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2011-01-25 6:45 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Hi everyone,  got out for a run this moring, coughing away but made it 5.04 miles.  Felt great.  Going to get into the pool tomorrow morning.

David, how was your strength train and ocean swim?

Chet, yeah for Surf City.  Hows the heel holding up?  Can you explain the swim routine a little more.  10 x 75 means exactly what?

Mel, your rocking it gurllllllllll. Great job.  Safe travels hope to hear from you soon.

Chris, did you get your bridge run in today?  How was the weather?

Jeff, great pictures.  Looks cold that's awesome for getting out in it.  Zpack rocks but still have the lingering cough.

Well just a quickie, at work.  Have a great night everyone!!

2011-01-25 8:50 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
I think we were on page 2......bump!
2011-01-25 9:14 PM
in reply to: #3321636

Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
I had my first swim workout in more than a month and a half yesterday.  The group I swim with has some fairly good swimmers whom I can usually barely keep up with.  After that much time off it wasn't a pretty sight.  I felt pretty wiped out afterwards and ended up working from home that day (I don't do that that often).  The triceps are awfully sore today.  Think this is going to take a while to get back into shape.  Ah well, back to the pool tomorrow.

Hope everyone else's training is going well!
2011-01-25 9:27 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Survived the bad weather. Multiple tornado watches, several sighted in the 2 surrounding counties but none in town.  Obviously no run tonight so threw in a Spinervals DVD and got in a good workout anyways.
2011-01-25 9:49 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed

Jeff - Beautiful pictures!  Looks like fun.

Sheila - glad you are feeling better.  Thanks for the help keeping us off page 2  You and Chris are watching out for us.

Marc - That first swim back is always rough.  It is just time in the pool to get the feel of the water back.  I love pool time.  I am a strange one, love the run and swim, tolerate the bike.  It is a good sign that your triceps are sore and not your shoulders though, good form.

Chris - Afraid of a little tornado? Tongue out  What kind of runner are you? 

I have an appointment with the doc tomorrow to look at the heel.  I did all I know of but didn't have much improvement.  I am still optomistic about next week.  Bike/ swim has been enjoyable the last week.

2011-01-25 11:55 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Sheila, the 75 is yds and the 10 is number of times. Split it up into 25 yards or lengths for the set. So 75 yards ten times.

2011-01-26 12:14 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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New user

Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Surf City half sold out but was able to buy someone else's spot on Craigslist. Chet look for me in the bright purple shorts. Glad you're feeling up to the run. I did not think I would be up for a half yet but the last three weekends of 10 miles + I figure I can use it as a LSD day. 

With my trip and some meetings my training schedule has been thrown off a bit. I was able to hit the pool today and my 100m times have been coming down. My breathing is getting better thanks to some of your drills.

2011-01-26 1:13 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Sheila - spoke too soon about not getting sick, woke up with a sore throat and feeling a bit weak so decided to miss the ocean swim, I felt disappointed but also glad to avoid an uncomfortable swim. I think you've got to feel fit to enjoy an ocean swim, it's that confidence thing when you're out there 500m offshore and surrounded by thrashing arms and legs!

Did a very tough hilly ride after work last night, felt strong on the hills but chest a bit tight after.

I'm in a holding pattern at the moment repeating the 3rd week of my Olympic plan until the weeks to go until the race catches up. This seems be giving me a good fitness base without any injuries. 

Chet - hope the heel settles soon!

Jeff - great pics, we ski down in the Snowy Mountains here which is a bit different, gum trees instead of pine trees and you can be in minus 10 celsius up top and come down to the car park and be in 20 deg C.

Good to hear everyone is getting over injuries and back into training.

Anyway, off for an evening swim, feeling a bit better than this morning Laughing
2011-01-26 1:29 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed />
I found this info on sighting for a triathlon swim and thought I would share. I had done the one arm drill several times but always thought it was only for strengthening one side or finding out how you swim on one side vs. the other. I think I will use this technique as it keeps you moving forward while sighting, which I have difficulty with in open water. Enjoy.
2011-01-26 9:57 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Robert - that's great.  You have plenty of miles in for the half.  They have the best finishers medals too.  

David -  thanks.  I have been going at my calves with "The Stick" and am making progress.  I wouldn't be concerned if I didn't have a race in 10 days .  

Jeff - I haven't done that drill.  Thanks for sharing, I will try it today in the pool.  I wasn't able to get to the video with the link though.

Into the pool this morning then off to the doc at 2.  Think positive!

Edited by cbarnes1 2011-01-26 9:59 AM
2011-01-26 11:48 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Morning, I went to the pool this morning and all the lanes were full.  I dont have any pool etiquite so I didn't want to ask to share a lane.  Not comfortable enough yet.  So I waited, it wasnt long 5-10 min.  I was getting ready and hopped into the open lane and I look to the other end and some guy got in and just started swimming in my lane.  I know people share and all but dont they usually ask?  Well I was annoyed but swam anyway. 

I did 800m which is about a 1/2 mile right? So 32 lengths.  32 lengths x 25 yards = 800m?  Just trying to make sure I understand the math?  Not my best subject.  I also want to be talking about it correctly, lol. 

Marc, getting back out there is the hardest part.  Great job, just keep at it!! Especially on those days you dont want to.  That is when I need it the most.

Chris, glad you weathered the storm.  It looked bad on the news here. 

Robert, congrats on scoring a ticket for the race.  Good luck, sounds like you are ready.  My first HM at the beginning of the year was awesome.  The most I had ran was 11 miles and that was only 1 time. 

David, bummer to hear you woke up under the weather.  Sounds like you are pushing it to get some activity in though.  Remember to rest if the body says so.  I still have the cough.

Jeff, thanks for the read and video.  I was able to search it out on the website.  Great site, I will be checking out some more stuff on there and incorporate into my training.

Chet, good luck at the Dr.  How was the swim, did you try that drill? 

Well off to work, hope everyone has a great Wednesday!!

2011-01-26 12:52 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Great swim Sheila!  Yep that was 800, you are going to be so ready for Iron Girl.  I had a good swim and tried that drill.  It is really similar to the catch-up drill.  The drills really seem to help me.  

Another swim drill to try if you get a chance is the "Closed Fist" drill.  Really simple, close your hand into a fist when you swim.  It makes you use your forearm more to get a good catch and you will find yourself really driving the hips.  I love how fast you feel when you open your hand back up  it is a really good warm up for tight shoulders too.

Best my heel has felt this morning.  I am getting more optimistic! 
2011-01-26 2:39 PM
in reply to: #3256537

Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Chet, thats gotta be pretty stressful having an injury this close to the big day. We are all rooting for you! Hope it is heals well enough to let you get round in good form!

Thanks to all for the earplug tip. Best swim ever this week without worrying about water flooding my lugs. I can't beleive I never thought of it, that I am. Considering getting an MP3 player for the long boring pool swims. There is a podcast called tri swim coach that I might listen to while swimming. Any of you tried that one?

Speaking of which any good podcast recommendations? I like to listen to them on my LSRs as I get a bit fed up of music after a while.
2011-01-26 3:16 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Didn't get my swim in last night, pool was shut (Australia Day), got up at 5:25am this morning and local little 25m pool full - squad training....!

Anyway, feeling well again after extra day of enforced restLaughing

Sheila - I know waht you mean about sharing lanes but people do tend to just get into the least busy one and start swimming, I always say hi when I get into someones lane and try to see if they are cool about it, especially if I'm going to be doing drills etc.

Jeff - great site, I liked the high elbow catch video

Eejit - I used "The Extra Mile" podcasts a lot when training for my HM, he has some great interviews with people like Jeff Galloway and the guy who runs Hammer Nutrition etc.

Chet - sounds like things are coming together for the race, good luck!

Weather beautiful here at the moment, spent a couple of hours standing out in the surf yesterday helping my 2 youngest (9 & 7) get some waves. Going to have a run after work today, try to get that swim in tomorrow (or may just forget that workout)

Cheers, Dave
2011-01-26 6:54 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Doc says he can get me through the race!  woohoo!!!  Race on.  A little ART (active release therapy), ice and a couple more treatments.  Thinks it's tendonitis but not the achilles tendon.  Good news.  Hope everyone is having a good day. 
2011-01-26 10:27 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
So my ultimate race is Coeur d'Alene Ironman.  I plan on doing it for my 40th birthday next year.  So what is everyone's ultimate race?

2011-01-26 11:01 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Gold Coast Half Ironman appeals to me, maybe next year???

They've just started a new event in Cairns (far North Queensland) which will have an Ironman, HIM, Oly and sprint as well as a 1.5k/3km ocean swim off a tropical island offshore.
I'll definitely look to do either the Oly or HIM there next year.
2011-01-26 11:08 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Tour de France, but I may have to settle for a series of HIM in places I have lived/visited: 70.3 New Orleans, 70.3 Racine and Rev3 Costa Rica.
2011-01-27 2:20 AM
in reply to: #3323841

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
cbarnes1 - 2011-01-26 8:27 PM So my ultimate race is Coeur d'Alene Ironman.  I plan on doing it for my 40th birthday next year.  So what is everyone's ultimate race?

The unspoken goal is Kona on/just prior to my 50th (5years). The lottery process trips me out though. I may choose another that I may really enjoy like IM St. Croix, Hyvee IM in Des Moines or IMAZ. We'll see, but definitly I must and absolutly must hit Wildflower (the Woodstock of tri's). These are just a couple on the unspoken and deeply secret bucket list.
2011-01-27 10:30 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Morning, everyone's big "Ultimate Race" is so inspiring to hear about.  I have no idea...Im pretty new to races and entry and all that.  For me right now my biggest is my first Tri in April.  After that I will have to see if Tri is for me.  I think it will be.  I would love to travel and race but as of now Im not able to do that.  I can't wait though, someday I will have those special races on my agenda.

I went for a run this morning at 4:45am and my darn cough is just annoying!  Almost 5 miles and felt sluggish.  It's so cold out, cant wait for warmer weather.

Have a great day!

Chet, glad to hear you have a treatment plan to get you through.
2011-01-27 6:26 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Well done on getting out Sheila!

It's funny, I did a 10k run after work last night and was looking forward to the weather getting cooler and less humid. Drank a bottle of Powerade before and another bottle after the run and I think that helped a lot. Last time I did that run in the heat I couldn't get my HR down but last night it stayed between 70 and 85% max for most of the run.

My first tri is now 1 week away!Surprised 

2011-01-27 7:21 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Jeff- I put in for the Kona Lottery every year despite the objections from my wife.  She asks what the odds are (Vegas Girl) and thinks it is not worth the money.  She lets me anyway   I am not ready for a sub 10 hour to qualify, it is my only shot. 

Sheila - warm weather will come soon enough!  No rushing it

Exciting that the racing is starting!!  Woohoo, go David! 

2011-01-27 9:11 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Got out on the bike today! Woo hoo! Tweaked it, oiled it, did a little cleaning and off to a 15 mi. ride. RPE 2-3 not so bad, and it felt great to get out there. It was  a little chilly on the legs ( I knew I should have worn my tights, but didn't).  I am on call this weekend, I hope they leave me alone so I can get something in. However, I will miss my second time racing in my points runs on saturdays. Oh well, there will be others.
2011-01-27 9:12 PM
in reply to: #3325749

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Whoohoo David, that is very exciting.  I can only imagine how exciting, anxious, nervous and all that I will be when it is a week away.  Good job on the 10k run.
2011-01-28 10:01 AM
in reply to: #3256537

Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Ultimate race? Not sure really. I fancy the NY Marathon but I also would love to do the "etape du tour" sometime. My ultimate goal at the moment is the IM but not sure which one to aim for. Florida sounds fun and would make for a nice vacation post race.

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