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2007-03-12 7:21 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Where is everybody? I guess you're all just busy but I miss ya'll!

Kirk, are you still gonna race this upcoming weekend? If so, lets all make some wagers. Somebody else start cuz I'm clueless as to the times.

I had one of those "benchmark" weekends. Rode 39 miles at a nearly 18mph pace. It was brutal - my body is still recovering...but, I loved it! Can't wait till I can do that consistently without it killing me for 2 days.

Hope you're all doing okay....


2007-03-14 12:57 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

T - congrats on the bike ride. 

We're up in Vail, but it's not ski weather.  We're heading for a snowshoe/hike tomorrow as I expect more dirt than snow on the trails.  It's been in the 60s!! the past couple days.  Any way you slice it, though, it'll be fun.

2007-03-14 4:31 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
So sorry I have been missing!!! It has been very busy at work, Audit time......I am exhausted by the time I go to bed and again when I wake up so I wasn't on much.

It is getting closer to my race and I fear I am not near ready, I am beginning to worry about it so I upgraded my membership and will be downloading the specific training - hopefully I can find a place to swim this week!!!!

I have improved on my running a lot, I am not too concerned about the bike but I should be, my main concern is the swimming and my DH says I need at least a year of swim practice behind me before I try the sprint.....I disagree but we will see where I stand as soon as I find a place -- Happy Day to you all!!!
2007-03-14 8:11 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL


Keep in mind this is a newbie opinion and not an experienced one.

However.  I couldn't disagree with your husband more on the year to train for the swim thing.

First of all - all the programs on here are set up so you are READY for your sprint tri (or whatever program you have uploaded).  They wouldn't post them if they didn't work.

Second - I have been at this for around 6 weeks.  At this point - 6 weeks into a 22 week program - I could easily complete the swim.  Not quickly, not in competitive style - but I could finish it.  Same goes for the bike.  The run is another story - but walking always works.

Don't get discouraged.  Keep at it.  I know you'll be ready!

Good luck and I hope that audit time still allows you some time to train!


2007-03-15 10:52 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Where is everybody?

Just wanted to celebrate with you all.  After a huge scare this morning, my bloodwork is in from the cancer stuff.

To make a long story longer - I called the dr.s office for the results yesterday.  New girl who didn't want to tell me anything over the phone and wanted me to wait until my appointment on Monday.  After obsessing on it last night, decided I was calling and getting an answer today - not Monday.  For goodness sakes, we're talking about cancer here people.

So this morning I called and again - doesn't want to tell me anything over the phone.  So I, as calmly as possible, explain why I want this result so bad.  She goes and gets my chart, looks at it, and says, in a very "oh you poor thing" tone - "you better come in".  I'm like now??  She's like, yeah.

So in I go.  When I get in the office, before I see the result she says "Sorry, but I don't know how to read those numbers."  My blood was BOILING.  I'm thinking "woman, I just drove 80 miles an hour over here thinking about the fact that I must have cancer again!  Why couldn't you tell me that over the phone???"

Anyway - the problem was - my numbers are very abnormal - for a normal person with a normal thyroid that has never had thyroid cancer.  For me??  The number were EXACTLY where they should be!  NO CANCER.  Whew.

I would have known that yesterday if she just would have read the numbers to me over the phone.  I was nice, but, needless to say, she now knows more about thyroid cancer than she ever wanted to know.

Just wanted to share that with you all.  Now there is NOTHING standing in my way between now and my first tri.

2007-03-15 10:57 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Tami - That's awesome news! You must feel like a weight is lifted. I'm celebratin' with ya girl!

Hey - how about some guesses on Kirk's time for the triathlon this weekend. I say he finishes in 62 minutes flat! How 'bout you others out there.

Good luck Kirk. Hope you have a totally fun and enjoyable race (can you tell I'm an "otter" - have to reduce everything to "play?") Even though I'm guessing 62 - I hope you meet your "wish time" of 60 minutes. That would be great!


2007-03-15 11:12 AM
in reply to: #723922

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Sugar Hill, GA
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Tami - that is fantastik!! I'm very happy for you...I can't even imagine how relieved you must feel right now. I'm sure you will enjoy your training much more now that you don't have that to worry about. As for the girl on the you have an amusing story to tell.

It has been quiet on this board lately. I know that I'm busy at work...things won't let up for me until March 30th. Next week will be really crazy.

So, are you feeling? You think you've got it in you to break 1 hour this weekend? Either way, I hope you have a great time.
2007-03-15 1:39 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Hey all, sorry I have been quiet. A friend of mine figured that since I lost my job last week and he has the week off from teaching that it would be a great time to put me to work on building stuff for him. Nice. So most of the week has been for naught and I am no closer to getting a job then I was on Monday.

Yeah I will be racing this weekend. Not sure if I will break the 1hour time. My run yesterday was horrible. If I get under 70min it will be a good accomplishment.

 Great to hear that everyone is healthy AND cancer free. Keep up with the workouts and don't let anyone discourage you.

2007-03-16 11:27 AM
in reply to: #724265

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Hi Everyone -

If everyone's ok with one more, I would like to join this group. I am a long-time friend of Jay's, going back about 17 years (!). He called me about a week or so ago, told me about his intention to run a tri, and asked if I'd be interested in training with him and doing it. It didn't take very long for me to tell him I was game.

A little about myself: I'm located in Pottstown, PA, which is about 45 minutes west of Philadelphia. I'm 35, married 10 years, no children. I'm about to lose my job 3/30 due to a firm merger, which is stressful to say the least. As for hobbies, I play a lot of golf in the warmer months, and I play bass and guitar.

As for my "A" race, the plan right now is the sprint tri of the Trenton Triathlon, July 22, 2007. I will be registering within the next week. Running is going to be my hardest leg of the tri - my long-standing joke is I would only run if chased. I've done a lot of spinning classes in the past, and swam competitvely when I was a kid - so I will have a lot of rust to shake off in the next four months. I am looking over the 22 week couch-to-sprint plan and trying to figure out where in the plan I should drop myself in.


1. Keeping weight off. I have always had problems with my weight since I was a kid, and have been taking it off and putting it back on since college. The lightest I have been has been 179, the heaviest has been 250 - I mean at that point, I was so disgusted with myself I couldn't even get on the scale. About two years ago I went on Atkins and dropped 30 pounds to about 220 without doing a cotton-pickin' thing at the gym. I started feeling good, picked up the carbs, stopped smoking (I was smoking about half a pack a day) and, slowly but surely, put almost all of it back on. This morning I was 241.2, and that's down three pounds from two weeks ago. Long term, I would like to get down to about 190, which I think would be a manageable weight for me.

2. Getting fit. I have been a regular attendee at my gym for the past year or so, going on average three-four times a week, doing free weights and about 45 minutes of cardio, and even though I know it's better than sitting there watching TV, I know I am nowhere near as fit as I can - or should - be. About a month ago I started running on the treadmill, and I'm up to a mile - which is a much harder level of cardio than I was used to doing, I obviously was not pushing myself very hard. I don't really have any well-defined goals regarding this - I just know I have to get better. The tri training will go a long way towards this, it appears.

So that's my situation in a nutshell, sorry if it was Too Much Information! I hope that everyone is ok with a new member, and I'm really excited about this, even if a little intimidated (I spent most of my morning reading the forum - what are they gonna do, fire me? - and realized I have a lot to learn fast).


2007-03-16 1:31 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL


Welcome to the group.  I know you will find everyone helpful and encouraging.

Good luck on your training goals.  Your not the only one in this group trying to shed some poundage - if that makes you feel any better. 

As far as your job goes - I'm sorry that's happening to you.  I did have to laugh though when you said "what are they going to do, fire me??"  Sounds like spending time reading the forum was more rewarding than thinking about the job situation.  Good luck with finding other employment and all that.  Try not to let the stress of the situation knock you off your goals in the health arena.

Anyway - Good luck to 'ya and enjoy the group!


2007-03-18 2:11 PM
in reply to: #629883

Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
I just finished my workout and logged my training. When I checked my emails, I ran across this old email and link that my wife sent me back in November. It was one of the inspirations and motivators to get me into tri-ing. The link is and it is the story of Dick Hoyt and his son Rick. Dick is a triathlete and modern day hero. Some of you have probably heard of him. It is an incredible story of love and determination. I promise it won't take long to read and watch (there is a GREAT video that streams with the story). If you need a little motivation to keep training, or even if you don't need any motivation but love heroes, read and watch this.
PS - You may want to grab a tissue to wipe the eyes. Again, the link is

2007-03-19 9:32 AM
in reply to: #727227

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Way to start off the week Tony - with a tear filled video. I seen them compete in the 2006 Ironman in HI this year. For the first time they did not make the swim cut-off. Another sad moment. But you are right there. If that man can do what he had done - carrying his son; there is no reason any of us can not achieve our own goals.
2007-03-19 9:44 AM
in reply to: #725512

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Chris, again welcome to the group. I know about the job sitiuation. I lost mine a week ago due to company re-org.

I also know about the 240+ feeling disgusted with self type of thing. Been there. The first advice I would give to rethink the amount of time that you put into free weights. Sorry, but the weights is almost the first think you will have to sacarfice on your way to your goal weight. Yes you will loose strength and perhaps a little muscle mass, but when you are down below 190 and you look in the mirror and like what you see, it will be worth it. Don't give up completely on the free weights, but do free weights that will actually benefit. Sorry, but the bench press is not going to make you super fast in the water. Trust me on this. I have tried for many years to do both free weights and cardio. It just does not work - or rather, I did not have enough time to do what was required to do both. In the long run I almost entirely dropped weight-lifting and focused on running (this was before being introduced to tris). After my first marathon and the introdcution to tris I found a whole new form of motivation. Three hours on the bike now is FUN (except today when the sustain wind is +20mph).

Best suggestion - lift weights only two or three times a week. Focus on doing exercises that are FUNCTIONAL and will benefit one of the three disciplines. Keep up with trying to go further on the running, but don't be afraid to slow to a walk to get in the time and distance - there is nothing to be ashamed about. Start becoming one with the bike. The bike will strip off fat in no time - not to mention you need to get used to that saddle.

Good luck to you and keep us posted.

2007-03-19 8:59 PM
in reply to: #725512

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Hi Chris,

Welcome! That's great that you and Jay will be urging eachother along. I'm a newbie 1st timer too so you're in good company. I too struggle with running and right off the bat, over did it and got a bad case of achilles tendonitis. I had to stop running all together and am now starting off much more cautiously. All that just to say, be careful not to over do it. Listen to your body.

Hopefully you'll be getting some warmer weather soon. I talked to relatives in Ohio today and they said the crocuses are peeking out so it won't be long now. Spring begins in 2 days - right? Glad you're in the group. I hope it helps you as much as it helps me. I'm sure I would have quit by now if it wasn't for the group. Lots of good info and encouragement.

Have fun and we'll be talkin' to ya,
2007-03-21 3:00 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Hey - still here but I have brochitas.......I haven't been sick in several years, no joke but since January I have been sick with respiratory crud at least once a month......I will update later -- just an FYI
2007-03-22 8:58 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Sugar Hill, GA
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
so, my first tri is scheduled for 5 weeks from Saturday. Assuming that the week prior to the tri will be tapering off, I only have 4 more weeks to get ready. Ummmm, all of a sudden I'm feeling like I'm a little behind the 8 ball...especially b/c I feel as though I've lost this week since today was my first good workout since Saturday.

Next week will be crazy for me at work, I'll still get in all of my workouts but I certainly won't have time to do anything extra, after that I can really focus on being prepared. With that, what should I be doing this last few weeks before actually putting my training to the test?

by the way, I hit a new milestone this morning...this is going to sound silly, but...the batteries in my walkman are dying. I put new batteries in when I first started back to the gym in January. I've never had long enough workouts for a long enough stretch of time to kill walkman batteries before. Sounds like it would make a good commercial...You know you're committed when you train long enough to kill two Energizer AAA batteries!

2007-03-22 10:22 AM
in reply to: #732904

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
thanks to everyone for the warm welcome and the supportive words, I can definitely use them. yesterday was my first real off day since I started - while my body was thanking me, my mind was a little restless about it, worried about getting back on the horse Jay says, a body at rest stays at rest...but at least i got my bike to the shop for a tune up, considering it's been collecting dust and spiderwebs in the back of my garage for a few years...progress is progress.

jay, way to go, buddy! you beat the energizer bunny head-to-head!

i hope everyone is healthy and doing well.
2007-03-22 4:36 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

A Walkman?  What's that?

I disagree on the dread factor of the day(s) off - use them to your advantage.  We are inherently complex machines and need time to rest/recover every now and then.  Embrace your off day for what it is, time to heal and clear your head.  Then you come back refreshed for the other 5-6 days you're working out/training.  You restart your computer at the end of the day, don't fret restarting yourself, either.  In my opinion, you should only begin worrying (and write in here for a motivational butt kicking) if you begin thinking up excuses for taking another, and then another day off.  Excessive workloads do not count, though, as crappy weeks happen from time to time.  Also, as I suggested in another post a few pages ago, don't stress too much about missing one or two planned workouts - again, if you find yourself making excuses to skip - let us know.  Plenty of supportive people are willing to help pick you up.

2007-03-22 5:07 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Okay, I have a totally stupid question. Actually, its a good question cuz it means I'm accomplishing something but its stupid technically. How do I put the dash lines (----) through stuff on my training log that I've accomplished? I noticed some of you do that when you finish a race or reach a goal and I'm clueless as to how to do it. Duh!!!!

Hope you're all doing okay out there. Is it getting warmer up north? I hate to brag but this week has been so nice, I took the whole week off. It has been picture perfect weather without the humidity that comes later on. Ahhhhh!


Oh ya, and here's another one. I tried to do a brick the other day, swimming and then running and I ran out of energy. I ate a little bag of those energy jelly beans before I started my run but literally at about 21 minutes into the run my legs didn't work any more. I know I need to try a bike/run brick but its really made me wonder how do you "fuel" your body even for a sprint tri? Should I gobble down half a Cliff bar or something or get some of those gel shot thingys? I would hate to have the ability left to finish a race but just totally poop out cuz I didn't eat correctly - Oh fear!
2007-03-23 8:34 AM
in reply to: #733793

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Sugar Hill, GA
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Hey Tara, I think it's a good question b/c I have not been able to figure that out either. Another problem I have is that when I reply to an inspire it stays with my inspires and is not sent to the other person...did I explain that clearly....if not, when I reply to an inspire, that person can't read my reply unless they are reading from my inspires.
2007-03-23 10:14 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

I'm not too smart about the technical stuff, but I think to reply to someone else's inspire (or have it go to them) you have to hit the "blog" button instead of "reply" - counterintuitive, I know.

As for the strikethrough line, make sure you have gone to your control panel, and clicked the "yes" box next to the "Use rich edit box when composing messages?" question.   Then, when you go to the "edit training sessions" page, down at the bottom, you should have more MSWord-style editing features, which is where you'll find all sorts of cool things such as colors, fonts, italics and strikethrough options.

Now, about bonking.  Obviously, one has to know oneself and how much to fuel prior to a workout, brick, whatever.  I generally eat an energy bar (Clif Bars are my choice) or bagel prior to a workout (including bricks).  I also don't usually eat during a ride or run, but I carry something with me just in case.  I've also been known to suck down a Gu (gel) between halves of a soccer game.    Suggestions I've heard are to eat/drink while on the bike (assuming a traditional swim, bike, run) and then get whatever you might need on the run from the volunteers.  Of course, during training, those volunteers are much harder to find, so, on longer runs (greater than 7 or 8 miles) I carry water and a Gu.

My suggestion, if you're doing a swim/run brick, is to suck down a gel in your transition, chase it with water, and be gone.  If it's a run/bike (whatever order), again, T-time is good for a bite, but on a long ride, you might want to munch on something like a bar.  I've seen people duct tape packets of gels to their bikes for the rides.  I might do this on my Oly as it's a 25 mile ride.  Personally, I hate chewing on anything during a run and will tolerate it on the bike, thus a slippery gel and water just prior to a run works for me, and a bar on the bike, if necessary, also works.

I hope that wasn't too rambling.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention to build up to your bricks.  If you've never done back to back items, it takes some getting used to.  Don't go out thinking you can just do the distances tomorrow.  Start small (like we all did in building our run, swim or bike distances) and maybe shoot for a full swim and 1/2 the run distance, or something like that.  Once you accomplish a few like this, you'll have great confidence that you can not only do the full distances in a brick, but actually link THREE sports together.


Edited by dblack1801 2007-03-23 10:19 AM

2007-03-23 9:06 PM
in reply to: #734468

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL


Thanks for the info.  The control panel worked just like you said. 

I really appreciate the info on fuel too.  I was at Big Lots tonight (my husband's favorite store - do you guys have them?), and anyway, they had cases of PowerBar Gel packets (6 per box) for $2.00.  I bought one to see if I can stomach them and if I can I'm going back to stock up.  I've heard they're kind of expensive so it seemed like a good price.

Question:  As we train, do our bodies get more efficient in using fuel?  Once I get a little more accustomed to "bricks" and racing will my body be able to go farther/faster without taking in as much fuel during the swim/bike/run because it uses it more efficiently?  Just curious.

I appreciate your advice!  Tara

2007-03-23 9:14 PM
in reply to: #734308

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Hey Jay,

I gotta laugh - I think you and I are on the same plane technically speaking - but I have to admit, I've upgraded to an iPod from the ol' Walkman.  Maybe the Easter bunny will bring you one - they're awesome.

Thanks for mentioning the "inspire" question - I wasn't sure about that either.  It is counterintuitive.....hmmmm.   TB

2007-03-24 12:51 AM
in reply to: #735273

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
tbryant - 2007-03-23 9:06 PM

I really appreciate the info on fuel too.  I was at Big Lots tonight (my husband's favorite store - do you guys have them?), and anyway, they had cases of PowerBar Gel packets (6 per box) for $2.00.  I bought one to see if I can stomach them and if I can I'm going back to stock up.  I've heard they're kind of expensive so it seemed like a good price.

Question:  As we train, do our bodies get more efficient in using fuel?  Once I get a little more accustomed to "bricks" and racing will my body be able to go farther/faster without taking in as much fuel during the swim/bike/run because it uses it more efficiently?  Just curious.

Gu is usually around $1/packet at Academy, so 6 for 2 bucks is a good price.

I don't know the answer to your fuel question but it's been my experience that as you improve effeciency, you burn your fuel more efficiently, too, and more of it, which is to say, you can actually eat more (of good stuff) and maintain your weight and training.  Personally, I don't like to go out there on a full stomach.

2007-03-24 5:29 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Hey everyone,

2 questions for anyone that can answer:

1.  indoor computer trainers - specifically - Kurt Kinetic.  It actually hit 40 degrees here today (well that was this morning, it's actually in the 60's now which is AMAZING) - so I took my bike out.  I was able to put in twice the amount of distance in the same amount of time as inside.  In other words, inside I was doing around 4.5 miles in around 45 minutes - and then today, outside, easily put in 9.18 in the same amount of time.  Is my indoor training computer not registering correctly or what?  I am not able to get out of first gear inside - but outside today, I was in the top gear my bike can go the entire time.  I realize both times are really slow in the tri world.

2.  Plateaus (or however you spell that).  I've been at this traning thing for over a month.  With the exception of the bike today, most of my times have either been steady or getting worse for around the past 2 weeks.  Is this normal??  I'm training just as hard, putting in more time - and not improving.  Just wondering if anyone can shed some light on this for me.




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