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2007-06-14 3:12 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Just wanted to remind everyone about the articles I've been collecting for us:

Here's the list and I've added a few new links over the past week or so.


2007-06-14 4:19 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I could use a back rub today. Any takers? Hello? Is this thing on?
2007-06-14 4:58 PM
in reply to: #844972

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

JBrashear - 2007-06-14 4:19 PM I could use a back rub today. Any takers? Hello? Is this thing on?

LOL...  Shouldn't you be asking your girlfriend, KSH, these questions?  Or maybe you have and that's why you've desperately come here?

2007-06-14 6:00 PM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Hello everyone, just returned from vacation. I was able to do (attempt) some OWS's in the ocean, was really a struggle but a good workout. I kept the running up also, running the boardwalk on Miami beach was interesting to say the least. Biking was reduced to the excercise bike at the hotel, better than nothing. Whole family had a great time, most of it spent at the beach.

Time to get back to the real training!!!
2007-06-14 9:02 PM
in reply to: #845063

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

kp41 - 2007-06-14 6:00 PM Hello everyone, just returned from vacation. I was able to do (attempt) some OWS's in the ocean, was really a struggle but a good workout. I kept the running up also, running the boardwalk on Miami beach was interesting to say the least. Biking was reduced to the excercise bike at the hotel, better than nothing. Whole family had a great time, most of it spent at the beach. Time to get back to the real training!!!

Wecome back, Kevin.  I'm glad you found some time to workout on vacation.  That's always a struggle for me.  Congrats on doing some ocean swims too.   Did you have to fight many waves?  Did you have trouble getting out past them?  Did you notice a difference in buoyancy?  Regardless, great job!

2007-06-14 9:23 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
KP--Glad you had a fun vacation! You know you are a triathlete when your vacation highlights include Swim-bike-run! We really have no idea how the rest of the world is now, you know. We are STRANGE! I have a vacation from my kids and instead of going to a movie, getting my hair done, spending time with friends--instead I do a tri today (not all at once) and get home from work in a frenzy to go out and run before it gets too dark, or run real quick to the lake for a swim before dark. I'm nuts. Certifiable. Wouldn't go back to "normal" now for anything in the world!

JBrashear--maybe you are alluding to the fact that you need a massage because you just did a tri and a bunch of training since, and you are all in from that??? Go on--tell us your race highlights! It's perfectly okay to brag a little. Heck, you can even just blabber on about nothing on here. I do it all the time

For instance: I ordered a different type of bike seat for my step-dad who has "issues" with normal saddles because of hemorrhoids, prostate trouble and some, hrmpf, "viagra" type issues (I have a very candid mother). His issues were not caused by too much biking, but hey, why make them worse when you do hop on the old machine on the weekends? I found this seat called a Talked to the inventor/owner/order-taker-over- the-phone dude named Jim! He was very happy, as I ordered one for my mom, and the super deluxe FOAM model for myself. As opposed to Elastomer. Whatever. Anyway, you guys in particular should really check into it, as several of the male police on bikes have switched so they can father children (and keep their wives happy). I have a Century in September, so I want to try it. Anything that makes getting on that bike more enjoyable is a worthwhile investment!

I started my day all in a tizzy because they were doing time trials with my bike club today. And I wanted to do that, but really, they go 20-25mph and I'm a 14-17 mph gal currently. And a wuss about speed, downhills, cars, etc. On the one hand, I thought it would certainly be an expansion of consciousness for me and a really good way to learn to swallow my pride. On the other, I just kept hearing within myself, "you just aren't ready for this". So I thought I'd go practice and let that be the determiner. Went out 3 miles and this pickup truck with a horse trailer swerved WAY over into the other lane to avoid me on a blind corner and nearly hit this other truck. Then 2 HUGE cement or dump truck type machines passed close by me and I realized my nerves are NOT up to fighting that kind of traffic today. Who the heck knew that little country road had so blasted much traffic??? I just can't live with the thought of causing an accident. So I went home and did 15 on my trainer. And decided the time trials are OUT for now.

Then my tri club sent an email about a group swim this evening. Ooh, goody. I'm in! So I went shopping until then (and found 9 pairs of pants for $99! Aren't you impressed??? One pair had an original tag of $118 and was marked down to $12!!) I went without my wetsuit, 800 yards. time was WAY slower without the suit! Holy cats! The others all wore theirs. Well, I just wanted to see if I could do it without panicking. It was 94 degrees out! I thought I'd suffocate in a wetsuit! But they DO make you faster! NOTE TO SELF: if allowed, use the wetsuit!!! Got to meet the local celeb--a dude that won the lottery to do KONA awhile back. One of my patients used to work with him at a bank and said he's a snob. I thought he was very nice!! Good thing I never listen to backbiting......

Then I went home to do the run on the track--much less jarring for my poor overworked muscles. I went in my wet trisuit, cuz it was still 89 degrees by then. And did 5 continuous miles. Ran out of water at mile 2, but just kept going. And I even ran with a dude who was out there and does a local Kayak-bike-run in the fall. Will definitely have to check that out! It's by the Kickapoo Dam so it's called the "Dam tri". Okay. Sounds like fun! No numb hands from running with another human being, so that's progress. I was really tired by then, though.

You also know you are a triathlete when every drive you take, you are evaluating the road for biking potential. "This one would rate a 9 on a 10 scale". Ooh, that would be about 10 miles with nice smooth road and an adequate shoulder to the pond, where I can take a nice swim, estimating the yardage, and get back on the bike and get home before breakfast. Nope, that one is definately OUT because there's too much road kill and blind corners. Not a good thing.....etc, etc.

See?? A lot of talk about nothing. I'm a postaholic.....

2007-06-14 11:39 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I don't think I'm gonna have any trouble with endurance sports. Seems I just can't turn it OFF some days! How do you guys settle down for the day after a bunch of training? I just had to dance to some new TRANCE music I got today. Man I love that stuff! Music just does something to me. Can't decide now whether to log it under ballet, bellydance, plyometrics, aerobics or spinning (not the kind you do on a bike)? Cause I go kinda wild and had to drink ANOTHER quart of water and take ANOTHER shower. I SOOO don't want to work tomorrow......can't I be a really slow pro athlete and just train and dance all day????
2007-06-15 12:23 AM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Howdy folks. It looks like I found a place to buy a wetsuit from and so I will probably go and pick one up tomorrow. This means that I will be able to do a local Sprint race next weekend. Now all I have to do is start practicing my transitions, learn how to take a wetsuit off quick, and figure out how to use my Garmin during the race.....easy!

Ken - You have the Garmin right? I have the Garmin Forerunner 205 (I think you have the 305 but basically the same minus the HR monitor) and I was wondering if you could tell me how you use it during the race? I've heard about putting it in a zip loc bagie under your swim cap for the run and using the multi-sport feature (never done this before). Any advice would be appreciated.

Wetsuit owners - I'm off to the store tomorow, does anyone have any advice on what to look for in a suit and what to stay away from?

I recently got my new tires and saddle and mistakenly went with the yellow and black tires (my bike is yellow). I am quickly starting to resemble a taxi cab, but hey the new saddle is oh so much more comfy! I use to cringe at every slight bump and now only the big ones make me worry about not having any more kids!

2007-06-15 1:02 PM
in reply to: #845270

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-06-14 11:39 PM I don't think I'm gonna have any trouble with endurance sports. Seems I just can't turn it OFF some days! How do you guys settle down for the day after a bunch of training? I just had to dance to some new TRANCE music I got today. Man I love that stuff! Music just does something to me. Can't decide now whether to log it under ballet, bellydance, plyometrics, aerobics or spinning (not the kind you do on a bike)? Cause I go kinda wild and had to drink ANOTHER quart of water and take ANOTHER shower. I SOOO don't want to work tomorrow......can't I be a really slow pro athlete and just train and dance all day????

Wow, Pene!  Dancing to trance after training!  You must have a lot of pent up energy without your kids, huh!? 

All I want to do is kick my feet up on the couch after training, even the short days!  If you've got the energy, more power to you.  But be sure that you're still recovering properly from your workouts.

BTW, I assess roads for bike routes all the time.  Another "you know you're a triathlete when" that you pseudo alluded too is: You're always wet!  Whether it is from sweat, rain, 2 or more showers a day, pool water, lake water... we always seem to be WET!

2007-06-15 1:09 PM
in reply to: #845281

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Timo - 2007-06-15 12:23 AM Howdy folks. It looks like I found a place to buy a wetsuit from and so I will probably go and pick one up tomorrow. This means that I will be able to do a local Sprint race next weekend. Now all I have to do is start practicing my transitions, learn how to take a wetsuit off quick, and figure out how to use my Garmin during the race.....easy!

Personally I wouldn't worry about trying to use your 205 in the swim portion of your race.  Too much hassle.  The bike and run legs should be fine though.  I don't have a Garmin, but I've seen Ken and a few others put it in zip lock bag under their swim cap and it seems to work for them.  It'd be really nice to know just how far you swim in open water practices.  In races, you already know the distance!


Wetsuit owners - I'm off to the store tomorow, does anyone have any advice on what to look for in a suit and what to stay away from?

Just try a bunch on and if they have an endless pool in the store, swim in them.  Otherwise, move your arms around a bunch and see if it feels restrictive in the arms.  Watch the neck area also, but like Ken said wetsuits are not designed to be comfortable on land, and the only way you'll really know how it fits is to swim in it.

Ask about their return policy too.   


2007-06-15 1:13 PM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Allright, I finally got the pics updated from my trail run in the alps. It's the only album under my profile so feel free to check it out. It was a fantastic run and the pictures were awesome.

2007-06-15 1:16 PM
in reply to: #846050

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Hi David, thanks for the help. No such look with the pool since the place I'm going to isn't even a store really, it's more like a guys house. Also, returns are really non-existent. I'll be swinging my arms like crazy to check for fit and a little bit of hope!
2007-06-15 1:19 PM
in reply to: #846071

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Timo - 2007-06-15 1:13 PM Allright, I finally got the pics updated from my trail run in the alps. It's the only album under my profile so feel free to check it out. It was a fantastic run and the pictures were awesome.

Very nice pics, Tim!  I really liked the one w/ the single track.  It looks so inviting.  

Tells us a little more about your run there.  How far did you go?  Was it steep in some sections?  Looked like good weather right?   

Anyway, I'm quite jealous.  I would have love to have done a run like that! 


2007-06-15 3:27 PM
in reply to: #845281

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Timo - 2007-06-15 12:23 AM Howdy folks. It looks like I found a place to buy a wetsuit from and so I will probably go and pick one up tomorrow. This means that I will be able to do a local Sprint race next weekend. Now all I have to do is start practicing my transitions, learn how to take a wetsuit off quick, and figure out how to use my Garmin during the race.....easy! Ken - You have the Garmin right? I have the Garmin Forerunner 205 (I think you have the 305 but basically the same minus the HR monitor) and I was wondering if you could tell me how you use it during the race? I've heard about putting it in a zip loc bagie under your swim cap for the run and using the multi-sport feature (never done this before). Any advice would be appreciated. Wetsuit owners - I'm off to the store tomorow, does anyone have any advice on what to look for in a suit and what to stay away from? I recently got my new tires and saddle and mistakenly went with the yellow and black tires (my bike is yellow). I am quickly starting to resemble a taxi cab, but hey the new saddle is oh so much more comfy! I use to cringe at every slight bump and now only the big ones make me worry about not having any more kids!
I do have a garmin and used it for the first time last sunday during my sprint.  One advance I have is I have the quick release strap.  I do use the ziploc under my swim cap.  Basically you set it up for automulti sport before event  put in in baggie and under swim cap.  Make sure you know where the start button is.  I wear the strap on my arm and have the bike mount already on the bike.  When the race starts I hit start as I am exiting the swim I take off my cap and as I cross the scoring mat I hit lap.  That puts you in T1.  Hit lap leaving T1 and now in cycling mode.  Snap watch from bike and onto wrist at some point near bie finish. Hit lap entering T2 and then when leaving T2 and now you are cycling mode.  I did not really have any trouble during my race espcially during the swim.  I was able to hit button during run to T1.  I really like being able to see speed/hr after races as I am a number junkie, plus you will know you total time.   If you leave it on the bike and wait to start it then you miss you swim time and if  you are shooting for a specific goal you don't know  you time.  Hope this helps.
2007-06-15 7:32 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Tim--Thanks for posting the pictures! You are one lucky dude! Have you learned to yodel yet? Have you heard Gwen Stefani's remake of "the Lonely Goatherd" from the Sound of Music??? It's awesome! How she can do remakes that are THAT hip is beyond me!

Kproudfoot--you are making me WANT a Garmin 305 now! Putting it on the wishlist! I wondered how to tell how far you've gone in the open water..... now I know how to tell!

David--I'm very very very tempted to add a few races to my calendar. Namely the MS 150 bike ride August 4 and 5. It's for multiple sclerosis--you raise a little bit of money and it's a two day ride from Waukesha to Madison with a sleep in Whitewater. Should be good practice for the Century in September and IMMOO. I know a gal that just did it with almost no training, or minimal training, and she had a BLAST! And got a medal. I'll do almost anything for a medal! Plus, according to this site: doing things for charity activates the pleasure centers of the brain like the caudate nucleus! It would push the mileage up a few weeks, but you know I'm like superwoman with the determination of superman on supersteroids. So, whaddya think? Stupid or okay??? And, I'd like to do a little kayak tri October 6--7 mile kayak, 14 mile road bike (hill practice!), 3 mile cross country run--it's about 10 miles from me and October is sort of a bare month, except for the marathon.......even though I've never kayaked before. Lots of canoeing as a kid. But kayaking can't be THAT much harder!

And I'm at 20% body fat! Yeah! I figured it was much higher than that! (Got my newest toy--a digital caliper). Shooting for 15% by IMMOO. Less stuff to lug around! I'm tracking this chick, Trixie, who is this super ultra runner with 8.5% body fat and is doing IMMOO 2008 too! That chick is AMAZING! So is this dude from Canada, LeCrac, who is doing a DOUBLE and TRIPLE IM!!! I'm not kidding! These are beginners?????????!!!!!!!

Edited by phoenixrising404 2007-06-15 7:35 PM
2007-06-15 7:48 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Pene,  I just did the MS150 in may in dallas and it was great.  My longest ride to that point was 40 miles and I rode 78 one day and 75 the next.   Day 1 was wet and I crashed and bruised my hip and knee and still rode fine the next day.  They have alot of help and the fact you can draft helped greatly.  Plus you can always take the SAG vehicle to skip parts of the ride if you get tired.  You raise the money but some people only ride 10 miles.  It was a blast.

2007-06-15 8:06 PM
in reply to: #845176

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
dgillen - 2007-06-14 10:02 PM

p>Wecome back, Kevin.  I'm glad you found some time to workout on vacation.  That's always a struggle for me.  Congrats on doing some ocean swims too.   Did you have to fight many waves?  Did you have trouble getting out past them?  Did you notice a difference in buoyancy?  Regardless, great job!

Finding the time was not to bad but my runs were done around 10PM. The ocean swims with the waves were tough but was a good workout. I was much more buoyant in the saltwater.
2007-06-16 8:43 AM
in reply to: #846637

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-06-15 7:32 PM David--I'm very very very tempted to add a few races to my calendar. Namely the MS 150 bike ride August 4 and 5.

I've never done a MS150, but I've heard they're great.  I'm amazed at how Ken did his when his longest ride was only 40 miles at that point!  I would suggest trying to build up 50 or 60 beforehand though.  2 back to back days of 70-80 mile rides will be tough.  But like Ken said, you can draft (if you stay out of your aero bars) and if you stop and rest a bit at each of the rest stops, that will help too.   This would be great practice for your century and in some ways even tougher.  I say go for it!.  Treat this as just an easy, fun, practice ride and then you can try to ride the century maybe with fewer stops.

The kayak tri sounds fun.  I've always wanted to try one of those.  However, October 6 is about 3 weeks before your high priority marathon, and you'll really need to a nice long run that weekend (18-20 miles).  Thus, if you still want to prioritize the marathon, I'd recommend against the kayak tri b/c I don't think a tri and a long run on the same weekend would be a good idea. 

2007-06-16 9:17 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Perfect! Exactly the kind of logical advice I can't seem to give myself! Thanks a hundred times over! Maybe you should consider becoming a coach? I really think you'd be great at it! And wouldn't it be cool to make a little extra money doing something you enjoy and are naturally good at!!! Ask your wife what she thinks about that.......and then you guys should move HERE and coach me!!! lol

Geesh, I had this really nice long bike ride all planned out this morning, and it gets progressively darker and I hear thunder in the background. This just plain SUCKS!!! I was going to do the Sparta-Elroy rails to trails with my mountain bike. There are three tunnels to cool you off and a few towns along the trail with little concession stands. Not a good trail for speed or a tribike, but it would be fun. Maybe it will hurry up and rain and be done. Everyone do an anti-rain dance for me now! I pick up my three little darlings tomorrow morning, so my free training time is quickly coming to an end
2007-06-16 10:59 AM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
OK, so I got my wetsuit today, Orca Sonar Full suit, and then headed out to where the swim is going to be for the Tri next weekend. The place is a harbor and there were a few large boats tied up to the dock, but no boats actually moving so I decided to try out my suit. The suit went on just fine and felt great in the water. I noticed my legs float and so I guess that's one of the advantages. I just swam around a little to get used to the suit, the water, and the location. Swimming against the current is going to be fun and not being able to see a thing under the water is a little less than enjoyable. Anyone have any tips on how to properly sight during the swim?

I brought along a swim cap to try out as well, since I've never actually worn one before, and had a hell of a time getting it on. While in the water the cap was a PIA and kept slipping up. Can someone please tell me how to put this on and keep it one. Does the strap for the swimming mask go on over the cap or can I keep it under the cap?

Thanks and enjoy your weekend!

2007-06-16 11:31 AM
in reply to: #846891

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Timo - 2007-06-16 10:59 AM OK, so I got my wetsuit today, Orca Sonar Full suit, and then headed out to where the swim is going to be for the Tri next weekend. The place is a harbor and there were a few large boats tied up to the dock, but no boats actually moving so I decided to try out my suit. The suit went on just fine and felt great in the water. I noticed my legs float and so I guess that's one of the advantages. I just swam around a little to get used to the suit, the water, and the location. Swimming against the current is going to be fun and not being able to see a thing under the water is a little less than enjoyable. Anyone have any tips on how to properly sight during the swim? I brought along a swim cap to try out as well, since I've never actually worn one before, and had a hell of a time getting it on. While in the water the cap was a PIA and kept slipping up. Can someone please tell me how to put this on and keep it one. Does the strap for the swimming mask go on over the cap or can I keep it under the cap? Thanks and enjoy your weekend!

That's great news, Tim.  I'm glad your wetsuit worked out well.  And yes, the buoyancy of the legs is awesome and one of the key benefits of a wetsuit.  

I'd always recommend swimming in a swim cap in open water for safety reasons.  It's easier for boats to see you with a bright colored cap.  I'm sorry you had problems.  I've never really had much problems with mine.  You might try to put it on wet.  That might help get it on.  I typically put my goggles on over my swim cap for no particular reason.  I guess I like to take my goggles off first when getting out of the water, and this is hard if not impossible when they're under the cap.  However, some people claim that the cap helps keep the goggles in place if they're under the cap.  To each his own.  Try out different configurations and see what you like best.

Ahh... yes, open water sighting.  I remember the first time my wife swam in a lake.  She described it as swimming in tea!  Our local lake has poor visibility and you can barely see you hand.  I'm not the best sighter, but try to pick out some big landmark to sight off before you start swimming.   Then just try to take a quick peak for it every 5-10 strokes.  Try not to lift your head too high as this will drop your hips and legs and create drag.  If you sight more often, you'll probably swim straighter but you'll be raising your head just that more often.  If you sight less, you can maintain your form better, but you might swim crooked.  I tend to err this way.  But it's best to find a balance between the 2 extremes.  It takes practice. 

2007-06-16 11:43 AM
in reply to: #846856

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-06-16 9:17 AM Perfect! Exactly the kind of logical advice I can't seem to give myself! Thanks a hundred times over! Maybe you should consider becoming a coach? I really think you'd be great at it! And wouldn't it be cool to make a little extra money doing something you enjoy and are naturally good at!!! Ask your wife what she thinks about that.......and then you guys should move HERE and coach me!!! lol

Thanks for the encouraging words, Pene.  And thanks for always letting me know that I'm helping.  That makes this all worth while!  I have considered trying to coach in some capacity.  We'll see.

Geesh, I had this really nice long bike ride all planned out this morning, and it gets progressively darker and I hear thunder in the background. This just plain SUCKS!!! I was going to do the Sparta-Elroy rails to trails with my mountain bike. There are three tunnels to cool you off and a few towns along the trail with little concession stands. Not a good trail for speed or a tribike, but it would be fun. Maybe it will hurry up and rain and be done. Everyone do an anti-rain dance for me now! I pick up my three little darlings tomorrow morning, so my free training time is quickly coming to an end

Same exact thing happen to us this morning.  Sarah and I were going to do this nice bike rally about an hour south of us, and it was just pouring down there!  Arghhh!!! It's so frustrating, isn't it!?   I squeezed in a 24 mile ride before it came north to us.  I timed it a little wrong and ended up getting drenched in the last 10 minutes.  I had puddles in my cycling shoes from only 10 minutes of this heavy rain.  Really weird feeling.  As my luck would have it, it cleared up about an hour later.  So, if I could have waited, I might have been able to get in my full 60 miles!   I still had some energy left over so after a while, Sarah and I went for nice 6 mile run!

Hopefully, we'll have nice weather tomorrow! 

2007-06-16 11:54 AM
in reply to: #846843

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
dgillen - 2007-06-16 8:43 AM

phoenixrising404 - 2007-06-15 7:32 PM David--I'm very very very tempted to add a few races to my calendar. Namely the MS 150 bike ride August 4 and 5.

I've never done a MS150, but I've heard they're great.  I'm amazed at how Ken did his when his longest ride was only 40 miles at that point!  I would suggest trying to build up 50 or 60 beforehand though.  2 back to back days of 70-80 mile rides will be tough.  But like Ken said, you can draft (if you stay out of your aero bars) and if you stop and rest a bit at each of the rest stops, that will help too.   This would be great practice for your century and in some ways even tougher.  I say go for it!.  Treat this as just an easy, fun, practice ride and then you can try to ride the century maybe with fewer stops.

The kayak tri sounds fun.  I've always wanted to try one of those.  However, October 6 is about 3 weeks before your high priority marathon, and you'll really need to a nice long run that weekend (18-20 miles).  Thus, if you still want to prioritize the marathon, I'd recommend against the kayak tri b/c I don't think a tri and a long run on the same weekend would be a good idea. 

Definately would have liked a longer ride before hand but I planned on stopping alot and was really surprise how well I actually did.  I think my total ride time was 8.5 hours but I did stop alot for water.  Definately stay out the aero bars in groups.  However, shame on me when in small packs I used mine some mainly because the swim was horrible on Day 2.  I only did this around Tri people though.  Not roadies.
2007-06-16 11:55 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL


 Also, I am not really right in the head.  I should not have even attempted day 2 since I wreck on day 1 about 5 miles from the end and bruised my hip and jammed my knee and could barely walk the night before.

2007-06-16 11:58 AM
in reply to: #846905

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL


That's great news, Tim.  I'm glad your wetsuit worked out well.  And yes, the buoyancy of the legs is awesome and one of the key benefits of a wetsuit.  

I'd always recommend swimming in a swim cap in open water for safety reasons.  It's easier for boats to see you with a bright colored cap.  I'm sorry you had problems.  I've never really had much problems with mine.  You might try to put it on wet.  That might help get it on.  I typically put my goggles on over my swim cap for no particular reason.  I guess I like to take my goggles off first when getting out of the water, and this is hard if not impossible when they're under the cap.  However, some people claim that the cap helps keep the goggles in place if they're under the cap.  To each his own.  Try out different configurations and see what you like best.

Ahh... yes, open water sighting.  I remember the first time my wife swam in a lake.  She described it as swimming in tea!  Our local lake has poor visibility and you can barely see you hand.  I'm not the best sighter, but try to pick out some big landmark to sight off before you start swimming.   Then just try to take a quick peak for it every 5-10 strokes.  Try not to lift your head too high as this will drop your hips and legs and create drag.  If you sight more often, you'll probably swim straighter but you'll be raising your head just that more often.  If you sight less, you can maintain your form better, but you might swim crooked.  I tend to err this way.  But it's best to find a balance between the 2 extremes.  It takes practice. 

Wetsuits are great.  I wish I could use mine to race in but in dallas the lakes are too hot or race directors won't allow them.

I go either way with my googles.  In training I usually wear them over my cap (bright orange so I am seen).  When I race I put them under so the cap holds them on my head if I would get kicked.  I am pretty sure they will move but they won't come off completely.  The problem is you have to walk around with the google on your head the whole time.

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