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2011-02-13 4:09 PM
in reply to: #3352893

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Your in Amanda. 

100 mile (running I assume) trail race - I thought I was nuts!!!

atlveg - 2011-02-13 3:18 PM Definitely count me in for the simulated tri challenge! I think I would go for the Olympic distances.

Weekend of March 5/6 is out for me, because I am volunteering the overnight shift of a 100 mile trail race so my schedule will be shot. March 19/20 is also out because I have a half marathon. And I have company the 26/27. Sorry I will probably be the most difficult person to accommodate, but I could do it March 12/13 or most weekends in April.


2011-02-13 4:15 PM
in reply to: #3352904

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL

What's up with the bike tumbles today?  I did the same (I don't think anybody saw it - or at least there was no loud laughter from the neighbors!!).  Always seems to happen to me when I'm tired and not paying close enough attention.  I hate it when that happens.

Anyway, glad you enjoyed your 1st ride of the season.  Lot's more to come.

atlveg - 2011-02-13 3:29 PM I got to ride outside today, the first time in ages! I was only planning on 15, but was having such a good time that I finished with 21 miles. The weather is gorgeous, in the mid 50s and perfectly sunny.

I had my first 'didn't get the toes out of the clips fast enough' tumble today. Luckily, it was right into a bush so no harm. Oh well, practice makes perfect. I did bend my entire right shifter out of place like a broken thumb (it seems to pivot, which is very smart design!) but was able to push it back into place and all the gears were working fine so I rode on. Cool 

2011-02-14 12:34 PM
in reply to: #3256830

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Good blog from Gordo Byrn titled "Training Isn't Hard".  I really liked this from the piece:

"The greats have the ability to make a habit of things that we find difficult. They demonstrate three areas where it’s worth being a little tough on yourself: consistency, control and saying no."

"Showing up when tired - If you can consistently dive into a cold pool, in the morning, in winter, when it was dark all the way to the aquatic center... then the rest of your day is going to seem pretty straightforward. This one habit is why swimmers have great work ethics. They created the habit of doing something that most of us are unwilling to do."

Good 2 minute read:

2011-02-14 8:20 PM
in reply to: #3256830

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Nice breakthough's in the water by Christi and Amanda this weekend.  Way to go ladies!!!
2011-02-15 2:22 AM
in reply to: #3256830

Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Hi guys,

First of all i like to thank you all for all the support, its over whelming at times. So I went out there in spite of having caught a cold the week of the race and not being able to train. So as you can imagine I didn't go too well in the race, I needed to be rescued during the swim leg but still let me finish the race so mixed emotions. A little bit of disappointment, it feels like i didn't really get an opportunity to put my best foot forward or legitimately finish the race. In my head i feel like i have unfinished business so i am going to get myself healthy and work towards competing in another enticer either in march or april.

Race day is a great feeling though, there is something special about the occasion, it was ashame that the whether didn't choose to join us as well. It was a little wind and overcast day, hence there was quite a large swell and a moderate current running from right to left. This of course made the swim a little more difficult that it probably needed to be. I still tried to do it, but i only made it 100m before i needed to be hulled into the boat. They did however let me get back into the water but only after my wave had finished the swim leg.

The rest of the race pretty smooth bike and run was well within by ability even with a cold.

Anyway, I am going to go get some rest, and talk to you all real soon.

2011-02-15 5:36 AM
in reply to: #3354359

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Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
junthank - 2011-02-14 1:34 PM

"Showing up when tired - If you can consistently dive into a cold pool, in the morning, in winter, when it was dark all the way to the aquatic center... then the rest of your day is going to seem pretty straightforward. This one habit is why swimmers have great work ethics. They created the habit of doing something that most of us are unwilling to do."

I've been mumbling this to myself all winter as I walk from my office across campus to the pool - walking in sub-zero temps and sometimes rain, only to jump in a cold pool, takes a lot of dedication!

I found out that my University also has an outdoor Olympic pool on another part of campus. You have to pay extra, but I think it will be worth it for the summer season.

They also have a masters swim program -- does anybody have any experience with this? I am a bit intimidated to join them, even though the website says beginners are welcome. I think the timing will be perfect, as they don't start until the outdoor pool opens and by then I will be finished with my TI drills.


Edited by atlveg 2011-02-15 5:36 AM

2011-02-15 7:18 AM
in reply to: #3355457

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Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
jamesjong - 2011-02-15 3:22 AM Hi guys,

First of all i like to thank you all for all the support, its over whelming at times. So I went out there in spite of having caught a cold the week of the race and not being able to train. So as you can imagine I didn't go too well in the race, I needed to be rescued during the swim leg but still let me finish the race so mixed emotions. A little bit of disappointment, it feels like i didn't really get an opportunity to put my best foot forward or legitimately finish the race. In my head i feel like i have unfinished business so i am going to get myself healthy and work towards competing in another enticer either in march or april.

Race day is a great feeling though, there is something special about the occasion, it was ashame that the whether didn't choose to join us as well. It was a little wind and overcast day, hence there was quite a large swell and a moderate current running from right to left. This of course made the swim a little more difficult that it probably needed to be. I still tried to do it, but i only made it 100m before i needed to be hulled into the boat. They did however let me get back into the water but only after my wave had finished the swim leg.

The rest of the race pretty smooth bike and run was well within by ability even with a cold.

Anyway, I am going to go get some rest, and talk to you all real soon.


Sounds like a rough one, James. I'm sorry your first race was less than you'd hoped.  It's soooo hard to race when you're not feeling well. It takes a lot of guts to tough it out and finish, even though your swim leg was difficult.  Now that you've been through the worst of it, the next one should seem that much easier. Congratulations on overcoming all of that to finish!
2011-02-15 7:32 AM
in reply to: #3256830

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Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
James -  I'm sorry to hear that it wasn't your day. I've tried to race while sick - a run is tough enough, and I can not even fathom how difficult it would be to swim while sick. However, I'm glad they let you finish the race so you could get the full race experience of the bike and the run.
My theory is that you learn something new with every race, whether it goes well or poorly, so this will be good experience for your training and for when you race again in a few months.


2011-02-15 12:11 PM
in reply to: #3256830

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Albany Oregon
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
James:  Kudo's for doing the race even though you were under the weather.  I'm sure that was a huge disappointment to work so hard then not have the strength to give it your all. 
The water portion sounds like hell.  Don't know if i would have gone in the water.  I might have tried to bribe the boat driver to take me from one end to the other. Embarassed  As i swim in the pool I wonder how I'm going to handle all the variables of the open water swim.
I like Jeff's comment about the next race feeling easier because of this experience. But really, you should be proud of yourself for what you did accomplish.   Thanks for sharing your experience. 

Amanda:  I am with you on the master swimming idea.  I too would love to try it and they say beginners are welcome, but I don't know if where I'm at would really fit with them.  I'm going to see if I can talk with someone in the group and get a feel for it. 
I thought I might sign up for a TI class next month but decided the $295 would be better spent for a Kurt Kinetic training or TI DVD's, so I'm going to work TI stuff on my own.  How are you doing that?  If you are using a DVD, which one?  Any suggestions for how to work TI on your own?  I own the book, but will get a DVD if you think it's worth it.

2011-02-15 3:14 PM
in reply to: #3356260

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Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
cvochristi - 2011-02-15 1:11 PM 

I thought I might sign up for a TI class next month but decided the $295 would be better spent for a Kurt Kinetic training or TI DVD's, so I'm going to work TI stuff on my own.  How are you doing that?  If you are using a DVD, which one?  Any suggestions for how to work TI on your own?  I own the book, but will get a DVD if you think it's worth it.


I only have the book, but might buy the freestyle DVD. I need to get on You Tube to see if I can get by with the videos posted there.

My progress has been pretty slow because I am making sure I am 100% confident with a drill before moving on to the next. I had a hard time finding my 'sweet spot' on the right, but I think I have it now. The #1 thing I feel would have helped is to have a TI swim buddy. I have no clue if I am using proper form, because I can't see what I'm doing. So having a buddy to learn with would be great, because you can help each other out.

2011-02-15 6:44 PM
in reply to: #3355457

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL

Like others in the group I'm sorry that your race didn't turn out the way that you had hoped it would.  Personally I think what you did took a lot of courage and looking back on it I hope that you have a sense of pride in what you did accomplish.  There were a number of things that were stacked against you.  Including:

1) You were sick.
2) Swim conditions were bad (an OWS with a lot of swell).
3) This was your 1st race.
4) You did your 1st race on essentially 9 weeks of training.
5) You had no experience swimming or riding before starting your training on 12/1/2010.

Despite all of that you managed to finish the race.  The results on the swim weren't what your would of liked but the effort was there.  The bike and run endurance were spot on.  I'm certain you gained a great deal of experience from that particular race that will pay off in the future.

jamesjong - 2011-02-15 3:22 AM Hi guys,

First of all i like to thank you all for all the support, its over whelming at times. So I went out there in spite of having caught a cold the week of the race and not being able to train. So as you can imagine I didn't go too well in the race, I needed to be rescued during the swim leg but still let me finish the race so mixed emotions. A little bit of disappointment, it feels like i didn't really get an opportunity to put my best foot forward or legitimately finish the race. In my head i feel like i have unfinished business so i am going to get myself healthy and work towards competing in another enticer either in march or april.

Race day is a great feeling though, there is something special about the occasion, it was ashame that the whether didn't choose to join us as well. It was a little wind and overcast day, hence there was quite a large swell and a moderate current running from right to left. This of course made the swim a little more difficult that it probably needed to be. I still tried to do it, but i only made it 100m before i needed to be hulled into the boat. They did however let me get back into the water but only after my wave had finished the swim leg.

The rest of the race pretty smooth bike and run was well within by ability even with a cold.

Anyway, I am going to go get some rest, and talk to you all real soon.


Edited by junthank 2011-02-15 7:10 PM

2011-02-15 7:05 PM
in reply to: #3355491

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL

Indeed, it does take a great deal of dedication.

I wish I had a Olympic sized pool to swim in so consider yourself lucky to have that option.

Regarding masters swimming, I've never participated in a master swim program so I'm not the right person to answer your question.  I heard there are pro's and con's to swimming squad training.  The pro's being  structured workouts, having a coach there to review your swim stroke, training at a higher intensity, etc.. 

Personally what I would do prior to joining is take a trip to the pool on masters day/night and check it out for myself.  That should give you an idea of the level of swimmers that are in the program and whether or not you would fit in comfortably.  I'm sure the coach that runs the program wouoldn't mind having a chat with you about the program.

atlveg - 2011-02-15 6:36 AM
junthank - 2011-02-14 1:34 PM

I've been mumbling this to myself all winter as I walk from my office across campus to the pool - walking in sub-zero temps and sometimes rain, only to jump in a cold pool, takes a lot of dedication!

I found out that my University also has an outdoor Olympic pool on another part of campus. You have to pay extra, but I think it will be worth it for the summer season.

They also have a masters swim program -- does anybody have any experience with this? I am a bit intimidated to join them, even though the website says beginners are welcome. I think the timing will be perfect, as they don't start until the outdoor pool opens and by then I will be finished with my TI drills.

2011-02-16 8:36 PM
in reply to: #3256830

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL

OK - Looks like Amanda and Cristi are going to take me up on the "Virtual Tri Challenge".

Cristi - Amanda said the weekend of Marth 12th would work for her.  That works for me as well. I realize you don't want to do it on the weekend because of pool available so that's fine.  Pick 2 consecutive days either just before or just after that weekend and go for it.

The idea is to do the entire distance of your upcoming race over the course of a weekend (or any 2 consecutive days). 

Cristi - Sprint Distance (I assume a 400 meter swim, 12 mile bike, 3.1 mile run) - correct me on the distances if I'm wrong.

Amanda - Olympic Distance (1.5K swim, 40K bike, 10K run).

Jeff - HIM (2K swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run).

Ground rules:

It doesn't matter how you do the distance just as long as you do the distance (need RI's on the swim, take'em).

Sequence or date of the doing the S/B/R does not matter - just get them done over the course of 2 days.  I'll probably do the swim and bike on a Saturday.  Run on a Sunday.

Time it takes - does not matter.  Just do the distance.

Can you guess what the next challenge will be?
2011-02-16 11:58 PM
in reply to: #3256830

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Albany Oregon
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Virtual race sounds fine.  I was tempted to try bricking after my last swim because I felt so good. I'm looking forward to seeing what it's all about.

Friday and Saturday will work fine.  You were right on the distances.

Edited by cvochristi 2011-02-17 12:00 AM
2011-02-17 5:45 AM
in reply to: #3359276

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Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
I will also be doing a Friday and Saturday because of pool availability (Friday morning the pool is almost empty).

Do you want us to  record our times? I generally don't do that right now because I am recovering from ITBS and have just been focusing on getting out there.

I'm not sure yet how I will organize things. I would like to do a bike/run brick on Saturday, but I haven't done that yet so not sure it is a good idea 1 week before my half marathon. So I may swim Friday morning, run Friday night, and bike on Saturday.
2011-02-17 5:47 AM
in reply to: #3256830

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Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Regarding the masters swim - I have seen them practicing on the rare occasion I swim after work, and they intimidate me. That is why I don't think they would be a very good match for me.

In general I prefer to train solo, unless it is remote trail running then I always have another person with me.

2011-02-17 12:09 PM
in reply to: #3359350

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL

Friday/Saturday is fine.

Regarding recording times, that is entirely up to you guys.   What is important is building your endurance (and confidence) so that you can finish your targeted race distance.  The initial step is doing that over a weekend.  Next step (should you and others choose to do it), would to complete the distance as a "broken tri" in a day.  Final step would be an actual race simulation.

Personally, I always track my times/distances etc so that I build a database.  If you follow my training log you will see that I constantly record paces at differing HR's so that I can track my relative fitness.  This tells me if my training plans are working or not.

BTW: If you think this exercise is going to interfere with your half marathon race then please bag it.  Your a really fit gal already but I would hate to think that anything I proposed would compromise a race you already had on your schedule.

atlveg - 2011-02-17 6:45 AM I will also be doing a Friday and Saturday because of pool availability (Friday morning the pool is almost empty).

Do you want us to  record our times? I generally don't do that right now because I am recovering from ITBS and have just been focusing on getting out there.

I'm not sure yet how I will organize things. I would like to do a bike/run brick on Saturday, but I haven't done that yet so not sure it is a good idea 1 week before my half marathon. So I may swim Friday morning, run Friday night, and bike on Saturday.
2011-02-17 12:22 PM
in reply to: #3359276

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL

Then it's Friday and Saturday for you and Amanda. 

Definitely work some bricks into your training.  You have got to get used to running on "fatigued" legs.  Big difference then running on "fresh" legs.  That's why you rarely see me blasting a fresh 5K/10K run in my training.  I'm sure there is some physiological benefits for blasting fresh 5K's but honestly I don't think those workouts are going to do me much good when I need to run 13 miles after a 2K swim and 56 mile bike.

AND... I hope all of your swims feel as good as your last one!!!

cvochristi - 2011-02-17 12:58 AM Virtual race sounds fine.  I was tempted to try bricking after my last swim because I felt so good. I'm looking forward to seeing what it's all about.

Friday and Saturday will work fine.  You were right on the distances.
2011-02-17 12:36 PM
in reply to: #3359351

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL

The dynamics of the group training environment, whether it be swimming, biking or running can be detrimental at times.  All it takes is for one member of the group to start lifting the intensity and then all of the sudden you have a "group hammer-fest".  I guess it is just human nature to want to stay in the group and not be "left behind".  It takes a lot of mental fortitude to let people go when your workout objectives don't match theirs. 

That's why it is important to chose your training partners carefully!!

atlveg - 2011-02-17 6:47 AM Regarding the masters swim - I have seen them practicing on the rare occasion I swim after work, and they intimidate me. That is why I don't think they would be a very good match for me.

In general I prefer to train solo, unless it is remote trail running then I always have another person with me.
2011-02-17 7:21 PM
in reply to: #3256830

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Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Amanda...which half are you doing?

I would play but I signed up for the Sarasota half that weekend...though I suppose that could account for the run portion Laughing  I might be able to do it over 3 days if I can bike on Friday. I dont think I'd want to have that much bike the day before the race. 
2011-02-17 7:38 PM
in reply to: #3256830

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Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Mel, I am running the Publix GA Half here in Atlanta. I'm still not 100% sure I will go. I signed up for super cheap almost 1 year ago, but have been running and racing mostly trails. My last road race was in Tucson in December and I haven't done any long runs on pavement since. If I do run, it will be for fun and I won't care what time I finish. I am far from PR shape, just coming off this IT band/hip injury.

2011-02-17 8:00 PM
in reply to: #3359109

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Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
junthank - 2011-02-16 9:36 PM Team,

Can you guess what the next challenge will be?

Covering the distance in a single day. Cool
2011-02-17 8:23 PM
in reply to: #3360856

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL

OK, you are off the hook on the "virtual tri".  As I mentioned in a previous message to Amanda, don't let this interfere with any of your race plans (the actual race itself or the build up training to the race).  My guess is that you will probably spend more time doing the HM race than completing a sprint distance tri.  So, you get a gold star 

melkat - 2011-02-17 8:21 PM Amanda...which half are you doing?

I would play but I signed up for the Sarasota half that weekend...though I suppose that could account for the run portion Laughing  I might be able to do it over 3 days if I can bike on Friday. I dont think I'd want to have that much bike the day before the race. 
2011-02-17 8:25 PM
in reply to: #3360904

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
Yep - I knew a Hokie graduate would know the answer 

atlveg - 2011-02-17 9:00 PM
junthank - 2011-02-16 9:36 PM Team,

Can you guess what the next challenge will be?

Covering the distance in a single day. Cool
2011-02-18 4:17 AM
in reply to: #3256830

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Subject: RE: Hokies 1st Timer's Group - FULL
I made a comment in my training log that I need to learn how to flip turn at the end of each swimming lap. I found this great instructional video and will give it a try today.

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