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2009-04-30 12:38 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Ahhhh....I think it's calming down, finally. 

I finally have a quieter day at work and I've been catching up on posts in between my "to-do" list items.  Sounds like everyone had good races last weekend.  The next thing I'm going to do on BT is go read all the race reports.  That might take me another day!

I told you I was painting last weekend (and you were all jealous, I know).  We've been working on our house to get it ready to sell, and the last room that needed major stuff done was our bedroom.  After 5 nights of sleeping on the couch, we've finally got the room back together.  It looks nice, and I was very glad to sleep in my bed last night.  Now I just need to start getting rid of some stuff and start packing the rest.  We are moving to our vacation cabin for a few months, so everything is going into storage.  That means I need to do organized packing so I can find stuff in case we need it before we get another house.  It looks overwhelming now, but I'm sure once I get some things in boxes and out of the way it won't seem so bad.

One of my nights on the couch was extra rough because my son woke with an ear ache and was up for a few hours.  He gets these severe ear infections out of the blue with no other symptoms (fever, etc.) so by the time we realize it the pain is bad.  Last year he ruptured an ear drum before we figured out what was going on.  A couple of doses into the antibiotic and the pain is gone, so at least we are through that crisis.

I have been doing all my workouts, although I ended up rearranging my training schedule a bit to do it.  I was a bit sore, but that was from crawling around painting baseboard trim.  (I am so glad that's done.)

I've also been teaching more yoga classes than usual because I was subbing for a teacher who was on vacation.  She's back today, so I get a break from that.  I love teaching and would rather do that than anything else, but it didn't leave me much free time.

Sorry this was so long.  I think I'm all caught up now!

2009-04-30 12:40 PM
in reply to: #2120432

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
mekira - 2009-04-30 9:57 AM What's your favorite and least favorite of the 3 sports? 

My favorite used to be biking, but I am enjoying my swim workouts more now.

Running will probably always be my least favorite, although I like it better than I did 6 months ago. 
2009-04-30 12:45 PM
in reply to: #2121031

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Also, another q...what's your favorite way to relax?  (Although it seems like some of you all don't!! Tongue out)  Mine is definitely to watch a movie or TV...I like it a bit much though...Undecided

Relax?  Relax.....?  Oh yeah, that thing.

Yoga (obviously).

I don't watch much TV (except when I'm on the trainer) and I am notorious for falling asleep during movies.  I do like to sit down on a Sunday afternoon with NASCAR on TV and either knit or nap until an announcer yells "trouble in turn two", then watch the wreck.  I also like to work in the garden or just hang out outside on nice days.
2009-04-30 1:02 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Fav. swimming!
Least Fav. Running, but am begining to like it now that my knees don't hurt all the time!

To Relax, since I have little ones I can't relax till late so TV or a movie with the hubby. but I have been doing some yoga/streching during tv shows too...
2009-04-30 1:14 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Eden Prairie, MN
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Hey Ladies,

I'm alive! Haven't posted or been on in eons!  Work has been super ridiculously crazy past few weeks, but I think I'm through the worst of it now.  Didn't work out much at all, other than a few minor workouts the last two weeks. This week has been better, although I'm still doing way too much running and not enough swimming or biking. If the weather would just clear up for good here in MN, I'd get a lot more biking in at least! I really need to just get more disciplined.

I'm signed up to do the Short Course of the Lifetime Fitness Tri here in MN on 7/11.  A friend coaxed me into signing up for the Danskin Tri in Chicago in late Sept .. so I did! I still think I may be nuts. I kept thinking I should really see how my first tri goes before signing up for another. Oh well .. now I have double the motivation as I've already officiallly registered and paid for both (neither of which were cheap!).

For the Lifetime one, I signed up as a fan of the event on Facebook. Now I'm getting emails occasionally from the organizers.  This weekend they are doing a brick on the actual course .. it's a 15 mile bike and 3 mile run.  I'm thinking of doing it, although it makes me nervous. Longest I've ever biked is about 6 miles (granted, i wasnt exhausted afterwards and could have done more).  3 miles is a piece of cake for me to run, but I've never done it after riding my bike .. let alone 15 miles on my bike!  I figure I will go and do my best, but not be stupid about it.  Which will be hard, I am competitive! But I will need to reel that back in, otherwise I'll push myself hard and do it all, then end up paying for it later.

What I want to do is just try and complete the 15 miles regardless of time.  Then I'll see how my legs feel afterward.  I think they're going to do these training sessions a lot before the actual event, so I can gradually build up to it.  I am really glad they're doing this though. It will help ease my nerves on the day of the event to be familiar with the exact course.

I'm finally making some good headway on my weight this week. I lost about 70 lbs from Jan-June 08, but have plateaued since then.  I made some good choices this week, combined with increasing my workout, and I'm down a little. Hopefully that trend will continue as I'd like to lose another 30 (I'm at 157 officially as of this morning, I'm 5'5").

Hope everyone's day is going great!


Hope everyone's day is going wel
2009-04-30 1:23 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Eden Prairie, MN
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Ok a million years later ... Lora, you had posted a tip about copying the chart from your blog and adding it to mine worked and was easy!  Thanks so much!

2009-04-30 2:02 PM
in reply to: #2121186

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
serendipity - 2009-04-30 1:45 PM

Also, another q...what's your favorite way to relax?  (Although it seems like some of you all don't!! Tongue out)  Mine is definitely to watch a movie or TV...I like it a bit much though...Undecided

Relax?  Relax.....?  Oh yeah, that thing.

Yoga (obviously).

I don't watch much TV (except when I'm on the trainer) and I am notorious for falling asleep during movies.  I do like to sit down on a Sunday afternoon with NASCAR on TV and either knit or nap until an announcer yells "trouble in turn two", then watch the wreck.  I also like to work in the garden or just hang out outside on nice days.

I like Nascar also, I've been known to spend Sunday afternoon at the corner pub with my sister and some friends to watch it

I like to TIVO my favorite shows and watch them when I have time and I love to sew, mostly quilting and fabric art
2009-04-30 2:41 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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New user
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

my favorite sport right now is running.  I do like swimming I just feel like I have no clue what I am doing.  I can only make it one length of a 25 yard pool and am out of breath!  when I try to breath without bringing my head up out of the water, like a ninny, i swallow a bunch of water, choke, and about throw up.  But other than that...swimming is a close second to running...LOL 

I haven't been on my bike yet Surprised.  I need to go get a helmet, but I haven't had a chance.

For relaxing, I take a nap, play with the dogs, or mess around on  I also like to play Dr. Mario online, I know, I know... such a dork....

2009-04-30 7:32 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Hey, everyone!  I just wanted to give you an update.  We've had a couple ladies who've left.  Charliegirl/Terri had a serious injury and won't be able to train for many months.  I also never heard back from Cha Cha/Cheryl about her bio. (Cheryl, if you're reading this, you're still welcome .)

But Sharie and Christine have been reading our forum and they've PMed me about really wanting to join.  Since we really are just getting started, I told them it'd be OK if they came on board.

Please give them a warm welcome and thanks so much!

- Lora
2009-04-30 7:41 PM
in reply to: #2120275

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
sleeping_butterflies - 2009-04-30 9:10 AM Whoohoo!!!! The SCALE MOVED! I'm just really excited! Last time I did all my training a couple years ago, my weight NEVER changed. I'm officially 5 pounds lighter than I was 3 weeks ago!!!! That's big for me! Just thought I'd share in the excitement!

Shannon, THAT'S AWESOME!!!!  Congratulations!  I'm glad you DID share!
2009-04-30 7:42 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Western Massachussetts
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Hi Ladies,

I am here and have only been running this week. Extremely busy week at work since my co-worker is on vacation and I have a student this week. Physically I feel good this week, no soreness.  Ran 5mi yesterday on a long long hill.  Felt good.  Start my group training Saturday with my tri-coach.  Our first practice as a group is a swim.

Plan some speed work on the treadmill this evening since it is rainy and cold here.  Then a stretching DVD.

2009-04-30 7:43 PM
in reply to: #2122303

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Western Massachussetts
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Welcome Sharie and Christine.  Glad to have a couple more ladies join our group.

2009-04-30 7:45 PM
in reply to: #2120400

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
soccermom15 - 2009-04-30 9:47 AM

Shannon - you've got some quick little ones!  I always love when I get new shoes - so soft and comfy.  Unfortunately I don't get them as often as I should.  They can get expensive and the DH doesn't quite understand why I need to have 3-4 pairs of shoes at all times (some are for long runs, some for cross-training, etcSmile). 

Sleeping_butterflies - congrats on the weight loss! 

Well ladies, it's 3 days until my first tri and I feel like I'm getting sickFrown.  I've got an irritable stomach, extreme fatigue (even though I've slept good the last 2 nights) and just feel like I have no energy to do anything.  I'm hoping the stomach issues are just early nerves and not a bug I picked up somewhere.  I don't think the fatigue is from overtraining since the only thing I've done this week is one short run and and easy swim.  I skipped the bike ride I was intending to do last night because I felt like I could hardly stay awake.  I'm thinking about taking tomorrow off work and just resting up as much as possible tomorrow and Saturday.  I don't think taking a couple days off at this point will hurt my performance on Sunday (it's not like I was going to win or anythingTongue out), but the extra rest might actually help. 

If you can get tomorrow off I'd go for it.  Even though you've been resting well and training hasn't been as intense, in my very humble opinion, that stress that you're clearing feeling is probably exacerbating everything - including fatigue.  You definitely won't set yourself back come race day by taking the next couple days off.
2009-04-30 7:54 PM
in reply to: #2120432

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
mekira - 2009-04-30 9:57 AM Shannon - Congrats on the 5 pounds!!!! Maggie - Good job on the 5 miles run.... I'm the same, I dread running and then I'm happy I did it! Janet - Maybe it's just nerves? I know I get stomach issues when I'm nervous. Last night, my body was soooo tired. I went to my track workout anyway. It wasn't the best training but I'm happy I went and got through it. Running is my least favorite of the 3 sports. I find it so hard and I'm so slow!! (well compared the other people in the club) Seems I'm not really making progress. I did make a lot of progress since i first started but now I find I've reached a 'plateau' with my running. What's your favorite and least favorite of the 3 sports? When I first started, I loved running and hated swimming (hadn't biked yet). As I got better in the water swimming became my favorite. Now I love biking (I think the new bike helps ), swimming is in second and running is third. I'm sure it will change at one point depending how hard the training is hehe

I know how you mean about feeling like you can never get any faster.  Don't worry about how fast others can go.  This is about you.

Ha ha.  The switch in favorites is pretty common.  I think I enjoy swimming the most, though it's such a pain to get all geared-up for it.  I definitely like biking the last, so I guess that puts running smack-dab in the middle.  Hmm.  I guess I never thought about this before.  Good question!
2009-04-30 7:56 PM
in reply to: #2121169

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
serendipity - 2009-04-30 1:38 PM Ahhhh....I think it's calming down, finally. 

I finally have a quieter day at work and I've been catching up on posts in between my "to-do" list items.  Sounds like everyone had good races last weekend.  The next thing I'm going to do on BT is go read all the race reports.  That might take me another day!

I told you I was painting last weekend (and you were all jealous, I know).  We've been working on our house to get it ready to sell, and the last room that needed major stuff done was our bedroom.  After 5 nights of sleeping on the couch, we've finally got the room back together.  It looks nice, and I was very glad to sleep in my bed last night.  Now I just need to start getting rid of some stuff and start packing the rest.  We are moving to our vacation cabin for a few months, so everything is going into storage.  That means I need to do organized packing so I can find stuff in case we need it before we get another house.  It looks overwhelming now, but I'm sure once I get some things in boxes and out of the way it won't seem so bad.

One of my nights on the couch was extra rough because my son woke with an ear ache and was up for a few hours.  He gets these severe ear infections out of the blue with no other symptoms (fever, etc.) so by the time we realize it the pain is bad.  Last year he ruptured an ear drum before we figured out what was going on.  A couple of doses into the antibiotic and the pain is gone, so at least we are through that crisis.

I have been doing all my workouts, although I ended up rearranging my training schedule a bit to do it.  I was a bit sore, but that was from crawling around painting baseboard trim.  (I am so glad that's done.)

I've also been teaching more yoga classes than usual because I was subbing for a teacher who was on vacation.  She's back today, so I get a break from that.  I love teaching and would rather do that than anything else, but it didn't leave me much free time.

Sorry this was so long.  I think I'm all caught up now!

Debbie, glad you've finally got a chance to calm down and unwind - if only for a while.  Glad your boy got through his crisis.  Egads!
2009-04-30 8:03 PM
in reply to: #2121277

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
JeannieMc - 2009-04-30 2:14 PM Hey Ladies,

I'm alive! Haven't posted or been on in eons!  Work has been super ridiculously crazy past few weeks, but I think I'm through the worst of it now.  Didn't work out much at all, other than a few minor workouts the last two weeks. This week has been better, although I'm still doing way too much running and not enough swimming or biking. If the weather would just clear up for good here in MN, I'd get a lot more biking in at least! I really need to just get more disciplined.

I'm signed up to do the Short Course of the Lifetime Fitness Tri here in MN on 7/11.  A friend coaxed me into signing up for the Danskin Tri in Chicago in late Sept .. so I did! I still think I may be nuts. I kept thinking I should really see how my first tri goes before signing up for another. Oh well .. now I have double the motivation as I've already officiallly registered and paid for both (neither of which were cheap!).

For the Lifetime one, I signed up as a fan of the event on Facebook. Now I'm getting emails occasionally from the organizers.  This weekend they are doing a brick on the actual course .. it's a 15 mile bike and 3 mile run.  I'm thinking of doing it, although it makes me nervous. Longest I've ever biked is about 6 miles (granted, i wasnt exhausted afterwards and could have done more).  3 miles is a piece of cake for me to run, but I've never done it after riding my bike .. let alone 15 miles on my bike!  I figure I will go and do my best, but not be stupid about it.  Which will be hard, I am competitive! But I will need to reel that back in, otherwise I'll push myself hard and do it all, then end up paying for it later.

What I want to do is just try and complete the 15 miles regardless of time.  Then I'll see how my legs feel afterward.  I think they're going to do these training sessions a lot before the actual event, so I can gradually build up to it.  I am really glad they're doing this though. It will help ease my nerves on the day of the event to be familiar with the exact course.

I'm finally making some good headway on my weight this week. I lost about 70 lbs from Jan-June 08, but have plateaued since then.  I made some good choices this week, combined with increasing my workout, and I'm down a little. Hopefully that trend will continue as I'd like to lose another 30 (I'm at 157 officially as of this morning, I'm 5'5").

Hope everyone's day is going great!


Hope everyone's day is going wel

Ah, yes, better weather.  I think we're ALL ready for something more permanent.  I hate to admit it, but my disposition and motivation is competely tied to the weather.

So, your money's gone twice over to triathlon registration.  Good for you!  Ooo.  Wow.  I would definitely do that brick the race company's offering.  While not required, it can definitely be of benefit to ride the course beforehand.

Glad the tip worked out for you and congrats on that weight loss as well! 

2009-04-30 8:42 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Hi Ladies!

Well, after the high from my relay race last weekend, I was suffering from a profound lack of motivation this week.  Went to swim class Monday (mostly because I knew my group would be wondering about my race and wanted to show off my new race "tattoos"  {how do you get Sharpie marks off of your calf?}).  anyway, after Monday, I did nothing Tuesday or Wednesday and was really mad at myself for falling off the wagon.  I just felt tired and out of it, though I know I probably would have better if I just got out there.

SOOO, today - also lacking motivation to do anything, but I decided I really should get a run in.  I haven't run for the last 3 weeks because I was concentrating on the swim/bike for the race.  But I kicked myself in the pants and just did it.  Ran for a hour, still slow but I felt surprisingly good.  WOO HOO!

To the question that was posed, running is definitely my LEAST favorite, although it has gotten marginally less painful since I've lost about 25 lbs since Nov.  I would have said swim is my favorite - I am lucky that I feel very comfortable in the water, unlike some triathletes.  However, I think bike may be my new favorite after last weekend's race - I really enjoy the ride and the scenery.

Finally, I have a question for anyone who is currently on or has done Weight Watchers (I think I remember some say they have used it) - do you eat the activity points?  I am racking up quite a lot of activity points with training, and so far I haven't "cashed in" the extra points for more food.  I lose about 1 lb. a week even with a lot of exercise, and I wondered if maybe I'm not eating enough?  I think the WW plan is equivalent to about 1800 calories/day for me.  Anyone have any thoughts about this or just general nutrition advice?  Have you upped your food intake with the training?
2009-04-30 8:43 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Whoops - should have signed my entry...

Mary Sue
(who really needs to upload a picture to my profile!)
2009-04-30 8:52 PM
in reply to: #2121186

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
serendipity - 2009-04-30 12:45 PM 
  I do like to sit down on a Sunday afternoon with NASCAR on TV and either knit or nap until an announcer yells "trouble in turn two", then watch the wreck.

2009-04-30 8:56 PM
in reply to: #2121277

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
JeannieMc - 2009-04-30 1:14 PM    
 If the weather would just clear up for good here in MN, I'd get a lot more biking in at least! 

Hey, I'm in MN too.  Pine River, just north of Brainerd.  The weather has been bad for biking, I agree.  Hopefully, May will be better - I've got to get on my bike more.
2009-04-30 10:55 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: ...
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2009-05-01 4:56 AM
in reply to: #2068936

Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Hi Christine, welcome
2009-05-01 9:18 AM
in reply to: #2068936

On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Welcome to the group, Christine!
2009-05-01 9:24 AM
in reply to: #2122462

On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
myoun - 2009-04-30 9:42 PM Hi Ladies!

Well, after the high from my relay race last weekend, I was suffering from a profound lack of motivation this week.  Went to swim class Monday (mostly because I knew my group would be wondering about my race and wanted to show off my new race "tattoos"  {how do you get Sharpie marks off of your calf?}).  anyway, after Monday, I did nothing Tuesday or Wednesday and was really mad at myself for falling off the wagon.  I just felt tired and out of it, though I know I probably would have better if I just got out there.

I think it's pretty normal to take a couple of days off after a race.  I wouldn't be too mad at yourself.  And now you've gotten a run in, so you are back to training.

I never thought about having Sharpie marks that don't come off.  Thanks for sharing that!  (Note to self - going to have to wear pants to work for a few days after my tri.)
2009-05-01 10:59 AM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Hey, I don't have time to read all the posts, but I just wanted to say that I got an email from my father yesterday thanking me for inspiring him to do the Couch to 5k program.

What a great feeling to know that my efforts have affected someone else positively as well as myself!

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