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2011-02-08 7:12 AM
in reply to: #3344254

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - CLOSED
MarlaS - 2011-02-07 10:05 PM
ransick - 2011-02-07 10:06 PM
MarlaS - 2011-02-07 8:09 PM
ransick - 2011-02-06 11:15 PM
MarlaS - 2011-02-06 12:40 PM RE calories in / calories out...

got my new little gizmo a couple of days ago from jenny craig, and it's really interesting (to me, at least, in a geeky sort of way) - it apparently utilizes a few different kinds of information (accelerometer, heat flux, skin temperature & galvanic skin response (GSR)) to calculate calories burned, sleep time, etc. Ideally I'm supposed to wear it all the time (tho unfortunately it's not waterproof - will have to estimate #s for swimming and input manually). It's made by Bodymedia, fyi.

Yesterday was my 1st full day with it - what's interesting is to see how it estimated my calories burned during and AFTER my workout: I was in spin class 10:30-11:30, then played with weights another 20 minutes or so, yet it shows the calorie burn continuing much longer (also think it's hilarious that that was considered largely "moderate" activity - any more vigorous & I swear I really would've puked or passed out!).

Someone - sorry, forgot who - was curious about hearing more when I got it, so wanted to provide more info - have a picture of the output it provides, too.  For those of you who don't care, don't worry, I don't plan to post this on a regular basis! Smile

Looks like you need more sleep and your target calories consumed are set too low.  Did you calculate your base metabolic rate and add what you plan to burn exercising?

Interesting it shows you continuing to burn more calories once you are done.  I've read that is true.  Maybe recovery burns more calories.

yeah, chronic sleep deprivation... really trying not to be a night owl... I know it's a big deal but it's hard! (I'm actually better, believe it or not)

How do I calculate my base metabolic rate? It asks about how much activity I estimate - I told it I estimated maybe an hour of moderate activity a day, or something like that.

I did make up for it by making a steak for dinner...haven't had one in don't know when, and man, was it good. Stomach's hurting, but it was good going down.... Smile

(thanks for your $.02!)

You can calculate your base metabolic rate (calories burned just breathing and supporting your body) using a calculator here.  Then add more calories based on what workouts you plan to do.  Then you can calculate how much to add to the base rate either here or use the calories burned during swim/bike/run using these equations (if you aren't equation inclined, let me know and I'll help).

Swim - 100Cal/400m = 530 calories for 1.2 miles
Bike - .26Cal/lbs mi  = 2330 calories for moving 160 pounds 56 miles
Run - .73Cal/lbs mi = 1530 calories for moving 160 pounds 13.1 miles

There are also websites that estimate calories burned based on activities.  Jenny Craig may have a page for that too.

Add those two numbers and subtract 500 from that (so you lose a pound a week) and that is your target.

The target calories your gizmo calculated could be correct but it would be good to double check.

actually, if i use harris-benedict, then that comes out to 2200 calories a week or 1700 to lose a pound a week, right? interesting. maybe that hunk of red meat did me some good tonight after all :-)

You mean 1700 calories a day to lose a pound a week, right?  (3500 calories is about a pound so the goal is to lose 5 a day)

2011-02-08 11:03 AM
in reply to: #3260767

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Central Oregon
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - CLOSED
I think Marla meant 2200 minus 500 equals 1700 per day. Right?

That is what I usually come up with calorie wise for weight loss. I've stayed the same weight for months, but I noticed the other day that my sports bra is too big now and I can wear my smaller jeans... progress. Thanks for posting your snapshot Marla, it's very interesting.
2011-02-08 7:15 PM
in reply to: #3260767

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Orlando, Fl
Subject: Big day tomorrow
So I have a big day planned tomorrow. Picking up my bike from the bike shop, increasing my run mileage, and swimming with a new group. I have just been swimming on my own but a friend invited me to swim with her group and their coach. Im kind of nervous because my endurance is not the best with swimming. Will let you know how it goes....
2011-02-08 7:59 PM
in reply to: #3345998

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Big day tomorrow
Jaime1017 - 2011-02-08 7:15 PM So I have a big day planned tomorrow. Picking up my bike from the bike shop, increasing my run mileage, and swimming with a new group. I have just been swimming on my own but a friend invited me to swim with her group and their coach. Im kind of nervous because my endurance is not the best with swimming. Will let you know how it goes....

Exciting!  Don't worry about swim endurance.  The coach will probably push you and it will come quick enough. 
2011-02-09 9:03 PM
in reply to: #3260767

Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - CLOSED
Well today my swim started out pretty good, then came my very first shared lane.  I have to say I didn't like it at all I actually started mumbling and was instantly ticked.  I had all my stuff at the end of my line and the guy moved it including my wedding ring I take off and move at each little tile(with my shoe on top of it) for every lap I complete.  I do believe that if I had started drinking instead of exercising I would have been a mean drunk, but instead I am a mean exerciser.  

I think I will be starting at the end of the pack, I really don't want to hurt anyone.  Any stories or advice would be greatly appreciated  
2011-02-09 9:45 PM
in reply to: #3348042

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New user

Lake Saint Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - CLOSED
paygilr - 2011-02-09 9:03 PM Well today my swim started out pretty good, then came my very first shared lane.  I have to say I didn't like it at all I actually started mumbling and was instantly ticked.  I had all my stuff at the end of my line and the guy moved it including my wedding ring I take off and move at each little tile(with my shoe on top of it) for every lap I complete.  I do believe that if I had started drinking instead of exercising I would have been a mean drunk, but instead I am a mean exerciser.  

I think I will be starting at the end of the pack, I really don't want to hurt anyone.  Any stories or advice would be greatly appreciated  

I am also new to swimming and not a big fan of sharing lanes. (I feel like I am going to run into someone)  But, I am getting used to it.  At my gym everyone seems to ask to going a lane or wait for an invite.  If I am looking to join a lane, I try to pick one with someone I feel comfortable around.  If I see people starting to wait, I will try to grab the person that seems like they share well.

As far as the guy moving your things, well that's just rude!  I mark my tiles to track laps, but I use my water bottle.  Something to consider.

Good Luck!

2011-02-09 10:23 PM
in reply to: #3348075

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - CLOSED
maromando - 2011-02-09 9:45 PM
paygilr - 2011-02-09 9:03 PM Well today my swim started out pretty good, then came my very first shared lane.  I have to say I didn't like it at all I actually started mumbling and was instantly ticked.  I had all my stuff at the end of my line and the guy moved it including my wedding ring I take off and move at each little tile(with my shoe on top of it) for every lap I complete.  I do believe that if I had started drinking instead of exercising I would have been a mean drunk, but instead I am a mean exerciser.  

I think I will be starting at the end of the pack, I really don't want to hurt anyone.  Any stories or advice would be greatly appreciated  

I am also new to swimming and not a big fan of sharing lanes. (I feel like I am going to run into someone)  But, I am getting used to it.  At my gym everyone seems to ask to going a lane or wait for an invite.  If I am looking to join a lane, I try to pick one with someone I feel comfortable around.  If I see people starting to wait, I will try to grab the person that seems like they share well.

As far as the guy moving your things, well that's just rude!  I mark my tiles to track laps, but I use my water bottle.  Something to consider.

Good Luck!

I have to share lanes alot.  I would recommend locking your valuables in a locker so anything anyone touches isn't important.  After that, I try to swim my set as best I can.  When we have 2 in a lane we split sides.  3 or more and we swim in a circle.  3 or more is a pain because speeds never match.  I recommend figuring out a way to swim the set you planned (with some mods).  Talk to your lane mates and ask what is their plan, speed, sets, etc?  with most people you can probably come to a common understanding.  If not, use it as OWS (open water swim) full contact swim training :-).
2011-02-10 7:13 AM
in reply to: #3345998

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Big day tomorrow
Jaime1017 - 2011-02-08 7:15 PM So I have a big day planned tomorrow. Picking up my bike from the bike shop, increasing my run mileage, and swimming with a new group. I have just been swimming on my own but a friend invited me to swim with her group and their coach. Im kind of nervous because my endurance is not the best with swimming. Will let you know how it goes....

So how did the big day go?
2011-02-11 11:42 AM
in reply to: #3348269

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Orlando, Fl
Subject: RE: Big day tomorrow

Over all the big day went well. I picked up my bike but I havent been able to go for a ride like I want to. I increased my run a little bit but it was not a great run for me. The temp here got a lil high that day and I felt it. The swim however went really well. I got some great tips from the coach and am going to go back tomorrow and swim with them again.

I have a month till my frist tri Laughing
2011-02-11 9:43 PM
in reply to: #3350570

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: Big day tomorrow
Jaime1017 - 2011-02-11 12:42 PM
Over all the big day went well. I picked up my bike but I havent been able to go for a ride like I want to. I increased my run a little bit but it was not a great run for me. The temp here got a lil high that day and I felt it. The swim however went really well. I got some great tips from the coach and am going to go back tomorrow and swim with them again.

I have a month till my frist tri Laughing

sounds like you're at least making some progress, though, so not all bad, right??
2011-02-11 9:44 PM
in reply to: #3348075

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - CLOSED
maromando - 2011-02-09 10:45 PM
paygilr - 2011-02-09 9:03 PM Well today my swim started out pretty good, then came my very first shared lane.  I have to say I didn't like it at all I actually started mumbling and was instantly ticked.  I had all my stuff at the end of my line and the guy moved it including my wedding ring I take off and move at each little tile(with my shoe on top of it) for every lap I complete.  I do believe that if I had started drinking instead of exercising I would have been a mean drunk, but instead I am a mean exerciser.  

I think I will be starting at the end of the pack, I really don't want to hurt anyone.  Any stories or advice would be greatly appreciated  

I am also new to swimming and not a big fan of sharing lanes. (I feel like I am going to run into someone)  But, I am getting used to it.  At my gym everyone seems to ask to going a lane or wait for an invite.  If I am looking to join a lane, I try to pick one with someone I feel comfortable around.  If I see people starting to wait, I will try to grab the person that seems like they share well.

As far as the guy moving your things, well that's just rude!  I mark my tiles to track laps, but I use my water bottle.  Something to consider.

Good Luck!

....hmm, and i can never remember where I left my water bottle, and forget to take my rings off. no wonder i never know how much i've swum.....!

2011-02-11 9:46 PM
in reply to: #3345010

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - CLOSED
Brightbow - 2011-02-08 12:03 PM I think Marla meant 2200 minus 500 equals 1700 per day. Right?

That is what I usually come up with calorie wise for weight loss. I've stayed the same weight for months, but I noticed the other day that my sports bra is too big now and I can wear my smaller jeans... progress. Thanks for posting your snapshot Marla, it's very interesting.

congrats on the shrinking! Smile

so what do you make of the fact that my cool little toy said i expended more calories on a rest day, after spinning the 2 days before?? although i realize that you can keep burning at a higher rate after exercise, that seemed like it had to be a little think?
2011-02-12 6:16 AM
in reply to: #3260767

Subject: swimming lanes
Thanks everyone for the advice on the swimming lanes.  Yesterday I was the one standing there looking to join a lane.  I studied each person to see who I would match up with and stood there waiting for him to stop.  They never did!!  The person in the lane next to him did and offered to share his lane I was ready to take him up on the offer even though he was a much faster swimmer then I but a lane opened.  I guess I am going to have to get use to the whole thing. 
2011-02-12 6:18 AM
in reply to: #3350570

Subject: RE: Big day tomorrow
Jaime1017 - 2011-02-11 12:42 PM
Over all the big day went well. I picked up my bike but I havent been able to go for a ride like I want to. I increased my run a little bit but it was not a great run for me. The temp here got a lil high that day and I felt it. The swim however went really well. I got some great tips from the coach and am going to go back tomorrow and swim with them again.

I have a month till my frist tri Laughing

I am glad to see you tried something new and you enjoyed it!!   
2011-02-12 6:25 AM
in reply to: #3341587

Subject: gaget
MarlaS - 2011-02-06 1:40 PM RE calories in / calories out...

got my new little gizmo a couple of days ago from jenny craig, and it's really interesting (to me, at least, in a geeky sort of way) - it apparently utilizes a few different kinds of information (accelerometer, heat flux, skin temperature & galvanic skin response (GSR)) to calculate calories burned, sleep time, etc. Ideally I'm supposed to wear it all the time (tho unfortunately it's not waterproof - will have to estimate #s for swimming and input manually). It's made by Bodymedia, fyi.

Yesterday was my 1st full day with it - what's interesting is to see how it estimated my calories burned during and AFTER my workout: I was in spin class 10:30-11:30, then played with weights another 20 minutes or so, yet it shows the calorie burn continuing much longer (also think it's hilarious that that was considered largely "moderate" activity - any more vigorous & I swear I really would've puked or passed out!).

Someone - sorry, forgot who - was curious about hearing more when I got it, so wanted to provide more info - have a picture of the output it provides, too.  For those of you who don't care, don't worry, I don't plan to post this on a regular basis! Smile

I love the idea of this but hate the thought of the money on the equipment and then add a subscription cost on top of that.  I am happy for you that you get to try it out and work with it I just wish I wasn't so cheep I could join you in the fun!!
Keep letting us know the good, bad and not so pretty on your results  
2011-02-12 8:37 AM
in reply to: #3351454

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Central Oregon
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - CLOSED
MarlaS - 2011-02-11 7:46 PM

so what do you make of the fact that my cool little toy said i expended more calories on a rest day, after spinning the 2 days before?? although i realize that you can keep burning at a higher rate after exercise, that seemed like it had to be a little think?

That doesn't seem accurate. I don't know what to think, have you tried it consistently since then?

paygilr - 2011-02-12 4:16 AM Thanks everyone for the advice on the swimming lanes.  Yesterday I was the one standing there looking to join a lane.  I studied each person to see who I would match up with and stood there waiting for him to stop.  They never did!!  The person in the lane next to him did and offered to share his lane I was ready to take him up on the offer even though he was a much faster swimmer then I but a lane opened.  I guess I am going to have to get use to the whole thing. 

Tanya- I have never had a lane to myself since I started swimming. (A whole two months ago.) What I usually do is get in the water in the lane I want to share and wait in the corner until the swimmer gets to the end of their lap. Then I ask if I can share a lane. Two people split and more than two circle swim.

One time this guy was wearing earplugs and motioned that we should split. I didn't know what he meant, and I started circle swimming.... we almost collided! I'm sure he was pretty irritated with me. LOL

Anyway, I am sure that anyone is more than happy to share with you, and I doubt that they expect to have a lane to themselves for the whole swim. It's highly possible that they didn't notice you waiting or didn't know what you were waiting for. I hope next time goes better for you.

And, if anyone thinks it is rude what I do to share a lane, please tell me!

2011-02-12 8:52 AM
in reply to: #3351595

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: swimming lanes
paygilr - 2011-02-12 7:16 AM Thanks everyone for the advice on the swimming lanes.  Yesterday I was the one standing there looking to join a lane.  I studied each person to see who I would match up with and stood there waiting for him to stop.  They never did!!  The person in the lane next to him did and offered to share his lane I was ready to take him up on the offer even though he was a much faster swimmer then I but a lane opened.  I guess I am going to have to get use to the whole thing. 

Yep, suck it up! Wink

Seriously, during open swim times, I don't think anyone ever expects to have a lane to themselves, or that everyone's at the "perfect" speed for a lane-mate, so it really is OK. If you're really too slow for someone, courtesy is for them to tap your foot, which is the signal to let them pass  you at the end of the lap. That way, even mis-matches (speed wise) shouldn't hold folks up. Anyone who gets irritated with you is just pissy & has unrealistic expectations, IMHO. My strategy for lane entry, so to speak, is to sit on the side with my feet in until the person gets to the wall so that they know I'm coming in (standing is perfectly ok too!) - if they want to negotiate the plan, they'll stop - but you should feel free to get going regardless.

Good for you to just get in there - it does get easier!
2011-02-12 8:55 AM
in reply to: #3351600

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: gaget
paygilr - 2011-02-12 7:25 AM
MarlaS - 2011-02-06 1:40 PM RE calories in / calories out...

got my new little gizmo a couple of days ago from jenny craig, and it's really interesting (to me, at least, in a geeky sort of way) - it apparently utilizes a few different kinds of information (accelerometer, heat flux, skin temperature & galvanic skin response (GSR)) to calculate calories burned, sleep time, etc. Ideally I'm supposed to wear it all the time (tho unfortunately it's not waterproof - will have to estimate #s for swimming and input manually). It's made by Bodymedia, fyi.

Yesterday was my 1st full day with it - what's interesting is to see how it estimated my calories burned during and AFTER my workout: I was in spin class 10:30-11:30, then played with weights another 20 minutes or so, yet it shows the calorie burn continuing much longer (also think it's hilarious that that was considered largely "moderate" activity - any more vigorous & I swear I really would've puked or passed out!).

Someone - sorry, forgot who - was curious about hearing more when I got it, so wanted to provide more info - have a picture of the output it provides, too.  For those of you who don't care, don't worry, I don't plan to post this on a regular basis! Smile

I love the idea of this but hate the thought of the money on the equipment and then add a subscription cost on top of that.  I am happy for you that you get to try it out and work with it I just wish I wasn't so cheep I could join you in the fun!!
Keep letting us know the good, bad and not so pretty on your results  

Thanks! I've been at this so long now - trying to finish losing the last of the 75 pounds I had to drop - and have been absolutely stuck for over a year, that I just gulped and did it. The cost galls me, too,  but I get half back if I maintain my weight for a year, get 15% discount on everything else in the interim, and have 6 or 12 months of free monitoring.

At the end of my 1st week, with most days saying I'm under my calorie intake (as judged against calories burned), I'm now 4 pounds heavier. UGH!
2011-02-12 5:15 PM
in reply to: #3260767

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St. Louis
Subject: massage
My left calf has been extremely tight and knotted.  So I left my man card in the car, and went to a spa for my first leg massage today.  It was painful but hopefully it will help.  Hopefully I won't be too sore in the morning either.  I have another long trainer ride planned.
2011-02-12 7:50 PM
in reply to: #3352151

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Central Oregon
Subject: RE: massage
ransick - 2011-02-12 3:15 PM My left calf has been extremely tight and knotted.  So I left my man card in the car, and went to a spa for my first leg massage today.  It was painful but hopefully it will help.  Hopefully I won't be too sore in the morning either.  I have another long trainer ride planned.

I hope it helps! My husband offered to buy me a massage to work out the knot in my trap and I really hope he is serious!
2011-02-12 9:16 PM
in reply to: #3352282

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: massage
Brightbow - 2011-02-12 7:50 PM
ransick - 2011-02-12 3:15 PM My left calf has been extremely tight and knotted.  So I left my man card in the car, and went to a spa for my first leg massage today.  It was painful but hopefully it will help.  Hopefully I won't be too sore in the morning either.  I have another long trainer ride planned.

I hope it helps! My husband offered to buy me a massage to work out the knot in my trap and I really hope he is serious!

I also bought "The Stick" at my local running store.  You could buy that and talk him in to working out the knot.

2011-02-13 9:17 AM
in reply to: #3260767

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Orlando, Fl
Subject: Mountain Bike
Does anyone have any tips on using a mountain bike for my first tri? It does have road tires on it, but I am not sure about the gears and which ones I should use to optimize my ride. I road it the first time the other day 5 miles and played around a bit with them but not sure I am using them correctly.
2011-02-13 10:28 AM
in reply to: #3352631

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Mountain Bike
What gears you use really depends on the course.  A couple key things are to use gears that keep you at a fairly high cadence vs. mashing the gears at a slow turn over rate.  Do you have a triple cassette in the front?  If so, you don't want to be in the largest gear up front and the smallest in the rear or vice versa.  I would start in the middle gear up front and middle gear in the rear.  From there I adjust the rear gear quite often.  If the course is hilly, you'll need the small gear up front on the hills (and the big gear on the down hills).  If it is fast, you may need the big gear up front.  Try to anticipate the changes needed and change a little early.  It will help conserve momentum.

Practice, practice, practice so changing gears is easy.  Can you ride the course ahead of time?
2011-02-13 4:22 PM
in reply to: #3352680

User image

Orlando, Fl
Subject: RE: Mountain Bike
Thanks, I dont know about the triple cassette. I am knew to this biking thing. When I played with the gears I set them so I was cycling at higher rates. That felt more comfortable to me. From what I know the coarse is pretty flat for the most part. I probably could do the course before hand but not sure if I want to by myself. The roads are mine roads in a small town, driving them is scary enough Undecided
2011-02-13 8:01 PM
in reply to: #3353022

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Mountain Bike
Jaime1017 - 2011-02-13 4:22 PM Thanks, I dont know about the triple cassette. I am knew to this biking thing. When I played with the gears I set them so I was cycling at higher rates. That felt more comfortable to me. From what I know the coarse is pretty flat for the most part. I probably could do the course before hand but not sure if I want to by myself. The roads are mine roads in a small town, driving them is scary enough Undecided

Triple means there are 3 gears in the front.  Most mountain bikes I've seen have three.  Out here in the midwest I rarely use the little one.
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