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2009-01-25 9:04 AM
in reply to: #1927628

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
lufferly - 2009-01-25 8:29 AM

crea0029 - 2009-01-24 10:16 PM
lufferly - 2009-01-24 12:51 PM 

 Glad to hear that you are feeling better each day. We have to be sure that we listen to our bodies, especially as most of us (except Pam) are more "mature" athletes.

Ahhh... you make this comment that because you guys are "mature" athletes you especially need to listen to your bodies, but what I am finding that is it is very important I pay attention right now to mine.  As I am stressing my body to new limits with IM training I am finding that listening to how I am feeling is so very important to stay good and strong during this long journey.  Even the littlest ache and pain needs attention before it gets any worse for me to get to the start line healthy and ready.


Who is doing anything fun this weekend?  Please share so I can live off you vicariously because I am stuck working all weekend and there is no fun for me till Monday night.

Who has any training aches and pains?  I have tons and am hoping that misery will have company here.

Well back to work... take care everyone!

Pam, you are right, we all need to listen to our bodies, especially as we ramp up the training.  I really hate to take medicine, and my back was still bothering me last week.  I faithfully took some antiinflammatories and muscle relaxers (well, faithfully twice a day rather than the three times a day prescribed) and think I've finally gotten it under

I also want all of the, capet, paint etc... but I know once I start it is going to be an never ending process, so I will wait yet another month to get started.

2009-01-25 12:43 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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British Columbia
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
Morning everyone...

Some articles for you:

How do you motivate yourself to get out of bed early to go for a run? (Don't laugh) but I sleep in my run gear. That way I just jump out of bed (clothes are nice and warm), put on my run hat, gloves and jacket and head out the door. Any other ideas??

What are my plans for the rest of the weekend. Nothing exciting. Look after the kids (both are now sick with the flu). If it warms up try to wash the car (really dirty after 6 weeks of snow and rain). Prepare some meals for the week. And if I'm lucky, maybe get a chance to go for a swim this evening.

Take care ...


2009-01-25 1:14 PM
in reply to: #1927857

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

What a past month…

What a past quarter…

What a past year…

There are days you wake and realize that the path you are on needs changing.  The events of the last year finely piled up too tall and it was time to drop back five, take a long hard look and then start moving forward again.  The mission I live each day with has not changed and will not change from the behavior of the world around me. 

I open each day seeing life as a gift, opening my heart to the goodness in people and an uncluttered mind to see and serve others in truth.  I center myself with integrity, a drive for excellence, serving others and maintaining humility in the process.  I am a supportive man to my family and friends.  I am a guide to my children. I am a pillar of strength for my wife and a supportive son to my mother.  I will forgive, including those with no remorse.  I am patient, loving, and strong and allow the gift of God’s wisdom to be heard.  I live each day with the richness it deserves.
Core Values:

I value…

…the life God has given me and honor that gift with being the best person I can be to live that life

…the family I am blessed to have and honor that family with my commitment to nourish, love and support them

…my community and honor them with my commitment to give back to them as they have supported me

…the enterprise that supports my family and honor that by leading it by the highest standards

But the material and time goals that reside under these tenets had to change.   As the demands piled up, I was not completing all that I wished to accomplish.  So I started to break the most important promise you must keep each day, it is the one you make to yourself.  If you cannot keep a covenant of trust with yourself each day, then the foundation of everything else you do becomes at risk.  That is not, and never will be, an acceptable way for me to live.

Peg and I strive to live fully in all the aspects of our lives:  Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Family, Financial, Career, Social, Community and all we give, share and receive from each endeavor.   We were, and are, on overload.  It means a delay of the HIM, it means a delay of several projects around here, it means the sale of our condo in Cincinnati, it means a lot of necessary changes.  Old commitments of time are now dropped, old goals are now reshaped, old concepts of what we would possess are now reshaped.  A new set of aspirations now loom before us that we can achieve.  We can keep that promise to ourselves each day; one of those is my promise to all of you.  Each day I receive your inspires and thoughtful, caring words it is a deep reminder of who strong the human spirit can be – when you know you are not alone.  Thank you for your support and I look forward to again engaging each of you on our roads to a new and richer tomorrow.

Edited by etknowles 2009-01-25 1:15 PM
2009-01-25 1:19 PM
in reply to: #1927857

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

kew - 2009-01-25 11:43 AM Morning everyone... (Don't laugh) but I sleep in my run gear. That way I just jump out of bed (clothes are nice and warm), put on my run hat, gloves and jacket and head out the door. 

I notice that you mention hat, gloves and jacket ... I hope you don't sleep in your shoes or run barefoot...???

Just kidding, way to  get going. Emerson


2009-01-25 5:21 PM
in reply to: #1927886

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British Columbia
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
Wow!! Well said Emerson. I love your missions statement...

It looks like some of us on BT have had a tough year. Thank goodness for family and good friends. Lets hope that things get better, but until then it is always nice to know that we have our friends on here for encouragement and support.

Oh...and to answer your questions. No I don't sleep in my running shoes, but if it would help me get out the door in the morning to go for a run, I might just have to try that (lol)

etknowles - 2009-01-25 11:14 AM

What a past month…

What a past quarter…

What a past year…

There are days you wake and realize that the path you are on needs changing.  The events of the last year finely piled up too tall and it was time to drop back five, take a long hard look and then start moving forward again.  The mission I live each day with has not changed and will not change from the behavior of the world around me. 

I open each day seeing life as a gift, opening my heart to the goodness in people and an uncluttered mind to see and serve others in truth.  I center myself with integrity, a drive for excellence, serving others and maintaining humility in the process.  I am a supportive man to my family and friends.  I am a guide to my children. I am a pillar of strength for my wife and a supportive son to my mother.  I will forgive, including those with no remorse.  I am patient, loving, and strong and allow the gift of God’s wisdom to be heard.  I live each day with the richness it deserves.
Core Values:

I value…

…the life God has given me and honor that gift with being the best person I can be to live that life

…the family I am blessed to have and honor that family with my commitment to nourish, love and support them

…my community and honor them with my commitment to give back to them as they have supported me

…the enterprise that supports my family and honor that by leading it by the highest standards

But the material and time goals that reside under these tenets had to change.   As the demands piled up, I was not completing all that I wished to accomplish.  So I started to break the most important promise you must keep each day, it is the one you make to yourself.  If you cannot keep a covenant of trust with yourself each day, then the foundation of everything else you do becomes at risk.  That is not, and never will be, an acceptable way for me to live.

Peg and I strive to live fully in all the aspects of our lives:  Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Family, Financial, Career, Social, Community and all we give, share and receive from each endeavor.   We were, and are, on overload.  It means a delay of the HIM, it means a delay of several projects around here, it means the sale of our condo in Cincinnati, it means a lot of necessary changes.  Old commitments of time are now dropped, old goals are now reshaped, old concepts of what we would possess are now reshaped.  A new set of aspirations now loom before us that we can achieve.  We can keep that promise to ourselves each day; one of those is my promise to all of you.  Each day I receive your inspires and thoughtful, caring words it is a deep reminder of who strong the human spirit can be – when you know you are not alone.  Thank you for your support and I look forward to again engaging each of you on our roads to a new and richer tomorrow.

2009-01-25 5:32 PM
in reply to: #1928103

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

Thanks for the kind words about the mission.  I wrote my first one 20 years ago...  this one "sounds" better but the tenets of the original have not changed much.  It is a life's work to see each day as the gift it truly is...  As to getting up early, I have found that a good running group really helps.  I have found a small band of committed runners that meets about 20 minutes from my house and it is worth the drive.  Gets my butt out of bed at 5:15 AM on a Saturday and 4:15 if I am going long...

Well, back to work... my team is expecting my market reports done in the AM... and the general cannot fail...  EK

2009-01-25 9:02 PM
in reply to: #1928114

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

The one resolution, which was in my mind long before it took the form of a resolution, is the key-note of my life.  It is this, always to regard as mere impertinences of fate the handicaps which were placed upon my life almost at the beginning.  I resolved that they should not crush or dwarf my soul, but rather be made to  blossom, like Aaron's rod,  with flowers.


-- Helen Keller (1880-1968) American Writer


2009-01-26 7:27 AM
in reply to: #1927857

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

My motivation for getting out of bed for a run is that if I don't do it first thing, it may not get done!  And I don't want to get to the start line unprepared.

It also helps that I am naturally an early riser.

2009-01-26 9:40 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

When I'm lacking motivation, I usually just tell myself to get out there for at least 5 minutes and once I'm at it, I usually get it done. As my runs begin to get longer again, if I'm feeling unmotivated, I just tell myself to at least get out and walk the miles. Once I get started, I usually end up running just to get it over with sooner.

Emerson, loved your mission statement. You are obviously a wonderful source of strength to your family.

Hope everyone has a great week! Monday's almost over, and it's on to Tuesday!

2009-01-26 10:15 PM
in reply to: #1930696

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
lufferly - 2009-01-26 9:40 PM

When I'm lacking motivation, I usually just tell myself to get out there for at least 5 minutes and once I'm at it, I usually get it done. As my runs begin to get longer again, if I'm feeling unmotivated, I just tell myself to at least get out and walk the miles. Once I get started, I usually end up running just to get it over with sooner.

Emerson, loved your mission statement. You are obviously a wonderful source of strength to your family.

Hope everyone has a great week! Monday's almost over, and it's on to Tuesday!

I agree with everything you said...I'm exactly the same, 5 min. or get out there and at least walk the milage...we are on the same page

Amy IN
2009-01-26 10:15 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
I think I'm ready to Tri again

Edited by amy mutz 2009-01-26 10:20 PM

(Get Fit Ky Tri 08001.jpg)

Get Fit Ky Tri 08001.jpg (83KB - 9 downloads)

2009-01-27 11:23 PM
in reply to: #1930755

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

amy mutz - 2009-01-26 10:15 PM I think I'm ready to Tri again

Wow Amy, you are only 46?  You are a baby!

Where is everyone?  What's going on?  I ran this morning before work, in the dark, in an area I'm not familiar with.  But the good news was I had two others with me, so I felt safe.  In fact, we're going out again tomorrow.

How does everyone feel that their training is going?  I'm not doing so great right now.  I need to get back home and back on a schedule.  A few more days, and I'm back to it!  I'll also start with the inspirations again.


2009-01-27 11:38 PM
in reply to: #1932958

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

Hi Cheri,  off all the folks on... I am here and was writing a nice note to Amy when I got sidetracked with new photos of our granddaughter and well, fell off the site...

You ask a good question about the training, I had to "re-program" myself after the "time meltdown" I had but taking Oceanside off the schedule was a big stress reliever.  Got out for a run today and I plan to get some time on the bike tomorrow...  I still have to catch up with all the blogging from the last week.  I have answers or experience with some of the questions...

As to your note on Amy, only a baby at 46, if I remember your bio you were about three or four when she was born... I guess that makes you a baby too.

Amy, way to get back at it...  over-training at our age is a killer.  Even when I was at my toughest levels, I always had several recovery days a week and a "slow" week about every four.  It has kept me away from injuries, etc.  I will double up one day or even triple it just to be sure I get a full 24 to 36 hour stretch for my body to recover.   It has really helped my knees, etc.

Well, 5:00 AM comes really fast.  Be back tomorrow... Emerson

2009-01-28 8:16 PM
in reply to: #1932958

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
Sledge - 2009-01-27 11:23 PM

amy mutz - 2009-01-26 10:15 PM I think I'm ready to Tri again

Wow Amy, you are only 46?  You are a baby!

Where is everyone?  What's going on?  I ran this morning before work, in the dark, in an area I'm not familiar with.  But the good news was I had two others with me, so I felt safe.  In fact, we're going out again tomorrow.

How does everyone feel that their training is going?  I'm not doing so great right now.  I need to get back home and back on a schedule.  A few more days, and I'm back to it!  I'll also start with the inspirations again.


Some of our more northern friends may be dealing with power losses due to the ice storm. I spoke to my sister in law in Arkansas (she and my brother in law own a resort in Mountain Home) and they are without power and may be without for two weeks. She hasn't been able to make contact with her daughter who lives only about 90 miles from her. We tried calling and texting her and couldn't get through either.

I feel like my training is going okay, just problems with motivation at times. Like tonight. I think I'll put off my run until tomorrow when my son has practice again. But I'll get the miles in by the end of the week, hopefully. It's just hard to run when I get home after dark because I'm limited as to where I can run in my neighborhood then. If I can at least get one mile in around the lake before it gets dark, I'm so much more motivated.

Tonight, I think I'll just crawl in bed with my book for a read instead.


2009-01-28 9:30 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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British Columbia
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
Hi everyone...

How is my training going? Well, I would like to do better. It is hard some days. Trying to balance kids, work, etc. It gets hard to get it all in. Today was a good example... thought I would go to the gym on my lunch hour. I was planning a cardio workout (either on the treadmill or elliptical). Nothing was free. Ok...I copied the workout for abs and brought that with me, but a mat was not free. Well...I will try to get an upper body workout in and use the weight machines. A lot of waiting and I only had 30 minutes before I had to be back to work. I thougth...ok I still plan to swim this evening, but I get home and the kids need help with the homework and the dishes are starting to pile up. Once that is done the lunches need to be made and then I am going to flop into bed.

Tomorrow is another day...

Any suggestions on how to juggle everything?
2009-01-29 4:11 PM
in reply to: #1934690

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
lufferly - 2009-01-28 8:16 PM

Sledge - 2009-01-27 11:23 PM

amy mutz - 2009-01-26 10:15 PM I think I'm ready to Tri again

Wow Amy, you are only 46?  You are a baby!

Where is everyone?  What's going on?  I ran this morning before work, in the dark, in an area I'm not familiar with.  But the good news was I had two others with me, so I felt safe.  In fact, we're going out again tomorrow.

How does everyone feel that their training is going?  I'm not doing so great right now.  I need to get back home and back on a schedule.  A few more days, and I'm back to it!  I'll also start with the inspirations again.


Some of our more northern friends may be dealing with power losses due to the ice storm. I spoke to my sister in law in Arkansas (she and my brother in law own a resort in Mountain Home) and they are without power and may be without for two weeks. She hasn't been able to make contact with her daughter who lives only about 90 miles from her. We tried calling and texting her and couldn't get through either.

I feel like my training is going okay, just problems with motivation at times. Like tonight. I think I'll put off my run until tomorrow when my son has practice again. But I'll get the miles in by the end of the week, hopefully. It's just hard to run when I get home after dark because I'm limited as to where I can run in my neighborhood then. If I can at least get one mile in around the lake before it gets dark, I'm so much more motivated.

Tonight, I think I'll just crawl in bed with my book for a read instead.


Yes power outages all around us, just 12 miles to the south there are outages for 2 states...schools, government offices and even banks closed, we are under a level 2 state of emergency, that means you shouldn't be out unless absolutely necessary. We are lucky as far as that goes, but many friends are not.
The only training this week has been walking the dog, scraping ice of vehicles etc...
I am still doing very well on my nutrition/supplement stuff and logging everything. I supposed to go back to the doc tomorrow, but we will see if they are open.
Lacy my daughter did get one test back (blood test) and it came back fine, I talked to the Dr. this morning and they still haven't gotten the results from the eco... She is still running and plans to run this weekend at IU....she is feeling much better....I think she had a undetected virus that gave her the symtoms, I still don't understand the heart murmer though....can doctors make a mistake on that???

Anyway I will try to check everyone logs and see how you are doing.

Amy in Icey Indiana

2009-01-29 9:22 PM
in reply to: #1934804

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

kew - 2009-01-28 9:30 PM Hi everyone... How is my training going? Well, I would like to do better. It is hard some days. Trying to balance kids, work, etc. It gets hard to get it all in. Today was a good example... thought I would go to the gym on my lunch hour. I was planning a cardio workout (either on the treadmill or elliptical). Nothing was free. Ok...I copied the workout for abs and brought that with me, but a mat was not free. Well...I will try to get an upper body workout in and use the weight machines. A lot of waiting and I only had 30 minutes before I had to be back to work. I thougth...ok I still plan to swim this evening, but I get home and the kids need help with the homework and the dishes are starting to pile up. Once that is done the lunches need to be made and then I am going to flop into bed. Tomorrow is another day... Any suggestions on how to juggle everything?

Juggling time is tough and it is hard to get it all in sometimes.  I think we just need a few more hours in the days!  Just don't be too hard on yourself and jump back in when things get settled.

2009-01-29 9:27 PM
in reply to: #1936366

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

Yes power outages all around us, just 12 miles to the south there are outages for 2 states...schools, government offices and even banks closed, we are under a level 2 state of emergency, that means you shouldn't be out unless absolutely necessary. We are lucky as far as that goes, but many friends are not. The only training this week has been walking the dog, scraping ice of vehicles etc... I am still doing very well on my nutrition/supplement stuff and logging everything. I supposed to go back to the doc tomorrow, but we will see if they are open. Lacy my daughter did get one test back (blood test) and it came back fine, I talked to the Dr. this morning and they still haven't gotten the results from the eco... She is still running and plans to run this weekend at IU....she is feeling much better....I think she had a undetected virus that gave her the symtoms, I still don't understand the heart murmer though....can doctors make a mistake on that??? Anyway I will try to check everyone logs and see how you are doing. Amy in Icey Indiana

Good job keeping on track with your nutrition, especially the past few days with all the exciting weather. Glad Lacy's lab came out OK. Murmurs can be transient. They may have heard one but she may not have one again. It's hard waiting on all the results. Glad that she's feeling better.

2009-01-30 7:47 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
I went to the doctor and he said I'm doing great, he said that I'm really making positive changes and my body is detoxifying, he looked at all my charts and said I have to double my protien to get the ph balanced faster. I had several questions for him that he was glad to answer, on was a question on a flyer in his office, it said that vinyl shower curtains let off a toxicity and is harmful for you....ok I said, so if that is true what do you think about my profession!? I cut, weed, tape and apply vinyl on a daily basis and I sit in an office full of about 100 rolls of it..............he said that is not good for you and can cause swollen hands, joints etc...and I shouldn't be breathing it..........WELL okaydokay... that is another problem another day.

On Lacy my daughter. I assumed everything was fine, but called the doctor yet again because we need to know for sure. Well she said the test was "basically fine", does anyone else hate that word????? Basically isn't fine to me. She said the eco showed a slight regurgitation...ok, what the heck does that mean!? Anyway she said the Doctor wants her to go see a cardiologist, she is setting up the appointment for next week. I will look this up on the internet, but does anyone here have any experience with a regurgition issue???????
On a different note with Lacy, she ran indoor track today at the Indiana University and got 2nd in her mile heat with a time of 5:12, and got 3rd in the 800M with a time of 2:22, she said she is ok with the times, but knows she can do better......I hope I wasn't the one that made my daughter such a perfectionist. She doesn't know about the results yet, I will tell her when she gets home tonight.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday.
Amy IN
2009-01-31 8:04 AM
in reply to: #1938406

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

amy mutz - 2009-01-30 7:47 PM I went to the doctor and he said I'm doing great, he said that I'm really making positive changes and my body is detoxifying, he looked at all my charts and said I have to double my protien to get the ph balanced faster. I had several questions for him that he was glad to answer, on was a question on a flyer in his office, it said that vinyl shower curtains let off a toxicity and is harmful for you....ok I said, so if that is true what do you think about my profession!? I cut, weed, tape and apply vinyl on a daily basis and I sit in an office full of about 100 rolls of it..............he said that is not good for you and can cause swollen hands, joints etc...and I shouldn't be breathing it..........WELL okaydokay... that is another problem another day. On Lacy my daughter. I assumed everything was fine, but called the doctor yet again because we need to know for sure. Well she said the test was "basically fine", does anyone else hate that word????? Basically isn't fine to me. She said the eco showed a slight regurgitation...ok, what the heck does that mean!? Anyway she said the Doctor wants her to go see a cardiologist, she is setting up the appointment for next week. I will look this up on the internet, but does anyone here have any experience with a regurgition issue??????? On a different note with Lacy, she ran indoor track today at the Indiana University and got 2nd in her mile heat with a time of 5:12, and got 3rd in the 800M with a time of 2:22, she said she is ok with the times, but knows she can do better......I hope I wasn't the one that made my daughter such a perfectionist. She doesn't know about the results yet, I will tell her when she gets home tonight. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday. Amy IN

Glad to hear you doctor had some good news for you. When she said you needed to increase your protein, does that mean more tofu, or can you eat meats as well? You should make sure that the room that you are working in is well ventilated. I guess it would be hard to open a window and use a fan at this point with it so cold. Maybe even think about putting in some kind of exhaust fan in that room if it's possible?

Did Lacy's doctor tell you which valve had the regurgitation? That will make a difference in long term effects. You can always go the American Heart Association website for good general layperson information.

Now, I'm off the gym for a ride and swim. I got my new furniture yesterday and my living room is very monochromatic at this point (taupe leather on taupe carpet). So I'm going flooring shopping today and to the fabric store for some ideas on color.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. I'll check back later.

Edited by lufferly 2009-01-31 8:11 AM
2009-01-31 9:05 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

Hey Everyone,

This is my first time back on my computer in 3 days.  We have been hit with a wave of patients and an adult unit staff that has been passing the flu around.  They have been asking me to work double shifts (16 hours, with limited breaks) to try and help with the staffing issues.  I have been polietly refusing but I am still working long hours.  Today I actually just went out and had fun which was wonderful!

How is work and training with everyone else?  I think everyone must be just as busy right now.  I had no idea this was going to be such a busy year... who knew.

Well I am off to bed... I am really tired!  Take care everyone!

2009-02-01 8:10 AM
in reply to: #1857670

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

Good morning everyone! 

I'm finally back home and settling in again.  I don't think I'm traveling again for awhile.  In fact, I believe the earliest might be the end of the month, and maybe not even until March (that's a very good thing!).  Does everyone have big plans for February?  For me, it's going to be the month where I really settle into a routine and make this HIM happen in May!  I'm feeling like my base is good in running, so-so in biking, and lacking in swimming.  I'm going to try to tackle this systematically and follow a plan -- not the one on my log, but one that works for me and my schedule!  Weekends are good for long runs and bikes, so in a few minutes I plan to go for a nice, long run at a slow, slow pace.

I'm going to get back to our daily inspirations.  I'm having a little problem connecting today's inspiration to triathlon training -- maybe some of you have ideas?  But here goes:

I have the courage to communicate lovingly with understanding as my goals.

The best I can come up with is that sometimes I have difficulty explaining why I'm doing this triathlon thing.  For me, it's more than just physical fitness.  As I believe Emerson said, it's more of a celebration of life.  So if I can communicate that to my family and friends, so that they understand that sometimes I can't do other things because I am committed to my training, then perhaps we'll have a common understanding.

I hope everyone has a "super" Sunday.


2009-02-02 5:54 AM
in reply to: #1857670

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

Today's inspiration is:

I have the courage to honor my own needs.

I don't really take that as a chance to be selfish, but instead it's a realization that in order to be a whole person I need to understand what is important to me.  Any thoughts?

2009-02-02 8:36 PM
in reply to: #1940653

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
Sledge - 2009-02-02 5:54 AM

Today's inspiration is:

I have the courage to honor my own needs.

I don't really take that as a chance to be selfish, but instead it's a realization that in order to be a whole person I need to understand what is important to me.  Any thoughts?

Interesting quote today.  I really know how that feels as I make decisions every day about where to dedicate my time.  The big thing with my decisions is that I made a commitment to myself and others to successfully complete Ironman and I will let everyone down if I don't do it.

Off work for two days   Off to get some sleep

2009-02-02 8:53 PM
in reply to: #1940653

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
Sledge - 2009-02-02 4:54 AM

Today's inspiration is:

I have the courage to honor my own needs.

I don't really take that as a chance to be selfish, but instead it's a realization that in order to be a whole person I need to understand what is important to me.  Any thoughts?

What a perfect quote!!! The most important promise you keep every day are the one's you make to yourself!!!!  You need to honor and respect your needs first.  You can only be who you want to be for others to the extent you are your best.  Somehow martyrs get a lot of understanding but they can no longer help the ones the love....

A great step in the right direction...    Thanks for being on top of things while Pam and  are crawling out from under our responsibilities.  I realized too late that I put in another 12 hour day today before tending to any of Peg's needs or my own...  this is not acceptable.  Life has a place and I will stuff it in tomorrow if i kills me.  I think I will be doing my team meeting from the car on the way to a trail run...  this must be!!!

More later, Emerson

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