrow. It will be this season's first ROAD tri. It's half-way between a sprint and oly in distance. I've looked at the registrants and there are 8 guys who could realistically beat me IN MY AGE GROUP! This is going to be one deep race!

I agree on your advice about the flip turn.  I flip just as you are coaching against but I have had so infrequent a problem that I am not concerned enough to try to change.  If I were swimming in pool events I would definitely change to the proper technique.  Obviously for OWS I'm not doing any of this so it's not a big deal for me.  BUT if I were having problems I would change my flip turns.

Hopefully you'll have a much better race this week than a couple of weeks ago.  The competition sounds incredibly stiff and you'll need to be 100% to pull off a AG win.  I'm sure you're making sure there aren't any dehydration issues this time.

 I have some thoughts on your physical condition after the last race but I don't have time to get it on here right now.  It has to do with the electrical impulses your heart sends.  SA node, etc...

I used to twist like that doing a flip turn. I went through a series of videos from I think swim smooth that worked that out for me. I remember the first step was holding onto a noodle and flipping through it. I was a little embarrassed to be at the pool flipping through a noodle like a little kid!

2013-05-31 9:40 PM
in reply to: trigal38

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED

Well I got my bike to the shop today and they got the spring out for me right there while I waited. I was so excited but then I remembered the bent spoke I have been riding with. I had to leave the bike to get that fixed so I'm down to my hybrid for a week and the HIM aqua/bike I was thinking about is next Sunday. So, I think I'll just volunteer at that race. My longest ride so far this spring is 40 miles so I'm really not very prepared.


We've had some stormy weather here with lots of rain. Nasty winds blew through with the thunderstorm we had last night and have left our little town with lots of damage - trees, silos, barns, play sets, siding and fences down and a semi blew over on the highway that runs through town. Our house managed just fine with really nothing very serious. More bad stuff is coming. My sister lives in OK so I'm more worried about her than us but so far they have not been hit with anything. They live in Edmond OK which is not far from OK City.

2013-05-31 10:25 PM
in reply to: trigal38

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
I put in some extra work on the bike this week and have been feeling zapped... no energy. What foods do you guys like to eat that give you energy?

Bigdaddy - you're hurting me, dont make me look anymore... ha!

Dirk - I've got a tri bike, but I am not a flexible person and I havent been riding in down on the bars much b/c I've been riding with groups... I'll try to get some pics next time I'm on the trainer.

2013-05-31 10:27 PM
in reply to: pistuo

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Let's have those May totals people...

Swim: 5h 26m 50s - 15100 M
Bike: 25h 46m 10s - 465.5 Mi
Run: 7h 07m 18s - 46 M
2013-06-01 12:09 AM
in reply to: pistuo

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED

May totals for me show my complete lack of bike time and not a lot on swim either. Though almost half my swim yardage for May was open water. I need to actually get out on the road and spend some seat time. Now that the pool at home is up and running for the summer the swim numbers should rise significantly. 

Swim: 2h 02m 59s  -5840 Yd
Bike: 55m 24s  - 12.57 Mi
Run: 7h 09m 14s - 44.94 Mi

2013-06-01 4:34 AM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Here's the May totals, I really need to hit the bike more now that my training is done for my HM,........and it's warm out.

Swim: 7h 31m 44s - 24164 M
Bike: 9h 58m 23s - 314.58 KM
Run: 11h 36m 02s - 125 KM

Good luck this weekend Jeff, and anyone else that has a race.
2013-06-01 5:27 AM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Swim: 5h 34m 14s - 14650 Yd
Bike: 22h 44m 50s - 190.08 Mi
Run: 9h 26m 09s - 53.06 Mi
Strength: 3h 00m

2013-06-01 5:49 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Does anyone use a tempo trainer or a wetronome for swimming?
2013-06-01 7:23 AM
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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Here's mine for the month.  I would have liked to get another swim or two in but U was unable to because of my own error and poor availability.  I am hoping to get my bike's up a little more in June but we a considering a trip to Ohio next weekend and that will have an impact on anything over the weekend.  I would likely use it a somewhat of a recovery week.

Will, you'd better start looking at the run volume too.  An average of less than 12 MPW heading into IM could leave you in a deep hole if you're not careful. 

Swim: 7h 09m 15s - 25740 Yd
Bike: 27h 00m 42s - 540.76 Mi
Run: 15h 47m 40s - 117.29 M

Edited by DirkP 2013-06-01 7:32 AM
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