General Discussion Classifieds - New and Used Triathlon Gear » Pay it forward - Donate Your Old Gear to a Newbie (no requests pls) Rss Feed  
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2008-01-24 11:13 AM
in reply to: #995334

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Pay it forward

As you know, I have  given away lots of stuff and have even received something.  Well, technically for my wife, but regardless.

I have chosen one person over the next because I figured they needed X more than person Y.  BUT, here is the rub.  If the second person had not PM'd me, I would not have known someone else needed it.  Just because you're "late to the party" doesn't mean that you can't PM and ask for it.

I'd rather have 15 PM's asking for an item and why instead of 1. 

Just a thought.

2008-01-24 12:49 PM
in reply to: #1174003

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Morse Lake, Noblesville, Indiana
Subject: RE: Pay it forward
Marvarnett - 2008-01-24 12:13 PM

I'd rather have 15 PM's asking for an item and why instead of 1. 

Just a thought.

I completely agree, and even though I am a first come first serve type of guy, if I had 3 emails, and the last needed the item more, it would likely go to them. Good thoughts Marv....
2008-01-24 10:26 PM
in reply to: #995334

Subject: RE: Pay it forward
""Quick question to the posters who have been having issues with "being a few minutes late" - have you offered anything on this post yet? ""

TJ - No, I haven't. I received a bike as a gift from a retired triathlete. It was a great bike back in the day but it is a few years old and I spent over $300 so far on tires/tubes, shatter proof glasses and a new seat. I now need to buy a spare tire and tube, a helmet, new pedals, a cyclometer, shoes, gloves, etc. LOL. My wife is not happy. I don't have anything to give away. But you can BET I will when the time comes. I give stuff away on craigslist all the time including old furniture and childrens toys, etc. I just don't have any tri stuff and this thread is an awesome way for newbies to get stuff for free.

I was just making a suggestion as it seems a lot of the same people jump on the items as soon as they hit the site. I'm new here and don't want to ruffle feathers but a Pay It Forward concept was originally created to give less fortunate people things that you or I might take for granted. The idea of charity is a karmic one that you will get something back in return for your good deed - be it enlightenment or a good conscience, etc. Your thinly veiled accusation that I or anyone else who hasn't offered anything up are somehow morally forfeit is ridiculous and is counterintuitive to the whole ideal of Pay It Forward. My $.02
2008-01-25 6:21 AM
in reply to: #1175212

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Pay it forward

big john h - 2008-01-24 11:26 PM  I now need to buy a spare tire and tube, a helmet, new pedals, a cyclometer, shoes, gloves, etc. LOL. My wife is not happy.

Big John,

What size noggin do you have?  I have a helmet that I stopped using because I got a couple of new ones.  It's nothing special, but it's yours if you can wear a Medium.  I also had a brand new Specialzied, but gave it to my Training Partner.  I am also about to get new tires for my Tri-bike, so I can probably forward you my "old" tires if you want.  They probably have 1000+ miles left on them.

2008-01-25 6:55 AM
in reply to: #995334

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Grantville, Ga
Subject: RE: Pay it forward
I agree this is a great thread going and seen some things that I would like to have but don't really need. I have everything to tri (not everything that I want). I just recently lost myQR tequillo to some stress cracks around the front derailer mount., but I still have my roadie so there goes the road bars to mount my tri bars and poof somewhat of a tri bike. At least for now.
Keep the thread going and I should list some cycling clothing this weekend. This is a great way to let some newbies enjoy this great sport without the initial cost of those smaller items.
2008-01-25 8:01 AM
in reply to: #995334

Subject: RE: Pay it forward
Marvarnett - wow. thanks. that would be awesome. i'm 6' 195lbs and have a normal size head. When I saw new to the sport I meant it. no idea what size my head is? any idea how to check? I just went around the perimeter of my head with a tape measure and it was about 22". The tries would be great. The cheapest spare tire and tube was about $45.

2008-01-25 8:05 AM
in reply to: #995334

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Dodge Center, MN
Subject: RE: Pay it forward
Good info to know. I need a lot of gear and watch this thread like a hawk. I was under the inpression that it was first come first serve. I didn't know that we needed to expain ourselves when we PM. I'm really not much for begging and writting sob stories so I'm not sure how I'll fair.
2008-01-25 8:13 AM
in reply to: #1175491

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Pay it forward

Caincando - I didn't mean a sob story, but rather a short one liner if you want to.  Case in point, when I asked for a women's small top it was because my wife wanted to get back into running and she didn't have any gear.  Last time she "ventured" into this we spent way too much money for no training.  ;P  Let's just say that a good friend of ours got a Felt S22 as a wedding gift and used it to Kick my Arse in IM MOO the same year. 

Big John - I'll make a deal with you.  I'll send you the helmet and if it fits, you can send me shipping.  If it doesn't fit, you post it on here for someone else and pay to ship it to them.  Sound good?  Now I'l actually have to do maintenance on my bike...crap!!

2008-01-25 8:47 AM
in reply to: #995334

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Subject: RE: Pay it forward

I certainly understand the high-startup-cost issue but wonder if this thread is the best place to ask for donations.  This community is SO nice, and it seems that any time people are in need, a lot of members step up, and if they have stuff sitting around that they're not using, and they're probably not reading this thread or they'd have posted it already. 

So maybe those of you in this situation should set up a "Newbie needs the kindness of strangers" thread where you just say something like, "I'm new and can't really afford X or Y; does anyone have anything just cluttering up your closet?"  I don't know where that might go -- Classifieds or Introduce Yourself, but if you feel that you are constantly aced out in this thread, maybe this will work better for you.

2008-01-25 9:22 AM
in reply to: #995334

Subject: RE: Pay it forward
I think that concept you are describing IS the same concept as Pay It Forward. No need for two different threads imo.

M - sounds like a GREAT deal. I'll send you shipping if it fits and pass it along if it doesn't. Sending PM now.
2008-01-25 9:25 AM
in reply to: #995334

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: Pay it forward
Just glad the forum is back on track!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-01-25 9:44 AM
in reply to: #1175687

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Morgantown, WV
Subject: RE: Pay it forward


There's several things on here I wanted, and despite my automatic response as a college student, I resisted becuase I'm not in NEED of them.

People that are giving a lot (ahem...marvinett) you are truely inspiring!  Good People are sometimes hard to find, and I like surfing this thread simply becuase it reminds me that humans are good!

2008-01-25 11:55 AM
in reply to: #1175212

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Morse Lake, Noblesville, Indiana
Subject: RE: Pay it forward
big john h - 2008-01-24 11:26 PM

""Quick question to the posters who have been having issues with "being a few minutes late" - have you offered anything on this post yet? ""

Your thinly veiled accusation that I or anyone else who hasn't offered anything up are somehow morally forfeit is ridiculous and is counterintuitive to the whole ideal of Pay It Forward. My $.02

No accusation whatsoever, no offense meant, and I don't think this is in anyway a karmatic thing.

Real simple, someone has something they don't need, they post it here. If someone needs it they ask for it. The person offering has the opportunity to gift the equipment to anyone they feel like. You don't have to offer anything to participate in this, but if you go dig through your stuff you may even find you have an extra/incorrect sized/not needed something that can go on the list. Look around, you may be suprised.

I know as I am cleaning through my house while I am on medical disability right now, I am finding lots of stuff I can post, and have posted some, have sent some, and will have lots more myself. That's just the spirit of the thread, and hopefully the spirit of a triathlete.

Unfortunatly we have all have different ideas of how things are to work here, maybe we should have a rule that all posts to this list are offers and all requests go through PM. That way nobody knows who gets what. It's not your business what I send to someone else anyway.

Let's get back to the spirit of the thread.
2008-01-25 12:49 PM
in reply to: #1176008

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Pay it forward
Yikes! this is worse than all the talk about copywrite law.....looks like the thread has been hijacked again. =(
2008-01-25 12:57 PM
in reply to: #995334

Subject: RE: Pay it forward
Okay. No worries.
2008-01-25 1:37 PM
in reply to: #1175491

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Morse Lake, Noblesville, Indiana
Subject: RE: Pay it forward
big john h - 2008-01-25 9:01 AM

The cheapest spare tire and tube was about $45.

I believe I have a few (or maybe 1) actually new never used tire kicking around, and even a tube or two I can lend to your cause, PM me your postal.

Tire was bought new in September, was going to be a trainer tire, and the cheapest the shop had, but since I've been sick, it's seen zero use - literally brand new. It's not a folding tire, anyone know the best way to ship one of those?

It'll be the weekend before I will be able to dig it out, and I can't drive right now with my medication, so I have to find a ride to the post office to drop off several things. Hopefully go out Monday - or sometime next week definetly.

Edited by tjtryon 2008-01-25 1:38 PM

2008-01-25 2:08 PM
in reply to: #995334

Subject: RE: Pay it forward
TJ - thanks so much. That's awesome. Let me ask you a question. The tires I bought were foldable or whatever. you can wad them up into a fanny pack and take them with you in case of a flat. if i put your tire on and took one of the ones i bought off would there be a difference/problem in having two different tires on the bike? I am PMing you now.
2008-01-25 9:01 PM
in reply to: #1176306

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Morse Lake, Noblesville, Indiana
Subject: RE: Pay it forward
big john h - 2008-01-25 3:08 PM

TJ - thanks so much. That's awesome. Let me ask you a question. The tires I bought were foldable or whatever. you can wad them up into a fanny pack and take them with you in case of a flat. if i put your tire on and took one of the ones i bought off would there be a difference/problem in having two different tires on the bike? I am PMing you now.

One of the smarter gurus will have to answer this. If it will work out for you, it's yours, let me know soon. If it will not work for you, I'll post it back up. I'll get out to the garage in the AM and locate it and get you the specs on it.
2008-01-25 9:31 PM
in reply to: #995334

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Pay it forward
That will not be a problem with "different" tires.  
2008-01-25 9:40 PM
in reply to: #995334

Subject: RE: Pay it forward
If the offer is still good, and it won't matter - I'll definitely take it. But like you said if someone needs it more then no big deal.
2008-01-25 9:45 PM
in reply to: #1176872

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Morse Lake, Noblesville, Indiana
Subject: RE: Pay it forward

big john h - 2008-01-25 10:40 PM

If the offer is still good, and it won't matter - I'll definitely take it. But like you said if someone needs it more then no big deal.

All your's, PM me your info, I'll get it dug out and figure out to send it this weekend.

Actually, I just remembered you emailed your info to me. It'll be outbound soon...

Edited by tjtryon 2008-01-25 9:54 PM

2008-01-25 9:51 PM
in reply to: #995334

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Morse Lake, Noblesville, Indiana
Subject: RE: Pay it forward
Guys, I'm sick with this inner ear thing (Labrynthitis and also Vestibualitis) and have been on some really good heavy drugs, and don't get to the post office much.

I'm going through my emails and playing catch up. If I owe you something, please send me a reminder. With the current medications, I have an IQ somewhere between a hedgehog and a goldfish.

Additionally, I have a list of postal addresses I use to send out XMas cards, and sometimes a congrats or a good luck card. If you are comfortable, send me your postal address. I don't share it with anyone and you'll get no spam from me. Like I said, you'll get a xmas card, and likely a good luck card mid season. Being sick, I can't train, let alone walk a straight line or drive, so I have lots of time on my hands for this sort of thing.

Guys (and gals) - have a fantastic weekend, I'm going back to bed...
2008-01-27 11:03 AM
in reply to: #995334

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Checkin' out the podium girls
Subject: RE: Pay it forward
Laptop memory, 2x256MB: OK, it's not a tri item, but I upgraded and can't bear to toss it if it's useful.

PC2700S, 2x256MB DDR, 333Mhz CL2.5

Removed from a Dell Inspiron.

PM if interested
2008-01-27 3:50 PM
in reply to: #995334

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Subject: RE: Pay it forward
I have two dri-fit shirts from reebok and nike.  The Reebok one is 2XL and is sleeveless.  The Nike one is sort of a pullover (XL) running thing short sleeve.  Both are in mint condition.  There yours (both together).

(Dri-fit shirts.jpg)

Dri-fit shirts.jpg (28KB - 47 downloads)
2008-01-27 4:43 PM
in reply to: #995334

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Trinity, Florida
Subject: RE: Pay it forward
Teddiemao i just PMed you.
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General Discussion Classifieds - New and Used Triathlon Gear » Pay it forward - Donate Your Old Gear to a Newbie (no requests pls) Rss Feed  
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