BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!! Rss Feed  
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2008-02-21 11:39 AM
in reply to: #1117000

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Long Beach
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!
Morning or Afternoon to all of you insane people....

I have not had any episodes of illness after any of my workouts, perhaps it is because I am doing as much real road training as I can. The only thing that I'm still looking for is open water swimming. I have to have my partner kayak next to me so the boaters don't mistake me for a disorientated whale (LOL), NOT ANY MORE, JUST DROPPED BELOW 200, I'M AT 199 NOW... "YEAH!!!" He likes to kayak so it would be fun.

Last night I ended up sharing a lane with one of the local high school swimmers. He wanted to do circles in the lane and I had to explain that I am in no shape to keep up with a 17-year-old guy that probably does a 20 - 25 second 25m. As he ended up doing. He laughed, I got depressed. He did give me some breathing pointers but otherwise said that I was doing well and should complete the swim in no time. He has been thinking of doing a Tri as well. Perhaps a new training partner? Like I could ever keep up with his pace, NOT.

As for my career, I now have another offer with a company I have wanted to work for three years. I told them about my other commitment beginning 03/03, so they said they would have an answer for me by tomorrow (Friday). Crossing my fingers as this would be a killer position.

It looks like everyone is planning to make the 2008 season a great time. Ken, good luck on your XTERRA challenge. I believe that you will come under your three-hour mark you have given yourself. Mo, you have some great advice about the four days leading up, I believe in the same and believe you too can accomplish your goal. So... when is everybody else’s first race? My blog has all the races I plan to be in. First, one is bought and paid for, the next two will be applied for this weekend, and the last will be paid for when downloadable registration forms are ready, I prefer not to use to process as they charge an extra $10 or so if you are not a member. Perhaps it will be necessary anyway, but I'm hoping it will not be the case.

Take care all, train safe and insane...

2008-02-21 1:20 PM
in reply to: #1117000

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs, CO
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

John,  congrats on breaking 200!!!   That's a huge benchmark.

 I had an early workout today sicne a buddy of mine is flying into town.  It was nice to get it done.  Interesting story though...  as i was walking out of the locker room to start my workout,  3 police officers walked in and arrested a guy in his bathing suit.  turns out they arrested him, another female, and still looking for a guy who bolted out the back door in his bathing suit.  (in 32 degree weather no less)  They had been breaking into cars at the YMCA I go to and someone recognized them in the hot tub and called the po-po. 

 Yet another reason i am glad to be moving to the other side of town next week.  good grief !!!

Edited by kenaxford 2008-02-21 1:21 PM
2008-02-21 2:13 PM
in reply to: #1117000

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

We had the same thing happen at our gym a few years ago!!! Car breaker-inner-people.

 John- good for you! That sounds great and you must be PUMPED.  !I just seem to have truly broken 150.  Sadly, in some sick sort of self-sabotgaing celebratory move, I then ate a sh*tload of Hershey's Kissables. Moving onwards and upwards, onwards and upwards. Might sneak in an extra run or something for that foolish move.

 FIRST race: I am considering signing up for the Clermont FL supersprint on 4/5 when we are in Florida. Just to work the kinks out. I am a little scared, yet excited at the prospect.

Edited by aquinn 2008-02-21 2:14 PM
2008-02-22 7:39 AM
in reply to: #1117000

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Taos, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

Good morning everyone.  Congrats on the weight breakthroughs!  I overslept so must head to work and get my run in later.  Should be a nice day at least.


2008-02-22 7:58 AM
in reply to: #1117000

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs, CO
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!
hey everyone.  headed to the mountains for the weekend.  I'll catch up with you on Monday.  work hard this weekend and take some time for yourselves.
2008-02-22 10:17 AM
in reply to: #1117000

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Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!
Hey, morning guys. It's just passed midnight here, finally done with work. Looks like today's bike session gotta be postponed to tomorrow.

I'm so sleepy.

Have a good wekkend everyone!!

2008-02-23 3:41 PM
in reply to: #1117000

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Williamson, GA
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

Hey guys! 

John, way to go with the 200 lb break through!  That's awesome!  Sounds like you are doing very well with your training all the way around.  Finding opportunites for open water swims can be tough.  The kayak/swim sounds like a win win!  My first tri is not until the end of June.  It's a sprint.  My "A" race (an Oly) isn't until September, so I'm starting my season a little late.  What's the word on the "killer position"?  So, you have not been sick after your recent rides?  Did you change anything?

Sandi, sounds like you will be REALLY busy for a while.  Hang in there!  Yep, I would say the home improvement projects are on hold for a while.

Amy, how cold is it there today?  I thought of you recently when seeing the sub-zero temps on the news.  BRRRRRRR

Ken, who's in town?  I'm assuming you are snowboarding this weekend?  Scary that the car-breaker-inners   were there when you were.  UGH!  At least the cops were there to get them.

Mo, well.... life has to go on, doesn't it.  I work for a company that seems to do a lot of drinking also.  I can understand.  How is your running these days?

I tried to run today.  After about five minutes, my heart rate was at the top of zone 2.  Hmmmmm?  Then I remembered that I had given blood two days ago.  Oh well!  So, walking and Elliptical were the replacements for my run.  Maybe I won't be giving blood until September.

My hubby is out of town this weekend, so I have the house to myself (and my son, of course).  We read a few books this morning, fixed oatmeal together, read some more books, went to the gym, done some laundry, and have started cleaning out closets.   It's a good day!

2008-02-24 10:12 PM
in reply to: #1117000

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Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!
Hey, hope everyone had a great weekend. I manage to do my rides both on saturday and sunday.

Too bad had a bike accident on saturday. My front wheel got stuck in a grill drainage cover, with my face slammed to the floor. Got my lips torn and swollen, cracked one front tooth and lost the other. Luckily my legs are fine.

The funny thing is i've gone through the same drainage like a hndred times and it's like 10metres away froim the front door. I've already unclipped my shoe for the stop and then it happens. Oh well, guess i'm bound to fall at some point. Good thing helmet still on and glasses protected my eyes from more bruising.
2008-02-24 10:17 PM
in reply to: #1117000

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Taos, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!
Oh, Mo! That's terrible.  I'm so glad you weren't hurt any more than you were.  Sounds like you deserve to pamper yourself for a little while .  I suppose this is one of those times when maybe the whiskey isn't so bad!
2008-02-25 7:16 AM
in reply to: #1117000

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!
Whoa! That sounds awful! You are lucky you did not break any bones, but I bet you are stiff today. Hope you feel better and SOON.
2008-02-25 10:08 AM
in reply to: #1117000

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs, CO
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

Oh my gosh !!!  Mo, I'm so sorry about the accident.  i agree with you that it's only a matter of when, but your's sounds really bad.  I hope you get to feeling better.

 On the bright side, if you ever decide to take up hockey, you'll look like one of the guys.  (missing a tooth and all)

2008-02-25 11:55 AM
in reply to: #1117000

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Long Beach
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!
Morning Team...

My blog is updated. Had terrible training sessions this weekend and also ate poor. Guess some self destructive behavior may be setting in. Need to turn that around very soon.

Mo, sorry to hear, but at least the helmet was on, it could have been worse. I am not looking forward to my first accident, I jusst hope I am as lucky.

Terri, the position was offered to a temp that at first said not interested, but changed her mind at the last minute, oh well, still start the other position on Monday, March 3.

I have not been ill after any of my sessions since my worst incident the week before last, here's to keeping my fingers crossed. My partner will be out of town at a national conference in Washington DC beginning Saturday, so my sleep pattern will suck. Good things sleep aides.

Planned traininig this week is:
Monday: Off
Tuesday: Swim 1h 10min
Wednesday: Run 42min
Thursday, Bike 2h 21min
Friday: Off
Saturday: Run 1h 10min
Sunday: Swim 46min, Bike 1h 33min

Have a great week everyone...

Edited by JohnJohnLB 2008-02-25 11:56 AM
2008-02-25 3:13 PM
in reply to: #1117000

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Williamson, GA
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!


Wow!  I hated to read your update.  I'm sorry that you got beat up so bad   Good for you for getting back on your bike on Sunday!  Have you been to the dentist yet?


2008-02-26 3:30 AM
in reply to: #1117000

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Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!
Oh yeah i've been to the dentist and the bill would cost almost half the cost of a new bike! She glued the cracked tooth together, and it's fine. But after this i gotta go do a root canal and crowning for the one that broke. And it's gonna be a couple of months worth of dentist visits before i'll have my full set intact again But until then, i've got to keep repeating the same answer to every single client that comes in and seeing my very bruised face.

Ken, haha i used to be the captain for the hockey team but it was field hockey though and i'm guessing you meant ice hockey. I did manage to get a torn lips once and quite a few bruises on various parts of my body.

I'm gonna head out for a run now. Cant swim for few days maybe a week because i cant lift my shoulder and besides the wounds are stll not healed properly so i wouldnt wanna get them into the not very clean pool water.

Have fun training everyone!
2008-02-26 1:11 PM
in reply to: #1117000

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs, CO
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!
mo, don't feel bad, your in good company.  I have fake teeth on top and so does one of my best friends.  We were both happy in the long run because they ended up looking better. 

Edited by kenaxford 2008-02-26 1:14 PM
2008-02-27 11:58 AM
in reply to: #1117000

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Long Beach
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!
Morning Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have been doing some below standard training so I am taking this week off. Not sure if it is burn-out or fatigue, most of my friends have this virus / flu and I know I am beating something away. Either way, Ken suggested that I take the week to recover by doing activities away from my training schedule.

I'll let you all know how it goes. Have a great one.

2008-02-27 3:35 PM
in reply to: #1117000

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Williamson, GA
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

Hi everyone!

Well, I have finally tackled a few issues at work so I am feeling a bit revived today.  I just finished a quick run (quick as in not very many minutes, definately not as in speed).  Anyway, it felt good, but I wish I could get faster.  I'm a little bummed about that but mostly frustrated with myself in allowing other things to slip in while my workouts slipped out.  I need to get back on the bandwagon with logging what I eat also.  I've not been doing too bad, but not as good as I need to be.

Mo, how are you feeling?

John, keep us posted on how you are feeling.  I hope you don't have the crud and that your body is just telling you to slow down for a bit.

Amy, how are you doing?  Looks like you are getting in some good rides!

Sandi, looks like you are working hard on your swim!  I'm jealous of you guys who have swim trainers.  Maybe I need to find one!?!

Ken, how did the move go?  You guys all settled in?

2008-02-27 6:48 PM
in reply to: #1117000

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs, CO
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

we are in the new place.  still have some tid-bits left at the old place, but it's my job to finish up since we don't have to be out until Friday. 

 good news is that we like the new place much better than the old.  Bad news is that I figured out moving is what flares up my hip.  It started when we were moving in Orlando and it flared up again yesterday.  It probably doesn't help that I ran and lifted legs first, but we also didn't have much furniture to move.  just three fllights of stuff.  oh well, that's my rant for the day.  How is everyone else.  It's been quit.

2008-02-28 5:08 AM
in reply to: #1117000

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

Hi Guys-

I've had sort of a rough week.  The tough hike I did Sunday really drained me Monday and Tuesday and I just started feeling like myself again after last night's swim. (I should know better than to get dehydrated) I did accomplish my February goal for the Team Swimming Rocks Challenge- 11,000 yards. Last night I really had to swim my a** off to get there-- the pool was going to close for the night and I was pretty sure it was going to be my last swim of February with 2400 yards still owed to my meet my challenge.  That inspired me to do something I never thought I could- swim 1300 straight with no rest!

Going to put in some stregth right now and I have a long ride planned with a friend at her house for tonight. Hope she knows I need to put in 97 minutes!! That's a long time! Yikes!

 The weather here is yuck-  a high of 7 degrees today- and quite frankly, snow stops making me real happy in March. Since I've no choice, I need to embrace it this weekend and become one with winter again....if you can't beat it- join it!

Have a great day, guys!

2008-02-28 9:33 AM
in reply to: #1117000

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs, CO
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!
congrats amy.  Great job on the 1300 !!!
2008-02-29 9:14 AM
in reply to: #1117000

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs, CO
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

I followed Mo's lead and put my training schedule on google docs if anyone wanted to look.  1st tab are general notes for the plan.  other tabs contain each month of training.  XTERRA on June 21st and south carolina half in September.  I plan on sprinkling some sprints and/or olympics depending on where we are living after July.

my biggest goal of the season is to break 5 hours at the south Carolina half.  There...   I said it.  so now I'm commited.[email protected]

Edited by kenaxford 2008-02-29 9:16 AM

2008-02-29 10:05 AM
in reply to: #1117000

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Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!
Hey people, hope everyone's well. Quick one here since i'm hijacking a friend's notebook to get on bt.

It's been raining non-stop for two days and no training, feeling very useless. Also had the first of the root canal treatment today. I couldnt start to explain how painful it was.

And ken, cool.. more spreadsheet ... but i cant access it, you'll have to make it public i think by publishing it.

Have a good weekend everyone and my one of my closest friend's getting married tomorrow so most probably no running tomorrow too

take care.
2008-02-29 11:21 AM
in reply to: #1117000

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs, CO
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

sorry about that.  should be published now.  Let me know if any issues arrise.

Edited by kenaxford 2008-02-29 11:21 AM
2008-03-01 10:42 AM
in reply to: #1117000

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs, CO
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!
holy quite !!!  where is everyone ???
2008-03-01 5:07 PM
in reply to: #1117000

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Williamson, GA
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

I'm here!  I'm following Mo's lead and hijacking my husband's laptop for a few minutes.

I did a 5K race this morning.  My goal was to do the 10K, but I am not yet ready for that.  My sister did the 10K and I did the 5K.  It is a gorgeous day here... sunny, breezy, and I would guess about 70 today.  I shedded my jacket during the first half mile.  The race was in a revived (and rebuilding) downtown Greenville, South Carolina.  A very fun race!

Okay... here is the bad part.  I guess my adrenaline was going because when I started my HRM at the start line, it read 162.  Oh boy!  After the second and third glances, I decided not to look anymore and to just go by how I felt.  It took about the first mile for me to find my pace (and to zig zag through many walkers).  I wanted to run the entire race without walking so just slowed my pace where I felt comfortable enough.  I did it and with a pretty good pace compared to my training paces.  So, I although my heart rate avg was 176, I felt pretty good although I didn't have that much more to give at the end.

While I was running I was thinking, "I have got to get off my A$$ and stick to healthy eating and consistent workouts."  I'm not going to meet my goals if I don't get going again.

I hope you guys are all having a great weekend!  I hope to be more consistent in logging and blogging in the next few weeks.

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