BT Development Mentor Program Archives » DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come! Rss Feed  
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2010-03-29 12:20 PM
in reply to: #2557130

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
How did CA 70.3 go?  Any lessons learned you can pass on?

2010-04-02 1:20 PM
in reply to: #2557130

Outside B'more
Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
How is everyone doing? Light week for me as I've been stressed at work and exhausted (definitely due to the stress) so I've been getting workouts in just not to the point that I'd like, but something is better than nothing this week!

Anyone have plans for the weekend? Tomorrow morning I'm hitting the NCR trail for a 20 mile ride then a short run after. Easter Sunday no plans other than enjoying some well deserved BBQ courtesy of the BF and watching some movies.

Have a great weekend!
2010-04-05 8:59 AM
in reply to: #2765380

Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!

weekend??  it was great till I got my first OWS experience!!!  you all need to be honest, does it get any better???

there was a clinic on saturday at a lake.  Got there in time, saw the 150 m triangle course, put on a wetsuit.  I don't know if it qualifies as cold, I've noticed triathletes have a different take on things but the water was freezing to me, 62 maybe??  We swam with the instructor to the first buoy after some discussions, showed us how to do the turns, tried it and swam back.  then we all got a chance to do a full loop and that's when it all started going south.

for some reason, I started to struggle.  Could not exhale properly, was drifting and froze.  I did not panic but was very tough for me to swim more than 10 strokes without stopping.  I think my head got the best of me, and not letting the air out properly did not allow me to get into any type of rythm.  I hope this is like the clipless shoes thing, everybody falls at least once, and everybody freaks out at least once.  I've signed up for another clinic, in a month and like 3 weeks prior to my first tri. so here goes the first set of questions

master's swimming is helping, but I have not been able to go over 1300 yds per session.  I am pretty sure I need to increase my swim to build up endurance and feel more comfortable
Is it better to do longer sets 200-300 rather than 50's?
Should I swim more often or try to go for the 2500 yd session even if it takes me longer?
I will incorporate one long swim at least once a week.
Do you have a different set of goggles for OWS? any recommendations?

hope everybody's all right, I will hang in there but my swim really needs to get better in 6 weeks!

2010-04-05 1:28 PM
in reply to: #2768452

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Falls Church VA
Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
Chezz - 2010-04-05 9:59 AM

weekend??  it was great till I got my first OWS experience!!!  you all need to be honest, does it get any better???

It absolutely gets better.  My first OWS was a disaster.  It was during a Sprint, 400m out and back.  I had been doing between 1500 and 2000 in all of my swims in the pool, so 800m should have been easy.  When I got out to the buoy, my arms were dead, I could hardly breathe, and I had to look even worse because the guy in the canoe asked me if I was going to make it.  I did the majority of the remaining swim to shore on my back, and even then I thought I was going to throw up all over the place.

I think what messed me up the first time was that I was used to seeing the sides of the pool move along quickly (relative) but on a lake, I was seeing the same scenery of trees.  So I paniced and swam faster to make the shore move as fast as the pool, and then I died. 

My second OWS was a lot better.  I was a lot more comfortable in the water and I havent had any panic issues since.  Im sure the same will be true for you too.
2010-04-06 7:26 AM
in reply to: #2769234

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
vibratingp00 - 2010-04-05 2:28 PM
Chezz - 2010-04-05 9:59 AM

weekend??  it was great till I got my first OWS experience!!!  you all need to be honest, does it get any better???

It absolutely gets better.  My first OWS was a disaster.  It was during a Sprint, 400m out and back.  I had been doing between 1500 and 2000 in all of my swims in the pool, so 800m should have been easy.  When I got out to the buoy, my arms were dead, I could hardly breathe, and I had to look even worse because the guy in the canoe asked me if I was going to make it.  I did the majority of the remaining swim to shore on my back, and even then I thought I was going to throw up all over the place.

I think what messed me up the first time was that I was used to seeing the sides of the pool move along quickly (relative) but on a lake, I was seeing the same scenery of trees.  So I paniced and swam faster to make the shore move as fast as the pool, and then I died. 

My second OWS was a lot better.  I was a lot more comfortable in the water and I havent had any panic issues since.  Im sure the same will be true for you too.

I had similar issues on my first.  I *ahem" may not have trained my swim enough, which was a big issue, but I also was so amped to start I was swimming way too fast.  I had to stop less than halfway to the first bouy on a triangular course and thought I was done.  I tried to start backstroke, but found that it restricted my breathing too much in my rented wetsuit (which I had never worn!), so stopped that pretty quick.  Eventually, I swam "freestyle" but without putting my head in the water (I actually did this for my first few open water swims even after I started training my swim - it's a psychological issue...).  Doing this I could breath ok, instead of gasping.  After practice and training, I'm pretty good now...still hate the idea of OWS and fish and weeds and murky water and putting my face in it, but you wouldn't believe the things you're capable of to make an unpleasent experience get over quicker/easier.  I can breath well from all the pool training and don't end up gasping, which is nice.  For the record, every OWS is still and unpleasent experience, but a necessary evil because triathlons are way cooler than duathlons

I did that 0.45-ish swim in over 17 min the first year.  The next year I did 2 loops in under 27 min...a year of experience can make a huge difference.  So even if you hate it, it will get better.
2010-04-06 9:30 AM
in reply to: #2768452

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
Chezz - 2010-04-05 9:59 AM

weekend??  it was great till I got my first OWS experience!!!  you all need to be honest, does it get any better???

there was a clinic on saturday at a lake.  Got there in time, saw the 150 m triangle course, put on a wetsuit.  I don't know if it qualifies as cold, I've noticed triathletes have a different take on things but the water was freezing to me, 62 maybe??  We swam with the instructor to the first buoy after some discussions, showed us how to do the turns, tried it and swam back.  then we all got a chance to do a full loop and that's when it all started going south.

for some reason, I started to struggle.  Could not exhale properly, was drifting and froze.  I did not panic but was very tough for me to swim more than 10 strokes without stopping.  I think my head got the best of me, and not letting the air out properly did not allow me to get into any type of rythm.  I hope this is like the clipless shoes thing, everybody falls at least once, and everybody freaks out at least once.  I've signed up for another clinic, in a month and like 3 weeks prior to my first tri. so here goes the first set of questions

master's swimming is helping, but I have not been able to go over 1300 yds per session.  I am pretty sure I need to increase my swim to build up endurance and feel more comfortable
Is it better to do longer sets 200-300 rather than 50's?
Should I swim more often or try to go for the 2500 yd session even if it takes me longer?
I will incorporate one long swim at least once a week.
Do you have a different set of goggles for OWS? any recommendations?

hope everybody's all right, I will hang in there but my swim really needs to get better in 6 weeks!

The swim will get better.  Everyone has the panic attack at their first OWS.  The best starting position tends to be on the side and rear of the pack.  Let all of the jackrabbits go.  If you start wide and in the rear of the pack it's a bit easier to site the bouys and you can start your stroke without  getting bumped and climbed over.  Once you hit the first bouy slide into a lane where you can stay pretty online with them and site.  I use a stroke count (100 strokes per bouy) to keep my mind occupied while I am out there.  Goggles - clear color wins it everytime, but check your race start time and direction of swim in relation to the sun coming up.  There is nothing worse than trying to swim and looking directly into the sun when you breath or try to site.   

2010-04-09 12:11 PM
in reply to: #2557130

Outside B'more
Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
I just wanted to know if we're keeping this group going or will we be disbanding?? I didn't even realize they started new mentor groups!! I was looking for our listing and the new groups were only a page long. I kind of paniced wondering how long it had been since I had checked in!!

I get my wetsuit delivered today! I decided to go ahead and buy one since I had an online coupon through and Xterra...we'll see how it fits seeing as I'm a big girl and for my height/weight it was telling me Men's XL...dang! I just hope the legs aren't too long and act like flippers (though that might help).

It's been very stressful at work the past couple of weeks cutting into my training but I'm still moving and shaking whenever I can. First sprint tri is next weekend at Rumpass in Bumpass!! No goals, just using it for the wetsuit test, transition and picking up my bike pace. I was discussing my running interval pace with the local running store owner and he told me that for the last 5 seconds of my running interval if I could pick up the pace for those last 5 seconds before my walk he'd guarantee me a PR for my next run in my triathlon. I'd like to see that for Irongirl but I'm going to try that on a couple of runs this week to see how I feel!

MAD heat Tuesday!! Went for a run and my friend convinced me to run 1:1 with him and we did about 3.5 miles..I was SALTY and soaked in sweat! Went out for the slower run with my usual running partner but was only able to do another mile before we ended up walking back. 93 degrees?!?!?! Thursday was cooler with a nice breeze and I went out by myself because I needed to be alone after a hellish day at work...felt good...this weekend is biking and swimming!
2010-04-09 12:58 PM
in reply to: #2780402

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Falls Church VA
Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
Ill be in Bumpass next weekend too, but for the Olympic.  I was thinking that it may be a shock to have to swim in (really) cold water.  I thought I read that its going to be in the low 60s.  I didnt think anything of it until I remembered when the heater at the pool I swim at broke this winter and the water was low 70s.  I skipped my swim workouts that week.

2010-04-09 2:25 PM
in reply to: #2557130

Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
I'm willing to keep with the mentor group if you all want to.  Gald to hear your stories about your first OWS experience, feel much better.

I may have to postpone on my first tri as I will be travelling the previous 3 weeks because of work, I AIN'T backng out!!

This is a slower week for, getting some rest but enjoying the warmer weather, being able to ride outside.

Have a great week end!
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