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2010-05-10 7:13 PM
in reply to: #2848758

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-05-10 1:26 PM


I'll make a deal with you. I'll help you with ridden/rode if you help me with lay/lie/lain -- that whole family of obnoxious inbreeds!

Anyhow, you had it correct with "ridden", as you used it in that sentence. My response could've been something like "Sorry, I didn't quite hear; how many miles did you say you rode?" It's a past particple/past tense thing....but don't ask me to define past participle!

A couple of weeks ago I wrote something to Steve like, "....and then just lay low until race day", but I'm never sure about that. Should it have been "...and then just lie low until...."? I should just always avoid the issue and opt for another locution such as "....and then just rest until...."


Good! You've got one 10-miler under your belt, and you were quick to say that you could easily up the mileage. Perfect! If you can find one or two or more bike-friendly routes (or user-friendly times to ride the less bike-freiendly routes), it will change your prespective dramatically. But as I said in the previous post to you, at this point you need go no further than a few miles past 10 if your only desire is to be ready for Escape. So, maybe set the limit at 15 if, overall, finding time to train is a bit of a challenge.

If you can do a brick a week, that would be great! That would be four or five beteen now and Escape, and I think I mentioned three before -- one each with 1, 1.5, and 2-mile runs. But if you're looking at possibly five of them, then maybe set the first with a half-mile run, just to get that first feeling of what it feels like to run off of the bike.

Two approaches would be:
(1) Start both B and R low, and bring them up together, and
(2) Keep B the same each time, but make each R longer than the previous one.

So, (1) might see an 8-mile bike with a 0.5 mile run one week, then 9m B with a 1m run nexy week, and so on, while (2) would have roughly 10-12 mile rides each brick, and then adding on new increments each run. As you sound confident about the bike, I would probably go with (2). But overall, the difference is not going to be that great.

If you are like most people, the first few/several bricks you do will feel really odd. I coluld regale you with stories of coming off the bike and wondering long I could continue putting one foot in front of the other in such a state......but it usually always improves with time. And that's time doing bricks, period, as well as time into a speciific brick-run. ("The first few steps are doozies.")

One thing that will help is to shorten your stride for the first minute or two or three. Keep the stride small and compact, and it might help to visualize an almost-shuffle -- feet low to the ground, no attempt to "run pretty". (In time, you'll be able to mostly"run pretty" when you get off the bike, but don't aim for that quite yet; but if it happens, GREAT!)

Off on a run of my own now, where my newly-acquired tight back might prevent ME from running pretty. Maybe I should just lay low instead!

Thanks SteveB.

So based on your advice, I think I'm going to do one bike/run brick per week until Escape, each with a 10 mile ride. I'll start the run distance at 1 mile, and increase by 1/2 mile each week. That way, I'll be up to 3 miles by the actual week of the race. If I can make it there, I should go in feeling pretty confident.

Then after Escape it'll be about 10 weeks until Timberman. Timberman has a 15 mile ride, so I think I'll continue the bike/run bricks once per week, increasing the bike distance by 1 mile every 2 weeks to work up to 15 just before the race. (I'll vary the run distances between 1 1/2 and 2 miles or so, and will get in at least a couple 3 milers too).

Do you think that sound appropriate?


Oh and I wish I could help you with lay/lie/lain. That's one I've never mastered!

2010-05-10 7:14 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

My favorite IM pic has to be the one of you crossing the finish line, managing to smile! I'm sure you're going to have that one framed, right?

2010-05-10 7:24 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

I keep telling myself the "bank" is empty - time to start making deposits...

I think my "workout bank" needs a government bailout.


2010-05-10 7:53 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Hate not checking in for a few days here, because this is such a prolific group, it takes forever to get caught back up.  Had nice Mother's Day at the ball fields but would have rather stayed around longer.  The boys lost there 2nd playoff game 6-7 ... they were visitors and the home team went ahead in the bottom of the last inning ... was another good game at least.   DENISE, I've spent the last 3 Mother's Days at the ball fields.  I don't mind because it gives me a good excuse to sit around and do NOTHING, and if I was at home, it would be like any other Sunday ... laundry and housework!  Funny how that works out!

MANDY, congrats on your race.  Loved the pictures and your race report!  Good luck with your marathon!!

STEVE B, hope your back is feeling better!  ... and thanks for the culture!

STEVE A, sending you M-O-T-I-V-A-T-I-O-N ... once you've got it, just send it back my way!

TRACY, sounds like you will be more than ready for your tri!  Sending healthy vibes your way.

ANNE, and others, keep up all the hard work!  And hope you all have a great week!

2010-05-10 8:37 PM
in reply to: #2849834

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Edited by midlifeinsanity 2010-05-25 8:47 PM
2010-05-10 9:35 PM
in reply to: #2849809

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
thall0672 - 2010-05-10 7:13 PM

Thanks SteveB.

So based on your advice, I think I'm going to do one bike/run brick per week until Escape, each with a 10 mile ride. I'll start the run distance at 1 mile, and increase by 1/2 mile each week. That way, I'll be up to 3 miles by the actual week of the race. If I can make it there, I should go in feeling pretty confident.

Then after Escape it'll be about 10 weeks until Timberman. Timberman has a 15 mile ride, so I think I'll continue the bike/run bricks once per week, increasing the bike distance by 1 mile every 2 weeks to work up to 15 just before the race. (I'll vary the run distances between 1 1/2 and 2 miles or so, and will get in at least a couple 3 milers too).

Do you think that sound appropriate?


Oh and I wish I could help you with lay/lie/lain. That's one I've never mastered!

Tracy, one of the ways I have used bricks in practice is to break the totals in to 2-4 sets. For example, 5 mile bike/.5 mile run, repeat. This gives me more practice running off the bike, and I've found I can get in more distance than doing the full distances straight through. I only use this variation this occasionally, but I've found it a nice change and I think it has helped me find my 'sea legs' a bit faster. I'm interested if others' thoughts and experiences. Mark

2010-05-11 6:51 AM
in reply to: #2850121

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
TriD64 - 2010-05-10 10:35 PM
thall0672 - 2010-05-10 7:13 PM Thanks SteveB. So based on your advice, I think I'm going to do one bike/run brick per week until Escape, each with a 10 mile ride. I'll start the run distance at 1 mile, and increase by 1/2 mile each week. That way, I'll be up to 3 miles by the actual week of the race. If I can make it there, I should go in feeling pretty confident. Then after Escape it'll be about 10 weeks until Timberman. Timberman has a 15 mile ride, so I think I'll continue the bike/run bricks once per week, increasing the bike distance by 1 mile every 2 weeks to work up to 15 just before the race. (I'll vary the run distances between 1 1/2 and 2 miles or so, and will get in at least a couple 3 milers too). Do you think that sound appropriate? Thanks! Oh and I wish I could help you with lay/lie/lain. That's one I've never mastered!
Tracy, one of the ways I have used bricks in practice is to break the totals in to 2-4 sets. For example, 5 mile bike/.5 mile run, repeat. This gives me more practice running off the bike, and I've found I can get in more distance than doing the full distances straight through. I only use this variation this occasionally, but I've found it a nice change and I think it has helped me find my 'sea legs' a bit faster. I'm interested if others' thoughts and experiences. Mark

Actually, that is my primary method of doing bricks, and I don't have any difficulties running off the bike.   Was taught it several years ago at a triathlon clinic lead by Tina Braam, an Ironwoman and advocate of 'women in sport'.    They had us to 4-5 repeats (8 minutes cycle/3 minutes run) and I remember when we were leaving, overhearing her say to another leader 'I wonder if anyone will do these once they are back at home'.  

I will do singles occasionally, with a bit of a longer run, but have never run longer than 20minutes off the bike.   With these sessions, my bike could be anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hrs.  

I have read that we don't need to run long off the bike to get the desired training effect and also bricks are alot harder on the body than alot of people realize and they do require some recovery time.  

2010-05-11 6:57 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Sorry to hear motivation is hard to find this week.   It probably means you are still a bit tired and you will wake up one morning soon and be back to normal.    I would just give yourself permission to feel like this for a few days and then say, OK, Monday's the day I get back to work.   

Have missed your posts.  
2010-05-11 7:03 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
STEVA, and B,

Did my first session of Bike Lactate Intervals yesterday and it seemed to go well (on flat terrain with some small rollers).    Very similar to what Fitzgerald wanted done for the Long Hill Climbs , except the hill climbs were 5' and today was only 3' intervals, so I guess he is looking for more than just getting the HR into the zone.   

Still sort of clear as mud, but I will just continue to do what he says and trust the process.  

2010-05-11 8:11 AM
in reply to: #2849834

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I know what you're going through, but please try not to let it get under your skin. It is SO common for ironpersons to suffer lack of motivation post-race, and it WILL get better. Again, it is a good scenario for you because there is still a full season up ahead. But for most of us mortals, the crash is tough --- many months of hard training, then the forced lengthy recovery. WHAT"S A BODY TO DO?!?

Unfortunately, my Full Service Mentor offerins do not include bailouts or stimulus packages. I mean, I try to be stimulating....but that's not exactly what you have in mind for your workout bank. Hmmm........

About the best I can do is remind you frequently of Vineman, so I will try to remember to pepper the post here with the occasional one that just says Vineman. That will be it. Your name won't be there - just Vineman. And maybe a date on some. Think of it as code.

I will run a "test" next post. We'll get this going for you!

2010-05-11 8:12 AM
in reply to: #2850629

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


2010-05-11 8:16 AM
in reply to: #2850464

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Well done on tackling the BLI yesterday. You are not to be denied, are you?

The idea of trusting the process -- YES to that! I think the process is every sound, and not much will be lost in the required adjustments. In fact, far more will be gained by what you are doing than what is lost by being unable to execute it 100% the way it is laid out!

2010-05-11 8:21 AM
in reply to: #2850121

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


As with Anne, I too have done bricks that way, and love those sessions when I get my act together to do them. It is much easier for me to get into a higher zone that way, and I almost always finish them feeling gassed, but great! Overall, they just feel "crisper", especially that aren't set for too long or too intense.

(Remind me to mention "Icks" someday -----although I think I did that way back when, when Darren was still with us.)

2010-05-11 8:27 AM
in reply to: #2849906

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Tough loss. But he's a kid, and is probably over it already. Maybe?

A day in May, watching baseball.......perfect!

The back is better today, but still a caution. I ran 13.2km yesterday feeling itvevery step, but it didn't get worse and may've even improved AS A RESULT of the run. I will try a swim in a while, but a nervous about too much torquing. And then I will lift, which also might not be the wisest of activities. And then a ride in aero position. DOH?

And you're welcome with the culture and Emily D! I will bring some more of that sort of thing here, just to keep us as multi-faceted as possible. What is it that "Asics" stands for -- a sound mind in a sound body? Better go check that out!

2010-05-11 8:35 AM
in reply to: #2850689

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

LISA again -

ASICS - Anima Sana In Corpore Sano

1) "a healthy soul rests in a healthy body"

2) "a sound mind in a sound body"

3) "a sound mind rests in a sound body"

I suppose there are many more interpretations, but I stopped at three.

2010-05-11 8:37 AM
in reply to: #2850718

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

LISA once more -

As corporate acronyms go, that's a very fine one, I think!

2010-05-11 8:43 AM
in reply to: #2850728

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Thinking some more about Emily and gloom and doom, the "Pain" poem works it that context because it almost certainly reflects her own melancholic tendencies.

Although I posted it just a s a way to think about physical pain........I don't think Emily suffered from too many overuse injuries! Neuromas? Iliotibial Band Syndrome? Plantar fasciitis? I don't think so!

Aporopos of THAT, however, I have played around with the notion of Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman doing triathlons -- what would they wear, how would they comport themselves as competitors, what would their strengths be, and so on. Someday I will do something with that, I think!

2010-05-11 8:45 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

I know about that back stuff.  My husband messes up his back frequently - sometimes when he hasn't really done anything except turn or bend the wrong way a little bit.  Sometimes he recovers fairly quickly and sometimes he's flat on his back for days.
That happened 2 days after I gave birth to our daughter.  I had to take care of both of them.  I put a little bell on my husband's chest so he could ring for me if he needed anything.  (I still wonder if "new father" stress wasn't part of the cause).

Anyway, hope your back is all the way better soon.
2010-05-11 8:46 AM
in reply to: #2850749

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

TRACEY again -

Well, it turns out I was much better off hearing Bach and Schumann and Buxtehude played on the organ last night, as opposed to watching the Bruins get shut out by Philly.

Oh. My.

Uh. Oh.

Getting a bit twitchy and nervous here......

2010-05-11 8:50 AM
in reply to: #2850753

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Thank you! My approach is kind of neanderthalic, just beating it into submission. Me tough!

Interesting type of "sympathetic pain" response displayed by your husband, post-partum. I guess childbirth can be a tough spectator sport, huh?

A bell on his chest....cute!

2010-05-11 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2850121

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
TriD64 - 2010-05-10 10:35 PM

thall0672 - 2010-05-10 7:13 PM

Thanks SteveB.

So based on your advice, I think I'm going to do one bike/run brick per week until Escape, each with a 10 mile ride. I'll start the run distance at 1 mile, and increase by 1/2 mile each week. That way, I'll be up to 3 miles by the actual week of the race. If I can make it there, I should go in feeling pretty confident.

Then after Escape it'll be about 10 weeks until Timberman. Timberman has a 15 mile ride, so I think I'll continue the bike/run bricks once per week, increasing the bike distance by 1 mile every 2 weeks to work up to 15 just before the race. (I'll vary the run distances between 1 1/2 and 2 miles or so, and will get in at least a couple 3 milers too).

Do you think that sound appropriate?


Oh and I wish I could help you with lay/lie/lain. That's one I've never mastered!

Tracy, one of the ways I have used bricks in practice is to break the totals in to 2-4 sets. For example, 5 mile bike/.5 mile run, repeat. This gives me more practice running off the bike, and I've found I can get in more distance than doing the full distances straight through. I only use this variation this occasionally, but I've found it a nice change and I think it has helped me find my 'sea legs' a bit faster. I'm interested if others' thoughts and experiences. Mark

Hmm, thats interesting. Thanks Mark. I will definitely keep that technique in mind if I find that the longer rides get too long.

2010-05-11 9:44 AM
in reply to: #2850749

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-05-11 9:43 AM


Thinking some more about Emily and gloom and doom, the "Pain" poem works it that context because it almost certainly reflects her own melancholic tendencies.

Although I posted it just a s a way to think about physical pain........I don't think Emily suffered from too many overuse injuries! Neuromas? Iliotibial Band Syndrome? Plantar fasciitis? I don't think so!

Aporopos of THAT, however, I have played around with the notion of Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman doing triathlons -- what would they wear, how would they comport themselves as competitors, what would their strengths be, and so on. Someday I will do something with that, I think!

I think it takes a certain temperament and/or personality type to have the desire to do triathlons. Not sure that Dickinson or Whitman fit into that category...?? I wonder which contemporaries of theirs you'd see in races today...

2010-05-11 9:45 AM
in reply to: #2850756

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-05-11 9:46 AM

TRACEY again -

Well, it turns out I was much better off hearing Bach and Schumann and Buxtehude played on the organ last night, as opposed to watching the Bruins get shut out by Philly.

Oh. My.

Uh. Oh.

Getting a bit twitchy and nervous here......

Absolutely, organ concert definitely the better place to be. :/

2010-05-11 11:05 AM
in reply to: #2850629

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-05-11 6:11 AM STEVE - I know what you're going through, but please try not to let it get under your skin. It is SO common for ironpersons to suffer lack of motivation post-race, and it WILL get better. Again, it is a good scenario for you because there is still a full season up ahead. But for most of us mortals, the crash is tough --- many months of hard training, then the forced lengthy recovery. WHAT"S A BODY TO DO?!? Unfortunately, my Full Service Mentor offerins do not include bailouts or stimulus packages. I mean, I try to be stimulating....but that's not exactly what you have in mind for your workout bank. Hmmm........ About the best I can do is remind you frequently of Vineman, so I will try to remember to pepper the post here with the occasional one that just says Vineman. That will be it. Your name won't be there - just Vineman. And maybe a date on some. Think of it as code. I will run a "test" next post. We'll get this going for you!

Thanks Steve!

Yep, I'm trying to balance giving the rest with the time line for Vineman.  The body is still a bit slow to respond, but it's more mental, I think, than anything right now. 

Not sure if I mentioned it before - tried a spin session on Sunday...didn't go well.  But, that could have been the wine and cheese from the prior two days.  Maggie and I have been holed up in the house, indulging in a weekend of sloth and gluttony.  :-)  By Sunday I felt I needed to do something, so I did my best to hydrate and get on the bike....lasted about 15 minutes, and I was over it. 

Yesterday - swam for 25 minutes.  I tried to make up every excuse not to go to the pool....had to stop by the hardware store, get gas, it's windy, maybe I'll just rest one more day....Anyway, finally got there and took it nice and easy.  Stroke felt all sorts of weird.  Arms were like wet noodles...kind of flailing all over the place.  Roll was off.  Etc.  BUT, it was good to get in there and thrash about a bit.  Did a couple of hard laps just to get the blood pumping and see if I could spark the competitive instincts...they are still asleep. 

Tonight - I'm gonna get back on the bike again - maybe just a half hour.  If I can do it before the sun starts to go down, I'll try to ride on the streets - more mentally stimulating.

Oh...and I found this....but first things first.....
2010-05-11 1:28 PM
in reply to: #2850718

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-05-11 8:35 AM LISA again - ASICS - Anima Sana In Corpore Sano 1) "a healthy soul rests in a healthy body" 2) "a sound mind in a sound body" 3) "a sound mind rests in a sound body" I suppose there are many more interpretations, but I stopped at three.

Ha ... Makes me want to go out and buy a new pair of Asics!
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