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2009-12-30 5:39 AM
in reply to: #2583010

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
SAquavia - 2009-12-29 8:16 PM
latestarter - 2009-12-29 4:16 PM The other problem is they rarely fit the way I like to train - swim on T, Thur and S; bike on M, W, Sun, etc.   and it is too easy to get into trouble if you just start randomly switching their days around.   SO, with the little knowledge I do have, I have been trying to create my own workouts, but it does take a bit of time - more than I would like. 

What does everyone else do?

I totally change the days around on my training schedule.  BeIronFit has Monday as the off day, swims on T/Th/Fr, long sessions on Sat/Sun.  My problem is that the pool I like to swim at has the 50 meter lanes only on M and W mornings, so I changed the routine to go M-Th,Friday, Long on Sat/Sun.  Only downside really is that after the long ride/run on the weekend, I don't get a "recovery" day.  Then again, I go into them fresher with just a pool session on Friday. 

Personally, I think it's all about taking the general gist of minutes/hours/miles and then making the spirit of that plan fit your schedule.  As long as YOU are consistent week to week, who cares if it matches some schedule printed in a book! 

Other than that, for me, I just follow the rule of "Don't Bulls**t Thyself!"  That takes care of everything else!

OK, you have 'inspired' me to try it again.    I found a plan that has hours/miles that fits with my current training capability with very detailed workouts - 26 week Olympic plan with 2 races.   I am STILL nervous about switching the days and ending up with too many high intensity back-to-back days, and may look to you and others for advice once I tackle it.  


2009-12-30 5:42 AM
in reply to: #2583192

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2009-12-29 10:24 PM Hi,

My daughter and I are running a 5k New Year's day.  Looks like the temp will be about -5 at race time.  I know you Canadians aren't impressed but the rest of you should  be.  Smile


Good luck on your run.    Great way to start the New Year!   And I AM impressed.  

2009-12-30 6:03 AM
in reply to: #2583438

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

It's our 34th anniversary today! Mercy!

2009-12-30 6:11 AM
in reply to: #2582925

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I owe the eleven of you responses from fairly recent posts, and I haven't forgotten! I feel badly about this, and I REALLY expect things to return to normal by this evening. I'm reading everything and thinking about it all, but other stuff is getting in the way of replies. Argghhh!!!!!

(Bad stevebradley! BAD!!)

2009-12-30 6:12 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Good morning everyone.  Yesterday was a big day for me.  I officially graduated from the c25k program by running three miles!  I had been working on time but decided to go the distance yesterday.  For someone who did not think I would ever run again in October, this is huge.  While my pace was very slow at an average of 13 min miles, one of the trainers on the treadmill next to me noted I was keeping pace with her at her 5.2 mi/hr and that I just needed to lengthen my stride.  Although I knew from my past running that I tend to have a short, tight stride, I had not thought about it this time around.  So hopefully I can improve on my speed without too much more effort.  She thinks I am ready for my first 5k but I have decided it will be the third week in March so I can work on speed until then.  This is not my tri trainer but another who is 50+ years old that inspired me to get back to running when I didn't think it would ever happen.  She is going to run my first 5k with me.  And she said yesterday she will consider doing my first tri with me as well.  She has never done one but is up for it.  It will be nice to have someone my age to get ready with during the training phase, and someone here to keep me going on the training.  I am pretty excited.

Denise, good for you on the New Years Day 5k and I feel for you running in the cold.  I DO remember those days from many years ago, and it is miserable.  I think I actually have some of my face shields, etc. around that I used to use to protect against the cold.  Not sure why as I sure won't need them here in TX.  BTW, we never did 4th of July in Roseville as my parents had a lake home at Lake Minnesuing until just before we moved here and we spent every 4th at the lake.  There is only one natural lake in TX, the rest are all manmade and it is one of the things I miss the most.

Wishing everyone here a very happy, safe, healthy New Years, and great success in 2010!

2009-12-30 6:24 AM
in reply to: #2583134

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
midlifeinsanity - 2009-12-29 9:45 PM

Tracey - Here's how to make your BT training log public:

Login as usual
Click on the "settings" icon at the very top of the page (looks like a crescent wrench)
Click on the tab "training log settings"
You will then have the option to keep your log private or make it public (check the appropriate box);  BUT if you only want selected people to see your log, check the box about your "friends list"

IF you chose the friends list option, now you have to add friends. Smile
On the settings page, click on the tab "training blog customization"
Click on the "friends" tab
Now you can add the usernames of individuals you choose to see your training log.

Happy BT-logging! 


Thanks M!

2009-12-30 6:25 AM
in reply to: #2583432

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
latestarter - 2009-12-30 6:21 AM

thall0672 - 2009-12-29 8:43 PM  By the way, I've been sort of half-reading the posts about the logs. I'm planning on using the BT logs online, and if there's a way to make them "public" so that others in the group can read them, I'm all for it (I just have to figure out how to do that...) Tracey

Your logs are already public Tracey.   I left you an inspire this morning.   Nice work on the swimming.  


Thanks Anne! I have to get familiar with all the cool little things you can do on here.

2009-12-30 7:01 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Happy Anniversary Steve

Edited by Dwayne 2009-12-30 7:01 AM
2009-12-30 7:10 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Happy Anniversary Steve!  

2009-12-30 7:13 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Also doing a 5k with my sister on new years day
2009-12-30 9:36 AM
in reply to: #2583449

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2009-12-30 6:03 AM

It's our 34th anniversary today! Mercy!

Wow, very cool Steve, congratulations.

2009-12-30 9:37 AM
in reply to: #2583493

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Thank you, Dwayne and Anne and Mark!

Lynn is driving Jane to the airport, I will soon drive Peter to the train, then it's off for my first swim in a week. Hallelujah!

Hmmmm. All this talk of NYD runs has me wondering if I should do one of the Resolution Runs here; I think there is a 5k and a 10k. Hmmmm, again.

Edited by stevebradley 2009-12-30 9:37 AM
2009-12-30 9:45 AM
in reply to: #2582925

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

latestarter - 2009-12-29 5:16 PM Another reason I like using the BT logs is that it gives my friends a chance to 'inspire' me when I have had a good workout, need a little nudge to get moving or make me feel better when things aren't going as well as they could.   Looking at their logs doesn't really affect how I feel about the quanity of my training and I like to see the different workouts they do.  

I have followed some of the BT plans in the past, but find it puts too much pressure on me.   If I can't get the req'd distance or time completed I feel like I am failing.   Mike Ricci told me once that they weren't designed for a woman my age, and that we should just stick to the suggested times and do whatever we can get done, in that time frame.  

The other problem is they rarely fit the way I like to train - swim on T, Thur and S; bike on M, W, Sun, etc.   and it is too easy to get into trouble if you just start randomly switching their days around.   SO, with the little knowledge I do have, I have been trying to create my own workouts, but it does take a bit of time - more than I would like. 

What does everyone else do?

Hi Ann,

What plans did I advise you about that weren't age appropriate? Thanks.


2009-12-30 10:19 AM
in reply to: #2583891

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
mikericci - 2009-12-30 10:45 AM

latestarter - 2009-12-29 5:16 PM Another reason I like using the BT logs is that it gives my friends a chance to 'inspire' me when I have had a good workout, need a little nudge to get moving or make me feel better when things aren't going as well as they could.   Looking at their logs doesn't really affect how I feel about the quanity of my training and I like to see the different workouts they do.  

I have followed some of the BT plans in the past, but find it puts too much pressure on me.   If I can't get the req'd distance or time completed I feel like I am failing.   Mike Ricci told me once that they weren't designed for a woman my age, and that we should just stick to the suggested times and do whatever we can get done, in that time frame.  

The other problem is they rarely fit the way I like to train - swim on T, Thur and S; bike on M, W, Sun, etc.   and it is too easy to get into trouble if you just start randomly switching their days around.   SO, with the little knowledge I do have, I have been trying to create my own workouts, but it does take a bit of time - more than I would like. 

What does everyone else do?

Hi Ann,

What plans did I advise you about that weren't age appropriate? Thanks. 


My apologies Mike.   It wasn't you.    3 years ago I was following my first BT plan - a 26 week Intermediate Sprint and the response I got to my question on whether the plans were written for a specific age group in mind was NO.   ANY adult THAT MEETS THE CRITERIA IN THE 'WHO SHOULD DO THIS PROGRAM' section of each plan's description should be able to use it safely and effectively.     The person who told me to stay away from generic plans was a NON-BT tri coach.  

I did use it safely and effectively and was able to handle to training hours but was not able to get the distances in, in any of the disciplines.     In the General Questions and Answers on Silver/Gold plans there was a question from someone who was a slow swimmer and couldn't get the distance done in the estimated time so the suggestion was not to go longer than 1hr 15m and do what they could, in that time.    Guess that stuck in my head.  

However, I do know dozens of people on BT like me who can't get the distances done in the suggested times, but have a feeling that we are all the same, over achieving types who are attempting programs that are slightly beyond our reach.  

Thanks for keeping me honest.   You have given me SO MUCH great training advice over the last few years and am glad to see you are still here.  

2009-12-30 11:37 AM
in reply to: #2583980

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

My apologies Mike.   It wasn't you.    3 years ago I was following my first BT plan - a 26 week Intermediate Sprint and the response I got to my question on whether the plans were written for a specific age group in mind was NO.   ANY adult THAT MEETS THE CRITERIA IN THE 'WHO SHOULD DO THIS PROGRAM' section of each plan's description should be able to use it safely and effectively.     The person who told me to stay away from generic plans was a NON-BT tri coach.  

I did use it safely and effectively and was able to handle to training hours but was not able to get the distances in, in any of the disciplines.     In the General Questions and Answers on Silver/Gold plans there was a question from someone who was a slow swimmer and couldn't get the distance done in the estimated time so the suggestion was not to go longer than 1hr 15m and do what they could, in that time.    Guess that stuck in my head.  

However, I do know dozens of people on BT like me who can't get the distances done in the suggested times, but have a feeling that we are all the same, over achieving types who are attempting programs that are slightly beyond our reach.  

Thanks for keeping me honest.   You have given me SO MUCH great training advice over the last few years and am glad to see you are still here.  


Hi Anne,

Thanks for replying so quickly. That makes sense. My answer to that question would be if it makes you feel better to do the distance, at least once prior to the race, then go for it. Certainly, you don't need to be running 26 miles before an ironman, but the goal swimming 2.4 miles and biking 100-112 miles should be met before the race. This gives you some realistic idea of how long it will take and how to pace and fuel yourself properly. For a HIM or less, I think the max you need to swim is 1:15, no matter what the distance is in the workout. In the same breath, maybe a 4 hour bike and 2.5 hour run are the max you need as well. The longer you do this stuff, the more you can do, usually, and at some point you need to be confidenct you can go the distance.


2009-12-30 12:18 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Hope you're having a good day.  I have yet another HR/RPE question for you.  I was on the trainer this morning, and the plan called for 2x5 minute at Z4 with 3 min spin recovery.  Simple enough.

At 38, the rule of thumb for me is:
220-38 = 182 Max HR (I think this is a bit low for me, as I've seen it higher, but it's pretty darn close)
Z1 = 65% - 74% = 118 - 134 - Let's call this RPE 1-4
Z2 = 75% - 85% = 135  - 154 - Let's call this RPE 5-6
Z3 = 86% - 89% = 155 - 162 - Let's call this RPE 7-8
Z4 = 90% - 100% = 163 - 182 (or higher) - Let's call this RPE 9-10

The goal as Fink lays it out is to limit all training to Z1, Z2 or Z4, and to stay out of Z3 at all costs (he calls that the dead zone where you're no longer aerobic, but not high enough to really increase Vo2 max).  Fair enough. 

The challenge is that these HR zones seem to make the most sense to me (the zones seem to line up with the RPE) in the evening.  I can run all day at 150-154.  Z3 is something I need to work to stay out of, as I feel pretty comfortable running in that zone (I'll let myself get as high as 158-160 at times if my RPE is relatively low, as I do think my max is higher than 182.)  At 163 - 170, I can hold on for quite a while, but it's hard work, and above 170, I'll only be able to sustain that for brief periods.  Again, it all makes senses for me.

But in the early AM when I just get up, they are all wonky.  I'm DYING in Zone 3 and all but unable to get up into Z4 consistently. 

Because my plan calls for Z4 work now, how would you suggest I deal with these swings in HR Zones and RPE?  Abandon HR zone and go by RPE in the early morning?  Avoid trying to to Z4 work all together in the early AM? 

Along those lines, how do you feel about the rules on Z3 - is it really the dead zone that Fink makes it out to be?  Are there any benefits of being in that zone for prolonged periods of time?


2009-12-30 12:48 PM
in reply to: #2584255

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

SAquavia - 2009-12-30 11:18 AM Hi STEVE,

Hope you're having a good day.  I have yet another HR/RPE question for you.  I was on the trainer this morning, and the plan called for 2x5 minute at Z4 with 3 min spin recovery.  Simple enough.

At 38, the rule of thumb for me is:
220-38 = 182 Max HR (I think this is a bit low for me, as I've seen it higher, but it's pretty darn close)
Z1 = 65% - 74% = 118 - 134 - Let's call this RPE 1-4
Z2 = 75% - 85% = 135  - 154 - Let's call this RPE 5-6
Z3 = 86% - 89% = 155 - 162 - Let's call this RPE 7-8
Z4 = 90% - 100% = 163 - 182 (or higher) - Let's call this RPE 9-10

The goal as Fink lays it out is to limit all training to Z1, Z2 or Z4, and to stay out of Z3 at all costs (he calls that the dead zone where you're no longer aerobic, but not high enough to really increase Vo2 max).  Fair enough. 

The challenge is that these HR zones seem to make the most sense to me (the zones seem to line up with the RPE) in the evening.  I can run all day at 150-154.  Z3 is something I need to work to stay out of, as I feel pretty comfortable running in that zone (I'll let myself get as high as 158-160 at times if my RPE is relatively low, as I do think my max is higher than 182.)  At 163 - 170, I can hold on for quite a while, but it's hard work, and above 170, I'll only be able to sustain that for brief periods.  Again, it all makes senses for me.

But in the early AM when I just get up, they are all wonky.  I'm DYING in Zone 3 and all but unable to get up into Z4 consistently. 

Because my plan calls for Z4 work now, how would you suggest I deal with these swings in HR Zones and RPE?  Abandon HR zone and go by RPE in the early morning?  Avoid trying to to Z4 work all together in the early AM? 

Along those lines, how do you feel about the rules on Z3 - is it really the dead zone that Fink makes it out to be?  Are there any benefits of being in that zone for prolonged periods of time?



I am not Steve, but did you just use the forbidden 'MAX HR' terms? ;-) Read this -

An LT test is a much more accurate depiction of HR ranges.

Z3 = NBZ or No Benefit Zone.

Now, that being said, if you are a HIM or IM racer, you need some Z3. For Sprint and OLY racers, there really isn't any reason to train there. Most of a HIM is going to be Z3 for an advanced racer. For an IM, 95% of the race will be Z2, with the end of the run at Z3, if you can manage to get your HR up at that point (this is a matter of fueling and pacing). So...with all that being said, you can use Z3, but only in the right situation and if you are ready for it (being an experienced racer).

Happy New Year!

2009-12-30 2:10 PM
in reply to: #2583449

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2009-12-30 7:03 AM

It's our 34th anniversary today! Mercy!

Congratulations and here's to many more happy years!
2009-12-30 2:30 PM
in reply to: #2584328

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I am not Steve, but did you just use the forbidden 'MAX HR' terms? ;-) Read this -

An LT test is a much more accurate depiction of HR ranges.

Z3 = NBZ or No Benefit Zone.

Now, that being said, if you are a HIM or IM racer, you need some Z3. For Sprint and OLY racers, there really isn't any reason to train there. Most of a HIM is going to be Z3 for an advanced racer. For an IM, 95% of the race will be Z2, with the end of the run at Z3, if you can manage to get your HR up at that point (this is a matter of fueling and pacing). So...with all that being said, you can use Z3, but only in the right situation and if you are ready for it (being an experienced racer).

Happy New Year!

Thanks Mike. 

I definitely agree I need to either get tested or do the field test.  However, that said, I still expect that the RPE for various heart rates will change depending on time of day (and over time due to fatigue, hydration, etc.).  So, let's assume for a second that I go get tested in a lab, and they come back with my accurate zones.   What do you do when perceived effort and HRzone doesn't seem to be matching up on a given day?  Err to one or the other?  And if so, which one?

Edited by SAquavia 2009-12-30 3:18 PM
2009-12-30 3:40 PM
in reply to: #2583436

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
latestarter - 2009-12-30 4:39 AM I found a plan that has hours/miles that fits with my current training capability with very detailed workouts - 26 week Olympic plan with 2 races.   I am STILL nervous about switching the days and ending up with too many high intensity back-to-back days, and may look to you and others for advice once I tackle it.


Is this a BT plan? I'm working off a 20-week Olympic distance one, but also have a race after that one (haven't figured out the weeks for that yet) for which I don't have time to restart a plan. So it'd be nice to have a two races built in.


Edited by augeremt 2009-12-30 3:44 PM
2009-12-30 3:42 PM
in reply to: #2584656

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

SAquavia - 2009-12-30 1:30 PM

Thanks Mike. 

I definitely agree I need to either get tested or do the field test.  However, that said, I still expect that the RPE for various heart rates will change depending on time of day (and over time due to fatigue, hydration, etc.).  So, let's assume for a second that I go get tested in a lab, and they come back with my accurate zones.   What do you do when perceived effort and HRzone doesn't seem to be matching up on a given day?  Err to one or the other?  And if so, which one?


My philosophy has always been to go easy on the days I feel like crap - and forget HR. There are times I am out running, feeling normal and my HR is nowhere near where it should be. I usually go easy that day and skip the harder sets, if they were scheduled. There is no sense in forcing the issue. If your body needs a rest, HR and fatigue are usually pretty good signs that your body is telling you to take that rest. Better to come back rested, fueled properly and hydrated the next day to get a quality workout in, rather than try to execute a key workout that just isn't happening. This is one of those 'experience' things and the more you train/ race / train/ race you'll see what I mean. I can tell you to do it, but until you experience and bounce back the next day and feel awesome, you won't know what I mean. Give this a shot next time you feel lousy - get the proper rest, eat up, hydrate and see how you feel the next day.

2009-12-30 5:17 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Diane -  Congratulations on that 3 mile mark - that's a biggy!

2009-12-30 5:20 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Happy anniversary Steve - hope your kids got off ok.

2009-12-30 5:40 PM
in reply to: #2584826

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
augeremt - 2009-12-30 4:40 PM
latestarter - 2009-12-30 4:39 AM I found a plan that has hours/miles that fits with my current training capability with very detailed workouts - 26 week Olympic plan with 2 races.   I am STILL nervous about switching the days and ending up with too many high intensity back-to-back days, and may look to you and others for advice once I tackle it.


Is this a BT plan? I'm working off a 20-week Olympic distance one, but also have a race after that one (haven't figured out the weeks for that yet) for which I don't have time to restart a plan. So it'd be nice to have a two races built in.


Yes, it's a BT plan available to those with Silver membership.   One year I did a plan that had 6 races built in and it was kind of amazing how well it worked out with the races that I did.    

I haven't started it yet - going to count back from my A race in mid July which means I think I start it around the end of January.   

Is this your first Olympic distance?   It will be nice to have someone else on the same journey.   
2009-12-30 5:54 PM
in reply to: #2584829

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Glad to see you here, you hit-and-run artist, you! You made a stealth attack on the first day of the group, and then - POOF! - you're gone!

But you picked a good day to reappear, as my family commitments have me swamped and running behind. Both "kids" left today, but today is also our anniversary, so that adds another commitment onto the ones just jettisoned with the departure of Jane and Peter. They say there is no rest for the wicked, so what am I to make of this?!?

Anyhow, thank you for stepping into the breach and fielding a few of the questions. Much onliged!

Feeling pretty good about Lackey and Cameron? I'm not a huge fan of Lackey, but that's really just because he appears kind of smarmy. But if he can log xxx innings and make 'em good ones, all will be forgiven. And smarminess aside, he IS a good pitcher.

as for Cameron, i guess that is insurance for Bay, but i can't help but feel that he might end up just another shiny horse on carousel of extra otfielders the Red Sox seem to like carrying on their bench. Or am I reading this all wrong?

I STILL owe you a huge one....and did I ever ask you to try to forward to me the one you wrote just before our horrific comouter crash, which would've been just before GFT? If not, and if you still have it, I would like another copy, as the previos copy was lost along with everything else.

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