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2011-05-10 9:17 PM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Ok was just curious on the mileage and it being a speed bike instead of the workhorses I'm used to.  My wife goes to Yoga regularly I guess I should try it but haven't yet it's usually one of those gym trips where we walk in and meet up an hour later.

So I should have expected it but using the tri shorts for the makeup swim cut about 30 sec off of my 500 time to right around 8:40 instead of the board shorts I had been wearing the past 5 months or so which is definitely a confidence boost

2011-05-10 9:53 PM
in reply to: #3491862

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Davenport, Iowa
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Didn't find the book at the library or the bookstore.  Still looking
2011-05-10 10:01 PM
in reply to: #3490449

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Davenport, Iowa
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Are you feeling better?  I have to say light headedness in the swim scares me.  Not for me, but for my husband and daughter.  Our swim is open water in the potomac river with tons of people and I am going to be scared while they swim until I see them come out of the water. We are all in different heats and they should be done before I start which will be nice. I often get hungry  during a workout.  I always carry GU stuff with we on long runs and rides cause I hate to be hungry at the beginning of a workout.  Although I must say I often get a Wendys happy meal before a long ride if I am thinking I will get hungry.  Not sure why, but it always sounds good to me.
2011-05-10 10:29 PM
in reply to: #3491877

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Davenport, Iowa
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

I know I didn't rest after my last race, but my tri is 6 weeks away.  I did take 8 days off in May, so I am good.  I want to work hard for a few weeks, have a recovery week, work hard for a week and start lightening up the workouts.  I feel I need to power through a few weeks.  I don't care about my speed.  I just want to get the distance in for the swim and bike.  I tend to be a healthy eater and definitely get enough sleep.  My intervals felt great tonight when I finally got around to doing them.  It is the best my runs have felt in a couple weeks.  I know my problem.  It has been a long year and I can't wait until summer.  Due to the military I don't live with my husband right now and I am tired of this craziness.  I haven't lived in the same house with him since Jan 2010, and he is indeed a wonderful man.   So powering through workouts is good for me. 

2011-05-10 10:32 PM
in reply to: #3492569

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Davenport, Iowa
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
What yoga videos are you using?  I love Yoga, but the rec center I belong to doesn't have many yoga classes. 
2011-05-11 6:01 AM
in reply to: #3492683

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

jeanawright - 2011-05-10 11:01 PM Are you feeling better?  I have to say light headedness in the swim scares me.  Not for me, but for my husband and daughter.  Our swim is open water in the potomac river with tons of people and I am going to be scared while they swim until I see them come out of the water. We are all in different heats and they should be done before I start which will be nice. I often get hungry  during a workout.  I always carry GU stuff with we on long runs and rides cause I hate to be hungry at the beginning of a workout.  Although I must say I often get a Wendys happy meal before a long ride if I am thinking I will get hungry.  Not sure why, but it always sounds good to me.


Yes thanks for asking, I'm pretty sure it was just the heat and not getting enough calories in during the day my stomach was already rumbling before I even got into the  pool.  I wouldn't worry too much about that section of the Potomac my high school still does their crew practices there.  Y'all doing the nations tri?  Just saw it the other day was thinking for next year

2011-05-11 6:04 AM
in reply to: #3492371

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
bakerswife - 2011-05-10 6:57 PM

WOw - you guys are so FAST! I rode my bike in the swealting heat (how does it go from snow to 90 degrees in just 2 weeks? really. this is just ridiculous). I was excited to keep up a 14 mph pace. YIKES - I can't even imagine how cool it would be to ride at 19 mph. I think that might be my top speed....

I hope I am I just rolled over 2500 miles on my odometer on my work bike this past week and I only put it on there in August.  You will get there just requires time in saddle and I'm lucky enough to do it for a living

2011-05-11 7:52 AM
in reply to: #3492676

Lexington OH
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

jeanawright - 2011-05-10 10:53 PM Didn't find the book at the library or the bookstore.  Still looking

I found mine at Barnes & Noble. It's scaring me because it's mostly about getting the most out of your short time, so the workouts are INTENSE, basically pushing your Lactate Threshold to build endurance.  One of the tri-club guys here said that it's a good method, but he recommended building a base (about 6 months worth of mixed workouts, 2 each discipline per week, plus one cross-training workout)..  Once you have a base, then you can focus on intervals and pushing the envelope to build the endurance quickly.

It's a well-written book though.  I'm enjoying the science behind all of it.

2011-05-11 8:03 AM
in reply to: #3276373

Lexington OH
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Question for everyone:

I used to swim years ago on a swim club team, and was a sprinter, and never did long distance.  I'm very fast for short burst, but have difficulty holding a rhythm on long distances (over 100 yards).  That's not my question, however. 

I've been watching some swim videos that they have on this site and some recommended swim videos for triathletes and have been attempting to model the technique, which I would define as a pull strong and glide method, using a 2-kick rhythm.  When I do sprint intervals, I revert back to quick flutter kick, more body rotation, and a pull down the side of my body and not out in front.  I've been swimming with the tri-club guys, and the lead/organizer guy gave me some pointers for my long distance swimming, which contradicts the swim videos.  He said my swimming style, minus the rotation for the sprint intervals was close to perfect, but my long distance stroke (the one I've modeled off of the videos) needs some changes. He recommended a continuous kick, a shorter, higher stroke (plunge style instead of reach), and less body rotation.  I can neither swim far or fast using this method. 

I don't want to him off because he's given me some other very good pointers, and has been very supportive of what I'm doing.  It's a nice group of guys (haven't met any of the females yet, which is weird, but at least I have some people to try to keep up with.. HaHa..)

Last night I had the pool by myself, so I went back to the video style (pull & glide) and seemed to finally catch my rhythm, only to be cut short by cramps.  I had eaten two bananas about an hour before the workout and was drinking electrolyte replacement drink during the long swim portion.

I should be farther in my swimming, because of my past.  My cycling is very solid and my running is slowly (very slowly) starting to come together.  I'm beginning to think that swimming might be my weak link and starting out, the running was..  I need a coach that has coached long distance swimmers, but there aren't any that I know of and the closest Masters team is 70 miles away..


2011-05-11 8:06 AM
in reply to: #3492708

Lexington OH
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

jeanawright - 2011-05-10 11:32 PM What yoga videos are you using?  I love Yoga, but the rec center I belong to doesn't have many yoga classes. 

YogaX (P90X) is awesome, but I can only do about 40% of what they do. My daughter loves Yoga and has 5 different Yoga videos, and she likes that one the best. 

2011-05-11 8:19 AM
in reply to: #3492557

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

huntnjerm - 2011-05-10 8:24 PM Tripopo - Not sure on the mileage as I bought my Scott used. I just know I have been having some issues lately with my drive train and I took it in to have it race readied. He used a guage and said I needed to replace it. Which I was fine with that. Then I think he was just going to adjust my front derailleur stop  as I was losing my chain when I would drop to my smallest front gear. Which is not fun when it happens on a steep climb LOL Nice pace average btw. I struggled with my 16.5 I held on my 18 mile ride Sunday.

What kind of Scott bike do you have?  I bought one two years ago and love it so far (Scott Speedster S30).  I am resisting the urge to not upgrade more haha. It felt so good to start riding a road bike over a hybrid and then slowly adding modifications such as clipless pedals and tri shoes.

2011-05-11 8:37 AM
in reply to: #3492708

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London, AR
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

jeanawright - 2011-05-10 10:32 PM What yoga videos are you using?  I love Yoga, but the rec center I belong to doesn't have many yoga classes. 

I do the P90X Yoga DVD from time to time but Steve Ross used to have a show called Inhale on the Oxygen channel. Then they canceled booo anyway there is a big support group trying to bring his show back. So I had DVR'd a bunch of the Steve Ross shows so I mostly do those. And I will throw in the Yoga X from time to time when I have 1 1/2 hours to spare for it.


Just completed 3 mile run. YAY my left hamstring soreness seems to be gone. Only complaints I had this morning is the humidity is already getting bad and that makes for a hot nasty run. Good luck to everyone today!

2011-05-11 8:43 AM
in reply to: #3492847

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Davenport, Iowa
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
We are doing the DC Tri.  I did DC and nations tri last year.  Awesome races.  It is fun to run and ride through DC with out all the cars.  I have also done a lot of the big DC running races, but they aren't as awesome because they are packed with people.  The tris, however, were thrilling. The courses aren't that crowded (except the swim) and it is great.  Last year there was a demonstration and a church service to run by which was fun.
2011-05-11 8:43 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Dave I would suggest that you do what feels most natural and gives you the best rhythm which will translate to the fastest speed over distance.  Swimming is one of those finnicky areas where every one has an opinnion and each is different...  If you were training for a HIM or IM distance it would be a different story but for sprints and olys I'd just go with what you feel is your fastest way to get that distance in provided that it plays out in time trials, do a 500 one way and then a 500 the other see what is faster.

I've noticed some interesting swimming advice on here and other Tri websites at least from a strong swimming point of view; you have to remember that for a lot of triathletes swimming is the weakest and sometimes newest and scariest discipline so it is more advice on how to just get through the swim instead of crush it

2011-05-11 9:43 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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Davenport, Iowa
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
I just changed my user name.  It was my full name and I was thinking about how anyone can read this and I decided to change it. 
2011-05-11 10:56 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
I hit one of my short term goals last night on my swim.  1800 yards, with reasonable form and under 3 min/100 yds pace.  My form still stinks (I'm joining a Master's class that starts in June) but it was only a few weeks ago that I swam 1200 yards at a 3:10 pace and just about passed out.  So I'm pretty happy.  I was sharing the lane with a woman who was literally swimming twice as fast as me.  An eloquent statement on my form...  But hey, you have to crawl before you walk right?  I'm basking in the glow of....improvement!!!  Have a great day everyone!

2011-05-11 12:50 PM
in reply to: #3493061

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Viking58 - 2011-05-11 8:03 AM

Question for everyone:

I used to swim years ago on a swim club team, and was a sprinter, and never did long distance.  I'm very fast for short burst, but have difficulty holding a rhythm on long distances (over 100 yards).  That's not my question, however. 

I've been watching some swim videos that they have on this site and some recommended swim videos for triathletes and have been attempting to model the technique, which I would define as a pull strong and glide method, using a 2-kick rhythm.  When I do sprint intervals, I revert back to quick flutter kick, more body rotation, and a pull down the side of my body and not out in front.  I've been swimming with the tri-club guys, and the lead/organizer guy gave me some pointers for my long distance swimming, which contradicts the swim videos.  He said my swimming style, minus the rotation for the sprint intervals was close to perfect, but my long distance stroke (the one I've modeled off of the videos) needs some changes. He recommended a continuous kick, a shorter, higher stroke (plunge style instead of reach), and less body rotation.  I can neither swim far or fast using this method. 

I don't want to him off because he's given me some other very good pointers, and has been very supportive of what I'm doing.  It's a nice group of guys (haven't met any of the females yet, which is weird, but at least I have some people to try to keep up with.. HaHa..)

Last night I had the pool by myself, so I went back to the video style (pull & glide) and seemed to finally catch my rhythm, only to be cut short by cramps.  I had eaten two bananas about an hour before the workout and was drinking electrolyte replacement drink during the long swim portion.

I should be farther in my swimming, because of my past.  My cycling is very solid and my running is slowly (very slowly) starting to come together.  I'm beginning to think that swimming might be my weak link and starting out, the running was..  I need a coach that has coached long distance swimmers, but there aren't any that I know of and the closest Masters team is 70 miles away..


My opinion in the swim is to master the distance, regardless of speed, before getting into form and technique issues.  It's one thing to fix a flawed stroke that is preventing someone from completing a full lap but another to try tweaking a stroke that is already doing the job.  Not to mention that fixing one problem can cause another to worsen.  For instance, I tried to change my reach to be more efficient, but because I hadn't fixed my pull (which I didn't realize was a problem) I ended up being slower even though I was closer to correct form.  Once I fixed my pull AND my reach I saw significant gains. 

While a master's swim class/group is a great thing, it sounds like you have a helpful group of swimmers around you already.  Try finding a coach or swim instructor that will give you one session of instruction and teach you how to do some drills to help your trouble areas.  For some people that's all they need to get on the right track and keep making progress on their own.  You may find that you want to keep working with someone but you could probably work it out so that it's a once a month session if it's a long drive.

You could also ask someone at the pool to record you swimming so that you can compare your technique to others with better form and faster times.  Sometimes just seeing yourself is enough to give you an idea of what you need to work on.

2011-05-11 1:03 PM
in reply to: #3492371

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
bakerswife - 2011-05-10 5:57 PM

WOw - you guys are so FAST! I rode my bike in the swealting heat (how does it go from snow to 90 degrees in just 2 weeks? really. this is just ridiculous). I was excited to keep up a 14 mph pace. YIKES - I can't even imagine how cool it would be to ride at 19 mph. I think that might be my top speed....

Jean - i actually haven't tried my new laces. haven't had a run scheduled since i bought them. But they went on pretty easy and they seem pretty good.

And I took everyone's advice and just decided to go ahead and rent the wetsuit. Even if I don't get to practice in the open water much before the event - i signed up for a beginners tri just so it would be a practice run in a way. By July the water around here should be warm enough to get by with just a bathing suit. So thanks for the advice.


I spent my first tri off-season busting my butt in spin classes to improve my bike time.  I was spinning for an hour 2-3x a week for months.  In the spring I upgraded to a road bike from my hybrid which I could ride at 13mph on a good day the following year.  I figured I'd be flying now.  I barely hit 15mph.  It was crushing.  A year later and I'm annoyed if I don't average at least 17.5mph for hour long rides.

It comes with time in the saddle.  The more miles you ride the faster you'll get.  I'm hoping to be averaging closer to 19mph for my shorter rides by the end of the season and planning to be even faster again next year.

BTW, I have an xterra wetsuit and other than it looking ridiculous I've had no problems with it.  The sleeves end 4-5 inches above my wrists and the legs only make it halfway down my calf.  Ironic that my wetsuit looks like it's trying to avoid a flood.

2011-05-11 1:37 PM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Went for a long (for me) run this morning.  Of the three sports I think I dread running the most.  While I'm somewhat pleased with the progress I've made in these last 3 months the actual task of running is still an anathema to me.  Unfortunately my understanding is that the only way to improve at it is just to do more of it.  Ah well.  I'll put my violin away now.

Lessons learned today:

Long run, followed by a PB sandwich, followed by a swim work-out = Keye needs to fuel more.

I'm wiped.

2011-05-11 2:38 PM
in reply to: #3276373

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New user
NW Indiana
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Wow....everyone is smokin their workouts! Real life has intruded and drastically cut back my workout time since about Thur of last week. I have managed to get a few workouts in...a swim here and there. I did get a GREAT bike ride in yesterday.......not a 19 mph, but I did manage 17.8 over 15 miles. Considering all the street crossings to slow down for and one "forgot to clip out" crashEmbarassed, I'm happy. The upside is my knee is nearly pain free so I'm going to try to squeeze in a swim and some elliptical between jobs tonight. I figure a few days on the elliptical then slowly reintroduce some running. Plus its warm and sunny at last in NW Indiana.....sweat at last!!!!
2011-05-12 7:59 AM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

So what's on tap for everyone today?

I've got a short ride today (plan to do my long over the weekend) that I may turn into a short brick depending on how I'm feeling.

I'm going to wait for my nused clip-on aerobars to come in the mail though.  They're supposed to get here today! Woohoo!

Also may drop by the LBS to see about trying out the Adamo ISM Road saddle.  I've been experience a bit of numbness...uhm..."down there" on my rides lately and seeing as how I treasure "da boyz" it's probably wise for me to look into it.  Probably TMI for an early Thursday morning but, well, there you go.

Anybody ever ride on one of these saddles? Experiences?

2011-05-12 8:07 AM
in reply to: #3492705

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
JeannieW - 2011-05-10 10:29 PM

I know I didn't rest after my last race, but my tri is 6 weeks away.  I did take 8 days off in May, so I am good.  I want to work hard for a few weeks, have a recovery week, work hard for a week and start lightening up the workouts.  I feel I need to power through a few weeks.  I don't care about my speed.  I just want to get the distance in for the swim and bike.  I tend to be a healthy eater and definitely get enough sleep.  My intervals felt great tonight when I finally got around to doing them.  It is the best my runs have felt in a couple weeks.  I know my problem.  It has been a long year and I can't wait until summer.  Due to the military I don't live with my husband right now and I am tired of this craziness.  I haven't lived in the same house with him since Jan 2010, and he is indeed a wonderful man.   So powering through workouts is good for me. 

Hey Jeannie, I realized that I never responded to this though I wanted to.  First off, thanks for you and your husbands service.  Are you both in the military?  I know the separation can be tough but it's just a season that you two can get through.  My wife was deployed last year, though only for 6months.  Still that 6 months was the longest and most fatiguing 6 months of my life.  I am certainly happy to have her home. Trust when I say that I can appreciate the sacrifices you guys are making. 

Glad to see you getting in your workouts though and good luck on your upcoming DC Tri.  I'm kind of jealous as I grew up in Rockville, MD and my family still lives there.  In fact, my youngest brother is training for the Nations Tri in September.  I'd travel up there to do it with him but #2 is due to arrive in September so I'm staying put!

2011-05-12 8:55 AM
in reply to: #3495144

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London, AR
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
wushunut - 2011-05-12 7:59 AM

So what's on tap for everyone today?

I've got a short ride today (plan to do my long over the weekend) that I may turn into a short brick depending on how I'm feeling.

I'm going to wait for my nused clip-on aerobars to come in the mail though.  They're supposed to get here today! Woohoo!

Also may drop by the LBS to see about trying out the Adamo ISM Road saddle.  I've been experience a bit of numbness...uhm..."down there" on my rides lately and seeing as how I treasure "da boyz" it's probably wise for me to look into it.  Probably TMI for an early Thursday morning but, well, there you go.

Anybody ever ride on one of these saddles? Experiences?


Hey Wushunut, I too had problems on long rides and I as well got an Adamo ISM Road saddle and I got to say I love it.


As far as my training today, I ran 2.5 miles and I am suppose to get an 11 mile bike ride in but not sure my bike is ready to be picked up from LBS just yet. Good luck everyone training today!

2011-05-12 11:10 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Just got back from my training and well I might have overdone it a bit...  I had planned to do all three disciplines today, 18 swim 35 bike 18 run, but my trainer called and had to reschedule to today since she just had a baby about 3 weeks ago and then I forgot that today is Florence Nightingale's birthday and Nurses appreciation week.  My wife's hospital does a birthday cake competition for the best Florence Nightingale bday cake so she stayed after her shift to finish setting up/decorating.

All this means that I ended up doing a 7.4 mile "warm-up" ride to the gym, 19.4 mph pace, then worked out with the trainer for 1/2 hour and then got to the planned workout.  I ended up swimming 1000 yards in 18 minutes, biked 10.9 miles (ended up being in 33 minutes), and ran 2 miles in 18 minutes.  My total time from swim to ending the run was 1:20, with having to go through the locker room and unlock the bike etc.  So I am wiped but definitely sure that I can sub 1:20 next weekend and gave me a chance to experiment with the GUs

2011-05-12 11:34 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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New user
NW Indiana
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Had time between jobs yesterday for my swim (800 yds) but not enough for some elliptical. Plan on a bike ride (barring storms) and some elliptical tonight. Really want to get back running but trying to hold off and transition back slowly. It's been 3 weeks. 

Seats (and what goes on them) are so individual that I think you just have try different ones until you find the one that works for your "individual need". I tried 4 or 5 before I found a Selle that did the trick......when it's right, you will forget it's there.

6 weeks Saturday to my first tri!!!

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