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2010-05-07 5:48 PM
in reply to: #2843827

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2010-05-07 11:58 AM
It's snowing - big blobs - too warm to stick now - we'll see what happens later.


SNOWING!   Oh NO.    I really feel for you.   Hope it didn't stick around too long.  

2010-05-08 5:37 AM
in reply to: #2845114

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Sometime in the next four hour and fourteen minutes, Mandy will be hitting the chlorine at Farley Field House of Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine!

Major mojo, Mandy!!

Interesting set-up to this one. There are 13 waves, seeded according to projected swim times for 525m. BUT the twist here is that they don't go from a definitive fastst to slowest. In fact, the first two waves are for the slowest swimmers, and then after that the look to go from fastest to slowest. So, the first wave goes at 8:25, the next at 8:45, and then at 9:00, 9:07, 9:15, 9:23.....with the gaps betweeen wave starts then climbing by increments of about a minute until the lst wave, at 10:46. Verrrrrrry interesting!

I forgot to notice the interval beteen individual starts, but it's probably about five seconds; I think that's how the pool one in Ottawa does it.

Anyhow, Mandy could be starting anytime between 8:25 and 10:46. Tough to extend my psychic focus to her with that broad of a time span!


2010-05-08 5:50 AM
in reply to: #2845111

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Yup, Tri-Maine has enetrtained both Mandy and me. Mandy did Pirate and Lobsterman last year, and I did Lobsterman in '08. Both Mandy and I will be doing Pirate on June 13.

Lobsterman is a very cool race. Give it serious thought, especially if you are thinking of a way to celebrate your birthday. It is right on Casco Bay, with the whole Maine coastline drifting northeast and southwest of you. The White Mountains of N.H. are only about 2 hours away, as the entire playground of Maine itself is right there!

You have a few driving options, none real quick. One would be to eneter at Buffalo and just ramble across the turnpikes, finally heading north to Maine just before you get to Boston. The second would be to come up the 401 to Montreal, then to Sherbrooke and in through the Eastern Townships. The third would be like the second, except before you get to Sherbrooke head south towards St. Johnsbury......and from there follow the winding roads that will eventually land you in Freeport, Maine, home to the race. (Option three has you passing just east of the wonderfully-named Lake Memphremagog!)

If you ever get to seriously contemplating Lobsterman, either of us can gtell you more. REALLY fine race, though, and for lobster freaks there is a much touted post-race lobster feed put on by Gritty McDuff's, a local restaurant of high repute. (When I did the race, we couldn't stay for the lobster-feed. But I'm sure Mandy did.)


2010-05-08 9:19 AM
in reply to: #2845581

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Edited by midlifeinsanity 2010-05-25 8:43 PM
2010-05-08 10:54 AM
in reply to: #2840749

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Hey look over there at that shiny....Oh sorry, SWIM SWIM SWIM!!!

Hope the race went well!
2010-05-08 11:13 AM
in reply to: #2837816

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
SteveB, Congrats on the Honorable Mention!! Goo luck with All American.

KASIA, good job with the swim! I think we all fight that desire to start the run or the swim some times and you just have to fight through. I find starting the runs the worst. Swimming is not bad once I get going. Biking though, as long as the weather is nice, I have no problem getting going.

STEVEA, wow, already looking for another IM/140.6!! Glad to hear SG didn't break you down and you never want to do one again.

2010-05-08 11:17 AM
in reply to: #2842748

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Alright....Sports drinks.

Now that Tri-Zone carries Gu Brew and for the price that it is, that's what I am going with. Infint is interesting. Looks a bit pricy though. See, if only I thought I were smart enough to come up with my own formulation I'd be good to go. I'd probably end up messing myself up somehow.
2010-05-08 1:37 PM
in reply to: #2845842

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

M -

Very fine sleuthing! You get an A for "Initiative", and an A+ for "Uses Resources Effectively".

Extended recess for you on Monday!

2010-05-08 1:41 PM
in reply to: #2845842

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


And you get GrooveTime! Post of the Week honors for your one (".....shiny....SWIM!") this morning to Mandy!

2010-05-08 1:47 PM
in reply to: #2845863

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

SHAUN again -

Good call on Gu Brew!

Had I known you were going that way yesterday morning, I would've picked a packet or two up myself -- just so we could compare notes. I will try to get some on Monday. A week or two ago I bought two packets of Gu Brew Recovery, but haven't used them yet.

With this stuff, ya gotta start somewhere, and you really can waste a lot of time ditzing around with the fine details. (I think you've learned that already, yes?)

I went through much of the '08 season using Gu gels, and they served me well. I think at the time I also played around with a Gu drink, although at the time I don't think it was called "Brew". Anyhow, I'll look forward to trying regular Gu Brew next week!

2010-05-08 1:53 PM
in reply to: #2845997

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

SHAUN once more -

(1) At my source for nutrition, they had a sign on the bins that said that CarbBOOM! products are temporarily unavailable. WHen I asked a clerk, he said he didn't know but that it could be many things, including CB! simply not keeping up with demand, or for some reason not meeting Canadian standards. Hammer's Sustained Energy had this problem a few yars ago, and still does, I think.

(2) You were right that the full nutrition info about HEED isn't even on the Hammer website! Incredibly strange. Keep reminding me to call them, if I haven't reported back to you about this by Tuesday or Wednesday.

2010-05-08 3:00 PM
in reply to: #2846002

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

High Culture comes to GrooveTime!

This from Emily Dickinson, #650 in her canon. For all of us who have suffered aches and various discomforts.....

Pain - has an Element of Blank -
It cannot recollect
When it begun - or if there were
A time when it was not -

It has no Future - but itself -
Its Infinite contain
Its Past - enllightened to perceive
New Periods - of Pain.

c. 1862

2010-05-08 4:14 PM
in reply to: #2846067

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

SHAUN, quatrieme -

Ha! It just so happens that I still have a packet of GU2O - presumably the birth mother of GU Brew. It has seemingly expired, with a date of 9-2009 on it, but I'm sure it still has some use? Maybe?

Anyhow, here is what is offers:

1 pack - 34g
calories - 140
sodium - 315mg
potassium - 55mg
total carbs - 34g
sugars - 7g

ingredients - maltodextrin, fructose, sodium citrate, citric acid, potassium citrate, natural orange flavor, colored with annatto extract

Same basic genotype as GU Brew?

2010-05-08 5:14 PM
in reply to: #2843051

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Hey guys!

Thanks for all of the awesome well wishes - I felt the vibes!! You guys are great!

Quick low-down.

Final time 1:29:13...Not a great performance.  My approach to this race was just to have fun with the marathon next I was nonchalant about it but now I am mad I didn't do better...Go figure.  Rainy, but not so bad really.  It started sleeting when I was having a post-race beer at the Sea Dog.

SWIM- 525 yds - 13:05 - Apparently, people actually train for the swim portion of the triathlon.  Ha.  SO yeah, 7 swims in about 7 months got me a time of 13:06.  Nope, not happy with it at all, but given the fact I haven't been to a pool much this winter, I am not surprised.  And talk about chlorine! I still smell it.

T1 - 2:03 - pretty long run outside to T1 from the pool, especially when you are the furthest lane from the door.  I bundled up, it was cold. 

Bike - 11 miles 41:00 ~ 16 mph.  Eh.  I should have been much faster.  Honestly the pool really kicked my butt and I think I lost some time in recovery.  I was moving much faster at the end then it was time to get off.

T2 - 1:42 - first tri with new bike shoes (used to have toe clips), realized I can't run the run with them on. Duh.  Went back to T area after 3 steps and put on sneakers. Oops.   

Run - 3 miles - 31:25 - Calf hurt, but it was manageable.  This time kills me because before my injury I was knocking off 8-8:30 miles.  Some 68 year old man blew my doors off in the last mile, chasing these 2 young (20's) girls saying, "I am going to catch those whipper-snappers".  Saw some friends (OH! Something shiny!!!) in the last mile and ran off course to hug them.  I think it cost me like, 20 seconds, but they waited in the rain for me so it was worth it.

The race was well run and organized as all Tri-Maine events are.  I don't see myself doing this particular tri (or any pool tri) again though.  My biggest problem with this tri is you have sit around a long time for your swim wave - so the first wave left at 8:30, and then the last left at 11am...

SO, that is it - fun race - if any of you get to do the Tri Maine events, definitely do them, always well run and organized.


2010-05-08 6:42 PM
in reply to: #2845987

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Edited by midlifeinsanity 2010-05-25 8:45 PM
2010-05-08 7:15 PM
in reply to: #2846188

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Good report, nice to hear it went kinda sorta okay for you! And you now have the distinction of being a pool-tri vet - BONUS!

You know, that swim time is quite good considering your lack (one swim short of absence?) of swimming this winter. You're just a victim of geography, and the fact that the town fathers of Caratunk haven't seen fit to build a $9-million indoor pool complex. @*!*+^@#*!

Okay bike time, though, and your assessment is telling -- the pool hurt you, you had to recover, and then you found your groove.

You're a VERY quick study, though, realizing after a mere three steps out of T2 that something wasn't right with the footwear. As my mother might've said about you, "No flies on her!" Too funny!!

I'm glad that the calf was manageable --- but how is it feeling now? You definitely did the right thing in keeping your focus on next weekend, and a slower time today will have been worth it if the calf is fine for next week. I mean, had you done 8:00-8:30 miles today, there's no telling the cost that might've exacted on your calf. This was a time when discretion was indeed the better part of valor!

Just out of curiosity, which wave was yours? I was guessing that if people self-seeded themselves, you might've chosen somewhere around 8-10. I'm still not sure I understand the seeding procedure there, even though I studied it for quite a while last night. I saw waves 3-6 as being for the fish; is that about right?

Onwards to Sugarloaf!!! (What are ytour training plans for the week?)


2010-05-08 7:16 PM
in reply to: #2846293

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

MANDY again --

M's right -- you deserve extra recess, too!

2010-05-08 7:17 PM
in reply to: #2846341

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Crimminy. The Sox are getting pummeled by the Skanks again. Gack!

2010-05-08 7:25 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Congrats - I can't believe you did a tri the week before a marathon.  That's pretty gutsy.

2010-05-09 5:08 AM
in reply to: #2846339

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Thanks guys!

I agree, the 60 residents of Caratunk should at least install a one lane indoor pool for me!  Steve B, as a full-service mentor, could you write a letter to the town council for me to try to get that started? 

The calf is so frustrating I want to scream.  Yell  It is sore today.  Not painful, sore - so I think that is good.  Right?

I was in wave 7 - 9:45.  The folks who swam it in 6 minutes were super fun to watch.

Training plan for this week...What would Steve B do? I would like to get a few runs in.  A 5 and a 3 maybe? But I am not sure how this calf is going to like it - one of the problems is that it restricts my stride.

Happy Mother's Day to all of you mom's out there!  Off to see John's mom for brunch right now.  After I try to wash the numbers off of my arms again. I do like to have the numbers, I usually don't try too hard to wash them off at first... ha


2010-05-09 5:12 AM
in reply to: #2845111

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Have a great race Mandy.   I was checking out the website for Tri-Maine?  that shows a bunch of races for 2010 - a Pirate one and one called The Lobsterman.   Did I read in some of the previous posts that you and possibly others are doing some of these?   

Do you have any idea how far they would be from here?   September is my birthday month and we often like to do a little trip around then.    We want to start testing some different types of recreational vehicles for the future - might be a good time to do it.    

Have fun tomorrow........ 

HEY - I second what Steve said about Lobsterman! Awesome race!  I have to run to wash off my numbers and make the drive south to John's parents, more on this later!


2010-05-09 7:07 AM
in reply to: #2846656

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


No, I don't try any too hard to wash off my numbers, either. I have gone through my entire life with no inkings, piercings, or even facial hair-growth, as in beard or mustache. Never ever. So, I guess my sole mode of body ornamentation is......race numbers? Fairly pathetic effort, and generally on the backside of artistic, but there ya go.

What would I do this week? I would want to feel as sharp as possible going into the marathon, so that would mean one of about 40' another of about 25'. Were I injured, or just a wee bit halt-and-lame, I would probably opt for the 40-minute one, probably on Thursday. To do both, it would be the 40' on Wednesday and the 25' on Friday. BUT, in your position I would maybe reverse it and move it up by a day -- the 25' on Tuesday, the 40' on Thursday IF AND ONLY IF the Tuesday 25' was quite comfortable at the time and left me feeling good by Wednesday night.

Otherwise, I would put a different spin on sharp, and interpret it as being as well-rested as possible -- a combination of sleep/nap patterns, as well as just giving the calf those extra days to mend. Yeah, that's it --- 25' on Tuesday, and then..........?

2010-05-09 7:11 AM
in reply to: #2846656

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

MANDY again -

What would be more fun than just watching the ones who do 525y in 6', is to paintball them from the deck.

Just a thought.

2010-05-09 7:51 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

So - I have to rant.
Today at church we're having a visiting group perform and there's a potluck for them.  And guess who's doing all the work - the "womenfolk" of course - even tho it's Mother's Day.  I need to move.  Ten years in small rural town and I've become a Stepford wife (externally anyway).

Sorry - this has nothing to do with tris.
2010-05-09 8:36 AM
in reply to: #2846134

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-05-08 5:14 PM SHAUN, quatrieme - Ha! It just so happens that I still have a packet of GU2O - presumably the birth mother of GU Brew. It has seemingly expired, with a date of 9-2009 on it, but I'm sure it still has some use? Maybe? Anyhow, here is what is offers: 1 pack - 34g calories - 140 sodium - 315mg potassium - 55mg total carbs - 34g sugars - 7g ingredients - maltodextrin, fructose, sodium citrate, citric acid, potassium citrate, natural orange flavor, colored with annatto extract Same basic genotype as GU Brew?

Not sure if you guys have tried ONE Coconut Water.   It has a slight almond taste; is really good cold and I'm OK with it warm, although some people don't like it warm.   A 100% natural source of 5 essential electrolytes.

It is the only thing I can take that doesn't bother my stomach.

11 oz (330ml)

Calories:     60
Soduim:       60mg
Potassium:  670mg
Total Carbs: 15g
Sugar:         14g (natural sugars, no sugar alcohols)
Protein:       1g
Phosphorous:  17mg
Magnesium:     25mg
Calcium:           40mg

Had forgotten about it since I don't take anything during base training but now that the intensity is ramping up, find that I need it again.    Only downside, like all the other products I guess, is the expense.   $2.50-$3.00 per 11 oz.

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