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2009-05-27 9:53 PM
in reply to: #2175115

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Mike, sounds like a great deal to me.   BTW, now is the time to buy a discounted trainer at your LBS, I bought mine several yrs ago in the heat of summer for something liek 90 bucks.  It was a store demo and I've never had any problems.  You will also want to stock up on some SPINERVAL DVDs... riding on a trainer can be as enjoyable as watching grass grow, but with pain.

I found out my "new to me" frame might be defective- I am trying to work it out with Trek but at least, it's nothing a fabriactor can't easily handle, and the seller has been responsive and he says he's willing to a0 return my money or b) return part of it if I can get it fixed.  Anyways, I am bummed cus its been almost 2 months and right now I can only ride it w/o the front derailleur.  URGH!

2009-05-28 2:40 PM
in reply to: #2177319

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Man, Olman, that sucks.  Is it something that can be fixed without cosmetically damaging the frame?

I was thinking the same thing about DVDs, figured they would be mandatory to keep my sanity for an hour on the trainer.

Been working out of the house today--had both the A/C repairmen here (evaporator coil) and the pool heater repair guy (don't really need the pool heater now!)--and got in a 20 mile ride on my road bike when the guys broke for lunch.  I am starting to follow both my Chicago marathon program that started this week, as well as integrating that with the HIM program, kind of challenging!  I found this HIM training program you guys might be interested in--it is fairly straight forward, but has a lot of definition into each of the different workouts at the bottom of the schedule:
2009-05-28 10:46 PM
in reply to: #2179219

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

I will find out on the weekend.

Telling you about the trainer and DVD got me started - I pulled my trainer out and got on it.  Did some 45 minutes of HILL WORK (Spinerval video), it was these videos that got me fit from Jan thru march, so I should incorporate when the weather sucks like the last 2 weeks.


I'll check out the website. 

Nesxt race: 8 days and counting

2009-05-30 10:18 AM
in reply to: #2180086

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Have you guys ever done a progression run?  It is a way to build stamina during one of your weekly long runs, teaching you to run while tired, process lactate more efficiently, build mental toughness, etc.  You divide your long run into thirds, with the goal of averaging negative splits of 20-30 seconds faster each third than the last one.  Start at your long steady run pace (for me, a full minute slower than marathon goal pace) for first third, then 20-30 seconds faster each third after so that you finish faster than marathon goal pace.  I am not used to running based on time, so I adapted it a bit on my 10+ miles this morning, did 3x3 miles, then did a fast finish over the last 1.5 miles, averaging about 20 seconds slower than my half marathon pace over the final 1.5.

It is a really good workout, something different than just going out and doing a long steady run, and it makes you think about each mile (in reality, you pick up the pace a little bit each mile, instead of making major step increases every 3 miles).  We threw in some 100 yd fartleks along the way just for fun as well.

Hope y'all have a great weekend--weather down here is about as good as it is going to get for the next 5 months--71 deg and dry (for here, that means about 50% humidity!).

Edited by wildcat83 2009-05-30 10:20 AM
2009-05-30 8:50 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Mike, where did you find that quote? 

Also, I took pretty much all but Wednesday off this week.  I was burnt for some reason.  Instead of blindly pushing through it like I would have in the past I pulled myself back.  I find that I am foaming at the mouth for tomorrow's 70 mile road ride.  I may even have a riding partner for at least a portion of tomorrow.  At least that is what I hear through the grapevine. 

Oh, next Saturday is National Trails Day.  Get your to the local trail and ride your MTB or do a trail run.  I'm organizing a volunteer effort to do some trail clean up/maintenance on one of the local trails that had large sections under water during the flood.  Hopefully I get four or five people who are on the fence about cycling or just beginning to join our community.  Hell, I'd be happy to recruit one new cyclist that takes it up and stays with it the rest of their life. 

I'm really deep into organizing the race I am hosting July 25th.  The bills are starting to come due and I need to find some sponsors ASAP.  So far I've raised about $3600 just from sponsorships.  That leaves me about $500 short to do everything I want to do.  Just the chip timing and results are $1500, then if you offer a social or cater a meal for afterward, that's another $1k.  In ND, stuff has to be an event or you won't get people to drive 100+ miles to participate in it.  The people that are helping me organize don't understand that.  I WILL NOT be happy with 10-15 participants.  I want 50-75.  The "fun run" that they organized last year I think had maybe 20 or 25 people that came, all of them local.  And the caliber of athlete was not high.  I won the 5k without running a step in over 10 years and stopping to puke 200 meters from the finish.  In addition to the off road tri, there is a trail run and a relay race where instead of swimming they can use canoes or kayaks.  I want families to take part and make a weekend of it at the awesome facility we have right outside of town.  I hope it does well.  Either way, the race will be an annual event.  I still have to get it sanctioned with USAT(which is way more paperwork than I realized).  I need that to even be considered for the XTERRA points calendar.

Jeez, I'm rambling.  I gotta go. 

2009-05-31 5:21 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Steven, good to hear from you. Was about to come looking for you!! Sounds as if things are moving forward for your event. I know what it feels like to organize something like this. My local swim team will be hosting an Invitational event in July as well. The 11th&12th. And it takes about $4500.00 up front to put the event on. Which I usually end up floating a loan to the team to cover some of the up front costs. My wife thinks we are a bit crazy for working so hard to only make a relatively small profit, but it is necessary to have the extra cash available for the remainder of the year. Your efforts will be rewarded, and remember you got to start somewhere.                                            Man I wish I had to time to do an long ride like that, about 40 seems to be as far as I can get. Maybe next weekend, I'm hopeful to get at least a 50 miler.

Yesterday my youngest daughter graduated from High School, great feeling of joy and sadness. Both my girls are about to be real grownups, well  in there minds anyway. They both made it from K-12 in the same school system, which has always been a goal of mine, and we made it. Yahoo!!!! They will both be at the same college Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, with my oldest being a senior. Can't believe this day has come, seems like it went by pretty fast. You know what comes next, EEEHHHH! Some guy is going to be calling me father in law.

Oh well have a great day fellows.

2009-05-31 6:44 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Roy, I have a son that will be a senior this year and a daughter that will be a junior.  I'll be an "empty nester" at 37.  My wife is already sad about it.  I look at it as we spent their whole lives teaching them how to be real people and live right.  Now it's time for them to demonstrate how well or how poorly we did.  Man, there are so many things I would do differently looking back, but that's the name of the game being a parent when you are a teenager.  We have fantastic relationships with our kids, though.  Several parents of their friends ask us how we get the kids to talk to us.  Ummmmm, talk TO THEM LIKE THEY ARE PEOPLE, take a real interest in what they are doing, and share your experience with them while letting them make their own mistakes. 

Ok, I'm off my soap box. 

My posts have been limited because it is summer time in ND.  I cannot be inside very long.  As a matter of fact, I'm leaving right now. 

Have a great week!!  Tomorrow my daughter has ACL surgery.  Ugghhh!!  At least it's not her senior year of sports she'll miss.

2009-05-31 8:51 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed


my poor daughter is only 11, and she's an angel - but i have had nightmares of all that stuff coming now that she's moving on to middle school...  yikes!  I got my NRA up to date though (LOL)

Seriously, I don't know how you guys have the time and energy to put on events, but needless to say, w/o u, there would be no events, so THANKS!

Monday is my off day and after running 11.5 miles this AM I am going to need it. 

Roy: been thinking about switching my training from distance to time.  Do you know if that's beneficial? especially at my stage - meaning, I know I need to swim more, but my cycling and running are at OLY level even though I only registered for Sprints this year.  This coming year work will have much more pressure and higher goals (just like everyone else), so I need to make training more efficient, keeping in mind my 2011 goal of completing HIM. 

2009-05-31 9:10 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Hey guys--it is GREAT to see everyone online at approximately the same time! 

I know where you guys are coming from, Steven and Roy--my two oldest sons are at Texas Tech, my oldest will graduate in December, and has been doing co-op tours at NASA (canNOT believe my son is working at the same place I am!!), middle one is going to be VP of his fraternity next year, majoring in mech engg, and my daughter is turning 15 this week.  Sheesh, I'm not old enough to have kids this old!

Steven, you are tackling important stuff with your race--even if you hook one person, you have done good work.  I wish I was close enough to come help you out.  I can honestly say I have gotten as much enjoyment/fulfillment out of working tris as racing them, encouraging folks, watching people clearly doing more than they ever thought possible, working the run course right up until the time the last person shuffles past...all good stuff.

Also, that quote I added is from a book you all need to read.  It was published back in 1978 or so, with no further printing runs until a couple of months ago, it was the most sought after book out of print in the US in is John L. Parker, Jr.'s "Once a runner".  It is THE iconic fictional description of what the life of a long distance runner is all about, and Parker's wit, cynicism, dialogue (he was an elite runner himself) is alone worth the price of the book.  Copies second-third-more hand were going for $50 and up until this printing, I paid $18.  That quote jumped out at me, one among many in the book.  Truly a classic any one who has undergone the "Miles of trials, trial of miles" simply must read.

I finally got in what I felt like was a good road ride this morning on the tri bike.  Three of us did 32 miles, I wore the HR monitor so was wanting to stay in the 125-130 range, no more.  I did well, we only averaged 17 mph, but that includes all stop signs, red lights, etc.  I spiked going over several overpasses, but not badly, and I spent a lot of time in aero, am becoming comfortable with control of the bike more so in that position, so that is good.  I could have done another 10+, but time ran short and I needed to get back for church.  I gained a lot of confidence for the HIM in September.

Olman, best of luck as you wind down training for your race next weekend!
2009-06-01 12:59 PM
in reply to: #2185187

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Here is a great article on John L. Parker, Jr. and some insight into the book "Once a runner":,7120,s6-243-297--12212--1-1X2X3-3,00.html

Edited by wildcat83 2009-06-01 1:03 PM
2009-06-01 8:51 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

this coming weekend will be race #2 for me.

my schedule for this week is summed in 4 letters E-A-S-Y.

M- rest

T- swim (AM)/ride(PM)

W- run (4 miles or so)

Th- swim

F- Rest

Sat- Race   My goal is to break 1:10:47 (or at least previous month's pace)

2009-06-01 9:46 PM
in reply to: #2188102

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Best of luck Olman, you are ready for this! 

What are the distances for this sprint?  Open water or pool?  Hills on bike/run? 

I am feeling like I am in a lull, as my next sprint isn't until end of June...but my wife and I did take advantage of pig flu rates and are heading to Cancun for a quick 4 days end of next week!  Will get in some open water swims and runs on the beach--can't wait! :-)
2009-06-02 9:21 PM
in reply to: #2188256

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
dang, why didn't I think of thatYell!!!  have fun.

just checked the race website today and it says its a 650yd/13.6mi/3.1mi race  Just 50 yd shorter (swim) than my last race, so I am looking to beat 1:10:47.

The race will be at Sand key in Sarasota.  This should be a crystal clear ocean swim.  Hills?  Not along the coast of FL.  

Cheer me on and have a "chelada" in my name.   Just make sure to bring a little gel bottle or buy some as soon as you get there.  Keeping your hands clean is the best way to avoid contamination. 

Salud!  Cool

PS  Today I decided that I am returning my new-to-me TREK Equinox frame. It had some manuacturing defects and the seller has been super honorable.  Good news is that I already found the replacement and it is brand new, carbon-Aluminum mix and very aero.  As soon as I get my $ back, I am running to the store to buy it - still, it'll be about $250 more but i think well worth.  I even got a set of carbon cranks for it from a BT classified.  The rest of the components I already have.

BTW:  I now have an extra set of Profile T2+ alloy S-bend aero bars (orig $90) and Ultegra cranks (9 speed gearing) in case any of you is interested - before I e-bay them.  The bars got installed but never ridden, the cranks have seen some good mileage but are in "B minus" shape.  I'll pass the bars to any of you for $50, otherwise ithey'll be offered for $65, the cranks are about 5 yrs old and would sell for $25 alone/$35 with sealed Shimano bottom bracket.

2009-06-03 5:30 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Good Morning Fellows

Looks like summer is in full swing for activity. Interesting storylines about our children and their respective ages. Its great watching them grow into young adults, and your right Steven it is now when we'll see the character that has been  placed in them by us the parental unit. So we'll see.

Anyway, Olman to answer your previous questions about training with time vs. distance. I guess it kind of becomes relative, but it is an important aspect of improvement. If it is always about distance, with no accountability towards time then people definitely become the one speed athlete. I see it quit often with adults and their swimming. Can do it all day at that speed but ask them to speed up and their shot real quick. So your training is easily at Oly levels, these sprints your doing are your training distance where time is of the utmost importance. So work in some shorter runs that will up the HR, you'll notice alot of Mike and Stevens runs are varied in tempo. This is just training the body to adapt and in the end you'll become a faster runner. Good Luck this weekend.

Mike, a little lull is OK, your getting ready to go strong for an extended period of time so enjoy.                                                                                                                         Steven did you see the Xterra Championships on TV this weekend? Also just got the latest Triathlete Mag. I had no idea that top end MTB's cost that much.

The first of 4 Watermelon 5ks this Saturday. Cheap run only $5.00 basically a self timed series, usually gets about 200 runners. It looks like I'll be able to do all four for the first time. I'll get with a few people I know and we'll go another round to get in some more miles after we turn in the time card.

Have a great day!!!!

Edited by tri/tbay 2009-06-03 5:34 AM
2009-06-03 7:30 AM
in reply to: #2191098

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
tri/tbay - 2009-06-03 6:30 AM

Anyway, Olman to answer your previous questions about training with time vs. distance. I guess it kind of becomes relative, but it is an important aspect of improvement. If it is always about distance, with no accountability towards time then people definitely become the one speed athlete. I see it quit often with adults and their swimming. Can do it all day at that speed but ask them to speed up and their shot real quick. So your training is easily at Oly levels, these sprints your doing are your training distance where time is of the utmost importance. So work in some shorter runs that will up the HR, you'll notice alot of Mike and Stevens runs are varied in tempo. This is just training the body to adapt and in the end you'll become a faster runner. Good Luck this weekend.

The first of 4 Watermelon 5ks this Saturday. Cheap run only $5.00 basically a self timed series, usually gets about 200 runners. It looks like I'll be able to do all four for the first time. I'll get with a few people I know and we'll go another round to get in some more miles after we turn in the time card.

Have a great day!!!!

After this weekend I will focus on speed, at least on the bike and the run.  I still have a lot of form and endurance to work with on my swim.

What's the watermellon series?  Is it in lakeland, or around here?   My family will go to PR after 7/5 so I will have at least 3 weekends to do whatever the heck I want, well, 2 cus I am meeting them the last week and we're all coming home together.   Let me know.  Great day ya'll 
2009-06-03 8:53 AM
in reply to: #2190878

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Olman, I could be interested in the aero bars.  The ones that came on the Cannondale have a hard upturn at the end, and I am finding that my hands/forearms get cramped from being wedged into the space and gripping thinking the flatter style would be more comfortable.  I assume they have capability to mount shifters on end of bars and run cables inside them?

2009-06-03 10:06 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Roy, I just got that edition of Triathlete in the mail.  Yes, MTB is just as expensive as everything else.  I have a Stumpjumper FSR that I bought on a closeout deal.  It is a heavy beast, but full suspension is the way to go.  I loved the editor's note "Stop Thinking About Doing Your First XTERRA."  I like the way he tells people not to do them because they're too hard (tongue in cheek).  It does kind of express some of the stereotypes of the hardcore roadie tri people.  I know guys that won't even look at a mountain bike, only road/tri. 

I did not catch the XTERRA race on TV.  I always look for things like that in the TV listings, but then I remember that I'm not going to be inside when it's on anyway.  I spent the whole weekend either training or working in my garage.  I watch about an hour of TV a week at most and that is when I'm waiting for someone to get ready to go.  Aesophs are cursed with an inability to focus on anything but the TV screen when it's on, so I try to stay out of rooms with TVs or I ignore everything and everyone around me.  I don't like that.  

2009-06-03 6:40 PM
in reply to: #2191268

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed


The first of 4 Watermelon 5ks this Saturday. Cheap run only $5.00 basically a self timed series, usually gets about 200 runners. It looks like I'll be able to do all four for the first time.

What's the watermellon series?  Is it in lakeland, or around here?   My family will go to PR after 7/5 so I will have at least 3 weekends to do whatever the heck I want, well, 2 cus I am meeting them the last week and we're all coming home together.   Let me know.  Great day ya'll

They are in Lakeland around Lake Hollingsworth, certified 5k route perfect circle and pretty much flat. A stud can do it under 15 minutes. 4 races on Saturday mornings 5.00 each, very casual sponsored by the Lakeland Runners Club. Start at 7:00. I going to prepay for the 4 since it looks like I can do them this summer. 4 for $15.00 if you pay in advance. I'll get you the dates of the other races, I know there is one more in June, one in July and one early August.

2009-06-03 7:06 PM
in reply to: #2191445

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

wildcat83 - 2009-06-03 9:53 AM Olman, I could be interested in the aero bars.  The ones that came on the Cannondale have a hard upturn at the end, and I am finding that my hands/forearms get cramped from being wedged into the space and gripping thinking the flatter style would be more comfortable.  I assume they have capability to mount shifters on end of bars and run cables inside them?

Absolutely, you can add bar-end shifters, and they have cable inlets and outlets.  Check out their features online - I also fing they're very light too compared to the syntace bars on my Hilo.  The one minor detail is that when they arrived, I could not find the velcro that holds the pad in place so I put some velcro tape on the elbow platform (several strips instead of one die cut large piece).  Other than that, they're A+

I gotta figure out how much they're going to cost for shipping, if less than $10, I cover it, otherwise we'll need to talk.


12_t2__pu_800.jpg (73KB - 10 downloads)
2009-06-03 7:10 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
today, I also did a 5.5 mile run at a very NICE PACE, at least, for me.

Temp was close to 90 with very high humidity, I could feel it especially when running on the sidewalk near the wooded areas.

This run was a nooner, tried to pace it quick, thinking of lengthening my stride and shuffling faster.  At some point, I even used two landmarks (start and end) to go as fast as I could between them. This is how I translated some of Roy's tips... Looks like it worked. 

I am enjoying the accomplishment, even if it was tough as hell (literally because of the weather).

weighted in at 185

nutrition: have maintained my carb intake in check. I also noticed that 34s are now feeling loose... yipee!!  Bear in mind I started 2009 as a tight 36 (should have been wearing 38s).  I feel great and more energetic than ever.
2009-06-04 11:22 AM
in reply to: #2193452

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Olman, here are a couple of runs you can do to mix in different paces.

1.  Progression run--divide your run into thirds, with first third being your easy run pace (perhaps 1 minute slower than marathon goal pace); second third 30 seconds faster than easy pace; final third at marathon pace.
2.  Strides--during your mid-week easy runs (about 1 minute slower than marathon goal pace), insert 10-12 strides lasting 30 seconds each, with pace being your 5K pace or faster, then slow right back down to your easy pace.  Run intervals between strides can be 30 seconds or a couple of minutes, the idea is to teach your body how to turn over legs more quickly, how to run fast while fatigued, and how to recover on the run.
3.  Fartleks--kind of like strides, but without the precision.  "Speed play" in Swedish, it just means to take off for irregular distances at your 5K pace or faster during your mid-week runs.  Pick out a tree, street, whatever and get your knees up for short distances before going back to your easy pace.

All of these break up the monotony of 50-60 minute mid-week runs, and can also be worked into your weekly long runs.  You will be amazed how your body reacts, how it adapts to working harder.

Re: the aero bars, I'll take them, just let me know how much shipping (zip code is 77581) will be and I'll take care of that.

2009-06-04 8:10 PM
in reply to: #2194890

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
wildcat83 - 2009-06-04 12:22 PM Olman, here are a couple of runs you can do to mix in different paces.

Re: the aero bars, I'll take them, just let me know how much shipping (zip code is 77581) will be and I'll take care of that.

Mike: thx for the runs, I'll give them a try starting next week.

I'm putting the bars in a box and taking them to the USPS.  PM me your mailing address.  I'll then let you know the total, but I need the address before I can do anything.  I'll be working from home FRIDAY and racing SAT, so, anytime.  Awesome.  It's a good deal for both of us as they were just collecting dust.
2009-06-04 10:00 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Guys--HUGE confidence builder for me in the open water tonight:  swam two circuits around the quarry we swim in, 2100 yds total, choppy due to wind, never stopped, could've gone another lap, kept HR max at 142 (well within my aerobic range), time was 44:31...not fast, but I will get faster.  Proved to me I can do the HIM distance in open water, with company, and come out well positioned for the bike/run!
2009-06-05 6:19 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Congrats Mike, a little bit of confidence can take us a long way. Thats a great way of knowing you can make it without struggle and feeling fresh. It will make the day go alot better. Also there is a thread that started yesterday asking if anyone has joined an HIM and Marathon plan together. Most were not quite like your doing it but you might take a look at it and see if there are any nuggets of info you can use.

On the aero bars from Olman, my daughter has the same set up on her bike. If you are using an aero bottle I think you are going to need the bracket to hold it in place. I rigged up something on hers, it works so you might ask Olman it he need the bracket with his.

Good luck Olman, I'll be checking the results this weekend. Go hard, Go fast and have some fun.

Steven I wont leave you out. Enjoy the outdoors, it will be snowing soon. LOL.

Can you guys believe that we have almost 20 pages of chatter> Amazing.

Edited by tri/tbay 2009-06-05 6:20 AM
2009-06-05 7:14 AM
in reply to: #2196567

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

WOW, That's great.  I gotta get my in the water more often.

I still gotta pack the bars bit they don't have a bracket for aero bottle,  they sell that separately and I never bought it.  In fact, for Sprints i think its just a load of weight as that setup (full of liq) add about 1.5-2 lbs.  

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