BT Development Mentor Program Archives » We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed Rss Feed  
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2014-05-05 2:50 PM
in reply to: DaBen

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, California
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

Well, I finished my race this weekend and need to chalk it up to a learning experience and move on. My achilles and wetsuit were not cooperating. I still enjoyed the event and will definitely do it again next year.


You can read about my experience here.

2014-05-05 4:28 PM
in reply to: MamacitaT

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Chelmsford, England
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Originally posted by MamacitaT

Hope everyone is happy and healthy.


My first Sprint of the season is coming up on May 4th - just weeks away.

I have had a few set backs to training- daughter hospitalized for 2 days, doctor appts, a pulled/strained achilles tendon ( aging sucks!) and to add injury to insult - another stomach flu BUT I am still intent on training. I reworked my schedule tonight to focus on swimming and bike to give the achilles some more time to heal. My real test will be over spring break to try and be consistent with training. The good news is that there is a great aquatics center next to where we will be staying and I hope to get in some good morning laps.

After June I will probably switch to an Oly plan to increase my performance. 

I hope that your daughter is feeling much better now
2014-05-05 4:32 PM
in reply to: DaBen

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Chelmsford, England
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Originally posted by DaBen

I am two weeks out from my first Tri! I'm feeling great and injury free (knock on wood) I toned down last weeks training because I was feeling some pain in my shins during long runs, but a little rest was all I needed to get a PR on distance last night (6 miles)! I'm down 10 lbs since starting training in January, and I'm feeling great every day. I think with all the training, I've even convinced my wife to give multi-sport a try, she's looking at duathlons in the area. 

My sprint goals are sub 10 for a 400m swim, 1 hr for a hilly 14 mi bike, and 26 minutes for the 3 mi run. My transition goals are to not forget anything and be efficient. 


If all goes well, I've got my eye on two olympic distance races in July and August, depending on my school schedule, I'll update you guys when I decide which ones I wind up doing. I'm probably going to be running some 5k and 10k races this summer as long as they fit into my schedule too. 

well done on your first Tri Derek, I have mine this weekend. it seems we're both on the same page as I have got my wife out of the gym and running on the road also cycling once a week. your splits looked really good. have you decided on your next race ???
2014-05-05 4:33 PM
in reply to: AlexJouJou

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Chelmsford, England
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Originally posted by AlexJouJou

Well it's great to see the races coming in!

So nice to hear how folks are doing. Looking forward to the race reports!

I've just been buried at work again. Traveling for business which hasn't been too bad overall because the timing's been good. Last week was in Phoenix but that was o.k. as it was a taper week for me. Made me homesick for San Diego - all that dry heat and wind. Felt like a Santa Ana. Interesting to run in since I've only been running for a year or so and all in the humidity of the east coast or the cold.

I ran my first 1/2 last weekend. Iron Girl Columbia. It was a very good race. I'll do a race report. I came in at 2:32 which I'm happy with. I only walked about 8 times which surprised me as I trained to do a 5:1 or so run/walk ratio but just felt very good and running seemed doable rather than mix it up. However the race had some weird choices and it started an hour late so def. not the most perfect initial half to do. Being plant based I am very careful with nutrition and that hour late start threw me off a I had to adjust on the fly and was so glad I over packed! Plus at the end they had pastries and fresh fruit bowl. OK the fruit I got...but pastries? Nothing just unhealthy sugar and fat. Not what I can put into my body after running 13 miles!

I did my bucket list 10K April 12th and it was fabulous. I loved it - the course was amazing and beautiful. Running downtown Baltimore and around the Inner Harbor. A beautiful 68 degree day...couldn't have asked for more!

Toying with the idea of doing another 1/2 this weekend. Long story..special medal series (Maryland's King Crab) but not sure...I'm not really sore but I don't want to push. Frankly doing the run races has kind of put my desire to do the tri's on the back burner. Probably because it's more work to do the three sports than one. I need to get back into training!

great work there Alex, that is a sick time I would be more than pleased with it.
2014-05-05 4:42 PM
in reply to: MamacitaT

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Chelmsford, England
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Originally posted by MamacitaT

Well, I finished my race this weekend and need to chalk it up to a learning experience and move on. My achilles and wetsuit were not cooperating. I still enjoyed the event and will definitely do it again next year.


You can read about my experience here.

wow tara, looks like we both had the same problem. I did a training Tri on sunday and wore my Trisuit in the pool for the first time, I felt good for the first 20 M then it hit me, I couldn't breathe my chest was tight and I had to stop far too many times even after unzipping myself.
2014-05-06 2:47 PM
in reply to: MamacitaT

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Columbia, Missouri
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

Originally posted by MamacitaT

Well, I finished my race this weekend and need to chalk it up to a learning experience and move on. My achilles and wetsuit were not cooperating. I still enjoyed the event and will definitely do it again next year.


You can read about my experience here.


Way to keep pushing through the wetsuit issue. I'm looking forward to my first open water swims, but definitely a little apprehensive about the wetsuits. 

2014-05-06 2:51 PM
in reply to: Jynxy

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Columbia, Missouri
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed



I haven't decided on my next race, have to work out some scheduling issues. But I have my eye set on one on June 29th, in Southwest Missouri, and another in August in Chicago. I'll definitely be doing olympic distance if I do either of them, but I'll keep you guys updated on which race(s) I pick. 

2014-05-08 3:16 PM
in reply to: MamacitaT

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Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Originally posted by MamacitaT

Well, I finished my race this weekend and need to chalk it up to a learning experience and move on. My achilles and wetsuit were not cooperating. I still enjoyed the event and will definitely do it again next year.


You can read about my experience here.

Hey at least you did it!

I'm very freaked about the August Tri. I don't feel confident at all. I am enjoying running so much I keep putting off getting back in the pool and biking.

Sigh. Well the good news is I have lots of running events coming up. I'll get to posting them shortly.
2014-05-08 4:30 PM
in reply to: AlexJouJou

Simsbury, CT
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
So who is racing this weekend? I have Ragnar tomorrow - runner 4 on my team. I will be doing 3 legs which will amount to about 30 miles. I am a bit worried as my volume should be going up but it has in fact gone down this past 2 weeks. I will be focusing on cadence and HR rather than pace as I need to build endurance at ~180 steps per minute. As I get tired, my cadence drops as well. I hope to be consistent at 180 for the 3 legs. Looking forward to more race reports and will post mine on Saturday night.
2014-05-08 7:33 PM
in reply to: Armandova

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, California
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

This weekend I have The Tour of Long Beach. A 30 mile ride with a Beer Garden at the finish line - Should be fun! 


Armando, Can't wait to see how your Ragnar goes - Good luck and stay healthy!

2014-05-09 2:37 AM
in reply to: MamacitaT

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Good luck Armondo and Tara on your races this weekend, Have fun!
Looking forward to seeing your results.

2014-05-09 10:39 AM
in reply to: Mountaindan

Simsbury, CT
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
At safety debrief. Our team takes off at noon.
2014-05-10 5:55 PM
in reply to: Armandova

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Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Originally posted by Armandova

At safety debrief. Our team takes off at noon.

Good luck!! I hope it goes well for you. I'm sure you will hold up your 30 miles!

I did another 1/2 marathon today. Knocked 1 minute off my time (LOL). It was a great race. I really loved it. I think I'm going to be a half fanatic.
2014-05-10 5:56 PM
in reply to: MamacitaT

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Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Originally posted by MamacitaT

This weekend I have The Tour of Long Beach. A 30 mile ride with a Beer Garden at the finish line - Should be fun! 


Armando, Can't wait to see how your Ragnar goes - Good luck and stay healthy!

Please post how it goes. I could use good bike vibes..I'm still pretty scared of the bike so you are inspiring me!
2014-05-11 2:38 PM
in reply to: sundevil87

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Chelmsford, England
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
good evening all,

I have just completed my first Tri and would like to thankyou all for taking the journey with me and look forward to many more to come.

my race report
2014-05-12 3:13 PM
in reply to: Jynxy

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, California
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

Originally posted by Jynxy good evening all, I have just completed my first Tri and would like to thankyou all for taking the journey with me and look forward to many more to come. my race report


Congratulations! Sounds very cold and wet Are you ready for another?

2014-05-12 3:28 PM
in reply to: MamacitaT

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, California
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

I completed The Tour of Long Beach on Saturday in just over 2 hours and absolutely LOVED IT! I am going to find a longer tour and may be hooked on road races. My family gave me a gift certificate from my bike shop for Mother's Day and I am anxious to purchase some clip in shoes and pedals. 


The event was very well organized, had wonderful volunteers and everyone was in great spirits. I rode along with different groups and enjoyed pushing my speed. At the midway point there was a fabulous "rest area" with food, music, a water refill station and was quite the party atmosphere. I didn't start feeling fatigued until about the 23 mile mark. It was just my shoulders and my bum that were uncomfortable. A pair of biking shorts is in my future even though my kids don't want to be seen near me if I wear them The tour finished with a finish line festival including a beer garden, food trucks, a bike valet and of course music. Overall it was a great experience. I was able to raise $750 for our local pediatric cancer center and have a fun filled day. 


My achilles is still acting up so I am looking for an orthopedist. I am revising my schedule for the next month and will not participate in the Redondo Beach Triathlon in June, but will look for another bike tour and continue to swim. My next tri will hopefully be the Solana Beach Triathlon July 27th if I can get the achilles taken care of. I can't believe I am saying this but - I really miss running!


Hope all is well and everyone is healthy.



2014-05-12 3:36 PM
in reply to: #4917318

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Columbia, Missouri
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Congrats all!

I've started my training schedule for an Olympic distance on June 29th. I'm still not sure if I can go, but I'll be training for it anyway. I'm excited, every week I will be having a new PR for running distance on my long runs. I'm hoping to work in some hills on the runs instead of my usual flat trail runs
2014-05-13 7:10 AM
in reply to: DaBen

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Nice job on your race Joe, those cold ones are as tough as the hot ones! Nothing like running when you can't feel your feet!

Tara, good job on the fund raiser! Sounds like a great time, anytime you can have exercise and beer together it's a good day!

Jo, great job with the halfs that's awesome that you enjoy them so much!

Derek, good luck on your training, keep us posted on how it's going!

I had a nice psuedo brick yesterday, 2400m in the pool, wasn't prepared to run since it was 109 when I went in to swim, fortunately it cooled down to the mid 90's and I went back to my room changed and got in a decent run, at least for me in the heat! I haven't been able to swim for a whileand finally got back in the pool last week, feels good to swim and get in a groove. Can't wait to get home and do some open water swims, although when I hit that 60 deg ocean I may die after being in the heat for a while now and our pool is around 80.

Have a good week eveyone, keep having fun!
2014-05-13 9:07 PM
in reply to: DaBen

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Bad news from the Thom front.

After months of trying to overcome the issues with my heels I have given up trying to continue to run and heal. It is not working. I have cancelled my summer races through August. I am hoping that by not running I will be able to fully recover and get back to training in time to race in Lake Havasu City in November.

So much lead into this decision including my work and travel schedule. It was all just untenable.

I am seeing a PT in Baltimore and my regular PT in Colorado when I am home. The Baltimore PT put me back into normal running shoes with an elevated heel to take pressure off my achilles. She said they are seeing more and more Achilles injuries. After explaining that I had no issues training for and racing in an Iron distance race and training for a few months after with no issues she stated that it is a cumulative injury. I don't know. Perhaps. I love my zero drops. But, I am determined to recover so I am wearing the regular style running shoes. If I get better - and after the November race I may try to slowly transition back to low-drop if not zero drop.

So - I am on the sidelines. Down but not out. Living to race another day.

That bravado aside - I am pretty bummed. I am out quite a few $$ not to mention the inaugural Boulder IM. Puey.


2014-05-14 12:03 PM
in reply to: sundevil87

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Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

Originally posted by sundevil87 Bad news from the Thom front. After months of trying to overcome the issues with my heels I have given up trying to continue to run and heal. It is not working. I have cancelled my summer races through August. I am hoping that by not running I will be able to fully recover and get back to training in time to race in Lake Havasu City in November. So much lead into this decision including my work and travel schedule. It was all just untenable. I am seeing a PT in Baltimore and my regular PT in Colorado when I am home. The Baltimore PT put me back into normal running shoes with an elevated heel to take pressure off my achilles. She said they are seeing more and more Achilles injuries. After explaining that I had no issues training for and racing in an Iron distance race and training for a few months after with no issues she stated that it is a cumulative injury. I don't know. Perhaps. I love my zero drops. But, I am determined to recover so I am wearing the regular style running shoes. If I get better - and after the November race I may try to slowly transition back to low-drop if not zero drop. So - I am on the sidelines. Down but not out. Living to race another day. That bravado aside - I am pretty bummed. I am out quite a few $$ not to mention the inaugural Boulder IM. Puey. Thom

Oh no, so sorry to hear that! Sounds like you're on the right track though it's not always the easiest to take. Having never registered for an IM, will they not let you defer? I'd have to imagine not, that's a bummer Good luck with PT and the mental challenge of being bummed ... I'm sure it's better now than if you had waited until next year.


2014-05-14 8:57 PM
in reply to: sundevil87

Simsbury, CT
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

Originally posted by sundevil87 Bad news from the Thom front. ...

Hey Thom, 


I am sorry to hear about your achilles troubles.  I have tried to make the switch to zero drop but have been unsuccessful.  I have tried the five fingers which set me back 4 weeks because I developed heel pain.  Had to stop running altogehter. I still use them to walk around and in the gym but not for running.   Last year as a "reward" for finishing the IM I bought myself a pair of Newton Gravity shoes.  I put  100 miles on them, 2-3 at the time, trying to go easy and ensure the tendons stretch properly.  Things were progressing nicely until I started to increase the mileage.   I went out for a 6 mile run and had to call my wife to come pick me up.  It set me back another 4 weeks as I had to stop running to ensure I did not hurt myself any further.  The moral of my story is, if it isn't broken, don't fix it. I have had great luck with the Mizuno Wave Riders and now I am trying a pair of Scott eRide AF with good results as well.   I will continue to try to move to lower heel to toe drop but not sure I will make it to zero.  I am much more focused now on mid/fore foot landing and keeping my steps per minute to 180+.  these two have produced the best results over the past 12 months.    

Hope that going back to "regular" shoes helps your pain.   If so, maybe you can still make the Boulder IM.  




2014-05-14 9:31 PM
in reply to: Armandova

Simsbury, CT
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

Hello everyone, 

So, Ragnar Cape Cod is in the books!!!  Although this was my 3rd Ragnar, it was significantly harder than the other 2 because we did it as an Ultra team.  The lack of sleep coupled with the struggles of a teammate meant that we had a longer race to stay awake for.  We started at Noon on Friday and finished around 6:30PM on Saturday.  Long Day yet very rewarding.  more about that in a minute.  

My objective for the race was to keep my cadence at 180 steps per minute, regardless of speed.  I am working on teaching my body to stay consistent as far as motion is concern which gets harder to do as I get tired.  I am happy to report that I accomplished the goal.  I ran 3 segments (multiple legs each) of 10, 11 and 11 miles and kept the cadence at or above 180 steps per minute.  My times dropped from 8:01 to 8:25 to 9:03 minutes per mile but the cadence stayed right were I wanted it.  This alone was success for me.  

The rewarding part came in as we were preparing for the 3 leg of the run.  We were all tired and there were a couple of team members who were starting to doubt their ability to finish their individual legs.  There were sore knees, tiredness and just general discomfort.  I would say that at some point, we all doubted our ability to finish the race.  One of our teammates had the longest leg of the race coming up, 3 segments totaling 15 miles.  She had very sore knees at this point.  After she took off, the rest of us started to strategize on how to re-arrange the remaining legs.   2 of the upcoming runners were unsure they could finish.  We developed a plan but had to wait and see if our current runner would finish the 15 miles.   After the first of 3 legs, she kept of running.  At the next checkpoint, she gave us the thumbs up and ran on to complete the 3 leg.   This created a sense of inspiration and our next runner stepped up and completed her legs as well.  I ended up taking on a couple extra miles so that the following runner could finish as well.  I felt strong for my last 2 legs and the remaining 2 runners brought it home.   I realize the above maybe a bit confusing....  All I am trying to convey is that one persons's perseverance resulted in 5 other's digging deep to do their part and finish the job.  It was quite possibly the best team experience I have had in my life!!!

And now that its over, I took 3 days off.  this morning, I was able to gather enough motivation to get back on the trainer.  I have to get back on the training plan as IMLP is fast approaching.    

Next up - A local tri that I will be doing with my 10 year old son.  It is interesting in that it will be a 3.6 trail run up a steep hill, followed by a 11.5 bike ride and finishing with a 2 mile kayak paddle.   I asked my son whether I should go all out or do it with him.  I am going to enjoy racing along his side.   

Hope everyone is doing well.   Keep those race reports coming. 



2014-05-15 10:53 AM
in reply to: sundevil87

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, California
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed

Originally posted by sundevil87 Bad news from the Thom front. After months of trying to overcome the issues with my heels I have given up trying to continue to run and heal. It is not working. I have cancelled my summer races through August. I am hoping that by not running I will be able to fully recover and get back to training in time to race in Lake Havasu City in November. So much lead into this decision including my work and travel schedule. It was all just untenable. I am seeing a PT in Baltimore and my regular PT in Colorado when I am home. The Baltimore PT put me back into normal running shoes with an elevated heel to take pressure off my achilles. She said they are seeing more and more Achilles injuries. After explaining that I had no issues training for and racing in an Iron distance race and training for a few months after with no issues she stated that it is a cumulative injury. I don't know. Perhaps. I love my zero drops. But, I am determined to recover so I am wearing the regular style running shoes. If I get better - and after the November race I may try to slowly transition back to low-drop if not zero drop. So - I am on the sidelines. Down but not out. Living to race another day. That bravado aside - I am pretty bummed. I am out quite a few $$ not to mention the inaugural Boulder IM. Puey. Thom


Thom  - So sorry to hear about your injury. I know it must be so disheartening to have to give up your summer races. Will you switch to bike tours during the  healing process? Your situation strikes a bit of fear in me since I am having heel issues and will see the ortho on Tuesday. I have been off running since the 4th with very little improvement.

I hope you heal quickly and can find another type of race to keep your spirits up.





2014-05-19 8:01 PM
in reply to: #4995206

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Columbia, Missouri
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed
Question for you guys: I'm increasing my distances up to 8-9 miles, but my times are dropping about 1 minute/mile. Is this normal? Is there something I can do to not let that happen (hydration, nutrition, etc)? Thanks
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