BT Development Mentor Program Archives » TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - Re-Opened Rss Feed  
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2013-04-06 3:51 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - Re-Opened

Friday's workout, was a 90 minute bike ride and with warm up and cool down averaged just over 20mph.  Very happy with that ride,  Longest ride I've had since starting to bike again last June.  Probably didn't help my run time today either. 

Didn't quite make the sub 20 today.  Too many hills and a 20mph winds,  at least that's my feeble excuse.  Results follow.



20m 27s3.10 miles06m 36s/Mi 
Min HR: 105
Avg HR: 174
Max HR: 183
8:30 AM   [Lap data][ HR data]
1h 00m17.33 miles17.33 Mi/hr 
Min HR: 124
Avg HR: 140
Max HR: 157
9:30 AM   [Lap data][ HR data]

Raced a 5k, Was trying to hit sub 20 minutes.  Missed it by 27 seconds.  lots of uphill at the beginning of the race I was not expecting and my heart rate started getting really high near the 2 mile point so I slowed it down a little. Finished 1st in my age group and 5th overall.  Local race, not a lot of competion.  Finished 2nd in the Masters.  

As far as the bike goes hour ride.  20 mph winds with gusts in the 30s.  Very difficult ride, especially after the long ride yesterday and the race before hand.  Glad I did it, but it was long and brutal.  

2013-04-06 3:52 PM
in reply to: #4689326

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED
BigPaulD - 2013-04-06 12:05 PM

Hey guys ... hope everyone has been well.  I will go back and read what I have missed for the week I have been away.  Tried to log on a few times with my phone but I am not good with my blackberry - little buttons and big meaty fingers I guess ... 

I am happy with my March totals but I need some big weeks this month and I tried to put in some time this week despite being on vacation.


Swim 9:49:00  21,506 yards

Bike 11:31:20   205.6 miles

Run 7:42:11 55.09 miles

Race 1:52:56 13.12 miles

Xtrain 1:15 (strength)


I can guarantee my April numbers for Swim and Bike will go up ... I am not sure what I will be doing regarding the running I think I will be good for April with 20 miles a week which will be an increase over March but I have 2 races (both "C" races this month which will mess with regular training).  Next weekend I have a mud run (doing a Spartan Sprint with some people from work - doing as a team building thing so pace is not important and I won't be "racing").  The following weekend I am running a 15k and want to put up a solid time ...

As we talked about I am opening the group to 4-5 new members to keep everything fresh and keep everyone inspired.  

Hope you had a good vacation, always good to get away, but makes training difficult.  Thanks for opening up the group, I think we need it.  
2013-04-06 3:53 PM
in reply to: #4687490

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED
bulfrog - 2013-04-04 9:53 PM

Thanks Mitzi, its a tough little course, but the weather looks nice, so should be good. 

My A race for the summer was the 70.3 in Janurary. Remember, my seasons are backwards to you, so my race season is coming to a close whilst yours is starting up. My next target race (maybe a A- or B+) is the northern crossing duathlon in may.

I don't specifically focus on biking, over easter I did a big block, but that was because I had the 2 extra days off to do big workouts in, I can handle a big increase in biking load, but if I tired to do an extra 2-3 hours running I'd wind up injured. 

Overall, I aim for biking to be about 60% of my weekly volume. The reasons are a) you spend most of your time in a race on the bike, so it makes sense to me to train that way too. and b) its low impact, so my body can handle the added volume. 

Good job on your run today. But don't worry, the more you do, the shorter and easier they will seem. 

I like your thoughts on biking, makes sense.  It's my weakest sport, so I'm focusing on it for those reasons.  I'm assuming it's going to make or break me in the HIM.
2013-04-06 3:55 PM
in reply to: #4687459

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED

MuscleMomma - 2013-04-04 9:13 PM Bulfrog - Sounds like a tough race, but you know the lay of the land and you're prepared. Looking forward to the report. What is your A race this season? Do you focus your training on the bike because it is your weakest or your favorite? I ran 25 mins today and it felt long and boring. Starting to wonder if I'll ever really be able to run for hours. I know I'm only in week one, need to give it time. Mitzi

Keep up the good work on the running.  Some days go really well and some days you wonder why your running and other days you wonder if you'll ever get any better.  But you will.  I know my times are fast now, but 4 years ago I could barely finish a mile in under 10 minutes.  And I didn't have it in me to run a second mile.  So stay positive and roll with the punches as they say.

2013-04-06 10:54 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - Re-Opened
Welcome back Paul.
It'll be nice to meet a few new people, though I hope we hear from some of the old folks again.

In my training plan almost all my swim workouts include 4x25 mixed drills. I guess I'm supposed to be doing different strokes? I only know how to crawl. I can do some modified breast stroke and can float well on my back (one plus for being fat). Should I be doing those or should I use floaty things - between my legs to practice my stroke? What's advantage of using paddles on my hands? Read that some don't think using a kick board is good, puts body in wrong position or something.
I can really use advice on this one.


2013-04-07 4:29 AM
in reply to: #4553821

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - Re-Opened

Hi guys, 

I had a great race on the weekend, It wasn't perfect (it never is!) and I have plenty to go away and work on. But I was able to set a PR for this course by over 10 minutes. So very happy with that. I was also in the top half overall, which is the first time that's happened to me in a triathlon. There's a race report up in my logs. Or a version with pictures in my blog, here

Hope everyone else had a great weekend. 

Sorry Mitzi, No swimming advice from me. Other than if you're struggling getting some professional coaching, or masters group etc. would be a great investment for you. 

2013-04-07 10:58 AM
in reply to: #4553821

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - Re-Opened
Thanks Mike.

Bulfrog - congrats on a great race - you certainly have been working for it.
2013-04-07 12:16 PM
in reply to: #4689765

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - Re-Opened

MuscleMomma - 2013-04-06 10:54 PM Welcome back Paul. It'll be nice to meet a few new people, though I hope we hear from some of the old folks again. In my training plan almost all my swim workouts include 4x25 mixed drills. I guess I'm supposed to be doing different strokes? I only know how to crawl. I can do some modified breast stroke and can float well on my back (one plus for being fat). Should I be doing those or should I use floaty things - between my legs to practice my stroke? What's advantage of using paddles on my hands? Read that some don't think using a kick board is good, puts body in wrong position or something. I can really use advice on this one. Thanks, Mitzi

Swimming advice:  For what it's worth.  The drills I like to do are found on this site if you search for them.  Golf (no joke it's a swimming drill), drag finger tips, paddles are ok, they help develop your lats, and get the feel of the pull, Foam thing between legs is good- it keeps your legs up, if they sink a lot.  I hate using the kick board, but it is good for my hips for running,  I don't think it really benefits me in my swimming.  The other drill I really like is having a 12-18 inch stick in your hand, keep that stick in front of you and do a stroke and grab stick with other hand and then do stroke with other arm.  Hopefully that makes sense, it keeps you stretching as far as possible each stroke.

Couple of things for beginners in swimming.  1.  Relax, most new swimmers flail and move their head all over the place.  2. Reach as far as you can on each stroke, most new swimmers only do a 3/4 stroke, feel your body gliding through the water.  When you turn your head to breath your mouth should barely be out of the water.  And last thing is if you really want to improve join a Masters group.  They are really good.

2013-04-07 12:16 PM
in reply to: #4689825

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - Re-Opened
bulfrog - 2013-04-07 4:29 AM

Hi guys, 

I had a great race on the weekend, It wasn't perfect (it never is!) and I have plenty to go away and work on. But I was able to set a PR for this course by over 10 minutes. So very happy with that. I was also in the top half overall, which is the first time that's happened to me in a triathlon. There's a race report up in my logs. Or a version with pictures in my blog, here

Hope everyone else had a great weekend. 

Sorry Mitzi, No swimming advice from me. Other than if you're struggling getting some professional coaching, or masters group etc. would be a great investment for you. 

 Great job on the race
2013-04-07 2:23 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - Re-Opened
Thanks Mike, I get it. I was stuck on thinking I had to do different strokes, but I see what you are referring to. I've come across them. Joined a masters swim class once, but they just ignored me and I drifted away.
Hoping not to spend any more money for a bit. If I do I'm thinking a wetsuit - so I can do the cold open water. Figuring no amount of improvement, that I will make, will get me into the cold water open water swims.
2013-04-09 3:39 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - Re-Opened
Last week:
Sunday - bike - 45 mins steady moderate DONE (Saturday)
Monday - run - 25 min steady moderate DONE
Tuesday - bike 45 mins steady moderate DONE
Wed - swim - 200 yd WU, 4x25, 200 yd CD Done
Thursday - run - 25 mins mod. DONE

It's easy to let work pile up and miss the limited times the pool is open - have got to watch that.
I might not have swam last Friday, but I did just buy a waterproof watch that promises to keep track of all kinds of things for me. That has to count for something

This week:

Sunday - bike - 50 mins steady DONE
Monday - off
Tuesday - run - 30 mins steady pace DONE
Wed. swim - just swim 100 and 200 yd at a time - 800 yds
Thursday - run - 30 mins steady moderate pace -
Friday - swim 800 yds
Saturday - bike - moderate pace 60 mins; 10 min. transition run off bike

2013-04-09 3:51 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - Re-Opened
43m2200.00 yards01m 57s /100 yards 

400 warm up, 6x50 sprints, 4x100 sprints, 6x75, and ended with a 400
2h 00m37.64 miles18.82 Mi/hr 
Min HR: 94
Avg HR: 129
Max HR: 160
6:53 AM   [Lap data][ HR data]
First 2 hour bike ride, brutal 25-30 mph.  Good going with the wind didn't seem like I was going anywhere into it.  Averaged 18.6 mph and that includes warm up and cool down, so over all happy.  Was totally exhausted at the end of it.  Glad I accomplished it and didn't quit.  Long way to go on the bike by September HIM
Pool workout times include all the rest periods also.  Felt really good on the swim.  Averaged 1:33 on the 100 meter drill.  
2013-04-10 2:24 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - Re-Opened
Timed myself for the first time.
3:20 - 100 yds
I don't have a sense of swim speed. Some of you here do it in a little over 1min. What is 3:20 equivalent to in running; 12 min. mile? 13 min. mile? or walking?
I know it's bad, I just wonder how bad and what my goal speed should be?

Just checked out old threads. Seems that 1:50/100 will put me MOP. OK - this was my third time in the pool. I can do it this! It might just take an extra swim session a week.

Edited by MuscleMomma 2013-04-10 2:34 PM
2013-04-10 4:52 PM
in reply to: #4695148

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - Re-Opened

Hey guys - had a three hour job interview today so today's training is in the toilet (as in cancelled) - I have switched off days to hopefully accommodate.  

Regarding swimming I have been doing longer sessions and try to time out 100 meter sprints here and there - I am still slower than prior to breaking my clavicle last year but not terrible - I believe I have the stamina now to swim a consistent 2 miles at the same speed - I can pretty much slog out lap after lap at a 2:30/100 meter pace ... my sprints are right around 2:00/100 meters but I have yet to test stamina for more than 100m bursts at a time ... it will come.   I am confident as I increase volume a sub 1:20 IM swim will be possible.  Guess I will see in about 3 weeks when I test myself with the half ...

2013-04-11 4:10 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - Re-Opened

Hi guys, 

I've had a steady, if unspectacular week of training. It's the first week after daylight savings ended here, so evening workouts, especially rides are beginning to change. This week I've had 2 20k rides after work, but the wind trainer isn't far away! 

So far this week, 

M: easy day after Tri, 30 min run

T: am 20 min run, pm 45 min ride

W: am swim, pm 30 min run

T: pm 50 min ride

and to come

F am swim, pm 60 min long run

S 2:30 ride & 20 min run

S 60 min ride & 20 min run. 

So should end up at about 8.5-9 hours of S/B/R for the week. 


About swimming, you guys should check out the website. It's got some pretty good stuff on it that might help you out. 

2013-04-11 7:02 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - Re-Opened
Paul, hoping you get that job - sometimes it's first things first.
I think your swim stamina is great - I can only dream of being that good.

Did my first "brick" bike with a 10 min transition run. Sweat flying I leap off the stationary bike, quick wipe down and jumped on treadmill for 10 mins of an 11:20 mile. Ipod going - must say I felt like Rocky when he flew up the stairs!

Sweated for an hour on the bike, about 16mph - which worries me as stationary bike times are supposed to be faster than outdoors cycling. Means I'm also slow on the bike
Got to remember I'm in week 2 of a 12 week program.

Edited by MuscleMomma 2013-04-11 7:04 PM

2013-04-14 8:01 AM
in reply to: #4553821

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - Re-Opened
This week:

Sunday - bike - 50 mins steady (DONE)
Monday - off
Tuesday - run - 30 mins steady pace DONE
Wed. swim - just swim 100 and 200 yd at a time - 800 yds (DONE)
Thursday - run - 30 mins steady moderate pace - (DONE)
Friday - swim 800 yds (500 yds DONE)
Saturday - bike - moderate pace 60 mins; 10 min. transition run off bike (DONE)

Got all my workouts in. Daughter wanted to join me on my weekend swim, so with talking and leaving when she needed only got 500 yds in.

Finding the 6 days a week a challenge. This week I took two days off and doubled up one day, so I got all the workouts in.
I'm used to hours at the gym (lifting and bootcamps) so while I have to ease into running, and I can't swim much, I'm finding the workouts hard, but short.
I'm assuming that this won't be a problem unless:
I start to adapt the plan so much I'm not getting the workouts in for the week;
my body needs to get used to 6 days a week. Can probably work into that.

Hope everyone had a great week.

2013-04-15 6:42 PM
in reply to: #4699426

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - Re-Opened

Truly a terrible day today ... spent a solid hour watching the news with my sons and then had to field questions from my 6 year old about terrorism and why the world has bad people.  My boy and I are scheduled to run together this Sunday and I think my little guy is afraid that we could be blown up at the finish.  

I will be back tomorrow to recap my week and hopefully you all will be checking in.  Just got back from track practice and the kids are in good spirits - need to be positive and do the get them ready for bed and tuck them in tonight (typically I would go to bed now and the wife would do that but tonight we will do it together) ...

2013-04-16 10:14 AM
in reply to: #4553821

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - Re-Opened

Hello Everyone,

(Long post)


Been off the reservation for a while, still trying to create the right balance to document, practice, and chat with you all.

Coming home from a evening meeting, I learned about the Boston Marathon incident while walking to the train.  I had literally just been accosted by a NYC crazy, who purposely bumped into me, while yelling hateful statements.  I screamed back at the woman, Get off of me, Get the hell away from me, and then walked towards the train.  In walking behind someone else, I overheard them mention did you hear about the Boston marathon, two people died.   All, I could think, not knowing about how bad it actually was, oh no, now people dying at marathons too?  - I was in the 2011 NYC triathlon where 2 people died in the race.  Then I got into the train, and at 125th street where I wanted to switch trains, someone jumped into the track.

By the time I got home fear was coursing through my veins, as I began wondering, is NYC next?  Should I even attempt to run in the NYC marathon this year?  Will they target the NYC triathlon that I am currently training for? Yesterday, was just an off putting day, like a dark cloud settled in from 4 pm on.

BigPaul - I can't imagine what it must be like to try to calm, your children, who love you, want to see you happy doing what makes you happy, and now have the positivity stained with fear for you, for themselves as they approach the workout they in the past they have used to bond with you.


Mitzi -- so good to see your workouts coming along.  I know you must be thrilled to be in the thick of things again.

Other happenings over the past 2-3 weeks

Weigh ins:  last four weeks +3.5, -0.9, 0, -0.9 for net loss (since week 1 seven week ago):  6.6

Bike:  Discovered that that are overlaps to my gearing.  I thought that the gear 1-7, would be less than 2-1, but discovered that the gearing is such that gear 1-7 is actually faster than gears, 2-1 through 2-4. 

Swim:  Getting stronger, or maybe just more confident.  Swimming is less than a struggle, but still slow.  Discovered the site, swimsmooth and watching the videos of the different classifications of swimmers, helped me identify my swim personality and what to do about it.  I am an oversthinker.  So to get out of my head, I swam yesterday for the first time with with finis tempo trainer. It helped me swim steadily faster, without overthinking because I forced myself to swim the best I can, as correct as I can between the beeps.  What an improvement in inefficiency at least. Bull frog -- I just read your post, and saw you recommended swimsmooth, too.  What a coinkadink.

Also ran into a life guard that I first met in '09 / '10 while self training.  He told me that I am pretty good, however, my feet still a little low in the water, and that I seem to pause a little to long at the ends of the pool. Because of him in '09/'10 I found Terry McLaughlin's Total Immersion, and learned how to float to correct low legs in the water.  Seems like whenever needed, my tri angels are sent to me, to give me the message that I need at that time.  So I went to goswim, to look up kicks, and realized that I needed to change my view on how I see kicks, so now I am attempting to swim making sure my heels break the water surface when I swim, keeping in mind the goswim videos that I viewed.

Run:  Runs are getting stronger, I no longer feel "old".  After taking several months off, being completely sedentary, and eating like crap, when I started doing occasional runs late again last year, my leg muscles would knot up.  I never, ever, felt that before in my life, and this was despite having been on the track team (back of packer) in HS, and training for and running the marathon in 2011, completing tris in 2009 and 2011.  Feel like my body is now at least to a base level, I feel I can step up the program a little bit.  Right now I have been doing podrunner intervals of 4min/powerwalk and 1 min run.

Other: Pulled back on weight training and nutrition revamp do to time constraints and energy deficiencies.  Want to incorporate weight training, but may have to save my juicing reboot until the off season.  The night of my strongest swim ever, I felt weak in the shower stall, lost balance, hit my head on the wall, it was slow lean back, so it was a light tap, but very disconcerting, and the same night lost my new, only worn 3x HRM interval sports watch (me and technology, I love it but something seems to always happen, this is why I would never by a Garmin, I can't imagine losing/damaging a 500+ watch).  Decided those were definitely signs to pull back a little.

I know I have not been documenting electronically, or even paper-wise my workouts as I should, so I decided to pull back to get the basics right.  Literally have been looking at my plan for the day, trying to accomplish what I could, but have not been keeping a great record of it.  Time has been getting the best of me, by trying to jostle, job search, meet and greets, professional development activities, that I am stuck on doing, doing, and not taking time to record and reflect.  Funny how wanting to do things perfectly, can lead to doing them haphazardly, or even not at all.

Ugggh - I will get this straight this time around.  I feel that my overthinking may be pervasive, so here is to pumping up the volume, and just do it.

Sorry for the negativity.  To end on a high point - I am getting stronger each day and am approach each workout with a sense of wonder and excitement.  I learn alot from you guys, and can't wait to do the tri season, and off season with a new sense of purpose.  And though it took a few years, I finally feel like this is me, this is my thing, I own it; I am not trying anymore, I am tri-ing.

Edited by BiafraGirl 2013-04-16 10:23 AM
2013-04-16 5:48 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - Re-Opened
Biafra - I'm originally from NY so I know the stressful subway rides. Hope the person who jumped onto the tracks got pulled up.
I laughed when you talked about being a slow swimmer. I was swimming with my daughter and she said I looked really good, smooth, consistent - but she didn't understand how I could move so slowly and not sink!

Paul - I feel for you. I can't find one sentence to write that makes any sense of it all and what to say to the kids.

Felt like I was occassionly dreading workouts, but being sidelined for two days with knee pain shows me how much I want to train.
2013-04-16 6:26 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - Re-Opened

Was doing some business travel, but workouts have gone really well,  Here's my last couple of days.

50m2325.00 yards02m 09s /100 yards 

WU: 400 
4x75 on 20" rest - odds ones have middle 25 yds as drill (1,3) - the evens have the first/last 25 as drill. 
8x200 as follows: 
- #1, #5 - 150 cruise, 50 FAST! 
- #2, #6 - 100 cruise, 100 FAST! 
- #3, #7 - 50 cruise, 150 FAST! 
- #4, #8 - 200 FAST! These are on 30" rest. 
200 easy. 
Swim 5x150 on 15" rest. Do these w/paddles. 
CD: 200
1h 09m 29s21.22 miles18.32 Mi/hr 
Min HR: 102
Avg HR: 142
Max HR: 167
7:03 AM   [Lap data][ HR data]



Mon, Apr 15 2013
Wt. 206   Hours slept: 6.00   
58m 20s19.73 miles20.29 Mi/hr 
Min HR: 109
Avg HR: 151
Max HR: 171
7:11 AM   [Lap data][ HR data]
52m 35s6.28 miles08m 22s/Mi 
Min HR: 86
Avg HR: 162
Max HR: 173
10:01 AM   [Lap data][ HR data]


2013-04-16 6:34 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - Re-Opened
Yes yesterday was crazy in Boston, Very sad.  Actually had 3 distant friends who called my wife frantically trying to find out if I was ok, because my original goal for the last couple of years was to qualify and run the Boston.  Obviously I did not qualify and wasn't there.  My first thoughts were that my wife would have been the one at the finish line waiting on me and that would have been about the time I would have been crossing.  Sometimes injuries are good, I guess.  Very Very sad day.  However, a long time ago in the military I vowed never alter my life based on the worlds Crazy people on what they may or may not do.  We need to be cautious, but I personally won't let them win by cowering in fear.   Hopefully I wrote this so it sounds right and not callus.  With that said, lets be safe and have good training and hug our loved ones one more time tonight.  
2013-04-17 10:46 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - Re-Opened

I'm doing a level 4 plan (out of 10) from Triathlete Magazine's Essential Week-by-Week Training Guide by Fitzgerald

First two weeks it has me running 30 mins at a time. I can do it but it seems to have thrown my knee out. Took three days off, pain gone for the most part. I don't know if I get back in there with 30 min runs, or if I drop down to a shorter time, 15 min.? I don't run, so it's hard to know what I can do or how fast. I started jogging 11:40min/miles and got it down to 10:20 which made me really happy, actually just happy that I can do the 30 mins. without walking.

I'm going to check out the levels 2 and 3 plans, but I hate to wimp out.


2013-04-18 6:15 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - Re-Opened
Got some thoughtful feedback on my question about slowing down on my training - shorter runs, slower pace - to keep the knee from acting up.

Pretty sure that I'm not going to take any of it. I just have to believe that I'll be the exception and if I can tough out a 30 min run, it means that I should. OK, maybe I'll drop to 20 mins. The rational part of me wants to be more cautious - the butch side of me says "bring it on".
2013-04-18 8:08 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - Re-Opened
Completed a swim Time trial today that my coach asked me to.  500 yards in 7:33.  Felt really good.  Then followed up with 4 x500.  First 400 was at a fast pace then 100 of drill.  Thunderstorms here this morning so unfortunately I was not able to get my bike ride in.  
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